rF l INST. HEA'ATTRANI..ER TO BOILING LI\JUIDS LI,/R'R~ VACUUifi UNDEH by Richard arding Braunlich B.S., M.I.T. 1940 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment Reiuirements of the for the Degree of Master of Science from the MIvassachusettsInstitute of Technology 1941 Signature of Author I - - - Department of Chemical Engineering, May 10, 1940 Signature of Professornn MAY23 1942 Charrre of Research Signature of Chairman of Departmant Committee on Graduate Students T.I.T. Graduate House Cambridge, Mass. May 1, 1941 Professor George 14.Swett Secretary of the Faculty Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, assachusetts Dear Sir:In partial fulfillment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science, I submit herewith a thesis entitled "Heat Transfer to BoilingLiquids;E %r an."." Very truly yours, Richard h. Braunlich .- ACKNOWLE)DG1ENT The author acknowledges with gratitude the kind assistance and advice of Professor ?..H.McAdams and Mr. G.Williams under whose direction was done. this research "-= ram TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. SU¢IvtRY II . INTHODUCTION Ii1. PROCEDURE 7 IV. RESULTS 13 V. D)ISCUSION 1 O RESULTS 26 VI. CONCLUSIONS 36 VII . RC;COI¢ElNDATIONS 38 VIII. APPENDIX 39 A. DETAILS OF BOILER CONSTRUCTION 40 B. THERLMOCOUPLEINSTALLATION 43 C. NOMENCLATURE 49 D. SAMPLE CALCULATIONS 51 DD. SUJiLifRY E. PRECISION F. BIBLI OGRP-PiIY OF DAT-A iAND CALCULATIOINS OF MEASUREMENTS 53 56 57 TABLE OF FIGURES Figure No. Pag I. DIAGRAli OF APPAR.TUS II. DIAGRAM~OF BOILER III. HEAT FLUX VS. 8 41 TElIP. D1IFF. SHOWING CONSISTENC'Y OF RESULTS IV. LOCATION OF ATM. CHECK POINTS U'ITH TO STAilDARD ATM. V. HiEAT FLUX VS. TEMP . DIFF. tirfT ESPECT CURVE foOILING AT 212 0 F. VI. 15 16 FOR WATER 17 FLUX VS. TEMP. DIFF. FOR ¥WATER BOILING AT 190°F. VII. iEAT FLUX VS. 3BOILINGAT 170 VIII. iHEAT FLUX VS, 18 TEMP. DIFF. 110 0 F. FOR WATER 19 TEMiP. DI'FF. FOR WATER BOILING AT 150°F. IX. HEAT FLUX VS. TEMP. 20 DI FF . FOR BOILING AT 130 0 F. X. XI. XII. VVATER 21 COMPOSITE OF FIGURES V TO IX AlX. HEAT FLUX VS. 22 BOILING TEMP. 23 OVERALL COEFFICIENTS VS. OVERALL TEMP. DIFF. - STEAM TO UWATER XIII-XV.'JARIOUS METHOJDSOF PLOTTIIIG TE DATA 24 25 XVI. CALIBRATIONJ XVII. DETAILS OF THERMllOCOUPLEINSTALLATION 47 XVIII . THERiOiCOUPLECALIBRATION 48 OF STEAvii GAGE 42 SUIv MARY The urpose of this investigation ue the work of C. K. an experimental was to contin- alker9 who designed and built boiler in 1940 for a study of heat transfer to boiling liquids under vacuum. Distilled water was boiled in the all copper cylindrical boiler by means of a horizontal, submerged, chrome-plated copper tube internally heated by steam. using a vertical reflux condenser, heat flux was measured for various values of Et (temperature drop from the side surface of the tube to boiling water) and for various boiling temperatures. The following results were obtained: 1.) , the heat flux obtained with For a given At a clean tube was reproducible within~ 15%. .) For values of t ranging from 12 to 30 F., a slight fouling of the surface increased the heat flux 40% above that obtained for the clean tube. 'This agrees quantitatively with a sim- ilar finding by Akin1 . 3.) For values ofAt ranging from 1J to 35°F., the heat flux varies approximately as the 2-2.5 power of ht, depending on the boiling temperature. -2- 4.) The maximumflux occurs at a t of 450 F. for all boiling temperatures used (110 to tiO F.), and is an exponential function of the boiling temperature rather than of' the absolute pressure 5.) or viscosity of the boiling liquid alone. For a givenAt over the range of 45 to 150 0 F., the coefficients and also heat flux decrease with a decrease in the boiling temperature. .) Using octyl thiocvanate to promote the inside copper surface, very high steam side coefficients were obtained. The side surface temperatures of the tube wall were practically the same at the three points as shown in ure XVII. ig- II. Ii:THfODUCTION The use of evaporation as an important part of many industrial processes has naturally led engineers liquids. to a study of heat transfer to boiling The designing engineer is greatly aided br experimental data in designing and the performance of new equipment. redicting 'The Fwide use of multiple effect evaporators, requiring boiling at pressures lower-than atmospheric illustrates the importance of data on heat transfer to liquids boiling under vacuum. It has been only recently, however, that any work has been done on the subject so that today the phenomenon of boiling under vacuum still remains one of the most important phases of heat transfer about which our knowledge is quite meagre. Early investigators in the field of boiling liquids studied the phenomenon at atmospheric pressure and at low temperature differences; i.e., the temperature of the heating surface was very near that of the boiling liquid. These workers found that as the temperature difference between the heating surface and the liquid was increased, ficients the coef- of heat transfer increased markedly. -4- Later it was found that as the range of tem- perature difference is increased beyrondthat studied by the first investigators, a point is finally reached at which the heat transfer rate becomes a maximurn. The temperature difference corresponding to this point is often termed the "critical"' value. iis the temperature of the heating surface is still further increased, the rate of heat transfer falls off at a rapid rate.A."ttemperature differences below the critical value, the boiling is vigorous and has been described in the literature as "nuclear" boil- ing, while above the critical value boiling is much slower and has been called "film" boiling because the heating surface is insulated by a film or blanket of superheated vapor of the liquid being boiled. The factorsaffectingeat transfer are numerous and very little in~- liquids as to the 1bJ to boilis knowvn degree in variation of'heat transfer caused variation of tese facto:-Cs. The most i.rortant factors seem to be temperature difference, absolute nressure, viscosity, surface tension, surface wetting, thermal conductivity, and surface roughness. erous euations um- have been ro)osed to correlate isting data on heat transfer to boiling liquids, ex- -5- but no one equation fits all of the data. The general effect of pressure on heat transfer to boiling liquids has been studied in the Claassen, in 1902, ast. using an experimental coil evaporator, showed that the overall coefficients from steam to boiling liquid decreased with a decrease in the pressure on the liquid. For the same rate of heat transfer the overall coefficient obtained for water boilin?-y at 1580 F. was 25%. lower than that obtained at k'120F Badger and Shepard , using a vertical tube, basket type evaporator, found a 30 to 45 decrease under the same conditions. CryTderand Finalborgo , using an electrically heated copper tube boiled various liquids under vacuum. Their results show a decrease in coefficients as the pressure was lowered, but the data were ob- tained over a low range of temperature drop ( tube wall to boiling liquid). Sherman and Kaulakis , using a steam heated, nickel-plated copper tube, boiled several alcohols and wter under vacuumn.Their results also show a markec.decrease in coefficients with decrease in pressure. The lowest boiling termperaturereached in runs with water was 155 F. Insigner and Bliss , using an electrically heated, chromium-plated copper tube, boiled water under vacuum. The hifhest temperature difference used was 16.60 F., and the lowest boiling point was 1-7 0 F. Their results show a marked decrease in coefficients with vacuum in spite of the low temperature difference range. In 1940, C.K. VWalker9 designed and built an experimental boiler housing a horizontal, steam heated, chromium-plated copper heating tube. iHewas able to obtain pressures low enough to boil water 0 F. at 78° s time was short he was unable to obtain data of a comprehensive nature. An examination of the original data indicated that measurements had been made before equilibrium conditions had been reached in the boiler. It was the purpose of this investigation to continue the work of ??alker with the same apparatus exploring wide ranges of temperature difference p res sure. and -7- III. A. ) Description of PROCEDURE pparatus The apparatus used in this investigation was designed and built by C. K. Walker9 in 1940. It consists primarily of a cylindrical copper boiler containing a horizontal, chrome-plated, copper tube internally heated with condensing steam. Vapors are totally condensed in a vertical copper reflux condenser. dagram of the apparatus is shown in Figure I. The details of the boiler construction are presented in section A of the appendix. The steam line consists ( in order from the steam main) of a condensate trap, a two inch high pressure tee containing glass wool for filtering purposes, a pressure regulator, a thermometer well, a Bourdon pressure gage, the heating tube itself, another thermometer well, two auxiliary condensers to aid in condensing steam under vacuum, and a vented condensate trap fitted with a water driven asoirator to draw vapor out of the trap when the steam line is run under vacuum. ahe boiler is about a foot long and eight inches in diameter. The heating tube is standard half-inch copperpipe, chrome-plated outside, inches in outside diauleter,0.109 ness, .c12l nchles in len,th, 0.840 inch wall thick- ,-vilug an 3outside -8- , .'0 0to b "IL, 2- b I. q) 'I-, 0 1 b b r, ..C 0 o 01 Q C k Q cn Oc4 _. _b I- I- -9- LEGEND B - Boiler C - Condenser F - Steam Filter G - Pressure Guage 'FORF1IGURE I h,J - Auxiliary Condensers K, T - Traps - Needle Valve B - Pressure Regulator V - Vacuum Regulator -10- eatr area ofi' .2- ar..Cinstalled souare fet. Thermocou'pes in the side tube vialls to m.ea.sure surflace terpejatures. ietails of the termocouple installat-ion are presented in sectionU]~of the TiLe vertical co-p.-:;l' tuube inside T'1ie c.Jn(eiQtisi"-l a .iC telrfllu; area eedlc water is 2..2 s,-u$?e feet. il r a.Spirator valve of a Lwo incl steel a is ,act ,1.sed e tO :maintin iven t-'lG vacuum being regulated VaClUu' U Joiler, i' '0e 1Y' :I.a conisists u.n... t.a va(cuu:; regulator ( a pressure 're..'s:_','.o)r A-/.i th the connections reversed). B. ) Experimental Procedure Before each run ( runs 10, 18,19,20 excluded) the heating tube was removed from the boiler and cleaned on both sides. he chrome-plate was olish- ed lightly with medium grade steel wool. The inside was cleaned with a stiff wire brush and then coated with octyl thiocyanate by means of a bristle brush wliichhad been dipped in the promoter. Promoter was also added to the filter from time to time. The boiler was filled with distilled water until the top of about 1 the heating tube was submerged to a depth of inches. If the run was to be a vacuum run -l1- the vacuum line was connected to the top of the condenser and the water aspirator started. If low temprerature steam (below 212 F.) was desired a water aspirator was applied to the condensate trap T. The steam valve was then cracked to give the desired pressure in the heating tube. After boiling had started the vacuum on the boiler was adjusted roughly with the vacuum regulator and accurately by adjusting the cooling water rate. The cooling water rate was regulated so that there was never less tan a 0° . rise from inlet to outlet. Tube -,alltempneratureswere measured by use of thermnocouples and a Brown portable potentiometer, Departi;ent Serial No. 150. jA thermocouple located about two inches from one side of the tube gave the biling temperature. Heat flux was measured br noting the rate of flow and the temperature rise of the cooling water flowing through the condenser. The rate of flow was measured b determining the time, using a stop watch, to fill a 1000 cc. graduated cylinder. If the rate was too high to give sufficient accuracy, a cali- brated bucket ( 8100 cc. ) was used in place of the 1000 cc. clinder. exit Thermometers in the inlet and ater lines of the condenser ave the temper- -12- ature rise. A run consisted of obtaining values of heat flux at various ht's (temperature drop from tube wall to liquid) for a articular boiling point. In all instances, at least fifteen minutes were allowed to elapse between taking data for two pints in order that the apparatus mightreach a steady state. Data for water boiling at 212°F. were taken first and served as a check on the reliability of sub- sequent vacuum runs. After each vacuum run one or two atmospheric points were taken and compared with the atmospheric curve. If these pints checked the curve within 15%I the vacuum data were considered reproducible. Data were taken for water boiling at 212°,1900,1700,1500,1300, and 110°F. A slight foul- ing of the tube at one period resulted in increased values of heat flux. Runs 18,19 and 20 were made to learn more if possible about this phenomenon. -13- IV. RESU'LTS The results of this investigation are shown in Figures III to XV. The following summarywill expedite a study of the results. 1.) For a given At from tube to distilled water boiling at 212 0 F., Figures III and IV show that the heat flux varies less than l5?1for a clean tube and is increased 40X) by a slight deposit of scale. 2.) Figure V is a plot of heat flux versus t from heating surface to boiling liquid for distilled water boiling at 2120 F. Data of other observers are included and run as low as seven-tenths of the values obtained by the author below the critical t (450F.) and three-tenths 3.) at the highest At (900 F.). Figures VI to IX present plots similar to those in Figure V for water boiling at 1900, 170, 1300, and 110°0F. In general, 1500, the data of other ob- servers lie below the present data. 4.) Figure X is a composite of the authors data given in Figures VI to IX. The effect of reducing the boiling point by the use of vacuum, which in general reduces the flux at a given t, is shown. -14- 5. ) Figure XI shows that the maximum flux may be correlated by an exponential function of the boiling temperature. Contrary to the statement in the literature the maximum flux was not found to be an exponential function of the absolute pressure; neither was it found to be an exponential function of the viscosity of the boiling liquid. 6.) Figure XII shows that the overall coefficients depend on the overall t ( from steam to boiling liquid) and the boiling temperature. Overall coefficients as high as 6000 were obtained at atmospheric pressure. 7. ) Figures XIII to XV show the three usual meth- ods of plotting from 1 the data. For values of' t ranging to 35°F., the slopes of the three curves are as follows: d(//A)/d(bt) = 2.5 = nil d( h )/d(,t) . 1.5 n d(h)/d(q/A) = .6 - n r-- - ---, --II , II I ! -15- ~ ~ ---,-,--- -- _J~ -~_ _ , I i $ , r l | l I i , it I i i .( - ) -t II-- -1. i ZI I 1. - 1.. ,.. - | . I A .4 _. _ . · . . _-- _ I -jilIl-Y_ - - e ... . F-----------c .- _-Li - I . i.. I. , __ . _ Hi I -t; _' . . . _ _ 0 ,. _ u _ I _ |* * I i ,- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ --- It ,: - . II. . -- _ r- ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-N . --- Ar 4- I t--t--- !- -r- v II _- - _ +_ '4 . I j I - !- ' .H ;1 - : _-.-+_ \. ._e or '` _ Q QdII C4 1W __ k1 0 ___ . I I -- i -- .i -- . i - . _. ,P I _---T __,_i . ' I · 1I I I i . i~ --- XC,- ---- - -- . 4n, I - -J A. 4 - 1_ 9 ----- - I . 7 -- -t--- _I ,.::~ ji :I -'sl . ' < b, . 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T : _~. - --_i -- ; I .~~~~~~~-;~ '~ ;.mi'_ 1 'I-:_r ' 1 --.::.'...... - ~... a ~~ ` i:.. ~~.... 1~~~~ -- .t_. : ,. :,.-- .· j - . - -:-- .- C) -- ,,, . !'7 ,~ . -".1 '; .... -,..-:: ' ~- : I ' ,,- --......- . ' ,~l '., . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I-I..: I - - * .· - z 1 -,. i---- -- 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ '-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-: , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:- I . .... ":' - ' --- '---+: I--Y ' ' ' ' ·: - ' : ' '-!-- -I.... .... -. , . '.. , ' ' -:-' 1 .:'--C-~ t-~:. - . ' :::-" -:t., _:1I :1 I. . : .-- ~1- In: / / -' ' ;- : : - - ' ~-ii ~~~~~~~~~~.. ''' ' -I ::--.':; - . :_-..:. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:... :I'iT -- _i~-.:._:.,: : ... -:-! i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--. I_ L-~~~~~~ .~~~~~~ ~ I Ic~-c...... r , --- . .- , I i , · ~ ~· ,~ < I ~ ~ r' - ,. :1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. t~I i. ~~~~~~~~-I---- 1 'iLT IT BILIiTtC()PP1 (-. U, ' QIlG2-PL. iTUBLE. = 1, n I36E'. = L o,Ooo B3.t.u. izT--ft. ) 2 19°F. C/A( = 76, 000 ,... ,(')o to /LI = 0 '. OF3 _ 20, 0(00 0 'F. to = 64 q/ 0 - tiL ,O -- t d~~oQr ) ,O0 /,o = :O0 -=---- (), to = 1:0°0.0 q/, - 1' . O) -26- V. DI$CUSS IoL'4 O' RL-ESjLTS ien . . alker designed the boiler wJhich was used in this investigation he assumed that the uleatng:itube would remain clean as long as the liq- uids employed were free from contamination - the boiler and condenser having been carefully cleaned initially. herefore, he made no allowances in the final design for an occasional removal of the heat- ing tube for cleaning. After a short period of oper- ation he found it necessary to dissemble the boiler to replace a broken thermocouple and he observed a thin scale on the heating surface. he character of surface had changed in spite of all his the heating precautions. hen the tube was removed again during of the apparatus for this investi- a reconditioning gation, a thin greenish scale was observed on the surface. It was suspected that scale formation had been the cause of the trouble attempting to obtain consistent reason considerable alker experienced in data and for this time was devoted to making changes in the apparatus which would facilitate frequent cleanings of the boiler and heating tube. The heating tube was cleaned on both sides prior to each of the first four runs and the data were consistent as is evidenced br Figure III. The boiler was not shut donm after run 4 but allowed to run overnight. Atmospheric run 5 was made on the following daT and the points obtained checked those of the first four runs within 10'- (Figure III). It was then thought that good results might not require a cleaning of the tube before each run.if the boil- ing were maintained between runs. Therefore, boiling was maintained between runs 8,9, and 10. The four points obtained in run 10 are shovm in Figure III and are connected by a dotted line. These points, strangely enough, represent an approximate increase of 50/ in heat flux. An examination of the heating tube revealed a thin, brownish scale which proved that foreign aterial may deposit on a heating surface despite the violent agitation provided b rising vapor bubbles. Akin1 experienced the same phenomenon with a similar apparatus. e noticed that a scale formed on the heating tube if water were allowed to stand in the boiler for any length of run made to determine time. A the effect of the scale resul- ted in extremely high coefficients. This phenomenon might be the result of increased wetting of the heat- ing surface due to the chemical nature of the scale. It is a well known fact that increased wetting of a heating surface is accompanied by smaller bubbles -28 and correspondingly higher heat fluxes. tuns 18,1, possible, tile and 20 were made to determine, if effect of scale formation over a long- er period of time. The boiling was continued at the conclusion of run 17 and runs 18-30 were made at intervals of two days. The points obtained in these runs are plotted in Figure IV against the standard atmospheric curve. The maximum deviation be less than the conclusion 15%. The heating is seen to tube was examined at of run 20 and found to be perfectly clean. It is felt that the scale formation in earlier runs was the result of dirt from the condenser which gradually worked down into the boiler. All of the atmospheric points including vacuum check points are shown in 1Figures III and IV. All of these points, with the exception of those obtained in run 10, are consistent, the maximum deviation from the curve being leas than 15o. It is concluded that for a givenAt (tube wall to boiling liquid), the heat flux obtained with a clean tube is reproducible that for values of At within-15%j, and, ranging from 12 to 30 F., a slight fouling of the surface may increase the heat flux 40'u, above that obtained for the clean tube. Figures V to IX provide a comparison curves obtained in this ivestigation of the with those ob- -29- tained by Sherman - Kaulakis and alker The at- mospheric curve agrees very well with that obtained by Sherman - Kaulakis with a Ni-P1. copper tube. The curves deviate from each other to the right of the hump and it is seen that this is also a char- acteristic of the curves obtained with vacuum. The curves obtained by Sherman - Kaulakis are lower than those of the present investigator without exception. The best agreement is found between the atmospheric and 1700 F. curves. Walkers curves are always lowest. This is undoubtedly because he failed to clean the heating surface. The scale which continually accumulated acted as a resistance to heat transfer and reduced the flux. The Sherman - Kaulakis and Walker data for water boiling at 1300 F. agree very well as is seen in Figure IX. Figure X is a composite of the authors data presented in Figures V to IX. In agreement with previous work these results show that in general the heat flux at any given temperature difference is lowered as the pressure on the boiling liquid is de- creased, but that the critical temperature difference, corresponding to the point of maximum flux, is in all cases, approximately the same at a value of about 450F. This value agrees with that reported by -30- many other investigators. Heat flux is lowered roughly ;20% as the boiling point is decreased from 212 to 190°F., 40% from 212 to 170 0 F., 50 212 to 130°0F., from and 65% from 212 to 110 0 F. It must be remembered that these percentages are only apnroximate and apolr only to heat flux as determined this ivestigation. in The curves are all straight lines to the left of the hump. The slopes of the :12, 190, and 170)'F.curves and 2.52 are respectively. about equal being 2.48, 2.55, T-he slopes of the 150, 130, 0 F. curves are 1.77, 2.19 and 2.00 respectiveand 110° ly. It is noticed that the 1500 curve crosses the 170 and 1900 curves. This unreasonable and not easily explained. The original data yield no source of error and as consistent check points were obtained upon three different occasions (see Figure VIII) it is felt that this condition may actually exist. As the boiling point of water changes, physical properties such as thermal conductivity, viscosit7, density, etc. also change and it is possible that heat flux may increase with decreasing pressure in the vicinit- of 130 F curve also has a tendency to cross the 1 . The 130° other curves. Refering to Figure VIII we see that the slope of the 1500 curve obtained bar Sherman and Kaulakis is even less than the slope of the curve obtained by -31- the present investigator while the slope of WSalker's curve is about the same. ]maximumheat flux may be correlated with boiling temperature by plotting the former against the latter on semi-log paper as shovm in Figure XI. The equation of the straight line through the points is: Log (q/Ao )m ax = .0038 T - 4.76 where T is expressed in degrees F. and heat flux as B.t.u./(hr.)(sq.ft.)( . An attempt to correlate maximum heat flux with absolute pressure as one by Walker and Insigner - Bliss was unsuccessful. corr- elation with viscosity was also unsuccessful. i s the slopes of the curves shown in Figure X vary widely,it is useless to attempt a correlation of heat transfer with boiling temperature by an equation of'the type proposed by Cryder and Finalborgo , which is in the form: Log h/h where h. and h n temperatures = b(t-tn) are coefficients t and t, of heat transfer at where tn is the boiling oint at atmospheric pressure, and b is a constant. Overall coefficients are plotted against overall termerature drop in Figure XIII. T'he shape and -32- location of thecurves are consistent with the data as so wnvin 1ii re Jr leaving no doubts as to the reliabili tr of'the thermocouole readings. Benzyl merncaptan nwasused as a rolmoter in the first fenw practice runs and did not produce a uniform steam side coefficient as was evidenced by thermocouple readings which varied widely. Octl t- ate was substituted and found to be much more satisfactory. In obtaining points to the left of the hump thermocouple readings were always within one or two degrees of each other when this promoter was used. In the vicinity of the hump thermocouple readings were subject to sudden and large fluctuations. For this reason points could not be determined accurately in the vicinity of the critical temperature. No serious trouble was experienced while run- ning steam through the heating tube under vacuum, and no appreciable pressure drop was encountered until the condensing steam temperature reached 140-1500 F. Even at this temperature, the largest temperature drop observed was 80 F. The steam side coefficients obtained were very high, ranging from 10,000 to 100,000 B.t.u./(hr.)(sq. ft.)(0 F.). The corresponding temperature drops from -33- from steam to tube wall were so low ( in most cases 1 to 5 F.) that these coefficients, as calculated, 4re approximate. Heat losses from the boiler were determined by Walker for water boiling at 212°F. This was accomlplished by using an electrical coil heater in place of the regular heating tube, measuring heat input by the wattage in the heater andoutput in the usual manner by the heat removed by the condenser. The difference between these values was taken 9. the heat loss. it low fluxes the losses were less than 5% of the total flux. As the losses would even be less for higher fluxes and lower boiling temperatures ( well within the limits of experimental error) heat losses were neglected in all calculations by the author. Three methods of plotting the data are shown in Figures XIII, XIV, and XV. The data have been plotted as q/A versus t, h versusl t, and h versus q/A respectively. Since by definition h equals q/(A)(lt), the second method involves a plot of q/A(t) versus At, and the third q/A(At) versus q/A. The first meth- od involves a direct plot of the resulting flux, q/A, and, since it cannot distort the basic results in com- paring the data of different observers, it has been used in making up the plots shown under results. In comparing the three plots it would seem offhand as though h versus q/A offers the best method of correlating the data and q/A versus Actually, t the next best. any one of the three methods gives the same result. For purposes of illustration related to t assume that h is by an equation of the type h - a n ( since the curve is a straight ) line but, ~ = hA and - / t-erefore, q = an+ also q = a h hn*l Rearranging the above equation h *at 1 n qn+ in other words, if the slope of h versus the slope of q/A versus &t will be nl t is n, and the slope of h versus q/A will be n/ntl . From Figure XIV the slope of h versus at is 1.52. Therefore, if the other curves have been drawn correctly their slopes should be 2.52 and 1.52/2.52 or .605,respectively. By measurement they are 2.48 h versusAt curve absissa. Therefore, and .610 . iAnr ordinate ields q/A if multiplied %deviations of the by the should be the same in either case. The fact that the q/A versus At better is merely an optical illusion. looks -35- iA few pictures of boiling water at atmospheric pressure were taken using a high speed technique. well and time did not 'hese did not turn out vervY? permit another attempt. set of prints are included in the library copy of the thesis. -36- VI. CONCLUSIONS The following of distilled conclusions are based on the boiling water outside a single, submerged, horizontal tube. (chromium-plated copper) For a givenA t (tube w.-allto boiling liquid), 1.) the heat flux obtained with a clean tube is reproducible withinl 15. 2.) For values of t ranging from 12 to 300F., a slight fouling of the surface increased the heat flux 40% above that obtained for the clean tube. This agrees quantitatively with a similar finding by Akin1 3.) For values of t ranging from 13 to 350F., the heat flux varies approximately as the -'2.5 power of At, depending on the boiling tempera- ture. 4.) The maximumflux occurs at a t of 450F. for all boiling temperatures used (110 to 112° F.), and is an exponential function of the boiling temperatures rather than of the absolute pressure or viscosity of the boiling liquid alone. 5.) For a given t over the range of 45 to 1500°., the coefficients and also heat flux decrease with a decrease in the boiling temperature. -37- 6. ) Using octyl thiocyanate to promote the in- side copper surface, very high steam side coef- ficients were obtained. peratures of the tube wall were practically the same at the three ure XVII. he side surface temp- oints as shown in Fig- VI. REC MMIRI.;DATI ONS It is recommrended that: 1.) The investigation of heat transfer to boiling liquids be continued using liquids other than water. These liquids should be chosen carefully in order that the separate effects of factors controlling the heat transfer such as viscosity, surface tension, thermal conductivity, etc. may be determined. 2.) The position of the curve ( heat flux versus temperature drop from tube to boiling liquid) for water boiling at 1500 F. be checked. 3.) Octyl thiocyanate be used as a steam promoter when condensing steam on copper. -39- r VIII. APPENDIX -40- A. A diagram of construction DETAILS OF BOILER of the boiler is presented CONSTRUCTIOIN showing the details in Figure II. The heat- ing tube is brazed into one end of the boiler and passes through a packing gland at the other. The pyrex glass windows are held in place by large brass fittings, well gasketed, and therefore offer little chance for air leakage. Thermocouples wall are brought from the tube through small holes in one end of the boiler and are soldered into place. The end of the boiler to which the heating tube is brazed is removable from the rest of the boiler, being held in position by two large flanges securely fastened with heavy bolts. Asbestos rope was used in the .packing gland. As it was necessary to remove the heating tube frequently for cleaning,it was impossible to cover the removable end of the boiler with insulation. permanent layer of magnesia-asbestos nsulation was molded over the removable end which had previous1? been covered with vaseline and allowed to dr?. This layer was then pried from the boiler in one piece, reinforced with adhesive taTpeand removed thereafter as often a te tube as cleannecd. -41- 4k __ 0 .7-. 0 0 0 Co o .-t 4 o 0 0 1-4 8 C) F .1 0 r4 o E-4 03 Ci: 1-1 I I oI t p 15:"-T , i·--· I·t ·, i -- · : --1-1'1--1 1.1.11,,....i..,..t: _._"_. i... ·-- ,· ··- -o----r·· if·i '·r Cr' '3;! "1 1-r'1'l- i' ''CT"TC ii-r i. '... · ( ~ i~ · -~~· ,--:-- 4…-i r - - - j t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I I'i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~~~~' 'K~. 'I'Q i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -I II! .. ,,' ~-f'' "~ .;!- '.~...., '*' r--- II· ~~... !· ' I~ r .. ~ ~~~li'l I * ' II-·--'"~~~~~~--- ~.....t _-.... i-._.-4-- ................. - " - ;- ~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~,- - ~~~~~~ ~~~~ ..· ;4 414-----· ~ ·-·--r -j ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t~~~ -4-4ii· '''~~~ 44 -- 4 -i ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~ i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . -v '. .... i.:..,.. :-.... i~~~~~~~'...-. 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~11 ', 44 : ;4, '" '~ ~,. ~2i~i2P. -*· '1t ' , ,:.J-'~,:'l- -r ' ', 1- : _I .--L 1~ $ , ... -: . 4t. _~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I I' .. '- .. ' !: ;: ' :: · i . ·--- ; -{-- 4., I ·- - - 0 . . . . I . ' ' ...... -- I- - ~ T.. 7 -t · ... ~ ... ...... t - : ,~ ' ; ; -- : ' 4.... ,-. - - -. 4--- 2 -4---- . . l. 44.. . ... . ... . . .- ----------.74-42.1.-; :< i1 .- - - -- …- - - '2-4 4- 0< <2 I I - -- ! ~'~:~-: "i.~---~':: / .4.. I ' :- 0' Cv - ~.. c Ž :~~~ )i 11i ~ ''-tr- . " . ---- 4 ....----- .. i' :~.... , I.............. - '~ - ' ~ '.L.~~~~~~~~~~ : ::- ....... ~."~--7--..~~' -- r7 . 4-- ; . -....... . . ........................ _5:_ _it ;t;-;: ,; tr :: - . i4 ,. , -! t: .r_.L__ . .--i- -~j -··."i~--t·: . . -I - ,': :' ..j. ...... . -4 L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ c, 1i I- . . 'J:-:- ': i?.-iI.... - ..... i - - - ' L . .. . S. THEiiOCOUPLE I STALLATION Investigators have used mranyr different thermocouple nstallations in obtaining surface coefficients of heat transfer to boiling liquids. The surface temperature of a heating tube at any point is measured by placing the hot junction of a thermocouple directly under the surface. This is accomplished b the junction in a slot ( milled lengthwise tube or around the circumference) soldering along the or in a chordal hole (drilled tangentially to a circle between the inner and outer walls of the tube). The leads from the junction are taken from the same or ppposite sides of the slot or chordal hole and are properly insulated from each other. A technique applicable to short tubes with thick walls is described by Insigner and Bliss6 . A hole is drilled in the pipe wall lengthwise to the pipe. A wire of 1/16 inch diameter is filed down to a smaller size except for a short knob left on one end. A hole is drilled into this knob, and the other lead of the thermocouple is soldered into the hole, the two leads being insulated from each other along their length . The couple is then used as a traveling thermocouple being placed in different positions along the tube -45- A inches, the couple then being soldered into a chordal hole in the pipe. When Walker's apparatus was tested the thermocouples were found to be shorted and it was decided to replace them. A great deal of trouble was encountered in bending the assembled couples without breaking the glass capillary and consequently causing short circuits. This difficulty was circumvented by insulating the constantan wire from the copper capillary with a coating of Insalute cement over a water glass base. Number 35 constantan wire was used as #°6 was not available. The wire was first stripped of silk and enamel and coated with water glass by means of a wet folded cloth. This coating dried quickly and was followed by a coating of Insalute cement applied in a similar manner. The cement was allowed to dry for twenty four hours at the end of which time another coat of water glass was added to insure complete in- sulation. The insulated wire was threaded inside the copper capillary tubing and the hot junction made with soft solder. The couples were then soft soldered in the chordal holes. A few test runs on the boiler in- dicated extremely low tube wall temperatures corresponding to relatively high steam temperatures. Rapid -46- ( dissipation of heat from the hot junctions via the copper capillary seemed to be the logical explanation for this conldition. Therefore, the couples were removed from the chordal holes and soldered in two inch slots milled lengthwise in the surface of the heating tube to effect greater immersion. The solder was filed level with the tube surface and polished with steel wool and fine emery cloth. Details of this installation and the arrangement of the thermo- couples are shown in FigureU. Figure is a plot of the thermocouple cal- ibration obtained by comparing e.m.f. readings on a potentiometer with a calibrated both thermometer and thermocouple thermometer when were in an oil bath. ( the hot junction of the thermocouple was fastened to the bulb of the thermometer) This plot was checked by running steam through the heating tube when the boiler was empty and assuming the tube wall temperature to be that of the steam. -47i _ _ __ _ FIGUPE _ v// DETAILS OF THERMOCOUPLE INSTALLATION · . . -... 0,yC, · lj,I j I ,Z;s- --. , I Vj It i I%,41 CROSS SECT/ON OF TUBE WALL AND INSTALLED THERMOCOUPLE fo /to?.jj pofenfiome/er I '' _ i Ii I ii -i= "Of - - --- -- - - · __ _ _m _ __m -_m _~ _ _._ I t team /n --_ II_- -+--4./2" 4.0" -- seam out Ito3 II __ . I In I 4.0 /--- /2./2" ., TOP VIEW OF HEA TING L OCA T/ON OF TUBE SHOWING THERAMOCOUPLES R.H.B. ~ . . ...... .+........-,-.-*T. .---_ i............ .-..... !-! v,, · t~~~~~~~ ...........--- '_ 1 'y r'_. -'.'l-:.'.:"i' , -'I... .......... r: -F :L? I'.'....'.'[':..:;.:..'.':.':;."'7....'"::,'7..-.....-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ . t~~~~~~ ... ~ l_, ' ~ , ' , ;- , . . *. j- 0, t- .... " : ' 0 ;- "", [ -,- , .. .. ' Tl ~ . . . . .... ':. .--l------'... .'......, '7--: ''---....... ,'.1;:'. ..!..........-~.... 4,',! ..;i-. i -:-T-. ~: ........ ~':'~':'!," '"': * r0 r t- S ;1 , r.__.. .....--- ,- - , t- . 'f<. ' _ i __ ; .. . . .. . .... .' _, ............ '- . :-. _i .... .... - : ' *. . . .. . . .. . . ......- , ' 01 . .:'-''..:-" - . , -4- - - - . ~ ~: ....-;:I-......-..+... ~ L +-.........-;.-..,',"'-'-l-'i-'.:':E- v W t^as + ~,+ ., / . i, . 0 . 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ . ! ' ',,' . ": .... , -t_:'__ .. .. '~; ;.e.N ~~t....................,_... . i: ' : ,: · ' _ i". ¢ ........ t .... ...... ,:, ,,, j,: '-. !*1_-.,;:1 ....... ._ i' .'-M--W--, A...'.... tt ... ............. -4.~-. N'''*'"'*:'' . . ~ . -, -- . , -,t .. -- _--- . ,1 " ~ ' -" ' ....... *0T ... ,, tX< - :. ...... ' '- ' ''-: , : ~:--. ;-~ _.::., _ "~~ --~-.t ' ..... ''.' ... li;' -J-', :' i. . . . 1_, , ,- :/t? ':-.'~--.. :',.-t :-r .. t-^4 '' .. -- *' -- ...... _ _4. - L . I i-:- -7~~7 . 7- 77-~~~~~~~~~~~.. ! 7: :ii.~ ,::::: t :E!~~:~::::?i:::i:~:i:: ': :~':': !-:~ :-:i:: . .. '-':',L:;. YN ~ ~ ~~~~"_. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. ...... '~~'':." ~'' '' .... : ::t_ .':- :,-:. . . ... ~' .t~' :' "!,i : "~ (:-!;~; i~ ::! :!::i i !: i ~':1:i4 ;~ ; : -49- C NOMJNCLATURE tube - Ai Inside area of heating Ai) Outside area of heating tube - hi Steam side coefficient of heat transfer - sq.ft. sq.ft. B. t.u./(hr. ) (sq. ft.) (OF.) Water side coefficient of heat transfer B. t.u./(hr.) (sq.ft. ) (OB1.) Absolute steam pressure corrected from gage calibration - lbs./sq.in. P Total heat transfer - 13.t.u./hr. ? /\ q71 \\ Tc. w. *1C. V* heat flux - B.t.u./(hr.)(sq.ft.) Temperature of inlet cooling water - cw. 2 Temperature of exit cooling water - ATc.. Temperature rise of cooling water - tL / Temperatureoof boiling water - C. C. F. F. Ito to Thermocouple tube wall temperatures (see Figure °1 2 XVII) - OF. C t$ Oto Temperature drop from tube wall to boiling liquid (referred to as this report) F. t in the main body of Atw Temperature drop through the tube wall -F. Ati Temperature drop from steam to tube wall - aTover Temperature drop from steam to boiling liquid -F. Ts Inlet steam temperature - OF. TS, Exit steam temperature - OF. F. -150- U0 Overall coefficient of heat transfer 0 B.t.u./(hr.) (sq.ft.) (°F.) Vac. Vacuum on the boiler - cms. of Lg. W Cooling water rate - lbs./hr, The following Table symbols are used under ttREIVRKS" in I. * Tube cleaned inside and outside prior to the run. A Fresh distilled water put in the boiler. a Steam well promoted with octyl thiocyanate. -51- D. SAIPLE CALCUL.TI8ONS an atmospheric check point from Calculations fr run 7. Data fr (see pg.4 nomenclature) lbs./sq.in. P = 27.7 Tp =- 246°F.(steam tables) W = 305 lbs./hr. tL = Ao = 2 Tc w. = 1F. t o ( ave.) = 233.5°F. 75 F. 222 sq.ft. Ai = .165 sq.ft. heat removed by the condenser q = 305 x 75 = 22,900 B.t.u./hr. Heat flux q/A - 22,900/.222 = 103,000 B.t.u./(hr.)(sq.ft.) q/Ai = 103,000 x .222/.165 = 139,000 t Overall temperature drop ATover 246 - 212 34° F. Temperature drop from tube wall to boiling liquid btc) = 233.5 - 212 . 21.5°F. Temperature drop through the tube wall atw = . /Ao = k Aave. 21.,050 L A) Temerature t - q/Ao = 103,000 21,050 = 4.9°F. drop from tube wall to steam 34 - (21.5 + 4.9) = 7.6°F. Water side coefficient h o - q/Ao to 103,000 l.5 4,790 B.t.u./(hr.)(sq.ft.)(°F.) -52- Steamn side coefficient h hi = 139,000 Ati 7.6 = 18,300 B.t.u./(hr.)(sq.ft.)(oF.) Overall co effi ci ent 'U' -= /A rover = 3030 B.t.u./(hr.)(sq.ft.)(°F.) DD. SUI1Iv'ARY OF DATA AND CALCULATIONS SUAMMARY OF OI/G/NAL AND CALCULATIONS RUN · _p __ - r --- --- ,q.7Io . ___ · 0 0 --- - 1r1t t----j -- - c Ts3 · 250 tL L to,1 · 2.44 - ------- _ o e t--- 0 L 305 z05 :00 I13.T 337 . , 0 , ------- 24t .9 S65 e-L--'---c------c----- 2.I&. LL-1 __·-- __ 33L. 33 342 349 t261 i9 2649 23 R _CI-Z-LC-L-LI_ 23 _ 3 3 319 319 3Z3 32.1 31t 316 51.7213 2,2. 23 45 "S 0 o 2,58 22 ?,"o 2,o _ 2 2A WA S2 34.5 a 3o10 310 IA .S o0 2th4 264 IA a (s.7 Z _ 10.13Zt. 4. __ 30t 30S ,12. 212. 2L o 2,q.5 o .?2as zZ: tI.7 t24 15.5 5;__s _ 12.8 5. 1.Z -_ _- 0 48 ,48 2a' 0 4K a4( 2lt. 31 104 1. T113 . T 57 ,_s7 Z\6 2 Z.5 IL 3(.. 24. o __ 14.5Z.o 5C.5 7 240 ;z q 25 asi 244 244 3.5 A k. _ 14 10 % 26 ?$6 1I 245 2,5 45 33 2q4 salwn _- - _ -~ _ 123.71237.5 - - ~;29.7 -- - c- 1s2. A1 t5 ,q t.Q -. IC 317 314. 't 9 17.o0 ,3.5 IC 240 c 64A 22. 94s 157 q3 S.7t.5 .5 93 TS 34 17.5 53.0 6+ 14.t 5T.6 4q 14 s.0 57$.o0'r6 37 935 , Z35 14 14.7 4&.7 26.5 S W4.5 1.8 2Z35 23 %40 28 33.2 2.5 1 , 2_10 L to 6q.2 3, 913 q93 17.0 t4+S 7 - I 21.2. _ ----- =_=_- --- ----- 2.33t 1230 _ 2e 31 3 3( Ii- $g . 5t _',. 47.0 3O%._I.S 10, t8 C_. _3 _, 40 L4 0 243 ,.43 0 t34 233 33 213 lzi.?. zz lzx I AO OIJ Ta3r T236 Itqo 21.o 248 2q.4 _-t---- M 30. , 16 aq0qo96 16.5 5.o '75.5436 11.S 19a 2S. 51 2, 4Ca(bx _ 37..~ SI ts2r t2. r2240 15s.553. C8 ¢'3 711241 1 212 A4 Z4 335 16.0 56. 714.5 q923 .7 Oa 20i.t'11 9 1017 2 51 I t 4q 4 2iO5.5 ._ 0 23 q3 Z\iZ t1 25 s q 58 IS.0 S2.2 '7.S IAt01 S ?35., 21.S 0 44.1 14 0 I 31f , Zll V z2 240 2' 368 I5 1132. 5sM 37, qo 316 22.5 . -~ X2.4 70 56.t a0? l, 3! 6a0 100 342 346 346 135 I'1.5 480 55 0 Ze2.50IS0 as TI I2 _ .45.7 . 11.5 111.5 3.25 372 O_ 37.Z M3 _ _.0 11.0 . .._ 357 355 355 .739.5 0 _ _ - O 3S4 354 i 7 330.5 2 ?.46 34.5 I0.0_ (,S.3 a3 q Z1.0 10.0 -L._t;-:L__.L- ?32 658 78 '3 10.0 Sa25 10.0 2?.tZ40 Il ICAt4,t54 331 5Z.3 6_I 'la-_ 'T7 _'__[361 .7Z.S I. .I tn------ <4. k_.9.2. 240_ 0 _ 21 I . 13.113S3 __ - la M _ 3-t.r ?,c+ 241 . Tcw., L t, 2+40 lZM __,' ----_q g4__...41 1..tZl_.. iZ54 i8ts Zit to,---- to.' 233 233 233 ZI?. 2Z 2.70 _3__1. q oO- , 0,S8 57.7 MqO . I I 0 43.7 IZ'I.5 0 3.. 712.5.5 +----+--.;-L--t_·___t____ 0 M6.7 I Z44 ------ · TA ---I-- o,l2 to_42?. t otZ_ ___ -- I Tp DATA s1.5 13 V l -- &_3_41 .30 41 _' 58.s i4.149.S 13.7 W V .-- W '3o 75 307 C2 S36 532. I. - 41.5 51.5 Ln 13.2. _ I 1149 I 1is 2( L 31 (see pog.4'for nomen l/ture) TABLE I A Tover Atw W I.SI ;Ss 528 58 - I9sO '.4 35 :55 ,300 hA ')0 ho_ 13, 130 EMARKS .co ;:O 20,000 3280 q.6 13.3 4550 7010 Iq, oo __ 3s10 341,ooo i2~ _4,300 q.t3.Z %i.000 _.t. q O0 4(itO 3q40 111.0 46Z0 '3.3 %%.T 319.0oo 12.zo q '100 35Ao Z12, 000 5900 2S4O 92 0L 90.s 35G1000 aooo & .. )0__ r0.5 43-.5 32 7. (a .. 32,. 3lZa 31t 34t 401,500 101300 IlS I.¢ X40 5.S 1l0.5 t 00 _40,4DOO 3.5 5.S 21.5 3' .3j0e 5 S. 4.& 14L 3.5 IIt.., , 1_60__ *-,1 0 Ist 13.q 16,6 '432,2 bbs 300 - f'f,,G60 *15,A00 5%0 tooo S8, 200 _ S,15 _^t*30 :~1.:100 ow 101 186)00 196,~,o0 9.7 31 I0M 5o6 396,00e 1.1 ,6.3 11.6 6.5 !3. 4.7 $3.$ ".5 s'.s 65 38 pig. 3,000 ra34:)oo 2060 Itl 41tasbo 5 .5 1.5 84 357,0§0 C9.6 O4h500 l, sts 55/60 5.110 3"30 1,1,00 5560 - q902 $330 3.8,ioo 5000 S$t 1, 26 300 35 060 430 . t.S 307 1.q,s5a I 'XX 0.5 4~.q IV*L --- lfA ------ 1.56 15 94 t C 11 I 2,3090 30._- $$,~3oo °,3~L 3o 433S +7.__ a.:: S36 141 PM. 4580 slo &3.'/oo .I 140 100 AS, 2~.8 .34 - 4/21/4, 3$ so 1 6 10 -0_z '1315 qa.so qU60 _o5 140 4170 V5,,00 .1310 "2,20 %417.Oeo_ *4Z,600 q:ooo t°3-000 200 b . 4Z 4510 q.8 a 4t" $G30 G 000 I3%.,ooo 41,000 5 12,400 M33O 165 ~($0 013 423 98 SiS 1110 w Poo~0_~ 83 50,100 4°os3O&f 100,000 I utooo 4.3 143.6oo 10 930 3.q .... -3 131,ooo 4300 A3,,3P0 t33400 3r.,'oo 100 52,20 3l446,00 10l,eo '/q,1~eO 141 'rq.1W 1125_ r. 'rl~1'~ Z,60 'l' 4100 5 4.3 4* 91,00 Z7°F0 5516S000 a d - - s1i2j, 143q0 $0 ~s'10 40.L4(41, 30t30 A.!4. /8 m- , 1---*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 25 1,60 ,4'50 2zIOD *30 IlWGO(_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 16(S '" X fi^ A75a . 382.zoo r1 O 0 Z P.M. eP. M 51,7 _____ LS.7 6v,~- _-I I - - 0 - _%q IC 314.5 0 0 3t10 35.2 7- t.1 44."! _ . _ _i-.7_ 301 3I..~ 0 0 24; 0 2t5 %s.Z~SO 2. .1 0 243 0'O 233 2.IIS -s 234 V._ ZOL Z48 2.1/.2. I."I 21O 7- II17 24.7 34. : . Z36 tqO. iqo 315.2. 3?.4.5 azo R*-7 II.z ISA = 1 24 51.? 45.S 240 tt31 la I. 0. ~1. 0 250 !~3q.$ 239-5 250 0 _ 0 0 110 2.12, 212 10 248 2V12 82 0 41 ao 204 4_S 45.5 IqC 45.5 %04 45.5 Zoz, 1t1 +5.5 I'q zlq lie 57.5 I8e I St Mz 5.55 ST.6 s... as Is.1 13.0 £3.0 (a2 35 2.°to 15.0 Z+e %30 319 z, 2i.s 207~ 24 2.14 ¢15. 59.5 s4~. 56.2. i i 14.5 _110 110 iso t3' 560 5 715 is 14.0 41.¢ 52.2 st. 41.5 10 lo 3130 ?.Z*/ 2.30 3ts. 3 343 013 9t3 1012 jAVT7 . tt8 'act 2. 3o0S 3o 2b6 357t 536 23lt, 1332 4.54 3" . 235 43.5 15.3 11.5 1914 a.o_ 14.8 4" 4.3 31.5 I1 17 gOqL I_00 II(D 11.5 $o 13.0 30 55.2 34-19 _.( 5 13.0 103 11 2v, 315 t169 _0__, 8.6 58, a.4 *00 31 752 149 ST_ 496 &O.S' 3g.5 _"9- -t(-c7 _.4T 4t.$ q26 15.0 It16 1s.T 1019 WIL 32 ~0 2305 i.. i~j 237.S ;LO _. 13.3 2Zo2 1'16 200, 10. -40- 31 13.) 3,tq $9C 111 57 15.3 36.0 .10w IO20 51.5 30.S 45.8 cl_ 34.5 15.5 51.9 2142 C~o, 131 9._ 315 411, 67 31 15Z 3t73 935 2.95 1141 13.2 14.0 200 5-it 13.9 14 lq( 4.5 301 143 '4.5 '34 11.§ -q 41 .', . * 436 148 _ _ so Ill j4.5 110 '14.5 112 2.12. I.. 2.3i 7.5 ~S.S 4qk 65.~ 93 5. 15.0 . . . lZ9 . 26.5 14.7 _ 369, 53.0 6+ 6.s . v. _ MM IqO 258 as' 2a(a?. 202 2It 236 _ _ . - . 57 21.5 230 t00 232. 254 1010 110 190 22( T V 53j. O 2.0 atq RIZ ?qt.; I0 214 ?~t 1.14 __ v US9- 23 2.9 0 IS.~ 14.2. 23C.S 4.5 zMb tqO iq0 110 214 336 0_ 245 2.5 33 96 2.qo ZUS ,qo 37 10 33" 33q 21 2455 1,70 2.1.0 .t.* %.-*: 1010 19o 32o '1.5 qtL 24 I33. t330 ;MS 245 233 tzO 536 . iS.o 57. 68 213 a13 Iqo 256 21.o I 1.? __ 2Aq6 310 IRO .43 tqo 210 . S 3395.5 . to U.5s 21.7 Aill3~2 a,., -44 2PL14 Zss . t'/.O ~q 363.5 | ft44-3.n ___ 241 ?,1: 2.45 _ t 7~ l 5.5 -%0 2.40 M-8 21. 2.11 2.14 t3s 261f 2.'lS 0_ o as" 2.4 21t 2.t48 2.44 1 lt Wsra4 0 2t.5. tqS.S 0 oo 2%- 'zq4. tO. I2 ~t_ 310 Z.4 0 U7 _3_ 80.1 .- 6.I o s1t 2.33 4-17 33.5 405 33.2 44.o 745 4e.5 *30. anj 33£.?92. - 6'4, 3874 . 301 iOo 143. G0 35 36 71 Ill 16.5 _. - - - - - 4.7 40I.606 4-4 14.3 - ---- - . 6. 4-.7 5.5 _e£.5 16310 Is 11- q.Somo w _ - - w . v w v - 1.100 q'f.bl0 . -- - IS'I 1110 q.6 MIZO 7.5 200 ,000 fljo -4O 1.7 w -- -- - Wr-L 38 ,w 13 7 6. -S_ q-I 31S,000 3tbtbOOQ 23 tvr _ 2.t,¢o6 '361360 14.7 13.8 '17 &0,360 34 oS 103,0_ 9:, 0* 36 4t .1 6 .34 13+S 33 5.7 3015 Co 3IS,bo0 '711 53Z 9qi- 2'/,Soo 1.5 q.+ ._S _ _ 25 ,60 411,000 IS '.4 i3.5 $Sioo '0_ )30 2G, ¢$. L 13.1 .9s 3.q qi 21.5 2S.S 11.31 74 3q 1.I 9. 3t10 45 1.6 q. _S 34._ _ 11. oho ._ 97L,3oQ I ------- 4/24/41, 3630 ~- ?, P.M. aS60 3C50 390o0 23,100 ,so 319 4130 3'40 to to 110 3100 5.0 I?.S6b004 VI. 2180 &SZO D 22,300 ,oooC g&.(t oo 6030 3.4 3,.? 3- _ 2. 1 6.4 5.6 T 7.3 - 39 . V 2t0,000 3p+0 4 i,00 430 *81 0 0 6'ZqV_ 14r.1 14,20o 2130 33600 U - ~~~~~~._ P,,i;tr ruw1% S/i/.1. 4 P.M.Vl91 ;,7. {wO 3150 9 A.. A& * 3i o 24. 00- Z216 a,840 1IOAO aV 41za14 . M 8A.M.-Sl.ve 1Z-3P!. Si~ct d~ 14($0 3.S %1_ 87 3oo 38 4q&O 29 ,300 $q30 21 A00 265 0 4.Z,000 3550 :38 .1Z __ ~/z./41. 16.1 too Ao .33 l. 141 2106 3410 5.' 2t.000 3110 $4,600 o S.O 45$0 Oslo 851Q IS ,bOO0 20046bCO '52' 114, 600 -611 '3 00 76,70 lei?,qoo i"J $.ooo 1., 31,000 t.11 +"as Igoo 7.3 ?.2.l600 . 60000_ 5600 5000 2 ,400 ez1.1bbO 38 36 asI,1 S6. ISOQOb A(cq P. It 4/2A *1900 2S8 ~q'50 2,00 '7670 3Stboo I1§, 0bO $75o 74q. 3 112300 11 3000 1. 660 .21,6o0 S," -. CO P .9 g6,'100 ,20 611 £|3o II~I 31+,300 5$,ooo 7.6 *114 71qo 47,t ooo 6d&, 31 8),00 5780 -2310 g,00 4:1.5 _ 500 10.9 2.17 _. - - 3q,600 q390 3s, 360 S3t 5330 35 j1o0 5'flO 13.9 141 C -- ;.qo stio 3560 _ " l0o0 , SQ _ 2A, _ e~ 3q'90 *1,260 $190 1480 463,000 i2o r !14.,oo 22qO ,. . 0 '4'e'0 J - % P.M. 1..~/ 1 SUMMARY OF OIG/NAL AND CAL.CUL A TONS V p PUN T a-oo m- (C-ont }5|7 s .7 Vac. o 45.5 465.5 tL Ts. 48 z1v _r to,~ A C 7 X39.5 ~s.S -430. s1.0 }0 1o, to3 3t ,170 ~0-9 Z5.5 08.5 ZOS6 ?,o.-S 32. 13.5 30.5 30.5 170 702, 170 2.9.4 26.3 &.S 31.. 30.7 30 110 23%5 34.5 q.5 265 2.65 tio V?,q.$ s___ Ito 248 ZZq ass as$ 21 ++.?, li ._'I 2.14 S.$ 4-6.5 2.70 ,'10 to, toi -7 to. 45.5 244 N i DATA Z$7.S 524.1 ~2. 21.7 o o 14.7 30.7 __ 2.-33. V5.7 Co-. 57.5 57.5 24.t 7.5 51.5 2.35 av+ t4 !'14. 248 2.41 Z13 R4o t2.7 M: I$0 ?37 7 Ia- 17 ?203 57.5 207 6.9 246 170 10 II 00 Ills I 9 I5 1 0 11 30 a0 l(. 130 t$iO 1'3 O.3 70.3 2..2 191 =_I II 235. ZI.?, 2x.l 2.31 0o 31.7 ?67,-_- 0 _ 2CC a"w - ! _ . . aI( 7.0 -- _. _ . 3.0 1.8 Z&11.1 786.6 161.5 i-- 410 Iiro 70.6 o~0 16.2. _ zs.z 310 370 25. 110 fis .5.7 4 1.5 I¢0 2.34 135 14s.5 ?9.5 13.5 15 11.5 II 135 2.4 136 ;14.3~ 135 7.5 23.5 4.5 157 157 t4.3 7.. I$. 13.3 Ioi?, 73, 15.7 t~.f, 16.5 25.4. l 16' I 348 I I _ll II 132.5 '1.0 195 31.2. Aa4 i 7.O 311 14.5 l&.6 31. 2-34 244 35 13.7 51.§ 24-t ?-I ?,5., I;.0 13 I &,.6lo0o -52. C9.0 13.7 J jQ Ltl i~ ..-zie £0 33. "63 'i.8. 601 &3 35 14 4d '// Al 5. 25 US It 91. 12 13. US. 14.4 17.1 23.' Is.( 13.1 13. It -48 430 t38 [30 2.0 i 115 Is 1460 ,, 1. 18.5 145 141 5I'3 ,1.0 34.5 '36 233 2.33 -a33 4 It 23.5 t40 212 X12, A68 .. 0 41o 410 430 l3O_ 141.5 ACT5 163.S 7,12. 214 $0,0 1350 ,7 130 1's.5 lz ?.12. Zt2, 229 246, _ 15.7 1I0 it. 2.38 2.33 2.33 20.5 ?O;G 1530 1?3 161.5 2,12, I .2. I(A -112. "9 238 21+2 148.5 156.5 11t It I'T o o 143.5 14.5 14.0 Iss 112 240 Z2. 13.S 13.3 K 140O It0 310 6q.3 &qpl- Z;.5 1420 13.5 2.5.' 13.5 27.0 116,5 13.3 1.3 164 15.5 2.9.4 ~"10 .s 21.0 31.0 13.1 Z III ZR..I lls ISS.S 115.5 35.5 13.1 31.o. tl96. Iss- 39O t1 30.o ISl 112 188 1t,50' U-7.5 1'~.$ l4 ?253 70.1 19. 2.5 130 190 196 ls 114 2.44- 14 0 2.43 70.4 155 1"4 702 15 It0130 Al.T I ..__ 31.. 31 59iS.O zgs 57.5 203 0 31_ ,14 2.4. 104 2.70 ?.Z %b33 2.37 zag 175 (.5.0 194 Mq. 10o 2.91 114 '239. aid 213 175 111 5s7.5 - Z315 Z3(.5 23G.5 z 1. 51.5 _z ai 160 3k.? '411.3 W s eA AI A A 10. ! 31 I III I T4BLEI (conj IA ISI, rF e1, -r_.. - -· uvcr. 10,000 9 q$o 110 ,bO0 48 &30 Z4,0o '3.S 350 1,0,000 78.5 4100 '13)q .-to 93 I /I kA.. .~bW ?.~ 7. 8.1& 'Lk S0,1oo S3O Iso- 4&,1oo 3,:13,1 370 L.I 3tl '04 6.z 710 10.1 I¢.+ a.I6)000 0160 7,.qq Ijo,A60 4.3 $ ,qoo 115 3M,. 4',to0 %t.ooo 0 760 i5* ,aoo ?,$ 38 44 S3 178:.oo 2.3 3.. 8.0 21 MDgSoo 77,00 ,ils AGO ~o 't~:300 41,,oo 1,.~0 G.S 3WS It8.ooo 3I5 Iq,1o0 a+wIoo i3?,S 710s 145 sm ,oz5 AA . $.5 Sz 11460 ,'16000 10~,0oo 4&'ao AfA :3,z0 &01 60.5 &o. 3&.5 15.3 5.8 $%,0to 2Z~ soo 1 361560 15.0 $3 S295 6.1 150 cto t3".00 P. -6 ·& ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I . ' &.qoo 1'7400 M2S0 3380 ZiSoo %600 IS~go 1550 IS,700 2.030IS,GoO\ 1150 186O Iq30 3130 1%141 A.. 5t ST 100 1100 -5 ,3 p.r '. t30 Iqio0o $T,0oO tq&,5o ~170 9*0 4900 1760 9&00 1.'10 sn,$ol q.0,300 3400 5110 245|360 3400 t&oo I1'.000 MGoo 1.3 ad6 AAO ~.~ - sI1 3M0 q'7,0~0 1.0 5.0 e.o . 1650 t ,ooo 130,00 S 3o060 4100 6.5 2.6 a0. 5.o I.2 1,400 141,60 4740 1180 '26.7 i0 ;sooAM 1l50 1~.,ooo 34Z0 1.7 11.3 3a 310 1 t$ ,~0 l'VI,ooo 0,,000 5l,14%, GlO ~~o 1',c'00 1760 S660 .6,40 5o.2 Z.0 ,62 dda,5 t163 41.5 3'.S 55 311 107,0 33 4c5 S.( 13.3 3.4 a.7 Q.A 13.4 1.3 ,cI$:00 3la 400 I.3 00 q,ooo %4,oo -1&o tto 11.0 4',00 isui 410 10A00 4450 3q0 15.3 10.3 I6,60 1680 2 70 1016,00 117,ooo I. 7.5 31,o00 4d0 'ozo .3 .0 £1 .11 3.3 4.3 33,100 2.04.0 Z1,600 110 756to zo I 600 3460 2,0000 3330 Z0 &.2 t.s 3vto 3 170 3540 Z1,000 3530 Zq, 100 358o G.1 S.? 38,5o 53a0 $3Zo REMARKS U., ' 550 4.1 3.0 * 3~0Z.,000 3.0 107z l, 6o0 143.5 A4.i00 $21 14.4 1boo 3z x16,0 ~ 3.s Z. -o, 2_0 5.3 8.7 h. A. ;..l V ,I 4.4 4.6 R.?,0§0 118000 a. vlo A.:i $.AA 1 8,oo V,$~o tlOO, t6,ooo a4,'0O^ 3%0 22,40 $1&14t, a-' . wIG $11oo 1570 360 5800 - .~IA .IA P .A1 L ._~__.~-.--- .------. - .------ d 51.5 _L_ ------------------ _ 57.5 - L-.-__ - I - F------- < :S - - 150 l l I (D7 6-4. 8 (0.- ~._____--.~ Zo7 - 114 15 3..7 255.5 0 ZS3 243 70.4 I55 '(0.2 m: F%- .7- 70.3 70.3 15 70.1 114 0 2.1 a1 a~ss 0 0 231 a I1m 240 0 247 - - M -5 - 0 i_ L - - _ 35.5 31.0 r'----- - 1I2 . T: : r .. t1ro l50 114 l30 It60 I&0 130 16.5.5 163.5 1(3.5 34.5 161 l61 \30 . . J___ 130 112 _ Z38 233 2%33 21+ 224 24 135 13(.5 212% --- - --- I53 157 233 Z37 ?itL.-0 - 2.35. _ 4---------- _ I- iT.s 13. 21A _07_2.4 "46 3Iao,0 1Q.,000 ?.4.1 23.+ 1" 5 4,.2 _ 11•.560 r 2l18.56) 32.% 732 I6q oco ,48 11.1 31 15.1 16.5 11.3 ' 3.9_ 13.5 31. 38 2(6300 47,400 oiL 7+t,4oo 1325 I1.0 214 sop j'.0 42%.8 .' 311 _ 111,460 332 Pr63 .323 _ 235 2%50 17.100o -"-""-- '9.9 ta;s 2.35 tS.ooo 1- - 23 35 a' c30 z30 7 , k-------- 15.4 148 157 _ 3 .7 . 24.5 15.0 4 .1 145 II?. z1z 2\2 '35 . 13.5 240 126 141.5 164.S 233 ?-0 i ____ -- - :so30. ~'-_-- , t 139 110 Ito - t 240 12.9 \1( . . . 111.5 111.5 ot.8 1.55 ?.6.5 144+ 10 Io . I3.o 14 Z14 Z36 234 I SS r- - --- il 1-- Z40 .43 l° .38.5 - 130.,' 157 169 Ir V_ ..... 3_1 Q z3.5 11.5 W.5 I. S 238 0 i21 155.5 I51.5 t51.5 I-_ 0 - - 130 130 I 66 (.5.0 l'a3 M% _- - 191 ~--'------M ,03 - _- __------- 4 --.--------- 't i _UL-F--- 35 13.7 196 i3.S 41 1350 t333o 601 1 301500 _1z.$ _31VSobo 49.6 7.o I311T.? 21l? 2164% Z 17 3L 210 2.54.5 50 51.8 7e Ssr. 0 203 25t 2.62 116rs A03 1"4 Zs?, 24(6 0 Z4 A 238 0 235 235 a Z37 :397 1 41.7% Z3'-S "' . 1 ZS(* 33.2 0 o Z37 t11 1-1.5 114 2S.5 0 216.5 2375 30 2305 35 242Z zt? asS 3 .8 237 i45 ?.R . 23q (03,500 31.7 8l16 J31.6 1160 I1.2 M3;S 184 SoS- 6 Zi-I '91,600 2:._ Zl3,ooo 30.0 15.l 164 24-3 _ 26_ . " U, 253I 1335 Z10,000 4*2. 437 1U5,000 50.0 47'i _71 1 __l w _ 155,600 15.8 . S5 ,000 I300 704 30. 3.8 32.0 52.1 50.4 44.6 q9.3 17.0 lz 2,68 13.5; .y_ 253 _Z53 - 13.5_ 232.5 32.5 Z30.6 34.3 536 30.38 1e. 45.1 2,37 _3,100 25.2 345 a41 237. _ 263 20 501tooo SZ.1 2.7.4 14.0 Z42U 2.37 247 n.1z 346 15 I5.5 121 117 III 20S 194.5 222 ST.g 206 zoS 51.0_ azo 11M.5 .l~ - __ ? 1Sf S3 7.5 I xtR '0no v · m J .. SIr _ ~~------~ S (M- 0 A, = ._ 'A. r Ll XnA L- _L r-w - cq ls65 _ _.. _ . 91. 3 rr- .. 3 - - . . 42,00 47.4oo 1- _aYY 74 100 w - t. 60 3cl 60 -- 42-l Zt 8.3 13.4 237,0O 4100 . aOnn 2.3 a.7 3.4 z1.0 ,~ "1195 5 3Z.S 23I 33t 33 Ib 5 r9 3IC60 (001 t63 5 o60- 3 t60_ 1. 36.5 1,00o S9L400 _!iLS-1-60 +io 445 385 . 4.5 6.5 _.3 15.70 13t0 536 5.0 7?.?. k 8l6 5 A16000 _Ia.|8oo 1SalCoo ls'j 000 ___5060 _ 1160 704 9.ooo . 4q, __ __ __- B 32.5 42.5 _~-- 4x.S' 34. _- 1.o 7.5 11$ % 75 7.8 7.4 63,0oo [ . 161,'000 4d.5 'TI' s4-OO 1 - - 4800 .1 A/1 a 8600 31sQ 3100 I100 . t660 01,200 45,300 8,Soo 176,60 Z8"00 .S~ _t .6 ,80 1510 319660 a900 16.1 _-LS7OE, a3,a0O 43 120.0o60 , _ __ g.o . _ w C.7 MSb6oo I .9 3j6~ooo -1 341,000 .- _a- ub 22, 2.0,100 _ - 'Do o Z (la I A 1-000- -15-c-M a&O0 14.0 0 I . __ 1360 Z_ __ 23.60O 3900 - P. ., _v...... Svc 1900 0O - r ~~~~ --. - 9, . aloo 13o000 29q00 _41, too Sl S 15,460 IN80,00 .1 I _ IX9300 2s,300 3900 VI6 ,o00 .... _. 2240- 19,700 3.0 ir4- lt. 57 1.3 '11"I 5000 340 3420 AI7O 2z3 G.7 133- 210A000 11 3040 11160 a,boo C2 00 au,0y6b q.3 _, _ a.2 I Looc 4,3000 430 1 , 1100 -2500 AL0 37o0 sb 7.5 sqo io3.0 t.5 j.400 5.7 AZ3,007.8 7.6 r .- t 272. --3120 - _^ ,z06 _+000 6370 b._ _sl ,S 6Q0 4 r S.t . 2t.5 9t I 11 ~ L r -t P-M. . d· F- --4_ 19,160 19,600 . -630 . 4.5 . -_-- 4IA6-0 - (ao6 00a_ 191:DOO IS.O I . IL46O0 17, 700 3%60 r6,ooo 170 80,opc, 5.8 lr3% ,ba0 \4s,6t0 9jt00 3.4 . 5/ a 4 - 1150 - 15.3 1 47.5 53.5 - 7400 6.9 3t - iSS r 5.0 11.3 3.6 65 00 4.600 a.9 a4, oo let - I 956ooo - 3000 L--op -0 - 3380 ]----~ 3130 - 13.3 7.8 ab.7 I 21. S0o G 7- 143 3. S - II · 5.a. 3?. - I t i' - .a6 -_ ,r- .4 it.( I\ 1.3- 738 -- , , I R,w r _130 -C i1.0 SC pj- -1 r- .--- --- _~L- 10.3 1.1 n-J I .. 134. zi--- so _ - -1 4'0 _1 - 1-- - i--- 44 -50 I l,0oo 16.0 21a,66" 15.3 lb .ooo _ _ m_-,_ g.+ 3.1 , _I_ --- .,- 6 S.s iS cso0 .aos - let5 ~7 · I 8 5/11/41. _ ___ _ ho le . s72141 _ _ P.M~' __ runin 23.L00 4900 si-- Z'182.00 ___ .ift~. . sP. s0o4 W *AV-r.1 r- P. s ,0oo0A400 3~500 ffiO/trrua;. _since .. Sllzl prrO Ot \bt ; i.9 MgQ4· tivae 1-1 ....... _l -56- E. PRECISION OF MI]EASUREMIENTS The temperature rise of the condenser water was obtained to within+..2F. which is less than 1% of the majority of values measured. The weight determination of the water rate through the condenser was accurate to about 2. The heat losses from the boiler and condenser are about 3 of the total heat transfer at low fluxes and about 1-2% at higher fluxes. Therefore, the measurement of heat transfer is accurate to within 6% depending upon the magnitude of the heat flux. The use of octyl thiocyanate as a steam promoter resulted in uniform steam side coefficients. Thermocouple readings, except in the vicinity of the critical temp- erature, were very nearly the same for a givenAt ( tube wall to boiling liquid). The hot junctions were located just under the surface of the copper tube and gave surface temperatures within 2F. to .3F. . The potentiometer was accurate . Therefore, the measurement of At was accurate to within 5" In general, it was felt that the overall precision of measurements should have been about A15. The data siow that this figure is correct ( Figures III and IV ). -57- F.BIBLIOGRAP'HUY 1. akin, G.A.; "Heat Transfer to Boiling Liquids", Sc.D. Thesis, Chem. Eng., MV'.I.T., (1940) 2. Akin, G.A., and McAdams, II.H.; Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. Engrs., 35, 137, (1939) 3. Cooper, H.B.H.; "heat Transfer to Boiling Liquids' (1938) S.M. Thesis, Chem. ng., M.[1.I.T., 4. Cryder, D.S., and o.C., Trans. inalborgo, Inst. Chem. Engrs.,3J m. 346, (1937) 5. Cryder, D.S., and Gilliland, E.H.; Trans. Am. Inst. Chem. ngrs., 24, 1382, (1932) 6. Insigner, T.H., and Bliss, h.; Trans. Chem. 7. ngrs.36, m. Inst. 491, (1940) .T., Cooper, H.B.H., auer, McAdams, W.H.; Mech. ng., Akin, G.A., and 60, 669, (1938) 8. Sherman, L.M. and Kaulakis, A.F.,; Effect of Pressure on Heat Transfer to Boiling Liquids", S.B. Thesis, Chem. Eng., M.I.T., (1938) 9. ¥Walker, K.W.; "Heat Transfer to Boiling Liquids Under (1940) Vacuum"', S.M. Thesis, Chem. Eng., TM.I.T.