Quality Account 2014—2015 Welcome to our Quality Account for 2014 – 5. At St Oswald’s, we have built our reputa on around the first class quality care we provide to North East adults, children and young people. We are able to fundraise amongst the local community and raise the income we need to sustain services, thanks to the tes monies of those who have benefi$ed from our care and become our advocates. We have a range of mechanisms in place to ensure we con nue to provide a quality service. We are monitored and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and at last inspec on (December 2013) we were compliant in all outcomes and no recommenda ons for improvement were made. Internally, pa ent experience is measured by ques onnaires, face to face interviews, focus groups and submissions to our ‘feedback bank’. Our feedback bank serves as a central store for all pa ent experience data, as well as comments, complaints, compliments and sugges ons from stakeholders. The responses are collated, analysed and then reported in to our ‘Clinical Quality Group’ for ac on where necessary. Our Clinical Quality Group is tasked with reviewing all issues rela ng to pa ent experience and providing a quality service. They take forward any ac on that needed to be taken and update our Compliance Register accordingly. Regular updates are provided to Trustees via our Clinical Quality & Governance Commi$ee and Council. This year, we’ve implemented the NHS’ Friends and Family Test to all pa ent and staff surveys. The test involves asking pa ents or staff if they would recommend St Oswald’s as a care provider and/or an employer. Results are now reported to our Council of Trustees, as part of our Balanced Scorecard and provide an addi onal quality assurance tool. Further, we’ve also implemented ‘Care Rounding’, to ensure inpa ents’ needs are being assessed and met on a very regular basis, throughout the day and to provide a direct feedback mechanism. Lastly, in the coming year we’re looking to introduce a suite of pa ent outcome measures, using the Outcome Assessment and Complexity Collabora ve tool (OACC). OACC seeks to improve services and outcomes for pa ents receiving pallia ve care and their families, by measuring elements of rou ne clinical care. In summary, our commitment to providing quality care across all our services –remains absolute. It is at the core of our ethos. We couldn’t provide our specialist services without the skill, exper se, experience and dedica on of our staff and volunteers. It is a huge team effort at St Oswald’s, with over 280 staff and 1400 volunteers, working in direct pa ent care roles, in support or within an income genera on capacity. We are hugely grateful for their contribu on – they make St Oswald’s the very special place it is. James Ellam, Chief Executive Who we are St Oswald’s Hospice provides specialist pallia ve care to local adults, young people and children with life limi ng condi ons from across the North East of England. Established in 1986, we have gained a local, na onal and interna onal reputa on for providing first class quality care to local people. As a charity, our vision is to provide excellence in care for those with life limi ng condions. We do this by caring, campaigning and educa ng. Our services We are experts in pain and symptom management and end of life care. We follow a team approach – including consultants, doctors, nurses, social workers, chaplaincy, physiotherapists, occupa onal therapists and complementary therapists. We offer a range of adult services including an inpa ent unit, day hospice, outpa ent services, lymphoedema management and outreach. We look aAer people with a range of condi ons, not just cancer. For example, Motor Neurone Disease, Mul ple Sclerosis and advanced respiratory, neurological or cardiac condi ons. We also care for children and young adults with progressive, life shortening condi ons. We provide specialist short breaks and also offer end of life care. Our ethos We value each pa ent as an individual and put their quality of life first. We put the pa ent and child at the centre of everything we do. We follow a holis c approach that aims to address not just the physical needs of our pa ents, but their spiritual and emo onal needs too. We also understand the impact an illness has on the whole family and offer support for carers too. “Would you pass on my thanks to all the Staff at St Oswald’s? I was privileged to be there last night when a good friend passed away and will always be comforted with the memory that she died in a room full of love and care.” Our future ac ons In order to fulfil our objec ves, we have a 10 year plan of key ac ons to carry out by 2025: Develop dedicated accommoda on for carers and bereaved families. Open the 3/4 remaining adult inpa ent beds. Develop a Pallia ve Care Co-ordina on Centre – to advise all providers in the North of Tyne area. Set up the “North East Pallia ve Care Educa on & Conference Centre” on a commercial basis. Provide a separate, dedicated Young Adult unit/provision and then grow children’s acvity to the 8 bed on-site capacity. Develop exper se and capacity in non-cancer condi ons. Develop more formal alliances with other local hospices in order to increase access to high quality care. Place the NHS lymphoedema service on a sound commercial foo ng with a communitybased network of provision. PART 2: Priori es for improvement and required statements St Oswald’s remains commi$ed to the con nuous development of the whole service and through an ac ve approach to pa ent and stakeholder involvement keeps the service users at the heart of decision making and service improvement. PRIORITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT—Review of Services The key objec ves for 2014-2015 were as follows: To con nue to develop the Hub and Spoke service model for Lymphoedema providing services closer to pa ent’s homes. To develop the educa on and awareness programme for Lymphoedema pa ents and associated Health Care Professionals. ⇒ This objec ve was met with outreach clinics being set up in Morpeth and Blaydon early in 2014 and in early 2015 the clinics were increased from on to two days per week. Feedback from the clinics is excellent and are all oversubscribed with some pa ents now being seen at the base in Gosforth un l space becomes available. The pa ent educaon programme con nues to be delivered in a group seKng primarily and evaluates well . To reduce wai ng mes for Lymphoedema. ⇒ 2014-2015 was a significant period of change in Lymphoedema with four more members of staff employed to tackle the wai ng list. This is now having an impact with wai ng mes returning to the standard rate of eight weeks for a rou ne appointment. To implement the bereaved rela ves survey for pa ents who die at St Oswald’s. Results from the surveys will be monitored alongside other surveys.. ⇒ St Oswald’s par cipated in the FAMCARE II project the results of which are s ll outstanding through the Associa on of Pallia ve Medicine. Outside of the project mes we also survey bereaved families however the return rate to date has been nil. Feedback through cards and thank you notes remains excellent. PART 2: Priori es for improvement and required statements Review of services: During 2014-2015 St Oswald’s Hospice provided and/ or sub-contracted two NHS services. • Outpa ent Lymphoedema Service • Outreach Lymphoedema Service St Oswald’s Hospice has reviewed all the data available to them on the quality of care in two of these NHS services. In addi on the Hospice has provided the following services through grants & charitable funding: • Children’s Service • Young Adults Transi on Service • Day Hospice • Outpa ent Clinic • Complementary Therapy • Physiotherapy • Occupa onal Therapy • Social Work • Bereavement Support Team • Chaplaincy The income generated by the NHS services reviewed in 2014-2015 represents 30 percent of the total income generated from the provision of NHS services by the St Oswald’s Hospice for 2014-2015. PART 2: Priori es for improvement and required statements Par cipa on in clinical audits: During 2014-2015, no na onal clinical audits and no na onal confiden al enquiries covered NHS services that St Oswald’s provides. St Oswald’s regularly audits various elements of clinical and non-clinical prac ce both via internal procedures and with the support of internal and external audit partners. The Clinical Audit Group and the Nursing Audit Group, focus on developing audit within St Oswald’s and con nuously improving the quality of care provision. Audits undertaken in 2014-2015 included a review of RIP le$ers sent to GPs, senior medical reviews of inpa ents aAer admission, compliance with the mental capacity act, review of drug kardexes, use of ultrasound, an bio c usage and use of the Quality Assurance tool that was introduced aAer the withdrawal of the Liverpool Care Pathway.. Infec on control and manual handling audits also form part of a regular audit cycle. Par cipa on in clinical research: The number of pa ents receiving NHS services provided or sub-contracted by St Oswald’s Hospice in 2014-2015 that were recruited during that period to par cipate in research approved by a research ethics commi$ee was zero. PART 2: Priori es for improvement and required statements Use of the CQUIN payment framework: St Oswald’s Hospice income in 2014-2015 was condi onal on achieving quality improvement and innova on goals through the Commissioning for Quality and Innova on payment framework. Targets achieved were as follows: • Introduc on of the Friends and Family test into pa ent surveys. • Net Promoter Score - Staff Surveys: Q1 85% Q3 95.7% • Net Promoter Score—Pa ent Surveys Q2 90% Q3 98% Q4 91% • Implementa on of a pilot of Inten onal Rounding. • This has been implemented and well evaluated by majority of staff and pa ents, it is proposed to con nue with this into 2015-2016 CQUIN targets Statements from the Care Quality Commission: St Oswald’s Hospice is required to register with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and is currently registered to carry out regulated ac vi es: • Treatment of disease, disorder or injury. • Diagnos c and screening procedures. • Transport services, triage, medical advice provided remotely. St Oswald’s Hospice has the following condi ons on registra on: The registered provider must ensure that the regulated ac vi es are managed by an individual who is registered as a manager in respect of the ac vity, as carried on at or from the loca on St Oswald’s Hospice. 1. 2. This regulated ac vity may only be carried on at or from the following loca ons: St Oswald’s Hospice, Regent Avenue, PART 2: Priori es for improvement and required statements St Oswald’s has the following addi onal condi ons: 1. The registered provider may accommodate no more than 19 service users in the adult unit at St Oswald’s Hospice. 2. The registered provider may accommodate no more than 8 service users, aged from birth to eighteen, in the children’s unit at St Oswald’s Hospice. The CQC has not taken enforcement ac on against St Oswald’s Hospice during 2014-2015. St Oswald’s Hospice has not par cipated in any special reviews or inves ga ons by the CQC during the repor ng period. An unannounced inspec on from CQC was carried out in December 2013 and NO recommenda ons for improvement were made. A full report can be found on the CQC website. A provider informa on return was completed in December 2014 in prepara on of an inspec on visit under the new arrangements as yet an onsite inspec on has not taken place. Data Quality: St Oswald’s Hospice con nually works to improve the quality of informa on provided. St Oswald’s Hospice did not submit records during 2014-2015 to the secondary uses service for the inclusion in the Hospital Episode Sta s cs which are included in the latest published data, however St Oswald’s did con nue to par cipate in the Na onal Council for Pallia ve Care MDS project and also a Hospice UK benchmarking project. Informa on Governance Toolkit A3ainment Levels St Oswald’s Hospice Informa on Governance Assessment Report score overall for 2014-2015 was 82% The informa on Governance Group will be taking forward the ac on plan from the toolkit audit over the course of 2015-2016. PART 2: Priori es for improvement and required statements The Informa on Governance and Quality Group meets bi-monthly and each mee ng has a specific focus, i.e organisa onal or clinical and the membership is adjusted accordingly around a core of members who a$end each mee ng. We will con nue to monitor the func onality/effec veness of the new group going forward. Detailed below is an update on the work undertaken or ini ated: • The Informa on Governance Policy and Procedure was reviewed and approved in July 2014. Con nued SystmOne development and building on the implementa on of SystmOne on the Adult In-pa ent Unit and the Children and Young Adult’s unit • • Paper light within Day Services. • Work con nues on the Informa on Governance Toolkit ac on plan 2015-16. • Introduc on of a rolling programme of reviewing evidence submi$ed to the IG Toolkit in prepara on for submission in March. • Staff Informa on Governance skills assessment with a 85% pass rate to be introduced in 2015. Clinical coding error rate: St Oswald’s Hospice was not subject to the payment by results clinical coding audit during 2014-2015 by the Audit Commission. PART 2: Priori es for improvement and required statements PRIORITIES FOR IMPROVEMENT—key Priori es for 2015-2016 There are a significant number of strategic objec ves for each directorate in 2015-2016, however the three main objec ve have been iden fied as follows. 1. To develop the Focus on Living project within Day Services increasing the amount of support we can provide in a flexible and mely manner to a broader range of pa ents. Mee ng this objec ve will be monitored via a$endance figures and feedback from pa ents. 2. To develop a programme of training in suppor ng children facing bereavement for delivery to schools, healthcare professionals and hospice staff. Mee ng this objec ve will be measured by the availability of the training programme. 3. To implement outcome measure using the OACC suite of measures (Outcome Assessment Complexity Collabora ve). Successful implementa on will include the ongoing monitoring of measures through monthly reports. 4. To finalise funding arrangements for our NHS Lymphoedema service from April 2016. PART 3: Review of performance and user involvement During 2014 –2015, 1951 adult pa ents, 62 children and 11 young adults benefited from St Oswald’s services including: • • • • • • • • 207 adult inpa ent admissions & 209 completed stays. 171 new referrals into day hospice with 139 pa ents a$ending over the course of the year for a total of 2,295 days. 5,911 Lymphoedema outpa ent a$endances. 382 Lymphoedema a$endances at our Shiremoor clinic. 250 Lymphoedema a$endances at our Blaydon clinic. 192 Lymphoedema a$endances at our Morpeth clinic. 1,589 Complementary Therapy sessions provided to Outpa ents, Day Hospice pa ents, inpa ents and carers. Childrens & Young Adults recorded an occupancy of 92% over the year resul ng in 1,985 bed days. We serve adult pa ents from Northumberland, North Tyneside, Gateshead and Newcastle. In addi on, children and young adults from Sunderland, South Tyneside and North Durham can also access our services. Pa ents are referred to us by their GP, consultant or specialist pallia ve care team. Children and young adults are referred to us by health and social care pathway co-ordinators. R Referrals to the hospice…an overview R Referrals (CCG) 32% 20% 17% NHS Sunderland CCG Other CCG 1% Source Of Referrals Referrals (Gender/Age Group) 0.0% 10.0% 20.0% 30.0% 40.0% 50.0% 0 - 15 16 - 18 19 - 24 25 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male 11.4% 0.9% Female 22.6% 0.8% Male 14.9% 2.3% 1.4% 0.9% Female 41.0% 0.7% 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Male 0.1% 2.0% 1.1% Female Young Adults (short stay) Positive Steps OP - Medical OP - Lymphoedema OP - Hypnotherapy OP - Complementary Therapy OP - CBT OP - Acupuncture OP - (Other) In-Patient Focus on Living Day Hospice (Day Care) Childrens (Short Break) 3% 1% NHS South Tyneside CCG NHS Northumberland CCG NHS North Tyneside CCG 11% NHS Newcastle West CCG NHS Gateshead CCG 15% NHS Newcastle North and East CCG 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% >84 Inpa ent Service Our 15-bedded inpa ent unit caters for pa ents needing pain and symptom control, emergency respite, and end of life care. Our mul -disciplinary team work together and strive to address not just a pa ent’s physical needs, but their emo onal and spiritual needs too. Our aim is to ensure pa ents with specialist pallia ve care needs can maximise their quality of living; facilitate a safe and mely pa ent discharge or transfer to a con nuing care service, as well as provide a suppor ve environment at the end of life. We also understand the impact an illness has on the whole family and offer wide ranging support for carers. • Last year... “When my Dad arrived at St Oswald’s, he’d almost given up on life. Within 24 hours, however, something changed, he’d picked up. The care he received was phenomenal, it was so personal and it made him feel comfortable and content. We couldn’t have asked for be$er." • There were 207 adult inpa ent admissions last year, 118 pa ent discharges and 91 deaths. • 4485 bed-days were occupied during the year, with an average occupancy of 85%. • Pa ents stayed with us for an average stay of 22 days. • All families and carers have access to our Family Support Unit including bereavement support. Inpa ent Service…..discharges overview 2013-2014 Average Total 17 Admissions 2014-2015 Average 208 17 86% Percentage Occupancy Total 207 85% % Change -0.5% -1% Discharges 9 103 10 118 13% Deaths 9 103 8 91 -13% 206 17 Finished Admissions 17 209 45% -11% Average Age 68 Years 70 Years +2 Years average LOS 22 Days 22 Days No Change minimum LOS 2 Days 3 Days +1 Days maximum LOS 72 Days 71 Days -1 Days 7 Days 5 Days -2 Days Average wait Total referrals 27 326 28 341 Hospital, 35.7% 1% 50% % Deaths Location Before Admission (Discharges) ser- Home, 63.8% Hospice, 0.5% 4% vice. · Provide a major resource in pallia ve care. Diagnosis Class (Discharges) Non Cancer, 15% Cancer, 85% page 14. · Manage the Hospice effecvely. Age Group (Discharges) 85+ 11% 29% 75 - 84 65 - 74 For details 25 - 64 about 19 - 24 0% our 10 Year 16 - 18 0% Vision for the Under 16 Years 0% Hospice 0% please see 25% 35% 10% 20% 30% 40% Day Hospice Day Hospice offers pa ents respite, symptom management and support during the day. Day Hospice facili es are available from Tuesday to Friday, between 10 am and 3pm. A visit to Day Hospice can be as busy or as relaxed as a pa ent wishes, with each session tailored around their individual needs. Ac vi es designed to enhance a pa ent’s feelings of wellbeing and self esteem include: CraAs, reminiscence, music therapy and crea ve wri ng. All meals and refreshments are provided free of charge and transport can be provided. Group sessions are also available including Fa gue management, exercise, relaxa on and mindfulness. Members of our care team informally monitor a pa ent’s condi on throughout their me with us and report any changes or difficul es back to their GP, hospital, or community team. During each visit, pa ents can benefit from the services of our nursing team, Physio and Occupa onal therapists, Complementary Therapists, Social Workers, our Chaplain and Therapeu c Ac vi es Facilitator. Our medical team is also available when necessary, although a pa ent’s GP retains overall responsibility for their care. “I absolutely love the ac vi es. I’d never done crea ve wri ng before and I enjoy the peace of mind it gives me. I’ve been able to create a memory box of my wri ng and artwork for my children, to show them what I do during my visits to Day Hospice when they’re at school.” Last year... We received 171 new referrals • There was an average of 284 Day Hospice places booked each month, which is 82% of our capacity. • Average actual a$endance was 67%. Day Hospice Referrals……..an overview Referral Source (CCG) Other CCG 1% NHS Newcastle West CCG 8% NHS Gateshead CCG 15% NHS North Tyneside CCG 16% NHS Newcastle North and East CCG 22% NHS Northumberland CCG 39% 20% 30% 40% 50% Referrals (Age Group/Gender) 34 29 28 20 18 17 14 10 19 - 24 25 - 64 65 - 74 75 - 84 Male Female Male 1 Female 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Male 10% Female 0% Male % 84% 10% 27% 2% 3% 1% 3% 7% 9% 7% 27% 2% 1% 16% 48% 7% 19% 26% Female Count 144 14 39 3 5 2 5 10 13 10 39 3 1 27 13 2 5 7 171 Male Diagnosis Cancer Cancer - Breast Cancer - Diges ve Organs Cancer - Eye, Brain & Other CNS Cancer - Female Genital Organs Cancer - Ill Defined, Unspecified Cancer - Lip, Oral Cavity, & Pharynx Cancer - Lymphoid / Haematopoie c Cancer - Male Genital Organs Cancer - Other Specified Sites Cancer - Respiratory & Intrathoracic Cancer - Urinary Tract Cancer - Respiratory Diseases Non Cancer Degenera ve Nervous System Diseases Heart / Circulatory Disease Other Non Cancer Diagnosis Respiratory Diseases Grand Total >84 “During the winter months I’m not able to get out very much so coming to Day Hospice is oAen the highlight of my week. There’s always something going on if the pa ents want to get involved. I’ve benefited from physiotherapy, reflexology and reiki. I also enjoy going on the trips out.” Outpa ent services Our Outpa ent Services for pa ents and their carers include: Complementary Therapy Service We offer a range of complementary therapies to pa ents and carers, on an outpa ent basis, including: Massage, Aromatherapy, Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Reiki and Hot Stone Therapy. Treatments are offered alongside conven onal medical care and aim to help pa ents feel be$er physically, emo onally and psychologically. Hypnotherapy Clinical Hypnosis can help pa ents feel more in control, reduce their anxiety, raise self esteem and build confidence. Sessions are provided by Lisa Cairns, who is qualified in Clinical Hypnosis and has undertaken pioneering work with Northumbria University to develop the use of hypnosis in pallia ve care seKngs, with a par cular focus on symptom management. “When we walked through the doors of the Outpa ent Suite for the first me it was like someone had wrapped a blanket around us it was a great relief.” Acupuncture Our team of physiotherapists offer acupuncture to St Oswald’s pa ents. Acupuncture can be used to relieve pain, aid relaxa on, reduce muscle tension and help manage tension and sweats. Focus on Living sessions Introduced in early 2015, the aim of our ‘Focus on living’ sessions is to enable people with life limi ng condi ons to feel be$er in themselves, by benefi ng from a range of structured, sessional ac vi es that are tailored to their individual needs. Sessions include ‘Posi ve Steps’ – a six week programme introducing the range of St Oswald’s services and to dispel myths around hospice care, relaxa on classes, mindfulness, crea ve wri ng, fa gue management, arts and craAs, exercise and music therapy. Cogni ve Behavioural Therapy We offer Cogni ve Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to pa ents who have ongoing feelings of anxiety, low mood, anger or panic as a result of their life limi ng condi on. CBT helps our pa ents to change the way they think about themselves, their situa on and the future. It is designed to help pa ents learn effec ve ways of dealing with difficul es rela ng to their condi on, and can help when adjus ng to and coping with pain and symptoms. Sessions are provided to pa ents by Anne Pelham, one of Consultants and Gill Sa$erley, a Cogni ve Behavioural Therapist. “The sessions open up my thoughts, which enables me to handle things a lot be$er and see things clearer. I look forward to my weekly visit to St Oswald’s as I know I am going to be speaking to someone who understands my situa on and the way I’m feeling about life.” Outpa ent ac vity last year...an overview Medical OP A$endances CCG NHS Newcastle North and East CCG NHS Newcastle West CCG NHS North Tyneside CCG NHS Gateshead CCG NHS Northumberland CCG NHS South Tyneside CCG NHS Sunderland CCG Other Total 8 3 6 0 22 0 0 0 39 Complementary Complementary Complementary TheraPosi ve Focus On Therapy OP A$end- Therapy as Part CBT A$endances Acupuncture Hypnotherapy % Ac vity py for Carers Steps Living ances of other services 102 63 63 36 246 5 0 8 523 161 73 168 64 366 0 0 2 834 71 22 40 14 82 0 0 3 232 14 25 20 9 32 0 0 0 100 28 1 12 22 54 0 0 0 117 4 21 1 0 23 1 0 0 50 0 3 22 1 38 0 0 0 64 6 2 6 0 18 0 0 0 32 20% 11% 17% 7% 44% 0% 0% 1% 100% Lymphoedema Service Recognised as a na onal centre of excellence in Lymphoedema management, St Oswald’s is the largest specialist Lymphoedema service provider in the North East. Our senior Lymphoedema prac oners also play a leading role in clinical educa on in the North East. Working in partnership with Glasgow Universi es, Dr Andrew Hughes, Kath Clark and Jill Lisle lecture students on Lymphoedema management. We treat pa ents with cancer-related Lymphoedema, those with oedema as a symptom of their progressive disease and pa ents with non-cancer related Lymphoedema. As we’ve provided Lymphoedema care consistently over the last 25 years, we are specialists in our field and we regularly treat the most complex, severe cases. A large number of pa ents have complicated Lymphoedema, requiring intensive treatment and a number of review appointments – symptoma c of the specialist service we provide. We have Key Workers trained in-house to care for more rou ne cases, through to specialist nurses for the most complex care. We also have specialist medical input available. All pa ents are cared for on a pathway approach, covering assessment, treatment and planned review and discharge. Our pathways mirror the Interna onal Lymphoedema Framework Best Prac ce Consensus Document (2006). Referrals have increased year on year for over 10 years. As a result we’ve developed a hub and spoke model of care, where pa ents with mild and uncomplicated Lymphoedema from Gateshead, Morpeth and North Tyneside are treated in their locality, whilst pa ents requiring specialist care receive treatment on site at the Hospice. We can also provide home visits to pa ents who are housebound, as a result of their condi on. Lymphoedema is an incurable , chronic, progressive and life long condi on. It can severely compromise a pa ent’s mobility and quality of life. It can affect their ability to work and causes considerable anxiety and distress. However, it can be managed effec vely by: • Early diagnosis, referral and treatment • A treatment programme comprising one or more of: compression bandaging and/or hosiery, skincare (simple lympha c drainage), manual lympha c drainage and exercise • Promo on of self care • An integrated care plan which includes long term management When Lymphoedema is recognised early and treatment is implemented, pa ents have fewer complica ons, fewer hospital admissions and community nursing interven ons, the ability to self manage their condi on and a be$er quality of life. When Health Care Professionals are trained effec vely and teams work collabora vely, pa ents benefit from more effec ve long term management of their condi on, with the reduced risk of deteriora on and further complica ons. Celluli s is a common secondary complica on caused by lymphoedema, presen ng in 20-30% of cases (Vaillant 2002) and oAen requiring repeated acute admissions. According to the The NHS Ins tute for Innova on and Improvement, in 2003-2004 there were 45,522 inpa ent admissions for celluli s cos ng £87million in total. It is es mated that for every £1 spent on lymphoedema care, saves the NHS £100 in acute and community nursing costs. Lymphoedema Referrals (CCG) 600 Lymphoedema Attendances (including DLT/MLD) 615 507 454 621 2014/15 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 2013/2… 29% 2012/13 NHS Northumberland CCG 2011/12 0 2010/11 22% 2009/10 NHS Gateshead CCG 274 100 2008/09 22% 235 NHS North Tyneside CCG 2007/08 200 12% 229 NHS Newcastle North and… 387 300 9% 2006/07 NHS Newcastle West CCG 529 400 4% 2005/06 134 Other CCG 500 157 1% 2004/05 NHS Sunderland CCG 200 1% 2003/04 NHS South Tyneside CCG 7000 Lymphoedema Referrals 700 Lymphoedema Outreach Attendances 60 2186 0 954 1084 1179 1340 485 1636580 1939 733 2260 1015 2192 3259 3734 3453 3725 2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/2014 2014/15 1381 4000 2109 2013 5000 1935 6000 3000 2000 1000 Treatments 40 30 0 Attendances 50 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 Shiremoor Attendances 5 6 7 8 Blaydon Attendances 9 10 11 12 Morpeth Attendances 24 hour Pallia ve Care Telephone Advice Service Working in conjunc on with Marie Curie Cancer Care, we run Hospadvice, an out of hours telephone advice service available for health and social care professionals caring for adult pa ents from Northumberland, North of Tyne and Gateshead with pallia ve care needs. Calls are answered by one of the doctors or qualified nurses on our inpa ent unit. Hospadvice offers access to advice on medical, clinical and signpos ng op ons. Last year, 334 phone calls were received from health care professionals to our adult services pallia ve care advice line. We also offer a paediatric pallia ve advice line, for health care professionals caring for children and young people with advanced, deteriora ng or progressing condi ons or are in need end of life care. The Paediatric Pallia ve Care Team includes: • Dr Ellie Bond, Associate Specialist in Pallia ve Medicine at St Oswald’s • Dr Philip Caisley, Staff Grade in Pallia ve Care at St Oswald’s • Dr Yifan Liang, Consultant Paediatrician at James Cook University Hospital • Dr Alison Guadagno, Consultant Paediatrician at Great North Children’s Hospital • Sally Moody, Clinical Care Lead, St Oswald’s Children and Young Adults Service We provide specialist short breaks and pallia ve care to children and young adults, aged from 0 to 25, with progressive, life-shortening condi ons. Specialist, medicallysupported care is provided, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our team of skilled staff provide residen al short breaks to local families. Up to six children and young adults can stay at any one me in our relaxed, home-from-home environment. Children and young adults from Northumberland, Newcastle, Gateshead, North Tyneside, South Tyneside, Sunderland or Durham City, Chester-le-Street and Derwentside can benefit from short breaks at St Oswald’s. There is an assessment and referral pathway that has been agreed with health and, social care colleagues and ourselves within each area. We work closely with colleagues at the Great North Children’s Hospital, as two of our Doctors, Ellie Bond and Phil Caisley, are Honorary Doctors at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals Trust. They provide paediatric pallia ve care advice and support and share their exper se with fellow professionals. Caring for children Children staying with us can enjoy a range of ac vi es such as: sensory play, music therapy, arts and craAs, baking, bowling and the cinema. Teenagers benefit from their own living area – complete with games consoles, wide screen TV and PC’s. “Having respite at St Oswald’s for a couple of nights a month helped to give me a break. While I was doing all the medical care for my son, I couldn’t be a mum. Being at St Oswald’s gave me me to step back and just enjoy playing with him and having fun.” Young adults As well as residen al short breaks, we now also offer day care for young adults, two days a week. In addi on, our Young Adults Social Group remains very popular, which offers a range of empowering ac vi es and a chance to socialise. Young adults staying at St Oswald’s tell us how much they value independence from their carers and the chance to spend me with peers. Family support At Oswald’s we are commi$ed to providing services for the whole family. Our care team offer confiden al 1-1 support to parents and we also strive to bring families together, to get to know one another and benefit from peer support. For families wishing to stay with us, we offer four ensuite bedrooms, a bathroom and a lounge area with kitchene$e. Parents can also benefit from our free complementary therapy service. As we know that brothers and sisters of children with chronic condi ons can feel forgo$en, we offer dedicated support for siblings too. Each year we run two ‘Sibz Days’ for brothers and sisters of children who stay with us for short breaks. Led by our care team, Sibz Days involve sharing feelings and experiences and expressing them in different ways – including art, craAs and music. Children get the chance to have fun, make new friends and even play with medical equipment that their brother or sister may use, in a safe environment. If a child dies, at St Oswald’s, their own home or in hospital, we are also here to provide ongoing, bereavement support to families. “Words cannot express how important a role you all play in families lives when they need you the most. You are a tremendous support and we have been privileged to experience your unique skills when we needed them. Keep up the good work.” Nights by CCG Young Adults, 419 164 0 62 Occupied Nights/Avg. LOS 3.0 1930 1985 2013/14 2014/15 3.0 2068 2.9 3.1 2012/13 3.5 1785 3.0 3.1 2.2 • A further 11 young adults were cared for at St Oswald’s. • 37% of children staying were aged between 0 and 3 years old • 645 admissions, 1,985 bed days were occupied with a 92% occupancy rate. • The average length of stay is 3 nights per visit for Children & 4 nights for Young Adults 731 62 children and their families benefited from our Children’s Service. 2005/06 • 582 500 2004/05 1000 124 Last year... 1500 2003/04 Childrens Admissions Young Adults 3.0 3.1 2011/12 2.8 2000 3.2 1434 2500 0 Occupied Nights 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 LOS Children, 1566 2010/11 0 26 1206 0 171 2009/10 225 1214 214 2008/09 23 141 1299 71 99 80 2007/08 29 125 503 1046 52 2006/07 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Children/Young Adults Bed Nights Avg. Length of Stay “I love the fact that St Oswald's is like a great big security blanket which wraps round you during the hardest me in your life. We will never forget the role you played in our lives during our son's final years.” Carer and Bereavement Support • Our services to carers include complementary therapy, carers drop-in sessions and one-to-one support. • I know I’m fully supported and someone is always there with a listening ear. I also use the complementary therapy service, which is lovely. It’s fantas c to have an hour which is just about me having a break. • We also offer a range of support services to bereaved individuals and families on a one-to-one basis and in groups. • Our one-to-one service is available onsite, over the telephone or can be held in the comfort of a pa ent or carer’s home. • Group sessions are usually held at St Oswald’s, where you have the chance to share feelings and experiences in a warm and welcoming seKng – with others who understand. • We also hold ‘Ozzy Days’ for bereaved children aged from 5 to 15 whose parent, sibling or other loved one has received care from St Oswald's. “Thank you to everyone who made Ozzy day so brilliant. At this me of year it is even more difficult for bereaved children, bombarded with happy family scenarios on TV and Christmas celebra ons, to cope with their loss. Today gave mine a chance to be with other children who have suffered loss and share feelings, thoughts and also laughter.” Pa ent Feedback…..An Overview Friends and Family Test Score—93% The NHS Friends and family test score shows the propor on of pa ents who would strongly recommend the Hospice as a care provider minus those who would not recommend, or who are indifferent. New Outpa ent Feedback July to December 2014 Every new pa ent to Day Services is sent a survey to monitor the service they received during their first encounter with St Oswald’s. 185 pa ents were sent surveys in the six months from July to December 2014 and 46 responses were received. A 25% return rate, a slight reduc on on the 29% in the previous six months. Considera on is being given to u lising online surveys such as survey monkey to provide another opportunity for pa ents to respond. Rating Jan to June 2014 Jul to Dec 2014 10 69% 72% 9 25% 11% 8 6% 15% <8 0% 1% The patients gave very positive comments like • “I cannot fault the quality of care that I receive. Ever since a ending St Oswald’s every one I came into contact with has been marvellous. I fell very lucky that I come here for my treatment”. • • “I felt welcome. Both by staff & other pa%ent’s regular requests asking if I am alright or want anything. A'tude of all staff very friendly, smiling & caring”. “I was extremely surprised at the high level of standard of everything covered from arriving to consulta%on and explana%on of my condi%on and advice to manage my treatment myself”. Pa ent Feedback…..An Overview They also provided some suggested improvements, for which a response or action point is also given. Feedback Action / Comment By taking on board the comments made on these surveys, and acting on them. Not just compiling them and ticking a box. St Oswald’s takes patient feedback seriously and there is a ‘You Said, We Did’ feedback section on the website. Send forms out before appointment and insist that they are returned before appointment, have secretarial staff enter on system so therapist can devote time to treatment not admin. Improve time wasted between referral and appointment. I also think it would be a good idea to train Macmillan nurses and junior doctors so they can give basic advice to patients while they are waiting for first appointment for Lymphoedema treatment Shorten waiting time for Lymphoedema. This should happen as a routine, and we have recently implemented the checking of information as people arrive at the desk to minimise the admin time spent in clinic. There is an on-going initiative to educate the wider health community about Lymphoedema and this is being addressed by the Vision work stream Bigger signs for outpatients. Waiting times are reducing with the appointment of additional staff and it is hoped within another month or so when the new staff are fully trained the waiting times will be returned to standard levels. Feedback provided to Facilities for next review of signage. At the start of the morning maybe we can be told what activities are available that day. Feedback provided to the Day Hospice Operational Group Provision of speakers detailing care and all services available to patients in the community. It is difficult to ascertain which kinds of services this feedback relates to. St Oswald’s does aim to signpost patients on an individual basis where it is deemed appropriate. Pa ent Feedback…..An Overview Lymphoedema Review pa ent Feedback – July to December 2014 A random sample of review pa ents are surveyed each month from the Lymphoedema service and the results always indicate high levels of sa sfac on. In July to December 2014 150 surveys were issued and 57 returned, a response rate of 38%, a slight reduc on on previous response rates. The survey ques ons were very posi ve with 93% of pa ents feeling confident in the staff all of the me. There were a significant propor on of pa ents who felt they did not know how to make a complaint in the previous report, however this has improved with the introduc on of the new TV screen being placed in the wai ng area and a set of key messages to be included on the reverse of all le$ers. The current rate is 60% Pa ents are asked to rank their anxiety about the appointment before and aAer a$ending with 0 being not anxious at all to 5 extremely anxious. As can be seen from the table below, anxiety levels decrease for the vast majority of pa ents. SCALE BEFORE % AFTER % 0 21 37% 36 63% 1 6 11% 9 16% 2 7 12% 5 9% 3 9 16% 5 9% 4 8 14% 0 0% 5 6 11% 2 4% TOTAL 57 57 Pa ent Feedback…..An Overview Pa ents gave very posi ve comments such as: • “I received excellent service & treatment every visit”. • “Every member of staff are always very professional, caring & very friendly”. • “I feel that we are very fortunate to have the marvellous service available and such pleasant and enthusias%c nurses, physios, helpers etc...”. • “Fabulous staff from front desk to volunteers. We are lucky to have such a brilliant service in Newcastle. Thank you”. • “Everyone so helpful, kind and caring very professional but down to earth and approachable at all %mes”. • “The staff are always very understanding and always have %me to listen to your concerns/worries”. They also provided some suggested improvements, for which a response or action point is also given. Feedback Ac on / Comment • “Easier parking”. X2 Car Parking on site is an on going issue that HMT are well aware of however there are limita ons to the solu ons that can be put in place. • Possible to do a refresher educa on course A full review of the educa on programme is planned for this year and thought is already been given to ‘refresher’ or ‘discharge’ educa on Pa ent Feedback…..An Overview Bereaved Rela ves Survey - FAMCARE II In August 2014 St Oswald's joined the FAMCARE II audit which is a survey of bereaved rela ves from the inpa ent unit which involves paper surveys being posted to the next of kin with a stamped addressed envelope to return surveys to the Associa on of Pallia ve Medicine, who will provide a benchmarked report at the end of the audit. The audit covers all deaths over the period June, July and August. The same ques ons have been reflected in the internal survey alongside some addi onal ques ons, which will con nue aAer the end of the FAMCARE audit is finished which will allow for some con nual benchmarking. We are yet to receive a report from APM with the results of the survey. Pa ent Focus Groups There have been no pa ent focus groups in the past six months, however service specific projects such as Celebrate Life in Day Hospice have been evaluated with the pa ents involved and the Focus on Living service which was ini ated out of Celebrate Life has delivered the first of a number of courses including Watercolour Crea ve Wri ng, Mindfulness and Silk Pain ng. Feedback Bank Since the launch of the feedback bank there have been 174 posts onto the Feedback, which includes any feedback received through social media, sugges ons boxes and comments books. A summary of the type of feedback is shown below, and as can be seen the vast majority is a thank you or posi ve comments (60%). Where nega ve comments are made, the informa on is forwarded immediately to the department manager and a response requested, which is updated on the feedback survey should the individual choose to go back and look. Type of Feedback Constructive Criticism Negative Feedback Neutral Positive Feedback Suggestion Thank you Grand Total 2013 3 2 18 5 28 2014 9 25 2015 1 10 54 17 15 120 11 2 2 26 Grand Total 10 38 2 83 19 22 174 We campaign St Oswald’s was founded in the 1970’s thanks to the drive and determina on of our founders, who felt so strongly that the people of the North East of England should benefit from hospice care, that they set about campaigning for it. Over the years, our campaigning role has involved forging partnerships and driving forward an agenda to mainstream hospice care. Today, we work with a number of partner agencies, most notably Help the Hospices and Together for Short Lives, to campaign collec vely with other UK hospices about issues affec ng adults, children and young people with life limi ng condi ons. Most recently, we’ve campaigned for: Be3er provision of transi on services for young adults In 2012 we devised and published a report called 'Living longer than you thought I would' with support from Marie Curie Cancer Care Young People and Transi on Programme. The report aimed to be$er understand the situa on, needs and aspira ons of young people with life limi ng condi ons who are growing into adulthood. The publicaon was launched at a high visibility event in London, aimed at government ministers and policy makers, as well as local MP’s to garner their support. Building on this work we are also now regional lead for the ‘Transi on Taskforce’. The Taskforce is a na onal ini a ve involving agencies such as Together for Short Lives, Help the Hospices, Marie Curie and the Na onal Council for Pallia ve Care. The aim of the Transi on Taskforce is to ensure young people approaching adulthood with life limi ng condi ons make the transi on to adult services and live their lives as independently as possible according to their wishes, whilst receiving the care and support they - and their carers - need. We educate We are a leading provider of specialist pallia ve care educa on in the North East. We have been providing first class quality care for almost thirty years and are renowned locally, regionally and na onally for our exper se. Our role as an educator includes: Medical Specialty Training We offer postgraduate training for Specialty Registrars. Dr Andrew Hughes, Consultant in Specialist Pallia ve Medicine oversees our doctors training programme. Andrew is a commi$ee member and quality lead for the Northern Deanery Northern GP training programme We lead the pallia ve care sessions Northern Deanery GP training programme. These take place twice a month at Coach Lane campus at Northumbria University and are led by our consultants and specialty doctors. GP colleagues from Teesside also visit St Oswald’s for a week each Autumn to gain an overview and update in specialist pallia ve care. Lymphoedema management training, Glasgow University Our Senior Lymphoedema Prac oners, Kath Clark and Jill Lisle, along with Dr Andrew Hughes are honorary lecturers at Glasgow University and lead their Advanced Oedema module. They have also helped to shape the Northern Cancer Network’s Clinical Educa on programme for lymphoedema management and also con nue to provide ‘train the trainer’ sessions to local health care professionals. Student placements Fourth year medical students undertake a six week placement twice a year, supervised by one of our consultants. Third year CIDR students (Chronic Illness, Disease and Rehabilita on) a$end teaching sessions at the Hospice for two and a half days a week, every month from January to June each year. NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG Statement provided by NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG in respect of the Quality Account 2014/15 to St Oswald’s Hospice. NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG is committed to working closely with the Hospice to ensure high quality and safe care is delivered. The CCG commends the Management and staff of the Hospice on the work undertaken to successfully sustain and further build a quality service that is clearly valued by all who access the expertise of the service. The Hospice demonstrates a culture of openness and candour with a commitment to continuous improvement and learning. A significant amount of activity has been undertaken to develop person centred care reflecting the individual needs of the person and their loved ones. This is evident in every aspect to the work of the Hospice staff and is demonstrated by consistently very positive comments from those people accessing the services. WE look forward to working with the Hospice to support the delivery of the key objectives outlined in the Quality accounts for 2015/16 NHS Newcastle Gateshead CCG on behalf of all of the CCG’s in the CNTW area is pleased to positively endorse the Quality Accounts for 2014/15. The Quality Account for the Hospice is presented in the required format and the information it contains reflects accurately reflects the quality profile of the organisation. Chris Piercy St Oswald’s Hospice, Regent Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE3 1EE Telephone: 0191 285 0063 Fax: 0191 246 9052 Email: enquiries@stoswaldsuk.org Reg Charity No. 503386 www.stoswaldsuk.org