DIFFERENTIATION FOR ALL STUDENTS VS. DIFFERENTIATION e ~ roo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 FOR GIFTED LEARNERS ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 000 n 0 e ~ ~ e • ~ - For All Students For Gifted Learners Applies state academic standards or provincial goals Extends academic standards or goals into "next levels" of the curriculum area Incorporates advanced, in-depth, and complex content Provides activities that reflect rigor and variety and processes Provides cognitively complex learning Provides modeling, guided practice, and scaffolding as appropriate Engages students in choices based on interest in Provides students opportunities topic, process, or product may be outside the school curriculum Uses appropriate pacing; may remediate or Accelerates learning as appropriate to the student's accelerate talents Provides opportunities to pursue interests that Plans for associations with expert-level mentors to for collaboration with like readiness, interest, or learning preference peers extend learning Adjusts instruction in response to ongoing learning Individualizes learning plans and experiences based on progress interests, need, and readiness Selects, adapts, and plans for differences in Selects, adapts, and/or creates materials and activities readiness, interests, and learning preference that respond to exceptional gifts and talents Incorporates appropriate technologies to lead to Uses technology to extend content, process, or product mastery or enrichment differentiation - Provides descriptive feedback on learning progress Provides "expert" feedback on authentic tasks Increases independence, Increases skills for autonomous self-management responsibility, and ~ learning to reach high levels of independence Uses assessment tools to identifY and plan for learn- Uses assessment tools to identifY mastery and then ing preferences, readiness, and interests eliminates, replaces, or extends learning tasks Uses multiple assessment methods to monitor Uses assessment data to identifY exceptional learning learning progress needs and prescribe appropriate academic interventions From Making Differentiation a Habit: How to Ensure Success in Academically Divme Classrooms by Diane Heacox, Ed.D., copyright @ 2009. Free Spirit Publishing Inc., Minneapolis, MN; www.freespiril.com.This page may be photocopied for use within an individual school Ot diSllicl. For all othet uses, call 800-735-7323. 137