r --------------- -- ----------- ~ -~ ,i: ~ -II - FUNCTIONAL MATERIALISM: A WORKING PAPER DAVID R. FEENEY HONORS THESIS JEROME ULMAN - MENTOR 05/88 .,----_._._. ------------ ~ • • l ,(\ \I -<Yf)'-O -rhc.'-->"J LD -)H 3" • Z-'1 J OUTLINE for • 1= 't'l • FUNCTIONAL MATERIALISM: A WORKING PAPER , • 1) Introduction to Functional Materialism A) Dimensions of Functional Materialism 1) Selection By Consequences 2) Materialistic Ontology 3) Investigation of Functional Relations 4) Levels of Interrelated Selection 5) Commitment to Non-Reductionistic ("Conceptually Telescoping") Units of Analysis 6) Functional Analysis ("Unification") of Scientific Behavior and It's Products 2) An Overview of the Sciences; Toward a (f't: ;:; Leye]s of Complexity of the Science of Culture A) Biology. "The Informative Gene" 1) "Selfish Genes" and Assertions of Genetic Consciousness 2) Sociobiology and Genetic Determinism 3) The Problem of "the Metaphor of Storage" 4) The Problem of Reductionism A) Psychology- "The Struggle for Science" 1) Idealism: a) Dualism and Cognitivism 2) Materialism: Two Orientations a) Mechanistic Materialists: cognitivist, structuralist, developmentalist, methodological behaviorist b) Se1ectionists: Radical Behaviorists 1) The problem of Reductionism Life 3) Anthropology and A Natural Science of Culture A) Idealism: I) Harris' psycholinguistics within his Cultural Materialism as "cultural dualism" B) Materialism: Two Orientations I) Mechanistic Materialism: Harris' Cultural Materialism 2) Selectionism: Historical Materialism & Functional Materialism Conclusion: Science of Culture as New Frontier of Science •I II -- ~ -. ----II • ABSlRACf: The methodological strategies and tactics of behavior analysis have met with great success toward establishing a natural science of behavior within modern psychology. The experimental analysis of behavior has established a rigorous factual base on which a resulting technology of behavior is founded. These technological successes, which shore up the conceptual and philosophical position called Radical Behaviorism, are functionally related to our insistence upon natural science research methods appropriate to our field, namely, the complex interaction between organism and environment under the causal mode of selection by consequences. However, behavior does not occur in a vacuum, but in the material context of regional, national, and international cultural practices. In response, several behavior analysts are calling for the same natural science orientation with which to establish a natural science of culture. It is widely agreed that cultural selection is not amenable to an "analysis by extrapolation" from the level of operant selection, just as behavior analysts balk at attempts to analyze and explain behavior by extrapolation from the level of natural selection. Concerned behavior analysts have entered into an interdisciplinary collusion with anthropologists whose methods are comparable to the natural science methodology inherent in a science of behavior. Jerome Ulman, in a timely attempt at clarification and synthesis, has proposed a natural science framework within which a non-reductionistic science of culture may be, in time, achieved. This conceptual analysis , called Functional Materialism , is a wide-ranging theoretical and ontological position which, we feel, will be the milestone with which not only the rising science of culture will be guided, but also the student of disciplines concerned with sciences whose subject matter is amenable to selection by consequences. r ~ I !j I I I I -I I • • ,- 1) An Introductjon. At this material point in history, a natural science of cultural selection is recognized analysis and by without, Since my involvement year and a half advancements as many a with ago, toward necessary the science - of and of within behavior possible discipline. behavior dialogue culture based roughly pertaining upon a to natural science methodology have been increasing, and with good reason. While 1986; it is acknowledged Skinner,1981) that a within behavior science of analysis culture is (Glenn, eminently possible, the form, scope, and methods of such a science are far from agreed upon. Three broad positions within behavior analysis seem to be appearing in relation to the question of a science of culture. Some treatise behavior Selection analysts, influenced By Consequences by Skinner's (Skinner, 1981) landmark agree that cultural selection is of a higher level of organizational complexity than operant selection. with anthropologists They whose seek anthropological tradition research whose research (Johnston & Pennypacker, rate uninterested precise is in measurement, an interdiscipinary methodological are complementary to our own. I I and science debate a scientists, of obtaining prediction, strategies Unfortunately, much of modern the methods ) or research collusion are prevalent, can be frankly functional and control "social termed science" vag an otic idealistic; relations of the at any vis-a.vis variables ,, - they study. recognized Certain as notable .exceptions "paradigms" by have prevailed behavior analysts within to which be a natural science of culture may develop. These will be discussed in greater detail below. These behavior analysts, guided for the most part by S e Ie c t jon rightly J!...LCQDseguences, appropriate to the reinforcement) survival) that the units of analysis level of operant selection (the contingency of or the would realize level be of natural inappropriate selection for an (contingencies analysis of of cultural selection. I say "for the most part" because there are behavior analysts (see Rakos, 1987) who have proposed that the facts obtained by a science of behavior may suffice as an explanation of cultural selection by simply applying an analysis of behavior "writ large". This "other camp", while technology interference of of a science behavior of persistent, rendered unforeseen and the the position of the applied behavior analyst in the field the illustrate in "pragmatic" without the explicit findings to represented literature, finds serve well theoretical who, may less practical, of culture, often less effective uncontrollable by cultural variables. In fact, selection, the the majority of such above as previous attempts to explain cultural sociobiology, position in that (Wilson, they attempt cultural selection strictly by employing levels of lesser complexity. behavior and contingencies individual. cultural culture of In selection is case of is regarded analogous and units of analysis analyzed of are to analyze In the case of survival the 1978) sociobiology, strictly in genetic material much applied behavior simply as the operant explain used in human terms the to of of the analysis, selection of individual repertoires exhaustively The by contingencies scenario individually survival or of persons of . together" groups the contingencies groups, seemingly of reinforcement large as in sole of of controlled alone. organisms function of reinforcement "behaving contingencies seems unlikely, of but explanations of this type do have a precedented history. Explanations of phenomena at the level of cultural selection (if indeed one heirarchy does of accept the organizational basic tenets complexity Consequences; of an interrelated of organisms some radical as pointed out in Select jon By behaviorists do not) employing units of analysis used to investigate lower levels of complexity is broadly termed reductionism Normally eschewed by radical behaviorists the notion of "explaining away" lower level of complexity, (be who would balk at behavior strictly in terms of a it the level of natural selection, such as construing behavior as functions of genetic control, or the more irritating practice of reducing all events under selection by consequences or to rudimentary "extrapolationism" explain cultural It seems culture" is selection, clear to methods phenomena their in in a built author an in any (and to just reductionism the some radical attempt the to behaviorists. "natural will be constructed right, theoretical upon theme that appropriate own behavior in it's own right. be common tact natural-science {Capra,1986}) even among the worthy of the continue a physics from study science of just those of cultural as radical behaviorists cultural) struggle to analyze That a science of culture must be built evolutionary and non-reductionistic would seem to be apparent to any radical framework behaviorist worthy of the tact as well. The overall point of this introduction is that we, as radical I I I I I I I I I I I I I I behaviorists, should have the conceptual science of culture a necessity. acknowledge that the science of behavior apparatus to declare a We should also have the ability to dimensions of radical behaviorism as a cannot subsume the dimensions of a science of culture. What seems to be interdisciplinary produce a alliances technology has a is not anthropology, which science cultural in the world. provided juncture with toward of this with framework cultural context behavior at collusion natural-science methodological needed of selection to only an but a guide culture our which applicable to can any While the experimental analysis of behavior analysts with a solid empirical base on which to ground their technology and ensuing conceptual positions regarding the behavior of the individual organism, we have yet to meet the challenge of analyzing the material cultural contexts that hermetically envelops all of us, as scientists and as individuals. Without such a framework for continuing analysis, scientists cannot hope variables which control to investigate the culture and control of which those they powerful have become such an integral part. I believe that Functional Materialism is just that comprehensive framework. , I * ! I I I I Functional position materialism resulting natural-science control of conceptual from research consequences, and is a conceptual a careful strategies in order methodological synthesis involvingt to and of events ascertain dimensions philosophical sucessful under the toward the necessary a natural , ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • -~ science of cultural selection. ! j Far from .natural an esoteric piatform science necessary and philosophy, generic whose requirements functional materialism dimensions for includes establishing not a the only a firm empirical base on which to build a science of culture, but also a comprehensive dealing strive with events statement under the of what control any of research method consequences should for. In short, functional materialism is at once an analysis of those methods most successful in wresting knowledge from the levels of natural and operant selection, and a fertile application of that analysis toward evaluation of necessary to establish a natural That science a multidiscplinary of cultural multidisciplinary to multidisciplinary collusion science of culture. research selection approach the is the strategy highlighted study of is by necessary for a the for a selection in operant the current literature of behavior analysis. As Epstein (JAB A vol. 10, no. 1, p.128) states: , , is " A true science of behavior must be multidisciplinary . • . because behavior is a complex subject matter that requires the joint efforts of individuals in many specialties, both to advance our understanding and to devise effective treatment. . . it is not folly to think t hat individuals of different specialties can be brought together to build a new science; it is folly to think that the handful of scientists who now study beha vior in almost a dozen different disciplines can advance our understanding significantly." calls r----- I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I While Epstein speaks not of a new science of cultural selection his remarks are timely. but of an expanded science of behavior, Considering the phenomena markedly increased to comparable multidisciplinary approach complexity seem cultural phenomena, operant would of- be to a a foregone conclusion. However, my multidisciplinary operant own remarks research selection as asserting approach to well) the need for a selection (and to construed as an cultural should not be affirmation of a separation of behavior analysis into a "praxics" events cultural profit Any discipline which studie.s those or "behaviorology". under control selection) from consequences of deals proper with complex multidisciplinary already applied (i.e. fields such as To the functional ineffectiveness" behavior to relieved by the a op.cit.) surrounding proposed rigorous examination variables of which the research operant, which and would strategies, if not ecology within biology). in culture "agony will the not cleavage, eventual impotence the applying disciplinary and (natural, phenomena materialist, (Epstein, proposed of our our technology be but control of of of appreciably only those applied by the cultural science is a function. While selection a multdisciplinary research is certainly necessary, science of myriad of culture existing assumptions, many research present-day uneventful to in their be it would simply sciences strategy strategies "joint a of be consequent disciplines of attempt analyze selection and to cultural enough effort" selection. and to not relating The for the between the ontological techniques of have proven control relevant variables toward benificient, practical applications. Many of these "sciences" are frankly uninterested in the contol of their subject obtaining matter functional and Complex often remain structures experimental (much control modern relations within idealistic (and intact extended and unknown or so "methodological idealism" is to their necessary which science mostly or in matter. theoretical divorce from and the a natural to it is generally the case that variables unknowable subject control feedback to their of If control is acknowledged, is anthropology) solipsistic) lieu in testing validation/disconfirmation science. of the exist in dimensions (" minds"). case with While comtemporary social science at the level of operant and cultural selection, it is by no means limited concerning genetic sciences selection, of to these levels, "conciousness" while as recent attests. proposing a Many materialism hides many attempted materialistic neglects or refutes the causal mode of selection as relevant to their subject matter. speculation ontology, by consequences This sort of "billiard ball" methodological problems while attempting a patina of "hard science". Many of the disciplines of psychology and anthropology which espouse a materialistic ontology do so within the "paradigm" of classical mode mechanics, a causal which is awkward essentially unfit to be used to investigate organisms. and In fact, it has also proven to be of a limited value to scientists who study the abiotic world of physics, with the rise of quantum mechanics to exp lain within the Radical the essentially "counterintuitive" , illogical phenomena physical universe, such as the dual nature of light. behaviorism "quantum could mechanics" be of construed the life as an sciences application of ·selection by r l I J I I I I I I J I I l ~ consequences-to the comparable to evolutionary revolutionary application. The fact toward that a a science methodology is consequences has both the considered relation by The of culture is "cheating the insistence the evidence"; proven so successful as a sciences of biology and behavior functional to this essentially necessary dimension of functional not materialism on selectionist selection research that it by strategy in seems highly improbable that the collectivities of organisms will escape it. fact, it the selectionist scientist the insistence materialism toward necessary for of that alliegence natural the functional will, hopefully, with those science of materialist guide the and a on a behavior anthropological culture In aspects consequent technology. There is more to be considered than multidisciplinary collusion in our initial practical that is attempts advantage functional disciplines with in categorizing the to which order I of the to a science synthesis materialism pertaining cooperate toward of guidelines have , are be in direct functional materialism J J biology, materialists to science I behavior of organisms. practical successes of the science of behavior, limited as they are J i level of the is the with The generic much and behavioral proceed to positions offer life-science prescriptive assessment the cultures. of of culture. a evaluation scientist is expressed by of it's of compelled non-reductionistic, terms great methodology content dimensions in A of of to natural functional analyzing various the and disciplines already involved with the study of cultures. (or the study of any phenomenon under the control of of functional cultures materialism which, united allow with consequences) us to extant seek The dimensions out sciences of that study biology of and behavior, may give us a comprehensive account of the variables that effect and control all spheres of the selection of organisms. That the task contemporary another of classification anthropology foregone is a and large critical one evaluation would seem to of be conclusion. To paraphrase Skinner in About Behayjorjsm, how much of what has been said, pertaining to culture, is worth saving? The Djmensjons 1) SelectioD By of Functional Materialism Consequences For an emerging science of culture to be integral with behavior analysis and biological science, methodological from the Far from strategies evolutionary being consequences is it's basic assumptions and overt must approach framework a of disciplinary viewed as a cultural selection vital starting It is a anthropological by firmly It selectionist in their is the crucial functional view of the selection point in by the necessity that those behavior analysts phenomenon they be study. notion of selectionism that separates the materialist anthropological consulted consequences. afterthought, construction of a science of culture. positions by phenomena conception investigations) (Glenn, 1987, Malagodi, from of culture other (and ensuing behavior analysts ) who favor Marvin Harris' treatment of the same phenomena, referred to as cultural materialism. An implicit thesis within materialist thought has the presentation of functional been the assertion of the integral nature of historical materialism, or the Marxist science of history, the analysis. overall within our tenets of capitalist behavior culture things connected with it, are taught While to many disdain with persons. Marxism or (we certainly aren't routinely rewarded • r for such investigation) materialists who are the indeed assertions those historical toward explaining material framework, • Unfortunately, those but in a materialist of tend cultural phenomena not only in a selectionist framework as well. anthropologists materialist who are both historical materialist and selectionist are few, as are those psychologists who are explicitly materialist and we However, "historical" history" as recorded more that have history, is construed the revealed by materialism as cultural suffices problems which behaviorists radical with basically non-selectionist analagous to the of familiar, methodological materialist is there are applied to to certain materialism, stems of much reasons which treatment in selectionist for cultural materialism non-selectionist functional that Harris' cultures to materialism, say expressed research) amenable to are of (where governing relations, historical Harris' It "laws development and methodological The not historical integral is later. characteristic "good" governed as expansive, given that statements of generic functional methodology than be feel materialism but laws, selectionist. from of a cultures, human behavior behaviorism. insistence on selection by consequences as the "paradigm of choice" for the biotic sciences allows life science a comprehensive evaluation of any who deals with a subject matter under the control of consequences, not only as a . to proscriptive measure in dealing evaluate although positions biology is espoused almost by universally with anthropology, the biological selectionist. but also community, r ~ I ~ 2) Materjalistjc Perhaps it is Ontology needless • to functional materialism I I I ontological basis ~ variables is explicitly negated I for say, is the scientific (dualism) or terms. investigation the the world. dimension of a ' materialist of confrontable or The toleration of idealism by the functional of non-material within any materialist in no content as extant by both classical mechanics in it's abiotic consequences as applied on unadulterated Assumptions of integral insistence in level of selection is rejected uncertain an investigation potentially confrontable objects quasi·idealism but world, and by selection by to biotic organisms. Obviously, at this stage in the science of behavior, idealism is J ~ explicitly as a rejected waste materialism as both an untenable of methodological time. seem only to be the theoretical Classical extant position and causal and selectionist modes, and ~ selection is gaining more and more ground in explaining what was J seems ~ originally explained another culture appeal foregone should idealistic by exploit to essentially conclusion these that causal mystic a forces. natural modes to the It science of exclusion of accounts. However, it is important to note that the abiotic and biotic world are not quantitatively functional A social nature scientific up It and interrelated "webs" possibly of classify that spheres, whole but consisting a qualitatively of extremely and complex between the two. more cultures Not e boo k s separate fertile science as strategy and variables the many the is to verbal affecting world. intrinsic explore behavior the Skinner conflicts the way has of essentially produced cultures remarked science by .. carve in could his be r resolved with an analysis of the verbal behavior of the scientist, which is admittedly a cultural phenomena to be addressed science of culture.(see discussion of Hackenberg, 1985 for an by a enlightening the verbal behavior of cultures and it's effect upon science). The biotic and abiotic vacuums but worlds do not exist in separate are delineated by natural fracture lines which may seem, at first or even second glance, as running counter to logic. While selectionism and research as to in the biotic whether materialism are necessary for sciences, some current an interesting debates at question the level adequate is raised of subatomic physics (debates that tend to assert that the localized causality of Newtonian science fails because of an inferred" conscious content" on the part of individual particles-see Fritjof Capra's Tao of Physjcs) resorting cases, to could be resolved by exploring the possibility of selection thus ~ sparing by consequences materialism to from explain reduction these to abiotic "subatomic idealism" At any rate, the conflicts that have mechanics should be able to be resolved cultural and selective variables at arisen in subatomic by exploring either the work on the scientist, or possibly the assertion that certain areas of the abiotic world are also amenable explanatory to A natural the methods of science search dependent for variables. is by consequences. No idealistic framework need be resorted to in either case. 3) Inyestjgation in control not Functional of culture functional The complete Relations would relations insistence without be intrinsically between upon utilizing interested independent appropriate these methods and research toward r prediction ~ontrol and of the phenomena under investigation, namely cultural selection. No adequate technology can stem from just but proper assumptions, cultures, past relations between cultures and present, gross only from and the own careful observance environmental effects upon it's the situations of and development, and study of functional culture, of the of relations of cultures upon cultures. The problems relatively slow posed rate by of the largeness change, may of cultures, present and problems their for the cultural scientist, similar to the problems dealt with by biologists and behavior As noted analysts. by Ulman, (1987, in press) the gross nature of classes of cultural phenomena, literally s II [[OU n d in 1,! the observer of that culture, presents a the problem that is directly analagous to problem of private events in a natural science of behavior. The problem is not essentialy that the events we wish to observe are private, but at the other end of the spectrum. The events we wish to observe are public, but they are much larger than public events; they are "megapublic" events which, like private events, do not avail to easy examination or observation. As private events can be felt only by that person inside their own skin, behavior. observed observe own) they provide a problem for a natural science of Some classes of cultural events or trends are not easily because the no one megapublic without resorting disseminate both person events to verbal in any of any technological behavior and culture culture may (including prostheses the directly with products their which of to verbal behavior, such as print, electronic and video media. Unaided verbal behavior (word-of-mouth) dissemination of cultural facts, may suffice for the as it did before the invention of ~ .. .. -II II II II • -• • -.. II ! the above prostheses, but this awkward observation would be as useful to of culture as whiskey would and slow method of a contemporary, global science be to the contemporary science of anesthesiology. It is interesting problems. note Individuals come to know their to social the observe essential their similarity own private of these events, but and control these events mostly as a function of and verbal communities. Individuals observe events inside of their own culture and possibly of other cultures, but mostly we have been able to extend our knowledge of our own culture and others through verbal behavior, mediated as it is through It technological is, of course, self-control in individual(s) prostheses. much individuals easier than the ability to for for the community communities to to instill extend to an been done, and technological prostheses have played a in it, hence century. the term However, "information", disseminate but "Information it is cultures relevant verbal Age" applied not an "age" which use technological behavior and it's by megapublic assessment. Like the events radical and the last manipulates prostheses to products. their behaviorist large part to which The functional materialist does not despair over posed It has predict and control cultures. the problems observation treatment of and private events, we need not declare the observation of megapublic events a methodological phenomenon impossibility, which technological may, prostheses, be but with made as the a potentially utilization observable of proper observable. Just as blood circulation was once a private event, which has since been neither made treat public megapublic by technological events as prosthetics, inaccessible to we analysis need nor r •II explain them away with a popular explanatory fiction. As private events from will eventually· yield to a rigorous analysis the ; il II il II II i I. I. •,. I. •II i. I 'I.I • , i neurophysiologist, so too will megapublic events yield to the technological prostheses of a science of culture. It is actually the case that mega public events should be easier to assail radio, with conventional technology of media telephone, telegraph, print) sciences of behavior and biology. than (satellites, private events video, in the All that is needed is the control of these means of observation toward concise data with which to construct functional relations which is, of course, problematic in the context of our current culture. While the above assumes that the culture will come from contemporarily studies with or cultures, jus.t as behavior analysis. analysis of cultures historically humans in main data of a science of precisely groups laboratory may "in the field" controlled accentuate experimentation However, I am not the is well both laboratory science of the basis of versed in the experimental analysis of behavior (yet!) and know nothing of the parameters of such experimentation. However, such a seems plausible, and should not be abandoned a priori. the current controlled Walden Two experimental field experiments, as I communities think is the strategy In fact , may stated serve as goal of Communidad Los Horcones. I would assume, however, that a natural science of culture must derive its' data primerily from the phenomena it deals with the material global cultural context as revealed both by historical and current data. r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 4) Qf Leyels In Select jon Interrelated SelectioD Consequences, By Skinner characterizes the organizational complexity of organismic functions as a criteria for delineating that levels these viewpoint of selection. levels is were crucial not to Skinner separate, the stressed but functional in that article interrelated. This material view of the development of a science of cultures in that it must exploit the conceptual clarity inherent in the selectionist view of the world as consisting of integrated levels of selection. biotic Not only will this view lead the cultural scientist toward exhaustive account of his phenomena including the standpoints of biology and but it can help extrapolationism scientists which in any comes biotic from discipline neglecting other levels of selection. Certainly, the being selection could interrelated communication attempts at through throughout progressive those in all to the avoid avail of sciences interdisciplinary leading areas, the evidence view of biotic sciences, research behavior, to cooperative including cultural selection. It and also goes to say that while cultural selection interrelatedness considerable study of . culture) example reminds overlap those and are us the levels of natural, operant, exhaustive, of two things; insistence that on there their may be as the the content areas (such biological variables which affect behavior there be that of such cultures interacing a between the may subset is the subsets within particular each selective with other cultures, within the of cultural selection itself. level. process and An of broader arena r I I I. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 5} Commitment Each Noo-RedyctjoDjstjc science at each interest arena to in it it's own deals with. exclusionary level of cultural unit of analysis As was application of the complexity explain to complexity is functional materialism research of analysis at the at for strict one higher a vested the and level level of of It is a general precept of reductionism strategy for has a suited above, phenomena the that selection mentioned unit of Analysjs particularly reductionism termed unproductive Units a is an unneccesary natural science and , ! f of selection, be it biology, behavior, or culture. Few, if any, effectively biologists would accept that biology could be as explained by a reduction of complex cellular organic activity to the level of chemisty or physics. of the basic behavior tenets cannot be of behavior analysis reduced variables to within the skin of the organism, be appeal to mental (such as reducing genetic material The agents and the behavioral is they man") to materialist wishes to explanations of culture with the same fervor. (Ulman, . unit to 1987 of the lie causes of intrinsically (such as an or mechanistic neurophysiology or simpliciter ). functional commitment the idealistic "inner events As well, one that that and non-reductionistic, in press) or of reductionist What is needed is a "conceptually units of analysis contingency eschew akin reinforcement to telescoping" the functional within behavior analysis. In a major theoretical breakthrough, Sigrid Glenn has proposed a unit of analysis, the metacontingency extends the contingency of reinforcement of reinforcement, to a which cultural level and i I r II II II II I I I I I , I I -I I I I -~ I should allow a functional analysis of cultures As proposed in the article Metacontingencies Analysts and elaborated upon in the Practices (Glenn, 1987), proceed while in Walden Two 1986) and processes. positing no new behavioral (Behavio~ to Social article Action yerbal Journal, Behayior and Cyltural the metacontingency of reinforcement is functionally defined as such; ". . .the metacontingency is the unit of analysis describing the functional relation between a class of operants having its own immediate, unique consequence, plus a long term consequence common to all of the operants in the metacontingency". Ulman proposes the use of this new unit of analysis to begin the analysis of institutions, classes, and a functional materialist viewpoint. With this building a new unit science of of analysis, culture ultimately we ·may along the now cultures from proceed with lines listed necessary above, by being able to take into account the long-term, cultural consequences In that her further reinforcement relates "the the and cultural between focus of between behavior analytic that view (relating consistent principle 'infrastructural 1986, rule governed and paper with to is selection 1987), of Glenn operants as and cultural Cultural Practices, 1987) the verbal the metacontingency (Glenn behavioral same is selection. the and Behayior practices-df) of on selection of verbal (Glenn, yerbal Another cultural expositions importance link selection". characterize key assertion behavior Cultural that and "the cultural Materialist determinism "'. The Cultual Materialist view of which Glenn speaks is the view held by Marvin Harris as mentioned above. materialist holds essentially a While the functional cultural materialist viewpoint, it is I :1 :1 i l il II not the Cultural Materialism espoused by Harris, for reasons to be discussed Also, while functional I materialism is in complete agreement as to the importance of verbal operant behavior in the analysis of cultures, we we neither assert wis h to "infrastructural determinism", become methodological· psycho linguistic Cultural jl below. Materialism be (for embroiled problems the remainder, in th e by Harris' Harris' Cultural while "cultural will materialism" will stand for the generic stance of treating cultural II to in Materialism phenomena in a referred presented nor do capitals, materialistic manner). Non·reductionistic units of analysis for each level of I ,~ I 'I II •I -~ ~ evolutionary the complexity functional are a materialist asserts reduction of a qualitatively selection to a lower problematic events is tempting, either behavioral and level consequences. since events concrete of is complexity cultural their strategy necessary quantitatively Reducing or research cultural events are products. to avoid higher and which level the of the ensuing to operant events "cashed out" However, functional materialist agrees with Glenn when she states: . . .we might consider cultural processes as red ucible to behavioral processes. As behavior analysts, though, we sould be wary of such logic. We have long resisted the attempts of others to consider behavioral processes as nothing more than organismic processes simply because behavioral events are comprised of the activities of organisms. If we accept as a working hypothesis that cultural and behavioral evolution represent different levels of analysis, we may consider cultures as having their own contingencies of selection. (Glenn, 1986) as the r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6) Functional Analysis of Scientific Behavior and It's Products Another implicit dimension of functional materialism is the necessity of a functional analysis of the essentially socially based behavior of the scientist, including a consequent behavior functional (technology) Aside from analysis and it's providing a special verbal of the products ensuing social rigorous behavior, and of scientific ramifications. account of the cultural influences on the behavior of the scientist , a science of culture must investigate the controlling cultural relations such behavior, and applications Any of real cultural relations which which control maintain the use and technology. allieviation technology toward of our "impotence" in benificient ends is hampered of controlling cultural relations using behavior by our ignorance which surround the research and development of the science of behavior. While and radical political behaviorists variables in acknowledge the development the effects of science application of effective technology (See Malagodi, and Pennypacker, the benefits of of social and and Johnston 1980), it is no longer enough to assume effective technology will the eventually that persuade a culture to adopt and use that technology, or use it for appropriate ends. While it may have been the case that in previous ages, . revolutionary persecution scientific until discoveries benificient argument can be made that the was proportional to the were technologies met with arose, sustained a plausible acceptance of those discoveries usefulness of the technologies controlling institutions within the culture of the time. to the Through history, examples abound wherein to use within cultures to fulfill scientific discoveries are put punitive and socially questionable ends, most notably the nuclear proliferation of the last 40 years When their scientists behavior assert that (technology) the control should rest of the with products themselves, of they point up the need for an analysis of the material cultural context in which this (and other) productive behavior occurs, namely, in a cultural context where the products of productive behavior are often expropriated from those who produce them for the benefit, not of the culture as a whole, but to serve the interest of certain controlling institutions or classes within the culture. It is interesting technology" to rationale note has that been the "cultural mainly seen in acceptance via terms the of abiotic sciences and of the technology of evolutionary biology. It is also interesting to note that the sciences of the abiotic world such as physics and chemistry develop no real underlying assumptions or explicit rationale which could be said to threaten the assumptions used to justify current controlling cultural practices. While evolutionary biology does challenge assumptions upon really no have institutions human which practical because behavior evolutionary controlling negetive biology is practices biology explicitly the are ramifications evolutionary per se. more based, upon does not they controlling deal with At any rate, while the technology of exploited to the utmost (very possibly overexploited, hence the rise of "bioethics" in relation to patented life forms, pay,etc.) genetic the reengineering, assumptions evolution motherhood for positions of conceptual evolutionary biology contested inclusion in school curricula for (of and surrogate itself) in are still legally lieu of not giving ~ • • • • • -,.-- equal time to "creation science". I The assumptions science of and behavior conceptual are much positions more of an evolutionary threatening to those controlling institutions by virtue of the negation of the idealistic and prescientific notions continued controlling their upon which practices those institutions regarding human justify behavior. Little of the philosopy of radical behaviorism can be construed in such a way as to benefit these current but control over basic research and controlling applied science analagous neither the technology positions are By to that of of evolutionary behavior is by these Our position seems institutions is possible, and in fact the norm. directly institutions, biology, analysis nor except it's that conceptual widely prevalent within our culture. virtue of our intrinsically threatening position, we can be assured that if our technology is ever widely employed, it will be employed conceptual culture, at the cost of a underpinnings. but for the divorce Not good from necessarily of the it's theoretical and for the controlling good of our institutions and classes within our culture, who can use the applied technology for their own philosphical benefit while positions (which extrapolationary-interpretive Skinner's Walden eschewing form Two, Beyond loIS,lie. a.1Jii,e.lo.c...t oLJnLL-_.... B'-Jy~....lC...JoLo.l.ln~s,lie..lOgL.luLleli.lnLLclo..li.ej2,s ILl' controlling This see a real been related Freedom its e If) to and wh ich conceptual mostly cultures Dignity. threaten and of an such as and it's even own practices .. is the backbone of the functional correct, selection come to the have the cultural effective pass. forces and exhaustive Without such a which materialist fervor support science to of cultural comprhensive study of or scientific suppress r ~ endeavor, , survival by virtue of the .. the culture which science of behavior may not be destructive long-term surrounds that science. selected for practices of the • While it is still a guess if a science of cultural selection will propose an effective control could effective programme technology, to it control is a those surety cultural vast arenas of operant behavior would hardly be tolerated by and classes of our culture. essentially render revolutionary. the that current variables come to controlling an which pass, it institutions Such an effective programme would the cultural engineer as a We certainly cannot expect such a be our saving grace. if such rad ical technology to To paraphrase Harris, the accomplishment of a natural science of cultural selection will be a struggle, indeed. 2) A Functional Complexity of the Materialist IJfe Sciences; Overview Attempts to of the Explain Levels of Selection of Cultures A) BIOLOGY - "The Informative Gene" Evolutionary biology is the applied science of selection today. and the most successful better schema is to characterize successful of the and widely While the science of behavior rising science of culture can be construed sciences, a and most sciences of as biological biology as selection. the first While the general subject matter of biology, behavior and cultures are the same (organisms), what is studied and each are different owing to their the methods employed by respective level of complexity. -.' , Behaviorists do contingencies of science not certainly in has won a part to pain justification and to consequences suffering continued as have study achieved a a causal great share of cultural respect, it's the culture which supports it. allieviate rarely selection. Biology, however, owing neither and reinforcement, of cultural .biologists cells, study technological effectiveness upon The power of modern biology to has no doubt research mode with given utilizing which to an empirical selection obtain by functional relations. One crucial area where a functional relations biology has not consistently asserted materialist stance is in respect for genetics and the of genetic content cultural phenomena. of the individual to behavioral and Two proposals in differing areas of genetic theory can be termed reductionistic, one of them idealistic. One concerns the possibility of concerns the control individuals of genetic consciousness, and cultures the by other genetic content. 1) "Selfish Genes" Genetic material and Genetic Consciousness has been construed in recent biological literature as having an awareness or sense of self, proposed as a sort of motive force to explain , or behavioral and cultural phenomena. G e De I I I I characterizes behavioral analogize, human Richard Dawkins' The Selfish and at least cultural phenomena as . functions of a self·aware genetic material upon which other cells amalgamate eventually and to a survive through natural behaving organism whose selection, behavior is yielding said to facilitate the workings of a "survival machine" in which the gene "resides". While the author gives a broad disclaimer about using • ~' his thesis to interpret interpretation, which is characterizing the construed as motive being force again himself cultural for be a human in cultural called a "meme" the author why Genes change. giving rise which realizing in to an altruism intrinsically disclaims as cultural are having phenomenon is so but un prevalent in behavior. This author analysis and help engages gene cultural real control over behavioral and may by a he "selfish", thus invariant selfis.hness, any culture, as an as functional essentially materialist mechanistic interpretation culture which calls on idealism to consequences. genetics, it is While not Dawkins strictly disagrees explain claims this of behavior events controlled only reductionism. with an However, analogy th to author dismisses organisms as simply survival machines built around the intrinsic This relies controlling on the variables of their neglect of selection at culture, essentially should reject a in materialist rejects genetic genes. the levels of behavior and determinism explaining behavior explaining biological in explanation which the behaviorist and the functional functions. Assertions of genetic consciousness may have their roots in a precedented explanation contingencies within the genetic of to level. "encode" behavior reinforcement mind "metaphor extended of of (or brain) storage" explain Genes information which in are which, 1981) to when of has to stored memories. This of genes informational, passed or by be effectively functions be controlled said form general said being were the (Skinner, even the as been at that the genes "transmitted" , will "instruct" cells in how to develop. However, in both levels, the "information" "stored", whether it is genetic or mental that is said to be information, is an ------------------------------------------~~--~-- I I I , - unobserved differing inference levels, terminology" often functions to shor.ed used. to express. up explain which These with complex our culture inferences, idealistic functions has when metaphors or at these no "new challenged, appeals are to the mechanical nature of the subject matter. 2) Socjobjology Sociobiology, as espoused by E.O. Wilson, is a classic example of reductionism. The humans to are makeup, said with behavior be and rigorously behavior changing gross cultural determined in terms by of patterns our the of genetic rate of development of our bodies through time. While refuses to acknowledge selection credit sociobiology to is the thoroughgoing need effects those levels other units of for it's materialism, levels of selection, directly. analysis in Thusly, beyond the it it or that cannot give contingencies of survival of genetic material of the individual. This and orientation shares with Dawkins the assumption of almost complete contingencies of reinforcement or genetic determinism intrinsic control. metacontingencies, Without operant and cultural phenomena must be explained wholly in terms of genetic control, and our technology toward behavioral change becomes a long-range plan of eugenics. conceived, the intrinsic control stored within behavior modification or cultural control a within the lifespan of the subject or culture. and cultural Once a child is the genes makes practical impossibility I I I I I I I I I I B) Psycbology - The As I I I I I I radical science introspective, philosophical underlying causes" Science behaviorists psychological is actually know, the orientations of human actions the history history of concerning giving up of essentially "motives more and or more ground to a latecoming scientific analysis of the subject matter at hand - the behavior of organisms. While the scope of this paper precludes an indepth analysis of the history of psychology, it is not hard to see the history of psychology as a struggle for a science of behavior as opposed to a precedented and methodologically intrinsic causes of behavior. construed as vestiges inept science of mental or These precedented strategies can be of idealism or of mechanistic materialism applied to the level of behavioral selection. I I I most Struggle for 1) IdeaHsm: Dualistic Dualism and CQgnjtiyism explanations of human behavior resort to explanations of at least some of the in terms of dimensions unknown said to entities be spirits, share the common loci in some body, though agent may minds, manifest, be a whole consciousnesses, psychoanalysis, and which schemes is These are All inside of the more than to explain said these human one inner sudden, The inner agent may be said of interacting conflict etc. of inhabitance dualistic comprised relevant variables to physical science. . contradictory patterns of behavior. to definitionally between parts, the such interaction as Freuds' of these parts is the underlying (internal) cause of behavioral problems. Cognitivism is generally dualism which makes great use of rr---- ---------the ------ metaphors (generally of storage expressed previously as memories which are consulted (remembered) by Experiences mentioned. contingencies) stored 1 within are the the - organism converted into organism, then are in with the dealing I t environment. amenable Cognitivism seems to be the conceptual stance most to material ontology, where dualism or mental agents can be replaced with the mechanistic metaphors of storage given below. Both dualism and idealistic cognitivism share the fact the complex internal processes they use to inferred from the behavior they observe. sorts of psychology neglect selection, ontology, and a Some Mechanistic contemporar:y espouse a materialistic espouse a mechanistic consequences, observed that comprehended Those simply leaving a) Mechanjstic while radical that do, neglects "physicalizing" variables behaviorism however, selection by the variables either explained (such as computer analogues) or by variables (private events) cannot be science. Materjalists Structuralism, cognitivism, which unobserved unobseved by SeJectionist ontology. materialism material relations. besides either in mechanistic terms, asserting levels of selection, psychologies thereby while and behavior are Needless to say, these commitment to functional 2) Materialism; explain that de ve lopmen talism, all asserting a and materialistic materialistic ontology, are unaware of or refute selection by consequences. Structuralism assigns behavior structure of the organism under study. generally said to to be a function of the While those functions are be governed by mental and therefore idealistic \ structures inside the of lines the the a "structural computer-analog materialism" materialism of along cognitivism is While a structural materialism would be a step in the possible. ,. theoretically rigorous subsume analysis of the structure the various of would analysis materialistic functional direction, right organism, the organism contingencies at in it's work upon organisms at differing levels of selection. Developmentalism such as simply While structuralism with time may be said developmentalism is possible mental materialist Piaget's is, to entities as the to paraphrase Skinner, independent develop and with seems variable. the akin body, to the Behavior is said to change thesis of sociobiology discussed above. as the body goes through a maturation process which, I presume, could be construed as being governed genetically. Developmentalism behavioral and not cultural only level, selection neglects but functional at relations the simply The a function of time. cannot be compiled with behavior being person wishing to gain control over operant or cultural selection is at a loss independent functional in develop variable relations Cognitive fictions to can never materialism favor of an effective never be technology, manipulated since and the hence ascertained. ushers mechanistic out idealistic fictions, most explanatory commonly the analogy of the brain as a computer which stores "data" which are retrieved and ejected when the organism responds. While this is a materialistic ontology, little case can be made for conceiving the brain as a thinking machine. behaviorist variability standpoint, or contol Iitte. is of behavior gained to in private From the radical ascribing events, intrinsic even workings of the much-heralded brain. While the functions the of the -- - -------- brain and it's involvement in relation to behavior are admittedly complex, from this is a question selectionist a for the neurophysiologist standpoint, such as a working pot en tial • neurobehaviorist. behavior are analogues, of Those private be hay j 0 r but in to events be functional that explained relations correspond not between in and to overt mechanistic within levels contingencies. Methodological materialist behaviorism ontology conceptually modes. and mated explicitly by with materially Watson's is an functional crippled by methodological Skinner because example of of analysis mechanistic behaviorism it's a can be explanatory was impracticable, how rejected mechanistic view of behaviorand it's impotence in regards to private events. Essentially, the mechanization of Watson's schema could not account for observers could not directly observe. of the day, methodological science of behavior could leaving those organism within those events which two Like the logical positivism behaviorism not deal phenomenon the simply with such intact. The link asserted that phenomenon, from a while stimulus to response was no longer said to be mediated yet the status of the mental events weren't questioned, just considered an inactive link. At this Skinner to landmark point, try to research the successes expand that on of behaviorism Watson's founded the prompted research. second It natural was science B.F. his of selection. b) Behayjoral Radical selection Selectjonjsts behaviorism by is consequences the and revolutionary material application ontology of toward c establishing • functional . environmental events . relations be ha vioral between and Again, the scope of this paper proclude a long discussion of the successes, practical and conceptual, of the but it is not presumptious to experimental analysis of behavior, term the experimental, behavior as the only theoretical and applied analysis of rigorous science of behavior existing today. Just as the application of selectionism to the field of biology was correlated with an explosion of research, explanatory elegance and technological progress,such has been the case with radical behaviorism, psychology. split While between at I least relative cannot lend behaviorism and my to other support psychology at stripes to a this of disciplinary time, I must agree that radical behaviorism is the only discipline at this level that would be at least conceptually justified in doing so. Just as were the dimensions and methods of evolutionary biology the wellspring for the science of operant selection, just so are the dimensions and methods of wellspring for the science of culture. radical behaviorism the However, we do not want to fall into the precedented trap of ignoring selection on the cultural level as a phenomenon in it's own right with it's own necessary units of analysis. While I think it is proven that the selection of cultures must be a multidisciplinary endeavor, we must evaluate with which would we cooperate by the same standards evaluate interdisciplinary I see a materialist will guide any science collusion with critical need analysis of the us in science of culture. our for of selection. the allegiances which employment disciplines of considered. toward with In anthropology a the disciplines which we the necessary is developing, a functional That analysis functioning natural C) Anthropology aDd A Natural Science of Culture Much contemporary anthropology, like much of the science at the level of operant materialist. rampant Like with explanations, selection, psychology, assertions of little no or cannot the be termed majority idealistic of motive attempt at functional anthropology is forces, mechanistic achieving functional relations, and only mere lip service to cultural selection. My exposure filtered through to my anthropology has exposure radical the functional materialistic will deal that with relevant recent to Cultural Marx and expressed selectionist and with literature. Materialism, and viewpoints I've behavior These historical in for the most part, and from behaviorism, part of anthropology an allegience behavioral to been, been exposed which has analysis two as contemporary as I been called discussed viewpoints materialism to. are in Harris' proposed literature as by both materialist. 1) Idealjsm a In termed a behavior 1987) sense, Harris' cultural Cultural dualism. in an individual which has caused Materialism Harris context problems may chooses as in to actually treat verbal psycholinguistic translation (Glenn, between Harris conception of culture and our conception of verbal behavior. most important behavior verbal of ramifications the behavior methodological individual in his of are cultural behaviorism's Harris's the view of methodological analysis, treatment of a the The verbal problems problem private be akin events in of to a .. .. natural 2) science . Mechanistic The Materjaljsm problems individual in of viewing psycholinguistic the verbal terms further behavior complicates analysis of verbal behavior and cultural events. declines to analyse verbal behavior and precisely because he verbal function of (or intentions, sees intimately wills, related hypotheses, behavior becomes which I have an to) etc". effect upon Harris' cultures "apparently.. cognitive function Harris would the Basically, Harris as processes, (Glenn,1986) unanalyzable no doubt that it's behavior of of a ideas, Thus, verbal private events, consider unanalyzable as well. While causal Cultural Materialism pays mode mechanistic. in Analagous methodological social which Harris to behaviorism, functions related the lip construes treatment Cultural to service to verbal selection, the his organisms of private is events by Materialism considers the behavior (construed as functions of private events) as essentially unanalyzable as well. This is not unrelated to Harris assertion of what Glenn calls infrastructural determinism. conception of verbal that the three superstructure) behavior involved n argues that behavior is consistent with parts are Glenn of society dominated (infrastructure, by production and the the Harris' assertion structure, essentially reproduction behavioristic and non-verbal practices. It is not surprising to see behaviorists rally to support Harris in our search for analagous anthropological methodologies. However, I think it is a mistake to bend our rules too much to fit a mechanistic theory of cultures. '.I I , While behavior, behaviorists we should openly also criticize reject his Harris' emphasis view on II determinism II I non-verbal behaviors practices. However, it seems obvious that verbal I II II II II related the it, involved important (see to Ulman, in role production in 1985 for production infrastructure an practices) analysis and other events effecting To in these the structure and functional materialist, this operants to the and long-lasting of verbal behavior The never changing or to be nonsense. material cultural effects upon relations of contingencies productive production, certainly and verbal can reproductive wreak practices; this is the backbone of the functional materialist insistence that a be another vestige of a and employed. mechanical, interpretation of cultural selection which 2)Selectionism; I I both While overall behavior patterns within a culture will tend toward of both individual and cultural phenomena. I- of seems I I , behavior plays practices. 'I II 'I reproduction practices superstructure cultural technology can be achieved , are reproduction. ·1 :'i 1 II of society and everyday conforming ~ infrastructural "determinism" of the infrastructure would have to depend on the I 'I characterizes incredibly production verbal well. Harris As an as of Historjcal It seems to non-selectionist permeates Harris' views Materialism Throughout the course of this paper I have assumed a degree of knowledge behaviorism. working exposed the reader's part concerning radical It may also be the case that the reader may have a grasp materialism. been on of the most popular I can guarantee that few to the proper tenets of if any readers contingencies to conclude historical will that have the basic assumptions behaviorism and and methodological historical materialism strategies are of radical eminently amenable for integration toward a science of culture. Of the three orientations toward the arising science of culture discussed in materialists, analysts this and are paper (reductionists, functional aware of materialists the ), integral behavioral·cultural few if any nature of materialism with respect to radical behaviorism. few if any historical exposed to the analysis toward materialist possibility a of science justification, growth, and of integration culture direction historical Concomi tan t1y, anthropologists an behavior which have with could to revolutionary been behavior give new struggles. It is as if two persons were using similar tactics, in relation to respective levels of selection, on two different hemispheres of a world made too small for mutual ignorance. While I have hardly had ample time for thorough research of historical materialism, even a cursory investigation leads one to assert that the Marxian science of cultures is a paradigm that is plausible toward First, a investigating research The of classificatory functional functional growing the as a material those scheme relations materialist number selection into best a of historical causal course espouse a used by between mode and with the terminology and the stating (material of society is much by do of cultures. variables proposed are to materialism independent understandable which materialism, historical and various forms materialists development rigorous production relations) than science. Harris. more (such as "emie" , "etic', "permaclone", etc.) In fact, Cornforth modern openly historical acknowledge materialists selection by such as consequences Maurice and it's r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ability to further functional plus operational, along with explain That science of culture, analysis Another an a a the and for functionally functionally and is is that it mechanism elegant of society mechanism defines materialism definable comprehensive selection with dedication to non-reductionism. historical development along class postulates of theoretical throughout • selection, structure written struggle, to history. which Ulman as: ". • .agonistic behavior (countercontrolling cultural practices) occurring among people organized by metacontingencies into conflicting institutions which have been selected by antagonistic relations of production existing within a particular social environment". By the utilizing basic critical Glenn's dimensions analysis utilizing it's of metacontingency of functional historical accumulated of reinforcement materialism, materialism facts toward we in a may an begin effort natural along a toward science of culture. It bears mentioning that not historical materialism. functional materialism thus far is Like other anthropological disciplines, some or most of the authors who represent historical materialism favor a science sort of philosophical-idealist of cultures, . existential Still culture, principles knowledge possibly present including their down anything put of a their personal, of culture. others laid rejecting interpretation in research own, the is that to classic be assumes deduced historical any science from materialist of the founders of Marxism and of Marx himself. of universal writings This generally r ! ~ II • • • • • --,. ,.---. • •,. engenders adherence to "Party dicta" the conceptual facts until structure the persuasive deductive potentially structure is correl'tive defended empirical only on the (or punitive) consequences of an appeal to authority. Many Marxist quantification, acknowledge stands from of a certain time, divorcing a theorists, natural a science selective adhered and cultural causation mechanistic-determinist to of view the concept evolution, cultures. of set of fail In it's "stages" to place which are said to be inherent in the process of history or "inside" of things themselves (an "internal contradiction"). of cultures selection as are disavowed. science the hastily force culture abandoning technology dismissed any as search of cultural main anything point for as history, other trivial, or levels of completely functional is that the between behavior ultimately biology) acknowledged of cultures. offered as a up any intellectual relations functional science as or a research, practicable and with source, suggests research method the is which may in the anthropology materialism panacea nearby materialism necessary for Historical disciplinary picking than most fertile collusion science more change. historical materialism as after in Marxists of the structuralist school often reject their of My dominant Committed to a view get (and start of a certainly the on not behaviorist, with culture science. The very heart of functional evolutionary prescriptive sciences of selection. the functional content That materialist materialism is it's experimental, toward process encounters will critical not evaluation simply historical cease materialism, of when but will be applied to an assessment of what that attempted science of culture has to offer. I •I ;; I I I -II :1 II "II -- It is is our main contention that a historical materialism which selectionist, and a functional, collusion with and this thoroughly branch materialist does of anthropological exist, science will bear the most fruit in terms of the achievement of a benificient science of culture that will work for the culture, and all of the culture that supports non·adversarial and opposition sustains to a it. This projected is collusion offered with in Harris' Cultural Materialism, which has been found to be problematic. Which of these views will dominate the radical behaviorist's digression into functional materialists are in the minority. which the of the science anthropological science is anthropological frameworks of culture, but if that unknown at this Only time will will contribute science can then time; most be tell to called functional materialist, then our efforts will not have been in vain. In conclusion, it seems apparent that a science of culture, of equal potency to the sciences of biology and same conceptual and technological behavior, holds the revolutions within it's scope. Space exploration and the predicted conquest of the solar system is often characterized functional as materialist exploration could "the final disagrees. theoretically frontier of man", Space proceed, but technology while the and sociocultural problems of man's inhumanity to man continue to plague our one planet. To paraphrase Jerry Ulman, never has there been such a gulf between what is, and what could be. What could be, it terms of a science of culture, is a technology of culture which could develop and establish a superior world culture by design, using the most advanced forms of positive ultimate survival and control of human behavior reinforcement of the entire culture. for the r Once developed, withhold it's however, technology from a science a of suffering culture could not The gulf world. between this amalgam of feuding nations called the World and a planned means culture of a .literal fight will. hold production from whence for science the and control society of the springs, and us or our children must cross it if our world is to survive. In a proud personal note, I and determined would like to say that I to be a part, development of a science of culture. milestone and more of a however am at once small, of the This paper will be less of a catalyst to continued study toward the real final frontier of science. to Truly, we have met the enemy, and he is us. What remains be that seen is whether our species can realize ultimately our greatest comrade as well. D.R.FEENEY we are REFERENCES: Articles: Glenn, Sigrid. Rules and Rule Governed Behavior in Two Kinds of Cultural Contingencies. Paper delivered at Northern California Assoc. for Behavior Analysis March, 1986 Glenn, Sigrid. Verbal Behavior and Cultural Practices. Center for Behavioral Studies. PO Box 13438, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203. Glenn, Sigrid Metacontingencies in Walden Two. Behavior Analysis and Social Action Journal, 5, 2-8. 1986 Skinner, B.F. Selection By Consequences. Science, 213, 1981 Ulman, J. Just Say No to Commodity Fetishism: A Functional Materialist Reply to Rakos. (in press, 1987) Ulman, J. A Critique of "Skinnerism: Materialism Minus the Dialectic." Behaviorists for Social Action Journal, I, (2), 1-8. Ulman, J. The Promotive: A Verbal Operant Related to Production. The Analysis of Verbal Behavior, 3, 18-20. 501-504. Books: Cornforth, M. 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