Total / 32 points

Total / 32 points
Answer the following questions in complete sentences reflecting the question, on a
separate sheet of paper. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET.
Describe hyphae.
What is the function of hyphae.
How do fungi obtain nutrients?
(2) What do hyphae secrete? Why?
What organism do mychorrizae have a symbiotic relationship with?
(2) What do mychorrizae do for their partners in symbiosis? What do their
partners do for them?
7. (2) What two organisms make up lichen?
8. (2) What do each of the lichen partners do?
9. (2) For what two reasons are mushrooms able to grow so quickly?
10. Why are Deuteromycetes called the imperfect fungi?
11. (3) Give two examples of fungal diseases. In which phylum are they classified?
12. (2) Where are gills found on a mushroom? What are mushrooms?
13. (2) What structures are found on mushroom gills? What is their function?
14. (2) What is a mycelium? Where is it found?
15. (2) What is a “fairy circle”? Why don’t mushrooms grow in the middle of a fairy
16. In which phylum is black bread mold classified?
17. In which phylum are morels, yeast, truffles and cup fungi classified?
18. (2) Are fungi usually unicellular or multicellular ? Which organism is the
19. (2)What is the usual reproductive pattern for fungi? What are two exceptions?
20. In which phylum are most mushrooms and bracket fungi classified?
21. (2) What is penicillin? Who discovered it? In which phylum is it classified?
22. What is the main ecological role of fungi?
23. What substance is found in the cell walls of fungi?
24. For what do we use yeast?
25. Specifically how does yeast reproduce?
Total / 32 points
Answer the following questions in complete sentences reflecting the question, on a
separate sheet of paper. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS SHEET.
filaments that make up the body of a mushroom
increase surface area for absorption of water and nutrients
secrete enzymes, absorb what they digest with hyphae
(2) enzymes; to break down the “food”
the roots of plants (conifers)
(2) increase surface area for rapid absorption of water and nutrients (speed up
plant growth) ; perform photosynthesis
7. (2) fungus and algae or cyanobacteria
8. (2) fungus collects water & nutrients, and algae performs photosynthesis
9. (2) hyphae increase surface area & incomplete cell walls allow rapid growth
10. no sexual repro.
11. (3) athlete’s foot & ringworm; Deuteromycetes
12. (2) underside of the cap, on the gills; fruiting bodies (repro. structures)
13. (2) basidia; contain spores (repro. structures)
14. (2) mass of hyphae, main body of fungus; under ground
15. (2) circle of mushrooms around edge of mycelium; no nutrients left in the center
16. Zygomycota
17. Ascomycota
18. (2) multicellular; yeast
19. (2) alternation of generations / sexual & asexual; yeast, Deuteromycota
20. Basidiomycota
21. (2) antibiotic; Alexander Fleming; Deuteromycota
22. decomposers
23. chitin
24. bread, beer, wine, soy sauce
25. budding