CONCENTRATION STUDENT LEARNING AGREEMENT & COMPETENCY EVALUATION Student Email Phone Number Agency Unit Unit Address Field Instructor Email Phone Number Task supervisor Email Phone Number Period covered by this Learning Agreement: from__ Field Faculty to Email Phone Number As part of the Learning Agreement, please specify the following: Student’s Work Schedule (include days and hours, coverage in field instructor’s absence, make up arrangements for student absences: MSW Supervision (include days, times, and with whom): 1 Instructions for completing this combined learning agreement and competency evaluation document: The UNC-CH, School of Social Work recommends that the student’s learning agreement and competency evaluation be completed in discussion between the field instructor and the student in consultation with the field faculty member. The learning agreement is a dynamic teaching and learning tool that specifies the areas of learning each field experience should provide. It brings together the contributions of the classroom instructor, student, field instructor and field faculty member. The learning agreement has a direct relationship to the student’s course work and the learning opportunities available at his/her field site. The learning agreement should be developed by the student, in consultation with the field instructor/task supervisor, after identifying the learning opportunities the agency offers. Concurrent students should complete the learning agreement by the sixth week of placement and block placement students by the end of the second week of placement. The learning agreement is in place for the duration of the student’s placement. The form must be entered on-line. The field instructor, task supervisor (if applicable), student, and field faculty member should complete appropriate sections. All must sign the learning agreement and evaluation electronically. The learning agreement and competency evaluations become part of the student’s permanent academic record. Both student and field instructor should keep a printed copy of this document. Organization: There are nine Core Competencies. Within each competency are 2 to 5 Indicators. For each indicator are suggested Learning Activities. Competency evaluations for both SOWO 820 and SOWO 821 are included on this combined document. Learning Agreement Development Begin the document by completing the front page, which includes identifying information, supervision arrangements, and a work schedule for the student. Review the competencies and indicators on the subsequent pages; these represent the school’s expectations regarding achievable outcomes during placement. Consider the suggested learning activities for each indicator and check those that are available in the agency (either DP, CMPP, or both), which will help the student accomplish the prescribed competencies. Each indicator has two “other” boxes. This is an optional area to add appropriate activities that may not be in the list of suggested learning activities. The learning agreement is documentation of the planned learning experience during the student’s practicum. It should be viewed as a dynamic document that can be changed as the practicum proceeds. Major changes should be reviewed by the field faculty member prior to the student making changes in the document. The learning agreement should be reviewed at least monthly by the student, field instructor and task supervisor. Monthly reports should report the student’s progress in applying the indicators of the competencies. 2 Field Competency Evaluation Grading Criteria A Competency Evaluation is required at the end of each semester/summer session in which the student has registered for field education. In the Evaluation the field instructor/task supervisor and student will provide ratings of the student’s competency for each indicator of each competency. The rating should reflect the student’s competency relative to where they are in the program (e.g. first semester vs. second semester). The rating scale for this form ranges from the need for significant improvement to exceptional mastery, as described below: 1. Unsatisfactory – student does not have command of essential knowledge and/or does not understand the application of knowledge to practice. 2. Limited Competence – Student demonstrates limited understanding of essential knowledge and/or the application of knowledge to practice. 3. Emerging Competence - Student understands the skill and demonstrates a growing ability to apply knowledge to practice. 4. Competence - Student understands and can assess the applicability of the skill and demonstrates the skill regularly in practice. 5. Excellence - Student readily adapts the skill to the setting and demonstrates mastery of the skill in novel, diverse and difficult contexts. N/A (Not Applicable) may be appropriate in the first semester, before a student has an opportunity to engage in an activity, but this rating would rarely be appropriate at the end of the second semester of field. Likewise, a student may receive a rating of 1 or 2 on some indicators during the first semester when beginning to practice new skills, but a rating of 2 on the final evaluation would indicate the student’s lack of ability to acquire the skill level expected by the end of the placement. When a student receives a rating of 2, 1, or N/A in an indicator during the first semester, the field instructor or task supervisor and student must provide comments about the action plan developed to improve these areas of competence in the final semester. If a student receives a rating of 2 or below in the final semester, the field instructor or task supervisor and the student must provide specific comments to provide context for the rating. At the end of each competency (not each indicator), students will provide an example from the field related tasks that demonstrates developing proficiency. Following the Competency Evaluation, a grade of either P (pass), L (Limited Competence), F (fail), or IN (incomplete) is assigned by field faculty. The grade of P indicates satisfactory competency; the grade of F indicates unsatisfactory competency; a grade of L indicates the student is performing at a minimal or inconsistent level. Students receiving an L in field education are required to work with the field education office to develop a plan for future field experiences designed to improve the student’s competency. IN means that the student withdrew during the semester or in some other way did not complete all the requirements during the semester. If a mark of IN is given the student will develop a contract with the field faculty member, defining when and how the work will be completed. A grade will be assigned when the work is complete. A grade of F will be assigned if the work is not complete by the conclusion of the contracted time period. Responsibility for assigning the grade belongs to the field faculty member. 3 Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior This student demonstrates the ability to: 1.1 - Understand and appropriately use global, regional and setting specific regulations and policies that effect practice. Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Explore ethical implications of the organization’s internal policies (e.g. personnel and financial) as well as external policies (e.g. processes for engaging organization and community partners in decision making). Go to the UN Human Rights Council website to learn how the intergovernmental body strengthens the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe. Discuss with your FI/TS how your placement agency may or may not be impacted by international regulations and policies. Other: Other: 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 1.2 - Demonstrate and apply an understanding of professional and personal boundaries, selfdisclosure and the need for appropriate emotional regulation to the practice setting. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 1.3 - Effectively utilize Check all that apply DP CMPP ☒ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 1.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Discuss and demonstrate the appropriate use of self-disclosure with FI/TS or other agency personnel. Consistently display appropriate professional and personal boundaries when interacting with FI/TS, agency personnel, and/or other community professional & stakeholders. Review and discuss with FI/TS agency policies related to confidentiality, client rights and social work disclosure requirements. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 1.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Check all that apply DP CMPP During supervision, discuss with FI values and ethical issues related to assigned projects. ☒ ☒ 4 professional supervision and peer supervision (as applicable), including the ability to receive and operationalize supervisory suggestions in a non-defensive manner. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 1.4 Appropriately apply ethical decision making models (and other ethical codes, as applicable) and the NASW Code of Ethics to the practice setting. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 1.5 - Demonstrate initiative in seeking learning opportunities while managing workload to accomplish Routinely develop agendas for supervision with prioritized needs and articulated concerns. During supervision, regularly ask for feedback and develop a plan for implementation and review. Discuss the impact of differences in identity between you and FI/TS (e.g. gender, age, race, sexual orientation) Discuss ambiguity and process challenges in supervision. Other: Other: ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 1.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Review the NASW Code of Ethics with FI/TS and discuss how the Code relates to the field setting. Utilize the NASW Code of Ethics as a resource to respond to ethical concerns at the time of occurrence and resolve appropriately with the guidance of the FI/TS. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 1.4 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Readily offer assistance to fellow interns, FI/TS, and others at the agency, doing so with enthusiasm. Complete assigned tasks within given time frames. Dress appropriately for agency setting, exhibit timely attendance, and use professional work habits. Establish and maintain appropriate relationships with administrators, staff, and colleagues. Check all that apply DP CMPP ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ ☒ 5 assigned tasks Other: ☐ ☐ within expected timeframes, Other: including: documentation, attendance, dress ☐ ☐ and other appropriate work habits. 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 1.5 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time Check all that This student Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in apply demonstrates the the “other” box. ability to: DP CMPP 1.6 - Differentiate Discuss with FI/TS issues of confidentiality in all forms of electronic ☒ ☒ appropriate from communication. Read agency policy about the use of social media within the workplace inappropriate ☒ ☒ uses of electronic (e.g. Facebook, blogging). Have a discussion with the FI/TS about the social media policies and expectations. communications Adhere to all agency mandates concerning use of email, text, and social (e.g. email, text, ☒ ☒ media. social media, blogging, etc.) Other: ☐ ☐ and use them as indicated by the Other: ☐ ☐ practice setting. 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 1.6 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 1 – Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior: 6 Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Student Comments: 7 Competency 2 –Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice This student demonstrates the ability to: 2.1 - Articulate how multiple stigmatizing identities collectively affect client systems, organizations and communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 2.2 Understand and appropriately discuss the ways in which oppression and privilege manifest in institutional policies and practices. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 2.3 Recognize the extent to which Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Research how the impact of difference may be affecting the client system, organization, or community. Discuss with FI the impact of race, class, culture, disability, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and additional identities on client system, organization, and/or community levels. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 2.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. During supervision, identify and discuss with FI patterns of possible discrimination as they apply to services provided by the agency. Discuss with FI the various barriers that prevent marginalized populations from accessing services. Discuss with FI personal experiences of oppression and/ or privilege and their impact on practice. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 2.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Check all that apply DP CMPP Review past and current political and social events and discuss the effects on client systems, organizations, and communities. ☐ ☐ 8 norms, values and historical structures may marginalize groups of people and/or enhance privilege or power. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 2. 4 - Engage in critical selfreflection to identify and manage how personal values and biases affect practice with diverse client systems, organizations and communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 2.5 - Adopt a spirit of inquiry when engaging with diverse groups in order to better understand the Participate in cultural humility/ competence trainings or related activities (e.g., readings, videos, class assignments) and discuss with FI ways to create interventions that empower client systems, organizations, and/or communities. Other: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 2.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Utilize a weekly journal to record personal reactions to client systems, organizations and/or communities. Identify personal values and biases that may conflict with social work professional values and develop an appropriate plan for managing these in practice. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 2.4 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Review articles on best practices with diverse populations served by the agency. Learn and use ethnographic interviewing techniques in practice. Seek interaction with client systems and/or communities that represent diverse groups and discuss experiences with FI. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 9 experiences of Other: people who have been ☐ ☐ marginalized and oppressed. 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 2.5 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 2 – Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Student Comments: 10 Competency 3 – Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice This student demonstrates the ability to: 3.1 - Effectively use theory to formulate strategies for the promotion of social justice and human rights. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 3.2 - Advocate for the human rights and social and economic justice of the marginalized and oppressed. Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Learn and apply a theory of empowerment to inform interventions with client systems, organizations and/or communities. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 3.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Engage in social and political action related to social justice issues relevant to clients and communities served. Attend and participate in committee/community meetings convened to promote social justice. Draft a letter to the media and/or policy makers regarding an area related to social justice. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 3.2 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 3 – Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an activity plan should be addressed) Field Instructor/TS Comments: Student comments: 11 SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 3 – Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Student Comments: 12 Competency 4 –Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-Informed Practice This student demonstrates the ability to: 4.1 - Incorporate evidence and knowledge into the development of effective practice. Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Discuss with FI/TS (and other colleagues, as appropriate) the theoretical concepts which guide their decision-making. Apply research from coursework to practice setting, as appropriate and approved by FI/TS. Use identified research with client systems, organizations, and/or communities. Other: Other: 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 4.2 - Understand how research questions guide the selection of research methods. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 4.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Have a conversation with the FI/TS about how research is used in the practice setting (e.g. do they engage in research, how the agency identifies instruments and interventions used, etc.). Write three research questions and discuss with FI/TS research methodology to respond to the questions. Other: Other: 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 4.3 - Remain informed about current and emerging evidence and Check all that apply DP CMPP Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 4.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Provide FI/TS two recent (< 3 years old) journal articles each semester. The articles should be research based and relevant to the placement practice area; Attend a continuing education offering related specifically to the agency practice area. Present what you learned to your FI/TS. Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 13 uses evidence to establish practice methods. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 4.4 - Use knowledge of research and evaluation methods to critique the literature that informs practice. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 4.5 - Seek information about the quality of measures before using them to inform practice. Other: ☐ ☐ Other: ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 4.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Critically analyze the research literature provided to FI/TS in Indicator 4.3. Discuss your critical analysis of the articles as applicable to the agency/institution setting. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 4.4 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Select a specific measure/tool (one either used in the agency or one which could be used in the agency), research the reliability and validity of the measure/tool, then have a conversation with the FI/TS about how the measure/tool was selected and the efficacy of using the measure/tool. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 4.5 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-Informed Practice: 14 Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 4 – Engage in Practice-informed Research and Research-Informed Practice: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Student Comments: 15 This student demonstrates the ability to: 5.1 - Maintain upto-date knowledge of local, state and federal policies or proposed legislation affecting clients. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 5.2 - Identify and analyze policies that impact client systems, organizations, and communities. Competency 5 – Engage in Policy Practice Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Identify and read policy manuals, policy briefs as relevant to the population the agency is serving. Subscribe to policy blogs from local, state and federal websites Identify and attend agency and community meetings regarding policy. Follow agency policies and procedures. Seek consultation when unclear. Other: Other: This student demonstrates the ability to: 5.3 - Understand how contextual history influences policy. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 5.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Identify agency specific policies and discuss with field instructor and/or agency leadership. Research policy and report findings to field instructor, agency leadership and/or board of directors as appropriate. Understand Jannson’s framework for policy analysis and utilize it in reporting. Discuss with field instructor, the effects of policies, procedures and legislation on client systems, organizations, and/or communities. Other: Other: 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time Check all that apply DP CMPP Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 5.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Discuss with FI/TS local, state and/or federal policy history and its impact on the population. Discuss history of policy with current and past agency clients/stakeholders. Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 16 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 5.4 - Collaborate within and across systems to advocate for populations excluded from or limited by aspects of the policy. Other: ☐ ☐ Other: ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 5.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Identify ways in which changes in regulations, policies and procedures would enhance service delivery. Identify how agency policies and procedures affect diverse populations. Identify situations that call for advocacy on behalf of client system and develop and execute strategy for change. Attend NASW or other organization advocacy day. Attend coalition meeting related to population served. Write a letter to an editor or government official or blog with advocacy content. Set up meetings with agency, community stakeholders and elected officials. Create new collaborative relationships to advocate for change. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 5.4 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 5 – Engage in Policy Practice Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 5 – Engage in Policy Practice 17 Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Student Comments: 18 Competency 6 – Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities This student demonstrates the ability to: 6.1 - Demonstrate self-awareness and examine how personal experiences, beliefs and identities influence practice with client systems, groups, organizations and/or communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 6.2 - Understand and apply how development and culture influence client systems, groups, organizations, and communities in various practice contexts. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Discuss with field instructor personal/professional identities and their connection to agency practice. Review documentation and reports for judgmental and biased language. With FI/TS and other colleagues, articulate openness to feedback regarding personal and professional values. Regularly, ask for feedback from field instructor and colleagues. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 6.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Discuss with field instructor human development and cultural influences and their connection to agency practice. Articulate knowledge of human development and culture in documentation and reports. With field instructor and other colleagues, challenge assumptions and personal beliefs about human development and culture. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 6.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Check all that apply DP CMPP 19 6.3 - Practice effective engagement through the development of cooperative and respectful relationships with others, including conflict resolution as needed. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 6.4 - Employ empathy, relational, and strengths based approaches to developing helping relationships with diverse client systems, organizations, and/or communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 6.5 - Effectively prepare and facilitate Invite and encourage participation and discussion with client systems, organizations and/or communities. Show warmth and respect for others. Exhibit compassion, helpful intent and acceptance of differences with client systems, organizations and/or communities. With client systems, organizations and/or communities, demonstrate a respect for self-determination with a non-judgmental attitude. Demonstrate the ability to address client system impasses for change. In situations where conflict has arisen, show an ability to seek to understand different perspectives. Other: Other: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 6.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Demonstrate the ability to engage in empathetic listening with client systems, organizations and/or communities. Respond to client systems in a way that is positive and productive. Articulate knowledge of varying perspectives in supervision and meetings with clients and agency stakeholders. Show the ability to understand client system strengths in documentation and reports. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 6.4 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Prepare agendas for meetings. Take thorough minutes and distribute to members. Facilitate discussion encouraging all members to participate. Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 20 meetings with Other: ☐ ☐ client systems, organizations, Other: and/or communities ☐ ☐ towards identified goals. 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 6.5 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time Check all that This student Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in apply demonstrates the the “other” box. ability to: DP CMPP 6.6 - Through the Demonstrate the ability to use active listening. ☐ ☐ use of effective Demonstrate the ability to effectively paraphrase content. ☐ ☐ verbal and nonArticulate awareness of non-verbal communication when describing ☐ ☐ verbal client system interactions. communication, Other: ☐ ☐ consistently demonstrate the Other: critical elements ☐ ☐ of a helping relationship. 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 6.6 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 6 – Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 6 – Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Field Instructor/TS Comments: 21 Student Comments: 22 Competency 7 – Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities This student demonstrates the ability to: 7.1 - Have specific knowledge of theory to structure assessment, design goals and objectives and develop strategies for change. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 7.2 - Identify the strengths and limitations of theoretical models commonly used in practice settings. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 7.3 - Employ at least one instrument or process used for assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Practice applying theoretical framework(s) learned in class to the assessment of agency client systems, organizations and/or communities; discuss findings with FI/TS Share class syllabi with FI/TS and discuss applicability of theory to client systems, organizations and/or communities. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 7.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Practice applying theoretical frameworks learned in class to agency client system, organization and/or community; identifying strengths, limitations, and appropriateness for use with field agency; discuss with FI/TS. Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 7.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Review assessment tools and approaches used in the agency Observe other professionals completing assessments. Discuss findings with agency personnel. Conduct assessments of client systems, organization and/or community using the agency’s formal and informal tools, as assigned. Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 23 and/or data collection with client systems, organizations and/or communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 7.4 - Write a clear and comprehensive assessment of client systems, organizations and/or communities including mutually agreed upon goals and plans for intervention. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 7.5 - Routinely identify strengths, challenges and systemic factors relevant to client systems, organizations and/or communities. Other: ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 7.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Document assessment findings, consistent with agency protocols, for review by FI/TS. Document connection/justification of intervention plans to assessment findings. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 7.4 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Review agency assessments of client systems; identify and list strengths, challenges and relevant systemic factors that are documented in these assessments. Include these factors when completing assessment documentation for the client system, organization and/or community. Collect information from key persons in client systems, organization and/or community and include in documentation and/or case review of assessment. Present assessment findings in team meetings, agency review conferences, community stakeholder or board meetings, as appropriate. Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 24 Other: ☐ ☐ Other: ☐ ☐ 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 7.5 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time Check all that This student Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in apply demonstrates the the “other” box. ability to: DP CMPP 7.6 - Select Review evidence based or evidence informed interventions appropriate evidence based or for client systems and select interventions most suited to agency client ☐ ☐ systems. evidence informed Other: ☐ ☐ interventions that integrate Other: assessment information and connect to the client systems, ☐ ☐ organizations and/or community’s goals. 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 7.6 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 7 – Assessment: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 7 – Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Field Instructor/TS Comments: 25 Student Comments: Competency 8 – Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities This student demonstrates the ability to: 8.1 - Critically analyze and apply research for evidence-based practices and emerging/promising practices that are appropriate for client systems, organization, and/or communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 8.2 - Develop a cohesive intervention plan based on the needs/goals of client systems, organizations, and or/communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Research evidence based and/or evidence informed interventions appropriate for use with client system, agency, or community levels; discuss findings and applicability with FI/TS. Apply evidence-based research in implementing interventions with client systems, organization, or community. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 8.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Document intervention plan for client systems, incorporating information on client needs and goals. Engage client systems, organization, and community in selection of intervention. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 8.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Check all that apply 26 ability to: 8.3 - Collaborate with multidisciplinary teams, agency and/or community systems to achieve desired outcomes for individuals, organizations, and/or communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 8.4 - Working with leadership, staff and/or community groups or coalitions, negotiate, mediate and advocate on behalf of client systems, organizations and/or communities. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 8.5 - Demonstrate appropriate timing and process of termination, anticipating client system, Include key persons and organizations when developing intervention plans. Ensure documentation includes evidence of collaboration with key persons and organizations in developing interventions for client systems, agency, or community. Other: DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 8.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Advocate for client systems within agency as appropriate. Engage in advocacy with external systems on behalf of clients, organization, or community. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 8.4 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Discuss termination planning with FI/TS and develop a plan for implementation. Engage in appropriate implementation of termination process with client systems, organization, and/or community. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 27 organization, Other: and/or ☐ ☐ community’s reaction. 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 8.5 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 8 – Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 8 – Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Student Comments: 28 Competency 9 – Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities This student demonstrates the ability to: 9.1 - Demonstrate the ability to identify and select evaluation measures for use in social work practice, programs and policies. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: 9.2 - Monitor and analyze tasks in the intervention plan using both formal and informal evaluation methods, including engagement of client systems organization and/or community and other stakeholders in the evaluation process. 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Provide FI/TS a copy of the 810 syllabus. Engage in a conversation in how this assignment can be (or cannot be) carried out in the field setting; If the 810 evaluation assignment will be completed at the agency, submit all necessary paperwork within the agency/institution for securing approval for the research. Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 9.1 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. With input from your FI/TS, create a needs assessment, formative evaluation, process evaluation, or outcome evaluation, engaging at least one client system (individual, group, or community) or stakeholder in the development; Create a client satisfaction survey (client can be at individual, group or organization level). With the approval of your field instructor and agency management, administer the survey. Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Other: Competency Evaluation for Item 9.2 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment 29 This student demonstrates the ability to: 9.3 - Demonstrate the ability to analyze data to inform social work practice decisions and evaluate practice and program outcomes. Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Share with FI/TS a copy of your SOWO 810 final paper (even if it is unrelated to practice setting). Explain the data analysis process used. If the proposal is relevant to the setting, how will these data inform practice. Have a conversation with the individual in your agency who is responsible for evaluation data collection: to learn how data are collected, who does the statistical analysis, and how findings are reported to administration. Discuss with FI/TS how data informs changes in practice setting. Other: Other: 9.4 - Demonstrate an understanding and ability to use instruments, tools, record keeping and feedback from others to evaluate practice. ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Competency Evaluation for Item 9.3 First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment 5 – Excellence 4 – Competence 3 – Emerging 2 – Limited Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time This student demonstrates the ability to: Check all that apply DP CMPP Select appropriate learning activities and/or add additional activities in the “other” box. Meet with the individual at the agency responsible for selecting instruments and tools used in the practice setting. Discuss why certain instruments and tools are used and why others are not (e.g. proprietary costs, time limitations, quality improvement, etc.). Have conversations with multiple providers at the agency on how they evaluate their own practice (self-evaluation). Other: Other: Check all that apply DP CMPP ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ 5 – Excellence Competency Evaluation for Item 9.4 4 – Competence First Evaluation: SOWO 820 Final Evaluation: SOWO 821 3 – Emerging Student SelfField Instructor Student SelfField Instructor 2 – Limited Assessment Assessment Assessment Assessment Competence 1 – Unsatisfactory N/A – at this time SOWO 820 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 9 – Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities: SOWO 820 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less OR if Field Instructor/TS Comments: 30 score is NA, then an Student comments: activity plan should be addressed) SOWO 821 - Student provides a specific, descriptive example of demonstrated competence of Competency 9 – Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities: Field Instructor/TS Comments: SOWO 821 Comments (required if there is a score of 2 or less) Student Comments: LEARNING AGREEMENT SIGNATURES Field Instructor Signature Task Supervisor Signature Student Signature Field Faculty Signature Date Date Date Date 31 SUMMARY FOR SOWO 820 Overall Rating of Student’s Competency: Enter rating here (5 = Excellence, 4 = Competence, 3 = Emerging, 2 = Limited Competence, 1 = Unsatisfactory) Student’s Major Strengths and Limitations: Directions and Goals for Student’s Future Learning: Field Instructor Signature Task Supervisor Signature Student Signature Field Faculty Signature Date Date Date Date SUMMARY FOR SOWO 821 Overall Rating of Student’s Competency: Enter rating here (5 = Excellence, 4 = Competence, 3 = Emerging, 2 = Limited Competence, 1 = Unsatisfactory) Student’s Major Strengths and Limitations: Directions and Goals for Student’s Future Learning: Field Instructor Signature Task Supervisor Signature Student Signature Field Faculty Signature Date Date Date Date 32