Begin by locating the Event Search box on the home page
Enter a key word from the event you created last semester. I will use the Line Dancing event I created
for fall semester. Click GO after you enter your key words. Your search result will look like the
If your search returns No Results, click on the Date box and change the date from Current and Future to
Search All Dates:
After locating your original event, click on the Event Name (circled in YELLOW in the screen shot above).
When you open it, the following screen comes up. Click on the More Actions button. It is a drop down
and you can select Copy this Event from the list.
This sets up the copy of your event. A few notes about the copy:
1) It is automatically titled “Copy of” whatever you original event was called. Remember to delete
out the words “Copy of”
2) The location and dates will automatically come up as a conflict because the copy is truly that – a
copy. You will need to change the dates in order for the conflict to be removed.
3) A simple way to edit your event without having to click through EVERY screen in the Wizard is to
use the progress box on the left hand side of the screen (with a YELLOW box around it in the
screen shot below). You can click directly on the piece you want to change. It will take you
directly to that screen of the Wizard. In this case, I want to change the date so I click directly on
Wed Nov 04. I can then edit the date to what I want it to be next semester. When you have
changed what you need to there, you can click on the Save button.
4) Changing dates on a reservation that had repeats can be a bit tricky. You really have to pay
attention to how you told it to repeat the first time you created it. For instance, in the example
below, the original repeat for 7 Wednesdays but one of those was the day before Thanksgiving
and therefore that occurrence was Cancelled. That exact same pattern will be followed in the
copy so you will need to remove the Cancelled occurrence. There are lots of other little details
that can get confusing in the Repeats/Occurrences so just call me or email if you get stuck on
something (x3741 or
5) We are getting close to having some calendars ready so it is important that you start to pay
attention to the Categories that you select. The Categories will determine which calendars your
events get published on.
6) After you have made the changes you want for your new reservation, just click Save.
[Copy of Academy for LLL: Line Dan ci!itl New Eve.n-t..-. -'-
Start by entering the basic event information.
Copy of Academy for LLL:
Line Da ncing
E e,._ -r:_ e
Event Name
Most basic event wizard possible
y _o_f _A_c_a_
m_y_f_o_r_L_L_L_: _L_
Information Session
Cont Ed - AIK
I Event
4 AIK - 6 ft Table
Event Type
11/4, 11/ 11, 11/ 18, 12/2, 12/9, 12/ 16
Information Session
4 AIK - Chairs
11/4, 11/ 11, 11/ 18, 12/2, 12/9, 12/ 16
Sponsoring Organization for this Event
Cont Ed - AIK
Next ..,
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