ijectures (5.1) SOME RESULTS ON INVARIANT THEORY ;s his gratitude sions. Y, BY S. HELGASON 1 Communicated by Felix Browder, April 11, 1962 1. Symmetric invariants. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over R. Each XE V gives rise (by parallel translation) to a Math. Ann. 69 vector field on V which we consider as a differential operator d(X) on 'r in groups with a V. The mapping X-->(X) extends to an isomorphism of the complex symmetric algebra S(V) over V onto the algebra of all differential eiseitigen Flachen. operators on V with constant complex coefficients. Let G be a sub- lath. Gesellschaft group of the general linear group GL(V). Let I(V) denote the set of G-invariants in S(V) and let I+(V) denote the set of G-invariants without constant term. The group G acts on the dual space V* of V by Soc. (3) 7 (1957), of Math. (2) 66 (g. v*)(v) = v*(g-l'v), er. Math. Soc. 64 g E G, v V, v* V* and we can consider S(V*), I(V*), I+(V*). An element p S(V*) (a polynomial function on V) is called G-harmonic if (J)p=0 for each , Leipzig, 1934. JC-I+(V). Let H(V*) denote the set of G-harmonic polynomial functions. Let VCdenote the complexification of V. Suppose B is a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form on VX V. If XC VC let X* denote the linear form Y--B(X, Y) on V. The mapping X--X* extends to an isomorphism P--P* of S(V) onto S(V*). If G leaves B invari- !erthan four, Ann. . Math. Soc. 66 . Math. Mech. 10 ler. Math. Soc. 67 ant then I( V)*= I(V*). i I i We shall use the following notation: If E and F are linear subspaces of the associative algebra A then EF denotes the set of all sums i eif,, (eiGE,fi F). THEOREM 1. Let B be a nondegenerate symmetric bilinear form on VX V and let G be a Lie subgroupof GL( V) leaving B invariant. SupI i i pose that either (1) G is compact and B positive definite or (2) G is connected and semisimple. Then S(V*) = I(V*)H(V*). The case of a compact G was noted independently by B. Kostant. It is a simple consequence of the fact that under the standard strictly positive definite inner product on S(V*) (invariant under G), the space H(V*) is the orthogonal complement to the ideal in S(V*) generated by I+( V*). For the noncompact case, let g denote the complexification of the Lie algebra of G. It is not difficult to prove that 'This work was supported by the National Science Foundation, NSF G-19684. 367 21 a T Axea!un al:; &/ aAo A ameds 1o:3aA ieuo!suau!p-uZ e s y 2/u!ap!s la'-I 'uaiavx2 -uoD ' Jxao aaeds ;.aql!H I uo!suaump-u ue aq adu!s ' vulss '(*A)a V (VA)r= (*A)V a ,ounf 2vUOyD27 1) 0 w7 uaytL '1 ua9oaLL;u. so aq suo lJufnsso atyj7I7 'E tI7aoaHL (!!!) ' 9 a=n sl Sqa9lv (!) Jvd (!) s4uouaIa a!!!tud- o as aq; a:ouap (A)r a-I ("X v. iaqtuatu asoq. e paq!losap aq *(A)+ r r qaea oj 0 = 4(f') J! atl.uz.C4-DPalTeas! (*A)VE 4:uamala u 'uusa ue suoo no'IqP supeAu! o sas aq (A)+- puu (A)+r V a:ouop (,A )r 'Xla! dsl '(*A )V pue (AV UTSUVlUAU!-.A JO aSS aSO pu (A)/ aq (A)70 Jo dnoJiqns Aue aq D aI '(*A)V jo sus!qd -Joluopua IIu Jo 1iqale aq; o:u! (A)V jo us zsousos u o: Alanbiun aaxqL spua~xa (X)<--X 2uiddewu aq L 'x o uo!ss!Luo sale!putUy uoBT1!JsaJ atq: :)[r S4VUS -f us AU2D 8 pUS :q)I sdetu /--/ a.leAUt Jo sas )A4 put ()M I qo3tAI X v -y v.. V x)(x)xI+v( -- ) = (x V ·. V Tx).(x) 14 .f AquaA!A (,A )V jo (X)9 UO!ATJpaP!Ue ue saonpu. A 3X qetg UT '*A puu A saveds Jo:3oa jenp j aq41aAO sJqaIe uueUssSe13 aq aouap 'lafA!a dsoa '(*A )V pue (A)V pa'I suTIxAua louaxH eau!T Jo dnoi2 n UT al tlmIY 'Z 0 = (*A)ZH IT1- zles eauTl o dnoiJ 31eqns ue!taqe euI e aq 4t pq' 2T Ja -uallajsIfnN s,:aaql!H UOaJ AI!sea SAIOlOJ ! (u)O =;D aseu alq Io- DN uo IClltN.uap :lssu a ofl~Zaz Slv.uou -4Co49tuoulaD-9O fo as 911 s (A)zH puv (NX · · · 'Z 'I '0= /) ',(*X) s2LuouICo4 a cq pauuv4s aoD4s 4ooana all s (*A)H aao1i. 'p M14 , ou! n jo UOT4 '(*A )=H+ (A)H I laAo viqaIje tresvXAUI = (A)H ufns oap * l s. fo (oA Ut) so19Z uousWo: fo 9asa9ll (*A)H uafJ '(*A )+I ut Sluu9a9aa S911 9aouap oN 197 1'ua9oati f U SD aq suo41unssS agil7a?7 'Z aa7oa L '([9Z 'd V4wq:a aJaqm :SPIOtI -'zjIeJaua UD ' ' UOT1 + D 'T9 'I '0= pu? O=ZV+ ... aqL ' 2uTMiolloJ ,(("x"V+ · · · +TxTV) si?!tUouA l od aq4, Aq pauueds ataq asO sll u! st. (A)H :rq; ([6] sseIAIV'[S8Z d 'Z] ueieD arJdtuo3) ~/(gx+ ... +1 x) " =4 Iaralt UmOU~ I osjl s! I o!uotuJeq s l tqyea u8a (*A)V3a .axod s:! pue Ua44TM. aq Ur ( saDnpaJ T uaJoaqj (*1)H =4 qvea t etqej e IjSSe'e aq o4 ' . . 'TX)4=4 s!uouAlod D!uotuaeq Aaiu!pio ayq Iie jo s!sTSuo II jo SS!SUoO (A)I uaq; pUB zX+ · · · + TX U SI!TOUAiOd .,V =A uo lut eD (u)o dnoJaf Piuo~oq.o aqI s! 9 uaqnMaseo aq u I -'A uo n o uoio-eoaq o: poTidds aq uo ase ;3edwoo aqTjMON 'aTuyap aA!Hsod I3T!Js S! ff q3IqAx uo aj :DdtLuoo qaea oA. JO MtuIoj IaI e aU!eAU SAal B Jo it uuoj 'A 0 U" '"X '1G 'Xi' X q (X=uZ adno .q (u)/2 dnofl qnf] [r96I NOSVO3'IHH 'S 89 r [July orm W of Vc ct case can be ing on V= Rn I 962] Let NG denote . Then H(V*) 369 group U(n) becomes a subgroup G of the orthogonal group 0(2n). Let Zk = Xk +i Yk (1 _ k _ n) be an orthonormal basis of E and let xl, y1, · · · , xn, yn be the basis of V* dual to the basis X1, Y1, · · , X,, Yn of V. It is easy to show that the element .2 and H(V*) rem 1 reduces n be written is also known is in this case ·e a, · - · , an ig generaliza- SOME RESULTS ON INVARIANT THEORY n u = E xk A yk 2 1 and its powers form a basis of J+(V*). In view of Theorem 3 each vGA(V*) can therefore be written v= E uk A Pk, k where each Pk satisfies p. 26]). (u)k=0, (compare Weil [10, Theoreme 3, .3. Invariants of Weyl groups. Let u be an arbitrary semisimple Lie algebra over R whose adjoint group U is compact. Let 0 be an arbitrary involutive automorphism of u and let u = f+p be the decomposiomials (X*)k, tion of u into eigenspaces of 0 for the eigenvalue +1 and -1 respec- armonic poly- tively. Let K denote the analytic subgroup of U corresponding to . s Nullstellen- Let bpbe a maximal abelian subspace of and extend fp to a maximal of ut. The Weyl group of is defined as the abelian subalgebra group of linear transformations of in U which leave Lively, denote and V*. Each 3y kA. A x,) induced by the set of elements invariant; the Weyl group of fp is defined as the group of linear transformations of fp induced by the set of elements in K which leave bp invariant. Let these groups be denoted by W(b))and W(bp) and let I(b*) and I(tb*) denote the corresponding sets of invariant polynomial functions. It is known that W(bp) can be described as the group of linear transformations of bpinduced by those members of W(b) which leave b%invariant. Consequently, if the restriction to bpof a function f on is denoted by , the mapping ,8(X) extends all endomorLet J(V) and f--f mapsI(1*)intoI(p). , respectively, rant term. An and 0 any involutive automorphism of u. Then the restriction mapping Lch JGJ+(V). 'THEOREM 4. (i) Suppose u is a classicalcompact simple Lie algebra f-f maps1(*) ontoI(*). (ii) Part (i) does not hold in general for the exceptional simple Lie algebras u = e, e7, e. Then (iii) Let Q(b*) and Q(b*), respectively, denote the set of invariant rational functions on and bp. Under the restriction mapping f--f, Q(b*) is mapped onto Q(*p). over C. Con- R the unitary +ip is the most general semisimple Lie algebra over R. Parts (i) and (ii) above therefore express IREMARKS. As u and 0 are arbitrary, 'V T iqale Jo anpaaoJd sqL ' sie a asea aq o panpaa aq uea ase sqg (b ')O aq; J o uogeai3 xaIduLoa aq4 o uxioj [eai 4edotuo e Jo asn Xq pue paeduo s () u ioeuluouap a '= =4I 'Z '[t u/cO pue [91 aaaH Aq pOaoJd .peaie se 0oj)0= b asez ie!1ads aqjL '1 'saxIava3t JLtSnH3aSSV IA VA '9A (paedtuo '0I '6I s (b ')o ' (b+dX ' · b'd , 'sseelt 'H '6 uos. uvapt.pn-uou 'auXao '3 '8 qpqp =f *5'd ' 9 amnss I) 6 PUe3 S 'Y1,Ae Uose0laH S L '*0"-86g !2'a39H 'a '9 UO lvq zgns T x)j=gjr ImnouICloc4 sstxa 9a9aziua/J1 *( ') ( '4) uo uotpunf louaugvpunf D oq f la? S3 aaIoaaHJ, aAeq a pueq aqgo aql u o uovpunj Iesuauepun eI sTb'd 0o d JOuopo4saJ aq: uLaq ie!tuouAlod s (+dX ' · 'Ix)dj=j j! eq snoAqo ST1I )FE-66Z '(OS6T) IS mq-qs/ H 'S Z8L-LL '(SS61) tL ;aIlaAoD ' 'V (b' - rb.~austs uumuo.Žt )0 (b ')o = D3 uopeaygu;ap!P aq aeu 'TF61 9597 ' 'Z a Jo 31q4 SolIOJ I ogienba aq4 2ui 6dX _ . . _ I X _ dX$ . + 5- 4J) 'T · epue4-qsite aas) peq (!) uoTpeWuasaidaJ '(I 'Z)O dno/S qL Jo asn a4evu aq 10J P10lo = (b ') (I) a os (b '-4)o o0 3qdJotuos s pax ( ' ' 'O 'I) 2unAial dnolgqns aq pue '5d UO alA4!su UJ4 s3a ( '4)O dnoAi. aqjL '4UpTAUI 0 SUT -Aeal b+d jO SUOT.1poJSUe?. aieauTI jo dnoJ a aouap ( ') 0 aq tvlualUvpuof9anol 'uaeD1'3 *' I '(0 Luat a4luTapu aaeld1e X- uoipenba alyt Xq uaA2 b+dd ' aTupenb aq/ lap!suoD ·IeUO!S um!p-a4!uJ S (3-x) J suo!maunJ aq4 Aq pauueds D .aaO A aeds .loa3 a J1 ([81Z 'd '] u4eDe) lviauvmvpunf palle s! f uo43unj a L '(O93) (Hx)f= (H)-,f Aq uaAxTH/9 uo uop3unJ aq saouap / uaql 93X pue HID/; uo uo!gaunJ snonupluoa panleA-xalduuoa e s f jjI Aolodo4 Ienuu aT:J '-!ax H saso0 4aI Jo as aq; H/D 'dnoJiqns pasoPl e H 'dnoa3 elzo 1odo4 e aq a- spunb uo suo;opun; Iljuampung 'I, 5 ')0 ue aq o4 aqjL LUoj{ f7 '-S!laeH I xe.d H Aq puaXpuadapui paaoid uaaq uoq3IalSa1 Xq (*q()I TUOJipaure4qo aq 4ouupea qzalqt 'AlaA!4asdsaai '9 pue ' ' aa1Jap Jo wuamla snoauagoumoq e sue4uoa 8 (*t)I .u!l aql '((Z)nsX)/ s io (LX 9 )/L '1 /9 3 si y/ aaeds aq:l ! 4Teqp punoj uaql st 41 'slp uou:I woil pauwulagap A1 pea aq uea sloeWJauagaql Jo saaaap aqL '([t] aliepaq) 's3u!p iemiou.iod a4l XAq T= CxTx+x ase aie (*q)I pue ( )I suo!3aalpi q pavleaua2 sdnol auy ae (q)A (q)A sdnoJi aq au!iS 'y/ 2 aeds 3alatuuwSs aql Jo pue / Jo {au e Agt ' to- aq4 Jo saJnl (b '4) ase aqL 1 = b ioj sneaq pu saJnl4nljs 4l00 al JO [ I] Uolv3gJISSelz s,ue4.eD 2uisn U04eg!ylaA Xq paAoid s! () lecTd 'Ig .aa siqagle aq aldUws II e io ploq o4 sIWeJ aX e Aq paleqs s! qaIiqmAXLadoIde ' Jaao sqaple aj ajldtus zVi.ssvp 11i Xlnfi [Z96I NOSVDYIH 'S O04 [July yebras over R, t (i) is proved 'oot structures .ps W(Ib) and and I(D*) are ,enerators can nd that if the the ring I(t) respectively, 371 SOME RESULTS ON INVARIANT THEORY I962] for q= 1 because 0(1, 1) is not semisimple and the theorem fails to shows. hold for (p, q)=(1, 1) as the example f(xi, x2) =cosh-'(lxjl) The case (p, q)= (1, 2) was settled by Loewner [8] using special fea- tures of the Lobatchefsky plane. 3. By a method of descent the remaining cases can be reduced to the case x +x2-A3 = 1 (which differs radically from the case x --x -x 3 = 1 by the noncompactness of the isotropy group). Here one can make use of the special property of the identity component of the group 0(2, 1), namely that every representation of it extends to a Part (iii) had representation of the corresponding complex subgroup of GL(3, C), (see Harish-Chandra [5]). a topological 4. From Theorem 1 it is clear that the polynomial P can be taken to be an 0(p, q)-harmonic polynomial, that is a polynomial satisfying the equation s gH with the ts function on / r2 .ven by fz(gH) zl (Cartan [3, the functions d2 1...-[. Ox1 042 2 02 Ox 2+ 1 \ P=0. . X It follows that the function f is necessarily a sum of eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on C,,q (formed by means of the indefinite Riemannian metric on C.,,,, [7]). (P 3 ~! 1 q -z= ). of RP+ q leav- n C,q and the to (p-1, q) BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. . Cartan, Sur certaines formes riemanniennes remarquables des gomtries a groupefondamental simple, Ann. Sci. Acole Norm. 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