Document 10801765

Honors Orientation: Redefined
An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499)
Casey Schultz
Thesis Advisor
Sarah Haley
Ball State University Muncie, Indiana July 2011
Expected Date of Graduation
July 2011
Honors Orientation: Redefined 2
The point of this project was to develop a one-day orientation program designed
specifically for Honors College students at Ball State University. Through personal experience,
research of other programs, and interviews with various people, I have developed a plan that
allows for Honors College students to attend orientation sessions on Saturdays in May on a
first-come, first-serve basis. There will be fifty students allowed to sign up for each day and any
students unable to attend in May will still be able to attend the regular orientation in June or
JUly. This particular plan has been developed to hopefully attract the brightest minds to Ball
State and to make Honors College students feel as though their personal attention and
privileges begin before they even attend their first class.
Honors Orientation: Redefined 3
I would like to thank my advisor, supervisor, and friend, Sarah Haley for all her help with
this project. Without her available to listen to me bounce ideas around and complain, I would
have lost my mind a long time ago.
I would also like to thank the Honors College for allowing me to work for them for three
years and gain enough experience to feel comfortable creating a new plan for orientation.
Honors Orientation: Redefined 4
Author's Statement
Why did I choose to make this plan?
I have been working with Honors orientation at Ball State for the past three years.
During this time, I have been able to participate in various different aspects of orientation such
as helping with the presentation on the first day, talking to the new freshmen about their
experiences, and advising students. During this time, I observed the current structure of
orientation from various points of view and spoke to my supervisors and decided that a plan for
an orientation session specific to Honors College students would be beneficial to future
incoming Honors students. To start my work on the project, I contacted schools in the Mid­
American Conference to discuss their orientation plans for regular and Honors students at the
universities. In addition, I spoke with parents and honors students who completed orientation
in summer of 2011 to see what they would change about the program and what they felt may
have been missing.
Why is this plan needed?
I decided to develop this new orientation plan as a way to attract bright, top-achieving
students to the Honors College at Ball State. This plan will do that by providing Honors students
with a much higher chance of being placed into courses that they want as opposed to whatever
is left. I want Honors students to feel that they are receiving personal attention from the very
start. Currently, Honors students are told about all the benefits they will receive from being in
the Honors College, but they do not actually see those benefits go into action until their second
semester, especially in the case of priority scheduling.
Honors Orientation: Redefined 5
Another reason to develop this Honors-specific orientation is to get a step up on other
schools. I looked into the orientation programs of all the schools in the Mid-American
Conference and found that those that have Honors programs have a similar set-up for
orientation where the Honors students are pulled away from the rest of the group only for their
advising sessions . With this plan, Ball State would be able to make Honors students feel that
they are important enough to the school to be given these special privileges when other
schools are not going that extra mile. In addition, students who attend this early orientation will
be able to go back to their high schools and tell other students about the special program that
they attended, how helpful it was, and how they already have a college schedule. Granted,
there will be some Honors students who do not see this plan as a privilege; and they will be
able to complete the regular orientation in June or July.
What we need in order to make this work.
Making this orientation program work will require the cooperation of many different
offices on campus. With the current system, staff members do not need to come in on
Saturdays, which could pose a problem. What I propose is utilizing the Student Affairs graduate
students. Many of the departments that would need to be represented in this program have
graduate students from the Student Affairs program who would be knowledgeable enough to
field the questions that families and students may have. For those departments who do not
have graduate students, I would suggest allowing the staff members involved in the program to
take a day off during the week in order to compensate for having to work on a Saturday. In
addition, there would need to be dining halls that would be open on Saturday for students and
Honors Orientation: Redefined 6
families to eat at for their lunch meal. If a continental breakfast were provided, then lunch
should be the only meal that families would need to eat on campus .
Another important thing that would need to happen would be changing the way that
foreign language and math placement tests are handled for these students. Currently, Honors
students do not need to take the math placement test during orientation in order to get a
schedule. They have been offered the opportunity to schedule that test for any time prior to
the beginning of the semester. If we were able to keep math placement working this way, it
would not cause any problems for this orientation program. As far as foreign language
placement is concerned, the way this test works would need to change. I would suggest making
the test available for these Honors students to take online. There are other schools in the MAC
that have their students take their placement tests prior to arriving on the campus for
orientation, and I think that Ball State could easily become one of those schools. In addition to
foreign language and math placement, the departmental meetings for art, theatre, dance, and
music would possibly need to change. If the staff members would be willing to come in on
Saturday, then this schedule allows for the meetings to occur just as they do now. Otherwise, it
may be necessary to come up with a way for those students to get their permissions for courses
prior to arriving on campus for orientation.
Summer advisors are another important piece of this orientation plan. In the past, we
have had John, Sarah, four summer advisors, Dr. Emert, and myself seeing students. With this
staff, we can handle twenty-two students. For the Honors-only orientation, I would like to be
able to advise fifty students in a day-twenty-five in the morning and twenty-five in the
afternoon. In order for this to work, each session would require John and Sarah seeing two
Honors Orientation: Redefined 7
students each, Dr. Emert would see one, and the four summer advisors plus a replacement for
myself would need to see four students each. The advisors would have time between the
morning and afternoon sessions in order to take a break and prepare for the next set of
We would also need a dedicated group of Honors students who would be willing to
work on Saturdays in May. If these students were already hired as orientation leaders, this
would make things a little easier. This plan would involve student workers who would be able
to speak to the students in the morning, take the students around campus, participate in a
panel for the parents, and help run the computer lab in the Honors house that is used for
students to set up their e-mails as well as program in their schedules.
The changes that would be made in the orientation plan would involve finding a new
way to represent different offices on campuses. Instead of having presentations given to
students and families, I propose a set-up similar to the cardinal preview days that are held on
Saturdays throughout the year. If students and families could visit the booths that they would
like to hear from and then choose their own break-out sessions to participate in, they could
avoid having to listen to information that they do not feel is important to them. I think that this
set-up would work even better for this smaller group because people would be more likely to
get their questions answered in a group of twenty-five students and families than they would in
a group of one hundred or more students and families.
Certain programs that I feel are the ones families care about most will remain in the
program and be conducted in a similar way. From my experience, it would appear that it is
important for families to get to speak to or hear from Scholarships and Financial Aid, Housing,
Honors Orientation: Redefined 8
and the Bursar specifically. In addition to those offices, Honors parents would be given the
opportunity to tour the dorm with their student, which is something that does not happen now.
This way, they can take measurements and begin to plan out what exactly will fit in the room
when their student arrives.
Something extra that could be helpful for students and families when they attend
orientation is for each student to be given a folder or binder with information about orientation
in general as well as the student's major in particular. Information and handouts from
departments on campus, Greek life, pride guides, and other information could also be included.
This way, the student can remain organized and he or she will also have something tangible to
take home and show to other students.
Another option that would not necessarily need to be included, but could help out
would be to come up with a shuttle service from a couple of the closer hotels to the campus. If
families chose to stay at a hotel where the Ball State shuttles would drive to, they would not
have to worry about trying to find parking on campus or getting lost. Those families not familiar
with the Ball State campus would be dropped off right at their registration point to make them
more comfortable and hopefully prevent too many people from arriving late.
What is included in this literature?
The first piece of mail that Honors freshmen would receive would be a letter inviting
them to participate in a May orientation date. Included with this first letter will be a sheet of
paper where the students can designate that they would like to attend orientation in May and
then rank the dates in order of compatibility with their schedules. The sheet will also allow for
Honors Orientation: Redefined 9
students to choose to attend a regular orientation session in June or July or to let us know that
they no longer wish to be involved in the Honors College.
The students who choose a May orientation date will next receive a confirmation letter
that states the day in May to which they have been assigned as well as a couple more
information sheets. These information sheets will include something similar to a "Frequently
Asked Questions" sheet, a list of hotels near Ball State organized by distance from the campus,
a sample orientation schedule, and a campus map.
When the students arrive for orientation, they will receive a booklet detailing the
schedule for their time at orientation. Like the booklets that are used now, it contains a
schedule with just the times and titles of sessions followed by pages of detailed descriptions of
what to expect during those sessions . For the sessions that already exist, the descriptions were
taken from the 2011 Orientation booklet.
Mun cie, Indian a 47306-01 85
Phone: 765-285-1 024
Fax: 765-285-2072
July 18, 2011
Dear - - - - Congratulations again on your acceptance into the Honors College at Ball State
University! Although it seems like August is forever away, the time is growing near for you to
begin thinking about your upcoming summer orientation. As an Honors College student, you are
being offered the opportunity to complete your orientation on a Saturday in Mayas opposed to
June or July.
Why would you want to complete your orientation on a Saturday? Well, there are some
perks that come along with choosing this earlier date:
• Your orientation will last one day as opposed to two
• There are far more seats available in classes for students who receive their schedules in
• The groups will be significantly smaller, leading to more opportunities for individual
• You and your family will be able to choose which offices you would like to speak to
while you're here.
• You' ll have more time to spend with the Honors students that you will be living with in
the fall.
Space for these May sessions is limited and will be awarded on a first come, first serve
basis. Enclosed is a sheet that you can return to let us know what orientation session you are
interested in. Be sure to respond promptly if a May orientation is something that you are
interested in. Honors students who are unable to attend in May will attend a regular, two-day
orientation in either June or July .
Best wishes,
Please fill out this form and return to Ball State University.
Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
_ _ I am interested in attending Honors orientation in May
Please rank you preference for an orientation date on a scale of 1 being your first choice and 4
being your last choice .
_ _
May 5. 2012
_ _ May 12. 2012
_ _ May 19. 2012
_ _ May 26. 2012
_ _ I would like to attend orientation during June or July. _ _ I am no longer planning to participate in the Honors College at Ball State. B
Muncie, Indian a 47306-0185
Phone: 765-285-10 24
Fax: 76 5-285- 2072
July 18,2011
Dear - - - - -
Thank you for choosing an orientation date in May. We currently have you scheduled to
attend orientation on May _, 2012. If this date no longer works for you, please let us know
quickly so we can work on an alternative plan. Otherwise, you will find enclosed some helpful
information regarding your upcoming orientation session.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to give us a call at (765) 285-1024 or email us at We look forward to meeting you in May!
Best wishes,
Student Center Hotel
Third floor of the Pittenger Student Center
2000 West University Avenue
Muncie, IN 47306
(765) 285-1555
Best Western
1.3 Miles from Ball Honors House
3011 W. Bethel Avenue
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 282-0600
book. bestwestern .com
Lee Inn and Suites
1.7 Miles from Ball Honors House
3302 Everbrook Ln.
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 282-7557
Days Inn
1.8 Miles from Ball Honors House
3509 N. Everbrook Ln.
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 288-2311
Signature Inn
1.9 Miles from Ball Honors House
3400 N. Chadam Ln.
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 284-4200
Fairfield Inn
2.0 Miles from Ball Honors House
4011 W. Bethel Ave.
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 282-6666
Hampton Inn & Su ites
2.0 Miles from Ball Honors House
4220 Bethel Ave .
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 288-8500
Comfort Inn & Suites
2.1 Miles from Ball Honors House
3400 N. Marleon Dr.
Muncie, IN 47304
(765) 587-0294
Comfortable shoes - There will be plenty of walking during orientation
Layered clothing - It is best to be prepared for all types of Indiana weather changes
Umbrella - Even if there is only a slight chance of rain, it is better to be prepared
Tape measure and camera - They will come in handy when you get to view a DeHority dorm room
Personal information required to open a bank account - Just in case you have time to do so during or
after orientation
AP scores, Dual Credit information, and anything else that you have done in high school that you believe
will earn you college credit. If you do not have AP scores yet, have a general idea of how you think you
did. This will help your advisor place you into the proper courses.
A continental breakfast and lunch at a campus dining hall are included in the orientation program
You will receive a parking pass unless you are staying at one of the hotels included on the shuttle route
Included in this packet is a version of the orientation schedule. It should help you have a basic
understanding of what will be happening during your time at orientation. Everything else will be explained
in full when you arrive.
There will be representatives available from multiple departments on campus including (but not limited to)
Scholarships and Financial Aid, Career Center, Health Center, Bursar Office, and Housing and Residence
The most important thing for you to do prior to arriving for orientation is to complete the foreign language
placement test if you intend to take a language at Ball State. If your advisor knows what level of foreign
language you have placed into, he or she will be able to place you into a course immediately.
If you have any more questions about what to expect, feel free to e-mail or
give us a call at (765) 285-1024.
Sample Orientation Schedule
7:30 - 8:20 a.m. : Registration and Breakfast
8:30 - 9:55 a.m. : Welcome
10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. : Academic planning
10:00 - 10:35 a.m. : Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
12:35 - 1:50 p.m. : Lunch
2:00 - 2:25 p.m. : Community tables
2:30 - 2:55 p.m. : Breakout Session # 1
3:00 - 3:25 p.m . : Breakout Session # 2
3:30 - 3:55 p.m. : Student 10 photo
4:10 - 4:30 p.m. : DeHority Complex tour
4:40 - 5:00 p.m. : Closing Celebration (Student IDs)
7:30 - 8:20 a.m. : Registration and Breakfast
8:30 - 9:55 a.m. : Welcome
10:00 - 10:25 a.m. : Community Tables
10:30 - 10:55 a.m. : Breakout Session #1
11 :00 - 11 :25 a.m. : Breakout Session # 2
11 :30 - 11 :55 a.m. : Student 10 photo
12:10 - 12:30 p.m. : DeHority Complex tour
12:35 - 1:50 p.m. : Lunch
2:00 - 4:30 p.m. : Academic planning
2:00 - 2:35 p.m. : Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
4:40 - 5:00 p.m. : Closing Celebration (Student IDs)
7:30 - 8:20 a.m. : Registration and Breakfast
8:30 - 9:55 a.m. : Welcome
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. : Scholarships and Financial Aid Advising
10:00 - 10:35 a.m. : Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
10:00 - 10:40 a.m. : Student Panel : Questions and Answers
10:45 - 11:30 a.m. : Village Tour
11:40 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. : Money Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Your Finances
12:15 - 12:30 p.m. : Campus Tour
12:35 - 1:50 p.m. : Lunch
2:00 - 2:25 p.m. : Community tables
2:30 - 2:55 p.m. : Breakout Session # 1
3:00 - 3:25 p.m. : Breakout Session # 2
3:30 - 3:55 p.m. : Break
4:10 - 4:30 p.m. : DeHority Complex tour
4:40 - 5:00 p.m. : Closing Celebration (Student IDs)
7:30 - 8:20 a.m. : Registration and Breakfast
8:30 - 9:55 a.m. : Welcome
10:00 - 10:25 a.m. : Community Tables
10:30 - 10:55 a.m. : Breakout Session # 1
11 :00 - 11 :25 a.m. : Breakout Session # 2
11 :30 - 11 :55 a.m. : Break
12:10 - 12:30 p.m. : DeHority Complex tour
12:35 - 1:50 p.m. : Lunch
2:00 - 4:00 p.m. : Scholarships and Financial Aid Advising
2:00 - 2:35 p.m. : Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
2:00 - 2:40 p.m. : Student Panel : Questions and Answers
2:45 - 3:30 p.m. : Village Tour
3:40 - 4:10 p.m. : Money Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Your Finances
4:15 - 4:35 p.m. : Campus Tour
4:40 - 5:00 p.m. : Closing Celebration (Student IDs)
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12:35 - 1:50 p.m. : Lunch
Woodworth complex
7:30 - 8:10 a.m. : RegistratJon and Breakfast
Pruis Hall, Lobby
Sign in students and pick up the necessary orientation materials. Students and families may then enjoy a com­
plimentary breakfast prior to the first session.
Students and families will regroup for a delicious meal at Woodwonh Dining. This dining area offers every­
thing !Tom burgers and !Ties to salad spinning to the EI Fire Dragon grill which alternates between Mexican
and Asian cuisines.
2:00 - 2:25 p.m. : Community tables
8:15 - 9:55 a.m. : Welcome
Pruis Hall
Dr. James Ruebel. the Dean of the Honors College, will welcome you to the Honors College as well as Ball
State in general. Ball State traditions will be introduced and Beneficence will be giving students an imponant
message. All student leaders will be introduced at the time in addition to the Honors advisors. The basics of
honors education, including opportunities and responsibilities, honors courses, extracurricular activities, and
special privileges such as housing. scheduling. and library options will be explained. Both administrative and
student perspectives will be presented. Honors advisors will provide curriculum information and suggestions
for course selection. which will be completed later in the day. There will be ample time for questions.
10:00 a.m. - 12;30 p.m. : Academic planning
Ball Honors House
Students will come to the Ball Honors House where they will have a chance to interact with the other students
in a more relaxed setting. The advisors for the summer will be introduced and each student will be given a 30­
minute appointment with an advisor. During this appointment, students will be given the opponunity to work
together with their advisors in order to choose courses and times for a schedule that the students will be happy
with. After the advising appointment is complete, students will be given information for their new Ball State e
-mail account.
Student Center Ballroom
During this time, students and families will have the opponunity to visit booths from depanments across
campus to receive infonnation on the Career Center, Counseling Center, Scholarships and Financial Aid,
Greek Life, Student Affairs, Disabled Student Development, and Housing. They will also be given the op­
pottunity to register a vehicle with Parking Services.
2:30 - 2:55 p.m. : Breakout Session
Students and families will be able to choose one of the depanments from the Community Tables session and
attend a smaller, more in-depth discussion on how that panicular program works. This will be a great oppor·
tunity to ask questions that may not have been answered online or elsewhere.
3:00 - 3:25 p.m. ; Breakout Session #2
For this second session, students and families will be able to choose a second depanment !Tom those avail­
able during the Community Tables session in order to have questions answered.
3:30 - 3:55 p.m . : Student ID photo
10:00 - 10:35 a.m. : Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
Lucina Hall
School of Music Majors/Minors: Hargreaves Music Building, Room 200
Students will be lead to Lucina Hall where they will have a photo taken for their student ID. The finished ID
will be picked up during the closing celebration.
Students majoring in music must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive important information
about departmental requirements and advice on course selection. Family members are welcome to attend.
4:1 0 - 4:30 p.m. : DeHorlty Complex lour
Department of Art Admitted Majors: Art and Journalism Building, Room 400
DeHority Complex
Students who have been admitted to the art program must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive
imponant information about major requirements and a pernlission sheet needed to enroll in an courses. Due to
limited space, this meeting is for students only.
Students will rejoin families and head over to the DeHority Complex where they will have the opportunity
to view a furnished dorm room. This is an excellent time to take photos so that students will have an idea of
exactly what they will have room for during their stay in the dornl.
Department of Theatre and Dance Majors/Minors: Strother Theatre
4:40 - 5:00 p.m . : Closing Celabration (Student IDs)
Students majoring or minoring in theatre or dance must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive
imponant information about the depanment as well as a schedule and a permission sheet, which is needed to
enroll in assigned theatre and/or dance classes. Family members are encouraged to attend.
Orientation has almost come to a close' During this final session, students will be given their student IDs as
well as the !Teshman reader for the year.
Pruis Hall
7:30 - 8:10 a.m. : Registration and Breakfast
Pruis Hall, Lobby
Sign in students and pick up the necessary orientation materials. Students and families may then enjoy a
complimentary breakfast prior to the first session.
12:35 - 1:50 p.m. : Lunch
Woodworth complex
Students and families will regroup for a delicious meal at Woodworth Dining. This dining area offers every­
thing from burgers and fTies to salad spinning to the EI Fire Dragon grill which alternates between Mexican
and Asian cuisines.
2.:00 - 4:30 p.m. : Academic planning
8:15 - 9:55 a.m.: Welcome
Ball Honors House
Pruis Hall
Students will come to the Ball Honors House where they will have a chance to interact with the other stu­
dents in a more relaxed setting. The advisors for the summer will be introduced and each student will be
given a 30-minute appointment with an advisor. During this appointment, students will be given the oppOrtu­
nity to work together with their advisors in order to choose courses and times for a schedule that the students
will be happy with. After the advising appointment is complete, students will be given information for their
new Ball State e-mail account
Dr. James Ruebel, the Dean of the Honors College, will welcome you to the Honors College as well as Ball
State in general. Ball State traditions will be introduced and Beneficence will be giving students an impor­
tant message. All student leaders will be introduced at the time in addition to the Honors advisors. The ba­
sics of honors education, including opportunities and responsibilities, honors courses, extracurricular activi­
ties, and special privileges such as housing, scheduling, and library options will be explained. Both admin­
istrative and student perspectives will be presented. Honors advisors will provide curriculum information
and suggestions for course selection, which will be completed later in the day. There will be ample time for
10:00 - 10:25 a .m. : Community Tables
2;00 - 2:35 p.m. : Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
School of Music Majors/Minors: Hargreaves Music Building, Room 200
Students majoring in music must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive important information
about departmental requirements and advice on course selection. Family members are welcome to attend.
Student Center Ballroom
During this time, students and families will have the opportunity to visit booths from departments across
campus to receive information on the Career Center, Counseling Center, Scholarships and Financial Aid,
Greek Life, Student Affairs, Disabled Student Development, and Housing. They will also be given the op­
portunity to register a vehicle with Parking Services.
Department of Art Admitted Majors: Art and Journalism Building, Room 400
Students who have been admitted to the art program must attend this departmental meeting. They will re­
ceive important information about major requirements and a permission sheet needed to enroll in art courses.
Due to limited space, this meeting is for students only.
10:30 - 10:55 a.m. : Breakout Sessio n /11
Department of Theatre and Dance Majors/Minors: Strother Theatre
Students majoring or minoring in theatre or dance must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive
important infornlation about the department as well as a schedule and a permission sheet, which is needed to
enroll in assigned theatre and/or dance classes. Family members are encouraged to attend.
Students and families will be able to choose one of the departments from the Community Tables session
and attend a smaller, more in-depth discussion on how that particular program works. This will be a great
opportunity to ask questions that may not have been answered online or elsewhere.
4:40 - 5:00 p.m. : Closing Celebration (Student IDs)
11 :00 - 11 :25 a .m. : Breakout Sassiem /12
Pruis Hall
Orientation has almost come to a close' During this final session, students will be given their student IDs as
well as the fTeshman reader for the year
For this second session, students and families will be able to choose a second department from those avail­
able during the Community Tables session in order to have questions answered.
12:10 - 12:30 p. m. : DeHorlty Complex lou r
DeHority Complex
Students will rejoin families and head over to the DeHority Complex where they will have the opportunity
to view a furnished dorm room. This is an excellent time to take photos so that students will have an idea of
exactly what they will have room for during their stay in the dorm.
10:00 - 10;40 a.m. ; Student Panel; Questions and An!lwers
Art and Journalism Building, Room 175
Our family orientation leaders-joined by staff from the Division of Student Affairs-are ready to provide
honest answers to your questions about the Ball State experience.
7:30 - 8:20 a .m. : Registration and Breakfast
Pruis Hall, Lobby
Sign in students and pick up the necessary orientation materials. Students and families may then enjoy a
complimentary breakfast prior to the first session.
8:30 - 9:55 a .m. : Welcome
Pruis Hall
Dr. James Ruebel. the Dean of the Honors College, will welcome you to the Honors College as well as Ball
State in general. Ball State traditions will be introduced and Beneficence will be giving students an impor­
tant message. All student leaders will be introduced at the time in addition to the Honors advisors. The ba­
sics of honors education, including opportunities and responsibilities, honors courses, extracurricular activi­
ties. and special privileges such as housing. scheduling. and library options will be explained. Both admin­
istrative and student perspectives will be presented. Honors advisors will provide curriculum information
and suggestions for course selection, which will be completed later in the day. There will be ample time for
10;45 - , 1:30 a.m . : Village Tour
University Avenue
Families will have a chance to explore what the Village has to offer. Try a cup of coffee at the MT Cup,
grab some ice cream at Grandma Betty's, pick up some Ball State apparel at CBX and T.I.S., and get infor­
mation from Chase Bank or the Ball State Federal Credit Union about opening an account in Muncie for
your student.
, 1:40 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. : Money Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Your Flnances
Pruis Hall
In this session, you wilileam about college costs, Cardinal Cash, billing procedures, payment options, and
financial aid.
12:15 - 12;30 p.m. : Ca mpus Tour
All over BSU
, 0:00 B.m. - , 2:00 p.m. : Scholarships and Financial Aid Advising
Families will be given the opportunity to take an optional tour of the l3all State campus. This will be a short­
ened tour, but will still allow time to get a feel for where the buildings on campus are located.
Lucina Hall, room 245
The Scholarships and Financial Aid office will be open during this time for families to stop by to meet one­
on-one with staff members in order to have any questions they may have about scholarships, payments, and
loans. This is not a required stop during the program, just an available service for families.
12:35 - 1:50 p.m. : Lunch
Woodworth complex
10:00 - 10:35 a .m. : Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
Students and families will regroup for a delicious meal at Woodworth Dining. This dining area offers every­
thing from burgers and fries 10 salad spinning 10 the EI Fire Dragon grill which alternates between Mexican
and Asian cuisines.
School of Music Majors/Minors: Hargreaves Music Building, Room 200
Students majoring in music must allcnd this departmental meeting. They will receive important infonnation about departmental
requirements and advice on course selection. Family members arc welcome to allcnd.
2:00 - 2:25 p.m. : Community tables
Department of Art Admitted Majors: Art and Journalism Building, Room 400
Student Center Ballroom
Students who have been admitted to the art program must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive important infonna­
tion about major requirements and a permission sheet nceded to enroll in an courses. Due (0 limited space. this meeting is for
students only.
During this time, students and families will have the opportunity 10 visit booths from departments across
campus to receive infonnation on the Career Center, Counseling Center, Scholarships and Financial Aid,
Greek Life, Student Affairs, Disabled Student Development, and Housing. They will also be given the op­
portunity to register a vehicle with Parking Services.
Department of Theatre and Dance Majors/Minors: Strother Theatre
Students majoring or minoring in theatre or dance must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive important infonna­
tion about the department as well as a schedule and a pennission sheet, which is needed to enroll in assigned theatre and/or dance
classes. Family members arc encouraged to attend.
2:30 - 2:65 p.m. : Breakoul Se ssion #1
Students and families will be able to choose one of the departments from the Community Tables session and
attend a smaller, more in-depth discussion on how that particular program works. This will be a great oppor­
tunity to ask questions that may not have been answered online or elsewhere.
3:00 - 3:25 p.m. : Breakout Session #2
For this second session, students and families will be able to choose a second department from those avail­
able during the Community Tables session in order to have questions answered.
3:30 - 3:55 p.m_ : Break
Your choicel
Take some time to relax at Frog Baby, take a peek around the library, or SlOp by a variety of other places on
campus to have a time-out from the busy orientation program.
4:1 0 - 4:30 p,m. : DeHorily Complex \I)u r
DeHorily Complex
Students will rejoin fami lies and head over 10 the DeHority Complex where they will have the opportunity
to view a fumished dorm room. This is an excellent time to take photos so that students will have an idea of
exactly what they will have room for during their stay in the donn.
4:40 - 5:00 p.m. : Closing Celebration (Sludent IDs)
Pruis Hall
Orientation has almost come to a close' During this final session, students will be given their student IDs as
well as the freshman reader for the year
12:10 - 12:30 p.m. : DeHorily Complex lour
DeHority Complex
7:30 - 8:20 a.m. : RegIstration and Breakfast
Students will rejoin families and head over to the DeHority Complex where they will have the opportunity
to view a fumished donn room. This is an excellent time to take photos so that students will have an idea of
exactly what they will have room for during their stay in the donn
Pruis Hall, Lobby
Sign in students and pick up the necessary orientation materials. Students and families may then enjoy a
complimentary breakfast prior to the first session.
12:35 - 1:50 lI.m. : Lunch
Woodworth complex
8:30 - 9:55 a.m. : Welcome
Pruis Hall
Dr. James Ruebel. the Dean of the Honors College, will welcome you to the Honors College as well as Ball
State in general. Ball State traditions will be introduced and Beneficence will be giving students an impor­
tant message. All student leaders will be introduced at the time in addition to the Honors advisors. The ba­
sics of honors education, including opportunities and responsibilities, honors courses, extracurricular activi­
ties, and special privileges such as housing, scheduling, and library options will be explained. Both adminis­
trative and student perspectives will be presented. Honors advisors will provide curriculum information and
suggestions for course selection, which will be completed later in the day. There will be ample time for
Students and families will regroup for a delicious meal at Woodworth Dining. This dining area offers eve·
rything from burgers and fries to salad spinning to the EI Fire Dragon grill which alternates between Mexi­
can and Asian cuisines.
2:00 - 4:00 p.m. : Scholarships and Financial AId Advising
Lucina Hall, room 245
The Scholarships and Financial Aid office will be open during this time for families to stop by to meet one­
on-one with staff members in order to have any questions they may have about scholarships, payments, and
loans. This is not a required stop during the program, just an available service for families.
10:00 - 10:25 a,m, : Community Tables
2:00 - 2:35 p,m, ; Fine Arts Departmental Meetings
Student Center Ballroom
School of Music Majors/Minors: Hargreaves Music Building, Room 200
During this time, students and families will have the opponunity to visit booths from departments across
campus to receive infonnation on the Career Center, Counseling Center, Scholarships and Financial Aid,
Greek Life, Student Affairs, Disabled Student Development, and Housing. They will also be given the op­
portunity to register a vehicle with Parking Services.
Students majoring in music must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive important information
about departmental requirements and advice on course selection. Family members are welcome to attend.
Department of Art Admitted Majors: Art and Journalism Building, Room 400
Students who have been admitted to the art program must attend this departmental meeting. They will re­
ceive important infonnation about major requirements and a pennission sheet needed to enroll in art
courses. Due to limited space, this meeting is for students only.
10:30 - 10:55 a,m, : Breakout Session #1
Students and families will be able to choose one of the departments from the Community Tables session and
attend a smaller, more in-depth discussion on how that particular program works. This will be a great oppor­
tunity to ask questions that may not have been answered online or elsewhere.
11 :00 - 11 :25 a,m, : Breakout Session #2
Department of Theatre and Dance Majors/Minors: Strother Theatre
Students majoring or minoring in theatre or dance must attend this departmental meeting. They will receive
important infonnation about the department as well as a schedule and a permission sheet, which is needed
to enroll in assigned theatre and/or dance classes. Family members are encouraged to attend.
2:00 - 2:40 p.m. ; Siudent Panel: QuestIons and Answers
For this second session, students and families will be able to choose a second department from those avail­
able during the Community Tables session in order to have questions answered.
Art and Journalism Building, Room 175
Our family orientation leaders-joined by staff from the Division of Student Affairs-are ready to provide
honest answers to your questions about the Ball State experience.
11:30 - 11 :55 B.m. : Break
Your choicel
Take some time to relax at Frog Baby, take a peek around the library, or stop by a variety of other places on
campus to have a time-out from the busy orientation program.
2:45 - 3:30 p.m. : Village Tour
University Avenue
Families will have a chance to explore what the Village has 10 offer. Try a cup of coffee at the MT Cup,
grab some ice cream at Grandma Belly's, pick up some Ball State apparel at CBX and T.I.S., and scope out
the locations of Chase Bank or the Ball State Federal Credit Union so families can begin to plan for their
students to open a bank account in Muncie.
3:40 - 4:30 p.m. : Money Matters: A Comprehensive Guide to Handling Your Finances
Pruis Hall
In this session, you wilileam about college costs, Cardinal Cash, billing procedures, payment options, and
financial aid.
4:15 - 4:35 p.m. : Campus Tour
All over BSU
Families will be given the opponunity to take an optional tour of the Ball State campus. This will be a shon­
ened tour, but will still allow time to get a feel for where the buildings on campus are located.
4:40 - 5:00 p.m. : ClOSing Celebration (Student IDs)
Pruis Hall
Oriemation has almost come 10 a close' During this final session, students will be given their student IDs as
well as the freshman reader for the year