Document 10794736

Say hey, DNA
Built a special way
Double helix, ladder shape
Coiled, that’s what we say.
Say hey, DNA
Built a special way
Double helix, ladder shape
Coiled, that’s what we say.
DNA is short
For a longer name.
De-oxy-riboNu-cle-ic acid.
DNA is short
For a longer name.
De-oxy-riboNu-cle-ic acid.
We love DNA,
Made of nucleotides.
Phosphate, sugar, and a base,
Bonded down one side.
We love DNA,
Made of nucleotides.
Phosphate, sugar, and a base,
Bonded down one side.
Adenine and thymine
Make a lovely pair.
Cytosine without guanine,
Would feel very bare.
Adenine and thymine
Make a lovely pair.
Cytosine without guanine,
Would feel very bare.
Then, there’s RNA,
Has a different base.
Instead of thymine,
Uracil’s in place.
Then, there’s RNA,
Has a different base.
Instead of thymine,
Uracil’s in place.
Say hey, DNA
Built a special way
Double helix, ladder shape
Coiled, that’s what we say.
Say hey, DNA
Built a special way
Double helix, ladder shape
Coiled, that’s what we say.
DNA is short
For a longer name.
De-oxy-riboNu-cle-ic acid.
DNA is short
For a longer name.
De-oxy-riboNu-cle-ic acid.
We love DNA,
Made of nucleotides.
Phosphate, sugar, and a base,
Bonded down one side.
We love DNA,
Made of nucleotides.
Phosphate, sugar, and a base,
Bonded down one side.
Adenine and thymine
Make a lovely pair.
Cytosine without guanine,
Would feel very bare.
Adenine and thymine
Make a lovely pair.
Cytosine without guanine,
Would feel very bare.
Then, there’s RNA,
Has a different base.
Instead of thymine,
Uracil’s in place.
Then, there’s RNA,
Has a different base.
Instead of thymine,
Uracil’s in place.