South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust Annual Quality Accounts May 2010 Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety TABLE OF CONTENTS QUALITY ACCOUNTS MANDATORY STATEMENT 30TH APRIL 2010 .............1 Part 1. Statement on Quality from the Chief Executive of the Provider .........1 Part 2. Priorities for Improvement and Statements of Assurance from the Board................................................................................................................2 Priority 1 Patient Safety ..............................................................................2 Priority 2 Clinical Effectiveness .................................................................2 Priority 3 Patient Experience ......................................................................2 STATEMENTS OF ASSURANCE FROM THE BOARD ......................................3 Statement of Assurance from the Board following Board meeting on 6th May 2010 ..........................................................................................................3 Part 3. Other Information....................................................................................8 Annex - statements from Primary Care Trusts, Local Involvement Networks and Overview and Scrutiny Committees ..................................8 PUBLISHING A QUALITY ACCOUNT...............................................................10 Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety QUALITY ACCOUNTS MANDATORY STATEMENT 30TH APRIL 2010 The quality report must contain (in the following order): Part 1. Statement on Quality from the Chief Executive of the Provider o A statement signed by the Chief Executive summarising the providers’ view of the quality of the NHS services that it provided or sub-contracted during 2009/10. The statement must outline that to the best of that person’s knowledge the information in the document is accurate. I acknowledge that it has been a difficult year; however, despite this, the Trust has continued to provide outstanding care to patients across South Central, whilst remaining financially sound. We have achieved this by providing high quality, cost-effective care for our patients. Clinical care and quality is a primary focus for the Trust, as we strive to implement innovative initiatives that enhance the safety, experience and outcomes for all our patients. In addition to embedding new quality initiatives throughout the Trust, as an organisation we also seek to embed a culture of continuous improvement. We continue to work closely with the staff we directly employ as well as those that provide subcontracted services to the population we provide services to. The information contained within this report is, to the best of my knowledge, a true and accurate reflection of the quality of services the Trust has provided during 2009/10. Signature Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 1 Part 2. Priorities for Improvement and Statements of Assurance from the Board Priorities for Improvement Following a Board consultation and also consultation with our Quality and Safety Committee the following priorities have been approved and confirmed for the year 2010/11. These are monitored by the Clinical Review Group which receives formal reports bi-monthly, the Quality & Patient Safety Committee (Sub-group of the Board) will in turn approve and ratify the results on a monthly basis, and this in turn informs the Board report. Priority 1 Patient Safety We will deliver infection control training to 100% of all of our staff (clinical and non-clinical to include community responders). We will deliver a 50% improvement in our actual audit returns for the year to provide assurance on our infection prevention and control practices. Priority 2 Clinical Effectiveness Demonstrating a 2% increase in quality performance above the average for 2009/10 in relation to the following clinical performance indicators: o Stroke, Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest, Asthma and Hypoglycaemia. Priority 3 Patient Experience Demonstrate effective engagement with patient and stakeholder groups through the use of quality surveys. To ensure that there is a 50% improvement in the Falls Referral Programme through the use of quality data capture and sharing of this information with Falls Teams throughout the catchment area (in line with the Chief Nurses ‘High Impact Changes’). Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 2 STATEMENTS OF ASSURANCE FROM THE BOARD Statement of Assurance from the Board following Board meeting on 6th May 2010 The Board considered the Quality Accounts and the Quality Report presented to them. The Board discussed the Priorities and the necessity for achievement of these in the coming year. The Board reiterated its commitment to the Quality Agenda and has requested six-monthly updates on the quality outcomes. The Board is assured that the content of the Quality Accounts is an accurate statement of how the Trust demonstrates quality both internally and to external organisations. Information on the review of services, in the following form of statement: During 2009/10 the South Central Ambulance Service Trust provided and/or sub-contracted 2 NHS services. The South Central Ambulance Trust has reviewed all the data available to them on the quality of care in all of these NHS services. The income generated by the NHS services reviewed in 2009/10 represents 100% of the total income generated from the provision of NHS services by the South Central Ambulance Trust for 2009/10. The data reviewed should aim to cover the three dimensions of quality – patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience - and indicate where the amount of data available for review has impeded this objective. o Information on participation in clinical audits and national confidential enquiries, in the following form of statement: During 2009/10, 6 national clinical audits and 0 national confidential enquiries covered NHS services that the South Central Ambulance Trust provides. During 2009/10 the South Central Ambulance Trust participated in 100% national clinical audits and 0% national confidential enquiries of the national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries which it was eligible to participate in. The national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries that South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust was eligible to participate in during 2009/10 are as follows: Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 3 National Clinical Performance Indicator Asthma National Clinical Performance Indicator Stroke National Clinical Performance Indicator Cardiac Arrest National Clinical Performance Indicator Hypoglycaemia National Clinical Performance Indicator ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project MINAP The national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries that South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust participated in during 2009/10 are as follows: National Clinical Performance Indicator Asthma National Clinical Performance Indicator Stroke National Clinical Performance Indicator Cardiac Arrest National Clinical Performance Indicator Hypoglycaemia National Clinical Performance Indicator ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project MINAP The national clinical audits and national confidential enquiries that South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust participated in, and for which data collection was completed during 2009/1, are listed below alongside the number of cases submitted to each audit or enquiry as a percentage of the number of registered cases required by the terms of that audit or enquiry. National Clinical Performance Indicator Asthma Number submitted 300 / 600 100% submitted to date rest due submission May 2010 National Clinical Performance Indicator Stroke Number submitted 574 / 600 95% of requirement 100% of cases meeting the criteria National Clinical Performance Indicator Cardiac Arrest Number submitted 238 / 600 40% of requirement 100% of cases meeting the criteria National Clinical Performance Indicator Hypoglycaemia Number submitted 590 / 600 98% of requirement 100% of cases meeting the criteria National Clinical Performance Indicator ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 4 Number submitted 290 / 600 48% of requirement 100% of cases meeting the criteria Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project MINAP Number submitted 218 cases entered in to the audit by acute Trusts data quality checked by South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust. The reports of 6 national clinical audits were reviewed by the provider in 2009/10 and South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust intends to take the following actions to improve the quality of healthcare provided: The actions for improvement over 2009/10 were formed into an action plan attached. The summary of the actions is that the Trust Board will monitor CPIs by reviewing 50 clinical records for each of the 5 CPIs monthly. The submission of data will be signed off by a Director before submission, staff awareness and reminder of responsibility and an independent internal audit of CPI processes. The reports of 1 local clinical audit were reviewed by the provider in 2009/10 and South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust intends to take the following actions to improve the quality of healthcare provided: 1. Improve deployment model to ensure double crew vehicle back up for chest pain patients. 2. Improve the handover procedure between crews. 3. Create good communication of good practice. o Information on participation in clinical research, in the following form of statement: The number of patients receiving NHS services provided or subcontracted by South Central Ambulance Service Trust that were recruited during that period to participate in research approved by a research ethics committee was 0. o Information on the use of the CQUIN framework, in the following form of statement: The South Central Ambulance Trust income in 2009/10 was not conditional on achieving quality improvement and innovation goals through the Commissioning for Quality and Innovation Payment Framework because no CQUIN incentives were included in the contract last year. Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 5 o Information relating to registration with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and periodic/special reviews, in the following form of statement: The South Central Ambulance Trust is required to register with the Care Quality Commission and its current registration status is Registered without conditions; however, South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust was subject to a periodic review by the Care Quality Commission covering the Hygiene code requirements and the last review was on 5th and 6th August 2009. The CQC’s assessment of the South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust following that review achieved compliance with the Health Act 2006 as amended. South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust intends to take the following actions to address the points made in the CQC’s assessment: An action plan was completed following four recommendations from the CQC which covered: Clinical supervision and training Audit of infection control processes The storage of airway equipment Aseptic techniques South Central Ambulance Service NHS Trust has made the following progress by 31 March 2010. In taking such action The action plan attached as been completed and a follow up review by the CQC stated that they were satisfied that the Trust had achieved them. The South Central Ambulance Trust is required to register with the Care Quality Commission and its current registration status is registered without conditions to all of the 16 clinical governance relegations. However, following a ‘risk summit’ on the Trust by the CQC on the 26th February 2010, the Trust has received notification from the CQC of improvements in three areas centred on the three regulated activities. ‘Regulated activities’ These are Treatment for disease disorder or injury Diagnostic and Screening Procedures Transport services triage and medical advice provided remotely. The Improvement letter centres on three regulations as detailed below: Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 6 Regulation 9 outcome 4: care and welfare of service users The Trust must provide evidence to the CQC of actions being taken to mitigate the ongoing risk to service users in relation to the expected level of service agreed within the contract with the commissioners. An achievement date for this is 31st July 2010. Regulation 23 outcome 14: supporting workers The Trust must provide evidence to ensure that staff receive an annual appraisal that supports their professional development and indentified training needs are responded to appropriately. An achievement date for this is 31st October 2010. Regulation 24 outcome 6: cooperating with other providers The Trust must provide evidence to ensure that there is ongoing work to improve relationships and commission with commissioners and partner providers. An achievement date for this is 31st July 2010. The Trust has been requested to provide a detailed action plan to the CQC by the 5th May 2010 to make the necessary improvements indentified by the risk summit. o Information on the quality of data, in the following form of statement: South Central Ambulance Service Trust did not submit records during 2009/10 to the Secondary Uses Service for inclusion in the Hospital Episode Statistics which are included in the latest published data. The South Central Ambulance Trust score for 2009/10 for Information Quality and Records Management assessed using the Information Governance Toolkit was 73%. A gain of 11% over the past 2 years and this is seen as an ‘advancing Trust’ and equal to our benchmarked organisations. The South Central Ambulance Trust was not subject to the Payment by Results clinical coding audit during the reporting period by the Audit Commission; this is not a requirement for the Trust. Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 7 Part 3. Other Information o Other additional content relevant to the quality of NHS services. Annex - statements from Primary Care Trusts, Local Involvement Networks and Overview and Scrutiny Committees o Providers must send copies of their Quality Reports to their relevant lead commissioning Primary Care Trusts (PCTs), Local Involvement Networks (LINks) and Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSCs) for comment prior to publication, and should include these comments in their published Quality Reports. Wokingham Borough Council Health Overview Committee Response Received - 17 June 2010: and Scrutiny The Committee appreciated being involved in the Quality Accounts and Annual Quality Report process and felt it was encouraging to see this level of consultation from the Trust. The Committee discussed the Report and felt that considering what the Trust has to achieve it was good to see how well it was doing. There was some feeling that the Committee would like more contact with the Trust and more explanation about this type of report in the future in terms of a representative attending a meeting to talk through the content of the report, including what data collection was required and how this was done. It was suggested that the Trust be invited to a future meeting to talk about the work it does in the Borough and that the idea of having a Borough Member on the Trust’s Board in the future be explored, as this was felt a good way for the Committee to be kept informed about developments at the Trust. o The lead commissioning PCTs will have a legal obligation to review and comment, while LINks and OSCs will be offered the opportunity to comment on a voluntary basis. There are specific timeframes for seeking and receiving responses. Commissioner comments in response to South Central Ambulance Service Quality Accounts and Annual Report: Further to receiving a copy of your draft Quality Accounts and Audit report, I would like to respond, as Co-Coordinating Commissioner on behalf of the eight mainland South Central Primary Care Trust (PCT) Commissioners. Firstly thank you for sharing the document which I recognise to accurately reflect the information contained within it. Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 8 1. Statement by the Board: The document endorses the commitment by the Board to ensure South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) move towards, and be recognised as, a clinically led, patient centred, quality driven organisation. This has been evidenced by the changes to the Executive Team during Q3 2009 and the improvements seen since the publication of the 2008/2009 annual Care Quality Commission (CQC) report. Additionally the root cause analysis training undertaken by Trust staff, including the Trust Board members, supports the level of challenge to learn from and reduce the number of serious untoward incidents that occur. 2. Improvement: Continuous improvement is now recognised by commissioners as embedded within the organisation although timing has sometimes been contentious (outstanding actions from the ATOS review). The areas outlined by SCAS as priorities for quality improvement are supported by Commissioners, particularly the improvement to the Falls Referral Programme in line with the Chief Nurses High Impact Changes. Commissioners feel it is important there must be improvement in the five national priorities areas and will be closely monitoring performance particularly the numbers and quality of submissions for Cardiac Arrest and Myocardial Infarction audits. The engagement by SCAS in the development and transition / implementation of Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) has been appreciated by stakeholders and has again evidenced the improvement in joint working between organisations. Following the publication of the QCQ report and the subsequent SCAS action plan to improve performance, Commissioners are assured the actions already taken and ongoing are robust and will deliver the improvements required. The Hygiene Code review is an example of the swift actions taken by the Trust to improve and achieve compliance of these standards. Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 9 Improvements have been seen in a number of areas e.g. Internal processes to manage staff clinical performance Healthcare acquired Infections reductions / make ready Drive to reduce hospital handover delays, led by SCAS Engagement with stakeholders The introduction of the Clinical Support Desk in the triaging of calls has proved pivotal in improving the patient experience and outcome Managing risk 3. Concerns: Commissioners remain concerned about the ability of SCAS to deliver the national response time standards and the impact on patient outcomes for patients waiting longer than the prescribed standard. As stated above, I confirm the information contained within your document does accurately reflect the services provided to the population of South Central by your organisation. Carole Le-Marechal Head of Ambulance Commissioning (SCAS) Lead Commissioner for Ambulance Emergency and Urgent Care Services South Central Specialised Commissioning Group 22 June 2010 PUBLISHING A QUALITY ACCOUNT The requirement to publish a Quality Account is met by uploading it to the NHS Choices website. Compiled by B. Playfoot 23/04/2010 Lead for Quality and Patient Safety 10