Quality Account 2014 / 2015 2 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Contents Pages Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 - A statement on quality from the Chief Executive Officer Lighthouse Healthcare services Priorities for Improvement 2015/16 Quality of services provided on behalf of the NHS Review of quality performance 2014/15 3 4 9 15 18 We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 3 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Part One Statement on Quality from Julian Ball, Lighthouse Healthcare’s Chief Executive Officer Lighthouse Healthcare Group is dedicated to supporting people with very complex needs to return to their communities as soon as possible. Our agenda for improvement and change reflects the Transforming Care agenda. We welcome and respect the greater national and NHS focus on the voice, choices and rights of the person in modelling their own care and support. We continue to invest in better and more training for staff, more suitable, bespoke and adapted environments that better reflect every-day living (e.g. single person apartments, small group apartments and a reduction in traditional ward environments). Our teams are committed to improving reporting, more effectively evidencing the great outcomes we achieve for people and ensuring best practice and best value for our NHS partners with whom we are privileged to work with. We have a strong ethos of open, honest reporting that strengthens the trust between us and our many stakeholders. We firmly believe in analysing our data, learning from it and implementing change around that learning to influence improved outcomes for the people we support. Our robust clinical governance and quality assurance structures remain the foundation of our accountability to the people we support, evidenced through our regulators. Our annual surveys across stakeholders measure progress and inform future planning from the micro to the macro. In a world demanding change of perspectives, greater efficiency, better outcomes and lower costs we continue to deliver services with a focus on the detailed nuances of bespoke support for people who need very personal care, kindness and understanding of their particular needs. The information we provide in the quality accounts is a true reflection of our work but will never be the whole story. The personal accounts and stories of lived experience we hear only add to support the data and are the true reason we are here. Julian Ball, Chief Executive Officer We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 4 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Lighthouse Healthcare Services Lighthouse offers a range of specialist services to people with learning disabilities, autism, mental health problems and personality disorders across the East and West Midlands and Wales. We offer a pathway of integrated care through our individually tailored hospital placements in our six hospitals and our five bespoke move-on care services, providing person centered enablement and support, with a commitment to minimised stays in services. All our services are specifically designed to provide small group or single person environments, replicating an ordinary living setting. These allow for the development of daily living skills aimed at a move towards more independent living. Our services offer person-centred and care planned, outcomes focused interventions to support recovery to better health and greater independence. We facilitate engagement in the community and the opportunity to develop new lifestyle choices to improve self-esteem and confidence. Our ethos is built upon a shared belief that the person is central to everything we do and we ensure we are responsive to service users’ changing needs, reviewing and revising plans to meet these needs. We value positive risk taking opportunities within a context of robust risk assessment and management to ensure those we support are kept safe. Each of our services are staffed by an experienced team of professional managers, support workers, and nurses. Each service has a team of clinical psychiatrists, psychologists and assistants, occupational therapists, social worker, speech and language therapists and advocacy. Our services are well-led by caring, professional and experienced staff and as a small organisation, our senior management team is always close to the patients and service users, staff teams and service managers, so our care is developed in direct response to people’s needs We measure the effectiveness of our interventions using a range of validated tools and by listening to and acting on feedback from the people we support, their carers and case managers and commissioners. We are committed to the continuous improvement of service delivery and providing services which meet changing demand. We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 5 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 6 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Bradley Woodlands, Bradley Road, Bradley, Grimsby, Lincolnshire Purpose built low secure unit for people with learning disabilities and complex needs Bespoke Pathway Step Down Service Gender specific apartment based accommodation Bradley Apartments, Bradley Road, Bradley, Grimsby, Lincolnshire Community based registered care service for men and women with a learning disability, autism and/or challenging behaviour Structured rehabilitation programme in place to help individuals develop new skills, promote independence and social integration Chesterfield House, 411 Newark Road, North Hykeham, Lincolnshire Community based registered care service for men and women with learning disability and complex needs Forms a key part of our specialist learning disability services pathway in Lincolnshire Field House, Chesterfield Road, Alfreton, Derbyshire Locked rehabilitation service for men with learning disabilities and mental health problems Management of longer term conditions both mental and physical Assisted access environment We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 7 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Healthlinc House, Cliff Road, Welton, Lincolnshire Gender specific apartment based locked rehabilitation for people with learning disabilities and complex needs Set in own private grounds of almost four acres in the heart of the community Healthlinc Apartments, Cliff Road, Welton, Lincolnshire Community based registered care service adults with learning disability, autism and/or complex conditions such as mental health problems, challenging behaviour and personality disorder Forms a key part of our specialist learning disability services pathway in Lincolnshire The Cottage, 31 Norbeck Lane, Welton, Lincolnshire Registered care service adults with learning disability, autism and/or complex conditions such as mental health problems, challenging behaviour and personality disorder Aim of the service to prepare individuals for living more independently through a programme of activities within the service and the local community The Woodhouse, Lockwood Road, Cheadle, Staffordshire Pathway of services for people with learning disabilities, complex needs and mental health problems Low secure and locked rehabilitation accommodation over eight distinctive units Small, specialist units for people with Autism The Woodlands, 20 Woodland Avenue, Wolstanton, Newcastle- under-Lyme Community based specialist residential service for adult men with learning disability and complex conditions such as personality disorder, mental health problems and forensic issues Forms a key part of our specialist learning disability pathway of services in Staffordshire We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 8 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Ballington House, Ballington Gardens, Leek, Staffordshire Mental health rehabilitation hospital for females over 18 years old Apartment based living Replicates domestic living environment that enables people to experience having their own front door and be responsible for maintaining their own living space Phoenix House, Little Henfaes Drive, Welshpool, Powys Purpose built mental health rehabilitation hospital Gender specific service for males over 18 years old Promotes independence and integration into the community through the use of the recovery approach We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 9 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Part Two Priorities for Improvement 2015/16 During 2015/16 Lighthouse Healthcare will continue to build on the quality improvement measures already in place within the organisation, with a particular focus on the following areas. These will be monitored through the business planning cycle led by the Executive Team and will be reported on within next year’s Quality Account. Continue to provide an evolving staff training programme focusing on specialised service and service user specific, training which responds to changing needs Continue to develop effective staff recruitment and retention systems for all professional groups supporting our patients and service users Supporting our nurses around the revalidation process and our Support Workers to meet the Care Standards. Developing a skilled, professional and passionate workforce Continue to develop and improve our services and staff teams in line with external regulatory frameworks such as the new CQC Fundamental Standards of Care, the Care Act and Code of Practice Develop internal quality reviewing systems and take part in national peer review initiatives Continuing to provide high quality treatment in high quality environments Service User Meeting and exceeding regulatory & quality frameworks Continued review of service provision and expansion of pathways of services to reflect people’s needs and the changing sector Ongoing development of bespoke solutions for people with highly complex needs Cementing Lighthouse’s niche place in the learning disability sector Clinical effectiveness – outcomes and pathways Demonstrate effective outcomes for our patients and service users through Life Star, HONOS and HCR 20 data. Implement the PRISM system for incident management to record and analyse incidents within services. Effective and timely discharge planning to continue to minimise lengths of stays in hospitals. We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 10 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Statements Relating to Quality of Services Provided 2014/15 has been a particularly important and challenging year for Lighthouse Healthcare in the learning disability sector. Enhancing our Learning Disability Pathway Lighthouse Healthcare has responded proactively to the changing focus of learning disability services nationally. We remain committed to playing an integral part in transforming the care for people with learning disabilities and / or autism. In response to this we have reduced our learning disability hospital beds by 33% and developed specialist community based services. These services now provide a robust step down pathway that provides a route for developing independence and integration within the community. These services are also a viable alternative to hospital admission to ensure care is provided in the least restrictive setting possible. Our three new specialist community based services; Healthlinc Apartments and The Cottage, which now complete our pathway of specialist learning disability care in Lincolnshire. Bradley Apartments in Grimsby compliments our Low Secure Unit in Grimsby by offering a robust step down from secure care in to the community. Learning Disability Provision 2013/14 Learning Disability Provision 2014/15 hospitals 25% hospitals 40% 75% community services 60% community services We are continuing to review and develop our hospital provision and to design and develop locally focused community based services by working alongside commissioners and service users to ensure that people with learning disabilities receive the right care in the right place at the right time. We have been able to provide specific bespoke solutions for a number of people with complex needs and challenging behaviours which have allowed them to step down out of secure and hospital care, to settings in which they are able to lead more independent and less restricted lives where they are engaged more fully in their community. We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Length of Stay within our Learning Disability Hospitals This year we have continued to focus on reducing the lengths of stay for individuals in our hospital services. Through effective discharge planning and positive engagement with Care and Treatment Review teams we have successfully discharged 89 service users from hospital this year. Length of Stay in our Learning Disability Hospitals* 5.00 Number of Years 11 4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 11.12 12.13 13.14 14.15 *data relates to Bradley Woodlands, Field House, Healthlinc House and The Woodhouse services only Calendar Years Discharge Destination and Moves in the Lighthouse Pathway Compare to average length of stay Our continued focus on timely and planned discharge has meant that we have been successful in discharged 60 people into the community this year. Many of these individuals have been in hospital BLAH BLAH BLAH or secure settings, detained under the Mental Health Act for many years and have now had the opportunity to step down into a less restrictive environment within a community setting to lead fuller and more independent lives. Discharge Destinations 2014/15 Supported Living Home 5% 13% Residential Service 25% Low Secure Hospital Unknown 14% 1% 1% Deceased 18% Hospital Medium Secure Service 12% 11% Internal Moves (Stepping Up and Down) We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 12 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 The addition of our three new community based services, has allowed us to expand our step down community provision and we now have pathways into the community in all our key locations. Internal/ External Moves 15% External Moves Internal Moves 85% Almost all of our discharged service users have been successful in progressing in their treatment by stepping down. Some, whose needs have increased, have been supported to receive the care they require within hospitals or secure services both within Lighthouse and also external services. 15% of the people discharged from our hospitals have moved on to Lighthouse pathway community based services which allows them to continue to receive the specialist care they require in locations they are familiar with. Internal Move Destinations within Lighthouse 8% Step Down Internal Move 92% Step Up Internal Move We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 13 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 “Bradley Woodlands Low Secure Service have succeeded where other care homes, social services and hospitals have given up and pushed him onto someone else. They have challenged my sons behaviour in a fair manner with earned incentives which, he has lost on occasions but then earned back. He feels safe, supported and listened too, he still has a long way to go but for the first time in his life I feel we are on the right path. His physical health as well as is mental health has greatly improved and I know my son has learned a lot about his challenges and how to deal with them” Mother of Service User at Bradley Woodlands “What can I say about Ballington House....words cannot begin to express my gratitude and sincere thanks to the wonderful staff at this hospital, not only did they provide an excellent service for my daughter who not only had mental health issues but autism and a mild learning difficulty, they also provided an excellent service to me as a carer in the darkest of times. I really cannot recommend this hospital enough.” Mother of Service User at Ballington House We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Meaningful Activity Hours During 2014/15 we have continued to offer meaningful outcomes focused activity programmes for at least 30 hours per week, seven days a week. This has meant that our service users can access care planned, individually tailored programmes to enhance their independent living skills and community engagement. Meaningful Activity Hours 2014/ 15 Hours 14 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 Accepted Hours Offered Hours We consistently offer 30 hours of meaningful activity each week for all service users, however as their needs and moods change weekly they may choose not to participate in all activities offered. We aim to give them as much choice as possible and a wide range of activities to enhance motivation and engagement. We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 15 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Performance against KPI’s and CQUINS Lighthouse Healthcare works with commissioners from NHS England (secure services), Clinical Commissioning Groups and Local Authorities (locked rehabilitation hospital services and community based registered care services) and the Welsh Health Board, delivering care and treatment in line with NHS contracts and agreed national standards. NHS England CQUIN Framework The CQUIN payment framework enables commissioners to reward excellence, by linking a proportion of healthcare providers' income to the achievement of local quality improvement goals. Lighthouse secure services have been successful in achieving 100% of their CQUIN standards during 2014/15. Commissioning for Quality and Innovation (CQUIN) CQUINS Low Secure Services (BW & WH- Hawksmoor) Q1 100% Q2 100% Lighthouse Acheivements Q3 100% Q4 Not assessed yet CQC & HIW Inspections Lighthouse Healthcare is required to register all services with Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England and with the Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW) in Wales. 2014 / 15 has seen four CQC inspections take place within Lighthouse Healthcare, two of which have been undertaken using the new Fundamental Standards for Care. We are working hard to address areas where standards have not been met, liaising closely with CQC. Service Ballington House Chesterfield House Bradley Apartments Bradley Woodlands CQC Inspection date January 2015 March 2015 March 2015 May 2014 Outcome All Standards met * Overall Rating GOOD ** Overall Rating REQUIRES IMPROVEMENT ** 3 out of 4 Standards met * * Service assessed under previous standards ** Service assessed under new standards Service Phoenix House HIW Inspection date January 2015 Outcome Awaiting outcome We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 16 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Engagement with Our Stakeholders Our Service Users Each year we conduct a survey for all of our service users. During March 2014 we asked all service users to participate in our annual survey and asked a range of questions around the following topics General Health Food & Healthy Eating Activities Staff & Clinicians Living Environment Friends & Family Plans for the Future The survey was carried out in both online and paper formats with Easy Read versions available for both. Out of 130 service users, 84 that took part in the survey which equated to a 65% response rate. The full results of the survey can be found on our website by clicking here A snap shot of the results are: Percentage of service users involved in planning their activity programme Don't know 1% Didn't answer question 15% No 28% Yes 56% How often service users participate in planning the food they eat Daily Weekly Monthly 15% Never Didn't answer question 16% 18% 44% 7% We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 17 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Where do Service Users hope to live when they leave the service Don’t know 4% Didn't answer question 29% Don’t want to leave where you live now In a care home 8% 7% Back with your family 13% In your own flat 19% In a shared flat with friends 20% Appointment of Key Relationships Manager As the health and social care sector and in particular the learning disability market, continues to evolve, proactively engaging with our key stakeholders is essential. As such during 2014/15 Lighthouse Healthcare appointed a Key Relationships Manager to work in partnership with the people purchasing and referring to our services, to ensure that our services continue to respond to patients and service users’ needs and national priorities. More importantly this role enables the needs of specific individuals, who are ready to move into the community or whose very complex needs mean they continue to require specialist inpatient treatment, to be discussed to enable Lighthouse to design and develop bespoke placement solutions. We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 18 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Part Three Review of Quality Performance Lighthouse Healthcare has robust structures in place to ensure the continual improvement of quality across the organisation. Board of Directors Executive Team Information Governance Health & Safety Senior Clinicians Quality & Policies Audit Group Quality & Compliance Framework Services - Clinical Governance Health & Safety Regulation Commissioning Contract Audit Review - Care & Treatment Review Clinical Governance Framework Each service has a quarterly Clinical Governance Meeting attended by the Quality and Compliance Manager, the Unit manager, members of the Multi-disciplinary team and service staff. This meeting feeds into the quarterly corporate Clinical Governance Meeting of the Executive which is chaired by the company’s Chief Executive and attended by the executive Management team. This group oversees the adherence of services to internal and external quality and regulatory standards and monitors and reviews areas such as Health and Safety, physical interventions, clinical audits to ensure a cyclical approach to learning is adopted. We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 19 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Lighthouse Ladder of Achievements Lighthouse Healthcare has worked towards the following priorities for improving quality during 2014/15. Enhancing the quality of the service user journey towards recovery and rehabilitation Delivering our services in the least restrictive setting with the least restrictive practices Ensuring that all our services are safe and delivered in line with best practice My Shared Pathway and My Plan implemented across the group Carenotes system in place Built on the mandatory staff training programme to include service specific training Improved the function of multi-disciplinary team Focused on physical healthcare Implemented outcomes monitoring tools including Life Star and Recovery Star Review and revision of the organisations positive behaviour management interventions programme, MAYBO All service users have a Positive Behaviour Support Plan Development of pathway of services to ensure that people do not remain in unnecessarily restrictive hospital environments any longer than necessary. Development of policies and models of care for our robust community services Safeguarding has been prioritised, all staff are trained, Safeguarding Lead in place and regular analysis of incidents Learning from national issues such as Mid-Staffs, Winterbourne, DOLS and MCA capacity assessments have been embedded Audits of medication and prescribing practice embedded in audit cycle Clinical governance systems improved New bespoke environments for service users developed We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs 20 Quality Account 2014/ 2015 Lighthouse Healthcare 2 Floor Bezant House, Bradgate Park View, Chellaston, Derby DE73 5UH Tel: 01332 706769 | Referrals: 0800 954 2497 | Email: info@lighthouse-healthcare.co.uk www.lighthouse-healthcare.co.uk nd We are specialists in providing bespoke solutions for people with complex and multiple needs