January 17, 2013 NOTICE N TO O RESIDEN NTS OF THE E MILWAU UKEE AREA A TECHNICAL T L COLLEGE DISTRIC CT, WISCON NSIN A regular op pen meetin ng of the EDUCATION N, SERVIC CES, AND INSTITUTIIONAL RELATIONS R S COMMIT TTEE of the Milwau ukee Area Technical College D District Board, B Wisc consin, will be held in the BO OARD ROO OM (ROOM M210) of the MILWAUKE M EE AREA TECHNICA T L COLLEG GE, 700 We est State S Street, Milwa aukee, Wisconsin W on o Tuesday y, January 21, 2014, b beginning a at 5:00 P.M M.* The T agenda for said me eeting is prresented ass follows: A. A Roll Call 0B B. B Complia ance with the t Open Meetings M L Law C. C Approval of Minuttes – Dece ember 10, 2 2013 - Attacchment 1 D. D Comme ents from the Public E. E Action Items I 1B NO ONE F. F Discuss sion Items 1. Pathway Revie ew – Mobile e Designer and Interacctive Media a – Attachm ment 2 2. shboard Ind dicators – Attachment A 3 Das 3. Qua arterly Advisory Comm mittee Repo ort – Attachment 4 G. G Informa ation Items s 1. Enrrollment Update 2. P – Attachmen nt 5 List of Active Programs H. H Miscella aneous Items 3B 1. Com mmunication ns and Petittions 2. Inforrmation Item ms I. Old Business/New Business 1. Date of Next Meeting: February 18, 2014 Board Room (M210) Milwaukee Campus Committee Members: Baker, Dull, Perez * Other members of the MATC Board may be present, although they will not be participating as members of this committee. This meeting may be conducted in part by telephone. Telephone speakers will be available to allow the public to hear those parts of the proceedings that are open to the public. ** Action may be taken on any agenda item, whether designated as an action item or not. Agenda items may be moved into Closed Session for discussion when it becomes apparent that a Closed Session is appropriate under Section 19.85 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The Board may return into Open Session to take action on any item discussed in Closed Session. Reasonable accommodations are available through the ADA Office for individuals who need assistance. Please call 414-297-6610 to schedule services at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. 2 Attachment ESIR - 1 MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD EDUCATION, SERVICES, AND INSTITUTIONAL RELATIONS December 10, 2013 CALL TO ORDER The regular monthly meeting of the Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee of the Milwaukee Area Technical College District Board was held in open session on Tuesday, December 10, 2013, and called to order by Ms. Lauren Baker at 5:00 p.m. in the Board Room, Room M210, at the Milwaukee Campus of Milwaukee Area Technical College. ITEM A: ROLL CALL Present: Ms. Lauren Baker, Mr. David Dull Excused: Mr. Jose Perez ITEM B: COMPLIANCE WITH THE OPEN MEETINGS LAW The Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Committee meeting was noticed in compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law. ITEM C: APPROVAL OF MINUTES – November 19, 2013 – Attachment 1 Motion: The minutes were approved without objection. ITEM D: COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC ITEM E: ACTION ITEMS NONE ITEM F: DISCUSSION ITEMS F-1 Pathway Review – Early Childhood Education – Attachment 2 Discussion: Dr. Vicki Martin, executive vice president and provost, introduced Dr. Wilma Bonaparte, dean, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences. Dr. Bonaparte introduced Dr. Sadique Isahaku, associate dean, School of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Ms. Toshiba Adams, faculty, Early Childhood Education program; Ms. Gloria Pitchford-Nicholas, dean, School of PreCollege; and Mr. Jonathan Feld, director, Articulation and Transfer. Dr. Bonaparte briefly described the program and noted that the MATC program is the first program in the state to utilize an in-house children’s center as a training facility. Ms. Adams highlighted many of the courses in the pathway. Ms. Pitchford-Nicholas highlighted the partnership available to students in Pre-College and Mr. Feld explained the connection with local high schools. Education, Services, and Institutional Relations Minutes of December 10, 2013 Page 2 F-2 Dashboard Indicators – Attachment 3 Discussion: Dr. Martin introduced Dr. Yan Wang, interim co-director, Institutional Research. Dr. Wang briefly reviewed each of the dashboards. ITEM G: INFORMATION ITEMS G-1 Enrollment Update Discussion: Dr. Trevor Kubatzke, vice president, Student Services noted that enrollments for SP2014 are on track to meet the district goal. G-2 Child Care Update – Attachment 4 Discussion: Dr. Martin introduced Ms. Melissa Frankewicz, interim director, Child Care Services. Ms. Frankewicz briefly reviewed the Child Care Update. ITEM H: MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS H-1 Communications and Petitions None H-2 Information Items None ITEM I: OLD BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS – Date of Next Meeting January 21, 2014, Milwaukee Campus, Board Room (M210) ADJOURNMENT – The Committee adjourned at 5:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, `|v{xÄx `A VÉÇÜÉç Michele M. Conroy Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice President & Provost Academic Affairs Attachment ESIR - 2 Interactive Media (10-206-3) & Mobile Design (10-206-6) Formerly Visual Communications Established in 1985 Established in 2013 GRADUATES have opportunities for: STUDENTS benefit from: Web Designer/Developer responsible for the design and maintenance of websites, updating content and functionality to suit the ever changing client needs Web Content Specialist responsible for creating and/or acquiring content for websites, email newsletters and other online communications media Digital Media Producer responsible for creating animation, special effects, visual images and other media for games, Web sites, movies, videos, commercials or music on the computer Mobile Application Developer responsible for developing new types of applications for computers, smart phones, and Android and iOS mobile devices Average Annual Starting Salary: $31,200 (EMSI data 2013) Median Wage Range: $31,200 – $76,960 (EMSI data 2013) Partnerships with local businesses (profit and nonprofit) enhance student skills and employment opportunities Accelerated entrance into workforce utilizing diplomas consisting of career focused curriculum Earlier introduction to career possibilities through the career exploration certificate Action Plan / Goals Goals: To increase the graduation and job placement rate of students within the program Action Plan: Adapt program options to accommodate student program completion obstacles; implement pathways to assist students in program completion and provide links to employment to meet industry demand. Adapt and develop curriculum to respond to rapidly evolving industry needs. Highlight Mobile Design associate degree consisting of two stackable diplomas, the existing Web Developer Technical Diploma and the new Mobile Design Technical Diploma. This allows flexibility for individuals who may already have industry experience as well as comprehensive training for individuals lacking experience. Offer career exploration certificate to accommodate precollege students by pairing two introductory cross curriculum courses along with basic skills courses. HIGHLIGHTS! Ability to quickly adopt and adapt curriculum for emerging technologies such as: PHP, JavaScript, CMS, jQuery, HTML5/CSS3, Responsive Interface Design, iOS and Android Mobile Development, Digital Publishing, Digital Video and 18 month software version update cycles. To meet the needs of industry, IMEDIA has been the incubator for new programs such as: 2008: Web Developer Diploma 2012: Mobile Design Associate Degree and Diploma INTERACTIVE MEDIA CAREER PATHWAY ARTS, AV TECHNOLOGY, AND COMMUNICATIONS CLUSTER Education Career Exploration VICOM–123 VICOM–128 VICOM–150 EBUS-118 Technical Diploma Associate’s Degree eBusiness Fundamentals 12 credits eBusiness Technology Specialist 46 credits 4-yr Transfer Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design (MIAD) Technical Diploma Associate’s Degree UW-Green Bay Mobile App Designer 19 credits Mobile Designer 35 credits Cardinal Stritch University UW-Oshkosh 12 credits - High School - PreCollege Employment Salary and Jobs data courtesy of EMSI Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE) Technical Diploma Associate’s Degree Web Developer 19 credits Interactive Media 38 credits UW-Milwaukee Potential Jobs: Potential Jobs: eBusiness/eCommerce Marketing Manager, Social Media Strategist eBusiness/eCommerce Marketing Manager, Social Media Strategist Wage Range: Wage Range: $38.00 ($79,930) 2013 openings – 40 $30.00 ($64,000) 2013 openings – 630 +10% over 10 yrs +11% over 10 yrs Potential Jobs: Potential Jobs: Mobile App Designer, Mobile Web Designer Mobile App Designer, Mobile Web Designer Wage Range: Wage Range: $25.00 ($52,000) 2013 openings – 230 +21% over 10 yrs Potential Jobs: Potential Jobs: Web Designer, Web Developer, Webmaster, Front-End Designer Animator, Digital Producer, Web Developer, Media Project Manager Wage Range: Wage Range: +21% over 10 yrs BFA Communication Design B.A./B.S. Business $37.00 ($76,960) 2013 openings – 230 +21% over 10 yrs $15.00 ($31,200) 2013 openings – 270 Potential Degrees $32.00 ($66,560) 2013 openings – 290 +21% over 10 yrs B.S. Management High School Connections Bradley Tech VICOM-123 VICOM-128 VICOM-150 Reagan VICOM-123 VICOM-128 VICOM-150 This connection of this Pathway to high schools is a new venture. Bradley Tech and Reagan High Schools represent 2 of the strongest which offered courses in this area. They were chosen as pilot schools for the Interactive Media course sequence. 10-206-3 Interactive Media Enrollment * Graduates * Course Completion Rate ** 200 100% 150 75% 100 100 50% 50 50 25% 200 153 150 125 106 11 13 19 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 0 0 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Race Ethnic Ratio * 78% 75% 73% FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 0% Gender Ratio * Full-Time/Part-Time Ratio * Asian 6% Black 13% Full-Time 23% Female 34% PartTime 77% Hispanic 11% Male 66% White 69% Annual Median Salary *** Job Placement Rate *** $60,000 100% ** Course Completion: grade of "C" or better in the program's technical courses. $50,000 75% $40,000 50% 78% 25% 60% 57% FY2010 FY2011 $32,885 $35,000 FY2011 FY2012 $30,000 $19,240 $20,000 $10,000 0% FY2012 Notes: *MATC Client Reporting FY2011-FY2013 data. Students were enrolled with an active program code. FY2010 *** Job Placement and Salary data from the MATC Graduate Follow-Up Report. Graduates are from the prior year and are surveyed 6 months after graduation. Graduates from multiple programs are surveyed for 1 program. 31-206-1 WEB MOBILE APPLICATION DESIGNER Enrollment * 91 Graduates * 94 Course Completion Rate ** 100 100% 75 75 75% 50 50 50% 25 25 100 77 17 10 14 FY2012 FY2013 0 0 FY2011 FY2012 FY2011 FY2013 Race Ethnic Ratio * 71% 69% 70% FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 25% 0% Gender Ratio * Full-Time/Part-Time Ratio * Asian 4% Full-Time 19% Black 23% Female 40% Male 60% PartTime 81% White 61% Hispanic 10% Annual Median Salary *** Job Placement Rate *** $60,000 100% $50,000 ** Course Completion: grade of "C" or better in the program's technical courses. $41,920 75% $40,000 50% 67% 25% 0% 0% FY2010 *** Job Placement and Salary data from the MATC Graduate Follow-Up Report. Graduates are from the prior year and are surveyed 6 months after graduation. Graduates from multiple programs are surveyed for 1 program. Placement and salary data for FY2010 and 2012 was unavailable due to low survey response. $30,000 $20,000 45% $10,000 FY2011 FY2012 Notes: *MATC Client Reporting FY2011-FY2013 data. Students were enrolled with an active program code. FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 10-135-3 E-Business Enrollment * Graduates * Course Completion Rate ** 100 100 100% 75 75 75% 50 50% 25 25% 50 50 26 25 13 0 FY2012 FY2013 Race Ethnic Ratio * 65% FY2011 FY2012 4 0 0 FY2011 FY2012 0 FY2011 65% FY2013 Full-Time/Part-Time Ratio * 0% 0% FY2010 Gender Ratio * Native American 2% Asian 4% White 71% Part-Time 62% Full-Time 38% Black 21% Notes: *MATC Client Reporting FY2011-FY2013 data. Students were enrolled with an active program code. ** Course Completion: grade of "C" or better in the program's technical courses. Course Completion was not available for FY2 010. Female 44% Male 56% MILWAUKEE AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE Interactive Media Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: October 17, 2013 Time: 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Location Milwaukee Area Technical College Room: M610 Facilitator: Brad Manderscheid Minute Taker: Charisse Place Members Present Javier Centeno Derek Gebler Jessica Gleason Maurice Harshaw Jim Jennings Brad Manderscheid Lee Ann Meier Meghan Miller John Mosey Amanda Schmitz Tom Snyder Gretchen Thomas Liz Tveten Matthew Wooten Company Represented McDill Design Broadcast Interactive Ascedia Direct Supply Keystone Click Bader Rutter & Associates, Inc. MSOE C&H Distributors GE Healthcare Brady Corp Trivera Interactive Bader Rutter & Associates, Inc. HY Connect Milwaukee Public Museum MATC Representatives Present Antonio Garza Jonathan Meersman Susan Retzer David Thomas Kathryn DenDooven Brian Carlson Dr. Evelyn Pumphrey Charisse Place Drew Van Wyk Russel Mutza Chris Beanan Position/Title Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor Instructor ‐ IC Associate Dean Counselor Administrative Specialist Educational Assistant Student Representative Student Representative Guest Present Craig Smallish Graphic Design Faculty Agenda Item 1 Call to order, Introductions, Roll Call Discussion: Tom Snyder moved and Megan Miller seconded to call the meeting to order. The meeting called to order at 11:40 a.m. Members and guests were welcomed. New members were thanked for their support of the Interactive Media program. Faculty were commended on their obvious efforts for recruiting new members to serve on the committee. It was noted that this was the best turn-out that the committee has seen in years. Action items: None Person responsible: Deadline: Agenda Item 2 Determination of Quorum Discussion: A quorum was present at the meeting. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Agenda Item 3 Approval of Minutes Discussion: The minutes from the March 21, 2013 meeting were presented to the committee. Motion by Derek Gebler and 2nd by Jim Jennings to approve minutes as presented. Motion carries unanimously. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Old Business Agenda Item 4 Advisory Membership Review Discussion: As the Chair Person was not present, and has not attended the last two meetings, it was decided to elect a new chair for the committee. Tom Snyder volunteered. Motion to elect Tom Snyder as committee Chair made by Javier Centeno. Second by Lee Ann Meier. Motion carries unanimously. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Agenda Item 5 Program Progress/Enrollment Reports Discussion: Dr. Evelyn Pumphrey presented the Admission’s report for both Interactive Media and Mobile Designer. FA2014 (Fall 2013) Program Total Applications Interactive 39 Media Mobile 12 Designer FA2013 (Fall 2012) Program Total Applications Interactive 60 Media Mobile 19 Application Designer CPLI CAD Refer to Basic Skills ADM Incomplete Applications 9 3 3 16 8 1 1 0 8 2 CPLI CAD Refer to Basic Skills ADM Incomplete Applications 11 4 2 22 21 1 0 1 13 4 CPLI = Conditionally Admitted into program. Student must take remedial courses to improve their reading and writing skills to meet program entrance requirements. CAD = Conditionally Admitted into program. Student must take remedial course to improve math skills to meet program requirements. Refer to Basic Skills = Student will take Pre-College Course (s) to improve skills. After course (s) is/are completed student must re-take the Accuplacer test. ADM = Fully Admitted into program. Student has met all requirements needed to enter program. Action items: None Person responsible: Deadline: Agenda Item 6 Capitol Equipment Discussion: Tony Garza spoke to FY2014 capital equipment that was approved and has been purchased. Hand held audio recorders to be used in Audio Production class that can record up to 198 KB and are capable of high-end audio recordings and 6 channels at once. Also received new microphones that produce very clear recordings. This equipment will also be available to other programs such as Animation and Audio Production. Received high-end sigma and cannon digital cameras. Sigma can take up to 46 mega pixel images. Again, these cameras can capture textures and building elements for use in 3D animation projects. The cameras will be used in Digital Darkroom Techniques. For FY2015 it was suggested to request GoPro cameras. The CSG program is already utilizing GoPro cameras in their program. Additional video equipment for Interactive Video class may also be requested. Requests for the next fiscal year will be solicited within the next month or two. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Agenda Item 7 Interactive Media Name Change Discussion: Kate DenDooven discussed the status of the name change from VICOM to Interactive Media. DenDooven spoke to the fact that this has been a long standing discussion for many years and the name change which went into effect this semester (FA2014) was a long time in the making. Now it is time to make the conversion from VICOM to IMEDIA for all of the existing courses that are offered. The courses have been divided among faculty to be reviewed for currency and they will each be revised to reflect an IM subject instead of a VICOM subject. Motion by Derek Gebler to change the acronym to IMEDIA. Second by Jim Jennings. Motion carries unanimously. David Thomas challenged the ‘IM’ subject and recommended that it be changed to ‘IMEDIA’ instead. The committee agreed that ‘IMEDIA’ would be more descriptive. Motion by Derek Gebler to change the subject acronym to IMEDIA. Second by Jim Jennings. Motion carries unanimously. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: Continue to revise COS documents IMEDIA Faculty Continuous Agenda Item 8 Other Items Discussion: Jonathan Meersman discussed agenda item 10 from last meeting – Web Server Control Panel. Because there was not a quorum at the last meeting Meersman wanted to re-introduce the topic to this group. Discussion: Jonathan Meersman explained that CPanel offers a free plan for educational institutions. They charge a one-time $30 administrative fee. We would want to make sure it is controllable and customizable. It is the feeling that this would provide students a great tool to access their files and create a database for creating webpages. The biggest concern from an it perspective is whether we can limit student exposure as needed while at the same time providing them with a useful tool that would duplicate what they find commercially. Industry representatives at the meeting all agreed that this would be of benefit to the students and an excellent initiative to pursue. Faculty explained that they were looking at CPanel because it was free to students and because it is an industry standard. Motion by Amanda Schmitz to continue research and development of Web Server Control Panel Software Second by Derek Gebler Motion carries unanimously. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: Continue R&D of CPanel software Jonathan Meersman Prior to next meeting New Business Agenda Item 9 Articulation Agreements – Discussion Discussion: Since last semester and over the summer Interactive Media faculty have been working with two high schools looking to articulate three classes for high school credit: VICOM-150, VICOM-128, and VICOM-123. Students at Bradley Tech and Reagan High Schools will be taking high school classes which contain the same competencies of those three classes and will receive MATC credit. IMEDIA faculty have been working closely with high school instructors to ensure that their courses mirror ours. This is being used as a model for potentially more programs to follow suit. This is being formally referred to as a “Career Exploration Pathway.” Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Agenda Item 10 MPS Training Discussion: After meeting with Bradley Tech there was a lot of discussion on the need for training of MPS teachers in order to effectively teach articulated courses in the high schools. In response, MATC now offers a professional development two-day class that covers half of what goes into VICOM-123 and was taken as professional development credit by MPS high school teachers. The feedback was tremendously positive. This is evolving to a series of 6 professional development classes, taught at MATC, to instruct 50+ MPS faculty on Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, digital video, and potentially animation competencies. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Agenda Item 11 Adobe Certified – Dreamweaver – Discussion Discussion: Jonathan Meersman asked the committee whether an Adobe Dreamweaver Certification would be beneficial to students and/or be desirable to a potential employer. Based on the discussion that ensued, Dreamweaver was not considered relevant or a preferred platform and is not taken seriously by industry professionals. A certification would be of little to no benefit to students. Further comments led to a discussion regarding the prominence of Content Management Systems (CMSs) and Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) in industry. The following is a list that was discussed: CMSs Sitecore osCommerce WordPress IDEs Aptana Notepad++ Komodo Edit BBEdit TextWrangler Also discussed was Bootstrap – a Front-End Framework Tool Action items: None Person responsible: Deadline: Agenda Item 12 Lynda.com Discussion: Lynda.com is being incorporated into our classes and for the first time is being made available to be purchased by students through the MATC Bookstore. This is helpful for financial aid students especially. It has proved to be a good tool for supplemental instruction for students of all skill levels. Currently it is listed as a recommended material; however, there is discussion as to whether it should be required. A four month subscription costs $120 through the MATC Bookstore. It was agreed upon that if Lynda.com were to be made required it would need to be heavily utilized in the classroom. Most committee members felt that Lynda.com was a very valuable resource and could very well replace the textbook for many IMEDIA classes. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Agenda Item 13 Course Outcome Summary CAS‐143 – User Experience UE 2.0 Discussion: Craig Smallish (Graphic Design instructor) and Kate DenDooven presented CAS-143; User Experience UE 2.0 to the committee. Currently it is a “pick from” course but Kate foresees that it may eventually become required. Ideally, the course will suit the needs of CAS students, Graphic Design students, and IMEDIA students. The front end of the class will identify with what user experience is and how people engage with products and services. The challenge is how to condense all of the information pertaining to User Experience (UX) within a 16 week course. Gretchen Thomas commented that she continuously struggles with hiring new employees who understand UX. This knowledge is critical for all kinds of digital design and she is thrilled that it is being introduced to the program. Faculty think there is value in breaking down UX into something tangible so that students can understand it at its core before it can be implemented. Even though UX is typically associated with digital media it is independent from technology and it is important to identify how it pertains to the IMEDIA program. One suggestion was to touch on various elements of UX and for a final project students are expected to use it based on their major (CAS, Mobile, IMEDIA, etc.). Another suggestion was to develop a two-level course with 143 being the intro course and another higher-level course being developed to further develop the skill. Faculty definitely see UX as being something that will continue to evolve until it is potentially its own diploma program. Regardless, UX is a fundamental philosophy and introducing students to the theory of applying UX to project development is critical. It was suggested that the name of the course be changed to User-Centered Design, Designing for People, or Introduction to UX. This is because UX as a term has come to be very closely related to digital. A great deal of discussion ensued over the difference between UCD and UX and the potential name of the course. The consensus of the group was that faculty are on track with regards to UX course development. The following handout was also discussed: Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: None Agenda Item 14 Next Meeting Date Discussion: Thursday, March 27, 2014 at 11:30 a.m. room M616 Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: Schedule next meeting Charisse Place ASAP Agenda Item 15 Adjournment Discussion: Motion to adjourn by Megan Miller. Second by Jim Jennings. Meeting adjourned at 1:42 p.m. Action items: None Person responsible: Deadline: E-BUSINESS Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: 10-4-2013 Time: 9:30 A.M. Location Downtown Campus Room: M314 Facilitator: Steve Burleson Minute Taker: Steve Burleson Members - Present X /Not Present Jason Evans Christopher Graham Paul Gueller Scott Isaacs David McDonald Joe Mullen Adonica Randall Eric Rehl Christopher Remington Greg Ryan Patrick Tohorst Tim Demeter Company Represented GS Design Potawatomi Casino Laughlin Constable Consultant Brilliance Business Solutions State Street Digital Abaxent RW Baird (no longer employed at RW Baird) Trivera Interactive Designer Quest Ce Potawatomi Bingo Casino MATC Representatives Present Steve Burleson Jonathan Meersman Dr. Roy Vargas Position/Title Instructor-IC Instructor Associate Dean A. Call to order/Introduction/Roll Call Discussion: The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Steve Burleson. All in attendance introduced themselves. Steve also asked the members to Verify their Demographic information. Action items: updated info sheet passed out. B. Discussion: Person responsible: Deadline: Determination of Quorum The committee review the membership. Action items: Person responsible: Deadline: Approval of Minutes from 3/14/13 Meeting Discussion: Minutes approved as written by email before 10-4-2013 meeting Action items: Motion made by: Person responsible: All members All in favor Deadline: C. Old Business (Required-Committee Approval/Recommendation for Action) Item 1 Advisory Membership Review - Discussion: Discussion continued to relate around pathways. Steve and Jonathan will discuss potential pathway models – looking at high school opportunities in particular. Action items: Item 2 Person responsible: Deadline: Committee Members Ongoing Program Progress/Enrollment Reports - Discussion: Enrollment update – there are only three new students in the e-Business program. Action items: Item 3 Person responsible: Deadline: Capital Equipment Discussion: Capital equipment – nothing to talk about. Item 4 Curriculum Modification/Program Promotion/Dacum Discussion: Results of Social Media DACUM – Steve shared the results of the DACUM. Action items: Motion made by Person responsible: nd 2 by Item 5 Deadline: All in Favor Course Outcome Summary (COS) Discussion: It was no discussing on this Action items: Motion made by Person responsible: nd 2 by Item 6 Deadline: All in Favor Quality Review Process (QRP) This subject was not discuss at this meeting Action items: Motion made by nd 2 by Person responsible: All in Favor Deadline: Item 7 Student Outcome Assessment Discussion: Student Outcome Assessment – all assessments will not come out of the MKTG-175 (Internship) class. This program has met 100% of all of the goals. Item 8 Other Steve has applied for and received an Innovation Grant in the amount of $35,000 to develop an interactive virtual MATC campus. He presented an initial concept. Steve is working with other departments, such as Animation, to have students work on much of the development. We’re also looking at a NSF grant in the amount of $2.5 million to partner with other schools in Wisconsin to build this out to a much higher level. Action items: Motion made by Person responsible: nd 2 by D. Deadline: All in Favor New Business Item 1 Social Media Fundamentals Diploma Discussion: Did not discuss this subject at the meeting Item 2 Virtual Campus Innovation Grant Discussion: Did not discuss this subject at this meeting Item 3 Industry Trends Discussion: David - Adoption of the new Google Analytics requirements. Chris Graham - Google Tag Manager – has popped up in discussion a lot lately. Adonica - Has the college looked at private classes – remote based and online. Anthony – discussed trends of current students, who may be familiar as a user, but not specific application development. Google Hummingbird algorithmic changes will change how things are ranked and how keywords are used. Social media is really just another tool in the toolbox. A social media manager as a position may be limited as those responsibilities will be absorbed as part of a larger marketing strategy. Steve asked if the eBusiness program is still a viable program anymore. Adonica indicated that what employers are looking for are folks who have the process skills and can manage and not necessarily those who can do everything. This is from the CIOs of local companies. Item E Announcements and Meeting Arrangements Discussion: 10:30 am adjourned Action items: Person responsible: All Item F Discussion: Item G Discussion: Next Meeting Date No meeting date set Adjournment Deadline: ESIR Attachment ‐ 3 Dashboard Indicators: Student Success 1 College Course Completion, Overall & by Race Source: This chart is based on the COSMO data. Note: Completion is computed for grades of C or better. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Overall White Asian American Hispanic American Indian African American 2 Post‐secondary Course Completion, Overall & by Race Source: This chart is based on the COSMO data. Note: Completion is computed for grades of C or better. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Overall White Asian American Hispanic American Indian African American Prepared Learner Initiative (PLI) Course Completion, Overall & by Race Source: This chart is based on the COSMO data. Note: Completion is computed for grades of C or better. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Overall White Asian American Hispanic American Indian African American Pre‐College Course Completion, Overall & by Race Source: This chart is based on the COSMO data. Note: Completion is computed for “pass” grades 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Overall White Asian American Hispanic American Indian African American Pre‐College Course Completion with or without E Grades, Overall & by Race Source: This chart is based on the SSDW data and enrollment on the 60% refund day. 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% FY2012 % of Pass FY2012 % of E and Pass FY2013 % of Pass FY2013 % of E and Pass Overall White Asian Hispanic American Indian African American Attachment ESIR ‐ 4 AdvisoryCommitteeQuarterlyReportasofDecember31,2013 Advisory Committee Category Membership 2nd Quarter 2013‐14 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 School Of Business School Of Health School Of Liberal School Of Media & School Of Pre‐ (233) Sciences (197) Arts & Sciences (58) Creative Arts (66) college Education (25) Management Labor Consultant Minority Female Male School Of Technology & Applied Sciences (373) Graduate 2013‐14 Adv Comm 1st & 2nd Quarter Vacancy Comparison 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 School Of Business School Of Health Sciences School Of Liberal School Of Media & School Of Pre‐ Arts & Sciences Creative Arts college Education 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter 2013 2nd Quarter Membership Summation‐ 68‐Left, 79‐Added, 13‐Vacancies School Of Technology & Applied Sciences Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee October - December 2013 Advisory Committee Accounting Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Total Mgt 14 5 9 0 3 10 4 3 Air Conditioning And Refrigeration Technology 8 7 1 0 1 1 7 3 Anesthesia Technology 10 4 5 1 4 3 7 3 Animation 11 7 3 1 0 2 9 3 Appliance Technician 10 9 1 0 0 1 9 2 Architectural Technology 6 1 4 1 1 2 4 1 Auto Collision Repair And Finish Technician 13 7 5 1 2 3 10 4 Automotive Technology 17 13 2 2 2 1 16 2 Aviation Technician 10 6 3 1 0 0 10 3 Baking & Pastry Arts 12 4 8 0 1 6 6 6 Banking & Financial Services 10 6 4 0 2 6 4 2 Barber/cosmetologist 14 12 1 1 10 9 5 7 Biomedical Electronics Technology 14 2 10 2 4 3 11 6 Bricklaying And Masonry 8 6 2 0 0 0 8 3 Business Management 7 6 1 0 3 3 4 4 Cardiovascular Technology 10 1 8 1 1 7 3 5 Carpentry & Cabinetmaking 9 7 1 1 0 1 8 2 Chemical Technician 14 5 7 2 5 2 12 4 Civil Engineering Technology 11 4 7 0 1 1 10 4 Clinical Laboratory Technician/phlebotomy 9 3 6 0 1 7 2 2 Computer Electronics Technology 7 2 4 1 0 2 5 2 Computer Simulation And Gaming 10 7 2 1 1 2 8 2 Construction Electrician Apprenticeship 6 3 2 1 1 1 5 6 Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement 7 5 1 1 0 1 6 2 Culinary Arts & Management 14 9 3 2 0 2 12 7 Dental Assistant 10 2 6 2 0 9 1 4 Dental Hygiene 8 3 4 1 3 4 4 3 Dental Technician 5 2 2 1 0 1 4 4 Diesel & Powertrain Servicing 9 6 2 1 2 1 8 3 Dietetic Technician/dietary Manager 10 6 2 2 1 7 3 4 Early Childhood Education 12 8 1 3 5 10 2 2 Ebusiness Technology Specialist 10 7 3 0 1 1 9 2 Electrical Power Distribution/line Mechanic 6 2 4 0 0 1 5 0 Electricity - Diploma 10 6 4 0 2 3 7 2 Electronic Engineering Technology 10 2 5 3 1 2 8 3 Electronic Technology Communication 10 3 6 1 0 2 8 5 Electronic Technology Controls Automation 13 4 9 0 3 1 12 4 Entrepreneurship 13 9 2 2 2 4 9 3 Environmental Health & Water Quality Tech 13 7 6 0 2 3 10 4 * Category Information Incomplete Page 1 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee October - December 2013 Advisory Committee Environmental Service Technician Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Total Mgt 8 5 3 0 0 1 7 1 Fashion/retail Marketing 9 7 2 0 0 5 4 3 Fire Protection Technician/emt 12 7 4 1 3 3 9 8 Funeral Service 14 13 1 0 3 4 10 10 Graphic Design 7 3 2 2 0 2 5 3 Health Unit Coordinator/services Management 9 1 8 0 2 8 1 3 Hotel/hospitality-meeting/event Management 14 12 2 0 2 9 5 1 Human Resources 5 4 0 1 0 3 2 0 Human Service Associate 10 7 2 1 7 7 3 1 Institutionalized Individual 13 10 2 1 5 5 8 0 Interactive Media 13 5 8 0 4 5 8 8 Interior Design 10 6 2 2 1 9 1 3 Interpreter Technician 10 6 0 4 1 6 4 3 It Computer Support Specialist 10 4 5 1 0 4 6 4 It Information Systems Security Specialist 14 6 7 1 0 3 11 4 It Network Specialist 8 3 5 0 1 2 6 3 It Programmer/analyst 7 3 2 2 1 3 4 2 Landscape Horticulture 9 8 1 0 1 5 4 4 Machine Tool/cnc - Tool & Die Making 16 6 9 1 1 0 16 6 Machine Trades Apprentice 7 3 2 2 0 3 4 1 Maintenance & Industrial Electrician Apprentice 9 3 4 2 0 3 6 2 Marketing Management 12 8 4 0 2 7 5 8 Mechanical Drafting & Design 11 5 6 0 0 3 8 6 Medical Assistant 6 2 4 0 3 6 0 4 Medical Coding 9 4 4 1 3 9 0 1 Medical Interpreter 7 3 3 1 5 5 2 1 Music Occupations 7 6 0 1 1 1 6 1 Nursing - Rn & Pn 8 3 5 0 1 7 1 1 Nursing Assistant 7 2 3 2 0 6 1 1 Occupational Therapy Assistant 14 2 11 1 2 13 1 9 Office Technology 4 2 1 1 1 4 0 0 Optician - Vision Care 8 3 4 1 0 3 5 4 Painting & Decorating Apprentice 8 3 3 2 1 2 6 1 Paralegal 11 1 10 0 4 8 3 5 Pharmacy Technician 8 8 0 0 0 6 2 1 Photography 8 6 2 0 0 2 6 5 Physical Therapist Assistant 5 2 2 1 0 5 0 2 Power Engineering & Boiler Operator 8 4 4 0 1 0 8 3 Pre-college Education 12 6 3 3 7 5 7 0 * Category Information Incomplete Page 2 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Committee October - December 2013 Category Gender Labor Consultants Minority Female Male Grads Advisory Committee Total Mgt Preparatory Plumbing 9 5 2 2 2 3 6 3 Quality Engineering Technology 8 5 2 1 0 3 5 2 Radiography 13 5 7 1 1 7 6 5 Real Estate 10 8 2 0 1 2 8 1 Renal Dialysis Technician 10 1 9 0 6 9 1 7 Renewable Energy 12 8 3 1 1 3 9 1 Respiratory Therapist 9 3 6 0 1 7 2 3 Roofer Apprentice 8 4 3 1 0 1 7 0 Sheet Metal Apprentice 12 2 7 3 1 3 9 2 Steamfitter & Refrigeration Apprentice 11 6 4 1 0 2 9 4 Supervisory Management 10 7 3 0 3 5 5 8 Supply Chain Management 12 6 6 0 1 2 10 6 Surgical Technology 8 1 5 2 1 5 3 3 Sustainable Facilities Operations 10 6 2 2 1 3 7 1 Teacher Education Track 12 1 3 8 4 8 4 1 Television And Video Production 10 7 2 1 2 3 7 3 Truck Driving 8 6 0 2 0 1 7 0 Welding/weld Tech 13 7 6 0 0 3 10 4 * Category Information Incomplete Page 3 of 4 Advisory Committee Data Summary - by Division Division Total Members Category Labor 37% 86 40 Gender Female Male 17% 101 43% 132 57% 83 36% Grads School Of Business 233 School Of Health Sciences 197 74 38% 105 53% 18 9% 38 19% 138 70% 59 30% 80 41% School Of Liberal Arts & Sciences 58 27 47% 13 22% 18 31% 22 38% 33 57% 25 43% 11 19% School Of Media & Creative Arts 66 41 62% 19 29% 6 9% 8 12% 17 26% 49 74% 25 38% School Of Pre-college Education 25 16 64% 5 20% 4 16% 12 48% 10 40% 15 60% 0 0% School Of Technology & Applied Sciences 373 194 52% 140 38% 39 10% 33 9% 78 21% 295 79% 109 29% TOTAL 952 488 51% 368 39% 96 10% 153 16% 377 40% 575 60% 308 32% * Category Information Incomplete Consultants 5% 11 Minority Mgt 58% 136 Page 4 of 4 QUARTERLY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETINGS Text11: October, November, December 2013 DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 10/1/2013 11:00 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus ANIMATION 10/2/2013 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS & AUTOMATION 10/4/2013 7:45 AM M605 -- Milwaukee Campus ACCOUNTING 10/4/2013 7:45 AM M605 -- Milwaukee Campus BANKING AND FINANCIAL SERVICES 10/4/2013 9:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus BARBER/COSMETOLOGIST 10/4/2013 7:45 AM M605 -- Milwaukee Campus BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 10/4/2013 9:15 AM M314 -- Milwaukee Campus eBUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST 10/4/2013 7:45 AM M605 -- Milwaukee Campus ENTREPRENEURSHIP 10/4/2013 10:15 AM M605 -- Milwaukee Campus FASHION/RETAIL MARKETING 10/4/2013 8:00 AM 107 -- West Campus IT NETWORKING SPECIALIST 10/4/2013 9:30 AM M316 -- Milwaukee Campus MARKETING MANAGEMENT 10/4/2013 9:30 AM M605 -- Milwaukee Campus SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT 10/4/2013 7:30 AM M605 -- Milwaukee Campus SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 10/9/2013 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA 10/9/2013 8:00 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus HOTEL/HOSPITALITY-MEETING/EVENT MANAGEMENT 10/9/2013 9:30 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus MUSIC OCCUPATIONS 10/10/2013 10:30 AM Off Campus CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICESHIP 10/10/2013 9:00 AM A289 -- North Campus ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH &WATER QUALITY TECH 10/11/2013 8:00 AM B170 -- South Campus DIESEL & POWERTRAIN SERVICING 10/11/2013 2:30 PM 107 -- West Campus ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 10/14/2013 12:00 PM E114A -- South Campus SHEET METAL APPRENTICE 10/14/2013 12:30 PM E114 -- South Campus STEAMFITTER & REFRIGERATION APPRENTICE 10/15/2013 4:30 PM M204 -- Milwaukee Campus ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 10/15/2013 8:00 AM A200E -- South Campus AUTO COLLISION REPAIR AND FINISH TECHNICIAN 10/15/2013 11:30 AM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY Wednesday, January 08, 2014 DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 10/15/2013 7:30 AM A241 -- South Campus MACHINE TOOL/CNC - TOOL & DIE MAKING 10/15/2013 7:30 AM A241 -- South Campus MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE 10/16/2013 8:00 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus BAKING & PASTRY ARTS 10/16/2013 7:30 AM M206 -- Milwaukee Campus CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY 10/16/2013 7:00 AM 117 -- West Campus WELDING/WELD TECH 10/17/2013 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 10/17/2013 8:00 AM 107 -- West Campus DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER 10/17/2013 11:30 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus INTERACTIVE MEDIA 10/17/2013 8:00 AM Off Campus RADIOGRAPHY 10/18/2013 1:30 PM C224 -- Milwaukee Campus INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN 10/18/2013 1:30 PM 117 -- West Campus IT COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST 10/18/2013 8:30 AM H306 -- Milwaukee Campus MEDICAL ASSISTANT 10/18/2013 10:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus PHARMACY TECHNICIAN 10/21/2013 9:00 AM A200E--South Campus FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICAN/EMT 10/22/2013 7:30 AM A200E--South Campus AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY 10/22/2013 4:30 PM H112 -- Milwaukee Campus MEDICAL CODING 10/22/2013 5:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT 10/23/2013 7:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus DENTAL HYGIENE 10/23/2013 1:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus RESPIRATORY THERAPIST 10/24/2013 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 10/24/2013 9:30 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus CULINARY ARTS & MANAGEMENT 10/24/2013 11:30 AM M616 -- Milwaukee Campus EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 10/24/2013 8:30 AM MPTV --E-W Conf TELEVISION & VIDEO PRODUCTION 10/24/2013 8:00 AM E114A -- South Campus TRUCK DRIVING 10/25/2013 11:30 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 10/25/2013 2:00 PM A202 -- North Campus IT INFORMATION SECURITY SYSTEMS SPECIALIST 10/28/2013 2:30 PM A129 -- North Campus IT PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 10/29/2013 5:30 PM H112 -- Milwaukee Campus DENTAL ASSISTANT 10/29/2013 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTIC 10/29/2013 8:30 AM 117 -- West Campus REAL ESTATE Wednesday, January 08, 2014 DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 10/29/2013 7:30 AM A200E--South Campus SUSTAINABLE FACILITIES OPERATIONS 10/30/2013 9:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN 10/30/2013 4:00 PM E114B -- South Campus ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN 10/31/2013 8:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN 11/1/2013 11:30 AM M612 -- Milwaukee Campus CARPENTERY & CABINETMAKING 11/1/2013 7:30 AM M438 -- Milwaukee Campus OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT 11/1/2013 10:30 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION 11/1/2013 7:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 11/5/2013 11:30 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 11/5/2013 8:00 AM A200 -- South Campus NURSING - RN & PN 11/6/2013 3:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN/PHLEBOTOMY 11/6/2013 8:30 AM H112 -- Milwaukee Campus OPTICIAN - VISION CARE 11/7/2013 3:00 PM 117 -- West Campus FUNERAL SERVICE 11/7/2013 2:30 PM 107 -- West Campus OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 11/7/2013 4:30 PM M210 -- Milwaukee Campus PHOTOGRAPHY 11/7/2013 5:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus TEACHER EDUCATION TRACK 11/8/2013 8:30 AM H112 -- Milwaukee Campus DENTAL TECHNICIAN 11/8/2013 12:00 PM A202 -- North Campus ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION/LINE MECHANIC 11/8/2013 8:00 AM H335 -- Milwaukee Campus NURSING ASSISTANT 11/11/2013 9:00 AM A200E--South Campus CRIMINAL JUSTICE - LAW ENFORCEMENT 11/12/2013 7:30 AM A200E--South Campus QUALITY ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 11/13/2013 11:30 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus PREPARATORY PLUMBING 11/14/2013 3:00 PM A202 -- North Campus AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 11/14/2013 8:30 AM M616 -- Milwaukee Csmpus HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE 11/14/2013 1:00 PM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus MEDICAL INTERPRETER 11/14/2013 9:00 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus PARALEGAL 11/14/2013 4:00 PM H230 -- Milwaukee Campus RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN 11/18/2013 11:00 AM M614 -- Milwaukee Campus HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR/SERVICS MANAGEMENT 11/20/2013 1:00 PM Off Campus AVIATION TECHNICIAN 12/3/2013 8:00 AM A200E--South Campus POWER ENGINEERING & BOILER OPERATOR Wednesday, January 08, 2014 DATE TIME LOCATION ADVISORY MEETING 12/4/2013 11:30 AM A202 -- North Campus LANDSCAPE HORTICULTURE 12/10/2013 4:00 PM 107 -- West Campus BRICKLAYING AND MASONRY 12/10/2013 12:00 PM E114A -- South Campus RENEWABLE ENERGY 12/16/2013 8:30 AM 117 -- West Campus INTERIOR DESIGN 12/20/2013 11:30 AM M610 -- Milwaukee Campus INSTITUTIONALIZED INDIVIDUAL Wednesday, January 08, 2014 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ACCOUNTING 14 members 3 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Laurie Inman Johnson Controls Accountant (Labor/Minority) Olga Lesinski CHAN Healthcare Audit Senior Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) BAKING & PASTRY ARTS 12 members 6 grad(s) BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES 10 members 2 grad(s) BARBER/COSMETOLOGIST 14 members 7 grad(s) BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 7 members 4 grad(s) CULINARY ARTS & MANAGEMENT 14 members 7 grad(s) eBUSINESS TECHNOLOGY SPECIALIST 10 members 2 grad(s) ENTREPRENEURSHIP 13 members 3 grad(s) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & WATER QUALITY TECH 13 members 4 grad(s) FASHION/RETAIL MARKETING 9 members 3 grad(s) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 1 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE HOTEL/HOSPITALITYMEETING/EVENT MANAGEMENT 14 members 1 grad(s) HUMAN RESOURCES 5 members 0 grad(s) IT COMPUTER SUPPORT SPECIALIST 10 members 4 grad(s) VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 2 0 IT INFORMATION SYSTEMS SECURITY SPECIALIST 14 members 4 grad(s) 0 Mindy Sharbuno 403 Labs Researcher (Labor/Nonminority) IT NETWORK SPECIALIST 8 members 3 grad(s) 0 Carol Lomonaco Johnson Controls Inc. Project Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) IT PROGRAMMER/ANALYST 7 members 2 grad(s) 0 Robert J. Laferriere Direct Supply Inc Engineering Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Richard Wagner Marcus Hotels and Resorts Programmer (Labor/Nonminority) Scott Healy Denta Quest Application Services Supervisor (Labor/Nonminority) Richard Wagner Marcus Hotels and Resorts Programmer (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 2 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE MARKETING MANAGEMENT 12 members 8 grad(s) VAC OFFICE TECHNOLOGY 4 members 0 grad(s) MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 0 Lori J. Highby Keystone Click Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 3 Kathleen A. Johnson Kohn Law Firm Paralegal Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Seyoum Mengesha Wisconsin Department of Commerce Area Development Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) PARALEGAL 11 members 5 grad(s) REAL ESTATE 10 members 1 grad(s) SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT 10 members 8 grad(s) SUPPLY CHAIN 12 members 6 grad(s) 0 0 0 0 SCHOOL OF BUSINESS SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES ANESTHESIA TECHNOLOGY 10 members 3 grad(s) CARDIOVASCULAR TECHNOLOGY 10 members 5 grad(s) 0 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 3 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE CLINICAL LABORATORY TECHNICIAN/PHLEBOTOMY 9 members 2 grad(s) VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 Jennifer Savage Aurora Health Care ACL Laboratories Education Coordinator (Labor/Nonminority) DENTAL ASSISTANT 10 members 4 grad(s) 0 Tina Blomstrom DentaQuest Manager, Utilization Management (Consult/Nonminority) DENTAL HYGIENE 8 members 3 grad(s) DENTAL TECHNICIAN 5 members 4 grad(s) 0 2 Susan Krivichi Dental Harmony, LTD Owner/Technician (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Megan Gardner Gardner Dental Arts Dental Technician (Labor/Nonminority) DIETETIC TECHNICIAN/DIETARY MANAGER 10 members 4 grad(s) 0 Gary Rice Woodland Health Director of Dietary Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) John Mueller Milwaukee Center for Independence Nutrition & Wellness Support Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Dianna Bartelt Trinity Village Food Service Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Cynde Lewandowski Midwest Dialysis Center Clinical Dietician (Labor/Nonminority) Mary Maxey Community Care, Inc. Registered Dietician (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 4 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE FUNERAL SERVICE 14 members 10 grad(s) VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT Blane Goodman Blane Goodman Funeral Service Funeral Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 0 HEALTH UNIT COORDINATOR/SERVICES MANAGEMENT 9 members 3 grad(s) 0 MEDICAL ASSISTANT 6 members 4 grad(s) 1 MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Irmine Reitl City of Milwaukee Health Department; K Communicable and Infectious Disease Pr (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Rosalyn McFarland Milwaukee Center for Independence Director of Health Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) MEDICAL CODING 9 members 1 grad(s) MEDICAL INTERPRETER 7 members 1 grad(s) 0 NURSING - RN & PN 8 members 1 grad(s) 0 0 Javier Leiva Aurora Healthcare SLMC Medical Interpreter (Labor/Minority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 5 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE NURSING ASSISTANT 7 members 1 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT Pam Pierson RN Milwaukee Catholic Home Staff Development Coord (Labor/Nonminority) MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Anmarie Keboss Hales Corners Care Center Director of Nursing (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Patrice Ulett Alexian Village D.O.N. (Labor/Nonminority) Aimee Mullins The Lutheran Home Staff Development Coordinator (Labor/Nonminority) OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY ASSISTANT 14 members 9 grad(s) OPTICIAN - VISION CARE 8 members 4 grad(s) PHARMACY TECHNICIAN 8 members 1 grad(s) 0 0 0 Olivera Gligorevic Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center Pharmacy Technician Supervisor (Labor/Nonminority) Jennifer Leitner Aurora-St. Lukes Supervisor (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Gwendolyn Graham Wheaton Franciscan Infusion Pharmacy Pharmacy Technician (Labor/Minority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 6 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE PHYSICAL THERAPIST ASSISTANT 5 members 2 grad(s) VAC 2 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Michael Edwards Waukesha Memorial Hospital PT, Mgr, Physical Medicine & Rehab (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Robert Kroll Return to Work & Sports Center, Inc President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) RADIOGRAPHY 13 members 5 grad(s) RENAL DIALYSIS TECHNICIAN 10 members 7 grad(s) 0 RESPIRATORY THERAPIST 9 members 3 grad(s) SURGICAL TECHNOLOGY 8 members 3 grad(s) 0 Cindy Huber National Kidney Foundation of Wisconsi Chief Exectutive Office (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) 0 0 William Arnold Daniel Ladwig Clement J. Zablocki VA Medical Centeadvanced aurora healthcare Surgical Technologist orthopedic surgeon (Labor/Minority) (Consult/Nonminority) SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 7 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE CHEMICAL TECHNICIAN 14 members 4 grad(s) EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION 12 members 2 grad(s) VAC 0 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Ginger Auchter Kelly Scientific Wisconsin Area District Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Ernie Lee A.O. Smith Principal Engineer (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) Jacqueline Lepow Hydrite Chemical Company Chemist (Labor/Nonminority) Eric Johnson Hydrite Chemical Co. Chemist (Labor/Nonminority) Tamara Johnson Mailaka Early Learning Center Early Education Director (Labor/Minority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 8 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE HUMAN SERVICE ASSOCIATE 10 members 1 grad(s) VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT 0 Angie Miller Aids Resource Center of Wisconsin Supervising Housing Case Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Ana Kleppin Independence First Volunteer Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) Monte Mabra Voice of the Fatherless Child President/Founder (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) Tedi Gentry Wisconsin Community Services Assistant Program Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) Eileen Sperl Meta House, Inc. Director of Child and Family Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Scott Wilder Mt. Castle Corporation CEO (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) INTERPRETER TECHNICIAN 10 members 3 grad(s) TEACHER EDUCATION TRACK 12 members 1 grad(s) 0 0 SCHOOL OF LIBERAL ARTS & SCIENCES SCHOOL OF MEDIA & CREATIVE ARTS VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 9 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE ANIMATION 11 members 3 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Denise Roberts-Mckee About Face Media Chief Operating Officer (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Nate Kresse Stamm Media Creative Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Seth Swanson Digital Iris Developer/Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) John Roberts Independent Studios Lead Animator (Labor/Nonminority) Robert Neustadt RNP, Inc. Producer/Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Scott Hill CI Design, Inc. COO (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Keith Kamikawa Almon, Inc. Technical Animator / Independent Game (Labor/Nonminority) Deanne Monaghan Active Across America Founder (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) George Tzougros Wisconsin Arts Board Executive Director (Consult/Nonminority) Ray Hanneman Dangerbox Entertainment President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 10 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE COMPUTER SIMULATION AND GAMING 10 members 2 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Dustin DuPree Discovery World Multimedia Developer (Labor/Nonminority) Joe Marty Forever Interactive Gameplay Programmer (Labor/Nonminority) Emil Harmsen Forever Interactive Owner/Lead Developer (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 11 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE GRAPHIC DESIGN 7 members 3 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Renee Berger Western States Envelope & Label Creative Director / Marketing Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Gregory Borden The Roberts Group Inc. Sr. Designer (Labor/Nonminority) Brenda Mraz-Skibinski McDill Design Senior Designer (Labor/Nonminority) Michelle Gugin MRA Web Developer (Labor/Nonminority) James Bonesho WebGoals CEO (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Joel Skaja GMR Marketing Creative Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Jason Evans G. S. Design Principle (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 12 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE INTERACTIVE MEDIA 13 members 8 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Jackie Schneider Johnson Controls Graphic Specialist (Labor/Nonminority) Jessica Gleason Ascedia Interface Developer (Labor/Nonminority) Josh Rasmussen Midland Video Production Lead Animator (Labor/Nonminority) Liz Tveten HY Connect Digital Production Artist (Labor/Minority) Ben Reed Versant Unknown (Labor/Nonminority) Meghan Miller C&H Front-End Developer (Labor/Nonminority) Mark Irving iLevel Media President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Lee Ann Meier MSOE Web Coordinator (Labor/Minority) Brad Krause Radiancer Media Illustrator/Animator/Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Maurice Harshaw Direct Supply Interactive Designer (Labor/Minority) John Mosey GE Healthcare Global Channel Lead (Labor/Nonminority) Amanda Schmitz Brady Corp Web Content Specialist (Labor/Nonminority) James Newell Fullhouse Interactive Manager, Interface Development (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Jim Jennings Keystone Click Lead Developer (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 13 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Mike Roth BVK Director of Animation (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Javier Centeno McDill Design Interactive Developer (Labor/Minority) Dustin Dupree Discovery World Multimedia Developer (Labor/Nonminority) Derek Gebler Broadcast Interactive Media SVP, Technology (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Jason Evans G. S. Design Principle (Labor/Nonminority) Jon Chapman R.A. Smith & Associates, Inc. Visualization Division Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) MUSIC OCCUPATIONS 7 members 1 grad(s) 0 Tonya J. Gorst Keshena Armon MMAC Midwest Association for Independent Art Scholarship Drugram Manager HealthyOwner (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) David Ruetz GZA Geo Environmental, Inc. Attorney (Labor/Nonminority) Roy Elkins Broadjam Founder/CEO (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Ramie Espanoza Firebird Recording President (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 14 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE PHOTOGRAPHY 8 members 5 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Richard Beauchamp Richard Beauchamp Photography Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Jackie Allan RF Technologies Acount Executive (Labor/Nonminority) Lori Foy RDA Milwaukee Associate Photographer (Labor/Nonminority) Mike Schickel Schickel Photo Design Photographer/Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Troy Forrest Kohl's Department Store Creative Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Nathan Harrmann M Magazine/Conley Media Staff Photographer (Labor/Nonminority) Dan Roberts RDA Milwaukee Staff Photographer (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 15 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Brian Malloy Brian Malloy Photography Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Jim Buivid Buivid Photo Design Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) TELEVISION AND VIDEO PRODUCTION 10 members 3 grad(s) 0 Katie Pinkowski WTMJ, Inc. Producer (Labor/Nonminority) Andy Azinger Wells Fargo Media Producer (Labor/Nonminority) Tess Gallun UW- Milwaukee Professor (Consult/Nonminority) David Ross The Wellness Network COO (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Logan Bazar Northwestern Mutual Manager, Media Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Robert Schoonover About Face Media Production Supervisor (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Bob Wiese Studio Gear Owner (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Ned White AVI Systems VisCom System Sales Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Pete Walchli GE Healthcare Institute Program Manager eMedia Services (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 16 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED SCHOOL OF MEDIA & CREATIVE ARTS SCHOOL OF PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION INSTITUTIONALIZED INDIVIDUAL 13 members 0 grad(s) PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION 12 members 0 grad(s) 0 0 SCHOOL OF PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATION SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED SCIENCES AIR CONDITIONING AND REFRIGERATION TECHNOLOGY 8 members 3 grad(s) 0 APPLIANCE TECHNICIAN 10 members 2 grad(s) 0 ARCHITECTURAL TECHNOLOGY 6 members 1 grad(s) 1 AUTO COLLISION REPAIR AND FINISH TECHNICIAN 13 members 4 grad(s) 0 Stephen Deshong American TV & Appliance Regional Service Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Heather Anthony Kelmann Restoration Estimator (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 17 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY 17 members 2 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Trevor Bahr Chrysler Group LLC Instructor (Consult/Nonminority) Jeff Buchkowski David Hobbs Honda Service Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Craig Manka Schlossmmann's Honda City Fixed Operations Director (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) AVIATION TECHNICIAN 10 members 3 grad(s) BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 14 members 6 grad(s) 0 0 Chad Matzen Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare Senior Bio-medical Specialist (Labor/Nonminority) BRICKLAYING AND MASONRY 8 members 3 grad(s) 0 William Bonlender BAC District Council of Wisconsin/Local Bricklayer (Labor/Nonminority) Richard Stevens Quikrete/Specialty Mix Sales Representative (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 18 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE CARPENTRY & CABINETMAKING 9 members 2 grad(s) VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 Ryan Beeck Paul Davis Restoration Project Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) CIVIL ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 11 members 4 grad(s) 0 Russell Nicloy MasterGraphics Civil Applications Engineer (Labor/Nonminority) COMPUTER ELECTRONICS TECHNOLOGY 7 members 2 grad(s) 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 19 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE CONSTRUCTION ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICESHIP 6 members 6 grad(s) VAC 1 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Henry Hurt Hurt Electric Inc. President (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) Dan Large Milwaukee Electrical JATC Training Director (Consult/Nonminority) John Bzdawka IBEW Local 494 Business Manager (Labor/Nonminority) Ellen Talavera IBEW Local 494 Business Representative (Labor/Nonminority) Joseph Klein Dnesco Electric Inc. President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) David Washebek Lemberg Electric Co., Inc Electrician (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) CRIMINAL JUSTICE - LAW ENFORCEMENT 7 members 2 grad(s) 0 VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 20 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE DIESEL & POWERTRAIN SERVICING 9 members 3 grad(s) VAC 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Mark Van Alstine JX Peterbilt Service Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION/LINE MECHANIC 6 members 0 grad(s) 1 ELECTRICITY - DIPLOMA 10 members 2 grad(s) ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 10 members 3 grad(s) 0 0 Charles Gaidish Johnson Controls, Inc., Engineering Assistant (Labor/Nonminority) ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY COMMUNICATION 10 members 5 grad(s) 0 Chris Dennison Agilent Technologies Target Account Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) Matthew Staniszewski Dedicated Computing Technician (Labor/Nonminority) ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CONTROLS AUTOMATION 13 members 4 grad(s) 0 Josh Bartz Rockwell Automation Technical Analyst (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 21 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICE TECHNICIAN 8 members 1 grad(s) VAC 0 FIRE PROTECTION TECHNICIAN/EMT 12 members 8 grad(s) 0 INTERIOR DESIGN 10 members 3 grad(s) LANDSCAPE HORTICULTURE 9 members 4 grad(s) MACHINE TOOL/CNC - TOOL & DIE MAKING 16 members 6 grad(s) 0 MACHINE TRADES APPRENTICE 7 members 1 grad(s) MAINTENANCE & INDUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN APPRENTICE 9 members 2 grad(s) MECHANICAL DRAFTING & DESIGN 11 members 6 grad(s) PAINTING & DECORATING APPRENTICE 8 members 1 grad(s) POWER ENGINEERING & BOILER OPERATOR 8 members 3 grad(s) 0 MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED Todd Erhardt Joint Apprenticeship and Training Com Sheet Metal Coordinator/Instructor (Labor/Nonminority) Thomas Torres Milwaukee County Fire Department Firefighter (Supervisor/Mgr/Minority) 0 0 0 0 0 0 Randy Pucek City of Milwaukee Boiler & Mechanical Safety Section Le (Labor/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 22 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE PREPARATORY PLUMBING 9 members 3 grad(s) QUALITY ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY 8 members 2 grad(s) RENEWABLE ENERGY 12 members 1 grad(s) VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 0 0 Lisa Schaal Urban Re Vitalization Group President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) ROOFER APPRENTICE 8 members 0 grad(s) 0 John Kubica Southeastern Wisconsin JATC Apprenticeship Coordinator (Labor/Nonminority) SHEET METAL APPRENTICE 12 members 2 grad(s) 0 Randall Krocka SMWIA Local 18 (Labor/Nonminority) STEAMFITTER & REFRIGERATION APPRENTICE 11 members 4 grad(s) SUSTAINABLE FACILITIES OPERATIONS 10 members 1 grad(s) 0 0 Gerrit Reinders Telkonet, Inc. Executive Vice President (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) TRUCK DRIVING 8 members 0 grad(s) 0 Nuno Gomes Schneider National Carriers Division Manager (Supervisor/Mgr/Nonminority) VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 23 REPORT ON ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2013 COMMITTEE WELDING/WELD TECH 13 members 4 grad(s) VAC MEMBERS RECENTLY LEFT MEMBERS NEWLY ADDED 0 SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY & APPLIED SCIENCES VAC: Number of vacancies on the Committee, based on a minimum of seven members. Prepared by the Office of Curriculum Management Page 24 Attachment ESIR - 5 2013‐2014 ASSOCIATE DEGREES, TECHNICAL DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES Associate Degree Programs* Accounting (10-101-1) Administrative Professional (10-106-6) Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technology (10-601-1) Anesthesia Technology (10-541-1) Animation (10-207-1) Architectural Technology (10-614-1) Audio Production (10-701-4) Automotive Technology - Comprehensive (10-602-6) Baking and Pastry Arts (10-314-1) Banking and Financial Services (10-114-3) Biomedical Electronics Technology (10-605-6) Business Management (10-102-3) Cardiovascular Technology (10-521-1) Chemical Technician (10-603-1) Civil Engineering Technology (10-607-1) Clinical Laboratory Technician (10-513-1) Computer Electronics Technology (10-605-3) Computer Simulation and Gaming (10-153-1) Creative Advertising Strategist (10-201-4) Criminal Justice - Law Enforcement (10-504-1) Culinary Arts (10-316-1) Culinary Management (10-317-1) Dental Hygiene (10-508-1) Dietetic Technician (10-313-1) Early Childhood Education (10-307-1) eBusiness (10-135-3) Electronic Engineering Technology (10-605-7) Electronic Technology (10-605-1) Environmental Health and Water Quality Technology (10-506-1) eProduction (10-701-3) Fashion/Retail Marketing (10-104-4) Fire Protection Technician (10-503-2) Food Science Technology (10-623-4) Funeral Service (10-528-1) Graphic Design (10-201-1) Health Information Technology (10-530-1) Healthcare Services Management (10-530-3) Hotel/Hospitality Management (10-109-1) Human Resources (10-116-1) Human Service Associate (10-520-3) Individualized Technical Studies (10-825-1) Interactive Media (10-206-3) Interior Design (10-304-1) Interpreter Technician (10-533-2) IT Computer Support Specialist (10-154-3) IT Information Systems Security Specialist (10-150-4) IT Mobile Applications Developer (10-152-8) IT Network Specialist (10-150-2) Landscape Horticulture (10-001-4) Legal Administrative Professional (10-106-3) Liberal Arts - Associate of Arts (20-800-1) Liberal Arts - Associate of Science (20-800-2) Marketing Management (10-104-3) Mechanical Design Technology (10-606-1) Medical Administrative Specialist (10-106-4) Meeting and Event Management (10-109-6) 10-206-6 Mobile Designer (10-206-6) Music Occupations (10-805-1) Occupational Therapy Assistant (10-514-1) Paralegal (10-110-1) Photography (10-203-1) Physical Therapist Assistant (10-524-1) Practical Nursing - RN Educational Progression (10-543-10) Quality Engineering Technology (10-623-9) Radiography (10-526-1) Real Estate (10-194-1) Registered Nursing (10-543-1) Respiratory Therapist (10-515-1) Supervisory Management (10-196-1) Supply Chain Management (10-182-1) Surgical Technologist (10-512-1) Sustainable Facilities Operations (10-481-2) Teacher Education (20-800-1CU) Technical Studies - Journey Worker (10-499-5) Television and Video Production (10-701-1) Welding Technology (10-621-1) Technical Diploma Programs* Advanced EMT (30-531-6) Appliance Technician (31-445-1) Architectural Woodworking/Cabinetmaking (31-409-1) Auto Collision Repair and Finish Technician (31-405-1) Automotive Maintenance Technician (31-404-3) Aviation Technician - Airframe (31-402-2) Aviation Technician - Powerplant (31-402-3) Baking Production (31-314-2) Barber (31-502-5) Bilingual Office Assistant (31-106-6) Bricklaying and Masonry (31-408-1) Business Management (30-102-3) Carpentry (31-410-1) Computer Numerical Control Machine Operator /Programmer (31-444-1) Computerized Accounting Assistant (31-101-4) Cosmetologist (31-502-1) Culinary Assistant (31-316-1) Dental Assistant (30-508-2) Dental Technician (30-507-1) Digital Forensic Analyst (31-150-1) Diesel and Powertrain Servicing (31-412-3) Early Childhood Diploma (30-307-5) Electrical Power Distribution (31-413-2) Electricity (31-413-1) Emergency Medical Technician (30-531-3) Entrepreneurship (31-145-2) Financial Services (31-114-3) Food and Beverage Management (31-317-2) Food Manufacturing and Processing (31-462-5) Food Service Assistant (30-316-1) Food Service Team Leader (30-317-2) Health Unit Coordinator (30-510-2) Machine Tool Operations (31-420-1) Marketing Management (31-104-4) Marketing Specialist (31-104-7) Mechanical and Computer Drafting (31-421-2) Medical Assistant (31-509-1) Medical Billing (31-106-5) Medical Coding Specialist (31-530-2) Medical Interpreter (30-538-1) Mobile Applications Designer (31-206-2) Nursing Assistant (30-543-1) Office Technology Assistant (31-106-1) Optician-Vision Care (31-516-3) Pharmacy Technician (31-536-1) Phlebotomy (30-513-1) Power Engineering and Boiler Operator (30-428-1) Practical Nursing (31-543-1) Preparatory Plumbing (30-427-1) Refrigeration, Air Conditioning &Heating Service Technician (31-401-1) Renal Dialysis Technician (31-517-1) Sales Management (30-104-7) Social Media Strategist (30-135-1 Special Event Management (31-109-2) Supply Management (30-182-1) Tool and Die Making (32-439-1) Transportation Logistics (30-182-2) Truck Driver (30-458-1) Web Developer (31-206-1) Welding (31-442-1) Certificate Programs* Advanced Computer Videotape Editing Advanced Television Post-Production AODA Substance Abuse Counseling Arboriculture Barber/Cosmetologist Instructor Barber/Cosmetologist Manager Basic Electronics (Computer Multimedia Lab) Basic Electronics (Core Curriculum) Biotechnology CISCO Internetworking Dietary Manager Energy Engineering Technology Energy Modeling Greenhouse Production Heavy Plate Flux Core Arc Welding Industrial Electronics and Controls Information Security Fundamentals Infrastructure Security Fundamentals IT-Security Auditing Kitchen and Bath Design Land Surveying Landscape Design: Current Trends and Issues LEAN Metallurgical Technician Nail Technician (Barber/Cosmetologist) Native Landscape Plants Paralegal Photovoltaic Construction Helper Plant Healthcare Six Sigma Black Belt Six Sigma Green Belt Supervisory Management Sustainable Operations System Administration and Security Water Technician *Programs approved and available for student application.