Scand J Med Sci Sports 2010: 20: 493–501 DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2009.00958.x & 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S Clinical assessment of hip strength using a hand-held dynamometer is reliable K. Thorborg1, J. Petersen1, S. P. Magnusson2, P. Hölmich1 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Amager Hospital, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Institute of Sports Medicine Copenhagen, Bispebjerg Hospital, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark Corresponding author: Kristian Thorborg, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Amager Hospital, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Italiensvej 1, Copenhagen DK-2300, Denmark. Tel: 145 32 34 32 47, Fax: 145 32 34 39 95, E-mail: Accepted for publication 18 March 2009 Hip strength assessment plays an important role in the clinical examination of the hip and groin region. The primary aim of this study was to examine the absolute test–retest measurement variation concerning standardized strength assessments of hip abduction (ABD), adduction (ADD), external rotation (ER), internal rotation (IR), flexion (FLEX) and extension (EXT) using a hand-held dynamometer. Nine subjects (five males, four females), physically active for at least 2.5 h a week, were included. Twelve standardized isometric strength tests were performed twice with a 1-week interval in between by the same examiner. The test order was randomized to avoid systematic bias. Measurement variation between sessions was 3–12%. When the maximum value of four measurements was used, test–retest measurement variation was below 10% in 11 of the 12 individual hip strength tests and below 5% in five of the 12 tests. No systematic differences were present. Standardized strength assessment procedures of hip ABD, ER, IR, FLEX, with test–retest measurement variation below 5%, hip ADD below 6% and hip EXT below 8%, make it possible to determine even small changes in hip strength at the individual level. Hip strength assessment plays an important role in clinical examination of the hip and groin region (Holmich et al., 2004), and clinical outcome measures quantifying hip muscle strength are needed. A hand-held dynamometer (HHD) is a portable measurement device often used for assessing hip muscle function (Tyler et al., 2001, 2006; Ireland et al., 2003; Niemuth et al., 2005; Cichanowski et al., 2007). The procedure is inexpensive and easy to administer compared with traditional isokinetic testing, which makes it more suitable for the clinical setting. Different testing procedures have been reported concerning the positioning of the persons being tested (Krause et al., 2007; Pua et al., 2008), and consensus on a standardized procedure to determine isometric hip muscle strength using the HHD does not exist. The primary aim of this study was to examine the absolute test–retest measurement variation concerning strength assessments of hip abduction (ABD), adduction (ADD), external rotation (ER), internal rotation (IR), flexion (FLEX) and extension (EXT) in healthy individuals, in 12 commonly applied testing positions. The secondary aim of this study was to calculate strength ratios between adductors and abductors, and internal rotators and external rotators and report the absolute test–retest measurement variation of these procedures. Materials and methods Participants Nine healthy participants gave their informed consent to participate in the study. Five males, mean SD, age 5 27 5 years, height 5 184 7 cm, weight 5 80 8 kg and four females, mean SD, age 5 25 4 years, height 5 165 8 cm, weight 5 57 7 kg. Only participants with no history of injury to the hip and groin region were included. All participants had to be physically active for at least 2.5 h a week. The participants did not report any medical conditions compromising their physical function. The participants were instructed to maintain their regular training regimens throughout the experimental period, but exercising on the day before the test was not allowed. The participants had no prior HHD test experience. The Danish ethics committee of the Capital Region, and the Danish Data Protection Agency approved the study. Testing set up The testing was performed in a clinical examination room at the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Amager Hospital. The testing set up included a portable HHD and an examination table. Muscle strength was tested with the Power track II commander (Fig. 1). The dynamometer was calibrated on each test-day and all test procedures were standardized. A physiotherapist (K. T.) with previous experience using the HHD performed all the testing. All strength tests were 493 Thorborg et al. isometric strength tests, also known as make tests (Sisto & Dyson-Hudson, 2007). Test and retest were performed with a 1-week interval at the same time of the day. Each subject performed FLEX, EXT, ABD, ADD, ER and IR, in two different testing positions for each movement direction (Table 1.) Testing procedures The test positions were chosen based on procedures often applied in clinical settings (Kendall et al., 1993; Krause et al., 2007; Pua et al., 2008). It included 12 isometric tests, which were divided into six antagonistic pairs to avoid certain movement directions being repeated in succession. The participants were told to stabilize themselves by holding on to the sides of the table with their hands. The examiner applied resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerted a 5-s isometric maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) against the dynamometer and the examiner. The testing sequence of the six antagonistic pairs was randomized at the initial testing session, and this testing sequence was maintained in the same order at the retest session. After the participants were instructed in the proce- dures, they were asked to perform one isometric sub-maximal contraction into the investigators’ hand, to ensure that the correct action by the participant was performed. Then an additional practice trial, in the form of an MVC against the HHD, was applied. The individual test was administered four times to reduce a possible learning effect. The highest value of four consecutive measurements and the mean of the three highest values are presented, because these procedures are commonly applied in MVC testing. The highest value is referred to hereafter as the ‘‘best’’ value. There was a 30-s rest period between each trial, and after the fourth and the eighth test a 5-min rest period was introduced. These rest periods were introduced to avoid a decline in strength across trials due to fatigue (Sisto & Dyson-Hudson, 2007). The standardized command by the examiner was ‘‘go ahead-pushpush-push-push and relax.’’ The whole testing session took approximately 1 h. (Detailed information on the individual testing procedures can be found in Appendix 1.) Calculation of strength ratio Hip adduction/abduction strength ratios in the supine position (HADD/HABD-SUP), and in the side-lying position (HADD/ HAB-SLP) and hip internal rotation/external rotation strength ratio in prone position (HIR/HER-PP) and in the sitting position (HIR/HER-SIP) were calculated based on the individual strength measurements of each movement direction. Statistical analysis Distributions of variables are presented as mean 1 standard deviation (SD). The average of the test days and mean differences from test days 1 to 2 are presented. All the dependent variables demonstrated a normal distribution (Kolmogorov–Smirnov) and parametric tests were applied. Paired t-tests were used to examine whether there was a systematic difference between test and retest. Relative reliability is the degree to which individuals maintain their position in a sample with repeated measurements. To assess relative reliability intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) 2.1 coefficients (twoway random model, consistency definition) with the corresponding 95% confidence interval (95% CI) was calculated. Absolute reliability is the degree to which repeated measurements vary for individuals, and was expressed as the standard error p of measurement (SEM), which was calculated as SD 1 ICC, where SD is the SD of all scores from the participants (Weir, 2005). SEM is also presented as a SEM% by dividing the SEM with the average of the test and retest values. The SEM was used for calculating the minimal Fig. 1. Testing set-up. Table 1. Test characteristics Movement direction Abbreviation Dynamometer placement Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip abduction-side-lying position abduction-supine position adduction-side-lying position adduction-supine position extension-prone position-long Lever HABD-SLP HABD-SUP HADD-SLP HADD-SUP HE-PP-LL Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip Hip extension-prone position-short lever external rotation-prone position external rotation-sitting position flexion-sitting position flexion-supine position internal rotation-prone position internal rotation-sitting position HE-PP-SL HER-PP HER-SIP HF-SIP HF-SUP HIR-PP HIR-SIP 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the lateral malleol 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the lateral malleol 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol, at the posterior calf-complex 5 cm proximal to the knee joint line, at the posterior thigh 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the patella border 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the patella border 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the lateral malleol 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the lateral malleol 494 Clinical assessment of hip strength detectable p change (MDC) and was calculated as SEM 1.96 2 to construct a 95% CI (Weir, 2005). A level of Po0.05 was chosen to indicate statistical significance. Grubb’s test was used to detect outliers in the individual test, and these were removed (Grubbs, 1969; http://www., 2008). Results The reliability of individual hip strength measurements is presented in Table 2. Measurement variation was between 3–12% in the individual hip strength measurements. HE-PP-SL was the only test where measurement variation was above 10%. No systematic differences were present when the best value of four measurements was used. Systematic differences were present in HABD-SUP, when calculating the mean of the three best measurement repetitions. HF-SIP (SEM 5 5%) and HF-SUP (SEM 5 5%), HIR-PP (SEM 5 6%) and HIR-SIP (SEM 5 7–8%), HER-PP (SEM 5 3–4%) and HER-SIP (SEM 5 4%) showed comparable measurement errors despite the different test positions used for each movement direction. HABD-SUP (SEM 5 3%) generally showed less measurement variation than HABDSLP (SEM 5 9%). HE-PP-LL showed less measurement variation (SEM 5 7–8%) than HE-PP-SL (SEM 5 11–12%). One outlier was detected for HER-PP, when using the maximum values of four measurements and when calculating the mean of the Table 2. Reliability of hip strength assessment HABD-SLP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HABD-SUP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HADD-SLP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HADD-SUP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HE-PP-LL Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HE-PP-SL Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HER-PP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HER-SIP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HF-SIP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HF-SUP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HIR-PP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HIR-SIP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. Test (N) mean (SD) Retest (N) mean (SD) Difference test–retest (N) mean (SD) Paired t-test ICC (CI 95%) SEM 128.9 (25.0) 125.9 (24.8) 126.4 (18.6) 120.3 (19.4) 2.5 (15.8) 5.6 (15.6) 0.647 0.312 0.74 (0.21–0.94) 0.76 (0.24–9.94) 10.9 10.7 8.5 8.7 30.1 29.6 144.2 (23.2) 139.5 (23.1) 143.9 (26.4) 135.8 (26.1) 0.3 (5.8) 3.7 (4.7) 0.867 0.046* 0.97 (0.89–0.99) 0.98 (0.92–1.00) 4.2 3.4 2.9 2.5 11.6 9.4 146.2 (23.0) 141.9 (22.1) 152.6 (24.4) 145.6 (23.7) 6.3 (16.8) 3.7 (15.1) 0.290 0.488 0.75 (0.22–0.94) 0.78 (0.30–0.95) 11.6 10.5 7.8 7.3 32.1 28.9 135.1 (30.0) 130.1 (28.7) 139.0 (30.9) 134.7 (30.6) 3.9 (11.2) 4.6 (14.2) 0.329 0.359 0.93 (0.73–0.98) 0.89 (0.57–0.97) 7.8 9.6 5.7 7.2 21.6 26.5 214.1 (38.7) 207.3 (40.0) 215.4 (51.8) 209.3 (50.7) 1.3 (24.3) 2.0 (22.3) 0.873 0.795 0.86 (0.50–0.97) 0.88 (0.56–0.97) 16.6 15.3 7.7 7.4 45.9 42.4 229.4 (56.3) 218.3 (51.7) 231.8 (65.6) 218.4 (65.3) 2.3 (40.3) 0.2 (36.5) 0.866 0.988 0.78 (0.30–0.95) 0.81 (0.36–0.95) 27.8 24.9 12.1 11.4 76.8 68.9 135.5 (36.4) 130.1 (37.0) 131.6 (36.4) 127.6 (34.3) 3.9 (6.1) 2.5 (6.7) 0.116 0.329 0.99 (0.93–1.00) 0.98 (0.91–1.00) 3.5 4.9 3.0w 3.8w 9.7 13.5 129.7 (19.7) 123.7 (18.9) 131.0 (22.1) 126.0 (22.1) 1.3 (8.2) 2.3 (6.6) 0.639 0.317 0.92 (0.70–0.98) 0.95 (0.79–0.99) 5.8 4.5 4.4 3.6 16.0 12.4 270.0 (49.0) 258.8 (48.0) 278.4 (43.0) 271.2 (41.9) 8.4 (19.3) 12.4 (17.5) 0.225 0.067 0.91 (0.66–0.98) 0.92 (0.70–0.98) 13.5 12.5 4.9 4.7 37.3 34.5 212.6 (38.4) 207.5 (36.0) 222.3 (43.3) 213.5 (42.2) 9.8 (14.0) 6.0 (14.9) 0.070 0.264 0.94 (0.76–0.99) 0.93 (0.71–0.98) 9.8 10.1 4.5 4.8 27.1 27.9 117.3 (20.6) 114.1 (20.3) 121.4 (24.6) 117.4 (23.6) 4.1 (10.5) 3.4 (10.1) 0.274 0.349 0.89 (0.60–0.97) 0.89 (0.60–0.98) 7.4 7.1 6.2 6.1 20.5 19.6 135.8 (26.5) 128.0 (24.1) 138.0 (23.3) 132.4 (21.0) 2.2 (15.9) 4.4 (13.8) 0.686 0.368 0.80 (0.33–0.95) 0.81 (0.37–0.95) 10.8 9.6 7.9 7.4 29.9 26.6 SEM (%) MDC *Po0.05. w n 5 8. M, mean; N, newton; ICC, intra-class correlation coefficient; CI, confidence interval; SEM, standard error of measurement; MDC, minimal detectable change; SD, standard deviation; reps., repetitions; HABD-SLP, hip abduction-side-lying position; HADD-SUP, hip adduction-supine position; HE-PP-LL, hip extension-prone position-long lever; HE-PP-SL, hip extension-prone position-short lever; HER-PP, hip external rotation-prone position; HER-SIP, hip external rotation-sitting position; HF-SIP, hip flexion-sitting position; HF-SUP, hip flexion-supine position; HIR-PP, hip internal rotation-prone position; HIR-SIP, hip internal rotation-sitting position. 495 Thorborg et al. Table 3. Reliability of hip antagonist strength ratios HADD/HABD-SLP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HAAD/HABD-SUP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HIR/HER-PP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. HIR/HER-SIP Best of 4 reps. (M) 3 best reps. Test mean (SD) Retest mean (SD) Difference test–retest mean (SD) Paired t-test ICC (95% CI) SEM SEM (%) MDC 1.16 (0.25) 1.16 (0.26) 1.22 (0.17) 1.22 (0.18) 0.05 (0.19) 0.06 (0.17) 0.423 0.308 0.63 ( 0.10–0.90) 0.69 (0.10–0.92) 0.13 0.12 10.9 10.1 0.36 0.33 0.96 (0.16) 0.94 (0.16) 1.02 (0.17) 1.00 (0.17) 0.06 (0.10) 0.06 (0.10) 0.175 0.109 0.76 (0.25–0.94) 0.81 (0.35–0.95) 0.08 0.07 7.9 7.2 0.22 0.19 0.91 (0.17) 0.88 (0.15) 0.93 (0.12) 0.92 (0.13) 0.02 (0.10) 0.04 (0.07) 0.519 0.159 0.76 (0.25–0.94) 0.72 (0.17–0.93) 0.08 0.08 7.9 8.6 0.22 0.22 1.05 (0.11) 1.04 (0.13) 1.06 (0.15) 1.06 (0.13) 0.02 (0.09) 0.02 (0.09) 0.632 0.511 0.74 (0.20–0.93) 0.76 (0.24–0.93) 0.06 0.06 5.7 5.7 0.17 0.17 *Po0.05. M, mean; N, newton; ICC, intra-class correlation Coefficient; CI, confidence interval; SEM, standard error of measurement; MDC, minimal detectable change; SD, standard deviation; reps., repetitions; HADD/HABD-SLP, adduction/abduction strength ratios in the side-lying position; HADD/HABD-SUP, adduction/abduction strength ratios in the supine position; HIR/HER-PP, hip internal/hip external rotation-prone position, HIR/HER-SIP, hip internal/ hip external rotation-siting position. three maximum values of four measurements, and these data were removed. The reliability of HADD/HABD strength ratios and HIR/HER strength ratios are presented in Table 3. Measurement variation was between 6% and 11% for the different measurements. No systematic differences were present. HADD/HABDSLP (SEM 5 10–11%) was the only strength ratio where measurement variation was above 10%. In HADD/HABD-SUP (SEM 5 7–8%), HIR/HER-PP (SEM 5 8–9%) and HIR/HER-SIP (SEM 5 6%), measurement variation was below 10%. Discussion The main findings in the present study were that standardized strength assessment procedures of hip ABD, ADD, IR, ER, FLEX and EXT can be performed in a clinical setting with small measurement variation. In 11 of the 12 tests, strength changes above 10% can be considered to be ‘‘real’’ changes in healthy individuals. The difference in test–retest variation, when using the best value of four consecutive measurements vs the mean of the three best values, was insignificant ( 1%). However, systematic differences between test and retest existed when using the mean of the three best values. No systematic differences between test and retest were found when the best value of four repetitions was used, and this approach is therefore recommended clinically. Reliable hip muscle strength assessments make it possible to objectively determine whether changes in hip strength have occurred over time. Reliable hip muscle strength assessment can also provide a screen- 496 ing tool for the detection of hip muscle weaknesses in healthy individuals, which has been shown to be a risk factor for sustaining a groin injury (Tyler et al., 2001; O’Connor, 2004). The present study is, to our knowledge, the first study investigating the test–retest measurement variation of the hip ADD/ABD strength ratio and HIR/ HER strength ratio. The hip ADD/ABD strength ratio was first introduced by Tyler et al. (2001). The hip IR/ER strength ratio has not been described previously in the literature and the present study shows that reliable measurements of this procedure can be obtained, both in the prone and in the sitting position. However, the clinical relevance of the IR/ ER strength ratio and its possible implications need to be investigated in future studies. Direct comparison of the absolute reproducibility of HHD vs isokinetic testing measuring hip muscle strength has, to our knowledge, not been investigated. Studies on the reproducibility of isokinetic testing of the hip have shown variable relative reliability, with ICCs ranging from 0.04 to 0.91 (Emery et al., 1999; Claiborne et al., 2009), and these results do not seem to indicate any superiority of this method in terms of test–retest reliability. In a study comparing the absolute reliability of isokinetic testing vs HHD, measuring shoulder ABD, HHD produced less test–retest measurement variation (CV 5 11%) than isokinetic testing (CV 5 19%) (Magnusson et al., 1990). In the present study, we found a similar measurement variation when we tested the hip compared with when Magnusson et al. (1990) tested the shoulder using the HHD (Magnusson et al., 1990). Thus, there seem to be no present argument for not using the HHD in strength testing both for clinical and research purposes when hip strength needs to be assessed. Clinical assessment of hip strength Belt stabilization is often used for clinical and for research purposes when using HHD. We deliberately avoided the use of belts or other stabilization aids, because we wanted to make a simple testing set up, with no extra equipment and very simple instructions. We wanted the measurement procedures to be easy to learn, administer and implement in the clinical setting. The self-stabilization method where the patients hold on to the table worked well during testing, causing no stabilization problems, and our results suggest that this seems to be an acceptable method. We have only identified one study examining the effect of different testing positions on test–retest reliability (Krause et al., 2007). The study by Krause et al. (2007) showed that the relative reliability of hip ABD and ADD strength measurements in the sidelying position is better, when using a long lever compared with a short lever. Furthermore, the relative reliability was better when using a long lever with a bench for stabilization in testing hip ADD, compared with a long lever without bench stabilization (Krause et al., 2007). Based on these results, we used the testing position described by Krause et al. (2007). The present study shows that testing in the supine position seems to produce less measurement variation than in the sidelying position, when testing hip ABD and ADD strength. A possible explanation for this could be that stabilization issues concerning the person being tested are completely eliminated in the supine position, compared with the side-lying position. Direct comparisons of measurement error in the two studies, however, cannot be made because of two main reasons. (1) We performed an isometric test, and Krause and colleagues performed an eccentric test and (2) Krause and colleagues only reported the relative reliability of their measurements, which cannot be compared with our absolute values. Studies investigating the reproducibility of hip strength measurement using HHD have often only reported the relative reliability (Click et al., 2003; Scott et al., 2004). However, relative reliability does not provide a cut-off score for delineating a true change from the measurement variation, which is necessary for making valid clinical decisions. Another problem with only reporting the relative reliability is that it does not provide an insight into the absolute reliability obtained in different studies and with different testing procedures, making it difficult to choose the most relevant measurement procedure for a certain clinical problem. Therefore, the application of absolute parameters such as the SEM has been advocated (Weir, 2005). We therefore decided to present both the ICC and the SEM. A limitation of the present study is that we only investigated the intra-tester reliability, and did not examine the inter-tester reliability. The inferior strength of the tester is a possible factor in HHD, affecting inter-tester reliability (Agre et al., 1987; Lu et al., 2007; Kelln et al., 2008). Therefore, the present study’s results can only be extrapolated to the intratester situation. However, we preferred to use a long lever arm in the individual tests whenever possible, so that the tester’s strength greatly exceeded the isometric force of the participant. HE-PP-SL was the only test where measurement error was above 10%, which could very well be because tester strength in this measurement did not greatly exceed the isometric hip EXT force of the participant, and in general was difficult to perform. A second limitation is that we chose to perform isometric testing (make-test) instead of eccentric testing (break-test) (Sisto & Dyson-Hudson, 2007), even though eccentric strength testing has shown greater strength values (Bohannon, 1988). Isometric loading induces less stress to the musculoskeletal system than eccentric loading, which is relevant when testing individuals presenting with pathology. Because our long-term goal is to develop a test suitable for both healthy individuals and individuals presenting with hip and/or groin pathology, we decided that a less stressful test is better suited for this purpose. The present study describes the absolute reliability of 12 different hip strength measurements in a homogenous group of healthy physically active individuals. Hip muscle strength is often affected in patients with hip and groin pathology (Akermark & Johansson, 1992; Holmich et al., 1999; Arokoski et al., 2002; Cetin et al., 2004) and a simple, reliable method of quantifying hip muscle strength in the clinical setting is therefore needed. Physically active individuals with hip and groin pathology must be considered to represent a more heterogeneous group of individuals with a potentially larger test–retest variation, and therefore test–retest measurement variation should also be established for this group. Hip strength assessment is an important part of the clinical examination of the hip and groin. The present study shows that standardized strength assessment procedures of hip ABD, ER, IR and FLEX, with test–retest measurement variation below 5%, hip ADD below 6% and hip EXT below 8%, can be performed in a clinical setting. The HDD is easy to administer and produces a small measurement variation, making it possible to determine even small changes in hip strength at the individual level. Perspectives Assessing hip muscle strength with an HHD shows great promise as a reliable clinical tool for evaluating hip strength. Furthermore, it is an inexpensive and 497 Thorborg et al. easy method to use, making it ideal for the clinical setting. Historically, the side-lying position for testing ABD and ADD strength has been preferred (Kendall et al., 1993). However, clinically, the supine position offers an advantage in the assessment of isometric hip ABD and ADD strength using an HDD, because it produces a smaller measurement variation, making it capable of detecting small yet potentially clinically meaningful changes at the individual level. The supine position also offers another advantage, because it can be easily applied in individuals who are either unable to, or who have great difficulties in producing sufficient force in the sidelying position to overcome gravity, due to either muscle weakness or pain. Future studies concerning the hip strength assessment procedures presented in this study should be undertaken in individuals with hip- and groin-related problems, to investigate the applicability in this population. Key words: hip, strength, strength ratio, measurement, rehabilitation. Acknowledgements This study was supported by grants from Danish Society of Sportsphysiotherapy, Danish Regions, The Association of Danish Physiotherapist and the Lundbeck Foundation. References Agre JC, Magness JL, Hull SZ, Wright KC, Baxter TL, Patterson R, Stradel L. Strength testing with a portable dynamometer: reliability for upper and lower extremities. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1987: 68: 454–458. Akermark C, Johansson C. 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The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). The person being tested is in the side-lying position, with the hip in neutral position. The opposite hip is in 90 degrees of hip flexion. The person being tested holds on to the side of the table with the upper hand and rest his head on the lower arm. The examiner stabilises the pelvis with one hand and applies resistance in a fixed position with the other. The person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the lateral malleol, against hip abduction. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go aheadpush-push-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). Hip adduction strength, supine position (HADD-SUP) Hip adduction strength, sidelying position (HADD-SLP) The person being tested is in the supine position, with the hip in neutral position. The test-leg and the resistance point are placed over the end of the table. The opposite leg is flexed. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol, against hip adduction. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). The person being tested is in the side-lying position, with the hip in neutral position. The opposite hip leg is placed on a stool in 90 degrees of hip flexion. The person being tested holds on to the side of the table with the upper hand and rest the head on the lower arm. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position. The person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol, against hip adduction. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). 499 Thorborg et al. Hip flexion strength, supine position (HF-SUP) Hip flexion strength, sitting position (HF-SIP) The person being tested in the supine position, with the hip in 90 degrees of flexion. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the patella, against hip flexion. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-pushpush-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). The person being tested is in the sitting position, with the hip in 90 degrees of flexion. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the patella, against hip flexion. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-pushpush-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). Hip extension strength, prone position, long lever (HE-PP-LL) Hip extension strength, prone position (HE-PP-SL) The person being tested is in the prone position, with the hip in the neutral position. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol, at the posterior aspect of the lower leg, against hip extension. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-pushpush and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). The person being tested is in prone position, with the hip in neutral position and the knee in 70–90 degrees of flexion. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the knee joint line, at the posterior aspect of the thigh, against hip extension. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-pushpush and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). 500 Clinical assessment of hip strength Hip external rotation strength, prone position (HER-PP) Hip external rotation strength, sitting position (HER-SIP) The person being tested is in the prone position, with the hip in the neutral position and with 90 degrees of flexion in the knee. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol, against hip external rotation. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-pushpush-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). The person being tested is in the sitting position, with the hip in 90 degrees of flexion. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the medial malleol, against hip external rotation. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). Hip internal rotation strength, prone position (HIR-PP) Hip internal rotation strength, sitting position (HIR-SIP) The person being tested is in the prone position, with the hip in neutral position and with 90 degrees of flexion in the knee. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the lateral malleol, against hip internal rotation. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-pushpush and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). The person being tested is in the sitting position, with the hip in 90 degrees of hip flexion. The person being tested holds on to the sides of the table with both hands. The examiner applies resistance in a fixed position and the person being tested exerts a maximum effort against the dynamometer and the examiner. The resistance is applied 5 cm proximal to the proximal edge of the lateral malleol, against hip internal rotation. The standardised command by the examiner is ‘‘go ahead-push-push-push-push and relax’’ (lasting 5 s). 501