~ r: ~ T~.~T~0 ~~r~ _t~ [\:; -~ Ti\y T;~~ 0? C~~ 4:1.7 l·i (Im::r :~ -:~ ~: rr T (n'.: 3}t~ 1J~) ('F '~~Tt~\·.n~~('~~~~_j-~ T{~~0~·TT~ ITc\r."~:lJ~: Dola!1 ID4q9 '~~rt': ·t~ i,~ • • • "'~-"-, ... _, r_ ...... -- -" . • • ::T.! ... , 4 + -.:..~~-=-~~. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •- 0 INTRO-:)UCTTOllT T'hroughout the course of each of Cha:v-l.otte Pront;~ novels, the protagon ls'; encounters many cU fferert of charc;.cters, and Paul Emanuel, Frances Henri and M. Pelet are all way~ a unique ;':;' contrib~tes ,.~~iticized tl: .. t co~nected, Miss Brontt! has, ir~ for her loose nlct construction, minor character3.. W'ny, for ;;;'u ' ".rt ~v";e,"::;:1ingly 0xn'~:,,1.e, the remainder of t~e :.~> ,TO" .JrJ plot. 71 ' 1:; sd er: ::laKe s se'loral fra Gmen tary a:nd a. pparer t 1J Lunc t i fac:, and her presence does not seem to nrofo~~al~ ~~fluence r"CG1)Ci". i~d if connected ci.t criticism deals with the inclusioYJ of ~T2-reous Lo~ood, to the novel in the protagonist and another person is brief :rain plot of the r.ovel. '\(;(~,~ 0 .....' e~ch Often, however, the relatiOlJ.ship es"tal'lished appears to be 100301y ·t~':.c t~rfies Mr. Rochester and Mrs. Reed, John Bretton, very diverse types and ~etween 's of a fertIle h'J.t ;.md.1.scirlir.ed ~.lnaJ '_:Y~,J ~_ " O'!'l .irnat:i.~::-rj.·.,-; ". t ial J value. these characters are included not 8.S a whim of~.h.e writer's un fet +:sred hec~use or j:r:C:2(J..S1 :;~: they cnntri~~te the "his SOIrt€ therefore T , I --> ' . , .-, T '" T'Iy- ~~ .f' c- . . . ; -----'""'_._-J-.J ;.:.:,. " . n .;:, , _0 ! ~j C h. 'J t· • I" 'r'j ~ J tl ,) ) -l "I r J , 'r of () !) ·r:· -! .1. ) ) .) ,., ) /' .,.. ~ .; "1 .. f-l ':,.1 .... ri ,) ' ,,) ~ -r: .,J .) ,c ~) .) ) , 'J ~, .J , ) .. , ~ i :~ ., ., ) 1· I )I ~! .) , .~ )1 ~ J ' r I ..I ,J :J ..) "J .:; ~ . c. ;, ,' J r" ~. w ') -: '.' " ':.l L 'i J! 'j " ·~1 J oj ) : 'r , 1 ,j .J ') " ~ 1 '~ 1'1( (' ):., ': j , ,. ,,>;, ..,., ~: : \; (1) h ~" o .. ~ ~ ~.J ,; r~: f": , r') 'M rei I"'--i :.J ) ) ) .. ,s:, , ':.J .J :~ .,, .~~ ~ ". ,.I' .') , j ~, r" ..... ,i ( '"l"'i ". ", ., ~ ~ , ,~, 'J ( ~ r:"', :'J I,) ~ -" ,.~' , .' ; .) t'.2 .;) (lj +) C '. "'1 Ql :./J [: Ci) I~,. r' C. .~) f;) , ,'- ,,,. ;:' .... o .,..' '"r ;; ~ '"J H.., I') ::: ,'';) 'j t: ~.) (,) "'j ~ .j r· :} (, j :,;,> ~ ()) 0" " , i r~ ~ ('.) ..C !]) ,:-"-, ( :, I ( i I '., I ... '" i r ,il :) ,:l ,) \1." 2.i i ,J '1 {~~ >, (J) E': ;": . r1 t..: '-.) .., (f1 01 r I ;- ~ " f~ ." (:.:: ;:., ;;: r) ,ll r~ ; (') I': ;;; f~ ':J ..) 1 ::i u 1-, .r-> • J j ! ,J •. -1 . .l .~ c, '.j r-"' " f-.'i -,"j I, .-c::: :. ; "~ c' (J) " J 'r' t.J rri ,s:~ ;., ~ c '.J ) '.J () (..-: :) ~. -,.) ' 'J :.l 'r' r C: ~J (1) 'c' ., f ~.~ 0" c U) ;:; :~ ,'J .> r.J I J! :,~ ... ' '(,J .:-.." +, ~j ~ " r' , ~ .) J ~ '" f 'r l) ',) --/ (') ~. ; ".J C' r '.j '.) .J ~ -, ,)1 '01 ... ,.1 -1) ~~ () ·r~ () ,. /-". • ". ... .; OJ .... I-' .) ,:,) Ii ., j C) = .,.) ! ~ilI r' 1 f) ~ ~ O t.J ~, J[ C' r :) -~ .. 1 ... 'J '.') ,.-'~ '.~.) ;'j c( (,J .j r i ~< f.; ' ... J .) 4· C' C .) ,) ;) B: () ( ) ,- ~ .) .J Q) : ~. ~ cd ~J .', c ., .,0 r~ +.) 1;) ,<. ::1 ( ~ c!~ ,4 r~ +:.. LJ ;"1 r: Ij) (,'1 ~~ ~;, ;:; ['j ~~ t . '). OJ . +> '.,J E- 'rj ~, r1J . ,..'"' ,,' I' > . :c) + '0 ) .1" r= ' ,'j , a Lood ~rajesmaL; th~t Tay," sa~s ~y t~8te, ~n William ~y his a~bi~ion . 0.082 not lie in i~Lroduct0ry letter. 1 Edward's ambit ion prove Uu t ViiI} iam' s ovm IT,ild chnT:=tcte:::- is unsuited for trade and the From the corditio~s be[i~'~j.llC under which he h~s to ~or~. of his en:ployrr.ent he l'i::"lJs his life increasingly di sgus't ing, ~li lettern "dry ann t~di:)ustl s t~L sk of translating (r. 24). 'Nsr=~ing 'us~r.e ss at a desk all day is extl'er::eJy stt:lillC; "'te Gays th,;:;,t :mc1er tte dema:1.d~; of businoss he feel;:') desperatic~, In his he C0~ 1I~,he rust and CL'a::-,- :res his restricted busine:::s ,dth the life of a slave who 'Tlust T;'d',':c~rd' able" ~or r-!..f.:;~ord l~~e in pe-~~:f'cr:':! ':i8 His ~usiness relationship with ~is ~~~ther stjfling life in business, a life which would never im the op')ortunity of any self-expre;,osio:'l. state:nent that he cou] d ht',"e borne 'ds been .ror the "ant i two men :~.y s busine ss force s him to see hL3 1 ife a,s "ir: toler- (p. 25). ~he c>,~ CP. 24). pa~y wo~:: 'r,ad t ,,"ot ,vhich had sprung up" bel ':'C(;2: 11:? The sectio~ of the no\el dca~ing wi~h r:; ./ the TElationshiI) cetweGn Williarr. in i]lu~inating si~ply s a foil to are atle to see the protagonist Willja~ 2~dwa:,d several facets of William's because 2dwall serves co~tr~sted ~md cle~rly is successful ch~r~c~er Willia~. hi~solf to ~dward on is Yoreover, severa~ a!ld wakes several judgr:lents on his brother's ~e ~e hecaus€ with a radically different person. compares . CCC~810~S c~c',racter, inciicating, perhaps, an increased :lI'iareness of his c,',vn character. From the very personality and ~anner inte:r'lie'vv with hiJT;. ind.ica'~ive be£in~inG of the novel TIe see 2dward are revealed in Willia~'s first Eis actions d:1d maYl:::crisms alone are of hi;:; char::tcte . c. He Spe,l~{S \7ith "a.. -: bru,::,t accent" (p .. f;); ~:,ises "shrpl:r" fro;n his ch:~ir (P. 7); has a uiS~:ltuituous mena.cei1: ~:is eye" (p. 7); a,TId speaks ha at i 1:: or not at all. a s the !'lood. str ike s ';.'Cii-l:i.::g 11as ~;.t broker. i~t01eratle ~,is off.ice, he qu1ckJ.y '01 , tles u.~~ to Uillia~. 1-J.j ;C;. His ascer~aL~;s~h,:.t 'llLI.liar:l F. ''''' ..L.a.; the .~" "' .. .l.L'........ .....; " '7 ) • r. 4", ,..... r' ."" :~ ',-. ~ .L .) . " } . .J -. -,'....... v\. .. vJ.,,) ' , ,- :c ,' • ....l. . ,' ,' L ' .1 _1..' ( . - • \ • " , ...... ...J. , , \. , t", "T ~ "1 '. v.. L " ~, ,_. ,-t ~. .J..,;. . <--1.. •• t.U '" '-- .. ,1 .... ,,' ' " , ~- "- '-' .... L 4- (, '~ ~ .,.~ '- "' .., ; U . , 1 ' , ,'- ;~ -l ..... " ':',.1 I" n. ,; ~~ , ',' • , '--' .1. .' 11 ~ :; -,-"... ..s'.- •• ,. -:"'7) -' ( ~, . 1 • ,",,,1 \,"'J,... ..... 1-1" , ,_'--A. .... h·Ir""~.J. - ; '_ ..' L v .~'~..l. ~ ~or3tJ • He , ,lI!+j- 1--' ~ill1d~ sses what he is YIn of ~-:.j s 11) • (:0T: tr~tdj_C::OT'J<r ~ot. ::;ter st uder.t i:;. .. j ( .... .::;, f.i~ally j' He is never ~~rries oh~E2sed Frances, with the desjre to of the fact 1:e SJrD.e degree of Cl.utono:ny. cont~ol. She d~3ires to aS8ert her irmly • 8. ~ndepend.ence through teach inc; ',; ill ian; real.':.. e 8 that he cannot deprive her of life. If William is an ~egin~irL independence by rulirg her tha~ i~c0mrlete personality at the of the novel as we a'e led to believe, then his cYaracter. " 201'8. ide ;{el..lter 113 another ~"zzling char:.ete:c '1;11ose fU:'lCtl()[i in the nO',Te.1 is not entirely clear. is first introd~ced candjd~te ~o WillIam, she seems to for the novel's love interest. that Charlotte Bront~ ;}an for the novel; France3 Hovvever, ][\:;1' de::ep:.ive Ml~e. ~e ~fter abruptly set aside in favor of Frances, the suspe:~t[;. W'ner she the likely s~e re~der whiLlsical}y c};/-i.ngcd 3ec~ed l~ke u be~~er is perhaps hel~ hereine, 3euter might be seen to personal~.t.Y William is led to a r:;a2.L'cc:ion i~ Frances Henri. r:'B k::er,' ver:/ lit-:le ;'.tcout the fe;r;ale he kno~s cha,r,:'c~e~. little about women he is initially !'~~;,clNhat ir~rc~cG~ 8=' ) • knows little about women, he k~ows that he can only marry 9. a 'Wor..an of some capabilit.y. t~le:r0fore ?1!'e eLough to recomrrend her to .:-:rif:'. i:n the Tn addition to begin~ine. Her i:1tellectual abilities ~er intelligence, srie ?OS3GS3eS a charminc and tranquj] personality, a personality in oet-t:e:r', subtle rli:::ts tell ci.bou"t l'er true c'liJ:racter. He comes to suspect. ths.t st1e, like T:d,vard, has a 80mpl)lstve desir to control 8verY0ne she associates enjoys the feeling of superiority Ghe has in obvio~31y rela t ion :0 ter stUQ<"rl t3 and instructors that superiority she "t, .... , ...... ...... el..· • which she can dominate -~.r.em. CO;ltrol ~jm. ~y beccl.1~.:;e ~ith flattery, :-:;a'':aGernent of tCDlper she keeps everyone in ~i her other ;il~iaffi ~ill She w:~h. u~derli~Ls. feels that e~able her 3~e ta~e of her aac~ fli~tation, ~\:;;e or of Lor. :1er Or: his second rr.eetin£,,-H-;'" >.Jr, is probing his ~old thr:i'_,gh nat~r2 i~ o~~e~ ~o of him 2nd lead. perceivec. 800[[ t!lat she was fee~_i. uL.,:c:-c real char~~.cter; she W~~~) s0~.rc'-';nc fo"~ salient points, anti weak polnt8, and eccentric point3; she w~s applyiri£ nc~ rLy tl1is teDt, _',lOttl tr~(::. c, 1:'Opi118 111 t:~H:; l;.tlU fil:d s():ne cfltnk', sorae rl.iche, \rV}JC:-C G"~:? 2oul,d P-.lt 5_n hc~ l:~ti:le flrm foot a:-:d stand u-on ;"y :1eck--:-:1istress of ;;:;; : D nature (p. 81). Her d~3j~e as their tn castor his rersona11ty becnmcs re~atjo::;shj p pr0::-;reGSes. ~sre ol~iJUS Throueh Sd'.vard, Wil:;'i:"% 10. had found that he is not nne wno can be controlled by another. Wa~1 t Yihe" 1"e finall~' reali.zes that Zora!de :c.erely shim lU1der her in fluen :?e, 116 re bels Bgahlst }-ler ar:..i relatio~ship ceases the pleasant A~o~her ~hey once had. of ~J'e. Reuter's charncteristics which who harsh]; u~d nper!y t2k0~ co~trol, Zora!de is subtle l~ ~ttempts her ~aster. to of her personality ra~her cRrly l~ their friendship. T~e e~-."·8?,~ (!l:";:l..r::.c:c.r. ,:;--l:~. T~:'~8 \,;!:t:~:'~(:.J.::;i:i,-,tic, ~)',u o -. i t: "'"r ~ v ,"y,-", ... .. Loct Ij La' '''! e -~ '".0 " .~ 0 na 1--"e l' oG cc.... r (j-v rO<:~S(:'ES~' :0'"'' L .; ~: n C ~ t3 +~ ':;'::tll ":t: . C ttc ........::'-l f';1"'''' ,... '" ":,~'":'''l0:': :c::o~ . ." -1 re1':~ e :<.;.. ~ ~ ,"'1. ~ ~; ~ :; ("". 'J,."":l"j'+'.d c' ~ 4 "'"j". t:; .J .... "' .~_;. i uv::-· ..: D .; ,'J +; l l \.;' ~ ne .., L (.1,"; ,J n . " u, + ,,~) -, e ,S . " .1 ~ " ;~ <I ~ • J ,_; ,,'- " t ..... L,; T " I I 101 ) • • , , \) .. ,- ...; . T ,t.,.. .1 t ~...- ,-,_.1 , • .~ <... '-. ,. 1. .. c.t .. ~,-., .1_ ._ L .. , '.' L '~-,"1 , ., ,_' '...: .J 0 t.o> toS ::= C "to ( ; . ..; J ~ t b t ., ~:~. C ..... C .. · -., , . u • .t. IS < ·-·~l,..'"""" (...I.. . I.;' • " ,"10 ." -.1'.t '- " ~.... .!' - -, 1 " I, ..;: .., .., . ......,. " Zc'::'a :;:le th01lCh t s pE::()ple soJ.idLf.'y. ~i .~ :":c~r~5~d.(; ~l't _..1 "'. r + 12. whose funci tn::-: ';} l'at"':1E.l' perplexl.Lg. interrupt the i~terestL1g first Yet he is a ~:ot. c0~~lex char~cter, Co~vE~5a~ion, ~ilJiam desc~ihes "not c)dd--no quiz--ye t he re se:-r:b:: e1 lt ever Geen "e.('ore . . '...... ... have After tr:e:r "because he is 3C enier.;atic. ::-10 t:i~ as bej~c "ne e Ise Thad 23) • (..-, 1- • the per;Jo:1 ftc; ':.'as pa:rtLllly because of ~:,ec0::,,:e 'funsden's influence. J.--:-luaJ.ntance v.ith t c =- e .C an t 0 E'mscle:r~, 'Hillb.r:i is ':iiSC(Hltc~-:t his j 0 h • f , ~' .: _ , .. C'"'I' oJ n ., .. r1 .... , .• _J- : ( ' , :.. to a 1 -: e r He sees aays ( .~. '" ;::. ·Z?) J _ • • 1 t n 1 S l'' re 7" It (p. 1";". L' ~imself ..... -1-. .:.j e~tang e~rhaLical!y, __ ec ') r:; ) : ... ; " \- .-. 'L"-' ".~ ',- ,'C' U.J...\ ~ ct ." "You'll nevs:c 'C a ,"t 13. will turn up for William oi a jot i~ Europe. is ft::lally 2."(;1e to clt+a.LYl the 1it's::-ty for which he longed. Li.~-:a:nci~l Ii i.s 1 ife. Hu~sde:: }1:~:S furnishes the fra:::e 0-::: :-r'ind and the sec-urit,,/ vil1:je~1 enable 71ilJ~am :0 ijsentanc1e Vj2.1ette Villette, 8harlotte Bront@ts last novel, be very loosely, rIot relies j f ~ot he~vily 0~ carelessly, constructed. coincidence and ~!as a or advance ~lirc~~ont, clo~e a~y t~e~e i~ ~he se~i-develoned never satisfactorily developed, nor do they su~?ort see~ to the nevel. yet the relationship le?ds nowhere; i t look at Miss ~archmont's account of ~er li~e _•• J.... ",'.. ... Tn ad:liU.O" .... ~ -- ',. '": ., i~~luence O~ Lucy's development. , ~ t: • '. -, 'v -, T to apre~rs ',_. :.".~~, ~ 1 -- , :3 ' • ...!... " r "- ~aflects -"he iJ _..... .~ v . .J.. ;. ....L.!. t) .' . . ,,' .. C' :. T' ., ....... ...... .. ~ . . cc u.,. '. '<1 m~ • 0, .1.1. '. .. a: T '...... ..4. Tl t.:.. ., ." T .~ , , , 11 • "-" '..Ao... ; '~ ,. , ~ ~ .~ . T) , lL '-- t·: e . ~ '~i -'-' U , '. ~ 1) . j ~ -, ~ , " ,, ,- ~ ~ ....; ,. i d. , 1. ~. .., r"' ,~ 0 ,., L . ~. , T -, ... t.. ,--'.~ J.. ~. -'- L <\.. •• , <- .., C ., u. - ~ - c' " ,. '. ~ 1--,"'; .,. .. -. + ~ 1 J '" '- ,- - -- '- ( " 0 .' .) .L v '- ~ .J c.i, .. , . ,• • ~ " Vi (...!, -- ..-, ......... ~"r" • " .y" .... ) '-' ~ ..j.. ~ ., .; 1,... . '" . < ,~ .... ) \...,.- .L ~ ... -,-l ~:t ow:- -+- -'- . .I_ ( . ,.3 '8. ;jhr·'_~lj own Ie ~ .... {';Y'!:..::O""r '-A- __ ..l.. ; .... 0 " She is, -;'erha ps, ,~,' trr, -::t ive to happily to her. the ':':'" i, of is be~efit of ~i, bo l~ t ::,1.80 ~r.. teco;~e ~~r +-1, ", 4- other peapJ. .:.;. ot~cr neoole. 17 , ~ ., i .: .~~ e ',: i th i. ~~ 1r ~ __ : .("> .. to et t e • role. (J.;~ \}~.C ~-:.r 18.. in.C:-J. bl e ~r'e~ ~ '. -, d. "'! J... +"'y ",,;.1. ~ '~l'r"1l.i.. Hl""n..-. .. ' b" ~'i 1 j ,.,:) t;' _~.~~;-+.-.h· _:..... _ e-"" O.~., >""'l,:.o-te- f _' _ .r.'., ~ ....... , • l~:e"r''' ~ .L ;':,~ -, -.r;:>, ",'~•.• r ....... .L _q~~.~ ~ '.::' _ . r~Cj ...... t,...;. ~ _. -:; _ •.. ........ (p. "(:,.,1 ) j', ; , tt:2 air o.f • ..""'., rvoi.---t L; . 'i'1d '", .f rl1: ., V ....... . lA. ,, _:.. Iv - ~ ..... ~ .: 'w ~ ,_~ --:" .''< r-. -~" " '. I... ;;. 1" ~ " • • . .., ,.i.' "e '. - L l~. .) .. ( J. ··"u . -' \ • , ~ l [, -, ~. ·. .J ~ T " , ,..... .. l' " c.:.. . '.., . c ; 0.;0 c1..0 ~.. iJ L .., ·.<.lI .lA. t . ~ .., "l ,. .......... A. •• c.. .L " ~ .'1 '1• ... l.- .J.i. .- 1 ., v • d,_ -" '.- -, '-'. , ......~J .... ..> ) '"' 0, r-r. J ~ ;s 1- - c_..; 1 _l- eY- 4s r -i -',~ ... '-" ':.:c. Ja-~ll;:; L: "Iter 'ler. ,;,~. 1 j fe. , -'11. • '":'1 L. '-. "l.'-' '< l:::. ... "'U wo~an ahe is to bccn~0. flO"J.rj-s~~.• S(;t()O~ : Oil,!"' clct"!--~lll~~; ''/.\is i"'1S",lf:fic~e:nt :0 ?ro:ect 'L~S fro~" the se"re~e cold: vIe hacl rL':J c,c·Jts, th,e SY"!':";V'J GO~ i.cltc Cl11~ S>i080 (i:~~d '-:leltecL there; our l)Tc {:,'l 0 vel ~,an'i s -h:;c::- ~8 ~~ l)r:lr-ed {'~.::-:d. co-.,rert-;d ;vi~:~ c05_1bla~".n3, feet • • • t~8 s~an~; ,,:t8t-ressi.L. [;! \~!~..k1'1 ~rowinc chjldro~, -t~o (ll:~Te ~~ecT' s~r~ly -:~c ~e ~"'ee~ had (). delic;::. tE: 3..S 'uc:.:-e 8i fDOd ::!~:.·r ~as ~_1.';J~e~.1tc-s :J,-: , • toxarCs her ure new ~_-i t ; - '" ( .L _.-; , .~ ..; J... .~ _ v- u ' .. ~ ',. "- 1- ., ., "1")-.• "" ..., t.i .-- , ".. '... i -' i." • .. --,. ....,.,' , . T • ,.1.' ~, , '. ., '. he .' u. .... " : '''': . .' i , ~U. "'-" '-~ 1, -. -, , " ,; T L' - ,. ~ , S .. i rr ,-'. , _ ....) ,.,... - ., a. .h..L ., - -'- (; 1 L~ ',~ 1, l" ., ri ,. ( "' + '~~ (, , ., 1'" (; - ~ +>. " ~ " T' . c· ; "1t; , T ~.'" Il '., cl i Gu .< ( . ..v,. ....... ,· v J ~ '..\, " .; ( >' ur' -' C ~ ) , 0. c -" C rn • .1. ~ (; ... , .Y ..... '" "'itc:t, ..l ., v ,, L +,r' tc red, I }Lad J_c::"t this ~-~."C)~a, j": ~~'i·7:te.L'~c.ss a2'ld arkc T c.(~~nle 1Cn.C~~ ~;(' }~.:C~ :l8",~·' 'r,-it}:::':0 a~~er ~mc~ia~ than a sor~ }:er i;rCti~' ~J~~.~~Cer j ili'~G, Cl~"'lo._ a stT'()tlG YChrni: C to forect anu ~or~i~8 all :Lr: j U,.r' it: s--~o 1,.~ reco::c~J.:"d c121d cl';.GI) ~:'l-ir:. d .3 j :- c't: i:t y (1:. ') n 2 ) • 11~-j_1..e Reed.; ~r0Rt~ent of Jane. ,Jane p~ tC", 11 ._. . . , ~)rle -:: 5. of ., ,0-, -~ , - .,,~ .. J.. '[J" c.") • 2W;). to the cricinal. ~o~e TTc ~en as i0_ 0C" ("1 "'1 r --'.. "l- ';s ~ ...1-.. o~·.:eI·-8 ~(:p!~.a ~_~ iF IG d ; .; + it OCC1]n.ic ,Co ., L ~.O to reader • ... ,....: .<_ ~ .... .., u0 C1JGtO:--:l~rli" i C .L ,~ .... • , ,., 6 . -,. .,. e ."~ .,..(..... 1::y, .... ' '..J c_ ,. l" --.,..... '.~"''' ... .1. , .. .L c .'~ ~. -, ,"'..;.. ~Q, ~ l .. 0 j.CeS " 1 .. , _"'" t- ..., - , oJ , ; (' ~ i ~ C..L.L_. '" ,- ... J.i. ! _. "-"',. . ~ '> , -, J .' , . - , ~ '. t ., .J-. " T .. n \ ,_. I , . .. + ,.....• .) J'" I;) I '.J t ') , : ,~ ,) r ;) , .;) ) f.f' 'J ) ,.5 :; ) -1 f' r' ) r' r": ~ r-' '" 1 -) ,') ) 'r ') 1 -) ,,-- .) , ) ,) "1 \} ~- ,- .. ,t L 1 " (, i ,~ J ., ( ,,) (, ~., T~ ') ,J . ~, J , i ",' '1 -< '" ~ " ;,) ') .j ,0) "-1 ,) , ) ) 'r ) '0 , ~ r , -I r;; 1-'.; r, ' -+ ..~ -I- ( ') r' e, :~ -I ~ ,---I \) ;·1 ) " .. j f-; ~ :) "'2 'r' ," I" r"": ('j Ii ~j ,) t- ri ,; ,1 = " -I I • r," ;4 " .. .) ,f-" C: i, ~. f-~ 4 " r \.J 'i r' A ., Cl r" ~ .;: r ~)= ~ , C. 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',_, p~c~t~, Shar:~~~D. ~=() ~.l =-,a~-~ J~' 1 n 71 • y"\ ~ ;--: "..~ J~ • \..01. \ / J. _ • . .., 'if.