Agenda FACULTY SENATE MEETING October 28, 2014 Ballroom C, MSC

October 28, 2014
Ballroom C, MSC
2:30 – 4:30 P.M.
Call to Order (Chair, Nelu Ghenciu)
Roll Call – Sign Attendance Sheet
Minutes of September 30, 2014 (Attachment 1)
Administration Reports
1. Chancellor’s Report
2. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs’ Report
V. Announcements
1. Other
VI. Unfinished Business
1. Graduate Commencement Recommendation (Attachment 2)
2. Campus Climate Survey Status Update by Meridith Drzakowski
3. Discussion/Decision Items
a. Miscellaneous Business
VII. New Business
1. Graduate School Dean/Director Options by Glendali Rodriguez
2. Higher Learning Commission Visit, March, 2016 by Meridith Drzakowski/Glendali
Rodriguez (will update on the process, requirements and expectations of the content of the
information being prepared)
3. NSSE Survey Results by Meridith Drzakowski
4. Provost/Vice Chancellor Search & Screen Committee (Attachment 3)
5. Chancellor Memo - Definition of Academic Rigor (Attachment 4)
6. Banking Relationship Evaluation Committee Member (Attachment 5)
7. Committee Approvals
a. CIC Bylaws (Attachment 6)
b. PPC – 2015-16 Promotion Timeline (Attachment 7), Sabbatical Timeline (Attachment 8)
and Tenure Timeline (Attachment 9)
8. Discussion/Decision Items
a. Other
VIII. Information Items
1. Draft UW-Stout Policy on Advertising, Sponsorship and Promotion of Alcohol and
Tobacco Products (Attachment 10)
2. Faculty Senate Dashboard (Attachment 11)
3. Other
IX. Adjournment
Attachment 1
September 30, 2014
Ballroom B, MSC
2:30 – 4:30 P.M.
CHAIR: Petre Ghenciu
VICE CHAIR: Ana Vande Linde
SECRETARY: Kevin Drzakowski
PRESENT: Amanda Barnett, Lopa Basu, Bryan Beamer, Amanda Brown, Kathleen Deery, Kevin Drzakowski, Barb
Flom, Bert Fraher, Petre (Nelu) Ghenciu, Ted Harris, Glenda Jones, Anne Kerber, Matthew Kuchta, Virginia Lea, Eun
Joo Lee, Kate Maury, Esuvat Mollel, Brian Oenga, Marlann Patterson, Christine Peterson, Forrest Schultz, Jeffrey
Sweat, Kevin Tharp, Loretta Thielman, Ana Vande Linde, Keith Wojciechowski, Bob Zeidel, Julie Zaloudek
ABSENT: Michael Bessert (excused), David Ding (excused), Gene Gutman (excused), Adam Kramschuster, Steve
Terry, Cameron Weaver, and Dean Wirtanen
GUESTS: Chancellor Bob Meyer, Jackie Weissenburger, Phil Lyons, Doug Mell and Deb Gehrke
Call to Order (Chair, Nelu Ghenciu) The meeting was called to order at 2:30 p.m.
Roll Call – Sign Attendance Sheet
Minutes of September 2, 2014
Motion to approve: (Deery/Thielman) Motion passed with two abstentions.
Administration Reports
1. Chancellor’s Report
 Stout wishes to pursue three engineering programs: mechanical, chemical, and
electrical. UW System has asked for a study to be conducted regarding the need for
these programs. UW-Stout conducted its own study which found such a need for these
programs in our area; the Chancellor expects System’s report to reflect the same. The
report was due in July, but was not ready by the time Chancellor Meyer was appointed.
The report still has not been sent. Stout is attempting to work collaboratively with
UW-Eau Claire and UW-River Falls as planning goes forward. The expectation is the
programs will roll out in this order: mechanical, chemical, and electrical.
 The Foundation will be looking into hiring a firm to gauge the feasibility of fundraising
in various areas.
 With budgets as they are, we will continue to look for additional external funding.
 The Board of Regents meets next at Stevens Point. Campus reserves will likely be a
topic of discussion.
 The campus is continuing to find ways to manage the budget cuts.
 A survey is out on the new HRS system, which is due by the end of the day today.
 The Chancellor spoke further on the planning for the proposed new engineering
programs. He addressed resistance coming from other UW campuses, noting that it is
unlikely that our programs would negatively impact other campuses.
2. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs’ Report/Vice Chancellor for Student Life
Services/Executive Director of Communications
 Stout has a Notice of Intent to Plan under consideration for a B.S. in Digital Marketing
Technology program. A response has been expected from UW System, but hasn’t been
received yet.
 A search for a new Director of International Education will be under way at the end of
this semester.
 A search will also take place for a new Director of Graduate Education. The Provost is
considering changing this position to a Dean. If this change took place, other offices
such as Research Services and/or Stout Online might be placed under this dean. The
Provost was asked why such changes might be considered. Reports in the past, she
explained, have indicated that the Graduate Director currently has limited power and
impact on campus. This could help eliminate duplication of responsibilities.
 The Provost was asked about a survey soliciting feedback on the Center for the Applied
Ethics and Research Services. The Provost wasn’t aware of this survey but will look
into the matter.
 Vice Chancellor Lyons added that McCalmont Hall is now open again. Renovation on
Harvey Hall is going well. As many trees as possible surrounding the building were
 Lyons also explained that our sustainability coordinator has arranged for a vehicle from
Rent-a-car to be available for rental. There is a two hundred mile limit. The
information on the rentals can be found on the Sustainability website.
 Lyons was asked if staff could see the plans for the Harvey renovation. Doug Mell
stated he will send the link to Linda, who can distribute it to senators.
 Doug Mell announced an on-campus Alumni and Friends tailgate party, a new event
for Homecoming this year. Mell will send the link with the Homecoming information
to Linda.
V. Announcements
1. Other - Deb Gehrke reported on the new university personnel system. Highlights included:
 This system would move classified staff under the jurisdiction of the Board of Regents,
rather than the state. Two additional surveys will be sent out by Human Resources
seeking feedback on proposed policies for classified staff. Our campus-specific
policies will have to fit within the System policy; the current surveys are only dealing
with the umbrella, system-level policy.
 The survey is only seeking information on how these policies will impact classified
 Gehrke stressed the most of the changes taking place will affect solely classified staff;
however, there may be some limited changes affecting faculty, including changes to the
catastrophic leave policy.
 Concern was expressed that the governance groups were not adequately involved in the
changes on campus.
 Gehrke stated that she is responsible for delivering feedback to System by October 1st.
 Some senators expressed a desire for a document highlighting the actual changes that
are being proposed.
 It is possible that the feedback-soliciting process has been rushed in order to get the
UPS in the governor’s biennial budget.
 Chair Ghenciu proposed that faculty feedback be separately sent to System, to allow
the classified and academic staff response to be sent by the deadline. This would allow
for more time to consider the issue and complete the survey.
 A succinct summary of the proposed changes was requested from HR.
 Ten sessions have been scheduled for the campus to learn about the new highdeductible health plans.
VI. Unfinished Business
1. Discussion/Decision Items
a. Miscellaneous Business
VII. New Business
1. Graduate Commencement Survey Results-Renee Chandler
 A better time is being sought for the graduate commencement ceremony. The last
ceremony was Sunday afternoon. However, this is Mother’s Day, and the separate
setup on this day has been taxing. The Graduate Education Committee conducted a
survey and found that most respondents preferred Saturday evening. Feedback from
constituents should be sought on this.
 The December commencement has not been an issue with lower graduates. May
commencement has the most attendees.
 A motion on this is expected at the next senate meeting.
2. Upcoming Elections
a. All University Promotions Committee Results
Motion to approve: (Fenton/Jones) Moved to approve the results. Motion approved.
b. Call for Nominations for Faculty Senate, Standing Committees and University
Committees - The nomination call is coming out tomorrow at 8 a.m.
2. Committee Approvals
a. Policy Revision – Nagesh Shinde volunteered.
Motion to approve: (Vande Linde/Basu) Moved to approve Shinde’s naming to the
committee. Motion approved.
b. Website Oversight Committee – Faculty representative needed (term ends 5/30/2015).
Senators should ask their constituents for interested volunteers and it will also be on the
nomination call vacancy.
c. Diversity Leadership Team seeking nominations for the Board of Regents Diversity
Award. Please see the website
3. Discussion/Decision Items
a. Updating the Faculty Senate web pages – Drzakowski and Borofka will be updating the
Faculty Senate Webpages gradually over the academic year. Feel free to contact them
for any recommendations or to volunteer assistance.
b. Updating the FASLA Handbook – meeting on September 24th. Kevin Drzakowski,
Jennifer Lee, and Erin Dunbar are on a committee revising FASLA.
 The Senate’s consensus was that language on System policies can be eliminated
wherever possible as long as a link to the policy is kept.
c. Follow-up on Feedback on the definition of campus bullying (Campus Climate Survey
 One department was concerned that there is not someone with a specific job title
devoted to addressing issues of harassment. An Affirmative Action officer would
be helpful, along with an Ombudsman. The ability for faculty and staff to evaluate
HR is important.
 Defining bullying might be a starting point. CEHHS is already working on a
definition for this.
 An open forum could provide useful suggestions on how to deal with issues that
were highlighted in the survey.
 Some departments wanted more time to provide feedback on the survey results.
 Bringing in a workshop leader or a speaker could be a useful step for addressing
the results, perhaps for January professional development week.
 A different survey could focus on solutions.
 The Workplace Bullying Institute was named as a resource.
 Change coming from the level of deans and department chairs was stressed as
 HR Director Gehrke was asked if exit interviews are done. Exit surveys are
completed when individuals leave campus, but HR cannot determine what unit the
departing individual comes from.
d. Updated Committee Listings - Amanda Brown. The updated list is available on the
Faculty Senate website. Brown noted that this is a working document, one that should
be updated every year.
VIII. Information Items
1. Faculty Senate Dashboard
2. PPC Charges - three of them
 The first charge asks PPC to consider revisions to the Education Preparation Codes.
The educational preparation codes have become an issue for graduate education; this
could be a good reason for expanding our restrictions for what constitutes the higher
preparation codes.
 The second charge asks PPC to devise a process for selecting faculty members for high
level administrative searches.
 The third charge deals with possible revisions to the dates on which faculty
performance objectives are required.
3. Other – Faculty Chairs Meeting
 Chair Ghenciu reported on the proceedings of the meeting of Faculty Senate Chairs.
An upcoming meeting at UW-Oshkosh will examine the future of regional public
 A representative at the meeting spoke on implementing the changes in the Voter ID law
on campuses.
 The nine vs. twelve month payroll issue was also discussed.
 The transition into the new UPS was discussed.
IX. Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 4:26.
Attachment 2
Attachment 3
Attachment 4
Attachment 5
Banking Relationship Evaluation Committee
Vice Chancellor of Administrative and Student Life Services
To investigate the potential of a banking relationship on the campus of the University of
Wisconsin-Stout and the residual benefits to students, staff and faculty of the University
Evaluate the level of campus interest in an onsite bank branch.
Identify if a banking entity would be interested in partnering with UW-Stout to offer the
following services to university faculty, staff and students.
a. Electronic Refund Disbursement Options.
b. Automated Teller Machine at multiple locations on campus.
c. A Brick and Mortar location on the campus.
d. Marketing (advertising) and Educational (co-op) partner
Kim Schulte-Shoberg. Assistant Vice Chancellor - ASLS
Amy Gjestson, Business Manager
Resource People:
Kim Schulte-Shoberg, Assistant Vice Chancellor – ASLS
Scott Griesbach, Executive Director – Student Life Services
Grady Richartz, Director of Campus Card Operations
Malinda Hebert, Memorial Student Center Staff
Cindy Knopps, Financial Aid Staff
Darrin Witucki, Memorial Student Center
Stout Student Association Representative
Kary Smith, Assistant Controller
Faculty Representative
Rick Lampe – UW System
Training/Information Field trips to University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, UW-Eau Claire, UW-Lacrosse and UWOshkosh to conduct interviews with individuals on their campus that are engaged in
banking relationships.
Method of
Meetings will be held at least once a month – Called by the Chairperson.
Communication via E-mail.
The Higher One Contract expires at the end of this fiscal year. We will need to examine a
one year bridge contract to provide ATM services to the campus. We also are in the
process of renovating the Price Commons. This offers us an exceptional opportunity to
investigate if a financial institution is interested in assisting Stout to create a renovated
banking space on the campus that services faculty, staff and students.
Timeline would be to provide a recommendation in the late Spring prior to the expiration
of the Higher One contract. A Request for Proposals would be targeted in the Fall of
2016 depending upon the recommendation.
Curriculum and Instruction Committee Bylaws
Attachment 6
The name of this Faculty Senate standing committee shall be the Curriculum and Instruction Committee.
Section 1. The Committee shall be accountable to the Faculty Senate, as representative of the faculty
which has primary responsibility for curriculum and instruction. All Curriculum and Instruction Committee
actions shall be communicated to the Provost on behalf of the Senate.
Section 2. The purposes of the Committee shall be to review, develop, and recommend policy and
guidelines regarding curriculum to the Faculty Senate and approve or disapprove requests for all new
courses, course revisions, new programs, program revisions, major and sub-major academic programs,
minors, concentrations, professional development certificates, and specializations.
Section 3. The objectives of the Committee shall be:
1. To review, develop, and recommend new and/or modified curriculum policies as needed.
2. To serve as an academic forum to consider and act upon proposals for all credit-producing learning
experiences as well as major and sub-major academic programs and specializations.
3. To ascertain if the proposal is in accordance with the Institutional Mission Statement, priorities, and
policies of the University
4. To ascertain if the proposal will fulfill a need.
5. To ascertain if the proposal has realistic, consistent and measurable objectives, and evaluation
6. To ascertain if the proposal is housed in the appropriate college or area.
7. To ascertain if the level (of a course proposal) is in keeping with the content, objectives, and
prerequisites stated in the proposal, and in relationship to other offerings.
8. To ascertain if the title and catalog description is descriptive of the content and objectives of the
9. To ascertain if the proposal results in unnecessary overlap or duplication with existing offerings.
10. To ascertain if the proposal is desirable from an instructional viewpoint relative to quality and its
relationship to other offerings.
11. To encourage a transdisciplinary approach to curriculum and instructional growth.
12. To promote academic excellence and educational opportunity and encourage the use of appropriate
standards throughout the curriculum.
Section 4. The Committee shall not consider the availability of budgetary resources for any proposal or
the methodology of teaching a course.
1. The availability of fiscal resources and personnel is the responsibility of the department and college
as it is a budgetary decision; however, for informational purposes, reporting of the availability of fiscal
resources and personnel shall be included in new course proposals and new or revised program
proposals. Courses and programs affected by reallocation should also be reported to the Committee.
2. The methodology of teaching a course is the responsibility of the individual instructor, department
and/or college and is described only to aid in understanding the objectives and intent of the course.
Section 5. In coordination with the Associate Vice Chancellor, the committee will review and make
recommendations concerning the university's Curriculum Handbook.
Section 1. The members shall concern themselves with the Institutional Mission Statement, and shall be
elected to provide a cross-section of the academic community of the University.
Section 2. The qualifications of the members of the Committee shall be:
1. To be knowledgeable about the University, its mission, structure, and the more specific specialized
objectives and missions of the various units which comprise the total University.
2. To be knowledgeable about the bylaws and status of the Committee within the University structure.
3. To be able to serve without undue distraction of other activities either imposed on or undertaken
voluntarily by proposed members. This implies that members should not be so unduly involved with
other activities that they distract from active and meaningful service on the Committee.
Section 3a. The duties of the members of the Committee shall be:
1. To attend all meetings of the Committee.
2. To study all the material submitted before the meeting to become knowledgeable of what is to be
considered, and to be able to act intelligently and professionally on the material at the meeting.
3. To participate fully in the activities of the Committee in considering all items submitted.
4. To serve, as needed, on sub-committees of the Committee when so assigned by the Chair.
Subcommittees are established according to need to study and make recommendations to the
Committee about those items under consideration or other items which the committee deems
necessary of special consideration.
5. To assume an all-university attitude in their membership, by refraining from individual or special group
interest in their deliberations and voting. This implies giving highest consideration to the good of the
University and its students on the part of the members of the committee.
6. To serve as a consultative resource to staff, departments and colleges concerning the curricular
review process and related issues.
Section 3b. The instructional resource representative to the committee is specifically charged with
facilitating communication between the committee, proposers of curricular changes, and the instructional
support units within the University Library and Learning Technology Services.
Section 4. The members of the Committee shall consist of faculty, academic staff, and students:
1. Three voting members are to be elected by and from each of the four colleges' faculty for a total of
twelve: College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; College of Education, Health and Human
Sciences (at least one of the three must be in the School of Education); College of Management; and
the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
2. One voting member and one alternate elected by and from the combined units of the University
Library and Learning Technology Services and designated as the instructional resource
3. One voting member from the Graduate Education Committee elected by faculty with graduate faculty
4. Two academic staff members elected by the Senate of Academic Staff.
5. One voting student member elected by the Student Senate.
6. One non-voting, ex-officio member from the Office of the Provost.
7. One non-voting ex-officio member from the Graduate School.
8. One non-voting ex-officio member from the Registrar’s Office.
Section 5
Members elected from the colleges shall have an alternate elected in the same manner and for the same
term as regular members to serve in the absence of the regular member.
Section 6. Terms of Office shall be as follows:
1. The length of term of student committee members shall be at the discretion of the Student Senate.
2. The length of term of faculty and academic staff members shall be three years.
3. The committee members may serve successive terms.
Section 7. Rotation of Membership
1. The colleges shall elect or reelect the faculty representatives (including the respective alternates)
following a three-year rotation cycle so no more than one term will terminate in a given year.
2. The Senate of Academic Staff shall elect two academic staff members and two alternates on a threeyear rotation cycle.
3. The Student Senate shall elect or reelect a student member for a term it shall designate.
4. Member terms shall start with the first meeting of the committee in each new academic year.
5. Agencies (Colleges, functional units, and senates) electing members shall do so before the end of the
academic year preceding the September starting month of membership.
6. When a member or alternate member must resign from the Committee before the end of their term,
the unit represented by that member or alternate shall elect a replacement to fulfill the uncompleted
portion of that member's or alternate's term.
7. All elections for college representative members of the committee shall be conducted by the Faculty
Senate in accordance with its rules and procedures.
Officers and Secretary
Section 1. The officers of the Committee shall be a Chair and Vice Chair.
Section 2. The Secretary shall be the Associate Vice Chancellor and shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting
member of the Committee and liaison officer to the Provost.
Section 3. The Chair and the Vice Chair shall be elected by the Committee.
Section 4. The officers shall serve a term of one year and may be reelected.
Section 5. The election of officers shall be held at the September meeting.
Duties of Officers and Secretary
Section 1. The Chair shall:
1. Preside at all meetings of the Committee.
2. Establish and arrange meeting schedule and location in coordination with the secretary.
3. Maintain liaison with the Associate Vice Chancellor regarding curriculum matters and, in coordination
with the Associate Vice Chancellor, Vice Chair and Secretary, establish the agenda for committee
4. Attend the meetings and serve as a voting member of the Executive Committee of the Faculty
5. Report all curriculum decisions made by the Faculty Senate back to members of the Curriculum and
Instruction Committee.
6. Maintain liaison with the Chair of the Faculty Senate and the Executive Committee of the Faculty
Senate regarding curriculum matters.
7. Conduct proceedings of the Committee in accordance with the bylaws.
Section 2. The Vice Chair shall assume and perform the duties of the Chair in the absence or disability
of the Chair.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
1. Publish regular meeting dates, including deadlines for submission, no less than two weeks in
advance of the submission deadline.
2. Notify all members of the Committee, the Chair of the Faculty Senate, the Provost, and other
necessary parties of any special meetings.
3. Receive materials submitted for consideration at a meeting and collate them in preparation for
4. In coordination with the Associate Vice Chancellor, Chair and Vice Chair, prepare an agenda for each
regular meeting and distribute the agenda plus all submitted materials to personnel as required one
week in advance of each regular meeting.
5. Keep an accurate record of the proceedings and actions of each meeting.
6. Prepare the minutes for distribution prior to the next meeting.
7. Forward the minutes and materials, along with appropriate approval sheets, to the Provost for
approval, modification, or rejection by the Provost and Chancellor.
8. Upon receipt of signed approval forms, appropriately inform the Registrar, Library, Graduate School,
each college and Instructional Resources Service, and place actions on file. Distribute the final
actions taken by the Provost and Chancellor to members of the Curriculum and Instruction Committee
and to administrative and faculty offices as required.
Section 4. The secretary may delegate some of all of the responsibilities described in Section 3 of this
article to an appropriate staff member who will serve as recording secretary.
Section 1. Regular meetings of the Committee shall be held monthly during the academic year and as
needed during the summer session.
Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the Chair.
Section 3. The quorum shall consist of a majority of the voting members.
Section 4. The meetings shall be open.
Section 5. Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the conduct of the meetings.
Procedure for Recommendations
Section 1. All procedures for recommendations shall be found in the Curriculum Handbook approved by
the Curriculum and Instruction Committee.
*Section 2. The recommendations will only be considered at a meeting if the party submitting the
material is present or represented by an alternate. At the discretion of the Chair, certain routine
recommendations may be considered without representation.
Section 3. The College shall submit proposals to the Associate Vice Chancellor, in accordance with the
Curriculum Handbook. The deadline for submission shall be stated in the notice of the meeting.
Section 4. It shall be permissible, by exception, for the Provost to approve a course for offering up to two
times due to its special nature or on short notice, in accordance with the Curriculum Handbook. The
Provost may authorize two offerings within three years without further action of this committee.
Section 1. Recommendations for changes in the bylaws shall be distributed to members at least two
weeks prior to consideration by the Committee.
Section 2. Recommendations to the Faculty Senate for changes in the bylaws shall be approved by a
two-thirds majority of the voting members of the Committee.
Rev 9/2014
Attachment 7
Please refer to the Promotion Policies and Procedures in the Faculty, Academic Staff, Limited Appointees Handbook,
pages 3-117 to 3-127 and on the Web at
Please also refer to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on the promotion procedure and rules at and Promotion Application Procedures at
Application Process
Application Forms
Application forms available at:
Mon., June 22, 2015
Application Workshop
10:10-11:05 a.m., Oakwood Room, Student Center. The Personnel Policies Committee
chair will facilitate the workshop. The purpose of this session is to answer questions
regarding the Promotion Policy.
Fri., September 4, 2015
Application Deadline
Fri., September 25, 2015
Faculty member submits application, completely filled out, to immediate supervisor.
Immediate supervisor must sign application and retains it until committee work begins.
Committee Elections
Promotion Process
Mon., Aug. 24- Fri., Sept. 4, 2015*
Election of All-University Promotion Committee.
Wed., September 9, 2015*
Results of election announced to Colleges, Departments, Provost's Office by the Faculty
Fri., Sept. 11-Fri., Sept. 18, 2015 Election, as needed, of departmental and college committees.
Fri., Sept. 18-Fri., Sept. 25, 2015 All committees meet to select chairperson.
Wed., Sept 30, 2015
Personnel Policies Committee, together with the Chancellor, Provost, Affirmative
Action Officer/Human Resources Director, and Faculty Senate Chair will hold an
orientation meeting for all chairs and vice chairs of promotion committees from 7:008:00 a.m. and 4:00-5:00 p.m. in Oakwood Room, Student Center.
Notification of Applicants
Even if a Department or College level committee finishes its deliberations ahead of the date indicated below, the
committee will notify the applicant only on the date specified. An All University Committee MAY notify the applicant
of its recommendations ahead of schedule as long as all applicants at the same rank are notified at the same time.
Consideration of Applicants
LEVEL II Colleges
9/30/15 - 10/14/15
(Wed.) (Wed.)
10/16/15 - 10/23/15
(Fri.) (Fri.)
FINISH BY 5:00 P.M.)
10/16/15 - 10/23/15
(Fri.) (Fri.)
10/26/15 - 11/23/15
(Mon.) (Mon.)
12/7/15 - 1/25/16
(Mon.) (Mon.)
2/4/16 - 2/25/16
(Thurs.) (Thurs.)
11/30/15 - 12/3/2015
(Mon.) (Thurs.)
11/30/15 - 12/4/2015
(Mon.) (Fri.)
1/27/16- 2/3/2016
(Wed.) (Wed.)
* See the Summary of Promotion Action page (
** Date to notify applicants.
Updated 10/29/2014 xx
Attachment 8
University of Wisconsin-Stout
Sabbatical Application Timeline
2015-2016 for 2016-2017
Due Date
Announcement and timeline distributed to all faculty.
Wed., 7/29/15
Applications available at:
Fri., 8/14/15
Faculty Senate schedules October meeting of the Sabbatical Appointment Committee. During the meeting the
chair of PPC will review the process and procedures.
Applicants for sabbatical appointment notify department chairs of intent to apply.
By Fri., 8/21/15
Department chair notifies dean of applicants and begins informal review of replacement resource needs
Meetings with department chair, dean and applicant are arranged by the applicant if necessary; meetings must be
scheduled prior to submitting applications to department chair for review.
Wed., 8/26/15
Personnel Polices Committee will hold an orientation meeting for all Sabbatical applicants. The purpose of this
meeting is to answer questions regarding the process, procedures and application materials. The meeting will be
held from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Cedarwood Room, Student Center.
Wed., 8/26/15
Applications submitted to department chair for review.
Fri., 9/4/15
Department chair sends application on to dean.
Fri., 9/11/15
Meetings begin with deans and departments to assess resource needs.
Fri., 9/18/15
All applications, with department chair and dean signatures and rationales, if appropriate, are hand-carried
to the Faculty Senate Office.
By Fri., 9/25/15
Faculty Senate Office duplicates and distributes applications to Sabbatical Appointment Committee, and notifies
each individual through campus mail that the application has been received.
Fri., 9/25 to Fri., 10/2/15
Sabbatical Appointment Committee evaluates and ranks applications.
Fri., 10/2 to Wed., 10/14/15
Sabbatical Appointment Committee makes recommendations to Chancellor.
Wed., 10/14/15
Plan for coverage and resource needs forwarded to Provost.
Wed., 10/14/15
Sabbatical Appointment Committee notifies applicants of results of its deliberations.
Fri., 10/16/15
Chancellor notifies applicants, chairs, deans and UW System of decision.
By Fri., 10/30/15
Provost begins implementation of sabbatical appointments through negotiation with
chairs, deans, and affected colleagues.
No later than January 2016
Sabbatical Appointment Committee evaluates procedure and recommends modifications.
Mon., 2/1/16 to Fri., 3/25/16
Chancellor or designee announces to the faculty the prospects for sabbatical appointments
in the academic year beginning eighteen months hence.
April 2016
Chancellor or designee sends announcement to department chairs and deans along
with explanation of their roles in the process.
April 2016
Faculty Senate solicits nominees for Sabbatical Appointment Committee after which
committee members will be elected by the faculty at-large.
Semester II
NOTE: The faculty member (who has been on sabbatical) will complete and submit a
final report to the Provost’s Office.
Within three months of
completion of Sabbatical
A university-wide presentation will be made.
Within one-year of
completion of Sabbatical
Updated 12/10/2014xx
Attachment 9
Tenure Timeline 2015-2016 for 2016-2017
These rules shall provide for written notice of the departmental review to the faculty member at least 20
days prior to the date of the departmental review, and an opportunity to present information on the faculty
member’s behalf. The probationary faculty member shall be notified in writing within 20 days after each
decision at each reviewing level. In the event that a decision is made resulting in non- renewal, the
procedures specified in UWS 3.07 shall be followed.
PPC recommends the following timeline per the FASLA handbook:
Faculty Eligible to Apply for Tenure Hired in Fall
Mon., Nov. 30, 2015
Written notice is given to all probationary faculty regarding
date of departmental review no later than December 1.
Tues., Jan. 19, 2016
Tenure materials due to Department Chair no later than January
19. Faculty applying for synchronized promotion to Associate
Professor and tenure should submit all materials by this date.
Those faculty who are already tenured should submit promotion
synchronization document by this date.
Wed., Jan. 20 - Mon., Feb. 15, 2016
Departmental decisions are made. Applicants and Chancellor must
be notified of the recommendation in writing within 20 days of the
decision, but no later than February 15.
Mon., Feb. 15, 2016
The latest date by which the Applicant must be notified.
Tues., Feb. 16 - Mon., Mar. 14, 2016 Chancellor makes his decision and notifies the Applicants in
writing within 20 days, but no later than March 14.
Tues., March 15, 2016
Chancellor notifies UW System of his recommendations on
Faculty Eligible to Apply for Tenure Hired in Spring
Fri., August 26, 2016
Written notice is given to all probationary faculty regarding date of
departmental review.
Mon., Oct. 10, 2016
Tenure materials due to Department Chair no later than October
10th. Faculty applying for synchronized promotion to Associate
Professor and tenure should submit all materials by this date.
Tues., Oct. 11 – Mon., Nov. 7, 2016
Departmental decisions are made. Applicants and Chancellor
must be notified of the recommendation in writing within 20
days of the decision, but no later than November 7.
Mon., Nov. 7, 2016
The latest date by which the Applicant must be notified.
Tues., Nov. 8 – Mon., Dec. 12, 2016 Chancellor makes his decision and notifies the Applicants in
writing within 20 days but no later than December 12.
Mon., March 13, 2017
Chancellor notifies UW System of his recommendations on
Updated 10/29/2014xx
Attachment 10
UW-Stout Policy on Advertising, Sponsorship and Promotion of Alcohol and
Tobacco Products
1.1 Introduction.
The abuse of alcohol and other drugs interferes with the education and development of students. It
negatively affects the overall campus environment in a negative way and reduces the effectiveness and
faculty and staff.
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the advertisement, sponsorship or promotion of by
which alcohol and tobacco products may be advertised, sponsored, and promoted on the University of
Wisconsin-Stout campus or at campus sponsored events.
This policy also provides guidance to all units, departments, schools, colleges and registered student
organizations on the sponsorship of University university events, programs, publications or other
activities by non-university entities.
This policy seeks to minimize the disruptive and damaging influence of alcohol and other drugs through a
campus-wide approach that includes education, prevention, and intervention.
1.2 Definition of Terms.
Advertising: – Aany advertisement , signage, label, logo, packaging, imprint, sales promotion activity or
device, public relations material or event, merchandising, or other activity or communication that has the
obvious intent of promoting or marketing a non-Universityuniversity, product, service, event, or
Alcohol and/or Tobacco Industry: – aA commercial industry which that is involved in the manufacture,
distribution and/or sale of alcohol and/or tobacco.
Campus: A – any property owned or controlled by UW-Stout
Sponsorship: The – the provision by a non-university entity of money, goods, services to the university,
college, school, department, unit or RSO(???) in support of one or more activities, events or programs. In
return, the sponsor may be provided tangible return benefits.
University eEvent: A – any event, on or off campus, where the university or recognized organization is in
control of the activity.
1.3 Statement of Policy.
This policy governs sponsorship and advertising by businesses or groups that provide, sell, market, or
distribute alcoholic beverages or tobacco products on University university property or at University
university events.
1.4 Criteria.
The criteria for this policy are based on UW niversity of Wisconsin Stout-Stout Tobacco Free Policy and
the University of Wisconsin- Stout Alcohol and Other Drug Policy.
Tobacco Free Campus Statement of Policy:
It is the policy of UW-Stout that tobacco use is prohibited on any property owned or controlled by UWStout. All UW-Stout staff and students are responsible for compliance and for advising visitors of the
policy. Violations will be handled like other work rule or policy violations.
Alcohol and Drug Statement of Policy:
It is the policy of the University of Wisconsin-Stout to take an active and assertive stance in dealing with
alcohol and other drug abuse that diminishes the quality of the learning environment or which creates a
threat to personal safety. The unlawful possessions, use, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit
drugs and alcohol by students, employees or organizations is prohibited on university property or as part
of university activities. This policy applies to all on-campus and off-campus activities that are considered
to be school activities, such as officially sanctioned field trips. These standards of conduct also apply to
student-sponsored social activities or, for employees, professional meetings, if these activities or meetings
are considered UW-Stout-sponsored activities
1.5 Guidelines for Implementation
The following applies when the participants or the intended audience are college students (or children):
1. Advertising or marketing with the purpose of promoting alcohol and/or tobacco use (including in
official University university print or online publications and media) is prohibited on campus and
at university-sponsored events.
2. Alcohol and /or tobacco industry or product sponsorship of campus or Universityuniversitysponsored events is prohibited.
3. Distribution of alcohol or tobacco industry promotional giveaways is prohibited on campus or at
Universityuniversity-sponsored events.
a. Community businesses, such as a restaurants or retailers bar or a beer/liquor distributor,
can advertise, market, or sponsor an event or activities, ; but the primary purpose cannot
be to encourage alcohol and/or tobacco use, and the specific brand name of a tobacco or
alcohol the product and/or logo cannot be suedused. The activity, if off campus, must
conclude by 9pm to not discriminate against students who are not of legal drinking age.
b. Promotional giveaways with alcohol or tobacco product brand names or logos cannot be
distributed on campus or at Universityuniversity-sponsored events.
4. Campus student-run media are encouraged, but not required, to follow this policy.
1.6 Responsibility for Implementation.
Phil Lyons, vVice cChancellor for Administrative and Student Life Services
1.7 Sunset date for policy if appropriate.
1.8 Consequences of Policy Violation or Noncompliance.
Failure to adhere to the provisions of this policy may result in appropriate disciplinary action as provided
under existing procedures applicable to students, faculty, staff, and /or civil or criminal law.
Violation of the provisions of this policy by a student may lead to the imposition of a disciplinary
sanction, up to and including suspension or expulsion, under s. UWS 17.06(1)(c), Wis. Adm. Code.
Student Organizations organizations are subject to disciplinary sanctions, up to and including suspension
or expulsion according to the Student Organization Code of Conduct.
University employees are also subject to discipline on a work rule violation.
Disciplinary sanctions are initiated and imposed in accordance with applicable procedural requirements
and work rules, as set forth in Wisconsin statutes, administrative rules, and faculty bargaining agreements.
Referral for prosecution under criminal law is also possible. Violations of ss. UWS 18.06(13) and 18.10,
Wis. Adm. Code may result in additional penalties as allowed under Ch. UWS 18, Wis. Adm. Code
1.9 Appeal Process.
Exceptions to this policy (while rarely granted) must support the mission and priorities of the
Universityuniversity. Exception requests must be made in writing, signed by the dean or director and
submitted to Phil Lyons, Vice vice Chancellor chancellor for Administrative and Student Life Services
least 4 weeks prior to the date of the event. A decision on whether the exception will be granted will be
made and communicated within 10 days of receipt of the written request.
1.10 Appended Materials.
UWS Chapter 17 – Non Academic Student Misconduct
Student Organizations Code of Conduct
Faculty/Staff Handbook
Attachment 11
Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good) , Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started)
Staff Responsible
Request Approved by
Results or
Presented to FS
Approved by FS
Approved by
Draft or
Presented to FS
Approved by FS
Approved by
Policy Added to Website
Approved by
Approved by
Action Items to be sent
to Diversity Leadership
Team by 10/21/14
Campus Climate Survey Review
Charge Requested
Staff Responsible
Policy Requested
Request Approved by
Glenda Jones
All-University Policies
Sexual Harrassment Policy 91-53
Advertising by Establishments that Serve Alcohol (new
Ideentiy & Publication Standard Policy #90-52
Gregory Bard
Staff Responsible
Professorships Timeline, Application, Marketing Plan
Update Credit Hour Policy
Academic Calendar 2014-2015 & 2015-2016
Sabbatical Recommendations for 2015-16
Professorships Recommendations
Promotion Timeline 2015-2016
Sabbatical Timeline 2014-2015 for 2015-2016
Tenure Timeline 2015-2016
Sabbatical Application Review
Budget Model Review Committee (102 allocation
model) - Phil Lyons
University of Wisconsin - Stout Confidential
Request Approved by
Results or
Presented to FS
Approved by FS
Due 05/30/2015
Graduate ceremony on
Friday night?
Bryan Beamer, PPC
Bryan Beamer, PPC
Bryan Beamer, PPC
Deadline for app. Is
Bryan Beamer, PPC
Staff Responsible
Engagement Session - Admission Requirements (new
charge issued 5/28/2014 by Chancellor)
Engagement Session - Emerging Research Institution changed to "Applied Research Institution"
Task Start
DRAFT DUE 12/12014
Faculty Senate Pilot Research Fellows Selection
University Committee Work
DRAFT Due 9/29/2014
Submitted Nagesh
Shinde - 9/23/14
Non-All-University Policies
Standing Committee Work
DRAFT DUE 11/29/2013
Task Start
Progress Report DUE
to SPG January 2015
Request Approved by
Approved by FS
DUE May 22, 2015
Charged to Provost
Forrest Schultz &
Stephen Salm
Results or
Presented to FS
DUE 5/16/2014
DUE 12/30/2013
Page 1
Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good) , Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started)
All University Promotion Committee
Fall Elections - Professorship, Senators, Standing
Committees & University Committees
Spring Elections - Senators, Standing Committees,
University Committees
Confirm Elections
Call for Nominations
Needed - Request list
Upcoming Elections
from HR
Done 9/10/2014
Due 10/1/2014
Send Congratulations
Distribute Ballots
Collect Ballots
Count Ballots
Done 9/5/2014
Done 9/9/2014
Sent 9/11/14
Sent 10/20/2014
Due 12/5/2014
Due 12/8/2014
Due 12/17/2014
(1) Request dates are typically during FS Executive Meetings, otherwise on regular FS Meeting dates or closest date
(2) Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good), Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started)
(3) Approved All-University policies – policies that either already exist as university policies (on this website: or policies that the Chancellor has indicated
University of Wisconsin - Stout Confidential
Page 2
Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good), Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started)
Results or
Approved by Recommendation Recommendation
Approved by FS
Presented to FS
Approved by
Draft or
Approved by Recommendation
Presented to FS
Approved by FS
Approved by
Policy Added to
Results or
Approved by Recommendation
Presented to FS
Approved by FS
Approved by
Administrative Procedures
Task Start
Standing Committee Work
Task Start
Results or
Approved by Recommendation
Presented to FS
Approved by FS
Approved by
University Committee Work
Task Start
Results or
Approved by Recommendation
Presented to FS
Approved by FS
Approved by
Collect Ballots
Count Ballots
Send Congratulations
University of Wisconsin - Stout Confidential
Call for
e Upcoming
Distribute Ballots
Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good), Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started)
(1) Request dates are typically during FS Executive Meetings, otherwise on regular FS Meeting dates or closest date
(2) Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good), Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started)
policies that the Chancellor has indicated via a memo requesting that the policy review team be appointed (for example, service animals policy and non-discrimination for
University of Wisconsin - Stout Confidential
Results or
Approved by
ion Presented
to FS
Program/Course Review
John Kirk
Action for Any GE
Category Course
Emeritus Perks
Etextbook Subcommittee Progress Report
Course Evaluations
School vs Dept Bylaw,
Article II.2
9/20/2011 11/15/2011
May, 2012
Robin Muza,
Ruth Nyland,
Barb Flom, EAC
Thielman, Ad
hoc Committee
Diane Olson,
Bob Atwell
Appt. by FS
Final Recommendation
Approved by FS
Approved by
There was a recent policy
change that needs to be
updated in the
Talked to John Kirk on
03/29/2013 and he said
it is not being worked
on and can be removed
from dashboard.
no action taken
Continue to work on in the
sent to Pete Schlosser