b' \I ART1' Pl.A CE S\ 1 RESERVE BANK OF AUSTRALIA --:n -.;s1 2000 1'110 :--. E· (6 1 2)9'>1 9">07 FA'- (6 1 2) 9S'I SOJO r\1 A ll gm emor@rba.gO\ ,"lu G.R Stet'll'"' GO\'[R\:OR 12 September 20 14 The Hon Joe Hockey MP Treasurer Parliament House CA BERRA ACT 2600 Dear Treasurer PAYMENTS SYSTEM BOARD ANNUAL REPORT 20 14 I am writing to seek your agreement to the tabling in the Parliam ent of the Pay ment System Board Annual Report for 20 14. A copy of the report is enclosed. In terms of the Reserve Bank Act 1959, the Pay ments System Board is required to inform the Governmen t, from time to time, of the Reserve Bank 's payments ystem policy. There is no statutory requirement to tab le an annual report, but tab ling has proven a useful way of publicising the work of the Pay ments System Board. Yours sincere ly