AGE AND GROWTH OF FISH FROM OREGON FARM PONDS by WAflIE CONRAD KLAVANO A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE COLLEGE ir partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE June 1958 APPROVED: Redacted for privacy Asoeate ?rofeasox of Fish & Game Management Redacted for privacy Head of Department of Fish & Game Management Redacted for privacy Redacted for privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis te presented Typed by Clis tie Stoddard /': c': samples. scale collecting in assistance his for Assistant, Research Kerxdle, Earl to convoyed are thanks Particular analysis. for available samples scale making in cooperation for Specialist, Wildlife Extension Landforce, Andrew Mr. to extended are thanks Special manuscript. this of preparatIon the in criticism helpful and assistance invaluable his for Bond Carl Professor Associate to extended is appreciation Sincere KNOWLEDGEMENTS AC TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . . a a a . . . . . RVIEWOF LITERATURE a a a a a asa. a a.. METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS a a a a a a a a a a a a a * a FISH GROWTH AS RELATED TO CLIMATIC AREAS a a a a a a a OF OREGON a a S a a a a . , Scale Analysis a a a . a a Climatic Areaa Investiated a a a a a a a a a . I a 4 a 8 8 a a , a S a a 5 a S . . . 19 * . . . 20 a a a a 22 . * a a a a . a . DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Discussion a a Cone lus IOnS a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a B IBLIOGRAPRY a APPENDICES a a a a a a a a a . a a a a e a * a a a a a a a a a a a a * s a a a a a a . a a a 12 13 16 17 17 17 a a Largemouth Bass Growth a a a a a a a a a a a S a a a Bluegill Sunfish Growth a . . . . . . . a Rainbow Trout Growth a White Crappie Growth a a a a * a a a a Growth of Miscellaneous Fishes Coefficient of Condition, K, for Largemouth Bass and B1uei1l Sunfish . EFFECTS OF FERTILIZERS ON FISH GHOWTh 12 a 22 25 * a 21 a a 29 LIST OF TABLES TABLE 1. 2. . 4. Growth rates of larernouth bass from farm panda of four climatic areas in Oregon . 15 Growth rates of bluegill sunfish from farm ponds of three climatic areas in Oregon . 15 Growth rates of rainbow trout from farm ponds of tvo climatic areas in Oregon . 18 a Growth rates of 44 white crappies from farm . . . . . . ponds of western Oregon . 18 LIST OF APPENDICES Page APPENDIX A B C D Growth rates of 21 yellow perch from farm ponds of western Oregon . . . . Growth rates of 6 black crappies from . . farm ponds of western Oregon . . . F G 30 . 30 Coefficient of condition, K, for largeponds of Oregon mouth bass from fa 31 Coefficient of condition, K, for bluegill . . sunfish from farm ponds of Oregon . . E , Growth rates of largemouth bass oi1ected from fertilized and unfertilized ponds of . Oregon . * , . Growth rates of' bluegill sunfish collected from fertilized and unfertilized ponds of , . . . . . Oregon . . 31 . 32 32 Coefficient of condition, K, for bluegills from fertilized and unfertilized farm ponds ofOregon . . 1 * . I 33 LIST OF FIGURES Page FIGURE I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Locationa of farm ponds sampled . VIII. IX. . . . . Growth rates of largemouth black bass from , . . three climatic areas of Oregon Growth rates of blue,i1l sunfish from . three climatic areas of Oregon . Growth rates of largemouth black bass , , . . . . . . from four states Growth rates of bluegill sunfish from . * . . . four states , , . . , , . . 2 . 34 . 35 36 . . . , . 37 . 38 Growth rates of largeniouth black bass from fertilized and unfertilized farm ponds of Ore6ori VII. . . . , . , , , , . , . . . Scale from largernouth bass . Scale from bluegill sunfish . . Scale from rainbow trout . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 39 . 40 , 41 AGE AND GROWTH OF FISH FROM OREGON FARM PONDS INTRODUCTION This study was conducted as part of the Oregon State College Agricultural Experiment Station Project 294, Determination of Fish Species and Management Practices Best Suited to Farm Fonda in Oregon, The first phase of the project involved a survey and evaluation of Oregon fari ponds. Emphasis was placed on limnological surveys and the collection and analysis This paper is concerned with the age and growth of the important fishes found in Oregon farm ponds. The important fishes studied were largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides (Lacepode), bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus (Rafinesque), arid rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri Richardson. The fishes studied that were considered of minor importance, and are briefly discussed, were white crappie, Pomoxia annularis (Rafinesque), black crappie, pomoxis nigro-maculatila (La Sueur), and yellow perch, Perca flavsscen (Mitchill). Oregon has a wide variation of climate, therefore the state was divided into four climatic areas for more efficient enalysia. These areas were western Oregon, southern Oregon, central Oregon, and northeastern Oregon (Figure I). Scale samples were collected from fish of FIGURE I LOCATIONS OF FARM PONDS SAMPLED each climatic area to determire any difference ui growth. Growth ratee of fiahea from both fertilized and unfertilized ponds were studied to determine any difference in growth. L n REVIEW OF LITERATURE Age arid growth of pond fishes has been studied throughout niost of the United States. Most work on largemouth bass and bluegill sunfish has been done in the southeastern and northoentral states. Trout as pond fish, have not been studied as extensively as other fishes. Some work hae been done in New York on age and growth of trout in ponds. The growth of largomouth black bass appears to be faster in the southern states than in other parts of the country. Eschmeyer (7, p. 333) reported that bass in Norris Reservoir, Tennessee, grew to the length of 8.2 inches in the first year of life, 13 second, and 14.4 inches in the third. ncbea in the The 13-inch, two- year-old fish were comparable in size with five-year-old fish from southern Nisconsin or northern Michigan, fouryear-old fish from southern Wisconsin or from Nebraska, and with two and one-half-year-old fish from Louisiana. Largomouth bass from Kentucky farm ponds, according to Smith et al. (18, p. 34), were b,8 inches long at age 1, 10 inches at age 2, 14 inches at age3, 15.7 inches at age 4, and had reached 17.5 inches at the end of the fifth year of hf., Bennett (3, p. 225) reported that bass growth in Ridge Lake, Illinois was quite rapid in the first year of life, but decreased in the second and third years. He showed that the length of 8.1, 10.3 and 12.5 inches were reached at the ends of the first, second and third years of life respectively. The same author (4, p. 116) found that Wisconsin base reached only 3.3 inches in their first year, grew to 7.4 inches in the second year, 10.4 inches in the third, 12.4 inches in the fourth, and 13.9 inches in the fifth year. Bennett pointed out that largemouth bass in Louisiana grew faster during their first year (7.6 inches) than those in Wisconsin (3.3 inehes) or Nebraska (3,6 inches). The growth of largernouth bass in Deep Lake, Michian was found by Applegate (1, p. 218) to be quite rapid the first year of life (5.9 inches), but decreased in the second (9.5 inches) and third yeaxuof life (10.6 inches). Lewis (14, p. 299) found the growth of largemouth bass in East Lake, Iowa as greatest the first (3.6 inches) and decreased the second. (6.7 inches), third (8.9 inches) and fourth (10.5 inches) years of life. Moffett(15, p. 184) reported tat largemouth bass in Nevada grew very rapidly their first year (10.3 inches) and decreased very rapidly in their second (12.6 inches), and third (13.4 inches) years of life. Lax'gemouth bass in Oregon has been reported by Oakley (16, p. 50) to have comparable growth rates for the first three years of life. The growth rates calculated were 3.0 inches at age 1, 6.7 inches at age 2, and 9.7 inches at ago 3. Bluegill sunfish growth appears to be simIlar in many states. Smith and. his associates (18, p. 338) re ported that blusgills in Kentucky farm ponds grew to the length of 3.1 inches the first year, 4.7 inches the second. year, arid 5.1 inches the third year of life. In Norris Reservoir, Tennessee, Eschmeyer (7, p. 338) found bluegills to be 3.1 inches at age 1, 3,7 inches at age 2, 4.6 inches at age 3, and 5.0 inches at age 4. Oakley (16, p. 51) reports that bluegill growth in Oregon is most rapid the first year (3.5 inches), but decreased the second (4.8 inches) and third years of life (6,1 inches). Lane (13, p. 260) reports that bluegilla from Missouri grew faster during their first year (2.5 inches) than in their second (4.2 inches) and third years (5.7 Inches). In Michigan, Applegate (1, p. 208) found blue- gills in Deep Lake to grow to the length of 2.5 inches the first year, 4.2 inches the second year, arid 5.4 Inches the third year of life. Bluegill growth in Iowa (Lake Ahquabi) was reported by Herrnemuth (9, p. 129) to be greater its first year of life (1.9 inches) and then slowly decreases in their second (3.6 inches) and third years of life (4.7 inches). ?unkett (17, p. 254) reportin on the West Gallatin River in Missouri, found the most rapid growth of rainbow trout to be 3.4 inches at nnu1ue 1, 7.4 inches at annulus II, 11.5 inches at annulus III, 14,5 inches at annulus IV, and 17,2 inches at anriu1u V. In New York farm ponds, Eipper (6, p. 1) reports that trout reach 13 to 15 inches in their third year of life. METHODS OF DATA ANALYS IS Scale is Scales from largemouth black bass, bluegill sunfish, white crappies, black crappies, and yellow perch were collected from the area below the lateral line and at the end of the pectoral fin, herein called Area A, Scales from 30 largemouth bass and 45 hluegills were collected from the area between the origin of the dorsal fin and the lateral line, heroin called Area B. Accord- ing to conclusions derived from this study, these scales are formed later than the scales from Area A, and the postulation was made that the calculated lengths from these scales would be less than the calculated lengths from scales of Area A. Samples of bass and bluegills were obtained and. scales were collected from both body areas. Lengths calculated from scales collected from Area B averaged loss than the lengths calculated for the same fiShOS from scales collected from Area A. Correction factors were determined empirically by dividing the average calculated length at each annulus formation for area A, by the average calculated lengths at e&ch annulus formation £ or Area B. The correction factors for Area B on largemouth bass were: 1.16 for bass 22-45 mm, standard 1enth, 1.06 for bass 45-120 mm., 1.07 for bass 120-170 mm., 1.0 for bass 170-185 mm., and. 1.02 for bass over 185 mm. Correction faotor8 for Area B of bluegills were: 1.12 for fish 10-28 mm,, 1.09 for fish 25-125 mm., and 1.08 for fish over 125 mm. Rainbow trout scales were collected from the area between the dorsal fin and lateral line. All scales were cleaned in a solution of ftpurex** and water and mounted between glass slides, which were held together by cellophane tape at each end. Scales wore then projected at a magnification of 14X by a Rayoscope microprojector and scale radius and length at each annulus formation wore recorded. Plastic (cellulose acetate) impressions were made from scales that were riot easily read with the projector. Plastic impressions were made by dipping the scales in acetone and placing them on a strip of plastic, which was then placed between two steel plates and compressed by parallel-jaw pliers. The scales were removed from the plastic strip and the impressions were read by the method described previously. The Lee method of body length to scale length relationships was used to determine the re'reasion line for rainbow trout, white orappies, b1acc erappies, and. yellow perch (12, p. 121). 10 The formula recommended by Laglez' (12, p. 125) was used to back-calculate fish lengths at arinuli formation. s1 (L2 - a) + a Whore: = length of fish at any annulus length of scale at any co .ength of fish at capture L2 = a esponding annulue ngth of scale (center of focus to scale margin at capture) a constant (length of fish at time of scale formation) Bass and bluegill fry were examined in order to determine the length at which scales are formed. This "a" constant for bass was found to be 22 mm, and for bluegills 12 mm. The calculated "a" constants for the other fishes studied were: rainbow trout, 38 mm., white crappies, 32 mm,, black crappios, 32 mm., and yellow perch, 26 mm, The coefficiept of condition, K, recommended by Carlander (5, p. 8) was used to describe the condition or plumpness of largemouth bass and bluegill sunfish. K Whore: w weight in grams L atandard lengths in millimeters and factor to bring the value of K near unity i a 12 FISH GROWTH AS RELATED TO CLIMATIC AREAS OF OREGON Climatic Areas Invea'ated. The climate of western Oregon is greatly influenced. by the Pacific Ocean. Predominant westerly winds carry the modifying effect of the ocean over western Oregon, so that in western Oregon valleys, hot spells are short. The warmest weather in summer and coldest in wintez* occurs when the ocean winds cease and the state Is dominated by a mass of continental air, The average frost free period of western Oregon ranges from about 139 days in the valleys west of the coast range to about 24? days along the coast. In western Oregon valleys, the average temperature in the summer is about 640 F. and about 460 F. in the winter (20, p. 1078-1086). The climate of central Oregon is influenced mostly by continental air masses, so that the averae frost free period is about 150 days, and the average winter tempera- ture is about 69 F. 3O , Summer temperature averages about Annual temperature is around 50° F. (20, p. 1078- 1086). The growing season of southern Oregon ranges from 126 to 180 days. Average summer temperature is about 670 F. Average winter temperature ranges from 4O F. to 40 F. (20, p. 1075-1086). Northeastern Oregon has a growing season of about 130 days, The average summer temperature is about 660 F., and average winter temperature about 20 F. (2O p. 1075-1O86)., Largernouth Bass Growth Growth rates were calculated for 48 largemouth bass from southern Oregon. These showed somewhat Laster growth than did bass from other areas. As 8hOWrI in Table 1, the average growth of southern Oregon bass was 2.6 inches at the end of the first year of life, 5.8 inches at the second year, 9.9 inches at the end of the third year. Then the increment decreased markedly so that the bass ware 11.9 inches long at the end of the fourth year of lile. Lengths calculated by Becker (2) were considerably less for southern Oregon being 1.3 inches at the end of the first year of life, 4.0 inches at the end of the second year, 5.9 nchea at the end of the third year, and 9,0 inches at the end of the fourth year of life, Oaleulated growth rates of 12 largemouth bass from northeastern Oregon show faster growth than bass from southern Oregon. Since the northeastern Oregon samples are from one pond, no general conclusions can be made on growth for this region, but the results may reflect the potential growth for bass in this area. These bass were found to grow rapidly their first year of life (.$ inches), then more slowly second year of life (8.2 inches) (Table 1). Calculated growth rates of $5 largemouth bass from central Oregon were somewhat slower than growth rates calculated for bass from southern and northeastern Oregon. Table I shows bass growth to be greatest at ages one (2.5 inches), two (5.8 inches), and three (8.4 inches), Growth rates for 111 largemouth bass were calculated from western Oregon, As shown in Table 1, the average western Oregon bass growth was 2, inches at the end of the first year of life, 6.1 inches at the second year, 5.8 inches at the end of the third year, then the inore nient decreased, limiting the length to 8.4 inches at the and of the fourth year and 10.9 inches at the end of the fifth year of life. Lengths calculated by Becker (2) were similar, but those estimated by Oakley (16, were slightly greater. , 50) and Jierrmann (10) Oakley's estimations were 3.0 inches at the end of the first year of life, 6.0 inches at the end of the second year, 8.2 inches at the end of the third year, and 9,2 inches at the end of the fourth year of life. Bermmanri estimated the growth to be 3.2 inches at the end of the first year of life, 4,8 inches TABLE 1 GROWTH RATES OF LARGEMOUTH BASS FROM FARM PONDS OF FOUR CLIMATIC AREAS IN OREGON Ca1cu1r.ted standard length (millimeters) at time of annulus formation Total IV III V II number Climatic Area I Southern Oregon 48 35 Central Oregon 111 Western 0reon Northeastern Oregon* 12 Average th (millimeters) Average length (inches) *Only one pond Sampled 67 152 253 303 65 58 147 129 215 23]. 244 277 137 207 205 184 66 141 214 250 260 2.6 5.5 8.4 9.8 10.2 . TABLE 2 GROWTH RATES OF BLUEGILL SUNFISH FROM FAL:M PONDS OF THREE CLIMATIC AREAS IN OREGON Climatic Area Central Oregon Southern Oregon western Oregon Total number 99 Calculated standard len&'th (millimeters) at time of annulus formation IV V 11111 I 27 27 92 67 150 105 77296498 53 Average length (millimeters) Average length (inches) 28 1.1 75 2.9 120 4.7 16 116130 124 4.9 130 5.1 at the end of the second year, 7.6 inches at the end of the third year, and 8.7 inches at the end of the fourth year, Bluegill Sunfish Growth Growth rates calculated for 99 bluegill sunfish from central Oregon indicated that growth of the species was faster here than in any other area of the state, As shown in Table 2, bluegill growth was 1.1 inches at the end of the first year of life, 3.6 inches at the end of the second year, and 5,9 inches at the end of the third year, Calculated growth rates for 53 bluegill sunfish from nourthern Oregon were somewhat less than the calculated growth rates for bluegills from central Oregon. As shown in Table 2, the average annual growth of bluegilla from southern Oregon was 1.1 inches at the end of the first year, 2.5 inches at the end of the second year, 3,8 inches at the end of the third year, and b.4 inches at the end of the fourth year. Calculated growth rates of 77 bluegill sunfish from western Oregon showed that growth was slightly slower than bluegill growth in southern Oregon. The average annual growth in western Oregon was 1,2 inches at the and of the first year, 2.5 inches at the end of the 17 second year, 4,2 inches at the end of the third. year. Then a rapid decrease in increment limited the length to 4.6 inches at the end of the fourth year, and ,1 inches at the end of the fifth year (Table 2), Rainbow Trout Growth A study was made of 41 rainbow trout from western Oregon and 76 rainbow trout from central Oregon. Oregon trout were found to have grown faster, a :fes tern they reached 3.8 inches at the end of the firet year, 9.1 inches at the end of the second year, and 10.8 inches at the end of the their third year of life (Table )S Average lengths for central Oregon trout were calculated. to be 4.3 inches at the end of their firat year, 8.0 inches at age 2, and 8,3 inches at age 3 (Table 3), White Crappie Growth AveraLe annual growth for 44 white crappies from western Oregon was calculated to be 2.4 inches at the end of the first year and 5.2 inches at the end of the second year (Table 4). Growth of Miscellaneous Fishe8 Growth rates of twenty-one yellow perch and eight black crappies were calculated, but the samples were too GROWTH RATES OF RAINBOW TROUT FROM FARM PONDS OF TWO CLIMATIC AREAS_IN OREGON Calculated standard length (millimeters) at time of annulus formation IV III V II I Total number Climatic Area Western Oregon Central Oregon 41 16 Average length (nhillimeter5) Average length (inches) 96 109 230 203 375 212 443 99 3.9 222 8.7 329 12.9 385 15.1 236 TABLE 4 GROWTH RATES OF 44 1MHITE CRAPPIES FROM FARM PONDS OF WESTERN OREGON Calculated standard length Average (millimeters) at time of standard annulu.s Thrmation Age Total length VI. IV V II (mm,) III Group number I 30 11 I II III 136 147 56 68 * a 1 2 267 284 72 Av. length (mm.) 208 60 2.4 60 44 - 128 - - 159 137 204 183 227 224 253 252 269 132 6.2 190 7.5 58 225 8.8 252 9.9 27 3 269 10.6 17 - IV- V VI Ày. length (inhea) Increment of growth Total number V 7]. 72 14 3 31 3 1 small to warrent discussion. Their growth rates appear in Appendices A and B. Coefficient of Condition, K, for Largemol 11 Sunfish Bass and Coefficient of condition, ic, was calculated for largernouth bass and bluegill sunfish from Oreon farm ponds. Sprugel (19, p. 61) points out that the coeffi- ctents of condition for b1ueil1s during May, Juno, and July were than at other seasons, probably due to sexual development, for largemouth bass. The same assumption could he made Since the samples were ten over a twoyear period and during all seasons of the year, little reliance can be placed on the results (Appendices--C and D). EFFECTS OF FERTILIZERS ON FISH GROWTH Growth analysis was rnade to determine any differences in growth of largemouth bass arid bluegill sunfish from fertilized and unfertilized ponds. Largemouth bass were found to grow faster in fertilized ponds, but bluegill growth was essentially the same in fertilized and un fertilized ponds. Growth rates of 45 largemouth bass from fertilized ponds and 136 largomouth bass from unfertilized ponds were studied. The results indicate that bass growth slows dowri after the third year of lIfe in unfertilized ponds, while in fertilized ponds bass ;rowth does not decrease until after the fourth year of life (appendix E), The scales of 114 bluegill sunfish from fertilized ponds and 101 bluegilla from unfertilized ponds were analyzed. Growth rates were compar8ble for bluegills from fertilized ponds. Bluegilla from fertilized ponds were 1.3 inches at the end of the fiit year, 2.5 inches at the end of the second year, 3.8 inches at the end of the third year, 4,4 inches at the end of the fourth year, and 5.1 inches at the end of the fifth year of life. Average growth rate for bluegills from unfertilized ponds was 1.1 inches at the end of the first year, 3.0 inches at the end of the second year, 3.8 inches at the end of 21 the fourth year, and .1 inches at the end of the fifth year of life (Appendix ?). Coefficient of condition, K, was calculated for bluegilla from fertilized and unfertilized pn.s (Appendix G), The K values for bluegills, 44 to 80 mm. standard length, from fertilized ponds appear to be greater than the K for fi$h of similar size from unfertilized ponds. The K values for bluegilla from fertilized ponds was 2.993, 4.145, and 4.875 for fish 44, 61, and. 84 mm. long, while the K values for bluegills from unfertilized ponds wore 2.897, 4.120, and 4.290 for fish 60, and 80 mm. in length. Bluegills over 100 mm. from unfertilized ponds appear to have larger K values than bluegills over 100 mm. from fertilized ponds. The K values for bluegills from unfertilized ponds were 4.455, 4.681, 4.653 for fish 101 mm., 121 mm., and 139 mm., while K values for blue- gills over 100 mm. from fertilized ponds were 4.00, 4.139, and 3,973 for fish 103 mm., 124 mm., and 140 mm. in length. 22 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Discussion Although largemouth bass growth was found to be faster in southern Oregon than n other climatic areas of Oregon, climate does not appear to be an independent factor in growth, Studies of growth in individual ponds indicates that the amount of available food seems to be an important factor. For instance the largest one-year- old bass collected in southern Oregon was 4.3 inches whIle in northeastern Oregon, where the climate 15 thought to be less favorable for bass because of a shorter growing season, the largest one-year-old bass collected was 5.5 inches, This sample ;ias from a new pond that was stocked with bass only. The sample, mentioned above from southern Oregon was from a 1.38-acre pond that had a large population ol' bass, with bass being the only fish present. Soveral schools of 40-50 adult bass (10-16 inches) were observed in the pond. The øample from northeastern Oregon was from an 8-acre pond that was planted with an unknown nwnber of bass in 1955. The greatest growth of bass in western Oregon was found to be 6,0 inches in 17 months. This rapid growth was also from a 0.7-acre pond stocked with 75 bass, with a population of native cyprinids being present at time of stocking, Bluegill sunfish growth was found to be greater in central Oregon than in other climatic areas of Oregon. Again, climate does not appear to limit bluegill growth in Oregon because bluegilla tend to overpopulate ponds rapidly. A reduction of available food for each fish results and a decrease in growth is observed. The assumption is that within a reasonable range of growing conditions proper population balance is more important to bluegill growth than climate, Rainbow trout wore found to grow as much as 5 inches in one year or reach a total length of 11.8 inches in two years in western Oregon farm ponds. Rainbows from central Oregon were found to grow 5.3 inches in one year and roach a total length of 13.1 inches at the end of the third year of life, A 13-inch rainbow trout that is grown in $ years pro- vides more unable meat than a 13-inch largemouth bass that is grown in 4 or 5 years. The ability of trout to pro- vide more usable meat in a short period of time makes it a very desirable pond fish. Trout can be raised in ponds that are properly constructed, Ponds must be of proper depth to provide a layer of water cool enough (below 700 F.) and with sufficient dissolved oxygen (5 parts per xnillion) to 24 maintain trout through the summer months. A complete trout kill occurred during extremely hot weather in 1957 in a pond that had a maximum depth of 8 feet. During the time the kill occurred, observed temperatures on the sur face were 76 F. on Juxie 25 and 85 F, Ot July 18. Ob- served temperatures for the pond during the suimer of 1957 were 7$0 F. on the surface and 71° F, off the bottom (6 feet), The highest observed temperatures during the suw2er of 1957 from a successful trout pond were 780 F. on the surface and temperatures over 700 F. were observed to depth of,8 feet, Temperatures below 70° F. were found at depths over 8 feet, but sufficient dissolved oxygeA (5 parts per million) waS not found at depths below 11 feet. Probably ponds over 12 feet in depth should support trout in western Oregon lowlands. Trout as a pond fish have a few shortcomings. The most important is their inability to reproduce in panda that do not have sufficient flows of water coming into the pond or suitable substrate for successful spawning. Trout do not overpopulate ponds and require popu1a tion manipulation as do warm water fishes. stocked every 3 years Ponds must be here there is no reproduction to provide maximum return to the angler. Rainbow trout are relatively expensive to purchase for stocking, being about 3 inches and .50.O0 per 1000 for fi$h 2 to 15O.00 per 1000 for fish to 6 inches. There is usually a charge for delivery of approximately .2O per mile. Growth rates of largeraouth bass were found to be faster in fertilized than in unfertilized ponds (AppendLz In fertilized ponds, where there was probably more E ). insects and crustaceans present, young bass grew faster and were able to begin feeding on forage fish sooner than young bass from unfertilized ponds. There appears to be no significant difference in growth of bluegills from fertilized and unfertilized ponds, as ponds were usually overpopulated with blue gills. Fertilization probably had more effect on blue gill population size (Appendix F). Conclusions 1. Available food supply appears to be iore criti cal than climate for growth of largemouth bass, bluei1l sunfish, and rainbow trout in Oregon farm ponds. 2. Largemouth bass grow faster in fertilized than in unfert1ized ponds. 3. Only balanced bluegill sunfish population will benefit from fertilization. 4. Laremouth bass from southern Ore-'on appear to crow faster than bass from other areas of Oroon. 5. Bluegill sunfish from central Oregon appear to grow faster than bluegills from other areas of Oregon. 6. Rainbow trout appear to be more de8irable than other pond fishes because they provide more usable meat in a short time, they are easy to catch, and can be taught during most months of the year. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Appiegate, Vernon C. and W, F. Carbine. The fish population of Deep Lake, Michigan. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 75:200-227. 1945. 2. Becker, Clarence D. Unpublished research on growth studIes of the largemouth bass, MIcrus salmoides CorvalliOregon St (Lacepede), in Oregon. College, Dept. of Fish and Game Management, 1954. 3. Bennett, George w. Largemouth base in Ridge Lake, Coles county, Illinois. Illinois Natural History Survey Bulletin 26(2):217-276. 1954. 4. Bennett, George W. The growth of the largomouth black bass, Huro salmoides, in the waters of Wisconsin. CopeiIT7o. 2:104-118. 5. Carlander, Kenneth D. Handbook of freshwater fishery biology. Dubuque, Iowa, William C. Brown, 1950. 281p. 6. Eippor, Alfred W, Fish production in New York. Abstract of a talk given at the seventh annual meeting of the Empire State chapter, Soi]. Conservation Society of America, Ithaca, Now York, January 19, 1953. 3p. 7. Eschmeyer, H. W. Growth of fishes in Norris Lake, Tennessee. Tennessee Academy of Science 15(3): 329-341. 1939, 8. Eschmeyer, H. W. The growth of game fishes in Norris Reservoir during the first five years of impoundment. Transactions of the North American wi1d1ite Conference 6:222-240. 1941. 9. Hennemuth, Richard C. Growth of erappies, bluegilla, and warmouth in Lake Ahquabi, Iowa. Iowa State College Journal of Science 30(1):119-137. 1955, 10. Eerrmann, Robert. Unpublished research on growth of largemouth black bass in Oregon. Corvallis, Oregon State College, Dept. of Fish and Game Management, 1955. 1248p, 1941. yearbook, Agriculture man. and Climate Agriculture. of Department S. U. 20. 1953. 83:58.'15, Society Fisheries American the of Transactions annuli. false a to reference particular with lake, new a in bluegill the of Growth Jr. George Sprugel, 19. 16.) no. Bulletin Fisheries Fisheries, of Division Resources, Wildlife and Fish of Dept. (Kentucky. 42p. 1955. Kentucky, Frankfort, ponds. farm Kentucky in bluegill and bass of ratios and rates stocking various of success the of survey A Hall. F. John end Kirkwood, B. James Jr., k. William Smith, 18. 1945. 80:251259. Society Fisheries American the of Transactions temperature. and elevation to relation in trout of rate Growth A. Charles Purkett, 1?. leaves. numb1 89 1958. College, State Oregon Corvallis, thesia. Master's conditions. climatic by influenced as production pond fish Farm t. Arthur Oakley, 16. 1943. 8:179-186. Conference Wildlife American North the of Transactions Moad. Lake of fishery the on report preliminary A W. Jamo8 Moffett, 15. 1950. 24(3):187-324. Science of Journal College State Iowa Iowa. southern in lakes artificial investigation Fisheries M. William Lewis, 14. two on 1954. 258265. 18(3): Management Wildlife of Jouxal impoundment. Missouri now a in (Rafinesque), macrochirus Lopomia and Age Jr. E. Charles Lane, bluegill, of growth 260p. 1952. Brown, C. illiam Iowa, biology. fishery Freshwater numb. of ? Dubuque, F. Karl Lagler, 13. 12. leaves. selected 1958. College, State Oregon Corvallis, thesis. Master's ponds. farm characteristics Limnological Oregon R. Earl Kendle, 11. APPENDICES APPENDIX A GROWTH RATES OF 21 YELLO PRCH FROM FARM PONDS OF WESTERN OREGON Age Group 1 Ii III Total number 17 2 2 Average standard length Calculated standard length (millimeters) at time of aflflUlU! (mm.) 144 201 240 57 67 62 Average length (millimeters) Average length (Inches) Increment of growth Total number formaon II JII 146 133 205 205 8.1 66 139 5.5 7? 4 62 2.4 62 21 2 APPENDIX B GROWTH HATES OF 8 BLACK CRAPPIES FROM FARM PONDS OF Age Group I II III IV Total number 6 1 2 ES TERN OREGON Average standard length Calculated standard length (millimeters) at time of lus formation (mm.) I - - 126 184 168 Average length (millimeters) Average length (inches) Increment of growth Total number Il II 75 75 59 118 138 130 170 148 161 70 2,8 70 124 4.9 54 156 6.1 6.3 8 8 31 3 161 8 6.48? 5.248 4.504 4,400 4.089 4.680 4,167 5.032 - ,--tI:LJ -. .. ,r.:rr 179 160 372 215 121 80 139 122 104 80 46 24 9 4 60 43 (millimeters) capture at length Mean (grams) Mean capture at weight Mean 3 6 34 28 46 38 39 18 sampled Number OREGON OF PONDS FROM SUNFISH BLUEGILL FOR K, CONDITION, OF COEFFICIENT D APPENDIX J___ 2.731 2.980 2.125 2.185 2.310 2.692 2.574 2.580 2.377 2.432 2.556 2.848 ---F 1406 1368 723 620 440 372 358 324 305 267 231 206 171 144 118 226 129 7]. 40 18 89 56 5 3 4 8 10 6 20 26 30 27 18 25 14 K (grams) (millimeters) sampled iean capture at capture at Number w6iht Mean length Mean OREGON OF PONDS FAhM FROi BASS LARGEMOUTh FOR K, CONDITION, OF COEFFICIENT C APPENDIX APPENDIX E GROWTH RATES OF LkRGEMOUTH BASS COLLECTED FROM FERTILIZED AND UNFERTILIZED PONDS OF OREGON Classifi. Number cation Calculated standard length (millimeters) at time of annulus formation IV III_ VI VII II sampled I 130 47 65 57 145 134 195 191 223 260 238 255 Ày. length (millimeters) 63 Av. length (inches) 2,5 63 increment of growth Total number 177 142 5.6 194 7.6 52 77 233 242 282 300 9.5 11.1 11.8 9 40 18 47 177 177 ids Unfertilized Fertilized 79 177 9.2 39 177 282 300 APPENDIX F GROWTH RATES OF BLUEGILL SUNFISH COLLECTED FROM FERTILIZED ANI) UNFERTILIZED PONDS OF OREGON Calculated standard length (millimeters) at time of Classifi Number annulus formation cation of of fish V VI IV II III ppnda sampAed Unfertilized Fertilized 69 114 A. length (millimeters) Av. length (inches) Increment of growth Total number 27 32 30 1.2 30 183 76 65 91 69 93 3.7 24 183 2.7 39 183 95 109 112 130 130 113 135 111 130 $.1 19 127 5.0 - 3 183 4.4 18 183 13 APPENDIX G COEFFICIENT OF CONDITION, K, FOR BLUEGILLS FROM E'RTILIZED AN.D UNFERTILIZED FARM PONDS OF OREGON Number sampled Mean 1enjth at capture (millimeters) Mean eiht at capture (grams) 'ean K FERTILIZED PONDS 13 25 27 23 13 10 1 44 61 80 103 124 140 161 4.5 9.4 25,0 47.0 79.0 109.0 172.0 2,993 4.145 4.875 4.300 4.139 3.973 4.111 1.6 8.9 22,0 46.0 83.0 125,0 202.0 2.697 4.120 4.290 4.466 4.681 4.653 4.579 'UNFERTILIZED PONDS 5 14 11 22 16 25 4 39 60 80 101 121 139 162 FIGURE GROWTH RATES OF LARGEMOUTH BLACK BASS FROM THREE CLIMATIC AREAS OF OREGON WESTERN OREGON SOUTHERN OREGON CENTRAL OREGON 15 4 350 '3 12 / / C/) / IJJ H 'I / C') Ir I 250 / Lu I,.' / C-) 9-2z z 8 200 I- C, I- C, 7 2 w z Li.i -j -J 150 z 6 ID cr 5 z U) C/) 4 100 3 2 50 i it I iii AGE IN YEARS FiGURE GROWTH RATES OF BLUEGILL SUNFiSH FROM THREE CLIMATIC AREAS OF OREGON WESTERN OREGON SOUTHERN OREGON CENTRAL OREGON 150 6 / 140 'I / / 130 / 1 Cl) 120 / a: w Iw _J -J 5 / (I) LU I- ii; iI 100 90 I, 1 z I, 80 1 / ///1' II1/ 1/ C-) z 4 F- z 3 I- /1' z w -J a: 0 z a: o z I/i 50 LU -J 0 /1 60 z = 2 IC') I. 40 30 20 I AGE IN YEARS FIGURE GROWTH RATES OF LARGEMOUTH BLACK BASS FROM FOUR STATES -- OREGON KENTUCKY IOWA MICHIGAN 19 4 18 17 4 16 '5 (1) W3 a:: '4 I- (I) LU LU 13 -J = 0 12 II z 2 I(9 0 z FC, Z LU LU J2 -J B CD 7 a z I 6 d z I- F(I) 5 4 3 2 I 21 Ifl 21 AGE IN E I YEARS 2X I (1) FIGURE GROWTH RATES OF BLUEGILL SUNFISH FROM FOUR STATES OREGON KENTUCKY IOWA ---- MICHIGAN 8 200 7 1' U) U U I, I- cri 6 // 1.1'] u-i 0 -j -j z I I 5 / -"--2 I /.-:2'/ /,' :i: Iz /// / 7,', / / Fa, 4 I/i / LU I, I, / I 3 /// z 4 z Lii -J /1 1/ -J z 0 4 0 z 4 I(I, I- I,, i,' C') 50 III 2 IlI II I, I, I' f/li,' I, i n i AGE IN r YEARS tr m t FIGURE GROWTH RATES OF LARGEMOUTH BLACK BASS FROM FERTILIZED AND UNFERTILIZED FARM PONDS OF OREGON o FERTILIZED PONDS (NUMBER OF SAMPLES INCLOSED) UNFERTILIZED PONDS (NUMBER OF SAMPLES INCLOSED) o MEAN GROWTH IN FERTILIZED PONDS MEAN GROWTH IN UNFERTILIZED PONDS 4 350 0 0 © 00 300 0 12 0 _-6 ----I0 250 00 'Ii Iii 9 0 -I -I z U) / 0i © 200 '© C., z 0 0 0 0 I , I- 0 z IC, z w -j Iii I50 a 6a !® ?: 0 4 a 4 a z 4 U) 4 'Do 3 0 50 2 i x AGE IN YEARS I 'J Point of stocking in pond Annu1u Data: Total length - 5.7 inches Date collected - June 26, 1957 Figure VII. I. False Annulu:: Scale from largernouth bass. Data: Total length - 4.4 inches Date collected - June 14, 1957 Figure VIII. Scale from bluegill sunfish. 41 Arrnt in pond Data: Total length - 16.9 inches Date collected - September 20, 1957 Figure IX, Scale from rainbow trout,