October 8, 2010 Dear Parents,

October 8, 2010
Dear Parents,
This week we have been having fun with Bones and Bats. Next week it will be
spiders here, spiders there, spiders, spiders everywhere! Our room will be slowly taken
over with all our spider activities hanging on the walls and the ceiling. We will learn all
about different spiders and the webs they make. The month of October will bring more
fun with Pumpkin and Halloween activities!
In math we have been working on missing addends and most of the kids are
catching on pretty well. A game to try at home:
Missing Addends
Materials: A folder that can be propped up to make a wall between two players.
2 dice
Take turns rolling the dice on your side of the wall. State the total possible and show
your partner the number on one of the dice. They have to tell you what the other number
is. For instance, if you roll and say that the total is 9 and show a 3 then they would have
to guess 6 to be correct. This is a fun game to play! We introduced this game to the kids
this week and it was a hit. Try it at home with your child several times over the next few
weeks. It not only teaches missing addends but reinforces math facts as well. To
incorporate higher numbers for more of a challenge, use two playing cards instead of
Note: Due to next week being such a short week, we will not have new sight vocabulary
words. We will continue to work with last week’s words.
Upcoming events:
*October 14th and 15th - No school. Parent/Teacher Conference
*Halloween party on Friday, October 29th - We will change into costumes at 11:55 and
have a short costume parade at 12:05. We will party until1:10 and then go to specials.
More details about this day will follow soon. Special thanks to our co-room mothers
Cheyenne and Kim for coordinating this event!