Agenda FACULTY SENATE MEETING September 30, 2014 Ballroom B, MSC 2:30 – 4:30 P.M. I. II. III. IV. Call to Order (Chair, Nelu Ghenciu) Roll Call – Sign Attendance Sheet Minutes of September 2, 2014 (Attachment 1) Administration Reports 1. Chancellor’s Report 2. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs’ Report V. Announcements 1. Other VI. Unfinished Business 1. Discussion/Decision Items a. Miscellaneous Business VII. New Business 1. Graduate Commencement Survey Results (Attachment 2) – Renee Chandler will discuss 2. Upcoming Elections a. All University Promotions Committee Results (Attachment 3) b. Call for Nominations for Faculty Senate, Standing Committees and University Committees (Attachment 4) 2. Committee Approvals a. Policy Revision – Nagesh Shinde volunteered. b. Website Oversight Committee – Faculty representative needed (term ends 5/30/2015). c. Diversity Leadership Team seeking nominations for the Board of Regents Diversity Award. Please see the website 3. Discussion/Decision Items a. Updating the Faculty Senate web pages. b. Updating the FASLA Handbook – meeting on September 24th. c. Follow-up on Feedback on the definition of campus bullying (Campus Climate Survey Results-Attachment 5). d. Updated Committee Listings (Attachment 6) by Amanda Brown. VIII. Information Items 1. Faculty Senate Dashboard (Attachment 7) 2. PPC Charges (three of them – Attachments 8-10) IX. Adjournment 1 Attachment 1 Minutes FACULTY SENATE MEETING September 2, 2014 Cedar/Maple, MSC 2:30 – 4:30 P.M. CHAIR: Petre Ghenciu VICE CHAIR: Ana Vande Linde SECRETARY: Kevin Drzakowski PRESENT: Amanda Barnett, Lopa Basu, Bryan Beamer, Amanda Brown, Kathleen Deery, David Ding, Kevin Drzakowski, Barb Flom, Bert Fraher, Petre (Nelu) Ghenciu, Gene Gutman, Ted Harris, Glenda Jones, Anne Kerber, Adam Kramschuster, Matthew Kuchta, Eun Joo Lee, Kate Maury, Brian Oenga, Marlann Patterson, Christine Peterson, Forrest Schultz, Loretta Thielman, Ana Vande Linde, Cameron Weaver, Dean Wirtanen, Keith Wojciechowski, Bob Zeidel, Julie Zaloudek ABSENT: Michael Bessert, Virginia Lea, Steve Terry, Kevin Tharp, Amerika Vang GUESTS: Brett Roseman, Chancellor Bob Meyer, Jackie Weissenburger, Doug Mell and Meridith Drzakowski I. II. III. IV. Call to Order (Chair, Nelu Ghenciu) 1. Group Photograph, Brett Roseman 2. Introductions. Each member of the senate introduced himself or herself. Roll Call – Sign Attendance Sheet Minutes of May 12, 2014 Motion to approve: (Thielman/Kuchta) Vote. Motion passed unanimously. Administration Reports 1. Chancellor’s Report. - The Chancellor participated in (and survived) the ALS bucket challenge, as well as his first Board of Regents meeting. - Stout’s mission statement was revised to include a reference to selected engineering programs. - System President Cross put forth his budget proposal. Initial responses have been positive. The budget proposal relies heavily on performance-based funding. - Two changes have been proposed for compensation. One proposed change is that the Board of Regents would have sole authority on distributing compensation. Also, the Chancellor cannot currently give salary adjustments solely for merit; this proposal would allow that. - The Regents have asked the state for 95 million in additional compensation money. - Chancellor Meyer was asked about the timing for the new degrees. Some campuses have voiced opposition to our proposed new programs. New engineering programs have been put on hold by System until a state-authored study on the need for such programs has been completed. The study was due last week, but the provost has yet to see the study. She hopes that we will be given permission to proceed with planning at the next Board of Regents meeting. - Chancellor Meyer thanked the body for its involvement in faculty governance. 2. Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs’ Report. - The Provost spoke on the mission addendum. Those who are interested in seeing the addendum, or the mission statement in full, may review it online. - Preliminary planning is continuing on the Digital Marketing Technology program (formerly Web Technology). A second Notice of Intent has been sent with the new name, to allow other campuses to provide their input. - We will have record, or at least near record, enrollment this year. 2 - Decisions will be made between now and December about how to deal with the third year of budget cuts. 3. Final Campus Climate Survey Report shared by PARQ Office Meridith Drzakowski presented highlights from the Climate Survey findings. Highlights include: - Separate reports exist for faculty/staff and students. - The diversity leadership team has been charged to recommend actions based on the report. - Suggestions for actions can be made to Meridith or to Glenda Jones, a senate member who serves on the committee. Suggestions should be made by October 15th. - General trends noted were that the campus has a friendly atmosphere, which the climate is positive for LGBQQ students and staff, and that employment status occasionally leads to discrimination. A majority of respondents felt their concerns were not taken seriously when they communicated dissatisfaction with the climate. - The faculty response rate was around fifty percent. - We do not have data on how the response rate regarding bullying compares with other campuses. - Chair Ghenciu suggested soliciting feedback from departments and presenting recommendations from the Faculty Senate. V. Announcements 1. Other. Chair Ghenciu updated the senators on the following: - Chair Ghenciu will be meeting with the other Senate chairs in Madison on September 24, 2014. He will report to us on the meeting’s conversation. - Last year the faculty senate worked as a team and was able to be productive and secured major changes with the promotion process. 2. Deb Gehrke introducing Erin Dunbar, HR Manager of Employee Relations. Deb and Erin were not available but may be introduced at the next meeting. VI. Welcome to New and Returning Senators 1. Faculty Senate Roles and Expectations a. Guidelines and Training for Faculty Senate Representatives b. Expectations of Senators 2. Governance White Paper 3. Senate Structure, Simplified Parliamentary Procedure 4. Robert’s Rules of Order Solecisms Chair Ghenciu recommended all senators read through the documents attached to the agenda. The documents are helpful resources for the senators. VII. Unfinished Business 1. Discussion/Decision Items a. Supplemental Compensation Update – Phase 3. Chair Ghenciu updated the senators on the following: - Chair Ghenciu will discuss the possibility of a third phase of supplemental compensation with the Chancellor. - Transparency on how the funding occurs was stressed as important. b. Engagement Session Feedback Senators provided the following feedback regarding the August 25th Engagement Sessions: - Senators were unsure how the topics from the Visioning sessions were narrowed down into the topics for the Engagement Sessions. - Concern was expressed about the timing of the sessions. It can be an unwelcoming introduction to campus for new faculty and staff. Possibly look into conducting the engagement sessions in January. 3 - Having the students involved would be beneficial. If the engagement sessions were held in January, the student involvement may be increased. VIII. New Business 1. Upcoming Elections a. Election Committee for 2014-15 a. All University Promotions Committee – Ballots sent on 08/27/2014 Vice Chair Vande Linde encouraged everyone to submit their ballots prior to Friday, September 5th at 11:59 a.m. 2. Committee Approvals a. Election of College Representatives to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee Chair Ghenciu charged the senators from each college to confer and elect a representative to the Executive Committee. The following are details: • CAHSS – Amanda Brown - Motion to approve: (Jones/Vande Linde) Vote. Motion passed unanimously. • CEHHS – Julie Zaloudek - Motion to approve: (Barnett/Peterson) Vote. Motion passed unanimously. • COM – David Ding - Motion to approve: (Harris/Kuchta) Vote. Motion passed unanimously. • CSTEM – Marlann Patterson - Motion to approve: (Vande Linde/Schultz) Vote. Motion passed unanimously. Chair Ghenciu congratulated the new executive committee and Borofka will send meeting invitations as soon as possible. 3. Discussion/Decision Items a. EAC to update the credit hour definition. b.Charge from Chancellor Sorensen dated May 23, 2014 Chair Ghenciu recommend the senators look over the EAC recommendations of the credit hour definition and the charge memo from Chancellor Sorensen regarding defining academic rigor. Highlights of the discussion include: - The definition of the credit hour may be a way of partially defining academic rigor. - All three governing bodies were charged to make a recommendation on whether/how to increase the profile for incoming students. - Chair Ghenciu suggested soliciting the input of the new chancellor before proceeding. - Discussion turned to how academic expectations should be set at a school with relatively open access. - Chair Ghenciu asked senators to get feedback from their constituents on whether to increase the student profile. IX. X. Information Items were shared: 1. Faculty Senate Meeting Schedule 2014-2015 2. Faculty Senate Dashboard 3. Statement of SCOPE for Administrative Rules –Chapters 4 & 7, Chapter 11 and Chapter 17 Adjournment. Meeting adjourned at 4:19. Attachment 2 Results of All University Promotion Committee Elections Updated 09/11/2014 1. Full Professor Committee - CAHSS Confirmed Elected Yes Joan Menefee Yes Timothy Shiell 2. Full Professor Committee - CEHHS Confirmed Elected Yes Barbara Flom Yes Susan Wolfgram 3. Full Professor Committee - COM Confirmed Elected Yes Anne Hoel Yes Renee Howarton 4. Full Professor Committee - CSTEM Confirmed Elected Yes Ann Parsons Yes Laura Schmidt 5. Associate Professor Committee - CAHSS Confirmed Elected Yes Lopa Basu Yes Noah Norton 6. Associate Professor Committee - CEHHS Confirmed Elected Yes Virginia Lea Yes Debbie Stanislawski 7. Associate Professor Committee - COM Confirmed Elected Yes Sally Dresdow Yes Mark Fenton 8. Associate Professor Committee - CSTEM Confirmed Elected Yes Amanda Little Yes John Kirk Attachment 3 Faculty Fall Vacancies 2014-2015 for Call for Nominations and Ballot Attachment 4 Committee Type Faculty Standing Member Type Term Alternate 1 year University Member 2 year University Member 2 year University Member 3 year Faculty Senate Faculty Senate Alternate 2 year COM Faculty Senate 2 year Faculty At-Large Finance Committee Faculty Senate Alternate Faculty Standing Member Faculty Senator Finance Committee Faculty Senate Faculty Standing Faculty Standing Faculty Standing Faculty Standing Faculty Standing Alternate 2 year Member 3 year Alternate 3 year Alternate 2 year Alternate 1 year Member 1 year Faculty Senate Member 3 year University Member 2 year University Member 1 year Member 2 year Alternate 2 year Member 1 year Representation Committee CAHSS Faculty At-Large Curriculum and Instruction Committee Educational Support Unit Review Committee Equal Opportunities in Education Committee Educational Support Unit Review Committee CAHSS Faculty At-Large Faculty At-Large Program Director General Education/ program director Arts and Humanities General Education Committee COM Graduate Education Committee CSTEM Planning & Review Committee COM Personnel Policies Committee Faculty Senator CSTEM Personnel Policies Committee Positive Action, Ethics and Competition Review Committee Positive Action, Ethics and Competition Review Committee Postitive Action, Ethics and Competition Review Committee COM Sabbatical Leave Review Committee University Faculty Standing Faculty At-Large Website Oversight Committee University CAHSS CAHSS 9/25/2014 3 year Attachment 5 Faculty / Staff Campus Climate Report - Faculty July 31, 2014 OFFICE OF PLANNING, ASSESSMENT, RESEARCH AND QUALITY Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at 1 Faculty / Staff Campus Climate Report – Faculty Prepared by: UW-Stout Office of Planning, Assessment, Research & Quality Prepared for: Faculty Senate Dr. Petre Ghenciu, Chair This survey was developed by and is owned by UW-Stout and may not be copied without permission. For further information about this survey, please contact the Office of Planning, Assessment, Research & Quality at UW-Stout ( This report can be viewed on the information portal at: Page 2 of 14 1. Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate at UW-Stout? # Answer Response 1 Very Uncomfortable 12 2 Uncomfortable 25 Neither comfortable nor 3 34 uncomfortable 4 Comfortable 82 5 Very Comfortable 16 Total 169 Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses 49% 9% 100% % 14% 13% 11% 31% 32% 100% Value 1 5 3.54 1.97 1.41 168 3. As a faculty/staff member, how satisfied are you with your job? # Answer Response 1 Highly dissatisfied 13 2 Dissatisfied 30 Neither satisfied nor 3 23 dissatisfied 4 Satisfied 83 5 Highly Satisfied 20 Total 169 Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses 20% Value 1 5 3.38 1.15 1.07 169 2. Overall, how comfortable are you with the climate in your department/work unit? # Answer Response 1 Very Uncomfortable 23 2 Uncomfortable 22 Neither comfortable nor 3 18 uncomfortable 4 Comfortable 52 5 Very Comfortable 53 Total 168 Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses % 7% 15% % 8% 18% 14% 49% 12% 100% Value 1 5 3.40 1.30 1.14 169 4. Within the past two years, have you personally experienced any exclusionary (e.g., shunned, ignored), intimidating, offensive and/or hostile conduct (harassing behavior) that has interfered with your ability to work or learn at UW-Stout? # Answer Response % 1 Yes 58 34% 2 No 111 66% Total 169 100% Page 3 of 14 5. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 What do you believe this conduct was based upon? (Mark all that apply) Answer Response Age 12 Country of origin 3 Educational level 5 English language 4 proficiency/accent Ethnicity 8 Gender 20 Gender expression 1 Gender identity 0 Immigrant status 1 Learning disability 1 Military/veteran status 0 Parental status (e.g., having 3 children) Psychological disability (e.g. post-traumatic stress 1 disorder, depression, anxiety) Physical characteristics 1 Physical disability 0 Political views 5 Race 5 Religion/spiritual status 5 Sexual orientation 3 Socioeconomic status 1 Status (e.g., part-time 19 status, faculty, staff, student) Other (please specify) 26 Where did this conduct occur? (Mark all that apply) Answer In class While working at a campus job While moving on campus Interacting with student organizations or groups In a University dining facility In a campus office At a campus event In a faculty office In a public space on campus In a meeting with one other person In a meeting with a group of people In off-campus housing In athletic facilities Other off-campus location Other (please specify) % 21% 5% 9% 7% 14% 34% 2% 0% 2% 2% 0% 5% 2% 2% 0% 9% 9% 9% 5% 2% 33% 45% Response 6 % 10% 27 47% 1 2% 3 5% 0 16 3 24 6 0% 28% 5% 41% 10% 17 29% 28 48% 0 2 1 7 0% 3% 2% 12% Page 4 of 14 7. # 1 2 3 4 5 There are times when I have experienced sexual harassment at UW-Stout. Answer Response Never 135 Rarely 28 Sometimes 4 Often 1 Very Often (ongoing) 1 Total 169 Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses % 80% 17% 2% 1% 1% 100% Value 1 5 1.25 0.35 0.59 169 8. Who is the source of this sexual harassment? (Mark all that apply) # Answer Response 2 Acquaintance 0 3 Administrator 8 4 Department Chair 6 5 Co-worker or colleague 11 7 Faculty Member 9 9 Partner/Spouse 0 10 Person that I supervise 2 11 Research Assistant 0 12 Staff Member 4 13 Stranger 4 14 Student 6 15 Supervisor 1 16 Teaching Assistant 0 17 Other (please specify) 4 % 0% 24% 18% 33% 27% 0% 6% 0% 12% 12% 18% 3% 0% 12% 9. What forms of conduct have you observed or personally been made aware of? (Mark all that apply) # Answer Response % Someone being 1 26 16% racially/ethnically profiled Someone receiving derogatory written 2 19 12% comments because of his/her/ze identity Someone receiving derogatory phone calls 3 0 0% because of his/her/ze identity Someone receiving threats 4 6 4% of physical violence Someone receiving derogatory/unsolicited e5 mails, text messages, 9 6% Facebook post, Twitter post because of his/her identity Someone being the target of 6 physical violence because 2 1% of his/her/ze identity Someone being stared at 7 because of his/her/ze 33 21% identity Someone being deliberately ignored or excluded 8 40 25% because of his/her/ze identity Someone being the target of 9 33 21% derogatory remarks because Page 5 of 14 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 of his/her/ze identity Someone being imtimidated/bullied because of his/her/ze identity Someone fearing for their family's safety because of his/her/ze identity The assumption that someone was admitted or hired because of his/her/ze identity Someone being the victim of a crime because of his/her/ze identity Someone receiving a poor grade beacuse of a hostile classroom environment Someone receiving a low performance evaluation because of his/her/ze identity Someone singled out as the "resident authority" due to his/her/ze identity Someone isolated or left out when work was required in groups because of his/her/ze identity Someone isolated or left out because of his/her/ze identity Someone isolated or left out because of his/her/ze socioeconomic status Graffiti (e.g. event advertisements removed or defaced) Other (please specify) None 10. Who was the source of this conduct? (Mark all that apply) # Answer 1 Academic Administrator 2 Administrator 3 Campus Media 4 University Police 5 Campus Visitor 6 Colleague 7 Community Member 8 Department Chair 9 Faculty Advisor 10 Faculty Member 11 Person that I supervise 12 Research Assistant 13 Staff Member 14 Supervisor Undergraduate/Graduate 15 student 16 Other (please specify) 17 Don't know source 31 19% 3 2% 27 17% 5 3% 5 3% 17 11% 15 9% 17 11% 20 13% 4 3% 13 8% 8 64 5% 40% Response 11 11 0 2 1 30 8 10 2 40 2 0 5 9 % 11% 11% 0% 2% 1% 31% 8% 10% 2% 42% 2% 0% 5% 9% 43 45% 5 18 5% 19% Page 6 of 14 11. I have observed unfair, unjust or discriminatory hiring practices at UW-Stout (e.g. hiring supervisor bias, search committee bias, limited recruiting pool, lack of effort in diversifying recruiting pool). # Answer Response % 1 Yes 36 21% 2 No 132 79% Total 168 100% 12. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 I believe that the unfair, unjust, or discriminatory hiring practice was based upon: Answer Response Advanced experience level 7 of the job candidate Age 6 Country of origin 6 Educational level 5 English language 4 proficiency/accent Ethnicity 7 Gender 10 Gender expression 1 Gender identity 1 Immigrant status 1 Institutional status (e.g., part-time status, faculty, 5 staff, student) Learning disability 0 Marital/partner status 2 Military/veteran status 0 Parental status (e.g., having 2 children) Psychological disability (e.g., post-traumatic stress 0 disorder, depression, anxiety) Physical characteristics 0 Physical disability 0 Political views 1 Race 5 Religion/spiritual status 3 Sexual orientation 2 Socioeconomic status 0 Other, please specify 12 % 20% 17% 17% 14% 11% 20% 29% 3% 3% 3% 14% 0% 6% 0% 6% 0% 0% 0% 3% 14% 9% 6% 0% 34% 13. I have observed unfair, unjust or discriminatory employment-related disciplinary actions at UW-Stout, up to and including dismissal. # Answer Response % 1 Yes 31 19% 2 No 131 81% Total 162 100% 14. I have observed unfair, unjust, or discriminatory behavior, procedures, or employment practices related to promotion at UW-Stout. # Answer Response % 1 Yes 44 27% 2 No 122 73% Total 166 100% 15. I believe the unfair, unjust, or discriminatory behaviors, procedures, or employment practices was based upon: # Answer Response % Advanced experience level 1 12 22% of the job candidate 2 Age 11 20% 3 Country of origin 9 17% 4 Educational level 12 22% English language 5 6 11% proficiency/accent Page 7 of 14 6 7 8 9 10 Ethnicity Gender Gender expression Gender identity Immigrant status Institutional status (e.g., part-time status, faculty, staff, student) Learning disability Marital/partner status Military/veteran status Parental status (e.g., having children) Psychological disability (e.g., post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety) Physical characteristics Physical disability Political views Race Religion/spiritual status Sexual orientation Socioeconomic status Other, please specify 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 8 19 1 0 2 15% 35% 2% 0% 4% 6 11% 0 3 1 0% 6% 2% 5 9% 1 2% 2 1 7 5 5 1 1 16 4% 2% 13% 9% 9% 2% 2% 30% 16. As a faculty/staff member ... # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Question I am reluctant to bring up issues that concern me for fear that it will affect my performance evaluation and/or tenure decision. My colleagues/peers expect me to represent “the point of view" of my identity (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation). I constantly feel under scrutiny by my colleagues. I am reluctant to take family leave that I am entitled to for fear that it may affect my career. I have to work harder than I believe my colleagues do in order to be perceived as legitimate. I feel pressured Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree nor Disagree Agree Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 35 50 16 34 26 161 2.79 47 42 37 15 6 147 2.26 42 43 32 21 24 162 2.64 51 38 17 13 15 134 2.28 41 42 30 24 26 163 2.71 44 39 27 16 20 146 2.51 Page 8 of 14 I am usually satisfied with the way in which I am able to balance my professional and personal life. I have to miss out on important things in my personal life because of professional responsibilities. I feel that faculty/staff who do not have children are often burdened with work responsibilities (e.g., stay late, early classes) beyond children. who do have thoseequitable to tuition access I have reimbursement. Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses I feel pressured to change my methods of teaching to achieve tenure/be promoted. 10 I have to work harder than I believe my colleagues do in order to be perceived as legitimate. 9 I am reluctant to take family leave that I am entitled to for fear that it may affect my career. 8 I am reluctant to bring up issues that concern me for fear that it will affect my performance evaluation and/or tenure decision. My colleagues/peers expect me to represent “the point of view" of my identity (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation). I constantly feel under scrutiny by my colleagues. Statistic 7 to change my methods of teaching to achieve tenure/be promoted. I am usually satisfied with the way in which I am able to balance my professional and personal life. I have to miss out on important things in my personal life because of professional responsibilities. I feel that faculty/staff who do not have children are often burdened with work responsibilities (e.g., stay late, early classes) beyond those who do have children. I have equitable access to tuition reimbursement. 28 44 26 51 18 167 2.92 19 41 32 46 28 166 3.14 44 47 36 21 16 164 2.50 13 17 42 15 4 91 2.78 1 5 2.79 2.01 1 5 2.26 1.29 1 5 2.64 1.91 1 5 2.28 1.84 1 5 2.71 1.97 1 5 2.51 1.91 1 5 2.92 1.67 1 5 3.14 1.65 1 5 2.50 1.64 1 5 2.78 1.06 1.42 1.14 1.38 1.36 1.41 1.38 1.29 1.28 1.28 1.03 161 147 162 134 163 146 167 166 164 91 Page 9 of 14 Concerned: Indifferent Cooperativ e:Uncooper ative Improving: Regressing Accessible to persons with Positive for disabilities:I people who naccessible as identify persons to Positive lesiban, with for people gay, of disabilities my or bisexual, for Positive faith/spiritu transgender non-native al :Negative English practice:Ne people for for Positive speakers:N for gative identify who who people for egative of people lesbian, as are non-native my for gay, Positive immigrants: English or faith/spiritu bisexual, internationa positive Not speakers practice al people:Not ltransgender people for Welcoming: for positive who are Noninternationa immigrants welcoming l people Respectful: Disrespectf ul Positive for people who are raising Positive for children:Not people of for positive lowwho peole for Positive socioecono are raising racial my mic children background status:Not for Positive :Negative for positive ethnic my my for people of background racial low :Negative background socioecono my forstatus mic ethnic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses Friendly:Ho stile Statistic 17. Using a scale of 1-5, please rate the overall climate on campus on the following dimensions: (Note: As an example, for the first item, “friendly—hostile,” from left to right, 1=very friendly, 2=somewhat friendly, 3=neither friendly nor hostile, 4=somewhat hostile and 5=very hostile) Total # Question 1 2 3 4 5 Mean Responses 1 Friendly:Hostile 45 60 45 14 4 168 2.24 2 Concerned:Indifferent 23 49 58 25 11 166 2.71 3 Cooperative:Uncooperative 24 74 45 17 8 168 2.47 4 Improving:Regressing 18 61 51 24 13 167 2.72 Accessible to persons with 5 disabilities:Inaccessible to 28 74 40 20 3 165 2.37 persons with disabilities Positive for people who identify as lesiban, gay, bisexual, or 6 transgender:Negative for 31 73 53 8 1 166 2.25 people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender Positive for people of my faith/spiritual 7 practice:Negative for 27 50 68 15 6 166 2.54 people of my faith/spiritual practice Positive for non-native English speakers:Negative 8 17 43 58 44 6 168 2.88 for non-native English speakers Positive for people who are 9 immigrants:Not positive for 18 48 60 34 6 166 2.77 people who are immigrants Positive for international 10 people:Not positive for 21 56 50 34 7 168 2.70 international people 11 Welcoming:Non-welcoming 35 60 46 23 4 168 2.41 12 Respectful:Disrespectful 37 68 41 12 10 168 2.35 Positive for people who are raising children:Not 13 37 60 53 10 7 167 2.34 positive for peole who are raising children Positive for people of low socioeconomic status:Not 14 29 52 67 17 3 168 2.48 positive for people of low socioeconomic status Positive for my racial 15 background:Negative for 66 46 46 8 2 168 2.01 my racial background Positive for my ethnic 16 background:Negative for 63 44 47 9 5 168 2.10 my ethnic background 1 5 2.24 1.03 1 5 2.71 1.19 1 5 2.47 1.03 1 5 2.72 1.18 1 5 2.37 0.93 1 5 2.25 0.70 1 5 2.54 0.98 1 5 2.88 1.06 1 5 2.77 1.03 1 5 2.70 1.12 1 5 2.41 1.08 1 5 2.35 1.17 1 5 2.34 1.05 1 5 2.48 0.91 1 5 2.01 0.97 1 5 2.10 1.13 1.02 1.09 1.01 1.09 0.96 0.83 0.99 1.03 1.01 1.06 1.04 1.08 1.02 0.95 0.98 1.06 168 166 168 167 165 166 166 168 166 168 168 168 167 168 168 168 Page 10 of 14 68 58 64 23 24 28 152 156 159 3.63 3.48 3.60 52 14 135 3.50 60 26 148 3.70 55 23 148 3.55 55 19 145 3.50 53 20 151 3.36 55 13 148 3.41 62 24 149 3.64 65 32 142 3.87 1 5 3.60 0.98 1 5 3.50 0.68 1 5 3.70 0.70 1 5 3.55 0.88 1 5 3.50 0.82 1 5 3.36 1.11 1 5 3.41 0.75 1 5 3.64 0.78 1 5 3.87 0.67 0.92 1.02 0.99 0.83 0.84 0.94 0.91 1.05 0.86 0.89 0.82 152 156 159 135 148 148 145 151 148 149 142 19. There is visible leadership to foster diversity/inclusion on campus from: Neither Strongly # Question Disagree Agree nor Agree Disagree Disagree 1 Faculty 6 15 25 83 Senior 2 13 31 34 53 Administration 3 Students 5 25 42 58 4 Support Staff 8 20 40 59 5 UW System 3 16 47 46 Statistic Faculty Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses 1 5 3.76 1.01 Senior Administration 1 5 3.29 1.44 1.01 163 Race Gender 1 5 3.48 1.04 Parental status Ethnicity Sexual orientation Veterans/ac tive military Mean Religion/spi ritual status Total Responses Physical disability status Strongly Agree Age Learning disability status Agree 1 5 3.63 0.85 Statistic Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses Marital/part ner status 18. The workplace climate is welcoming for employees based on their: Neither Strongly # Question Disagree Agree nor Disagree Disagree 1 Age 4 11 46 2 Ethnicity 6 19 49 3 Gender 5 15 47 Learning 4 2 9 58 disability status Marital/partner 5 1 7 54 status 6 Parental status 3 14 53 Physical 7 2 16 53 disability status 8 Race 7 25 46 Religion/spiritual 9 4 12 64 status Sexual 10 3 8 52 orientation Veterans/active 11 1 4 40 military Strongly Agree Total Responses Mean 34 163 3.76 25 156 3.29 21 17 20 151 144 132 3.43 3.40 3.48 Students Support Staff UW System 1 5 3.43 1.06 1 5 3.40 1.09 1 5 3.48 0.94 1.20 1.03 1.05 0.97 156 151 144 132 20. Have you taken or taught any courses at UW-Stout? # Answer 1 Yes 2 No Total Response 160 6 166 Page 11 of 14 % 96% 4% 100% Statistic Country of origin Culture Ethnicity Mental health status Gender Gender identity Gender expressio n Immigrant status Learning disability status Physical characteri stics Physical disability status Race Religion/s piritual status Sexual orientatio n Socioeco nomic status Veterans/ active military 21. The courses I have taken or have taught at UW-Stout include materials, perspectives and/or experiences of people based on their: Neither Strongly Strongly Total # Question Disagree Agree nor Agree Mean Disagree Agree Responses Disagree 1 Country of origin 16 18 21 66 26 147 3.46 2 Culture 16 9 14 68 42 149 3.74 3 Ethnicity 16 12 23 64 33 148 3.58 Mental health 4 21 30 45 30 19 145 2.97 status 5 Gender 16 13 25 55 38 147 3.59 6 Gender identity 19 26 35 37 28 145 3.20 Gender 7 19 29 36 34 27 145 3.14 expression Immigrant 8 18 26 50 33 15 142 3.01 status Learning 9 18 28 37 39 23 145 3.14 disability status Physical 10 22 23 41 33 23 142 3.08 characteristics Physical 11 19 25 36 38 25 143 3.17 disability status 12 Race 19 13 27 57 34 150 3.49 Religion/spiritual 13 20 17 38 53 16 144 3.19 status Sexual 14 20 21 38 42 26 147 3.22 orientation Socioeconomic 15 19 14 26 52 35 146 3.48 status Veterans/active 16 21 25 46 38 11 141 2.95 military Min Value Max Value Mean Variance Standard Deviation Total Responses 1 5 3.46 1.51 1 5 3.74 1.53 1 5 3.58 1.51 1 5 2.97 1.53 1 5 3.59 1.60 1 5 3.20 1.70 1 5 3.14 1.69 1 5 3.01 1.35 1 5 3.14 1.58 1 5 3.08 1.67 1 5 3.17 1.65 1 5 3.49 1.65 1 5 3.19 1.46 1 5 3.22 1.64 1 5 3.48 1.71 1 5 2.95 1.36 1.23 1.24 1.23 1.24 1.27 1.30 1.30 1.16 1.26 1.29 1.29 1.28 1.21 1.28 1.31 1.17 147 149 148 145 147 145 145 142 145 142 143 150 144 147 146 141 22. I feel that university leadership (Chancellor/Provost) supports a positive campus climate. # Answer Response 1 Yes 124 4 No 41 Total 165 % 75% 25% 100% 23. I feel that there are avenues to address my concerns. # Answer 1 Yes 2 No Total Response 114 54 168 % 68% 32% 100% 24. I feel that my concerns are taken seriously. # Answer 1 Not at all seriously 2 Somewhat seriously 3 Seriously 4 Very Seriously Total Response 26 73 46 18 163 % 16% 45% 28% 11% 100% Page 12 of 14 25. Please indicate your sex/gender: # Answer 1 Female 2 Male 3 Intersex 4 Transgender Alternative identity (please 5 specify) Total 26. Please indicate your race (choose one or more): # Answer 1 African American or Black American Indian or Alaska 2 Native (please specify tribal affiliation) Native Hawaiian/Pacific 3 Islander 4 Cambodian 5 Hmong 6 Laotian 7 Vietnamese 8 Other Asian (please specify) 9 White 10 Other Response 80 83 0 0 % 48% 50% 0% 0% 3 2% 166 100% Response 4 % 2% 0 0% 3 2% 0 0 0 0 12 139 10 0% 0% 0% 0% 7% 85% 6% 27. Please indicate your ethnicity: Are you of Hispanic or Latino/a origin? # Answer Response 1 No 150 2 Yes, Cuban 0 3 Yes, Puerto Rican 1 Yes, Mexican American or 4 0 Chicano/a 5 Yes, Other 7 Total 158 28. Which term best describes your sexual orientation? # Answer 1 Bisexual 2 Gay 3 Heterosexual 4 Lesbian 5 Queer 6 Questioning 7 Other (please specify) Total 29. What is your current parental status? (Mark all that apply) # Answer 1 No children 2 Single parent Co-parent with a 4 partner/spouse Other (e.g., expectant 5 partner, adoption pending) 3 Pregnant % 95% 0% 1% 0% 4% 100% Response 5 4 139 1 1 1 6 157 % 3% 3% 89% 1% 1% 1% 4% 100% Response 57 13 % 36% 8% 78 49% 11 7% 2 1% Page 13 of 14 30. Do you experience barriers on campus as a result of having a disability? If so, what is the disability? (Mark all that apply) # Answer Response % 1 No Disability 135 87% 2 Mobility 6 4% Sensory (deaf/hard of 3 0 0% hearing, visual) 4 Learning (dyslexia) 1 1% Mental Health (anxiety, 5 6 4% depression, bi-polar) 6 Autism Spectrum 0 0% 7 ADD/ADHD 5 3% 8 Chronic Health 2 1% 9 Other (please specify) 6 4% 31. Are you an international faculty / staff? # Answer 1 Yes 2 No Total 32. What is your primary status at UW-Stout? # Answer 1 Classified Unclassified: Faculty 2 (Associate, Assistant, and Professor) Unclassified: Academic Staff 3 (instructional and professional) Limited Term Employment 4 (LTE) Limited Appointment 5 (Administrators) Total 33. Please indicate your UW-Stout Division: # Answer 7 Chancellor's Division Administrative and Student 6 Life Services Academic and Student 5 Affairs (other than colleges) 3 College of Management College of Arts, Humanities 1 & Social Sciences College of Science, 4 Technology, Engineering and Mathematics College of Education, Health 2 & Human Sciences Total Response 20 145 165 % 12% 88% 100% Response 0 % 0% 169 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 169 100% Response 0 % 0% 2 1% 5 3% 26 16% 40 25% 43 27% 46 28% 162 100% Page 14 of 14 Attachment 6 Committees at the University of Wisconsin-Stout Contents Governance Bodies p. 1 Faculty Senate Committees p. 2 Senate of Academic Staff Committees p. 4 University Committees p. 6 2014 GOVERNANCE BODIES GOVERNANCE BODIES REPRESENT FACULTY AND ACADEMIC STAFF IN POLICY AND GOVERNANCE FACULTY SENATE Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty SENATE OF ACADEMIC STAFF (SAS) Term: 2 years Eligibility: Academic Staff 1 FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEES FACULTY SENATE COMMITTEES CONDUCT BUSINESS ON ISSUES RELATING TO FACULTY AND UNIVERSITY CURRICULUM. THESE COMMITTEES ACT ON CHARGES FROM THE FACULTY SENATE AND REPORT TO THAT BODY. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE (CIC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The CIC is a joint committee with the Senate of Academic staff and reviews, develops, and recommends policy and guidelines regarding curriculum to the Faculty Senate and approve or disapprove requests for new courses, course revisions, new programs, program revisions, major and sub-major academic programs, minors, concentrations, professional development certificates, and specializations. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (EAC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The EAC is a joint committee with the Senate of Academic staff and reviews and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding policy related to educational activities including: undergraduate admissions standards, academic calendar, opening week activities, workload, class size, undergraduate grading, attendance, pre-registration, undergraduate enrollment/student status, student concerns, and other responsibilities as directed by the Faculty Senate. FINANCE COMMITTEE (FC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty The FC reviews, monitors, evaluates, and recommends policy, procedures, and guidelines for budget development and decision-making and is accountable to the Faculty Senate as its representative from the faculty, which has consultative responsibility to make recommendations which affect the allocation of resources. GENERAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE (GEC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty The GEC reviews, develops, and recommends policy and standards regarding general education to the Faculty Senate; acts on requests regarding the inclusion of courses in the list of general education courses; and participates constructively in assessment of education and advisement as they relate to general education at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. 2 GRADUATE EDUCATION COMMITTEE (GREC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty The GREC reviews, develops, and recommends policy and standards regarding graduate education to the Faculty Senate; acts on requests regarding the approval of graduate faculty members; acts on requests regarding the approval of new or revised graduate-level courses and graduate degree programs, and have representation on both the Curriculum and Instruction Committee and the Planning and Review Committee; participates in the assessment and review of graduate education across campus, has representation on the Planning and Review Committee; and participates in the promotion of graduate education across campus. PERSONNEL POLICIES COMMITTEE (PPC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty The PPC reviews and makes recommendations on personnel matters, including but not limited to: personnel rules, salary guidelines, promotion guidelines; positive action guidelines, faculty and staff development, sabbatical leave guidelines, tenure/post-tenure review, work related issues, and other charges as determined by Faculty Senate or Faculty Senate Executive Committee. PLANNING AND REVIEW COMMITTEE (PRC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The PRC is a joint committee with the Senate of Academic staff and reviews the information regarding the UW-Stout academic plan provided by the Provost’s Office during each academic year; reviews entitlements to plan and recommends to the Faculty Senate approval or rejection of such plans; reviews the procedure and policies in the program audit and review process; receives and reacts to communications from the Faculty Senate or the Senate Executive Committee; reviews and considers the collected program audit information which shall be provided by the Office of Budget Planning and Analysis; and reviews all undergraduate and graduate degree programs on a seven-year schedule and forwards its findings, stipulations, suggestions, and observations to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. RACIAL AND ETHNIC STUDIES AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE CURRICULUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RES/GPC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The RES/GPC reviews UW System standards to develop and recommend UW-Stout policy and standards regarding the ethnic studies (ES) requirement to the Curriculum and Instruction Committee (CIC), and to recommend approval or disapproval of courses to be included in the list of ES courses. The committee will be accountable to the CIC. 3 SENATE OF ACADEMIC STAFF COMMITTEES SENATE OF ACADEMIC STAFF COMMITTEES CONDUCT BUSINESS ON ISSUES RELATING TO INSTRUCTIONAL AND NON-INSTRUCTIONAL ACADEMIC STAFF. THESE COMMITTEES ACT ON CHARGES FROM THE SENATE OF ACADEMIC STAFF AND REPORT TO THAT BODY. CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE (CIC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The CIC is a joint committee with the Senate of Academic staff and reviews, develops, and recommends policy and guidelines regarding curriculum to the Faculty Senate and approve or disapprove requests for new courses, course revisions, new programs, program revisions, major and sub-major academic programs, minors, concentrations, professional development certificates, and specializations. EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (EAC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The EAC is a joint committee with the Senate of Academic staff and reviews and makes recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding policy related to educational activities including: undergraduate admissions standards, academic calendar, opening week activities, workload, class size, undergraduate grading, attendance, pre-registration, undergraduate enrollment/student status, student concerns, and other responsibilities as directed by the Faculty Senate. PLANNING AND REVIEW COMMITTEE (PRC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The PRC is a joint committee with the Senate of Academic staff and reviews the information regarding the UW-Stout academic plan provided by the Provost’s Office during each academic year; reviews entitlements to plan and recommends to the Faculty Senate approval or rejection of such plans; reviews the procedure and policies in the program audit and review process; receives and reacts to communications from the Faculty Senate or the Senate Executive Committee; reviews and considers the collected program audit information which shall be provided by the Office of Budget Planning and Analysis; and reviews all undergraduate and graduate degree programs on a seven-year schedule and forwards its findings, stipulations, suggestions, and observations to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee. RACIAL AND ETHNIC STUDIES AND GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE CURRICULUM ADVISORY COMMITTEE (RES/GPC) Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff 4 The RES/GPC is a joint committee with the Senate of Academic staff and reviews UW System standards to develop and recommend UW-Stout policy and standards regarding the ethnic studies (ES) requirement to the Curriculum and Instruction Committee (CIC), and to recommend approval or disapproval of courses to be included in the list of ES courses. The committee will be accountable to the CIC. SENATE OF ACADEMIC STAFF ELECTION COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Academic Staff The Academic Staff Elections Committee is responsible for the following: 1. Conducting elections of senators and senate chair to the Senate in the spring of each year according to procedures outlined in the Senate of Academic Staff Bylaws. 2. Arbitrating disputes in all elections. 3. Conducting special elections and performing related activities upon request of the Senate Chair. 4. Recommending changes to Senate election procedures. 5. Reviewing proposed changes from the Senate and providing feedback on proposed changes. SENATE OF ACADEMIC STAFF PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Academic Staff The Academic Staff Personnel Committee is responsible for the following: 1. Review requests for exceptions to two-year contracts and make recommendations to the Provost concerning the adequacy of the rationale as specified in UW-Stout 10.03(1)(b). 2. Consult with a probationary staff member who wishes to resign his/her probationary appointment to accept a fixed term appointment with different duties [UW-Stout 10.03(2)(a)]. 3. Act as a hearing body for the nonrenewal of probationary academic staff appointments following the procedures specified in UW-Stout 10.04(1). 4. Act as the hearing body for cases involving dismissal for cause of indefinite academic staff appointees following procedures specified in UW-Stout 11.05. 5. Consult with Chancellor when the decision to lay off for reasons of budget or program changes is considered (UW-Stout 12.01). 6. Act as the hearing body for the review of layoffs for reasons of program or budget for academic staff members with indefinite appointments as specified in UW-Stout 12.4 and 12.05. 7. Act as the hearing body for the review of layoffs for reasons of program or budget for academic staff members with fixed term or probationary appointments as specified in UW-Stout 12.05 and 12.06. (Nonrenewal is NOT a layoff under this section). SENATE OF ACADEMIC STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Academic Staff The Academic Staff Professional Development Committee is responsible for evaluating the professional development grant proposals for the joint faculty and academic staff Faculty and Academic Staff Professional Development Grants Review Committee and report those evaluations to the Provost's Office. The Academic Staff Professional Development Committee shall be responsible for other matters referred to the committee by the Senate of Academic Staff. 5 UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES EXPLORE A WIDE VARIETY OF CAMPUS ISSUES, INCLUDING CAMPUS EVENTS, HEALTH AND WELLNESS, TECHNOLOGY ACCESS TO LEARNING COMMITTEE Term: 1 year Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Access to Learning Committee obtains requests from departments related to laboratory access, work experience programs, childcare access and course fees to provide additional access and resources for our “hands on, minds on” educational environment; reviews past expenditure reports and projected revenues for upcoming fiscal year; reviews outcome indicators, surveys and reports to assure effective use of funds; and reviews requests and make recommendations for the use of the 5% tuition differential to the Chancellor. ALL UNIVERSITY PROMOTION COMMITTEE Term: 1 year Eligibility: Faculty (Associate Professor or Full Professor) The All University Promotion Committee reviews Promotion applications received from the respective colleges on campus. The committee's recommendations are forwarded, along with the applications of those recommended plus previous committees' action, to the Chancellor. The time frame for completing the task is from the beginning of December until the end of January. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Americans with Disabilities Committee reviews complaints regarding non-compliance with Title II of the ADA and Section 504 and make recommendations to sponsors and conducts a biennial review to assess the university's compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This is to include facilities accessibility; web/electronic resources accessibility; procedures for providing reasonable accommodations; and accessible parking and transportation. CAMPUS EXTERIORS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Campus Exteriors Development Committee reviews and recommends for approval campus exterior plans i.e. landscaping, parking and campus boundary plans; reviews and recommends for approval ad hoc outdoor signage and other element requests against the campus master plan design guidelines; and receives and disseminates information on campus exterior development projects. CAMPUS WIDE ENERGY COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff This committee recommends the implementation of policies, procedures and projects to the Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Student Life Services aimed at impacting the institutional energy 6 consumption including issues that might touch on institutional and individual behaviors on the consumption of energy CHANCELLOR’S COALITION ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Chancellor’s Coalition on Alcohol and Drugs promotes a safe and healthy learning environment that encourages responsible and legal choices for alcohol and other drug use. The Committee's goals are to decrease high-risk alcohol consumption (binge drinking, frequency of drinking, etc.); decrease other drug abuse; decrease negative consequences to self, others and property – related to AOD use and abuse; promote safe, healthy, responsible and legal choices related to AOD use and abuse; and represents UWStout as a campus that actively endorses the above values and norms. CHANCELLOR’S INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Chancellor’s Intercollegiate Athletic Advisory Committee annually reviews compliance issues and makes recommendations on appropriate actions to be taken; reviews policies governing athletics for possible recommendations; reviews any changes, compliance issues, or policy issues; reviews and recommends how issues surrounding athletics is shared with the campus; provides a feedback mechanism for faculty, academic staff, classified staff, and students on athletics or issues related to athletic; reviews, discusses, and recommends how the university supports the Division III philosophy to the campus, community, and state. Other issues or activities that relate to or affect the athletic programs at UW-Stout. DIVERSITY LEADERSHIP TEAM Term: 1 year Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Diversity Leadership Team is responsible for developing the Inclusive Excellence action plan using a participatory process, keeping it current, and ensuring completion of all tasks on the plan by: updating the UW-Stout Inclusive Excellence plan annually using a participative process; ensuring completion of Inclusive Excellence goals and action items; providing a 6-month and year-end progress update to the Chancellor; and addressing any gaps identified through the planning process. EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT UNIT REVIEW COMMITTEE Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Educational Support Unit Review Committee reviews all educational support units every 7 years and uses a model similar to the PRC. In response to changing university needs and in order to facilitate continuous improvement support for academic programming, the purpose of ESURC is to examine services and processes, provide feedback, and encourage continued planning within educational support units. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES IN EDUCATION (EOE) COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action Committee reviews survey data (i.e. climate surveys, exit surveys) to identify trends or emerging issues of concern and provides recommendations for action; provides input on annual Affirmative Action Plan and annual report to UW System; provides 7 updates to university councils regarding Affirmative Action Plans and Sexual Harassment Prevention Training programs; provides input on related UW-Stout policies; and provides input on sexual harassment prevention training and delivery methods. EXCEPTIONS TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL COMMITTEE Term: 3 Semesters Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The committee acts on requests for exceptions to Graduate Policy (excluding load limit) and makes recommendations to the Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor on requests from students for exceptions to Graduate Policy (see 8.0). The Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellor officially approves or denies the request from the students. FACULTY AND ACADEMIC STAFF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT GRANTS REVIEW COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Faculty and Academic Staff Professional Development Grants Review Committee meets twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall, to review any grants submitted. The committee also electronically review the “Just-in-time Grants” in September. HALL OF HEROES PROJECT COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff Provide final plans for development of the Hall of Heroes in MSC to recognize those Stout students who died while in military service to the United States of America JANUARY OPENING WEEK PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Term: 1 year Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The January Opening-Week Professional Development Committee plans on-campus professional development activities and programs for faculty, academic staff, and classified staff for Spring; and makes recommendations to the Provost regarding professional development programming. MEMORIALS AND HONORS COMMITTEE Term: 3 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Memorials and Honors Committee solicits and reviews Honorary Doctorate Degree nomination materials and recommending nominees; develops, reviews, and recommends actions regarding memorials, honors, awards, and recognition; develops, reviews, and recommends actions regarding academic regalia and ceremonial garments; develops, reviews, and recommends actions regarding use of bells and flags; develops, reviews, and recommends actions regarding naming of campus facilities, grounds, and physical memorials; and develops, reviews, and recommends actions regarding ceremonial events. PARKING ADVISORY BOARD Term: ongoing Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff 8 The Parking Advisory Board incorporates the advice and counsel of university governance groups into campus parking regulation decisions and practices; discusses and offers advice on established and recommended parking regulations; and reviews appeals of parking citations and recommends action. POSITIVE ACTION, ETHICS AND COMPETITION REVIEW COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Positive Action, Ethics and Competition Review Committee hears grievances and complaints and makes recommendations; provides advice and counsel regarding code of ethics; and provides consultation relating to competition with the private sector. SABBATICAL LEAVE REVIEW COMMITTEE Term: 3 years Eligibility: Tenured Faculty The Sabbatical Appointment Committee ranks eligible applicants for sabbatical by determining the length of the applicant's service at the University of Wisconsin-Stout without a break; the significance of the applicant's contributions to teaching at the University of Wisconsin-Stout; the significance of the applicant's contribution to service, research, and scholarly activity; the relationship of proposal to the applicant's professional development; the potential for successful pursuit of sabbatical project as demonstrated by the applicant's past performance; and the potential contribution of sabbatical project to the pursuit of knowledge in the applicant's field. SAFETY AND WORKERS COMPENSATION COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Safety and Workers Compensation Committee promotes safety communication and training throughout the campus; provides an opportunity for the discussion of health and safety problems, preventative measures, and possible solutions; and reviews safety inspection reports and appropriate information on workplace accidents and injuries. STOUT ALUMNI ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Stout Alumni Association Board of Directors provides current students and alumni with information, opportunities and services which create and foster a sense of community and embraces the mission of UW-Stout and the Stout University Foundation. STOUT FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Stout University Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit 501 C(3) corporation which was founded as an independent corporation in 1962 and is governed by a board of directors. This governing body includes alumni, friends of the university, business and industry leaders. The Foundation resources support the present and future needs of UW-Stout. Currently, the funds provide the scholarships, grants, faculty development, research resources, professorships, and chairs for the university. STOUT STUDENT TECHNOLOGY FEE COMMITTEE Term: 1 year 9 Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Stout Student Technology Fee Committee reviews plans for the allocation of the Student Technology Fee. This committee is an advisory to the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designee. Plans developed for the allocation of the Student Technology Fee shall be consistent with the campus IT Plan and the campus overall strategic plan. If there are major changes in STF plans during the year, the new plans shall be reviewed by the Committee. Furthermore, any significant changes in STF plans for fixed costs, especially personnel expenses, from one year to the next, must consider potential contractual obligations/implications. The Committee establishes a specific accounting tracking mechanism for STF allocations as well as provide an annual report of expenditures to student government. STRATEGIC PLANNING GROUP (SPG) Term: 1 year Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Strategic Planning Group (SPG) develops and deploys a strategic plan for UW-Stout incorporating the values of participation, communication, and data-driven, outcome-based results. The SPG reviews and renews the mission, vision, and values of the university; conducts stakeholder visioning; develops longrange goals; creates action plans to accomplish the goals; develops and monitors performance indicators; and periodically reviews progress. STUDENT CENTERS ADVISORY COMMITTEE Term: 1 year Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Student Centers Advisory Committee provides guidance, advice, direction and support to the direction of the programs, services and facilities of the Memorial Student Center and Merle M. Price Commons. The committee is advisory to the Director in matters relating to the mission, guidelines, budget and capital planning. The committee will be an important link between the centers and the university community in identifying and responding to the needs and interests of students, faculty and staff. STUDENT DISCIPLINARY HEARING COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Student Disciplinary Hearing Committee is established in state law (UWS Ch. 14 and UWS Ch. 17) to hear appeals from students who disagree with the sanction imposed by the Campus Investigative Officer (for non-academic Misconduct) or Faculty/Instructor (for Academic Misconduct). The committee will usually consist of one faculty member, one academic staff, and two students selected from a pool appointed by the appropriate governance groups. The hearing may continue even if one of these members is absent. A Hearing Examiner appointed by the Chancellor will chair the committee. While a process based in state law, hearings are not courtrooms so a lesser burden of proof is required and more relaxed rules of evidence apply. The hearing itself is usually limited to one hour or less, followed by closed session deliberation by the committee. If the committee determines that the misconduct occurred, they have full authority to either uphold the sanction, lessen the sanction, or in some cases raise the sanction. SUSTAINABLE STEERING COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff Environmental Sustainability Steering Committee (Same as Sustainable Steering Committee?) The Environmental Sustainability Steering Committee provides oversight and recommendations for an environmental sustainability action plan for UW-Stout. This includes: proposing strategies to move 10 toward sustainable campus operations in accordance with the American College & University President’s Climate Commitment mandates; encouraging the incorporation of sustainability into the curriculum; assisting with sustainability-related community outreach; providing oversight and recommendations regarding the Sustainability website; providing oversight and recommendations regarding sustainability policies to be considered for university adoption; and assisting in increasing public awareness and participation in the plan. This plan will be recommended in whole or in part to the committee sponsor for action by the Chancellor and Chancellor’s Advisory Council. When identifying sustainability strategies, the steering committee should consider how they fit into the following areas: strategies within the university’s control and immediately achievable, strategies within the university’s control and achievable in the long term, strategies outside the university’s control and deserving of advocacy. TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty (Must be Tenured) The Termination of Employment Committee conducts reviews of nonrenewal decisions according to section 3.08 of the Personnel Rules for Faculty. It also shall be the duty of the committee to conduct hearings for dismissal cases according to chapter 4.0 and to hear cases involving layoff and termination for reasons of financial emergency according to chapter 5.0 of the Personnel Rules for Faculty. UNIVERSITY MARSHALL Term: 5 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff (Based on Seniority) The duties of University Marshal shall be to serve as the chief protocol officer of the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Stout at ceremonial academic events, such as inaugurations and commencements. These duties shall be fulfilled through activities such as the carrying of the University Mace while leading academic processions, and serving as a consultant on matters of academic protocol to various individuals and groups planning such ceremonial events. The duties of the Assistant Marshals shall be to assist the University Marshal in fulfilling their duties and to substitute for the University Marshal as needed. WEBSITE OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Term: 1 year Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Website Oversight Committee will approve permanent additions or changes to the university home page, approve changes to the Web Publishing Standards, and interpret the Web Policy and Web Publishing Standards when questions or issues arise that are not included in those documents. WELLNESS COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff The Wellness Committee, gathers information and makes recommendations to the Vice Chancellor for Administrative and Student Life Services relative to employee well-being and optimal health programming at UW-Stout; works with UW-Stout employees to implement programs; assesses needs, plans events, coordinates events, advertises, participates and gathers feedback for optimal health programming. WOMEN’S ISSUES COMMITTEE Term: 2 years Eligibility: Faculty or Academic Staff 11 The Women’s Issues Committee coordinates participation in women’s mentoring programs; coordinates campus participation in UW System Women’s Initiatives and in Wisconsin Women in Higher Education Leadership (WWHEL); identifies strategies for career flexibility for faculty and staff at various career stages: early career, mid-career, late career; and reviews results of the Campus Climate survey (administered in January 2011) and make recommendations for improvement. 12 FACULTY SENATE DASHBOARD FOR 2014-2015 Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good) , Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started) Charges/Other Staff Responsible Request Approved by FS Results or Recommendation Presented to FS Final Recommendation Approved by FS Recommendation Approved by Chancellor Recommendation Implemented Draft or Recommendation Presented to FS Final Recommendation Approved by FS Recommendation Approved by Chancellor Policy Added to Website Recommendation Approved by Chancellor Recommendation Implemented Recommendation Approved by Chancellor Recommendation Implemented Action Items to be sent to Diversity Leadership Team by 10/15/14 Campus Climate Survey Review Policies Charge Requested Attachment 7 Staff Responsible Policy Requested Request Approved by FS Glenda Jones 8/22/2012 8/22/2013 All-University Policies Sexual Harrassment Policy 91-53 Advertising by Establishments that Serve Alcohol (new process) Ideentiy & Publication Standard Policy #90-52 Gregory Bard DRAFT Due 9/29/2014 Submitted Nagesh Shinde - 9/23/14 Non-All-University Policies Standing Committee Work DRAFT DUE 11/29/2013 Staff Responsible Task Start Request Approved by FS Results or Recommendation Presented to FS Final Recommendation Approved by FS Professorships Timeline, Application, Marketing Plan Update Credit Hour Policy Academic Calendar 2014-2015 & 2015-2016 Sabbatical Recommendations for 2015-16 Professorships Recommendations Promotion Timeline 2015-2016 Sabbatical Timeline 2014-2015 for 2015-2016 Tenure Timeline 2015-2016 Sabbatical Application Review University Committee Work EAC Graduate ceremony on Friday night? Sabb.Leave.Rev. Started Budget Model Review Committee (102 allocation model) - Phil Lyons University of Wisconsin - Stout Confidential Deadline for app. Is 9/26/14 Bryan Beamer, PPC Bryan Beamer, PPC Bryan Beamer, PPC Deadline for app. Is 9/26/14 Bryan Beamer, PPC Staff Responsible Engagement Session - Admission Requirements (new charge issued 5/28/2014 by Chancellor) Engagement Session - Emerging Research Institution changed to "Applied Research Institution" Due 05/30/2015 EAC Task Start Progress Report DUE to SPG January 2015 Request Approved by FS Final Recommendation Approved by FS DUE May 22, 2015 Charged to Provost Forrest Schultz & Stephen Salm Results or Recommendation Presented to FS DUE 5/16/2014 10/18/2013 DUE 12/30/2013 9/23/2014 Page 1 FACULTY SENATE DASHBOARD FOR 2014-2015 Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good) , Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started) Elections All University Promotion Committee Fall Elections - Professorship, Senators, Standing Committees & University Committees Spring Elections - Senators, Standing Committees, University Committees Confirm Elections Communicate Call for Nominations Needed - Request list Upcoming Elections from HR 8/12/2014 8/1/2014 Done 9/10/2014 Due 10/1/2014 Due 10/10/2014 Send Congratulations Letters Distribute Ballots Collect Ballots Count Ballots 8/27/2014 Done 9/5/2014 Done 9/9/2014 Sent 9/11/14 Due 11/17/2014 Due 12/5/2014 Due 12/8/2014 Due 12/17/2014 NOTES/LEGEND: (1) Request dates are typically during FS Executive Meetings, otherwise on regular FS Meeting dates or closest date (2) Status Indicator Colors: Green (Good), Yellow (Minor Issues), Red (Major Issues), Gray (Complete), no color (not yet started) (3) Approved All-University policies – policies that either already exist as university policies (on this website: or policies that the Chancellor has indicated University of Wisconsin - Stout Confidential 9/23/2014 Page 2 Faculty Senate University of Wisconsin-Stout P.O. Box 790 Menomonie, WI 54751-0790 715/232-1789 715/232-2590 (fax) Attachment 8 Date: September 23, 2014 To: Bryan Beamer, Chair, Faculty Senate Personnel Policies Committee From: Petre Nelu Ghenciu, Chair, Faculty Senate Subject: Committee Charge In an effort to provide clarification regarding eligibility for promotion, I am charging the Senate Personnel Policies Committee (PPC) with reviewing and possibly recommending an update to the following document from the Faculty/Academic Staff/Limited Appointees Handbook: CHAPTER IIIB - PERSONNEL RULES FOR FACULTY Promotion: Educational Preparation and Experience.......................................................... 125 More specifically the committee is charged with exploring the possibility of expending the list of degrees that are being considered as terminal degrees in the section below that includes the MFA. Professor A person may be promoted to the rank of professor if he/she has the following qualifications: • Educational preparation code 1; or MFA; AND • At least seven years of teaching and/or relevant work experience, and five years completed at the rank of associate professor at UW-Stout at the time of application; • While activities from the last five years are considered most important, persons applying for promotion to FULL PROFESSOR may include significant activities from earlier years. I would request that the recommendation be based on broad input solicited from appropriate stakeholders and should include a rationale for the decision including a listing of the identified pros and cons and a report on the committee's degree of consensus on the recommendation. I am requesting that the committee provide a report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee by the January 20th, 2015 Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting. Attachment 9 Faculty Senate University of Wisconsin-Stout P.O. Box 790 Menomonie, WI 54751-0790 715/232-1789 715/232-2590 (fax) Date: September 23, 2014 To: Bryan Beamer, Chair, Faculty Senate Personnel Policies Committee From: Petre Nelu Ghenciu, Chair, Faculty Senate Subject: Committee Charge In an effort to create a fair and expedite process for selecting the faculty members to serve on administrative hiring committees such as the Chancellor Search and Screen Committee, I am charging the Senate Personnel Policies Committee (PPC) with exploring and recommending a selection process that will allow for fair representation across colleges and departments. I would request the recommendation be based on broad input solicited from appropriate stakeholders involved such as UW-Stout faculty and administration. I am requesting that the committee provide a report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee by the February 17th, 2015 Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting. Faculty Senate University of Wisconsin-Stout P.O. Box 790 Menomonie, WI 54751-0790 715/232-1789 715/232-2590 (fax) Attachment 10 Date: September 23, 2014 To: Bryan Beamer, Chair, Faculty Senate Personnel Policies Committee From: Petre Nelu Ghenciu, Chair, Faculty Senate Subject: Committee Charge In recognition of the increasing need for keeping our handbook up to date, I am charging the Senate Personnel Policies Committee (PPC) with exploring and possibly recommending an update to the due date/dates for the submission of the performance objectives to be incorporated into the appropriate section or sections of the Faculty Handbook. I would request that the recommendation be based on broad input solicited from appropriate stakeholders such as UW-Stout faculty, department chairs, and deans. I am requesting that the committee provide a final report to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee by the November 4th, 2014 Faculty Senate Executive Committee meeting.