RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHANGES IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY AND THE INCIDENCE OF POVERTY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES DFID Report No.7946 27/02/2001 Colin Thirtle1, Xavier Irz2, Lin Lin1, Victoria McKenzie-Hill1 and Steve Wiggins2 1 T.H.Huxley School of Environment, Earth Sciences and Engineering Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, SW 7. 2 Department of Agricultural and Food Economics, University of Reading. OUTLINE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1) 2) THE DISTRIBUTION OF WORLD POVERTY GROWTH, INEQUALITY AND POVERTY 2.1. Endogenous Growth 2.2 Agriculture’s Role in the Growth Process 2.3 Growth and Inequality 2.4 Growth and Poverty: Pro-Poor Growth? 2.5 Is Agricultural Growth Pro-Poor? 3) LINKAGES: PRODUCTION, EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME 3.1 Linkages within the Overall Economy 3.2 Linkages within the Rural Economy 4) NON-FARM INCOME AND LIVELIHOODS 4.1 Incomes from the Rural Non-farm Economy 4.2 How much of the Rural Non-farm Economy is Dependent on Agriculture? 4.3 The Rural Non-farm Economy, Poverty and Agricultural Productivity: some conclusions 5) OUTPUT GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH IN AGRICULTURE 5.1 Agricultural Productivity and Poverty 5.2 The Poverty Impact of Agricultural Technology 6) EMPIRICAL RESULTS: EFFECTS OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH ON POVERTY AND NUTRITION 6.1 Regressions of the Cross Section of $1 per Day Poverty from WDR 2000 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Regressions using Pooled Data on $1 per Day Poverty Regressions using $1 per Day Poverty and agricultural TFP Indices for Asia Regressions using the Human Development Index Regressions using Nutrition Indicators REFERENCES RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHANGES IN AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY 1 AND THE INCIDENCE OF POVERTY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES EXECUTIVE SUMMARY There has long been a broad consensus amongst donors and developing country governments that agricultural growth will directly benefit the rural poor and also improve the position of the urban poor by reducing food prices. For the poorer developing countries, growth is dependent on increases in agricultural productivity, which provides sufficient food for a growing non-agricultural population. As this structural transformation proceeds, agriculture accounts for a falling proportion of employment and income, but the growth process is driven by the development of the agricultural sector. Thus, agricultural productivity improvements should be both pro-poor and pro-growth. This conventional wisdom has not been overturned by an alternative paradigm, but the difficulties of procuring the desired outcomes in the rural environment and the consequent failure of projects has led to some pessimism. This study first assesses the evidence since there have been considerable recent developments in several of the relevant literatures. It begins from the perspective of the “new growth theories” that emphasise the dominant role of technology, infrastructure and education. The growth literature shows that agricultural productivity growth is required for industrialisation to take place and the empirical investigations show that agricultural growth is causally prior to growth in manufacturing and services, but the reverse is not true. Although the effect of GDP growth on inequality is ambiguous, the evidence suggests that agricultural growth is always pro-poor, but less so when the ownership of land is as unequal as it is in much of Latin America. The effects of agricultural growth are spread to the nonfarm economy by linkages that result in rural diversification that increases the importance of non-farm income sources. Thus, improved technology produces agricultural productivity growth that drives a rural growth process that can be inherently pro-poor. It can; benefit poor farmers directly by increasing their production; benefit small farmers and landless labourers through greater employment; lead to lower food prices for all consumers; increase migration opportunities for the poor; benefit the rural and urban poor through growth in the rural and urban non-farm economy; lead to access to crops that are high in nutrients; empower the poor by increasing their access to decision-making processes, increasing their capacity for collective action, and reducing their vulnerability to shocks via asset accumulation. Research-led technological change has propelled famine-plagued, food insecure Asian countries into food self-sufficiency. A large supply of food keeps food prices down, which is critically important to the poorest people who spend up to three-quarters of their income on food, but population growth has masked many of the gains, keeping food prices up and rural wages down. Technology adoption has been uneven, due to costs and unsuitability for resource-poor regions. So, alongside economic growth, poverty alleviation requires special programs targeted at the poor. Technology alone is not enough, without infrastructure and education, and will be ineffective in situations where inequalities in land ownership are too great, which raises the land reform issue, in addition to the need for investment and institutional change. Still, the literature provides overwhelming theoretical and empirical evidence that agricultural growth is essential, especially in the poorer developing countries. It identifies the diverse roles that agriculture plays in the process of growth and development on the one hand, and the link between economy-wide growth and poverty alleviation on the other. In this indirect way, this literature shows how agricultural research generates productivity growth that improves the living conditions of the poor. 1 We thank Lawrence Haddad of IFPRI, Jonathan Kydd and Peter Dorward of Imperial College at Wye, for help and advice and especially Gavin McGillivray of DFID for the original suggestion to investigate the relationship between productivity and poverty in this manner. 2 The inter-relationships are shown in Figure 1. Agricultural research generates new technologies that increase agricultural productivity. Agricultural productivity growth has an impact on GDP growth, both directly and through agriculture’s linkages with the broader economy, that generate increases in non-farm incomes. Both agricultural growth and GDP growth have impacts on inequality, poverty and nutrition. Although there is a considerable literature on the link from agricultural research directly to poverty, from R&D to productivity, on the effect of new technologies on the incomes of the poor and on the relationship between productivity and growth, there are no estimates of the direct effect of agricultural productivity growth and either poverty or nutrition. Thus, a major finding is that the empirical estimates of this relationship appear to be robust. Regardless of differences in data and formulation, the results show that a 1% increase in yields leads to a reduction in the percentage of people living on less than $1 per day of between 0.6% and 1.2%. This is a very tangible result, since the R&D cost of generating a 1% yield gain can be calculated. Our guess is that since agricultural R&D expenditures are relatively small, this may be a cost effective means of poverty reduction. Figure 1: Linkages Between R&D, Technology, Growth, Productivity and Poverty Agricultural Growth Agricultural R&D Agricultural Technology Agricultural Productivity Linkages and NonFarm Income GDP Growth Inequality? Poverty and Nutrition INTRODUCTION Recent influential publications such as the 1997 World Bank Report “Rural Development from Vision to Action” and the 2000 World Bank, ABB and UNECA Report “Can Africa Claim the 21st Century?” emphasise agricultural productivity increases, generated by research. In the same spirit, the Technical Advisory Committee of the CGIAR (2000) states its new goal as; “To reduce poverty, hunger and malnutrition by sustainably increasing the productivity of resources in agriculture, forestry and fisheries”. To achieve this, the CGIAR will develop a two-pronged approach for the future support of agricultural research, in favoured environments, to ensure food security and prevent future poverty, while at the same time tackling the more complex problems of poverty in the marginal and hard areas. This acknowledges the evidence from the green revolution, that producing sufficient food to feed a growing population is best achieved by successful farmers in favoured regions, but that unless those who farm in poor conditions are also a focus of attention, rural poverty will persist. The record shows that research-led technical improvements contributed to a three-fold increase in food production in developing countries, helping avert what some observers had predicted would be chronic, widespread famine throughout the developing world. Thus, this paper reviews the literature on the subject of the role of improved agricultural technology in alleviating poverty in developing countries. 3 1) THE DISTRIBUTION OF WORLD POVERTY The World Development Report (World Bank, 2000a) entitled Attacking Poverty, begins by reporting that almost half of the world’s 6 billion people live on less than $2 per day and a fifth on less than $1 per day. Overall, more than 90% of the poorest people live in South Asia, East Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. Estimates of the proportion of the world’s poor that live in rural areas range from 62% (CGIAR, 2000) to 70% (ODI, 1999). In 31 out of 35 countries for which data is available, the percentage of the rural population living in poverty is higher than for the urban population (World Bank (1999), Table 4). The fact that agriculture’s share of GDP is far lower than its share of employment similarly indicates that, on average, rural people are poorer than urban. Thus, for Africa, agriculture accounts for 35% of GDP and 70% of employment, from which it can be inferred that output per capita in agriculture is only half that for the rest of the economy (World Bank, 2000b). Often, the gap is larger: for example, in Botswana, agriculture accounts for only 3.5% of GDP, but is the primary source of income for 50% of the population. Thus, despite very expensive government programmes to support agriculture, the mean urban income is still almost four times the rural level, which is about $0.5 per day (Thirtle et al, 2000). The rural poor are closely correlated with “functionally vulnerable groups” studied by Jazairy et al., (1992), who found that for a sample of 64 developing countries, 64% of the functionally vulnerable were smallholders and 29% where landless. In SSA, smallholders accounted for 77% and the landless only 11%, whereas for Asia 49% were smallholders and 26% landless (reported by Cox, Farrington and Gilling, 1998). Lipton (2001) quotes IFPRI as noting that increasingly, the rural poor are concentrated in arid, semi-arid and unreliably watered areas. From 1987-98, Chen and Ravallion (2000) show that whereas poverty has been declining, especially in Asia, it has increased substantially in Sub-Saharan Africa. Agricultural output growth should obviously have more of an impact on rural poverty than changes in other sectors and there is the added advantage that it has a particularly strong impact on urban poverty as well. This follows since increases in food output result in lower prices and the 30-40% of the poor who are urban spend a larger proportion of their income on food than those who are better off. 2) GROWTH, INEQUALITY AND POVERTY 2.1 Endogenous Growth Differences in growth rates of output and productivity within and between countries have attracted renewed interest since the area was revived by the development of endogenous growth models that allow a major role for policy. The cornerstone of the new growth theory is that although all agents may be subject to decreasing returns, the positive externalities associated with inputs like technology, education, health and infrastructure, that have public good characteristics, can result in increasing returns at the aggregate level. The new approach bridges the gap between development and growth by aiming to identify the exogenous policy variables that are causally prior to growth in per capita output or TFP (Romer, 1989). If policies do explain a significant proportion of the differences in growth and hence per capita incomes, the human welfare consequences are staggering (Lucas, 1988). Thus, empirical growth models (associated especially with Bill Easterly’s International Centre for Economic Growth at the World Bank) now provide substantial support for growth strategies led by R&D and technology generation (but also education, infrastructure and health). 2.2 Agriculture’s Role in the Growth Process The development strategies adopted by newly independent countries in the post-war period were, with few exceptions, characterized by an emphasis on the industrial sector, while agriculture was either 4 neglected or heavily taxed. Agriculture’s contributions to economic development were specified by Johnson and Mellor (1961) as food and raw materials; labour and capital; foreign exchange and markets for the outputs of the other sectors. The contributions were formalised in dualistic growth models, such as Ranis and Fei (1961), which followed Lewis in stressing the labour contribution and the need to feed a growing non-agricultural population. However, as Little (1982) noted, agriculture was treated as a sink of under-utilised resources that was to be bullied into providing the means for industrialisation. The neglect of agriculture in this era is odd, in that Ravallion and Datt (2000) When is growth pro-poor) note that, “there is a long-standing view (though not, by and large, a dominant one it would seem) that rural underdevelopment constrains prospects for industrialization; see for example Clarke (1940).”2 The need for agricultural growth became part of the conventional wisdom with the Berg report (World Bank, 1981) and the 1982 World Development, which stressed the proposition that agricultural growth is causally prior to industrial development. Stern (1996) applies endogenous growth theory to the role of agriculture in economic development and concludes that agriculture will continue to be of central importance to the poor countries for some time to come. His empirical investigation found a statistically significant relationship between the growth rate in non-agriculture and the growth rate in agriculture for the 1965-1980 period. His cross-country regressions provide a first indication of the complementarity in growth between sectors. These sectoral inter-relationships have since been modelled with increasing degrees of sophistication and supported with empirical investigations. Thus, two sector growth models, such as Matsuyama (1992) established that subject to reasonable assumptions, accelerating economic growth requires growth in agricultural productivity. However, once fertility and population growth are made endogenous, Kogel and Furnkranz-Prskawetz (2000) show that industrialisation requires agricultural productivity growth at an increasing rate. Some recent research, however, has attempted to model the role of agriculture in the process of development in the framework of a fully consistent theory. Irz and Roe (2000) develop a multi-sector growth model that leads to two important results. First, in a largely agrarian economy, a minimum rate of productivity growth in agriculture is necessary to counter population growth and avoid the Malthusian trap. An empirical investigation suggests that the result is not a purely theoretical occurrence, since the demographic and technological characteristics of several sub-Saharan countries are broadly consistent with such a poverty trap. The second result states that a relatively small difference in agricultural productivity can have a major impact on the speed of industrialization and the overall development process, consistently with the results of Matsuyama (1992). A separate literature applies recent time series techniques that can actually show that agricultural growth is causally prior to growth in manufacturing. Mathew (1955) and Kanwar (2000) establish that growth in agriculture was causally prior to growth to growth in manufacturing and construction, but the reverse is not true, in the cases of Malaysia and India. Rangarajan (1982) quantifies this effect for India, showing that 1% growth in agriculture generates 0.5% growth in manufacturing and 0.7% growth of the overall economy. The issue of linkages is pursued further in the next section, which helps to explain why agricultural growth has spillover effects. There are implications for the definition of an appropriate approach to the relationship between agricultural productivity and poverty alleviation. First, this relationship should be considered in the context of the broader economy and address the direct as well as indirect effects of a rise in productivity growth. Intuitive as it is, this point has not always been made in the past and Schuh (2000) considers that by neglecting the general equilibrium effects of the introduction of new technologies in agriculture, and by focusing excessively on poverty within the farm sector, the agricultural research community has failed to take credit for a significant decrease in general poverty. 2 Clark was responsible for the early work on the “structural transformation”, which explains the declining share of agriculture in GDP. This was a major reason for the neglect of the sector in early development plans. 5 Second, the recent growth literature points out to a number of dynamic effects through which agricultural productivity can impact poverty in a major way. The model of Irz and Roe (2000) shows that a decrease in the relative price of food resulting from technological progress in agriculture can lead to a substantial rise in the saving rate of households and therefore provide an effective exit channel from poverty. Another pathway involving feedbacks that create poverty traps corresponds to the positive correlation between nutritional status and labour productivity of the poor, as emphasized by Dasgupta (1998). In this context, Wichmann (1997) showed, based on a dynamic general equilibrium model, that an increase in agricultural productivity can lead to significant increases in the household consumption of the poor. However, this effect will be larger if nutritional status not only affects the productivity level of workers but also their ability to improve their productivity via learning by doing. This establishes the role of agricultural output and productivity growth in the overall growth process. Agricultural productivity growth is required for industrialisation to take place and the empirical investigations show that agricultural growth is causally prior to growth in manufacturing and services, but the reverse is not true. The impact on rural poverty will be established later and there is the added advantage that it has a particularly strong impact on urban poverty as well, since more food results in lower prices and the urban poor spend a larger proportion of their income on food than those who are better off. 2.3 Growth and Inequality The World Bank (2000) devotes a chapter to this topic, beginning with graphical evidence illustrating that in all cases growth rates and changes in the incidence of poverty are negatively related. However, the broader relationship between growth and inequality is far more ambiguous, except that growth reduces inequality twice as much in countries where the initial level of inequality is low. Thus, the poverty elasticity – the percentage change in the poverty headcount that results from a one percent change in GDP per capita – is positively related to inequality measures such as the Gini coefficient (this proposition is investigated for productivity growth in the empirical section). Many empirical investigations of growth and inequality centre largely on testing the Kuznets (1955) curve hypothesis that, as incomes grow in the early stages of development, income distribution at first worsens and then improves. Whilst this link between inequality and growth was recognized as a stylised fact of economic development until the late 70s (Ahluwalia, 1976), recent evidence has raised serious doubts on its validity. As a result, the consensus on the effect of growth on the distribution of income has been shattered, and the views regarding the benefits of growth to lower income classes range from the extreme optimism of Lal (1996), to far more circumspect evaluations. Hence, Barro (1998), from panel regressions covering 100 countries over the 1965-1995 period, finds some support in favour of the Kuznets curve but concludes, however, that it does not explain the bulk of variations in inequality across countries or over time. Ravallion (1995) used data from 36 developing countries, representing 78 percent of the population of the developing world, to assess the growth-poverty link during the 1980s. Growth reduces poverty, but has no systematic effect on inequality, suggesting that income gains were evenly spread. But, the econometric analysis left “a sizable unexplained variation in country performance at reducing poverty for a given rate of growth.” In other words, clearly other factors matter too. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the literature on growth and inequality lies with the mechanisms suggested to explain a possible relationship. These mechanisms can often be used to think about the distributional impact of the introduction of new technologies in agriculture. One strand of the literature investigates the causal relationship from income inequality to growth.3 Benabou, (1996) focuses on the imperfections of capital markets in developing countries: due to a wealth constraint on 3 Other theories explaining how income inequality affects growth hinge on the political economy of redistribution (Persson and Tabellini, 1994) and on the idea that excessive inequalities result in socio-political unrest (Alesina and Pertti, 1996). They are less relevant to our purpose here. 6 borrowing, the poor are unable to seize investment opportunities, in particular in education, and are therefore excluded from the process of growth. This mechanism implies that a more unequal distribution of income leads to lower investment and slower growth. It can be related to the early criticisms of the green revolution, according to which only the wealthier farmers have access to the credit necessary for the investment and the purchase of modern inputs accompanying new agricultural technologies (Pearce, 1980; Sharma, 1997). These criticisms have not survived scrutiny (Barker and Herdt, 1978; Blyn, 1983; Pinstrup-Andersen and Hazell, 1985; Lipton and Longhurst, 1989; Hazell and Ramasamy, 1991; David and Otsuka, 1994). Although small farmers did lag behind large farmers in adopting the green revolution technologies, most of them did eventually adopt and benefit from increased production, as well as from greater employment opportunities and higher wages in the agricultural and non-farm sectors. Moreover, most small farmers were able to hold onto their land, and hence captured significant total production increases from their holdings (Westley, 1986; Hazell and Ramasamy, 1991; Rosegrant and Hazell, 1999). In some cases, small farmers and landless laborers actually ended up gaining proportionally more income than larger farmers, with a net improvement in the distribution of village income (Hazell and Ramasamy, 1991). A second strand of the literature focuses on the reverse causal relationship, from economic growth to inequality. Kuznets (1955) justified his hypothesis on the fact that economic growth is accompanied by the continuous reallocation of workers from the rural sector, featuring low per capita income, to the urban sector, characterized by higher per capita income. At early stages of development, the rural sector dominates the economy and growth results in the expansion in size of the small and relatively rich group of persons: it increases inequalities. However, as the size of the agricultural sector diminishes, the dominant effect of continued mobility on inequality is that more of the poor agricultural workers are enabled to join the relatively rich industrial sector, and growth eventually reduces inequalities. Barro (1998) estimates that the turning point (the maximum of the Kuznets curve) is reached at a level of per capita income of $2000. More recently, this reasoning has been extended to understand the distributional consequences of the introduction of new technologies (Helpman, 1997). The adoption of a new technology, or the mobility from a sector using an old technology to a sector using the new technology, requires familiarization and re-education. Therefore, due to a mechanism similar to the one described for the Kuznets curve, many technological innovations tend, in a first stage, to raise inequality, since few persons get to share initially in the relatively high income generated by the new technology. But subsequently, as more people take advantage of the superior techniques, inequality tends to fall. In this context, the implications for innovation in agriculture are twofold: first, the full effect of a new technology on inequality can only be assessed with a significant time lag. And second, in order to limit the negative effect of innovation on income distribution, policies intended to help the adoption of the new technology by the poorest should be introduced. Such policies include in particular the development of educational programs and the provision of extension services. Bruno, Ravallion and Squire (1998) review the recent evidence and find that while income inequality differs significantly across countries, there is no discernable systematic impact over time of growth on inequality. Though there are exceptions, as a general rule sustainable economic growth benefits all layers of society roughly in proportion to their initial levels of living. However, countries that give priority to schooling, health and nutrition are more likely to see improving income distributions and higher average incomes over the longer term. A more equitable distribution of physical assets, notably land, can also help greatly. The sectoral composition of economic growth has also been emphasized as an important factor. Sectoral biases against the rural sector in pricing, exchange rates, and public investment are not in the interests of either higher growth or better distribution. And sound macroeconomic policies appear to be essential for sustained growth, and either have no systematic effect on distribution, or have potentially adverse short-term impacts but which are typically not strong enough to outweigh the gains to the poor from growth. Paying attention to the composition of public expenditures in the adjustment program and to the inclusion of effective safety nets for the poor will help improve the distributional outcome in the 7 transition to a pro-poor growth recovery. While these policies should be pursued in all countries, we now suspect that these will be less effective and/or less well implemented in high-inequality countries. Thus reducing inequality is good because it will benefit the poor both immediately and in the longer term through higher growth. 2.4 Growth and Poverty: Pro-Poor Growth? The question as to how growth impacts poverty has not been studied as thoroughly as the relationship between inequality and growth, probably due to the fact that most economists take it for granted. It is true that the conditions necessary for growth to result in an increase in poverty seem a priori implausible considering the results of the previous section: growth would need to increase inequalities considerably to have a negative impact on the incidence of poverty. Further, an early study by Fields (1991) showed that increases in poverty and economic growth form an exceptional combination. More recent research, made possible by the new database compiled at the World Bank, also supports the view that growth tends to reduce poverty (Roemer and Gugerty, 1997; Bruno et al, 1996). Yet, a number of reasonable mechanisms whereby growth could lead to a worsening in the conditions of the poor exist, and macro-level studies might simply be too general to identify these relationships. Dasgupta (1998) makes a convincing case for the existence of poverty traps that might be reinforced by growth. Among other mechanisms, he points out that economic growth in developing countries, in the context of a relatively high income elasticity of demand for cereals, can induce grain prices to rise, further impoverishing the poor. He also suggests that technological change in agriculture can result in an erosion of the local commons that often form an essential source of livelihood of the poor. The distributional consequences of different growth processes therefore need to be examined rather than assuming that growth will automatically trickle down to the poor. The extent to which agricultural growth contributes to poverty alleviation is now addressed. The 1990 World Development Report took the promotion of broad-based growth as the first prong of its strategy to reduce poverty, but the meaning of broad based growth was never defined, so it was interpreted to refer to the labour-intensity of growth, its geographical or distributional impact, or the sectoral pattern of growth. While the terminology shifted to pro-poor growth, the definition remains vague (White and Anderson, 2000). Though it is to be expected that growth will tend to reduce poverty, the extent to which growth alone can be expected to alleviate the problem is open to question. Critics such as Lal (1996), Demery and Squire (1996) and Dollar and Kraay (2000) have argued that distributional changes are both too small and too slow to be relied upon to bring about substantial reductions in poverty, so the main driving force for eliminating poverty is growth. This may be the case, but there remains the situation where growth associated with progressive distributional changes will have a greater impact in reducing poverty than growth which leaves distribution unchanged. The key question in this study is the extent to which agricultural growth can be expected to be pro-poor, a question that is now addressed. 2.5 Is Agricultural Growth Pro-Poor? Thus, the distribution consequences of different sectoral growth patterns need to be examined. It is frequently argued that the agricultural sector is particularly important as a source of broad based growth as it often possesses the characteristics that can stimulate the sort of growth that reduces poverty rapidly (Lipton, 1977; Stewart 1978 and Ranis 1979 for an early statement of these views and Mellor 1999 for a recent one). 8 Since the majority of the poor live in rural areas and derive most of their income from their labour, it has often been argued that agricultural growth based on the introduction of labour-intensive technologies is particularly suited to fight poverty in developing countries (Lipton, 1977). Further, in an economy where food is only partially tradable, productivity increases in agriculture should result in a decrease in food prices that primarily benefit the poor. Recent studies of poverty reduction in India support this view (Datt and Ravallion 1990, 1996 and 1998). Poverty reduction is the result of growth within agriculture and not to the shift of inputs from low to high productivity sectors, associated with Kuznet’s inverted “U” trajectory of inequality rising then falling in the course of development. Hence growth of agricultural output and small-scale ancillary industries gives reduction of poverty whereas manufacturing growth does not. Datt and Ravallion (1996) show that the sectoral composition of economic growth matters to the poor in India. First, rural growth reduces poverty both in rural and urban areas, but urban growth does not alleviate poverty in rural areas. Second, a decomposition of growth in terms of output sectors establishes that growth in the primary sector benefits the poor in both urban and rural areas, while growth in manufacturing has no impact on poverty in either. Woden (1999) produces similar findings for Bangladesh, where simulations show that rural grow reduces poverty 3% more than urban growth, by 2008, and the differential effect on the poverty gap is greater. Throbecke and Jung (1996) come to similar conclusions for Indonesia using simulations from a SAM. The significance of agriculture for poverty reduction is also confirmed by results from cross section data sets. A cross-country examination of the relationship between growth and poverty by Gallup et al. (1997) establishes that a one percent increase in agricultural GDP leads to a 1.61% increase in income of the poorest quintile, while the corresponding values for the manufacturing and services sectors are only 1.16% and 0.79%. Other cross-country studies (Timmer, 1997; Bourguignon and Morrisson (1998)) provide further evidence of the pro-poor bias of agricultural growth, with only the results of White and Anderson contradicting this view4. Timmer (1997) finds that manufacturing reduces poverty directly due to an increase in the income of employed workers, but it also worsens the distribution of income, reducing the effect on the poor, in contrast agricultural growth, which is not associated with worsening income distribution. Bourgignon and Morrison (1998), using a sample 38 small and medium size developing countries find that growth in agriculture and in basic services reduced poverty more than expanding industrial output. The conclusion that agricultural growth is best for poverty reduction is however conditional on equitable land distribution. Mellor (1999) argues that agricultural growth reduces poverty so effectively, as in addition to generating income for poor farmers, it generates demand for goods and services that can easily be produced by the poor (non-durable consumer goods sold by small shops, market trading services, hoes, ploughs and other capital goods etc). However, if land and income distribution is highly skewed, as is common in Latin America and some SSA countries, consumptions patterns of landowners are skewed toward imported or capital intensive consumer goods rather than the products of the smallscale labour intensive domestic manufacturing and services, which dampens the effects. Hanmer and Naschold (2000) report de Janvry and Sadoulet’s (1996) analysis of poverty reduction in eleven countries in Latin America and the Caribbean as confirming Mellor’s conclusion. De Janvry and Sadoulet (2000) report that poverty has declined in Latin America over the last three decades. However, due to the level of inequality in land ownership, a main escape route for the rural poor has been migration to urban areas, so urban poverty has grown as rural poverty has fallen. Thus, they 4 White and Anderson (2000) find a negative effect of agricultural growth on poverty. Their data is from the same source as Timmer (1997) and Gallup et al. (1997),but they retain only “high quality” data, thus dropping many LDCs, and all of SSA except Zambia. Thus their result seems to come from the fact that half the sample is developed countries, with agricultural sectors that are to small to affect poverty. This is of little interest for the current study, where the emphasis is on the poorer LDCs. 9 confirm that agricultural growth is still pro-poor and the best option, but when there is extreme inequality the positive effects will be reduced. 3) LINKAGES: PRODUCTION, EMPLOYMENT AND INCOME Whereas the early work on linkages stressed the upstream and downstream outputs generated by industrial investments, such as steelworks, but recent work shows that the secondary effects of agricultural output growth are also substantial. Although diversifying agriculture and movement of labour to other sectors is central to long-run growth (Delgado, 1995), agricultural growth is important to reach this stage. Higher real incomes in the agricultural sector stimulate demand for the products of other sectors and labour within the sector. Higher agricultural outputs stimulate the creation of non-farm rural and urban employment opportunities, through backward and forward linkages to service and manufacturing sector activities (Hanmer and Naschold (2000). 3.1 Linkages within the Overall Economy ‘In poorer countries, agriculture typically accounts for the lion’s share of national income, employment and export earnings. Under these conditions, even a modest growth rate for agriculture can have significant leverage on the national economy. Rapid agricultural growth contributes to the economic transformation in a number of important ways. It supplies basic foods, raw materials for agro-industry, and exports, and frees up foreign exchange for the importation of strategic industrial and capital goods. It releases labour and capital (in the form of rural savings and taxes) to the non-farm sector. It generates purchasing power among the rural population for non-food consumer goods and services and therefore supports growth in services and trade and provides a nascent market for an emerging manufacturing sector. It reduces poverty by increasing labour productivity and employment, and by lowering food prices for all.’ (Hazell & Haddad 2000, 11) These effects have led some (see, for example, Mellor & Adams 1986, Adelman & Fetini 1991, De Franco & Godoy 1993) to argue for ‘agricultural development led industrialisation’ (ADLI). There is some empirical evidence to support these arguments. Rangarajan (1982, reported in Hazell & Haddad 2000) estimated that a 1% addition to the agricultural growth rate in India stimulated a 0.5% addition to the growth rate of industrial output, and a 0.7% addition to the growth rate of national income. For Kenya, Block & Timmer (Timmer 1995), obtained a multiplier from an exogenous shift in farm output of 1.64 for the rest of the economya higher value than that arising from industrial growth where the multiplier was estimated at 1.23. This literature is supported by modelling such as Social Accounting Matrices (SAMs) and Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models. Examples, such as Townsend et al (1998) and McDonald and Townsend (1998) show that for the Botswana and the Western Cape Province of South Africa, the employment and output effects of agricultural output growth are larger than those for manufacturing. Thus, at the income levels relevant for most of the countries of Africa and Asia, the agricultural linkages can be well established. Coxhead & Warr (1991) used a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model loosely styled on the case of the Philippines, to show how, in a small open economy, technical improvements in farming are likely to benefit labour, especially if the technical change is labour-using, land-saving. Taking the case of a 10% improvement in farm output, with technology that saves land but uses labour, applicable to irrigated areas, their work predicts almost an 8% increase in the incomes of landless labourers. For Bolivia, de Franco & Godoy (1993) also built a CGE model to show that technical improvements to crops generate all round benefits in the economy, stimulating growth and employment. But improvements to the main non-tradable, potatoes, have the greater effects than improvements to traded crops such as wheat or soybeansin large part since the price of potatoes falls, raising real 10 incomes in a country where the poor spend large fractions of their household budgets on foodstuffs. These studies clearly suggest that improved farm productivity has widespread benefit to society, especially by reducing the real prices of staples that cannot easily be traded. 3.2 Linkages within the Rural Economy The specific linkages from farming to the rest of the rural economy can be disaggregated as follows: o o o Production links, both ‘upstream’ from the farm in demand for inputs and services for agriculture, as well as ‘downstream’ from the farm in the demand for processing, storage, and transport of produce; Consumption links as farmers spend their increased incomes on goods and services; and, Gains to rural human capital as increased food production allows better nutrition of rural workers and investment in education (Timmer 1995). The precise degree and form of these linkages are likely to be affected by factors such as the amount of rural infrastructure, rural population density, the need for immediate and local processing of farm produce, the nature of technical change in farming, and the tradability of both farm output and the goods and services demanded by farming communities. Table 1: Multipliers from increases in farm output to other sectors Study location and time Muda Valley, Malaysia, 1972 Multiplier estimated Source 1.83 Haggblade, Hazell & Brown 1989 [1.71] [Haggblade, Hammer & Hazell 1991] 1.87 Hazell & Ramasamy 1991 Tami North Arcot District, Nadu, India, 1982–83 Sierra Leone, Rural, 1974–75 Burkina 1984–85 Niger 1989–90 Senegal 1989–90 Zambia 1985–86 1.35 Ranging from 1.31 to 4.62 Haggblade, Hammer & Hazell 1991 Delgado et al. 1994 Delgado, Hopkins & Kelly 1994 Since the early 1980s models have been built to estimate the production and consumption multipliers for specific regions.5 These studies have shown high multipliers, as Table 1 shows. The Muda Valley figure of 1.83 means that a 1% increase in agricultural output also gives a 0.83% increase in non-agricultural output. Most of these studies show that the bulk75% or moreof the effects arise through consumption linkages. Some studies show greater effects in areas with more infrastructure and well-developed ruralurban links, and correspondingly lower multipliers for cases from Africa where these conditions do not usually apply. On the other hand, Delgado and colleagues (1998) have produced equally high if not higher linkages for African cases, arguing that isolation in rural Africa means that any exogenous increase in farm earnings will be spent disproportionately on locally-produced goods and services. These are amended in alter work, but Delgado at al. (1998) still have large African multipliers: 2.88 for Burkino Faso, 1.96 for Niger, 2.3 for Senegal and 2.57 for Zambia. These findings have, however, been disputed. As with most models, the assumptions built in may be questioned. In particular the strong multipliers for rural Africa reported by Delgado have been 5 See Haggblade, Hammer & Hazell (1991) for a discussion of these models. They favour using semi-input-output models. 11 criticised by de Janvry (1994) as being based on unlikely assumptions about the perfect elasticity of supply of non-tradables. Hart (1989) comments that the Muda Valley study underplayed the extent to which increased spending went on goods that were imported into the region. She also focuses on how capital has been exported from the Muda Valley. In similar fashion, Harriss-White’s detailed studies (1997) of a market town and its hinterland in North Arcot suggests that capital is being siphoned out of the rural areas to the urban economy. She also casts doubt on the extent to which the farm economy stimulates the non-farm economy. Her work suggests that the growth of rural industries in the town of Arni owes more to links to the urban hierarchy of India as a whole, than to the fortunes of the surrounding rural areas. Delgado (1999) suggests vertical integration as a means of overcoming the high transaction costs in African agriculture. Holloway et al. (2000) similarly follow a New Institutional Economics approach in considering how milk cooperatives may aid agro-industrialisation in the East African highlands and Staal et al. (1997) apply similar reasoning to dairying in Kenya and Ethiopia. Thus, Eicher (1989) noted that To meet the (African) crisis one must turn to agricultural led growth. But, based on historical experience, an agricultural-led strategy must be framed in no less than a twenty-year horizon and must entail a combination of technological innovation, policy reform, and institutional restructuring because each, by itself, is limited. The linkages issue raises the question of the role of the rural non-farm economy, to which the argument now turns. 4) NON-FARM INCOME AND LIVELIHOODS The linkages to activities such as processing and transportation mean that, in the early stages, non-farm incomes should be considered as secondary effects of farm output growth. The growing importance of non-farm income to rural families has emerged from the livelihood studies supported by DFID and from much of the work of Reardon and his associates. For instance, work by Wiggins, for DFID, on Mexican villages, showed that non-farm income was actually greater than income that came directly from farming. Bryceson (2000) attributes diversification out of agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa to the pressures induced by structural adjustment programmes and the demise of marketing boards. However, Ellis (2000) is more positive, suggesting that diversification is driven by changes in income-earning opportunities that are promoted by structural adjustment and market liberalisation policies. For the very poor, this can provide the opportunity for a more viable livelihood, although the role of diversification at the lower end of the income distribution does not mean it has an equalising effect on rural incomes overall, especially when inequality of land ownership is taken into account. Smallholder households are diversifying their livelihood strategies and increasing the shares of non-farm income that they earn (Reardon et al, 1998, Carney, 1998). Smallholders and landless workers typically earn more than half their total household income from nonagricultural sources. Such diversification could reflect worsening impoverishment and desperation as land becomes increasingly scarce, or it could reflect increasing prosperity, as rural workers are attracted into higher paying nonfarm jobs. The South East Asian experience has been largely of the latter variety, with rapid growth in rural non-farm employment and income as a result of dynamic national economies (Rosegrant and Hazell, 1999). Many South East Asian countries seem to be following the Japanese experience, and are retaining large numbers of smallholder farms that are becoming little more than part time enterprises. Diversification is more likely to be associated with greater impoverishment when increasing land scarcity occurs in conjunction with slow agricultural growth and stagnant national and regional 12 economies, and wages are falling (Haggblade, Hazell and Reardon, 2000). Such situations are not uncommon in many of the poorer countries in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa. 4.1 Incomes from the Rural Non-farm Economy Thus, the amount of income earned by rural households from the non-farm economy constitutes an important part of their total income.6 For Latin America and the Caribbean, Berdegué, Reardon and Escobar (2000) report the results of twelve studies showing a range from 38% to 68%, with a median of 46%. For Africa, a review of 35 studies gives a range of 15% to 80%, with a median value of 43% (Barrett & Reardon 2000). For Asia, a review of 42 household surveys gave a mean share of non-farm income as 31% (Baliascan & Reardon 1998, reported in Reardon et al. 1998). Of the many household surveys that report the share of income coming from non-farm sources, few report shares lying outside of a range of 25% to 60%, with most estimates clustering in the 40–50% range. The share of rural income contributed by non-farm activities seems to be increasing (Bryceson 1998), although the lack of comparable surveys through time makes this difficult to establish beyond doubt (Hunt 1995 is an exception). It also seems that non-farm income may be disproportionately important for the rural poor (Adams 1994), unsurprising, since they usually have less access to land than better-off rural groups, and hence depend more on waged work and petty enterprises. But this does not mean that the poor earn more from the non-farm economy than the better-off. Indeed, it seems that in some cases the rich earn more from non-farm activities than the poor, even though they may not have such a high share of this in their total incomes, and even if they spend less time working in this sector. As Berdegué, Reardon and Escobar (2000) report for Latin America and the Caribbean, the nonfarm economy can be divided into two groups of activities. On the one hand stand those formal jobs paid by a salary, often public service occupation such as teaching, and substantial7 businesses (for example, maize milling, welding, large shops, coffee processing, motorised transport, etc.). These occupations require either formal qualifications or more-than-petty amounts of working capital. They may also depend on having social and political contacts. By and large, only the better-off households have the qualifications and resources to access these occupations. The rewards are worthwhile: earnings in this part of the non-farm economy are relatively good compared to farming. On the other hand, however, there are many non-farm occupations that require few qualifications and minimal capital to participatemanual labouring, petty trading, food preparation and brewing, gathering wood, water, and fodder for sale, tailoring, clothes-mending and knitting, some artisan crafts, charcoal-making, etc. It is in these occupations that the poor tend to be involved. Unfortunately, many of these activities yield lower returns per hour worked than farming. Low returns are partly a reflection of the low physical productivity of activities that involve few tools or facilities, and partly a reflection of the strong competition for such jobs. Tellegen (1998) reports how between 1983 and 1993 in two Districts of Malawi, hard times in farming and rising population saw the number of rural non-farm enterprises rise by almost four times, but with declining real returns for most occupations. This division between the well-paid activities that the rich can access and the badly-rewarded occupations left for the poor explains why in several African, specifically Kenyan, studiessee Murton 1999 on Machakos, Kenya; Hunt 1995 on Mbeere, Kenya; Evans & Ngau 1991 on Kutus, Kenya; Reardon 1997 on Africa in generalnon-farm income is skewed in favour of the better-off households. In southern Mali it is the households with greater wealth and landholdings that participate most in 6 Estimates of income accruing from the rural non-farm economy are bedevilled by different definitions. Many surveys report ‘off-farm earnings’. These include not just earnings from the rural non-farm economy, but also include wages from labouring on the fields of others and remittances and commuter salaries from household members working in the urban economy. ‘Non-farm’ itself is a term that is imprecise: at what point does the processing and marketing of a crop downstream of the field cease to be a ‘farm activity’ and become a ‘non-farm’ activity? 7 Defined in rural Mexico as those businesses that involved renting premises or employing workers others than household and family members (Wiggins & Proctor 2000). 13 livestock rearing and non-farm activities.8 Piesse et al (1999) found that in a communal area of Zimbabwe close to Harare, non-farm income particularly benefited those with lower farm incomes, whereas in a more remote region the opposite was true. This indicates the importance of markets and infrastructure in enhancing the incomes of the rural poor. Hence, it should not be thought that the rural non-farm economy is necessarily something that reduces income inequality. 4.2 How much of the Rural Non-farm Economy is Dependent on Agriculture? How closely is the non-farm economy linked to agriculture? To the extent that the rural non-farm economy consists of occupations that serve farming (input supply, tractor services, veterinary assistance, etc.), or that process and market outputs (refineries, mills, warehousing and haulage), or that depend on farmers spending their incomes (shops, cafes, bars), it can be closely linked. But what fraction of the non-farm economy is so constituted? There are plenty of reports of village occupations that have no linkage to farmingfor example, crafts, carpentry, textiles, etc. In some cases, these occupations use raw materials supplied from towns and sell their output back to the urban areas. Other than employing farm labour in the off-season, these are independent of the farm economy. To these sources of rural income may be added remittances and transfers from household members and family with jobs in urban areas. This has led some observers to cast doubt on the extent to which agriculture is the core of the rural economy (Ellis 1998, Bryceson 1998). Indeed, in these cases it may be farming that receives transfers of capital from non-farm sectorsin complete contrast to dual-sector models where agriculture is the source of surplus factors of production. Unfortunately, there are few if any studies that record the relative magnitudes of non-farm income coming from occupations that are not linked to farming. But although there may be doubts on the extent to which rural economies may depend on farming, there is the following empirical observation for Latin America (from Berdegué, Reardon and Escobar 2000). The rural non-farm economy tends to be most dynamic and productive in areas where farming thrives. Where farming does poorly, non-farm jobs may be important, but they are often jobs of last resort offering poverty wages. The association between the farm and non-farm economy may be direct, as when prosperous farming allows investment in the non-farm economy. Or it may be indirect, through the effects of demands from nearby cities. Urban centres constitute good markets for farm produce, especially perishables. But the same cities also demand services in their peri-urban hinterlandsrecreation, commuting homes. Some city-base enterprises may decamp from the city proper to rural areas from which there are good communications with the city. Consequently, in addition to the rural-urban links noted above, there can also be feedback effects whereby urban economic growth acts as a motor for both agriculture and the rural non-farm economy. Sao Paulo and its rural surroundings is cited as an example of these effects. Similarly in Asia, those rural areas that have become well known for their levels of industrialisationTaiwan, coastal south-east China, some parts of Javahave also seen considerable growth of agriculture, usually prior to industrialisation. The linkages here do not seem to be directly from farming to rural industry. Nor are they solely driven by the dynamism of metropolitan economies. Rather, in these cases it seems that agricultural development leads to conditions conducive to investing in rural areasthrough the creation of a road networks, power supplies, communications; and the formation of a healthy and educated rural work force.9 Note that these linkages are not part of the formal models (see the previous section) through which multipliers have been estimated. Conversely, in the many parts of rural Africa where agricultural development has been slow or faltering, there are few if any examplesother than the singular case of mining10of a dynamic nonfarm sector providing rural growth. 8 This is not attributed as it is under review: a forthcoming issue of Food Policy will be devoted to this subject area. Some of which education comes from temporary migration to urban areas where they learn factory skills and disciplines and make business contacts (see Murphy 1999, Otsuka & Reardon 1998). 10 Even with mining, the effects on the surrounding rural areas are often pathetic. Mining towns exist as enclaves par excellence. If the hinterlands of mines prosper, it is usually through public investments and subsidies provided by a state that 9 14 4.3 The Rural Non-farm Economy, Poverty and Productivity: Some Conclusions It may be the case that for many rural households, 40% or more of their incomes come from non-farm occupations. For the rural poor, the share may typically be higher, 50% or more. To those who see the countryside as identical to farms and fields, this may be remarkable. But it should not blind us to the fact that this still leaves substantial fractions of income directly arising from farming. Moreover, of the remaining non-farm income, some at very least will be linked to the success of agriculture. With few exceptions, the more successful is farming, the more non-farm jobs and the higher the returns to them. It would be difficult, then, to dismiss agriculture as a motor of the rural economy. Even for the poorer groups in rural areas who lack access to land, in most cases at least 40% of their livelihoods will be linked closely to farming. No other activity consistently offers the same degree of importance to the rural poor as does agriculture. Moreover, there remains the empirical observation that thriving farm economies are closely associated with prosperous non-farm economies. This supports the long-standing arguments for the linkages in production and consumption, but also suggests that there may be wider linkagesin terms of investment in physical infrastructure and human capitalbetween farming and other sectors. Indeed, there may be links in social capital as well. A vigorous farm economy generates immediate links in the production chain that establish the basis of trust between owners of enterprises, and between them and those that service such enterprise, such as bank managers. To the extent to which this generates trust and information about markets and techniques, it lowers transactions costs in rural areas and makes it that much easier to launch businesses in activities unrelated to farming.11 That said, these relations remain at the level of hypotheses, since there are no studies (known to these authors) to confirm them at present. In conclusion, then, the evidence suggests that whilst agriculture and linked activities may not be the only source of livelihoods in the rural economy, it would be perverse to set aside the importance of farming in most rural areas. Stimulating agriculture is likely to stimulate the non-farm rural economy. That said, there are clearly investments that can be made publicly or encouraged by governmentin infrastructure, education, healththat benefit the rural areas in their entirety. 5) OUTPUT GROWTH AND PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH IN AGRICULTURE Much of the discussion in previous sections is in terms of output growth, rather than productivity growth, which is the growth in output per unit of input(s). Binswanger (1989, 1994) has long argued that in the long run agricultural supply response at the sector level is not possible without productivity growth. There are partial productivity measures, most commonly, yield (land productivity) or labour productivity, and total factor productivity, which is outputs (aggregated with appropriate weights) per unit of all inputs (again aggregated with appropriate weights). Inputs and outputs may be in physical terms or value terms at constant prices, which is essentially the same thing. Each serves its purpose but the measures will usually differ. The distinction between the output and productivity growth is not important for some of the effects, but for others it can be crucial. The two can also have opposite signs; for Hungary, during the transition of the early 1990s, liberalisation led to a 25% increase in productivity while output fell by redistributes mineral royalties. This is not just an African phenomenon, Roberts (1995) records the extent to which the Carajás mining towns of Brazil are provisioned from distant metropolis, ignoring the potential for local farms to supply them with foodstuffs, 11 Taiwan may provide examples of this. Before WWII rural industry included pineapple canning. After 1949, the sheds were used to can mushrooms produced as side-business to farming. The skills of running this business were transferred from the 1980s onwards to rural engineering plants, sub-contracted to urban light industry. See Benziger 1996. 15 15%. Productivity gains that come from input reduction may in fact reduce output and this has indeed happened in SSA as liberalisation and subsidy reduction has reduced the use of modern inputs in some areas.12 A new crop technology may reduce input use, raise yields, raise labour productivity, or in the case of say a short-season maize variety, allow the cultivated area to be expanded. The first will increase profit, but not output and may reduce employment; the second will increase output and probably employment, but not necessarily profits; the third will raise the remuneration of labour, but probably at the expense of employment and the output effect is indeterminate. The last may raise output, employment and profits, but could well lower yields. A physical increase in productivity may vanish, if output is in value terms, due to the fall in the output price. The relationship between labour and land productivity can be stated as an identity: Y/L = (Y/A)(A/L) where Y is output, L is labour, and A is land. Thus, labour productivity can be decomposed into the product of land productivity and the inverse of labour per unit of land. Land area per worker (A/L), can be increased by animal power and technical improvements in machinery and equipment, which allow power to be substituted for labour. This process may be called mechanical technical change. Similarly, biological advances, such as high-yielding, fertiliser-responsive seed varieties, raise the average product of land (Y/A) and may be referred to as biological/chemical technical change However, in the investigation which follows, the ratio of land to labour, taken from the FAO/World Bank statistics, is better viewed as an indicator of the land endowment of the countries in the sample, as these differences can otherwise dominate any measurement of productivity change. Regardless of the cause, increases in food output result in gains to consumers. Subsistence producers have greater output and only the marketed surplus is subject to the lower prices that result from the increased supply. For commercial production, early adopters earn a quasi-rent, but as supply increases, the gains are passed on to consumers (both rural and urban) by way of lower prices. Since the poor spend a greater proportion of their incomes on food, they benefit most. This demand side argument is unambiguous, but the effect on producers, including labourers, varies according to the cause of the output or productivity change, as was noted at the beginning of this section. Thus, the literature on the distributional effects of agricultural productivity growth, driven by new technologies, is much more mixed. During the green revolution, feeding the urban poor took precedence over rural poverty alleviation and the poorest farmers were usually the last to obtain the new technologies. Thus, there is a literature (noted in Hazell and Haddad, 2001), which looks at the early part of the diffusion curve and finds that the new technologies worsened the lot of the resource poor farmers. However, Hayami and Ruttan (1986) show that the consequences of population growth without the green revolution technology would have had dire consequences for the poor. Hayami (1981) concluded that the growing inequality in the rural sector of developing countries was the result of the green revolution not making sufficient progress to counteract the growing population pressure on the land. However, Byerlee (1987) and others have noted that post green revolution, yield increases are more difficult and require skills. Public sector agricultural R&D is tends to be yield-increasing. The conditions under which yield enhancing technologies are likely to have equitable on-farm benefits are now reasonably well understood. These include a) a scale-neutral technology package that can be profitably adopted on farms of all size; b) an equitable distribution of land with secure ownership or tenancy rights; c) efficient input, credit and product markets so that farms of all sizes have access to needed modern farm inputs and information and are able to receive similar prices for their products; and d) policies that do not discriminate against small farms and landless labourers (for example, no subsidies on mechanization, or scale-biases in agricultural research and extension). These conditions are not easily met, and it typically 12 This has occurred in the areas of Kenya studied by Nyariki and Thirtle (2000). 16 requires a concerted effort by government to ensure that small farmers do have fair access to land and needed knowledge and modern inputs so as not to be left behind. Whilst this is useful, the literature on R&D and technology has always pointed out that agricultural research is a very blunt instrument for alleviating poverty. R&D is essential to achieve the necessary output growth, but it unlikely to solve the distribution problems. However, it is more likely to achieve this if the suggestions above are given serious consideration. 5.1 Agricultural Productivity and Poverty Hanmer and Naschold (2000) show that the higher ratio of agricultural to modern sector labour productivity, the greater is the reduction in poverty headcounts, but only for sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. This suggests that it is at the lower levels of development that agricultural productivity growth has the greatest effect on poverty. Ravallion and Datt (2000) study the poverty impact of growth in India for 1960-1994. The sectoral composition of economic growth and initial conditions interact to influence how much economic growth reduced consumption poverty. The elasticities of poverty to (urban and rural) non-farm output varied appreciably, and the differences were quantitatively important to the overall rate of poverty reduction. States with initially lower farm productivity, lower rural living standards relative to urban areas, and lower literacy experienced a less pro-poor growth process. Datt and Ravallion (1998) take the productivity connection further, by estimating the effects of yield growth on poverty, the relative price of food and real wages in rural India, from 1958-94. Both higher agricultural wages and higher yields reduce poverty to a very similar degree. In food markets, the poor gain in absolute terms, and there is strong evidence that important indirect channels linking average farm productivity to living standards of the rural poor do exist. Fan, Hazell and Thorat (1999) also use Indian data to estimate the returns to alternative investments in rural India on agricultural total factor productivity and poverty reduction.13 The greatest impacts on both variables came from investments in roads and in agricultural R&D and extension, which apart from increasing incomes, had much of their effect through wage increases and lower food prices. This is described as a win-win situation, as there appears to be no trade-off between TFP growth and poverty reduction. Thus, a combination of infrastructure and research investment is called for, which is not an unusual finding. Thirtle et al. (1993) found that in post independence Zimbabwe, where the technologies were already in use by the settlers, the key explanatory variables in spreading the green revolution to the communal lands were depots for the distribution of inputs (and collection of outputs) and rural credit. Technology does not work without infrastructure, but this raises the issue of the allocation of effort between marginal and favoured environments. Fan, Hazell and Haque (2000) find that in the Indian case, marginal returns in the favoured areas have been driven down so far that technology and infrastructure investments in the marginal rain-fed areas appear to be the option with the highest return. This may well be true in some African countries, such as Kenya, where the allocation of resources in KARI was extremely biased in favour of the highlands while the lower potential semi-arid and coastal regions attracted very little funding (Thirtle, 1989). Recent evidence on the impact of agricultural research in Africa is reviewed by Maredia, Byerlee and Pee (2000) while Byerlee (2000) considers targeting poverty directly in priority setting. Renkow (2000) tackles this problem and also the share of non-farm income, and although he concludes that R&D for marginal areas may be especially pro-poor, the more so when there is less scope for NFI, the conclusion is still that infrastructure 13 The World Bank (1991) explained that TFP is the appropriate measure as it correlates with cost reduction whereas yield increases may come from intensification 17 investments and institutional changes are likely to have higher payoffs than investing in R&D and technology. 5.2 The Poverty Impact of Agricultural Technology Does technology-led agricultural productivity growth lead to widespread economic growth and poverty reduction? There is a considerable recent literature on agricultural research and poverty alleviation, which is relevant here since it assumes that R&D produces new technologies and looks at the poverty impact.14 Thus, Hazell and Haddad (2001) list the potential poverty impacts of improved technology: 1) It can benefit poor farmers directly through an increase in their level of own-farm production. This may involve production of more food and nutrients for their own consumption, and increasing the output of marketed products for increased farm income; 2) It can benefit small farmers and landless labourers through greater agricultural employment opportunities and higher wages within the adopting regions; 3) It can increase migration opportunities for the poor to other agricultural regions; 4) It can benefit a wide range of rural and urban poor through growth in the rural and urban nonfarm economy; 5) It can lead to lower food prices for all consumers, whether from rural or urban areas 6) It can lead to greater physical and economic access to crops that are high in nutrients that are crucial to the well-being of the poor and to poor women in general 7) It can empower the poor by increasing their access to decision-making processes, increasing their capacity for collective action, and reducing their vulnerability to shocks via asset accumulation . Many of these benefits do not necessarily materialize for the poor; there are many conditioning factors that determine who benefits from technological change. Nor do they all necessarily work in the same direction. For example, while many of the poor may benefit from the indirect benefits of technological change, the direct impacts may be disappointing or even perverse. The net outcomes, both for individual poor people and for the poor in total, can be difficult to determine a priori. Kerr and Kolavalli (1999) summarise the findings of their extensive survey of this issue in the following manner, which is quoted here in a shortened form. Agricultural research has had many unconditionally positive effects, of which its effect in stimulating the supply of food is perhaps the most important. Increased agricultural production resulting from research-led technological change has propelled famine-plagued, food insecure Asian countries into food self-sufficiency. A large supply of food keeps food prices down, which is critically important to the poorest people who spend up to threequarters of their income on food. Nutrition status has improved in many but not all countries. Population growth has masked many of the gains provided by agricultural research. Food production has increased tremendously in developing countries, but food production per capita has grown only very slowly if at all. Also, agricultural productivity growth has created many jobs, but each year there are millions of additional unskilled workers who need jobs. The proportion of people who are poor has fallen significantly but, with population growth, the absolute number of poor people has not. It is difficult to eliminate poverty when most babies are born into households headed by parents who are very short on income, education or job skills. Technological change has had ambiguous effects on income distribution across different categories of rural households. Cash-intensive technologies, for example, may be difficult for the poorest farmers to adopt. If other farmers widely adopt such a technology, higher aggregate output will result and output prices will fall. Non-adopting farmers will face lower returns under such conditions and they may become absolutely worse off as a result. A critical issue here is that effects of technical change on 14 It is not possible to do justice to this topic in the space available. Apart from the substantial documents mentioned this is the topic of a special issue of Food Policy, published in August 2000, and there is a web site reporting on a conference at 18 producers and workers are integrally linked to other institutions and policies. Technology is more likely to have widespread benefits if assets are equitably distributed and infrastructure and social services are well developed. Well-functioning, easily accessible markets for credit, for example, help farmers purchase productivity-enhancing inputs. Unfavorable social outcomes are more likely when these conditions are not in place. Uneven adoption across regions is another source of concern about inequitable income distribution. Uneven adoption can lead to higher farm profits and wages in adopting regions but lower returns in less favorable, non-adopting regions. Evidence from Asia suggests that over time, some workers migrate from the non-adopting to the adopting areas where labor demand has risen and this reduces regional wage differences. Non-adopting regions shift to other crops in which they have a comparative advantage. Inequitable impact across regions is a reality, but there is a certain inevitability about this due to the importance of agro-climatic conditions in agricultural production. It is important to note that while adoption of early green revolution varieties was confined to favorable irrigated areas and required major inputs of pesticides and fertilizer, subsequent research led to the development of modern varieties that perform well in un-irrigated conditions and without chemical inputs. As a result, rain-fed areas of India that adopted improved varieties in the 1980s exceeded the original irrigated area covered by the green revolution in the 1960s. Similarly, the latest improved wheat varieties do not require fungicides and the latest improved rice varieties do not require pesticide. Virtually all modern varieties respond to fertilizer, but they can also give respectable yields without fertilizer. Also, successive generations of improved wheat have become increasingly responsive to fertilizer, so that smaller applications have larger effects on yields. Performance will always be superior with better use of inputs, but recent technical improvements give cash-constrained farmers in rain-fed areas better opportunities to raise their production greatly. In this sense agricultural technology has made steady progress in responding to the needs of poor people. Evidence on changes in employment and wages resulting from technical change is complicated. Improved varieties raise employment, though this effect has weakened considerably since the initial introduction of green revolution varieties in the 1960s. Changes in real wages resulting from increased demand are difficult to track for at least three reasons. First, wages in the nonagricultural sector play a role in determining agricultural wages; second, economic policies influence wages; and third, steady growth in the population of unskilled job-seekers and migrants counteracts the demand effect. The agricultural sector has absorbed huge numbers of new workers since the 1960s, but raising their wages is difficult when labor supply has also grown by so much. Agricultural productivity growth can stimulate wider growth in the non-farm rural economy, which in turn can contribute to poverty alleviation. However, poverty alleviation through economic growth takes time and depends on favorable conditions such as relatively equitable initial division of assets, widespread access to infrastructure and government services, and promotion of labor-intensive enterprises. While economic growth is not sufficient to alleviate poverty, evidence suggests that it is necessary. Alongside economic growth, poverty alleviation requires special programs targeted to poor people to provide safety nets and give them opportunities. 6) EMPIRICAL RESULTS: THE EFFECT OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIVITY GROWTH ON POVERTY AND NUTRITION In this section we examine the proposition that agricultural productivity has a direct impact on poverty headcounts and other poverty measures.15 This relationship does not appear to have been investigated and is similar to the notion of estimating poverty elasticities for growth. Fan and Hazell, in 15 The poverty measures are not discussed here, but they can differ considerably. See Woden (1997) for some comparisons of poverty indicators in Bangladesh that give inconsistent results. 19 their investigation into linkages between government spending and poverty alleviation, explored the productivity-rural poverty links in India by modelling the relationship of the $1 a day poverty indicator against Total Factor Productivity (TFP), but their simultaneous equation approach does not lead to a poverty elasticity. Following the relationship that appeared in the text, the link between labour and land productivity can be stated in value added terms as an identity: VALUE ADDED VALUE ADDED LAND ≡ × PER UNIT LABOUR LAND PER UNIT LABOUR Value added is net of the costs of intermediate inputs, which would remove the cost effects of intensification using increasing amounts of modern inputs. This should make it closer to TFP than the total output-based measure suggested in the text. In this way labour productivity can be decomposed into the product of two components: land productivity, or yield, and the land labour ratio, which can be viewed as an indicator of a country’s resource endowment. Thus, the yield contribution to labour productivity can be separated from the relative scarcity of land, which it is not possible to change. This is important because a country such as the USA has several hundred times as much land per unit of labour as a land scarce country, such as Bangladesh, and will have far higher labour productivity as a result. 6.1 Regressions of the Cross Section of $1 per Day Poverty from WDR 2000 First, the $1 per day poverty indicator from the World Development Report is explained by the productivity indices for land and for labour, by means of cross sectional regressions. Then, the decomposition is used, making the land labour ratio and land productivity the independent variables. All the variables are expressed in logarithms, so that the coefficients can be interpreted as elasticties. MODEL 1: ln POVERTY COUNT = α + β ln [VALUE ADDED / LAND ] + ε MODEL 2 : ln POVERTY COUNT = α + β ln [VALUE ADDED / LABOUR ] + ε MODEL 3 : ln POVERTY COUNT = α + β ln [VA / LAND ] + δ ln [ LAND / LABOUR ] + ε Data The poverty indicator used is the headcount index (% living in households that consume less that the poverty line) with data taken from the World Development Report 2000/2001. Data for the independent variables, Value Added, Land and Labour were obtained from the World Development Indicators (2000) data set. The minimum set of 40 countries (models 1 and 3) is: Algeria, Botswana, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Central African Republic, Chile, Cote d'Ivoire, Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Guatemala, Kenya, Korea, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkey, Uganda, Uruguay, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe. Results The results are reported in Table 2. Model 1 has only 40 observations because the yield data ends at 1995 and many of the 72 poverty estimates are for later dates. However, the 40 countries are a reasonable sample of the developing world, as the list above shows. The adjusted R2 of 0.20 means that yields explain only 20% of the variance in poverty, which is not satisfactory, since it suggests that other, omitted variables explain the majority of the differences, but the productivity measure is significantly 20 different from zero at a high level of confidence. The poverty elasticity of – 0.37 means firstly that higher yields result in lower percentages of the population living in poverty and secondly that a 1% increase in yields reduces the percentage of the populations living on less than $1 per day by 0.37%. Table 2: Dependent Variable is % of Population with Less than $1 per Day Explanatory Variables VA/LAND VA/LABOUR LAND/LABOUR Constant R square F Test Sample Size Expected Sign Estimated Coefficients Model 1 -0.37** Negative Negative Negative Model 2 Model 3 -0.91** -0.83** ** ** 4.26 0.20 13.35** 40 8.06 0.506 13.35** 66 -0.819** 8.48** 0.625 53.42** 40 ** significant at the 1% level, two-tailed test. Model 2 explains just over 50% of the variance, which is far better and the poverty elasticity, which is again highly significant, rises to – 0.83, so a 1% improvement in labour productivity reduces the poverty count by 0.83%. The sample increases to 66, but the problem with this model is that the effect could all be coming from the land-labour ratio component of the labour productivity index. Thus, following these preliminary tests, Model 3 separates the two terms. The model explains 62% of the variance in poverty and the large increase in the F statistic indicates that it is statistically preferred to the two previous attempts. A 1% increase in the land labour ratio reduces poverty by 0.82%, which is surprisingly low relative to the effect of the land productivity term, which indicates that a 1% improvement in yields decreases the percentage of the population living on less than $1 per day by 0.91%. Again, the variables are highly significant and this is the preferred model. The result can be developed further if an elasticity can be calculated to link R&D expenditure to yield gains. Then, the cost of generating a 1% decrease in poverty could be calculated. Since R&D expenditures are quite modest, our expectation is that this could look like a very cost effective means of reducing poverty. 6.2 Regressions using Pooled Data on $1 per Day Poverty Whereas the WDR data has only single observations for each country, the data used by Hanmer and Naschold (2000) has scattered observations from 1985 to 1995 for 58 countries, which increased sample size to 109 observations.16 Models 1 to 3 are the same as in the previous section and the results are reported in Table 3. Table 3: Dependent Variable is % of population with less than $1 per day Variables VA/LAND VA/LABOUR LAND/LABOUR GINI YEAR DUMMY Constant R square 16 Expected Sign Negative Negative Negative Positive Estimated Coefficients Model 2 Model 3 -0.72** ** -0.629 -0.605** Model 1 -0.299** -0.014 4.498** 0.088 0.117 7.177** 0.3095 We thank them for making these data available. 21 0.1066 7.616** 0.328 Model 4 -0.621** -0.742** 2.153** 0.185 -0.776 0.50 F-statistic Sample Size 6.44** 109 20.2** 113 14.79** 109 15.66** 109 ** significant at the 5% level, two tailed test. In model 1, the 1$ a day poverty indicator is regressed on land productivity and only 9% of the variance of poverty is explained. Dummy variables were included to allow for the different time periods, but the coefficients were not significant. Again, the productivity measure is significantly different from zero at a high level of confidence. From the poverty elasticity we can infer that an increase of 1% in labour productivity would bring about a 0.3% decrease in the poverty headcount index In model 2, the poverty indicator is regressed on labour productivity, which explains 30% of the variance and gives a highly significant elasticity of 0.63. Model 4, where the $1 per day poverty indicator is regressed against both land productivity and the labour land ratio, explains over 32% of the variance in poverty. Both components, land productivity and the land labour ration are significant at the 5% level. The poverty elasticities indicate that if land productivity were to increase by 1% there would expect a 0.72% reduction in the poverty headcount index, whilst if the land labour ratio were to increase by 1% this would bring about 0.6% decrease in the percentage of people living on less than $1 per day. Model 4 adds the Gini coefficient, which is an index of inequality, varying from 0, which is perfect equality to unity, which would be complete inequality. Throughout the literature review, it was suggested that greater inequality prevented growth from reducing poverty. The adjusted R2 in Model 4 rises to 50% and all three variables are statistically significant at the 5% level. The results infer that a 1% increase in land productivity would reduce the poverty headcount index by 0.62 and that a 1% increase in the land/labour ratio would reduce poverty the poverty headcount index by 0.62%. However, the most striking effect is that if there were a 1% decrease in the Gini index, there would be a 219% decrease in the poverty headcount index. The larger sample gives a very similar result. The poverty reduction from a 1% increase in yields still appears to be about 0.7% and the relationship is again highly significant. 6.3 Regressions using $1 per Day Poverty and agricultural TFP Indices for Asia The two investigations of the relationship between poverty and agricultural productivity that are reported above use partial measures of productivity: Value added per unit of land and per unit of labour. The alternative, preferred on theoretical grounds is total factor productivity (TFP), which is used increasingly in the recent literature. The few studies that have produced comparable TFP indices for range of developing countries are reported in Table 4. Table 4: Total factor productivity studies for a cross section of countries Arnade (1998), Worldwide sample of 70 countries, with a developed country bias, from 1961-93. Fulginiti and Perrin (1997), Disparate group of 18 LDCs, from 1961-85. Lusigi et al. (2001), African sample of 47 countries, from 1961-91. Asian sample of 18 countries, 1961-96. Piesse et al. (1998), Turkey with Asia & the Middle East. 2Turkey with the EU & potential entrants, 1961-96. Thirtle et al. (1995), 22 countries in SSA, from 1971-86 Trueblood (1996), Worldwide sample of 78 countries, with a developed country bias, from 1961- 1993. Data To test that the TFP approach gives similar results, the Asia sample of Lusigi et al. (2001) is used.17 The sample of 23 observations is as shown in Table 5 and the dependent variable is again the percentage of the population living on less than $1 per day. 17 Further work is required to incorporate the data available. 22 Table 5: Asia sample for TFP and Poverty Country BANGLADESH CHINA INDIA INDONESIA MALAYSIA NEPAL PAKISTAN SRI LANKA THAILAND Years of Data 1985, 1990 1985, 1990, 1995 1985, 1990, 1992 1985, 1990, 1995 1985, 1990 1985, 1990, 1995 1985, 1990, 1991 1985, 1990 1985, 1990 Results The first model is now the effect of TFP on the $1 per day poverty count and the elasticity of 1.288 suggests that a 1% increase in TFP, for this Asian sample, decreases the percentage of the population living on less than $1 per day by 1.3%, which is about double the lowest result in the previous set of estimates. TFP can be decomposed into technical progress (model 2), which is not significant and efficiency change (model 3), which has a coefficient of 2.04. However, it is not clear how these results should be interpreted. For this sample R&D is providing new technologies and shifting the frontier outwards, but this has an insignificant effect on poverty. This may well be because the technological frontier is defined by the more successful counties like Malaysia and Thailand. On the other hand, it is the poorer counties of South Asia that are being left behind and hence have negative efficiency change. Hence, the significant elasticity on efficiency could be interpreted as meaning that is technology transfer can produce efficiency change (getting South Asia closer to the frontier), a 1% gain in efficiency would reduce the poverty count by over 2%. However, at this stage, this is speculation; the relationships may not hold up when tested more extensively. Table 6: Dependent Variable is % of population with less than $1 per day Variables Expected Estimate Coefficients Sign Model 1 Model 2 TFP Index Negative -1.288** Technical Progress Negative -0.186 Efficiency Change Negative Constant 3.033** 3.42** R square 0.26 0.28 F-statistic 8.79** 5.16 Sample Size 23 23 Model 3 -2.04** 2.61** 0.11 23.98** 23 ** significant at the 5% level, two tailed test. Summary The result that can be taken fairly seriously is that agricultural productivity growth, however it is measured, does appear to have a consistent, robust and substantial impact on poverty. The poverty reduction elasticity was always between 0.62 and 1.3. 6.4 Regressions using the Human Development Index 23 The earliest observations for the $1 per day poverty index are for 1985. The available index that does go back further, at least to the final stages of the green revolution, is the Human Development Index (HDI) The HDI is a composite index of development. The three most crucial components of the HDI are measures of longevity, education and income and it may serve as a reasonable poverty index. Educational attainment, income, and life expectancy are all associated with poverty position of an economy. Thus, the HDI was used in the place of the $1 per day poverty measure. Data The HDI, from UNDP dataset, covers 174 countries for 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1998, giving a total number of observations without missing data of 280. Results Table 7: Explaining the Human Development Index Variables Expected Sign VA/LAND LAND/LABOUR Constant R square F-statistic Sample Size Positive Positive Estimated Coefficients Model 3 0.1226** 0.1011** -2.39** 0.759 328.48** 280 ** significant at the 5% level, two tailed test. Only the preferred model 3 is reported as the preliminary tests have been repeated several times. The two variables alone explain 76% of the variance in the HDI and both are highly significant. Thus, this regression confirms the apparently solid link between agricultural productivity growth and poverty reduction. Raising yields by 1% increases the HDI by 0.12%, which is the right direction, but improving the value of a composite index does not have the obvious and appealing meaning of reducing the $1 per day measure. 6.5 Regressions using Nutrition Indicators Here the data are from Lawrence Haddad of IFPRI. There are 131 mixed cross section and time series observations, but again this reduces to 109 observations in model 3, which is again the most successful regression. Dummy variables were again used to deal with the time difference. Two variables D8089 and D9096 were generated to cover data during 1980-1989 and 1990-1996 respectively. In the first case, the dependent variable is per capita dietary energy supply and 22% of the variance is explained by land productivity and the land labour ratio. The elasticities are highly significant and a 1% increase in land productivity increases the energy supply by 5.3%. This seems somewhat low, especially relative to the results for the second nutrition variable. Table 8: Explaining Per Capita Dietary Energy Supply Variables Expected Sign VA/LAND LAND/LABOUR DUMMY 8089 DUMMY 9096 Constant R square Positive Positive 24 Estimated Coefficients Model 3 0.053** 0.060** 0.02 0.016 7.38** 0.22 9.89** 109 F-statistic Sample Size **significant at the 5% level, two tailed test. Table 9 shows 30% of the variance in under-weight five year old children is explained by the two variables and that a 1% increase in yields decreases the count by 0.42%. 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