w;iii *i i" jfljr tii. iIu; by £TKESIS submitted to in partial fulfillment of the requirients for the degree of MASTER OF SCIERCE June 1959 Redacted for Privacy Head of Department of Vtsh extd Game Management In Charge of Major Redacted for Privacy Mi,nin of School Griduate Cnittie Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis i presented J7 Typed by Barbara Jean Metzger 1/ / 2 s 7 Deep appreciation is felt and +herks are due my wife, June, for encouragement, prel4iinary typing, and manuscript review. Thanls are due Mr. Arthur S Etnarsen, Leaer, Oregon Cooperstive Wildlife Research Uflit, for making it possible for me to conduct the studr, for research consultation, and for the review of this paper. For critically reviewing this paper, assistance fran the following people is greatly appreciated: Mr. R. E1 Dimick, Head, Dept. of Fish and Geme Management, Oregon State College. Dr. D. W. liedrick, Associate Professor, Range Management, Oregon State College. Mr. Richard S. Driscoll, Instructor, Range )'wagement, Oregon State College. Mr. Williem C. Ltghtfoot, Assistant Leader, Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, Oregon State College. Mr. Jane. D. Toska, Range Manager, Bureau of Land. Management, Vale, Oregon. Help in collecting field data vas also appreciated. Mr. Lee Kuhn, Associate Professor, Dept. of Fish and Gane Z'aragement, Oregon 8tate College. For collecting field data, the assistance fran Bruce Wyatt, Carl Anderson, Harry Wagner, and Laurie Leonards, Graduate Research Assistants with Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, was greatly appreciated. Thcnks are due Dr. C E. Poulton, Aøsociate Professor, Range )Iwegement, Oregon State College, for consultation and advice on my graduate progran. . ....... . ......s ........ .. Page . . 1 IN!BTXON . . . . . . . . . . . . . LITEELEBEVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nutriticr . . . . . . . . . . Migrations . . Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 6 7 5 aISaSS. 5*S 3.0 . IBE RE8EARABE& . . . . . . . ..... . Topogr.b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . . LoggingActivities . . .. 11 . . . Vegetation . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . 11. . . . Ani3nalSpecies ..... 16 Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ..... . . . . . . . . MEHODSANBPROCEDURES NatritioneiStudy. . . . Trackc*ser'vationa . . Night 8potlight Sasples . FOOD NUTRITION a Histozy . . a . . a a . . . ...... . ..... . Dy1ight (eervation Sasples DE . ........... ....... . . . . . . . MB*TIONS . . Ristoz7 . Fell, 1955 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S . . . . . . . . . . DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 22 .. 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 . 35 35 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . ...... 39 . . . . . . . . . E3qosure-Vegetation ...aasa Elevation . . . . . . Age of Logged Openings . . . Spring4.Sae1er, 1956.. as...... Discussion . . a , 30 . S55 . . . . . Cc*nparison of Light Inten ities . . ...a.. ..... 27 Ccauparison of Elevations . . . . ..,..... 27 I.a.aSI5s ... 27 . Coxnpariscn of Eosures Discussion . 18 18 . a a 140 . 144 . . . . 144 . . I4 . 148 a 50 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a a a ....... ......, 148 Noctuimal Activities Availeb3..e Water . a LoggingActivity .. ...a..... Discussion . . . . . . . . . GENERLDISCSIONANDcOLTEIONS . . a . . a . . a S I I I S S I a . a a . . REOc*O4ENDATIONS FC% FtTIE SNART . BIBLIXRAPR! S S S S . . . . . . STTfl I S a S 5 5 . . . a a a . . . . . e . . a . a . . a 53. a . a 55 59 . 61 a . 64 A ai Page 1. 2. 3. H. J. Mdrevs Experimental Forest with inset showing the approximate location in Oregon . . Map of the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest showing logged Units and roads . e . Slope eapect preference of deer in the B. J. AndrowsExperimentalForest, 1956...... 6. 7. . Aerial photograph showing a staggered setting syste of logging in the H. J. Andreve Experimental Forest. Photo courtesy of U. S. Forest Service . . . 12 . 13 1I . *mber of deer observed on various dates during night spotlight samples, 1956 and 1957 . . . 5. . . . . 0IS Elevation preference of deer in the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, 1956 and 1957 . . . . . . . . . The age of logged units in relation to deer use shown frun night spotlight samples, 1956 and 1957 . . Iii 4s £: Table 1. Page Species list of plants sp1ed for nutritional en-alysis 2. 3. 14., . . . . . . . . . , 7. . . . . . . 18 . . 28 . 31 Crude protein .s1ee taken at two elevations and on two separate dates on a north slope at the sane approxinate stage of vegetative deve1oent, 1956 . Ccaiparison of percent crude protein in plants frciu a north and south slope and fron logged and . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Comparison of percent crude protein in plants fx logged areas on a north and south exposure andontvodates. 6. . CcEparison ut percent crude protein in plants at two elevations on north slope logged areas, 1955 oanopied.areas, June15, 1956 . 5 . . August, 2956.... . . . . . . 32 Copsrison of percent crude protein in plants between logged end canopied areas at low elevations on north exposures, 1956 . . . . . . . . . 33 Availnble deer browse in logged units . . . . 38 . . . . . I _$Ji# (')I An investigation concerting the influence of logging practices on Co1mbian black-tailed deer, Odocoileus henionus coluebienus (Richardson), (17, p. 799), was conducted during the period July 25, 1955, to Septenber 12, 1957, on the H. 3. Andrews xper1mental Forest, Blue River, Oregon (Figure 1). The main objectives were to detereine migrational habits, distributional patterns and site preferences of deer, and to evaluate the suitability of habitat changes in the area for deer. A nutritional project on deer browse, using percent crude protein as a criterion, related quality to exposure, season, elevation, and light intensity. This program vu activated in en attenpt to learn the influence, if any, the nutritious), value, as indexed by crude protein content, has on deer movenents and distribution. Such information would be valuable to the technician in managing deer populations. Obserationa and sampling work on deer migrational patterns, population trends, movenents within the research area, elevation and slope preference, seasonal habits, and the effects of food availability on population movements to and from the forest were also included. Newly logged areas have rnmerically increased in Oregon and in the whole Pacific Northwest. It is known that deer generally favor new openings which are in different stages of plant succession. Since many of these timbered areas have been and will be cut in the Cascade mountains under the sustained yield plan of forest managemerit, it would be advantageous to the g&e manager to understand the vegetative potential of this region for supporting deer. Will the study area end similar lands support large populations of deer? Will support be seasonal, with these populations being pushed down into agricultural areas of corEtlict during the severe winter mouths? These questions should be answered in order to effectively manage Colanbian black-tailed deer in this area. This investigation marked the beginnft*g of a projected long- term research program which was designed to find answers to these questions. The program was mostly of an observational nature since it was believed that important information could be collected by this method regarding the natural selection, reaction, and preference of deer as they were influenced by logging activities. Research was conducted under the auspices of the Oregon Coop- erative Wildlife Research Unit1, directed by Mr. Arthur S. Einareen, biologist of the United States Pish and Wildlife Service end leader of the Unit. 1Agrlculturel Research Foundation, Oregon Game Caxauission, Oregon State College, Wildlife Managament Institute, and United States Fish and Wildlife Service cooperating. 3 The majority of Co1snbian black-tailed deer studies have been conducted in areas where climate was not severe enough to necessitate deer migrations between definite winter and atminer ranges. There was an abundance of literature pertaining to the non-migratory or typical populations of deer, but very little pertaining to migratory herds. Pertinent literature concerning both migratory and non.qnigrator3r deer herds was surveyed. Also reviewed was other literature directly related to the study. Nutrition Many investigators who have studied the nutritional variations of deer forage plants have used basically the following method: samples were taken fran the current growth of plants, ovenuudried, and then i"e1yzed to deteimine percent crude protein. This was done by employing the methods of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (1). Only those portions of the current year's growth which were normally taken by the animal were used in analysis. Biseell and Strong (2, p. 146) recognized the importance of individual plant variations in protein content. individual plants may vary as much as 3) percent. They stated that For this reason they collected twigs fran as many plants as possible for each species sampled. : Hundley (lii, p. 16, 17) collected samples of deer browse at two-month intervals and made an attempt to correlate these results with soils This investigator also determined moisture content for browse species. In addition to crude protein and moisture, he determined the phosphorus content, ether extract, ash, crude fiber, and nitrogen-free extract of the species studied.. Swank (22, p. 3, ), in testing Arizona chaparral browse species for nutritive content, clipped. portions of the current twig growth on four dates during the year in order to determine the seasonal levels of flUtritiOfle Sanpies were taken on burned. and nonburned. areas to determine differences, if any, of protein levels. A mlnhinw of ten plants were used for each sample to control variance within species. Hagen (10, p. 166, 173, 17Z1) sampled deer browse species frcmi sumner end winter ranges to determine seasonal levels of nutrition. Samples consisted of the terminal two inches of current growth frc*n several plants The Association of Official Agricultural Chemists' method of analysis was used. Hagen also stated: "Chemical *nalysis of samples of deer forage plants show marked differences in ecinposition of the various species There are also great differences between the chemical ccsnposition of the forage plants utilized by the deer during the rnaer, and those plants utilized by the deer during the winter. The most significant contrast between 'good' sad 'poor' forage species seem to be in crude protein content. Plants preferred by the deer and generally considered the best forage on the basis of range evaluation prove to be consistently high in protein, while the 'emergency' or 'stuffing' feeds are low in protein. Differences in fat and mineral content est end may have a bearing on palatability and general nutritive value, but seam to be less Important than protein content." Bissell end Strong (2, p. 1145, 1146) chose crude protein as a primary ind.tcator of the nutritional value of deer browse for the following reasons: "(1) Most American feeding standards for domestic rain.nts are based upon the exude protein content of the feed, and thus, the benefits of the vast literature on livestock feeding may be utilized. (2) Protein is the foodstuff most important for maintenance and for growth. (3) The crude fiber content of plants is extremely important in influencing the digestibility of crude protein and in supplying energy through its own breakdown into soluble oarbc&iydratee. However, the crude fiber determination was considered too lengthy to be applied to the large nueber of plant sanples being evaluated. (14) Total ash. is a meaningless figure in deer nutrition, although useful in the economics of commercial feed production. (5) Fat content of plants as a rule is very low in the plant structures which deer cc*mncnly eat, and the izripor. tones of tat in rtmiinant nutrition appears to be of little significance in their case. "It certainly is true that the approach may be oversimplified, since the ca1oimi/phospborue ratio, vitemin content, obscure growth factors, and specific sinino acids or fatty acids in various plants actually may be ltiniting factors in deer nutrition." Biawell, Taber, Hedrick, and Schultz (3, p. 1463), working in California, recognized the importance of deer food palatability in relation to vegetative areas which are influenced by different environmental factors They stated: "While the whole question of nutrition has not yet been thoroughly explored, there is evidence to indicate that the opened brush and the heavy brush may be compared for annual diet in the following manner: In the opened brush, the deer have available an excellent diet during four months of the year, foraging on abimdant herbs end new sprouts (February.. May), a good diet for another four months (November, December, January, June) when some green herbs are available and sprouts are still growing in the spring and early ameer, and a poor diet during the renaming four months (July.. October) when the herbs are dry and the browse plants are more or lees dormant. In the heavy brush the deer have access to an excellent diet only two months of the year (April, Mar) when the brush is growing rapidly, a good diet during two months (March and June) when there is sxme shrub growth, and a poor diet for eight months (July.. February) when there is little growth and the shrub. are largely dormant. In a wils.ttire burn the enount of succulent browse available in winter depends on when the area burned. If the fire is very late in the season there will be practically no crown sprouting until the following spring." Biseell and Strong (2, p. 1511), Swank (22, p. 13), and others found that protein content was highest at the beginning of the growing season, dropped during the season, and leveled off at a seasonal low during dormancy. Migrations Three basic ecological factors have been recognized as influenc.. ing migrations: 1) food and water reuirenments; conditions; and 3) 2) adverse climatic production and: rearing of young (11, p. 2142). Very little information has been published concernTh migrations of the Co1anbian black-tailed deer. Jones (15, p. 5), who carried out studies in Washington frcu 19149 through 1953, stated: "Records indicate that during the winter when there are snowstomms the deer move off the high open hillsides to the lowlands for protective cover, returning to their hce sites when the snow and winter storms abate." The Oregon State Gene Cciizission (20, p. 2) indicated that aX- though winter concentrations are not cmon, they do occur in sane areas. ft Lindzey (16, p. 25), while studying the Coli.unbiazi black-tailed deer in western Oregon during 19112, found the following to be true: "The Oregon range has both migratory and nonmigratory black-tailed deer, dependent upon topography and weather conditions The more eastern deer migrate up and down the western slopes of the Cascade iiountains, while the deer resident in the coast range of Oregon sel&*n make any movement even resesnbling this migration. The spring migration in the Cascades might be described aS more of an infiltration, since the return to higher elevations is gradual. The fall migration is a definite movement, probably in direct response to climatic stimuli. Cot ñnan (6, p 15) noted the following habits of the blacktailed deer in California: "With the heavy snows on the higher ranges, the deer descend to the lower elevations and during the winter feed on such bunchgrass and. browse as is available, utilizing moss, mistletoe and branches broken off by snow where the more palatable fonns of forage are available. "As the snows melt away they follow the snow line back to the higher ranges and during May and June scatter out through the mountains." Distribution The Coltmbian black-tailed deer generally prefer diversified habitats, containing edges, protective cover, and openings, together with abundant food, water, and moderate weather conditions. These conditions are typified in the Douglas-fir area of western Oregon where logging operations have been and still are extensive. Cahalane (11, p. 112), speaking of the Colmbian black-tailed deer on the west coast of North Mzerica, recognized burned and logged areas as ideal deer habitat. Trippensee (23, p. 189), speaking of deer in general, gave the following intonustion on deer habitat: "Although both the white-tail and the black-tailed deer are classed as forest inhabitants, neither prefers nor subsists well in stands of old-growth timber; both attain their greatest abundance under conditions of cover characterized by a diversity of types and age classes, which include a small representation of non-forested land and considerable areas of dense young stands and brush1an. . . .. .the ideal is cnpoeed predo&nantly of young age classes, and only in regions of extensive lumbering operations, recent in origin, are these preferred conditions to be encountered.. The Oregon State Geme Caimaission (19, p. 1; 20, p. 2), Jones (15, p. ii.), and Lindsey (16, p. 55) all agreed that logged-over areas are ideal habitat for the Columbian black-tailed deer. The period of time logged areas remain in favorable successional stages for deer use is an extremely important factor to consider. Trippensee (23, p. 189), again speaking of deer habitat in general, brought this out in the following statement: "Even in extensive recently cutover areas such preferred environmental habitat cannot be maintained longer than the dictates of. natural succession pennit." Cowan (7, p. 605) in 1956, referring to the general habitat of Columbian black-tailed deer on the vest coast of North America, stated that block cutting in Douglas-fir and hemlock forests produce an excellent diversified habitat where deer populations can thrive and shift as logged blocks grow up and new ones ccmae into being. Cowan also stated (7, p. 606) that the relationship between elevation snd the cycle of logging operations was of major importance when considering the continuation of deer populations He said that high elevation logging areas where snows drive deer out would not increase or sustain deer but that low, snow-free areas were of major inportance. 10 Lookout Creek Drainage is a small 15,000-acre watershed tributary to the Blue River, which is in tiErn a tributary to the McKenzie River of Oregon. In 19148 the complete drainage of this creek was set aside by the Pacific Northwest Forest and Range £xperiment Station as a laboratory for testing logging methods, reforestation, and water- shed manegneat on a c*mmercial scale. This area, which lies within the WiUette National Forest, was named the 'H. J. Mdrews Eperimental Forest." Approximately two-thirds of the drainage is covered by a 1400-year-old stand of Douglas-fir, Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Freuco, timber which is representative of the old-growth forests in the Cascade Mountain Range of Oregon. Topography Lookout drainage is in the general shape of a triangle with the apex (pointing west) at the mouth of the stream. It ranges in eleva. tion from 11400 feet at its mouth, to 5250 feet at its northeast terminus, end 5300 feet at Lookout Mountain near the Southeastern corner of the drainage. Lookout Mountain. McRae Creeks. Lookout Creek heads on the north side of Two main tributaries run into Lookout, Mack and Mack heads on the south side of Lookout Mountain and. McRae beads at the northeast corner of the drainage. MoRse is separated from Lookout Creek besdvatere by a low ridge dropping down into the center of the drainage (Figure 1). U In general, the eer2n3ezita1 forest i* a steep drainage with 60 to 70 percent north slopes being ccson. South e1ces are, on the average, more gentle. There is eons rolling and level tqpo- graphy on bath slopes at the lower elevations. Logging Activities Logging began under the staggered setting systen (Figure 2) in May, 1950, with a long term plan in view. A m11 rnsiber of units have been logged each year. Pram a total of forty-one to date, twentyseven were used for sampling work. They range in size tram 0.7 to 70.5 acres and have been labeled with rnmbera and letters for identification (Figure 3) Logging was carried out on both north and south elopes and at elevations of frau 1500 to 1OO feet. Tractor logging was conducted on slopes averaging tram 5 to 20 per- cent to the landings and high lead lagging was used on slopes averaging tram 20 to 80 percent to the landings AU units were slash burned after logging bad been campleted. The vegetation of Lookout Creek Drainage is associated 'with sixty to one-hundred inches of precipitation, approximately seventy. five percent of 'which falls between November and April. Very dry conditions prevail throughout the einer months The dontnant cover CARPENTER MT. EUG ZZEL PT. Figure 1. H. J. Andrews xperimenta1 Forest with inset showing the approxiruate location in Oregon. I0 13 Figure 2. Aerial photQgraph showiri a stcered settiri ystein of logging in the H. J. Axicirews perirenta1 Forest. Photo courtesy of the u. s. Forest service. Fizre ap cL th I. i. ixLrw3 :e1LentLj Foret Jow1r. Ioca units xu LZG5. 15 consists of Douglas.fir with western red-cedar, Thuja plicata Donn., and western hemlock, Tauga heterophylla (Rat.) Sarg., scattered The trpica1 underatozy consists of vine maple, Acer throughout. circinat Pursh.; Pacific yew, Texus Gau]theria ShelTon brevifol.ia Mutt.; salal, Pursh.; sword fern, Polystichum munit (Kault.) Preel ; huckleberry, Vaccinium app ; and wild blackberry, Rubus vitifolius C. & 8., (21). The vegetation in the logged-over areas consists of the residusi climax and inveiiing serel species cwon to the west slope of the Cascade. The more cancn species are Bigleat Maple included in the following list: Vine Maple Acer macrophyUmi Pursh ireinat Pursh Willow 8a3ix Dogwood Connie Nutteiji nd. endron mac c'phyllum D. Don Sembucu. app. California Hazel Rhododendron Elderberx7 8.1*1 Hairy )4anzanita Sticky Laurel Blue Blosso. Huckleberry Blackberry Thibleberry Western Blackcap Sword Fern ftreweed Hedge Nettle oiy1us californica (A.Dc.) Rose app. Gaultheria Sh1ion Artostaphylo. coltcnbisnus Piper Ceanothus velutinus Dougi. C. thyrsiflorus Each. Vaccinium app. Rubue vitifolius C. & S. Rubus parviflorus Mutt. Rubus leucodermis Doug]... Pol.y.ticbum zunitum (Kailt.) Preal. Epilobiieu angustifoljvn L. ! Pp. During the greatest seasonal period of deer use, between June end September, low and medium elevation north slope unit, are presently characterized by extensive and dense stands of fireweed, abundant vine maple scattered throughout, scattered elderberry, end a spotty profusion Of wild blackberry vine.. The fireveed gexe these units the appearance of having a permanerkt dense vegetative cover. However, after the firmed died back in the fall, the units showed a very low percent vegetative cover. High elevation and south slope units were characterized by en open and sparse vegetative cover throughout the year. Animal Seciea Sane of the more important znas (17) and birds (9) found in the H. J. Andrews Eperimenta1 Forest are included in the following list: Maamals Co1nbion black-tailed deer Black beer Cougar Bobcat Coyote Raccoon Weasel Mink Beaver Porcupine Birds Sooty grouse Butted grouse Mountain quail Band-tail pigeon Mourning dove Wood duck Odocoileus hamionus co1mbianus (Richai3sài) Euarctos americanus altifrontalis (fll4otJ Felis concolor oregonensis Rat. z rufus psUescens Merriam Canis ).atrans impajaensis Jackson Prvayon lotor pa,if ions Merriam Mustela app. )ustela visou aestuarina Grinnell Castor osnadinais pificus Rhoads Erethizon dorsatum epixanthum Brandt Dendregspus tuliginosus (Bidgwey) Bcnssa umbellus sebini (Douglas) Oreortyx pótap.1áer Oberholser Columba fascists tàaiiats Say Zenaithira ascroura (Woo Aix aonaa (Ltnnaeue) 17 Weather Lookout Creek drainage i in a transitional zone between the high Cascade mountains and the WiUette Valley. erratic between years and i1thiu years. The weather was Heavy snows and cold teeperatures occurred during the last half of November and the first of December, 1955. By the end of December, most of the snow had been melted by heavy rains. Heavy snows occurred again in January, 1956, and deep snow persisted until April when it began melting. The upper north-slope units were not clear of snow until late May. 18 Methods and procedures used in this investigation wer developed to facilitate the saupling of a deer population which inhabited a relatively email range (15,000 acres) characterized by extremes in elevation, exposure, and topography. The staggered setting system of logging used in the research area greatly influenced the development of study techniques. Nutritio'a1 Study Vegetative swplea trce thirteen plant species were coflected and analyzed for percent crude protein content (Table 1). Personnel from the Oregon State College Agricultural Chemistry Department made the crude protein deten*inations by using the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists' method of analysis (1). T*L$ 1 Species list of plants sempled for nutritional analysis 1. 2 3. I, 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Vine Maple Western Red-Cedar Sticky Laurel Hairy Mauzanita Sp1sl Wild Blackberry Thimbl.eberry Salmonberry Huckleberry Elderberry Giant Fireweed Hedge Nettle Sword Tern Acer ciroinatus Pursh ThujFa plicata Donn. Ceanothus Ve1utnus Doug11 Aretoit,phIos co1zbiana Piper Gaultheria 3halTi Rubus vitifilius C. & 8 Rebus parviflorile Nutt Rubui spectabiUs Pursh .pp. * spp. us anguatifolis L. isoni Piper cIu minixtus (lCault.) Preel. Nutritional sanpl.es were taken frai' two elevations on the north slope: 1,500 end li,000 feet, end two elevations on the south slope: 1,500 and 2,500 feet. These coilectiozie were taken in logged units end in a&jacent timbered areas having reduced light. of the current year's growth were used. Only clippings Siples were taken at the se locations and in the se maimer on August 15 end October 15, 1955, end on January 15 end June 15, 1956, on the north elope and on June 1 end June 15, 1956, on the south slope. The study was expended in August, 1956, to include samples taken fr*u both north end south slopes at different times and various elevations. After having received the analysis reports on the first year's samples, it was apparent that a test was needed to determine whether differences in percent crude protein content were produced only by a differential in seasonal plant deve1oent between elevations aud between north and south slopes or whether differences were caused by other factors also. Reilmers (12, p. 32k), Einaxaen (8, p. 311), klagen (10, p. 17k), Bissell and Strong (2, p. 15k), and others who worked in different geographic end climatic areas reported that, in general, protein content was highest in spring growth and lowest during the dormant months. Prom general observations, it is known that plants, within the same species, at different elevations begin spring growth at different times. Plants at hh elevations begin growth later in the spring than plants at lover elevations because of cold. tamperaturea ant delayed snow melt. Also, south elopes where higher tamperatures develop earlier in the year than north slopes at a given elevation, end with all other factors being equs], begin plant growth earlier in the spring than north slopes. Samples were collected at staggered tine intervals between low and high elevations and between north and south slopes in an atteept to collect plant species in the same developnental stage at .13. locations. Following the guide range mwiagers use of 100 feet in elevation being equivalent to one day later in beginzuiiig of spring growth (13, p. 7), samples begi'ing August 9 were collected at 1,500 feet, and thirty-four days after the first samples at feet. Nine days were added at the high elevation to ccsenaate for the delay of spring vegetation growth due to late spring snow packs. Having no guide for making sample collections in relation to exposure, a nine- day interval ws arbitrarily selected. Southuslope samples were collected on August 1, 1956, end. north-slope samples were taken August 10, 1956. Tra.c Observations A track observation method was employed during the spring, late sauner, and fall periods when deer were moving into and out of the research area. Road banks were checked fron the tine snow conditions would pex,nit deer entry in the spring until the date deer tracks were 21 observed in all logged units, and again during the fell months when deer began to leave the forest. Roads were cut through logged units in such a aaIer that deer must cross them while feeding through the units. In this way an estimation couLd be made of the yearly period of deer use. Daylight Observation Samples Early moz'1ng observation samples were taken during the late simmer of 1955, and simmer and fall of 1956 to study deer activity. Samples beginning at daylight and continuing for approimately two hours were conducted by traveling over roads through logged units. A short period was used for sampling as it was thought that deer activity would be greatest at that time and that the activity would be ccmparable between units for only a short time. It would be questionable whether movement could be ccmpared. between a sample which was taken at daylight in one logged unit and one which was taken three, four, or five hours later in another logged unit. Observational samples were obtained by stopping at strategic locations and studying the entire unit with the aid of 7 x 50 binoc.. ulars. Then the unit wee traversed by walking fri bottom to top. Deer were counted and, whenever possible, notes were taken pertaining to sexes, estimated ages, general conditions, feeding activities, and locations in the logged unit. After a unit was covered in this manner, the investigator proceeded to the next unit. The one d.tsadvantage apparent in this method was the relatively small smomt of area that could be covered in one apltng period. Night spotlight deer snp1ee were taken during the stsmer of 1955, the swaner and fall of 1956, end the swaner of 1957. During 1955, a smell xnznber of imita were eanpied each night until all were swnpled over a period of four nights. The units were separated into groups, rnenbere one, two, three, and five, according to the date they were logged. The first group was logged in 1950, and the others were logged in successive years with the last group being cut in 1954.55. One cxsnp3.ete ae3nple of all the units was taken during the susmer of 1955. In 1956 it was decided to 1'wge the procedure by taking a srp1e including all units each iigbt and by taking eeveral swnples during the rnmer. This modification of the previous method was found to be more satisfactory for the following reasons: (1) Time taken to ssxple the total area was reduced to a mininnai. Time spent in traveling fron headquarters to the observe- tional area end back was decreased to less than one-fourth the time previously taken. (2) Count duplications were for the most pert eliminated. Since the logged units were scattered throughout the area, it was improbable that a recorded deer would move to an adjacent unit ahead of the observers. 23 (3) A more accurate detennination could be made of the relationship of deer movements to individual units, elevations, and slopes, and the relationship between deer movements and seasonal changes. Samples could have indicated a general population shift or movement throughout the entire study area, whereas taking samples in only a few units each night might not have, if movements had been of short duration. venty..seven units were sampled each night for twenty between August September 12, 6 and October 10, 1957, 1956. nights Between June 28 and eight samples were taken. These all-unit samples were obtained during the hours of maxintmi darkness. They began at approximately 9:00 p.m. each night and tenninated at varying times depending upon the number of deer seen. The minimum time spent in one night was a two*bour period when no deer were observed; and the maxLmt time spent totaled five and one..half hours when øixty deer were observed. Approximately sixty miles of roads were traveled each night, approzlately thirty miles of which were utilized in actual spotlighting. The road system in each unit was very advantageous to sampling fr spotlight a vehicle. Virtually .11 parts of each of the twenty- seven unite sampled were visible f rem seme point along roads in timber corridors were sampled while driving the road. All between units. This method employed the use of a vehicle, preferably a pickup, ver and assistant, a spotlight, and binoculars. The assistant, 2I either seated on the right front seat or standing in the pickup bed, used the spotlight to pick up deer.eye reflections. If an observa- tion was made while the vehicle was moving, the driver stopped and assisted by attempting, with 7 X 50 binoculars, to identify the deer as to sex, nber of antler points, spproxLmate age, genera]. physical condition, and whether it was feeding or bedded down. The vehicle was driven steadily at a low speed until a strategically located observation point was reached in a given unit. Stops were made between observation points only if deer were spotted. The spotlight was used in the following maimer: while the vehicle was under way, the passenger swept the visible area using short, fast, horizontal, flipping motions of the light and gradually working it up and down the slopes fran the roadside to the limit of the unit or to the effective limit of the light 'b.ile pert oniing this operation, either the passenger whistled or the driver inter. mittently honked the vehicle born to draw the attention of the deer. With the deer facing the observers, eye reflection was very easily seen even with the light moving very fast. At strategic locations, the vehicle was stopped and the accessible area was searched thoroughly with the light. The spotlight used in this study during the s*mmier and fell of 1955 consisted, externally, of a large headlight type case with a pistol grip attached at the base, an off-on switch just above, and a 15-foot cord extending fran the handle to the tex'1ne1s on the vehicle's battery. Intern13,y it consisted of a large reflector and * ccn spotlight bulb, all enclosed by a front glass cover such as in early-day car headlanpe. The spotlight used during the siner and fall of 1956, and rnier of 1957, consisted of a six-volt sealed-bean unit with a bakelite pistol grip, an on-off switch just above, end a cord approx- imately twenty feet long reaching fran the base of the pistol grip to the battery terMinals. This spotlight was cam3ercially designated by the iity Manu1acturing Oceipany as a six-volt, sealed-bean, portable marine searchlight, rated at approxImately 95,000 candle-power. An evaluation of the two spotlights could be made only by canparing their perfonnance. The bulb type unit used during 1955, by canperison, was bulkier and. heavier then the portable marine search.. light. It projected a wider bean and a maxi projection through canparatively dust-free air of approxLmately 200 yards. The sealedbean unit, characterized by a very concentrated beam, projected light through canparatively dust-free sir for approximately 350 yards. These are epproximate maximum distances .t which reflection fran deereyes could be detected with the naked eye, not the distance at which details were visible. The ability to detect auixele and anla1 detai)s at night was extremely variable and dependent on two major factors: (1) the amount of dust and foreign material in the air which reduced the effective distance of light penetration; and (2) the degree of angle to the ground surface on which the deer was standing. There vu difficulty in detecting details at asxLmum distances when the spotlight been was projected parallel to the ground surface, parti-. cularly where there was a shrub layer varying in height. The reflection of light fron the ground and/or shrubbery, end the resulting general diffusion of light along the path of the beam that resulted made it difficult at short distances eM at times impossible at long distances to detect antlers. When projecting the spotlight fron a road to a point across a draw or canyon, which wee generally the case in the U. J. Andrews Experimental Forest, the light beam was at an angle to the ground, which eliminated most reflection and diffusion except in the 1e-. diate vicinity of the deer. Sune difficulty vu experienced in detezining the presence of antlers because of bright eye reflection. At distances varying from under 100 yez'd.e to the effective limit of the spotlight, reflection would occasionally block the ears and antlers from sight if the deer were directly facing the observer. Also, the amsller the antlers, the less reflection it took to block tham out. After use and comparison of both spotlights, the Unity marine searchlight was recended as the better of the two for night spotlight sampling work. 27 *:i)opift (!iJ History Ntmerous studies have been undertaken to ascertain the food quality of big ge forage plants. However, the majority of these inquiries have shown only seasonal or average nutritional levels without attpting to correlate thea with the physical environment in which plants are found. This correlation should be important in the nansgeaent of wild animals that inhabit areas which exhibit axtrese topogrsthioa1, and hence environmental, charges. In the Cascade Mountain Range of Oregon, deer prefer and con. centrate in open or logged areas. With increased logging in this mountainous region, large acreages are being cleared which will increase deer habitat. In order to effectively mwege these areas for deer, it would be desirable to collect infonnatiou on plant nutritional quality as it relates to elevation, exposure, and light intensity changes. This infoiation should be valuable to the geae manager in determining areas of high plant nutritional potential and tn manipulating populations accordingly. Conparison of Elevations In 1955, low and high elevation samples were taken an the eeae dates (August 15, and again on October 15) to establish the differenoes in stage of plant development between elevations (Table 2). I '1AKE 2. Capsrison of percent crude protein in pleat. at tWo elevaticns on north..slope 1oed areas, 1955. 4* flay. Difference October 15 Low Elev. flyo Difference U15 23.00 +1285 1329 21JO +7.81 E]Aezterry 114.63 22.10 + 7.1i7 10.20 20.00 +9.80 Wild Blackberry 10.20 13.95 + 3.75 10.18 11.79 +1.61 8.08 11.30 4 3.22 9.15 9.55 40f1$O Thimblaberry 10.85 13.15 +2.30 7.50 16.714 Vine Maple 11.55 10.65 0.95 10.05 11.50 7.60 8.85 .1.25 øpscies August 15 low E]ev. Pireveed Sword Tern Stickr lmurel Hi& - 41.145 Low elevation samples showed lover protein levels then did high elevation samples in every- case except one which was the vine maple sample taken on August 15, 1955, ithen crude protein content was less by- 0.95 percent. The data iriitely show a difference j\ plant development between elevations. Thiring 1956, north-slope low and high elevation samples were taken on staggered dates, August 9 aM September 12, respectively, in an attempt to sample plants at the same stage of vegetative development. If stage of development was the only factor influencing protein levels, the samples should show no over-aU difference in quality. Table 3 shows three low elevation samples having the highest protein content and four samples having lover protein levels. No general differences in protein levels were shown between eleva- tions, which indicated that plants were in the same general stage of development. ççparison of On June 15, 1956, both south and north-slope samples were taken in open and canopied areas to check on the difference in stage of plant development. AU sam:ples taken on north..slope open areas shoved higher levels of protein than did those on the south slope except for salel which was 0.73 percent lower. Samples which indi- cated a consistently higher level of protein on the north slope showed that the north-slope vegetation was in an earlier stage of seasonal develcaent (Table Ii). Than samples fr south and north slopes were taken on staggered dates, August 1 and August 9, 1956, respectively, in an attampt to sample vegetation on both slopes in the same stage of develapsent. Samples listed in Table 5 showed no consistent slope differences, which indicated e3.1 plants were in the same general stage of deve1qeent. Intensities Samples were taken in logged areas and adjacent areas of reduced light to determine what influence light reduction had on protein levels of browse plants. and June 15, 1956. Clippings were taken on January 15, During the growing season in June, no consistent difference was shown between open areas and areas of filtered light. However, during the dormant season in January, samples showed consistently lower protein content in samples fr areas of reduced light, except for one sample of salal which was 0.31 percent higher (Table 6). Discussion In. the Blue River region of Oregon, vegetation on south slopes began growth earlier in the spring than did north-slope vegetation. The new growth might have drawn deer onto south slopes while northslope vegetation was still in a dormant state. 31 TABLE 3. Crude protein sples taken at two elevations and on two separate dates on a north slope, at the s.n* epprodzste stage of vegetative develo.ent. Low 31ev. Aug. 9 RiaJi 31ev. Elderberry 11.72 19.02 +7.30 Sword Peru 7.35 9.75 +2.140 Vine Maple 9.35 lLk7 42.12 Thizb3.eberry 9.30 10.15 +0.85 Hairy Menzenita 6.07 5.70 -.0.37 111.13 12.95 -1.18 8.95 7.08 -1.87 Species Fireveed Wild Blackberry Sept. 12 Difference TABLE II. Ccaiparison of percent crude protein in plants fr a north and south slope and from logged and canopied areas, Jwe 15, 1956. Open Differenc. N. S. Elderberry 28.30 25.25 - 3.05 Fireveed* 29.1k 17.26 -11.88 Sword Fern 21.146 16.211 Vine Maple 111.13 Wild Blackberry Selal. Species Canopied Difference N. S. 311.03 19.90 .111.13 - 5.22 18.23 lii.O6 - 11.17 10.55 - 3.58 ili.61 9.23 - 5.38 18.16 111.411 - 3.72 18.99 15.11 - 3.88 15.96 13.68 - 2.28 15.10 15.83 + 073 * Does not grow in canopied areas. TA3I 5. Czparison of percent crude protein in plants frcin logged areas on a north and. south exposure and on two dates. August, 1956. August 9 August 1 N. S. Difference 9.02 11.67 +2.65 Elderberry 11.72 13.22 +1.50 Sword Peru 7.35 8.73 +1.33 liairj Msnzanita 6.07 6.35 +0.28 Vine )4eple 9.35 9.145 +0.10 Wild Blackberry 8.95 9.00 +005 Salal 5.95 5.90 -0.05 Western Red-Cedar 8.18 6.53 -1.65 114.13 10.13 .14Qt) pcies Stieki Laurel Fireveed lit Differ.. June 15 January 15 Differ-. 9 p Elderberry 28.30 31i.03 +5.73 WidB1wkberry 18.16 18.99 +0.83 8.39 8.32 1.95 +0.21 5.57 1,88 Western Red-Cedar 1#,71 - Vine M1e 1.13 111.61 +0.138 --.- --.- Huckleberry 12.19 12.12 .0.07 --- --.- Hedge Nettle 20.93 21.07 4.0.111 --. Sa3s1 15.96 15.10 -0.86 625 11.83 -.-- 5.70 14.133 le.139 k.8o 10.011 6.30 $1 Sword Fern 21.136 18.23 -.3.23 U K --- .nce 8.88 5. 7.33. 5.97 -0.07 - .1.27 -3. -1. A) 35 1 History The H. J. Andreve Experimental Forest was virtually covered by mature Douglas.! ir before logging began. It was poorly suited for large deer populations because of a lack of openings and adequate food. The best habitat available near this drainage was the nwerous high mountain meadova situated along its northern and eastern boundaries, several old openings along the south edge of the watershed which had been timbered but were cut in 191,6, end two large burns that ran frza the Mckenzie River valley to the south edge of the research area. One of the burns occurred in 1937 end the other in l948.199. All of these units had deer populations before portions of the H Andrews Experimental Forest were cut. J. According to Wusteuberg (211), who carried out studies in the research area in 1951-52, the drainage itself bad very few deer. The main deer population was limited to the high opera ngs mentioned previously. 28, 1953, to Septeuber J4 stud.y of wildlife. Morse (18) spent fxuu July 1953, in the research territory on a general During his period of work, he observed a tote]. of only nine deer in the drainage. Chew (5) spent the stser of 19514 in the seue locale studying wildlife. During the general course of dail.y investigations frcn JUne 18 through Septeuber 6, he made 142 deer observations in the lover elevations, tr 1,1100 to 2,750 feet. Although sampling was not consistent during the first few years of logging operations, the iofoxmation does indicate a steady increase of deer as openings were produced. Pa11 1955 When research began August 1, out the forest. 1955, deer were scattered through- Tracks were observed in all logged patches and on high mountain trails around the edge of the watershed. From general observations it was noted that tracks were more rnerous on low elevation north-slope openings. These sites were characterized during the simer months by a dense cover of fireveed which afforded much better protection than did vegetation on higher, younger, or south- slope units. Most of the fireweed plants had dried to the point of being unavnilable for deer food by October l Most other perennial food plants were still ava1ahle. During Septamber a gradual decrease in deer said deer tracks was noticed. During the last part of Septenber, early morning observations were made to determine the whereabouts of the deer population. No deer were seen and only an occasional track was encountered. Neither deer tracks nor animftls were observed moving out of the mouth of the drainage to indicate a prenature migration to the low elevation wintering areas. Deer seamed to become wary during Septamber and October and were seldom seen although a wt&l number of tracks were observed at all 37 elevations. During the lest half of October and Novber, deer tracks were observed only in the upper elevations (3,000 to lê,000 reet) on the north slope. No tracks were observed on the south slope. Snow began falling in the upper elevations on October 26 and increased to a depth of approximately 15 to 20 inches by Noveeber 16. By the ae date, snow at low elevations had. reached a depth of twelve inches. Deer renaii ng in the area began a concentrated downward moveaent on Noveeber 3.7 which decreased to a few stragglers by November 22. Tracks of deer were observed coning out of the timber along the Creek last two mile. of Lookout drainage and moving down to the Blue River and Mc1Gnzie River valleys. deer was observed movent, a aaxiaisn of 22 sisiple of all logged units present. deer During the rner preceding this in one night's spotlight This was only a portion of the deer At the time of fail migration, tracks of only eight to ten were observed leading fron which suemered in the study area. The remain1'g deer Lookout drainage were not accounted for. During the migration period, most of the deciduous food plants were in a dormant state. Wild blackberry, salel, and sword fern foliage was present although covered with snow (Table 7). Bare twigs of vine maple and California hazel were noted as being browsed lightly. TABLE 7. Available deer browse in logged units. 11ev. 9, 1955 pecies Bare Ground Nov. 16, 12" to 1955 snow )" Wild Blackberry Abundant Abundant Salal Caon Ccsnon - covered Sword 7ern Con Con - covered Vine Maple Couon Bare twigs Willow Ccmimon Bare twigs Elderberry Scarce Bare twigs Sticky Laurel Scarce Scarce Huckleberry Scarce Bare Twigs covered p Observations indicated that plant doiinancy which decreased the amount of available forage, and heavy snows which covered the bulk of available deer food were instrisnental in effecting an abrupt downward deer migration. At the same time, a concentration of deer tracks was noted leading down fr the Blue River drainage proper. This obser.- vation substantiated the conclusion that an abrupt deer migration occurred in the whole Blue River region. No deer were observed wintering in the study area. The upper limit of the deer wintering range was observed to be the mouth of Lookout Creek drainage at an elevation of about 1,300 feet. 8pring - 8ter, 1956 Observational deer surveys were begun April 15 in anticipation of deer moveeente into the research area. Logged units end road cut.. banks were checked by track survey. for the occurrence of deer. Fresh tracks were first observed in south slope unite 3-A, 3-B, and 3-C, on May 8, but none were found in the remaining units on this date. This earliest aninial movement coincided with the beginning of spring plant growth on the low elevation south slopes. The deer slowly filtered into the other available clearings, end tracks were observed in all openings by May 28. Approximately ) days were required for the deer to spread throughout Lookout Creek drainage. They moved a distance of six airline miles fran the upper limit of their wintering grounds to the logged unit farthest fran the drainage mouth. As a group, the deer traveled roughly three-tenths of en airline wile a days this indicated a very gradual infiltration into sa=er quarters. Fran tracks observed during May, there appeared to be very few animals in the area although all logged units had been visited by deer. Night spotlight deer enples taken during the .ers of 1956 and 1957 indicated en incretse in animal nmbers through the middle of the ser and thena decrease for the remainder of the eeason On May 6, 1956, no deer were observed in the study area. On June 28, 22 deer were counted during one night spotlight sample in 27 units. Deer ninbers increased until a season maximwn of sixty deer was seen on August 14, 1956, during a sample of all units. Prcea this date on, animal nunbers decreased as shown by subsequent samples until no deer were seen during two samples taken in October (1'igure 1+). The 1957 night spotlight samples were taken by Bruce Wyatt, Carl?. Anderson, and James 1). Toakun, graduate research assistants with the Oregon Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit. Discussion There was no indication of an obvious downward fall migration out of Lookout Creek drnage before snow fell in November, 1955. There was no information gathered in this study which would indicate a clearcut or logical reason for an early downward fall movement. Since deer actuaUy moved out of the logged units during August and September, it can be asauned fran limited signs that they moved up and out of the drainage into high mountain meadows, old burns and old logged unite which were their h8bitat before logging began in the study area. A downward fall migration fran those qpenings not within the boundary of the H. J. Andrewe Experimental Porest but which support pert of the study area deer herd, would occur along routes other than through the study drainage, leaving only a few to pass down through. This would, account for the relatively few deer observed moving down fran Lookout Creek drainage with the advent of snow. 70 0 z 50 a:: Lu 40 a:: U U ° 30 0 a U m 20 z MAY JUNh UULY /LJLUfl SIMtit OLI. DATES OF DEER COUNTS, 1956 AND 1957. Figure 1. NulDbers of deer observed on various dates during ni t spotlight saip1es, 1956 and 1957. In 1956, deer began moving toward their sier range as soon as new vegetative growth becene available for food on approzimately May 8. As shown by track observations, this movenent was vei gradual. It would seem logical that deer wintering closest to the mer range, in this case Lookout Creek drainage, would be the first to reach the research area. Deer farthest frcnn the sunmer range would take much longer to reach it. Abundant food, including dense patches of fire- weed. in the lover elevation units, produced ideal fawning areas where wiwals were observed raising their young. Deer moved into the area with the advent of spring plant growth; acme females paused to bear and raise fawns and others took advantage of the abundant food supply. During this time, deer nzbers increased as more moved in fzn the farthest reaches of the wintering grounds. It seems probable that as the suemer beceme hot end dry, as fawns developed and grew strong enough to travel during August, and as the vegetation began to lose its spring tenderness, the deer began seeking higher, cooler areas where food plants were still relatively tender and desirable. Infozination gathered on the email winter migration, on fluctuating deer populations, and on changes in plant food quality, would support this supposition of a movement to higher elevations during the last of August and during Septenber. It was shown through night spotlight semple data (Figure I) and. track observations that not all of the deer were actually pexaanerzt sweer residents in the H. J Andrews Experimental Forest logged 11.3 areas, but were sniaal.a that used the area onl.y as a tenporary hane for a part of the sier period. The openings were believed to be a trarasitiori&. zone between wintering gromda and ].ete otnimier and faU ranges. Many factors influence the distribution of deer in any herd range. Those factors felt to be most important in the area which was studied included eosure - vegetation, elevations, age of logged openings, available water, nocturnal activities, and logging activities. osure - Vegetation North-elope logged areas were characterized by a much heavier vegetative cover during the spring, rnaer end fall seasons than were south elope openings. Low elevation cleared units produced a heavier vegetative cover than did high elevation openings. North-slope low elevation open areas were characterized by dense stands of fireveed, which reached a maximta height of approdaately seven feet, and by a more dense cover of vegetation than north-slope high elevation and south-slope units. It was shown by data gathered during night spotlight deer samples that more deer occupied north-slope logged areas of dense vegetation than other clearings. During 1956 spotlight sampling, a total of 587 deer were observed. Of those deer, 318 were observed on the north-elope areas and. 269 were counted on the south slopes. During August, when the majority of the deer were seen, 278 were observed on north slopes and 218 on south slope. (Figure 5) 0 > LU LU m20 0 LU LU 0 0 0 JULY 1U(iUSI Li-'IMBLF DATES OF SAMPLES, 1956. FIgure 5. Slope aspect prefe;ence of deer In the H. J. Axidrews Experlznenta]. Forest, 1956. OCTObER Elevation Night spotlight samples were taken at all elevations during each sample period. Since each period consisted of only a few consecutive hours each night, different elevations were considered cc*uparable for studying deer activity. Samples taken during 1956 and 1957 were used. The canparison of acres per deer was used. divided into two elevation classes: and 2,500 1,500 4,0® feet for high openings. The elevation range was 2,500 feet for low areas Deer ntm%ers fran all samples taken in 1956 and 1957 were totaled for each year. To deter- sine the total nwnber of acres sampled, the acreage fran each logged unit was multiplied by the rnxnber of times it was viewed during sampling. Then the total nmber of acres sampled in an individual logged opening was divided by the total rnmber of deer counted in the same logged area, to give a figure of acres per deer. The acres per deer for all openings in each elevation range were eied and the average taken. In 1956, the average nwibar of acres used per deer at the low elevation was ; at the high elevation, 79.5. In 1957, the average acres used. per deer at the low elevation was 52.2; at the high elevation, lll#. Data shown in Figure 6 indicate that low elevation areas were used consistently by more deer than bigi' elevation openings. 14.7 120 c: 90- Li Li 80 Li 0 70 Li (I) 60 (I) LU 0 50 Li (1, 500- 2500 500 2500 - 4000' ELEVATION OF 2500 2500' SAMPLES Figure 6. F.1evation prererence of deer in the U. J. Andrews Ixperiiieflta1 Forest, 1956 and 1957. 400' t:I$rj At the time this study took place, logging lied been carried on for five years. A few areas were cleared each year. This cutting pattern produced openings of various ages, each age represented by a different density of vegetation due to successional stages of plant growth. Unite were placed in yearly age groups beginning with the areas cleared in 1950 and ending with logged openings cut in 1955. Units cut in 1950 showed a use of 14 acres per deer fran samples taken in 1956, and 23.3 acres per deer fran samples taken in 1957. Units cut in 1955 showed a use of over 500 acres per deer fran samples taken in 1956, and. fran samples taken in 1957 no deer were observed using the areas. Units logged in 1951, 1952, 1953, and 1954 did not show a steady increase of deer use as might be ezpected. This was believed to be due to the confounding of elevation arid slope variations with the age of units which influenced successiønal vegetation growth. Units cut in 1950 showed heavier deer use than more recently opened areas and those logged in 1955 showed lees use then older age groups; but patches cleared in 1951, 1952, 1953, and 1954 show no definite known correlation (Pigure 7). Available Water Data were collected on deer population density in relation to year-around availability of water in or near individual logged units. 530 Nv $3 a: $00 U 90 a: 80 U U OBSERVED 70 U, Lu a: 0 60 50 40 (9 a: uJ > 30 -x 20 0- 0 -o 1956 957 0 950 1951 952 953 '954 '955 YEARS AREAS WERE LO(FD Figure 7. The age of 1oged units in relation to deer use shown Irczi night spotlight swnples, 1956 and 1957. AU openings except one had available water within their boundaries or nearby. The one exception, unit ]..H, averaged 2614 acres per deer during 1956, and during 1957 no deer were observed using the unit. Unit 1-I, which was logged at prox1inate1y the se te, was on the sane slope, at epproztmate],y the sane elevation, end of approxi mately the sane steepness, but had year-around water available, showed a use of 61i. acres per deer in 1956 and 23 acres per deer in 1957. The united ioforeation gathered in&icated that available year- around water wee an important influence on the distribution of deer in the study area. Nocturnal Ativiy Frau night spotlight deer samples, data were collected on end feeding habits. In. the years 1956 end 1957, bed41rg a total of 6140 deer were observed during 23 night sample periods. Of this total, 66 per- cent were observed feeding, 28 percent were bedded, end for six percent, activities were widetezmnined. Activity Logging was conducted each year during the season of deer use in the H. J. Andreve Exper2zental ?orest. Loud noises fr power saws, trees felling, bleating, heavy logging trucks traveling roads, and S 51 heavy duty machinery being operated. were continuous on noa1 work.. days throughout the study perio& Pr distributional patterns d.etexmined. frosi night spotlight deer apLes and frce dnily obeer. vations, no general intimidation of deer was noted. Deer were &teturbed. only ithen individuals were in close proximity to sudden loud, noises Then deer were startled only enough to move frcei the imuediate vicinity until the noise ceased. No deer concentrations were noted that would. indicate logging was an attraction to deer. 1rcm observations made during 1955 end 1956, logging activity could not be considered as an influence in deer distribution or activities; however, specific studies on deer curiosity in relation to logging activities might reveal acse degree of correlation. Discussio The syøten of logging used. in the study area, that of cutting patches of timber at various elevations and on different slopes, produced many interrelated influences, few of which were believed to show a potential significance when studied individually. During 1950, three units were logged on the north slope at a low elevation. In 1951, four areas were logged on the north slope at a high elevation. In 1952 one high elevation north-slope unit, four low elevation north-slope unite, and. two low elevation southslope areas were logged. During 1953, both low and high south-slope 52 unite were cleared. Areas cleared during l951 and 1955 were situated on south elopes at various elevations. Because of the systen of logging used, the relationship of deer distribution and activity to any single influence was confounded by many other factors. Even though studies of eoaure-vegetation and elevation indicated a definite preference by deer for north slopes and low elevations, this was not a ccsnpletely true picture of preference since north-slope units were the oldest. If all logged areas had been the sene age, a truer picture of deer preference would have been produced. If all areas had been logged in the sene environmental situation but cleared over a period of years, infonnation on deer preferences for particular aged openings would have been more accurate. With all other factors being equal, older units, within certain mlnimwa age limitations, by virtue of having a more developed growth of invading seral vegetation, should be more desirable. Again, with all other factors being equal, low elevation openings should. be more desirable than high openings because of less precipitous terrain, more moderate weather conditions, and. better plant growth due to a longer growing moisture supplied by late season drainage. season and more available It follows that in the area under study and in slinilar situations, with other conditions being constant, north-slope units, except during the early spring, would evidence heavier use by than south slopes because of 53 better plant gzovth produced by more moisture and more favorable temperature conditions. The whole discussion thus far leads to the conclusion that heaviest deer concentrations are found produce optiirnm vegetation growth end where and when conditions available water for feeding, biding, and raising young. In the study area, these conditions were best met on logged units exhibiting the combined conditions of relatively old age, low elevation, north exposure, and avai1ab1e water. A preference by deer for north-elope unite was indicated from data discussed earlier and illustrated in Figure 5. The greatest confidence was placed in sanplee taken during the last of July and the month of August in both 1956 and 1957 because the maiva menber of deer were observed then. Few deer were observed during the semples taken in June, early July, late September, and October. This placed more importance on individual animal movements, which was undesirable, rather than on general group movements. During the July and August period mentioned above, enough deer were observed to reduce individual animal importance end to produce more reliable infonnation on general herd activities. A sempling discrepancy in the deer use cparison of logged areas was produced by a difference in vegetation density and between north and south slopes siopes provided height Since dense t1l vegetation on north better concealment for deer than sparse low 511 vegetation on the ooeite elopes, fewer animals would have been observed in the former situation than in the latter. General deer preference for uorth.slope unite, as shown in Figure 1, i likely conservative because of concealment under the teller vegetation. The data collected, relating to nocturnal activities indicated a high level of feeding end movement at night in the deer population of the Blue River region. was believed to have been Disturbance of deer during spotlighting slight as animals were observed in the process of bedding down while in the bright beem of the light. Very few deer showed alarm while being observed with the use of the spotlight. 55 Clbnate, and vegetation variations in relation to density, distribution, and food quality were two of the more important factors influencing deer population preferences, movements, and activities in the H. 3. Andrews Experimental Porest and adjacent areas. Climate directly influenced deer movements through severe late fall and winter snows which were partially responsible for the downward migration of deer to wintering areas. deer through vegetation. Indirectly, it influenced Climatic differences between north and. south slopes and between elevations affected the food quality, density, end distribution of vegetation. The food quality was influenced by cli- mate only in relation to different exposures and elevations where various climates cause differences in seasonal plant develonent on any given date during the growing season. In the H. 3. Andrewa area, plant crude protein levels on any given date during the growing season were the h(g)est at high elevations. In ocinparing north and south exposures, plants on north..alope areas on any given date during the growing season were higher in crude protein content than those on south-slope areas. Also during the season of plant growth, crude protein content of plants showed no general difference between open and timbered areas However, during the winter or period of plant dormancy, open areas exhibited higher protein levels than did timbered areas. 56 Differences in vegetation density and distribution were believed to be the primary influences which detereined the pattern of deer use within the study area. The vegetation differences were, in turn, believed to be a direct result exposures of cut units of the varying ages, elevations, end These differences in the physical character- istics of logged areas produced different environmental conditions under which vegetation cmnunities must have necessarily developed along separate lines, or similar lines but different stages in relation to time. It was found that deer favored areas which produced dense, tall, shrubby and hexbeceoue vegetation. In the study terri- tory end. surrounding region, these characteristics were exhibited to the greatest extent on relatively old, low elevation, north-slope logged units. It was believed that deer food quality, measured by percent crude protein in this study, izxtluenced deer distribution to sone degree although a positive correlation between deer movecents end varying plant food quality was not found. During the winter or period of plant dormancy, the relatively high percent crude protein levels found in deer browse on logged or open areas as camipazted to timbered areas or reduced light, indicated that deer might have concentrated in the openings to avail themselves of higher quality food. This was brought out by Elnarsen (8, p. 310, 312) in his study of - deer food quality in relation to open and canopied areas in the coast range of Oregon in 1946. He found that, during the winter, open areas 57 produced higher protein levels in deer food, end larger, more numerous, end healthier deer then did densely timbered areas. Data collected on the influence of water on deer distribution shoved that adequate year-around water must be available. However, it was shown that all but one logged unit had water available and therefore water could not be considered important in the study area or similar surrounding habitat. Fran limited observations it was found that logging activity was not a factor influencing deer movnent or distribution; however, specific studies along this line might reveal sane correlation. The study area was found to be in a transitional zone there deer were limited to a seasonal occupation of the habitat because of heavy snows which pushed them out during the winter months. H. 3. Andrewa The perimentel Forest was used by deer only during the spring, ser, and. fall seasons. It was determined that deer in the study area and surrounding territory carried out both a short, abrupt, fall migration fran the research area to lover elevations along the Blue River and McKenzie River valleys, end a gradual spring migration fran the wintering grounds back to the research territor3r. It was believed that the study habitat favorably influenced the increase of deer pqpulation numbers up to the level of the carrying capacity of the wintering grounds. The study drainage was found to be a concentration area for deer which were supported by the lower elevation winter habitst If this winter habitat coincided with hauan habitation, a maxIw.n population of supported deer would produce conflicts. Increased seasonal deer habitat, produced by continued logging at high elevations, could allow deer population niznbere to reach the peak of the carrying capacity of the wintering area much sooner than if deer resained dependent on natural forest openings. This would necessitate the application of intensified management practices sooner than might be expected under other conditions. 59 The pattern of the early fall movement of deer fiun the research area was not positively determined during this study. If the deer actually moved up to the natural habitat which was used before 3.og. giug began, this information would be extremely important to game managers in anticipating the intensity of use, and length of time these newly logged areas would be used by deer. The actual extent of the winter range used by deer in the study area was not determined. This information would be desirable for deteraintng the degree to which deer are conflicting with hianan habitation, and the amount of' habitat area which support the deer. Since vegetation density and distribution were of primary importance in influencing deer population concentrations, it was felt that vegetation studies were needed which would supply sound knowledge of' successional plant de-v'eloianent, including canpoaition and cover density, in relation to time. Studies should be focused on vegetation relationships between exposures and different elevations. It should be recognized that the H. J. Andrewa Experimental Forest and ad,jacent areas are not typical of the most productive Coluebian black-tailed deer' ranges found on the west coast of North America. Similar ranges encaupassing large areas are used by deer, but because of high elevations there is a long season of non-use. Theretore, it is important to realize the limitations of this area then considering policies pertaining to Columbian black.tailed deer managent. r.ci L! I F1f c! A projected long tenr jprcgrem was begun in August, etudy the influences of logging practices on 1955, to Co1bian black..tailed deer in the 15,000 acre H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest which is located in the vest.central Cascade mountains of Oregon The objectives are: to determine migrational habits, distributional patterns, and site preferences of deer, and to ability for deer of evaluate the suit. habitat as modified by various logging practices in the area. The begirming phase of this progr'em, concluded in September, 1957, included the following objectives: to learn how variation in protein content within the seme plant species, collected at different elevations and slopes, affected deer movements and. distribution. Data taken on deer migrational patterns, population trends, movements withi.n the research area, elevation and slope preferences, seasonal habits, and the effects of food availability on population movements to and. from the forest were also included. Results indicated that vegetation growth began earlier in the spring on south slopes than on north slopes, that on any given date during the growing season crude protein levels were higher at high elevations than at low elevations, and that on any given date during plant growth, north slope vegetation exhibited higher crude protein levels then did south elope plants. Tharing the growing season no general difference was shown in crude protein levels between open areas and tbnbered areas of low light intensity. However, during the period of plant dormancy, studies shoved that plants from timbered locations were lower in crude protein content than those from open or logged units. Deer were observed to migrate f roe the research area during late tall to low elevation wintering grounds along the Blue River and McKenzie River valleys. Tbie migration was precipitated by heavy snows and a reduction in avsil&ile forage. A gradual spring naigra. tion of deer moving fran wintering areas back to the research drainage was observed. Deer beginning med onto south slope openings with the of spring plant growth. Iran deer night spotlight samples end track observations taken during the springs, stere and falls of 1956 end 1957, it was shown that the deer population fluctuated continu&-ly. Nnnbers increased until the middle of rn*nmer, and then decreased until no sn4'nals were observed and. few tracks were found during late tall. It was found that the study drainage was a transitional zone for use and that few deer spent the full, spring, simmer, and fall seasons in the logged openings. It was believed that deer moved to older, established openings around the perimeter of the research watershed during late eraner and fall. Climate and. vegetation variations were two of the more important factors influencing deer preferences, movesenta, end activities in the H. .7. Andrews Experimental Porest aud adjacent areas. It was 63 felt that variations in plant nutritional levels had. se influence on deer distribution but no definite correlation was fOW4 The study habitat was believed to have the potential for favor- ably influencing the increase of deer nibers up to the level of the carrying capacity oi! the wintering grounds. Increased seasoral deer habitat, produced by continued logging at high elevations, could allow deer population nbers to reach the peak of the winter area carrying capacity much sooner than if deer renamed dependent on natural forest openings. This would necessitate the application of intensified me7lagem3ent practices sooner than might otherwise be expected. It should be recognized that the H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest end edjacent areas are not typical. of the most productive Colisubian black.'tailed deer ranges found on the west coast of North America. Similar ranges encupassing large areas are used by deer, but because of high elevations and deep winter snows, there is a long season of non-use. Therefore, it is important to realize that such areas have limitations when considering policies pertaining to Colombian black-tailed deer mwngenent. 611. BIBLIOGRAPH! 1. Association of Official Agricultural Cheidats. Official methods of analysis. 7th ed. Washington, D. 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