I. Structure A. Body covered with scales and mucus 1. increases hydrodynamic efficiency (↓ drag) 2. makes fish hard to catch 3. protects fish from infection 4. cosmoid, cycloid, ctenoid, ganoid 5. growth rings on scales tell age of fish Bony Fish Scales of Bony Fish I. Structure B. Bony skeleton cycloid cycloid cosmoid ctenoid ganoid I. Structure C. Paired fins Exceptions: caudal & dorsal fins D. Swim bladder 1. Bag of gas for buoyancy (controls depth) 1 D. Swim bladder E. Operculum a. decrease gas = fish goes down b.Increase gas, fish goes up c. Change gas content by gulping air or diffusion of air from blood stream 1. Hard flap covering gills (protection) 2. Acts as a pump to draw water across gills when not swimming Coelocanth II. Two types of Bony Fish thought extinct until 1938 A. Class Sarcopterigii 1. Lobe finned Fishes 2. A.k.a. fleshy-finned 3. E.g. lungfish E.g. coelocanth B. Class Actinopterigii Rayfinned Fishes Lungfish 1. aestivate (a type of hibernation) during times of drought 2. gulp air into modified “lung” until rainy season returns • • • • (including all teleosts) (23,600 species) (96% of all living fishes) Bony spines (rays) covered by skin form fins E. g. salmon, trout, perch, etc. 2 Salmon Rainbow trout Greenback trout Lake Trout Golden Trout Brook Trout 3 Cutthroat Trout Jungle Perch Silver Perch Striped Perch Clown fish Clown fish with eggs 4 Ocean Sunfish aka mola Ocean sunfish & kayak Tiger grouper Grouper & diver Grouper & diver Grumpy looking Grouper 5 Record Grouper Cleaner Wrasse & goatfish Cleaner Wrasse & sweetlips Hawaiian wrasse Cleaner Wrasse cleaning gills Cleaner Wrasse & moray eel 6 Cleaner Wrasse & puffer Puffer / porcupine fish Puffer / porcupine fish Puffer / porcupine fish Puffer / porcupine fish Box fish 7 Box fish Box fish Box fish Cowfish Longhorn cowfish Unicornfish 8 Humuhumunukunukuapua’a (“Small trigger fish, snout like a pig”) Sea Horses Bibliography • • • • • • • • http://www.earthlife.net/fish/skeleton.html retrieved 12/6/08 http://www.itresourcing.com.au/aquaculture/species/fish/fish.htm retrieved 12/6/08 www.sharky-jones.com/.../QA7%20-%20swimming.html retrieved 12/6/08 http://universe-review.ca/R10-33-anatomy.htm retrieved 12/6/08 http://dj003.k12.sd.us/science%20labs/dissection/fish%20dissection.htm retrieved 12/6/08 http://www.sportsmanschoice.com/A%20Note%20Worth%20Reading/fish.htm retrieved 12/6/08 http://www.amonline.net.au/fishes/what/scales/index.htm retrieved 12/6/08 http://cas.bellarmine.edu/tietjen/images/subphylum_vertefish.htm retrieved 12/10/08 9