[Review of the book Looking for Earth: The Race to Find New Solar Systems] Isis 2000 Doel, Ronald E. Department of History (and Department of Geosciences), Oregon State University *Reviewing Author Originally published by: The University of Chicago Press on behalf of The History of Science Society and can be found at: http://www.jstor.org/action/showPublication?journalCode=isis Citation: Doel, R. E. (2000, September). [Review of the book Looking for Earth: The Race to Find New Solar Systems]. Isis, 91(3), 621-622. Available from JSTOR website: http://www.jstor.org/stable/237973 BOOK REVIEWS-ISIS, 91 : 3 (2000) 621 does not attemptto present a complete or balanced history of nuclear physics. His arrangement of the text accordingto topics standardfor scientific review papersoften tends to obliterate the genuine historical connections between nuclear physics and neighboringfields, especially elementary particle and cosmic-ray physics. Thus, for example, Hideki Yukawa's meson theory, of central importanceto an understanding of nuclear forces, is mentioned only once, in passing. On the formal side, apartfrom the publications Mladjenovichas not used any firsthand sources such as letters and manuscripts. Despite these limitations,interestedhistorians of science will welcome Mladjenovi' s work for its clear and systematicorganizationof the topics it highlights. And they should be able to make LEWISPYENSON good use of it in formulatingtheir own accounts of a subject that, because of the promises and dangersthe applicationof nuclearphysics holds for daily life, has both fascinated and terrified M. Mladjenovic. TheDefining Yearsof Nuclear for many decades. people Physics: 1932-1960s. xx + 442 pp., figs., taHELMUTRECHENBERG bles, indexes. Bristol, England/Philadelphia:Institute of Physics, 1998. $150, ?85. A bitter edge leads Stern's straightforward prose. His scientists and technologists quoted classical authorsas well as modernphilosophers, and they certainly spoke freely about big issues that concerned ordinarypeople, but artists and writers sensed more clearly "the shakiness and hypocrisy of the established, repressive order" and gave voice to "an intuitionof some coming cataclysm"(pp. 202-203). Stem's depiction of flawed character(encomiumis reservedonly for Weizmann, whose personal life escapes scrutiny) is unsettling for scholars with family responsibilitywho wake every morningin the provincial academicsetting devastatinglyportrayed by Max Weber (p. 73) to wonder how they will make ends meet while still generatingworks of inspiration. In this book M. Mladjenovicdocumentsthe major developments in the three great decades of nuclear physics. Mladjenovic offers his readers a sense of the scope of these developmentsprimarilyby presentingcondensedversions of a selection of original publications. He has organized his material into four parts (and twenty chapters)under the following headings: "From the Discovery of the Neutron to Nuclear Fission," "Nuclear Instruments,""Nuclear Models," and "NuclearReactions."Part 1 covers discoveries up to 1940 (neutron, positron, P+-radioactivity,etc.); Part2 deals with nuclear accelerators(up to the large protonsynchrotrons of the late 1950s), the various counter methods used in nuclear physics, and the properties of gamma decay, internalconversion, and beta decay processes. Part3 reviews the nuclearmodels (shell, collective, individual-particle),and Part4 concentrateson observed nuclear reactions and the theoreticalmodels createdto describe them. Mladjenovic's presentation of the original publications, supported occasionally by a few later statementsof their authors,providesaccess to one of the most important(if not the most important)areas of physical researchin the second thirdof the twentiethcentury.His book addresses scientists, althoughnot only the narrow community of nuclear physicists, and its contents offer an authenticrecord of the fermentof intellectualand creative activity that markedthe advances in this field. Mladjenovic, however, Alan Boss. Lookingfor Earth: TheRace to Find New Solar Systems. xii + 240 pp., illus., figs., app., bibl., index. New York/Chichester,England: John Wiley & Sons, 1998. $27.95, Can $39.50. In 1935 Henry Norris Russell, America's most eminent astronomer,declared that the origin of the solar system posed "the greatest unsolved problem in astronomy."A major challenge he and fellow astronomersfaced was determining whetherthe solar system was a unique, isolated occurrence or one instance of a phenomenon common throughoutthe stellarrealm. Efforts to discover remote planetarysystems yielded only false hopes throughmuch of the twentieth century. But in 1995 a pair of Swiss researchers based at the Geneva Observatoryidentified a planet roughly half the size of Jupiterorbiting the star51 Pegasi. In more recentyears the number and variety of known planetarysystems has greatly multiplied, reinvigoratingdebates over the pluralityof worlds and the likelihood of life elsewhere in the universe. The quest by astrophysiciststo discover extrasolarworlds is the subjectof Alan Boss's account. An astrophysicistat the Carnegie Institution of Washington,Boss himself took partin this search, and he uses his familiaritywith the personalities, institutions, and instruments of contemporary astrophysics to provide a fastpaced, journalisticnarrativeof the international 622 BOOKREVIEWS-ISIS,91: 3 (2000) race to discover remote planetarysystems. He addresses not only significant technical issues that shaped these discoveries (including the requirement of distinguishing planets from very low-mass, low-luminositystarsknown as brown dwarfs) but also their professional and disciplinary contexts. Heated debates at Woods Hole summerinstitutes for astrophysicsand political squabblingover fundingfor the searchfor extraterrestrialintelligence areno less partof his story than controversiesover new techniquesin spectrometry and priority disputes among his colleagues. Boss begins with a recounting of efforts by astronomersto discover extrasolarplanets from the nineteenthcenturyforward,includingthe decades-long attempts by Peter van de Kamp of SwarthmoreCollege to discover them by measuring tiny astrometricwobbles in the motions of nearby stars. His terse overview of cosmogonal researchthroughthe 1970s, while generally accurate,lacks historicalsensitivity, andhis story is marredby occasional minorerrors.Russell receives credit for conclusively demonstrating a fundamentalflaw in collisional cosmogony schemes in the mid 1930s, though in fact this critical result was achieved later by Lyman J. Spitzer, Russell's former graduatestudent;important cosmogonal research by the German physicist Carl-Friedrichvon Weizsiickerin 1943 was not immediately communicatedto American colleagues but remained little known until nearlythe end of WorldWarII. Boss seems similarly unawareof political and ideological issues that clouded the reception of cosmological research by the famous Soviet polar explorerand astrophysicistOtto Schmidt and his colleagues in the West in the following decade. And while Boss admirablytouches on a wide range of cosmological and cosmogonal researchdone in Europe, North America, and the Soviet Union in the latterhalf of the twentiethcenturyand notes certain works by Stephen G. Brush, he seems unfamiliarwith recent researchon this topic by historiansof science such as Steven J. Dick and RobertW. Smith. Fortunately,Boss is far more interestingand insightful when he narratesfrom firsthandexperience.His core chapterspainta broadportrait of astrophysicalresearchin the 1990s. Boss offers numerousreflectionson the developmentof late twentieth-centurycosmogony, arguing, for instance, that its progressdependednot only on new precision measuringtechniqueslike Doppler spectroscopybut also on the developmentof ever more powerful computersthat enabled astrophysicists to model the accretion of planets from clouds of particles surroundingnewborn stars. But Boss also has a sharp eye for social factors that influence scientific research,including the intellectual lineage of key researchers and the complicationsthat attendpriorityclaims and the attributionof discovery. The discovery of new solar systems stoked intense public curiosity, and Boss reflectson his experienceswith reportersand the complex pressuresof publicizing new research.In his extended discussion of the role of NASA as a patronfor space science, Boss pays particularattentionto the background of its chief administrator,Daniel Goldin, arguing that Goldin's plea for advanced planet-seeking orbital telescopes partly reflected his previous experience in building top-secret surveillance satellites for the Departmentof Defense. Of no less value are Boss's personal insights into the social characteristicsof modem astrophysics,including long-standing tensions dividing radio from optical astronomersand the famously argumentativesubcommunityof meteoriticists. Readers seeking a serious historical account of these monumentaldiscoveries will not find it here. But Boss's contributionis a helpful primary source for contemporarycosmogonal research as well as a worthy autobiographicalaccount. RONALDE. DOEL Anthony S. Travis; Harm G. Schroter; Ernst Homburg; Peter J. T. Morris (Editors).Determinantsin the Evolutionof the EuropeanChemical Industry, 1900-1939: New Technologies, Political Frameworks,Markets,and Companies. (Chemists and Chemistry, 16.) xii + 393 pp., illus., figs., tables, apps., index. Dordrecht/Boston/London:Kluwer, 1998. $195, ?123, Dfl 360. Determinantsin the Evolution of the European Chemical Industry, 1900-1939, edited by a four-memberteam led by Anthony S. Travis of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, emerged from a series of workshopssponsoredby the European Science Foundation's interdisciplinary program on the evolution of chemistry in Europe. It includes some of the best historicalanalyses of the industryin this period since Lutz Haber's classic work three decades ago-perhaps even good enough to justify the outrageous price. All sixteen contributions, grouped in five parts, provide useful perspectives, some on the development of technology and science in relation to industry,others on the political or military ramificationsof the chemical industryand