A Systems Approach to Ensure Success for All: Professional Learning Communities and Response to Intervention School-wide Academic System: This could be led by your SIT, Leadership Team, RtI Team, etc. Analyze school-wide data for proactive problem solving in universal academic instruction. Establish and utilize a tiered system of research-based instructional strategies and interventions. Analyze allocation of staff for the provision of interventions. Establish a school-wide schedule that incorporates support blocks and targeted interventions. Make decisions regarding professional development. Disseminate RtI framework and Student Success Process to families and community. School-wide Behavior System: This could be led by your PBS team. Utilize school-wide data for proactive problem solving in universal behavior supports. Establish and utilize a tiered system of research-based behavior instruction and support strategies (Positive Behavior Support provides schools with the tools to do this). Analyze allocation of staff for the provision of behavior interventions. Assess staff development needs in the area of classroom management and behavior support. Ensure a parent-friendly system for informing parents of school-wide behavioral expectations. Student Success Team ( Problem Solving Team): Analyze student academic and/or behavioral data from classroom PLC interventions. Use problem solving process. Data driven Target intervention, based on student need and desired outcome. Utilization of designated consultant is recommended. Involve parents. Include student as appropriate. Include community service provider(s) as appropriate. Update parents regularly on progress monitoring results. Shared responsibility among members. Defined roles. Grade Level/Content Area Teams: Analyze grade level/content area data to determine effectiveness of universal academic instruction and behavior instruction. Differentiate to address academic and/or behavioral needs within grade level or content area. Monitor students through common formative assessments based on essential learnings. Progress monitor students below benchmark. Utilize research-based academic and/or behavioral instructional strategies and interventions. Implement the problem solving process at Professional Learning Community level. Engage in collective inquiry. Data drives instruction. Establish and maintain communication with parents. 1 1/4/09 Academic School-Wide System Considerations Looks at school-wide data and analyzes strengths and challenges. Overall, are 8090% of students successful in each academic area? If not: • Which students are successful with universal academic instruction and which students are not? Why? • Does classroom instruction need to be addressed? • Do environmental factors need to be addressed? • Do classroom management factors need to be addressed? • Do we need to add specific supplemental components to universal instruction? Implement changes and progress monitor fidelity and results. Analyze grade level/content area data with grade level/content area PLCs. Are 8090% of students successful in academic areas? If not: • Which students are proficient and not proficient with universal instruction? Why? • Does classroom instruction need to be addressed? • Do environmental factors need to be addressed? • Do classroom management factors need to be addressed? • Are specific supplemental components needed to add to universal instruction? Implement changes and progress monitor fidelity and results. Utilize and analyze high quality, research-based curricula and instructional strategies that support effective universal instruction for all students. PSD References: Blackboard: RtI folder for research-based instructional strategies and links. CDE References: Intervention Central: Instructional strategies and tools http://www.interventioncentral.org/ RtI Action Network http://www.rtinetwork.org/ Establish a tiered system of research-based instructional strategies and interventions for any student at risk of not reaching their potential, including those identified as gifted/talented or those identified below benchmark. PSD References: Blackboard: RtI folder for research-based instructional strategies and links. CDE References: Intervention Central: Instructional strategies and tools http://www.interventioncentral.org/ 2 Academic School-Wide System Considerations continued… 1/4/09 Resources continued… RtI Action Network http://www.rtinetwork.org/ What Works Clearinghouse: http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/ CDE References continued: Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org/FCRRReports/LReports.aspx Oregon Reading First Center: http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/inst_curr_review_si.html Evaluate research-based interventions as to integrity/fidelity of implementation. Analyze allocation of staff for the provision of interventions. Establish a school-wide schedule that incorporates support blocks within the school day. Utilize both a standard protocol approach to providing interventions to groups of students with similar needs and an individual approach of providing interventions to any student with unique needs. Progress monitoring at all levels of instruction that is systematic, documented and shared with key staff and parents on a regular basis. CDE References: Intervention Central: http://www.interventioncentral.org/ National Center on Student Progress Monitoring: http://www.studentprogress.org/ Make decisions regarding professional development based on staff needs. Make instructional and intervention changes based on school-wide data. Disseminate RtI framework and Student Success Process to families and community members. 3 1/4/09 Behavioral School-Wide System Considerations . Clearly define a specific set of positively stated behavioral expectations that apply to all students and staff in all settings. Ensure that the school has a clearly defined and documented process for directly teaching school-wide and classroom expectations and routines to ALL students. Utilize effective teaching and classroom management practices. Encourage staff to build positive relationships with all students. Ensure that the school has created and documented a school-wide process for encouraging and recognizing positive behavior frequently-in a ratio of at least five positive interactions to every one corrective interaction Coordinate the development of a process to ensure that all school staff members monitor student behavior and respond consistently to problem behaviors. These elements should be in place: 1. Adequate monitoring of all students in all school settings. 2. Staff agreement on definitions of major (administrator managed) vs. minor (staff managed) behavior offenses. 3. A system to re-teach and practice behaviors as needed. 4. A system of classroom interventions for minor misbehavior. 5. A system of responses to major problem behavior. 6. A system of consistently documenting minor and major problem behaviors in all school settings. Establish a tiered system of research-based instructional strategies and interventions for any student at risk of not reaching their potential, including those identified as gifted/talented or those identified below benchmark. Resources for universal, targeted, and intensive behavior prevention and intervention: National Technical Assistance Center for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports www.pbis.org Colorado Positive Behavior Support www.cde.state.co.us/pbs/ Colorado Behavior Resource Manual www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/BehaviorResourceManual.asp Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~ivdb Center for Effective Collaboration and Practice http://cecp.air.org Intervention Central www.interventioncentral.org 4 1/4/09 Behavioral School-Wide System Considerations continued… Resources continued… PBS Surveys www.pbssurveys.org School-wide Information Systems (data collection and analysis tool) www.swis.org Evaluate research-based interventions as to integrity/fidelity of implementation Analyze allocation of staff for the provision of interventions. Utilize both a standard protocol approach to providing interventions to groups of students with similar needs and an individual approach of providing interventions to any student with unique needs. Collect, summarize, and evaluate school-wide behavior data on a regular basis-use a variety of sources. Use behavioral data for proactive school-wide problem solving 1. Strengthen universal program as needed. 2. Create a system of evidence-based targeted interventions that meet specific student needs-use data to determine needs. 3. Establish decision rules for determining need for specific behavioral interventions. Ensure that the school has a parent-friendly system for informing parents of behavioral expectations, and for partnering with parents in efforts to create a positive school climate. Assess staff professional development needs in the areas of classroom management and behavior support. 5 1/4/09 Student Success System Considerations Student Success Team Composition (CDE): Composed of professionals from multiple perspectives, although the composition for any given student will be flexible given the area(s) of concern: Parents, classroom teacher(s), general education teachers, special education teachers, school psychologist, school administrator, and any other specialist depending on area of student need. Define roles (coordinator, facilitator, time keeper, recorder, designated consultant) Meet on a regular basis Share responsibility among general educators and specific program area specialists (e.g. special education, ELA, G/T, Title) Target intervention, based on student need and desired outcome. Include frequency, intensity, and duration of intervention, as well as progress monitoring data and timelines in the intervention plan Assign a designated consultant is to support classroom teachers with the implementation of interventions and help monitor fidelity. Involve parents in every phase of the process Include students as appropriate. Include community service providers as appropriate Update parents regularly on progress monitoring results Process: See Student Success Process Flow Chart CDE Reference: Response to Intervention; A Practitioners Guide to Implementation http://www.cde.state.co.us/rti/downloads/PDF/RtIGuide.pdf 6 1/4/09 Grade Level/Content Area Considerations Analyze grade level data. Are 80-90% of students successful in academic and/or behavioral areas? If not: • Which students are successful with universal instruction and which students are not? Why? • Does classroom instruction need to be addressed? • Do environmental factors need to be addressed? • Do classroom management factors need to be addressed? • What do we need to modify or eliminate? • Do we need to add specific supplemental components to universal instruction? Implement changes and progress monitor fidelity and results. Form flexible, differentiated groups to address needs within a classroom and/or grade level/content area. Monitor all students through formative assessments. Progress monitor students below benchmark. Document communication with parents. Utilize high quality, research-based curricula and instructional strategies that support effective universal instruction for all students. PSD References: Blackboard: RtI folder for research-based instructional strategies and links. CDE References: Intervention Central: Instructional strategies and tools http://www.interventioncentral.org/ RtI Action Network http://www.rtinetwork.org/ Implement problem solving process at grade level /content area for individual students. Include key staff as necessary. Utilize a tiered system of research-based instructional strategies and interventions for any student at risk of not reaching their potential, including those identified as gifted/talented or those identified below benchmark. PSD References: Blackboard: RtI folder for research-based instructional strategies and links. CDE References: Intervention Central: Instructional strategies and tools http://www.interventioncentral.org/ RtI Action Network http://www.rtinetwork.org/ 7 1/4/09 Grade Level/Content Area PLC Considerations continued… CDE References continued… What Works Clearinghouse: http://ies.ed.gov/ncee/wwc/ Florida Center for Reading Research: http://www.fcrr.org/FCRRReports/LReports.aspx Oregon Reading First Center: http://oregonreadingfirst.uoregon.edu/inst_curr_review_si.html Evaluate effectiveness of intervention. Address intensity of intervention. Does frequency or duration need to be adjusted? Meet on a regular basis for data conversations. 8