1. Which of the following has the largest momentum... A. a person walking down the street KEY KEY KEY__

NOTE : g = 9.8 m / s2
Energy Unit Review
1. Which of the following has the largest momentum relative to Earth?
A. a person walking down the street
B. a truck and horse trailer traveling on the highway
C. a large truck parked
D. a school building
E. a space shuttle in its hangar
2. A truck is going the speed limit on the highway. We magically add a load of hay, to the truck,
doubling its mass, while it continues at its original speed. The truck’s momentum is___.
A. quadrupled
B. doubled
C. the same as before
3. The change in momentum is equal to___.
A. power
B. impulse
C. work
D. force
4. A large truck and a small car are both driving the speed limit on the highway. The car has ___.
A. more momentum
B. less momentum
C. more acceleration
D. less acceleration
5. A man and a woman do the same amount of work. The woman does the job faster than the
man. The woman has more ___.
A. power
B. work (well duh, a woman’s work is never done!)
C. force
D. impulse
E. momentum
6. In order to have kinetic energy, an object must be___.
A. at rest
B. in an elevated position
C. moving
7. Which requires more work?
A. lifting a 50 kg sack vertically 2 m
B. lifting a 25 kg sack vertically 5 m
8. An object at rest may be said to have___.
A. impulse
B. work
C. power
D. kinetic energy
E. potential energy
9. A collision that causes deformation, generation of heat or both is an example of a(n)
_______inelastic_____ collision.
10. Energy can neither be ____created____ nor ___destroyed_____ according to the law of the
conservation of energy.
11. Increasing the time interval that a force is applied (decreases) (increases) the force.
12. Another term for (Newton)(meter) is __joule___.
13. Granny is roller skating and picks up her grandson Ambrose. Granny’s momentum before
picking up Ambrose is (greater than) (less than) (equal to) her momentum after picking up
14. The __conservation____ of momentum states that the momentum before a collision is equal
to the momentum after a collision.
15. Colliding objects rebound without lasting deformation or the generation of heat. This is an
example of a(n) ___elastic____ collision.
16. Small changes in _velocity___ create large changes in _kinetic__energy_.
17. A 10 kg medicine ball is thrown at 30 m/s. What is the momentum of the medicine ball?
Momentum = mv (10 kg) (30 m/s) = 300 kg * m/s = 3.0 x 10 2 kg * m/s
18. A car has a momentum of 4500 kg-m/s and is traveling at 15m/s. What is the mass of the car?
Momentum = mv 4500 kg-m/s = (mass) (15m/s) m = 300 kg = 3.0 x 10 2 kg
19. A block is pushed up a 15m frictionless surface with a force of 5N. How much work is done?
W = Fd (15 m) (5N) = 75 J = 7.5 x 10 2 J
20. A block is pushed up a 20m frictionless surface with a force of 4N. How much work is done?
W = Fd
(20 m) (4N) = 100 J = 1.0 x 10 2 J
21. A girl pushes a ball up a 40 m frictionless surface with a force of 10N, and it took 15s. How
much power did she use?
W = Fd
40 m 10 N = 400 J
400 J / (15s) = 26.66 J/s =
2.67 x 10 1 J/s
22. The height of a ramp is 35m. How much does a package weigh if 70J of work are needed to
slide it up the ramp?
W = Fd 70 = (35 m) F F = 2N
23. Using 100J of work, an elevator is raised from the ground to the second floor in 10s. How
much power does the elevator use?
P = W / t 1000 J / 10s = 100 J / s
24. Bronco Brown leaps from a high cliff, attached to a bungee cord. He reaches top speed in 6
seconds. The cliff is 700 m high. His mass is 100 kg. He reaches the bottom of his fall in
9 sec.
A. What is his PE before he jumps? PE = mgh = 6.86 x 10 5 J
B. What is his velocity after 6 sec.? v = gt = (9.8 m / s2) ( 4 sec) = 5. 88 x 10 1 m/s
C. What is his momentum after 6 sec.? Momentum = mv =
(100 kg)(5. 88 x 10 1 m/s) = 5, 880 kg * m/s = 5. 88 x 10 3 kg * m/s
D. Impulse during the 3 sec. interval of slowing down is __5. 88 x 10 3 Ns__.
Ft = ∆mv
E. What is the force on the bungee cord during the 3 sec. of slowing down?
Impulse = Ft 5. 88 x 10 3 Ns = F (3 sec) F = 1960 N = 1.96 x 10 3 N