Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station Research Note PNW-RN-558 May 2008 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 David Kling1 Abstract Sold prices for national forest stumpage provide geographically specific price references for timber. This report presents “sold” price series for western national forests between 1984 and the first 3 months of 2007. Selected trends in stumpage prices and sold volumes as well as issues related to species aggregation in the data are also discussed. Keywords: Stumpage prices, national forests, intermountain, northern, Pacific Southwest, Pacific Northwest. Introduction For decades, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service has published quarterly stumpage prices from federal timber sales in the Western United States. These series have provided analysts and policymakers with geographically refined price data. This report contains quarterly average sold prices for stumpage for the 62 national forests in the Northern (Region 1), Intermountain (Region 4), Pacific Southwest (Region 5), and Pacific Northwest (Region 6) administrative regions between 1984 and the first 3 months of 2007. In addition to updating previously published data sets, this report presents more comprehensive price and volume data than has up to now been available. Sold Prices Defined The Forest Service currently publishes two types of stumpage prices, known as “cut” and “sold” prices. Sold prices are high-bid prices for the right to harvest timber at a future date. Since 1984, sold prices have been reported as an all-species 1 David Kling was employed by the student temporary employee program at Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland Forestry Laboratory. He is now a graduate student at University of California, Davis, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616. 1 Research Note PNW-RN-558 average of high bids, net of purchaser road credits and an allowance for improving 2 the harvest area. Quarterly sold price series have also typically been published in a preliminary form that excludes sales with a total value of less than $2,000 (Warren 2007). The quarterly average sold prices presented in this report differ from data in past publications in that all series have been derived from internal Forest Service quarterly “cut and sold” reports, which include all sales regardless of their value. To maintain continuity in the data, sold prices prior to 1984, which do not factor in road and improvement credits, have been excluded (Haynes 1998). The average prices are volume-weighted and reported as nominal dollars per thousand board feet (MBF), Scribner scale. Features of the Data Patterns in both average prices and sold volumes are highlighted in figures 1 through 3. Figure 1 presents the within-region median average sold price for national forest timber in each calendar year quarter between 1984 and the first quarter of 2007. Looking at the median of the 3-month average sold prices among national forests within each region, as opposed to the average, gives a more accurate view of price movements as it is not uncommon to have no timber sales in certain forests for extended periods of time. Figure 1 shows how the spread of within-region allspecies average stumpage prices across the four regions depicted declined during the mid 1990s as the price commanded by available national forest timber in the Pacific Northwest fell. The total stumpage volumes sold in the Western United States underwent striking changes during the timeframe covered by the data in this report, as can be seen in figure 2. The pronounced drop in sold volumes in the Pacific Northwest has been attributed to litigation that culminated in the well-known 1991 injunction on federal timber sales (Haynes 1998).3 2 2 Credits for sale-area improvements are known as Knutson-Vandenburg funds. 3 Seattle Audubon Society v. Evans, 771 F. Supp. 1081, 1091 (W.D. Wash. 1991). Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Figure 1—Within-region median quarterly average sold prices for the Northern, Intermountain, Pacific Southwest, and Pacific Northwest regions, 1984–2007. Figure 2—Total quarterly stumpage volume sold in the Northern, Intermountain, Pacific Southwest, and Pacific Northwest regions, all species, 1984–2007. 3 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Figure 3—Average quarterly prices in east-side and west-side Pacific Northwest national forests, all species, 1984–2007. Limitations of the Data The sold price series in this report present a number of challenges for researchers and timber managers interested in understanding trends in timber prices in the West. 4 Chief among them are the effects of averaging across species. Figure 3 shows the mean average stumpage price among Pacific Northwest national forests east and west of the Cascade Mountains. East-side forests are dominated by ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws.), whereas west-side forests are predominantly composed of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga meziesii (Mirbel) Franco). All-species averages are likely to reflect movements in the price of such dominant species, and may not be comparable across forests owing to changes in species mixes sold in a given quarter. 4 Quarterly sold prices for individual species are not available for all four regions covered in this report, although they have been published for selected species in the Pacific Northwest region (see, e.g., Haynes 1998). 4 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 A second concern centers on the utility of sold prices as a measure of timber worth. Many experts view cut prices, which are high-bid prices adjusted for scaling after timber has been harvested, as better measures of current prices paid for timber (Adams and Haynes 1991). Sold prices reflect expectations regarding future price of timber at the time of sale, as the stumpage subject to sale is often harvested months after the price is set. Conclusion Stumpage prices provide an invaluable perspective on the market for national forest timber. Sold prices in particular capture key aspects of market activity, although they may not be the best gauge of stumpage worth. The updated and revised price series presented in this report should aid in the study of changes in the market for stumpage over the past three decades. Acknowledgments Richard Haynes, Debra Warren, and Judy Mikowski graciously supported the author’s work compiling the price series. All errors in reproducing the data from primary sources are the responsibility of the author. Literature Cited Adams, D.M.; Haynes, R.W. 1991. National forest timber supply stumpage markets in the Western United States. Res. Pap. PNW-RP-435. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 55 p. Haynes, R.W. 1998. Stumpage prices, volume sold, and volumes harvested from the national forests of the Pacific Northwest region, 1984 to 1996. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-423. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 91 p. Warren, D.D. 2007. Production, prices, employment, and trade in Northwest forest industries, all quarters, 2005. Resour. Bull. PNW-RB-254. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 165 p. 5 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 1A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 BeaverheadDeerlodge Year Bitterroot Clearwater ab Custer Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 2,024.90 16,204.61 22,200.70 3,381.44 14.24 18.16 9.31 10.40 8,858.40 2,057.46 4,647.01 1,535.09 28.89 28.35 9.02 13.06 27,968.55 25,648.70 49,169.07 11,560.04 60.12 30.77 27.31 32.81 456.00 431.00 4,050.70 2,158.00 5.59 4.55 5.97 2.76 1 2 3 4 5,338.65 6,516.54 32,727.45 3,085.43 25.48 8.08 8.97 7.07 28,473.80 4,964.70 4,465.26 3,449.29 26.94 21.50 6.94 75.21 17,204.09 49,836.24 70,068.48 10,224.62 54.00 28.80 32.89 25.73 120.00 2,833.00 1,839.00 848.00 6.14 11.39 6.13 4.04 1 2 3 4 2,681.29 7,616.90 34,595.48 1,041.66 13.85 12.32 23.56 7.68 10,815.69 9,022.50 3,053.28 552.13 37.84 48.49 48.42 10.82 7,252.42 39,596.95 53,686.77 10,651.52 17.57 30.74 50.32 18.76 1,651.50 4,033.18 1,426.00 450.00 2.94 7.69 5.59 6.52 1 2 3 4 3,573.53 8,321.62 9,119.44 748.39 19.66 20.93 20.42 8.15 4,088.56 4,732.32 10,218.05 3,201.93 20.55 133.39 105.46 44.37 19,612.30 38,190.14 66,249.41 7,528.52 73.00 65.47 67.56 24.89 1,107.50 2,264.02 1,219.81 361.75 21.63 23.84 6.31 5.77 1 2 3 4 5,556.98 2,310.48 20,730.37 7,985.77 26.58 21.51 38.71 21.55 4,190.82 4,974.96 6,059.40 3,981.80 67.12 52.96 56.04 100.62 7,992.55 44,099.80 60,191.80 6,481.34 77.98 62.95 46.19 3.84 62.00 2,095.00 4,268.44 8,373.25 9.68 36.49 14.12 9.21 1 2 3 4 14,322.13 2,376.45 14,377.66 825.58 33.39 24.02 51.26 7.19 3,713.80 3,422.85 8,515.52 780.15 66.47 42.79 133.49 70.24 38,037.97 45,917.73 57,697.48 18,632.62 77.14 75.01 92.39 51.98 1,210.95 1,064.18 1,774.64 709.40 5.18 3.08 10.70 6.11 1 2 3 4 4,296.90 1,412.12 6,200.77 7,708.81 110.66 18.58 50.57 58.95 828.37 662.79 1,158.44 392.19 5.77 25.46 12.05 12.68 14,738.00 35,475.40 36,117.72 28,460.00 79.12 112.22 120.92 113.06 101.00 796.00 604.00 349.00 6.01 6.42 10.08 10.03 1 2 3 4 2,471.47 1,757.82 3,376.08 2,558.16 92.21 23.47 27.27 92.46 4,875.80 717.70 7,104.76 665.92 117.25 24.62 14.98 33.70 12,848.70 8,703.89 55,569.26 46,199.91 80.95 54.92 126.94 130.35 38.16 101.20 556.00 1,976.50 10.74 12.65 9.64 73.46 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 6 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 1A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 (continued) BeaverheadDeerlodge Year Bitterroot Clearwater ab Custer Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 439.73 5,533.02 4,452.15 7,541.65 60.87 127.40 64.00 108.50 120.71 4,004.44 2,188.16 3,319.63 20.20 76.24 48.86 105.37 5,085.70 10,058.22 5,190.92 3,453.30 25.20 15.39 32.46 164.79 44.79 126.30 560.08 3,406.30 13.39 14.23 9.82 24.51 1 2 3 4 3,798.75 1,253.68 4,435.09 8,085.72 220.29 54.21 43.93 244.13 96.17 625.36 4,662.16 2,568.04 40.80 49.18 192.35 184.74 8,711.80 4,789.37 9,538.15 8,756.06 383.12 365.80 336.01 337.92 19.50 111.00 746.95 209.30 10.28 10.51 9.66 9.56 1 2 3 4 3,695.13 1,234.52 2,354.55 5,365.24 348.66 120.26 32.21 179.07 306.60 548.70 1,314.95 6,462.03 181.01 61.22 76.01 96.20 9,832.00 1,025.83 5,699.91 1,072.50 388.61 121.91 283.53 117.69 1,540.00 190.00 427.30 2,054.50 70.92 9.09 10.32 100.82 1 2 3 4 347.28 1,441.17 4,858.06 9,340.75 70.01 109.35 118.47 129.49 24.70 475.61 1,181.46 2,189.79 35.86 33.80 59.25 120.48 839.20 1,124.12 8,434.22 10,817.04 103.29 44.98 131.45 113.02 30.00 192.50 353.25 215.00 9.90 9.05 12.00 9.25 1 2 3 4 115.16 1,973.96 2,946.00 12,082.97 34.88 104.96 40.05 164.65 1,548.77 1,097.05 1,230.87 6,068.79 95.48 72.15 54.31 70.88 170.80 6,748.47 31,627.02 36,022.30 55.08 102.86 151.76 140.90 51.30 227.25 4,014.56 185.00 19.75 7.31 90.91 10.00 1 2 3 4 260.24 3,748.22 8,106.09 6,123.17 129.30 203.76 125.36 99.22 67.33 568.26 3,264.71 5,965.45 63.88 83.33 152.53 134.78 502.82 522.01 1,686.21 26,059.68 81.06 8.68 64.02 150.94 30.66 315.38 505.70 2,376.51 16.44 10.39 53.50 44.36 1 2 3 4 121.17 5,055.78 5,311.94 2,334.40 67.46 163.39 95.66 6.04 25.18 3,352.57 2,668.15 300.68 15.95 20.61 128.47 45.56 6,068.68 2,830.61 2,138.95 314.50 197.36 194.33 158.52 10.00 42.30 160.99 278.67 2,827.82 20.25 13.26 12.47 37.76 1 2 3 4 1,185.37 1,068.54 2,257.63 4,623.68 104.61 22.36 40.46 35.19 3,881.87 281.19 599.38 197.50 89.47 30.09 19.75 17.69 39.50 1,371.18 9,485.67 12,795.29 10.00 233.92 225.37 294.54 27.50 126.51 264.98 206.50 10.00 17.89 11.77 10.00 Quarter 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 7 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 1A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 (continued) BeaverheadDeerlodge Year Bitterroot Clearwater ab Custer Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 55.61 1,719.33 1,548.04 961.32 10.69 20.65 13.98 44.86 10.50 413.72 197.62 439.32 128.57 40.27 10.60 150.46 210.00 2,525.67 13,529.13 318.51 10.00 253.25 156.33 18.23 79.00 114.66 5,193.33 201.50 10.00 18.65 129.82 10.00 1 2 3 4 241.44 889.19 8,984.26 974.66 53.72 10.96 31.86 20.42 77.54 389.80 489.81 870.19 12.30 10.42 31.53 130.14 2,729.79 772.31 14,270.82 2,781.20 157.26 32.84 102.76 178.54 64.50 206.40 179.00 282.90 10.00 16.52 10.31 9.74 1 2 3 4 1,214.50 786.63 4,823.22 881.80 22.56 20.49 9.76 64.83 455.07 5,846.81 3,884.24 13,878.55 16.52 1.95 29.21 24.57 69.30 1,006.26 3,175.56 1,496.11 10.22 82.99 93.23 83.85 47.00 114.00 372.35 2,042.63 10.00 10.00 12.32 53.82 1 2 3 4 116.68 602.86 1,605.06 1,070.28 24.69 11.22 29.42 19.81 201.72 328.75 4,399.69 413.02 94.68 9.91 37.92 14.06 6,950.20 471.01 3,405.48 17,151.39 179.76 10.27 50.05 206.19 46.00 8,893.53 198.50 280.67 10.00 16.89 10.00 10.26 1 2 3 4 523.56 826.14 4,185.58 5,055.44 99.47 11.50 54.54 82.93 670.80 420.34 4,398.91 1,065.98 39.02 10.61 63.10 125.60 140.50 769.31 1,942.62 25,296.48 14.82 75.71 98.78 156.56 30.50 260.48 238.00 272.06 10.00 54.20 10.00 10.08 1 2 3 4 3,157.72 1,135.83 17,326.21 2,316.18 51.31 42.09 89.30 14.07 46.50 370.18 574.85 838.52 10.00 10.20 10.45 46.51 126.70 1,266.74 2,034.33 974.10 14.96 26.78 99.83 5.29 91.23 159.82 280.00 309.00 68.11 19.52 10.00 10.02 1 2 3 4 90.24 1,331.57 2,967.95 1,199.42 10.58 19.36 37.19 43.67 826.79 868.94 581.43 6,166.98 125.92 63.36 10.37 91.37 6,836.59 562.16 2,432.75 4,046.43 80.87 10.02 168.99 19.25 36.50 5,114.30 733.49 322.01 10.00 34.58 19.85 44.73 1 540.80 144.45 4,460.33 45.07 172.00 10.01 34.00 10.00 Quarter 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Northern Region administrative unit includes northeastern Washington, northern Idaho, northwestern South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. b 8 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 ab Table 1B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 Flathead Year Gallatin Helena Kootenai Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 6,758.57 33,443.34 21,896.71 18,264.59 56.41 43.07 25.23 32.47 1,998.03 10,868.67 7,202.46 1,779.70 20.24 24.26 2.64 2.12 1,101.50 4,525.53 5,164.13 1,956.92 46.60 25.94 4.81 11.68 43,927.73 91,904.18 45,967.30 29,259.18 46.38 35.98 22.08 22.76 1 2 3 4 42,753.43 11,315.28 19,435.93 24,052.58 36.44 19.53 26.91 31.37 2,974.00 15,138.61 6,939.91 1,194.66 8.58 9.52 10.11 12.37 4,634.45 6,694.91 5,892.32 1,603.75 12.60 17.50 13.42 21.83 56,241.00 80,520.40 58,301.02 35,636.44 24.90 25.72 18.81 35.14 1 2 3 4 5,485.55 23,650.64 34,048.69 9,945.51 57.02 16.35 36.90 16.25 67.50 3,486.18 15,856.76 942.26 2.87 27.57 17.63 11.48 2,082.08 2,772.26 7,444.52 694.37 49.72 9.18 15.32 7.82 37,384.72 92,341.68 62,237.31 37,904.37 16.63 12.01 26.29 30.56 1 2 3 4 6,991.37 17,463.50 46,617.68 9,110.03 36.00 19.53 29.61 33.83 89.94 5,428.90 8,974.60 1,203.89 7.26 49.06 18.65 4.72 3,437.21 14,244.50 2,238.90 533.96 51.66 39.66 6.50 3.34 50,670.08 70,957.33 104,639.70 19,819.47 33.47 46.27 39.46 37.23 1 2 3 4 13,120.69 20,552.02 29,025.06 3,613.80 29.76 43.70 50.62 22.67 36.40 794.65 3,443.02 1,679.47 3.74 2.95 20.36 5.22 2,834.39 7,648.01 6,290.63 838.49 32.15 40.26 42.08 6.52 40,049.85 39,985.30 78,714.55 31,886.99 43.15 62.46 63.91 59.48 1 2 3 4 8,523.37 10,308.99 14,444.84 2,377.00 73.77 150.09 116.51 7.42 437.70 601.55 13,667.81 3,042.56 3.39 7.29 5.55 33.60 4,675.25 5,032.81 7,879.80 1,135.30 41.37 59.45 52.06 6.11 56,268.16 42,372.53 56,886.35 16,187.77 117.13 130.12 150.89 140.36 1 2 3 4 5,344.00 1,870.37 24,654.65 9,556.00 129.89 45.04 123.17 114.09 314.00 759.75 4,917.66 692.37 3.55 8.55 31.38 12.17 335.96 171.32 3,360.53 935.65 12.26 18.78 39.76 39.97 40,491.38 26,957.63 66,709.93 13,545.61 135.01 184.94 126.32 95.50 1 2 3 4 352.33 13,164.54 20,345.42 40,141.90 70.53 94.65 141.01 137.26 314.57 844.61 1,691.07 4,851.80 16.61 5.37 10.70 41.55 735.53 1,573.39 4,256.67 2,812.96 2.24 106.11 56.26 30.38 11,642.70 21,519.36 53,046.01 42,575.19 105.87 74.63 131.40 170.87 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 9 Research Note PNW-RN-558 ab Table 1B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Flathead Year Gallatin Helena Kootenai Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 107.07 9,535.10 5,918.78 1,008.00 55.35 167.56 54.46 33.44 1,869.75 878.51 12,173.48 829.66 88.08 5.84 63.50 7.76 3,482.60 1,436.00 2,624.08 1,089.13 76.50 16.00 58.69 42.34 35,756.32 30,856.12 94,451.54 12,771.70 217.85 133.32 163.23 269.83 1 2 3 4 97.50 683.50 2,990.74 3,911.36 8.46 8.57 54.43 303.18 159.31 2,459.41 6,072.26 1,320.71 5.68 209.23 106.52 59.30 166.50 4,693.06 1,605.75 1,086.10 32.80 293.71 21.11 118.96 9,681.37 21,984.60 40,487.62 19,440.19 385.56 443.99 203.18 244.11 1 2 3 4 68.37 3,757.10 1,274.60 2,109.93 33.70 289.81 49.95 180.77 340.45 447.90 2,414.88 920.53 21.22 6.97 61.48 30.82 2,103.03 1,122.49 506.45 1,316.54 329.66 180.61 23.93 78.85 23,630.24 7,840.03 8,535.64 7,886.63 401.16 320.38 241.46 156.49 1 2 3 4 7,718.35 1,470.17 1,243.10 13,724.60 146.98 13.82 14.02 102.33 196.00 889.41 1,980.51 1,026.43 34.46 26.21 18.90 18.95 8,468.00 697.10 2,035.44 484.39 226.98 33.40 7.56 10.56 18,485.61 2,571.76 29,155.58 42,221.67 323.59 133.79 232.22 97.48 1 2 3 4 484.28 1,279.00 24,562.99 14,593.29 151.61 45.72 71.13 162.32 51.89 786.89 2,341.98 808.88 40.54 37.38 90.48 21.12 139.40 582.36 16,915.77 480.32 90.63 85.41 200.61 11.88 15,278.35 57,226.96 10,563.43 66,338.17 126.11 78.52 99.13 152.46 1 2 3 4 15,139.77 507.25 1,722.18 7,370.43 166.20 11.94 22.52 125.51 77.23 442.51 3,420.21 620.45 11.26 34.75 41.49 17.62 450.20 3,318.70 1,402.19 568.27 97.92 56.62 13.52 52.63 3,693.93 9,275.53 9,591.73 24,122.29 114.28 261.89 162.89 151.40 1 2 3 4 134.29 551.59 4,635.25 3,342.07 25.89 25.57 106.97 110.01 73.76 230.07 6,370.06 632.09 10.63 60.74 20.13 27.17 56.60 253.70 664.24 1,899.71 11.25 12.14 19.22 118.03 10,612.01 23,647.22 7,400.93 44,336.74 131.09 198.39 200.98 104.86 1 2 3 4 321.26 1,074.62 1,425.25 2,876.12 213.54 97.26 51.42 218.75 62.16 1,683.46 1,695.82 2,156.31 31.91 126.10 66.31 115.27 38.50 263.33 6,717.21 201.66 10.00 13.01 59.76 10.05 509.25 18,412.82 20,134.78 13,016.83 134.88 177.79 149.07 140.31 Quarter 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 10 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 ab Table 1B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Flathead Year Gallatin Helena Kootenai Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 323.61 578.54 787.91 1,486.26 115.93 14.46 25.47 108.60 4,208.15 197.64 1,097.35 387.60 220.73 19.02 74.61 20.78 423.45 390.20 275.07 1,575.25 222.61 13.43 31.45 202.82 9,898.71 12,540.70 5,142.38 14,178.39 308.33 292.26 141.07 79.10 1 2 3 4 191.11 906.47 14,445.88 27,223.33 52.32 19.69 144.67 119.95 17.60 454.50 5,725.75 871.93 25.85 20.15 170.15 26.64 120.04 410.05 492.90 315.36 10.06 10.40 11.09 13.04 3,796.73 12,258.67 21,612.85 37,984.93 148.09 74.50 123.61 106.02 1 2 3 4 70.34 2,885.43 1,046.02 24,930.90 35.43 63.41 13.05 55.22 166.00 239.09 997.90 357.75 68.01 16.54 21.20 15.23 122.00 8,805.11 714.57 387.53 10.20 61.86 9.91 10.96 10,419.54 2,521.44 12,045.07 14,676.63 124.87 111.97 104.77 70.11 1 2 3 4 84.00 6,899.63 861.83 5,149.03 10.00 76.88 9.93 111.67 37.37 231.11 803.32 464.04 17.53 17.37 24.44 15.18 2,511.11 157.02 683.41 1,063.80 69.28 10.47 26.49 186.51 6,261.45 2,184.38 760.77 2,563.03 54.08 86.91 10.23 89.17 1 2 3 4 926.66 3,520.78 15,387.37 11,848.66 129.73 212.78 188.70 24.33 324.94 451.31 1,212.30 659.38 41.57 87.63 54.12 35.88 1,890.55 814.80 635.99 380.31 212.68 16.97 12.54 10.34 14,885.25 11,644.52 3,511.83 17,425.06 154.03 171.22 104.62 192.11 1 2 3 4 52,521.50 9,272.45 5,339.82 10,420.63 65.90 76.37 1.46 233.94 128.66 275.54 1,710.45 269.45 13.85 16.32 23.55 16.14 1,567.58 390.08 855.26 3,951.40 226.23 27.53 31.51 45.39 23,997.19 14,577.37 9,247.14 12,463.46 167.64 188.43 77.11 105.54 1 2 3 4 126.20 5,312.38 18,510.31 880.80 109.68 159.37 178.54 10.03 97.00 258.68 3,671.49 442.96 15.00 19.01 86.66 64.05 99.50 525.03 1,824.47 614.00 10.00 10.30 102.69 10.00 1,833.04 1,946.27 14,334.56 1,406.50 80.06 75.78 120.28 110.00 1 103.64 12.01 5,144.59 133.63 88.47 10.38 953.34 153.75 Quarter 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Northern Region administrative unit includes northeastern Washington, northern Idaho, northwestern South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. b 11 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 1C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 Lewis and Clark Year Lolo Nez Perce ab Idaho Panhandle Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 5,048.87 3,069.08 8,440.71 1,929.15 26.63 23.34 9.23 7.15 20,226.79 7,188.14 9,112.42 9,602.29 11.25 13.67 14.34 19.82 6,372.20 2,423.44 46,969.06 4,378.07 43.33 26.26 26.83 14.66 39,180.19 99,241.34 83,091.07 11,289.68 73.35 49.95 28.13 20.48 1 2 3 4 8,627.89 3,640.84 4,553.57 984.70 19.46 18.04 4.86 7.24 9,551.70 26,120.14 21,277.47 10,003.19 27.12 20.32 18.83 29.16 28,982.74 8,075.84 24,740.00 1,986.93 10.30 7.19 19.70 15.40 56,299.72 76,727.47 36,950.53 14,546.51 33.79 41.43 21.31 11.20 1 2 3 4 6,210.27 3,339.77 8,157.55 871.70 11.01 14.47 9.72 6.64 17,941.60 14,608.86 16,692.23 15,803.67 23.51 11.63 19.89 38.66 21,860.50 38,075.46 28,564.41 21,761.80 15.62 18.66 25.24 44.62 26,697.79 91,320.38 71,573.12 18,848.99 12.12 37.89 50.97 38.62 1 2 3 4 4,467.22 1,606.20 4,513.37 856.70 40.14 5.50 10.26 6.37 14,893.22 22,947.51 23,806.20 17,691.25 18.18 13.37 33.45 30.20 17,544.10 21,208.05 32,111.38 824.64 12.36 41.02 70.61 9.62 73,780.70 100,053.81 44,450.96 18,334.71 39.60 32.71 45.57 38.39 1 2 3 4 4,422.89 735.90 6,983.85 1,260.36 35.22 5.79 12.34 9.86 10,489.35 10,148.47 39,519.26 4,858.09 47.17 119.32 21.78 30.74 12,460.80 27,464.60 71,380.12 1,220.20 14.62 55.41 29.96 5.89 61,077.33 108,255.33 72,812.44 15,957.33 48.63 57.29 44.82 32.63 1 2 3 4 889.30 1,668.57 6,330.51 1,047.26 50.43 65.68 13.58 6.50 21,482.01 35,711.52 43,449.35 2,280.14 57.86 98.14 91.61 35.05 1,390.80 22,973.04 52,266.04 7,100.41 81.77 110.20 92.43 12.87 58,938.30 107,629.29 68,277.41 15,432.80 90.30 104.90 97.54 70.36 1 2 3 4 4,564.97 3,374.45 2,117.75 2,376.98 63.48 76.19 18.12 38.69 8,658.00 33,503.36 31,934.04 3,566.10 140.06 161.03 86.05 29.10 1,666.05 21,604.90 31,803.56 35,341.53 3.76 92.75 82.21 67.98 24,917.88 99,017.07 83,272.21 22,995.00 127.99 133.23 106.40 69.63 1 2 3 4 33.00 258.54 15,248.75 3,445.95 15.52 12.29 40.17 86.85 17,565.90 28,145.15 26,706.14 6,768.19 79.36 87.67 78.47 51.53 1,033.50 18,258.17 65,381.45 1,024.40 1.84 73.69 54.58 19.97 30,382.94 52,857.50 63,122.53 18,092.55 90.74 92.78 121.62 146.57 1 2 3 4 9,797.81 2,262.65 8,779.25 3,608.05 189.49 25.16 102.01 69.10 5,176.20 26,815.19 26,534.20 1,861.63 191.40 207.75 153.95 58.36 7,129.70 5,004.56 2,745.08 1,436.91 1.12 4.38 11.43 3.18 7,338.07 41,271.11 41,771.15 39,184.58 102.68 198.33 146.68 206.36 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 12 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 1C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Lewis and Clark Year Lolo Nez Perce ab Idaho Panhandle Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 91.69 506.78 2,044.75 3,437.58 25.89 11.61 85.68 233.75 1,347.24 27,463.87 15,712.39 15,143.40 151.62 285.02 275.72 271.72 17,702.90 1,827.20 18,477.23 7,184.50 207.10 5.81 309.14 65.33 38,799.35 15,631.29 32,203.24 9,195.41 411.78 303.00 326.49 233.41 1 2 3 4 396.25 585.46 1,538.82 2,076.94 25.90 13.74 64.87 75.05 1,929.00 8,676.07 9,175.56 716.40 165.88 318.77 252.57 21.42 481.23 1,168.67 1,838.82 879.54 5.38 75.63 74.45 97.76 1,734.90 4,089.48 2,479.71 12,449.77 155.66 210.66 87.71 314.52 1 2 3 4 197.50 390.25 1,710.89 1,510.30 102.20 16.85 19.54 39.59 720.04 1,513.23 12,590.30 5,892.28 68.55 65.38 133.36 88.92 6,033.60 1,087.68 1,399.05 842.30 101.57 26.53 21.19 40.23 2,920.52 16,689.22 5,394.42 25,518.75 196.22 181.37 144.72 170.77 1 2 3 4 25.60 1,088.81 8,150.49 1,800.68 16.16 25.99 209.05 153.47 4,433.61 2,057.90 11,285.55 22,157.05 72.34 79.91 129.17 133.11 70.20 1,594.71 27,965.77 2,563.16 30.74 75.58 143.78 178.61 2,634.91 6,029.19 8,788.29 59,427.57 73.24 75.64 107.20 141.18 1 2 3 4 6,656.29 997.82 6,245.06 908.40 238.69 84.53 110.78 29.88 27,872.99 5,214.55 14,440.24 942.55 141.82 95.75 137.35 122.50 5,931.00 7,030.80 14,882.94 9,552.89 283.12 141.50 99.39 175.34 12,375.06 24,796.92 11,716.83 34,710.54 205.76 111.23 97.98 183.38 1 2 3 4 346.78 614.04 3,572.84 3,347.07 31.48 21.43 114.03 69.72 13,104.48 1,351.17 11,395.63 580.26 108.46 74.51 79.83 42.89 13,863.00 590.95 1,448.52 8,559.13 174.08 9.81 103.57 186.33 5,978.52 10,707.75 12,641.31 19,587.97 158.89 83.96 114.75 100.90 1 2 3 4 20.35 5,476.36 6,720.63 760.76 17.87 149.47 299.00 22.29 399.38 6,194.08 1,074.41 7,056.10 69.74 82.86 36.61 118.37 24.78 304.20 3,994.24 141.20 11.18 10.93 247.29 10.34 982.75 2,713.28 14,816.40 40,738.21 124.82 85.30 172.54 181.98 1 2 3 4 39.94 385.05 531.11 400.00 21.04 14.01 21.99 11.18 72.50 503.44 2,103.43 4,106.33 10.00 19.96 38.65 71.01 18.50 1,094.20 510.30 3,257.67 10.00 3.77 19.16 165.82 392.89 16,696.82 20,383.89 14,285.22 60.44 148.19 102.60 110.65 1 2 3 4 35.27 1,536.03 1,585.08 5,460.66 10.42 5.23 111.66 92.54 2,817.59 865.59 5,693.84 17,716.64 104.86 13.50 4.60 99.48 44.25 658.96 6,300.90 178.45 10.40 10.42 112.68 18.82 18,478.58 2,009.74 5,905.24 31,718.51 139.72 48.74 164.35 149.12 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 13 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 1C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Northern Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Lewis and Clark Year Quarter Lolo Nez Perce ab Idaho Panhandle Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 2002 1 2 3 4 29.50 276.17 896.91 426.74 10.00 11.15 13.53 23.07 1,245.14 7,725.39 1,911.85 5,218.95 79.98 33.33 69.32 27.71 9,555.48 9,897.91 856.40 165.35 80.53 49.86 18.50 10.46 1,202.76 15,176.34 5,309.90 14,902.70 138.16 85.15 34.98 128.27 1 2 3 4 2,616.74 276.74 466.60 519.43 55.58 11.45 10.64 16.19 635.06 623.61 2,001.69 1,734.09 81.48 24.82 71.71 172.81 25.00 399.50 1,088.79 14,922.71 10.00 10.00 8.79 175.58 123.69 2,583.39 4,483.17 31,433.26 21.38 117.01 62.72 141.90 1 2 3 4 13.36 1,316.41 2,579.87 549.22 10.52 44.94 61.50 14.08 4,699.39 1,102.77 7,712.52 5,034.71 81.99 54.34 63.35 162.09 12,574.19 690.01 845.09 3,108.14 12.60 25.70 32.46 217.04 3,405.36 2,173.47 22,443.94 10,092.69 165.63 90.36 158.98 145.47 1 2 3 4 45.83 537.03 701.14 1,348.04 10.76 37.61 10.51 173.33 99.38 696.78 21,003.04 874.31 16.57 17.97 147.70 7.19 47.50 407.50 1,426.97 2,876.22 10.00 10.00 93.53 131.51 2,174.98 5,910.27 5,231.41 2,288.59 52.09 199.34 71.78 103.15 1 2 3 4 45.34 328.16 1,504.20 400.34 10.15 12.98 115.45 10.39 115.48 852.57 7,794.41 491.40 20.86 24.42 242.21 10.20 16,383.95 554.50 17,740.26 268.00 12.79 10.03 38.87 10.00 16,677.29 5,478.58 16,461.80 777.00 88.16 90.91 213.90 17.92 1 62.82 10.40 270.18 26.43 51.50 10.00 750.45 64.27 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Northern Region administrative unit includes northeastern Washington, northern Idaho, northwestern South Dakota, North Dakota, and Montana. b 14 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 2A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 Ashley Year Boise Bridger-Teton ab Caribou-Targhee Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 5,964.50 6,149.92 7,533.82 11,031.61 4.14 10.43 9.19 14.35 12,361.00 24,992.84 48,484.42 1,721.17 15.81 13.84 23.67 12.89 591.52 2,297.80 14,950.97 2,393.22 34.10 19.14 18.15 8.17 12,049.53 16,609.86 30,962.30 21,381.99 18.70 11.36 5.05 7.28 1 2 3 4 2,578.82 6,655.63 10,514.61 5,985.97 12.10 13.31 10.04 8.76 22,867.30 6,017.48 46,487.88 2,191.10 23.15 5.88 19.96 20.32 306.37 1,623.17 6,212.98 9,535.18 13.89 10.67 16.71 39.79 19,262.45 20,507.57 24,606.52 21,834.45 18.90 8.18 5.30 6.46 1 2 3 4 7,847.15 4,025.66 8,716.95 5,247.34 7.19 6.34 12.43 11.99 25,025.20 32,617.29 40,532.50 37,138.10 26.42 19.21 34.73 46.62 5,590.67 3,794.19 13,993.27 981.54 71.50 22.08 16.09 8.37 16,500.06 35,495.49 25,183.41 2,657.31 17.09 23.27 11.37 7.60 1 2 3 4 235.75 8,878.90 12,048.62 4,762.54 5.41 15.34 16.02 37.86 1,352.00 9,148.59 20,707.34 3,393.63 13.27 20.99 82.28 29.84 100.10 2,676.39 17,410.82 1,053.98 9.17 6.71 30.12 5.65 3,718.49 43,267.67 32,005.95 19,027.81 21.89 30.13 21.48 9.84 1 2 3 4 5,165.36 9,498.22 6,770.58 4,948.95 3.83 26.17 10.19 12.80 38,021.01 21,362.85 6,347.50 4,835.01 138.14 97.83 44.42 20.94 757.15 1,429.17 6,016.16 7,025.03 6.04 6.88 18.01 15.78 17,539.14 25,258.24 34,687.99 14,742.55 10.83 21.43 23.60 9.55 1 2 3 4 135.50 10,024.01 5,673.32 1,494.37 8.00 19.21 17.60 16.19 32,328.50 15,289.57 29,970.97 31,588.79 52.57 102.67 120.31 43.88 776.08 7,153.72 10,274.78 1,748.57 14.39 39.99 21.93 12.58 23,094.52 24,112.65 24,595.46 11,747.97 43.18 59.87 33.61 41.16 1 2 3 4 1,524.84 5,461.82 12,357.68 937.90 23.49 30.73 19.23 9.32 49,054.85 40,700.01 53,539.89 24,667.58 86.86 56.59 47.80 135.85 630.10 1,893.48 3,332.10 4,977.91 22.70 11.02 12.40 38.52 12,086.61 13,547.89 24,154.75 5,405.17 82.29 52.82 43.30 35.79 1 2 3 4 28.50 8,611.33 8,582.06 5,099.68 12.46 39.75 8.25 50.23 11,068.05 13,757.97 42,055.18 12,426.42 268.71 72.42 87.42 79.48 615.12 1,519.29 5,746.16 1,563.45 59.58 23.15 18.98 16.33 8,221.41 15,741.58 15,738.96 2,982.98 46.72 59.07 15.79 7.94 1 2 3 4 881.80 5,884.92 6,694.37 788.88 7.49 60.13 28.83 10.79 4,692.18 15,745.49 66,934.44 36,291.73 145.96 52.05 76.94 254.72 741.50 4,571.38 12,074.20 1,812.87 47.59 23.51 125.26 18.70 6,604.57 7,032.81 18,383.83 3,208.24 49.24 21.07 34.62 29.05 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 15 Research Note PNW-RN-558 ab Table 2A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Ashley Year Boise Bridger-Teton Caribou-Targhee Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 1,766.59 1,159.62 15,430.75 967.81 20.56 95.52 95.71 36.92 44,329.49 70,313.76 15,011.21 2,574.67 374.78 378.36 122.25 29.62 504.00 1,257.80 10,344.52 1,837.05 70.40 32.22 99.12 22.95 26.20 2,050.56 21,959.78 2,631.94 99.96 54.20 78.45 34.60 1 2 3 4 16.00 5,357.77 5,219.79 570.25 10.00 157.68 62.57 16.61 7,928.98 7,240.07 10,293.39 29,366.16 165.69 112.19 306.92 304.80 1,128.11 2,599.66 3,757.89 688.68 299.73 114.54 74.64 9.09 5,604.97 8,688.27 6,701.19 713.49 202.32 62.40 72.05 10.28 1 2 3 4 1,073.51 286.30 7,295.42 3,710.38 218.72 9.03 57.24 134.73 176.91 9,182.39 37,361.15 18,069.04 30.92 497.67 116.06 67.16 0.00 2,760.86 5,892.07 1,766.99 0.00 184.42 41.55 41.13 2,901.03 473.79 11,574.03 900.25 192.25 56.89 35.63 21.16 1 2 3 4 3,364.45 4,362.08 4,042.99 18,110.18 96.20 53.58 17.42 49.50 9,741.23 5,079.53 26,927.13 2,248.12 102.26 65.68 80.61 61.99 53.69 1,062.42 8,298.33 890.26 105.34 22.21 57.28 64.77 2,655.37 3,388.70 8,919.16 857.82 135.06 156.04 72.74 14.12 1 2 3 4 11.00 316.73 3,178.20 902.36 10.18 32.58 39.57 14.47 1,942.98 2,015.61 38,962.76 2,536.23 158.61 45.70 152.95 66.51 104.50 1,990.27 3,896.94 4,680.91 9.96 50.38 58.43 87.14 114.75 5,541.04 8,407.56 2,161.32 5.43 139.58 75.88 120.57 1 2 3 4 14.50 82.91 3,471.04 510.69 10.03 50.54 20.84 15.80 18,445.86 3,619.48 4,522.88 9,698.25 169.19 158.62 92.51 61.05 339.27 565.24 2,537.76 3,790.23 61.29 16.55 10.85 57.08 272.86 187.15 5,256.60 1,061.50 158.71 24.64 144.85 37.70 1 2 3 4 23.58 2,784.61 2,300.74 786.06 30.96 81.65 37.45 28.46 1,290.01 1,355.24 3,657.44 6,352.63 71.07 20.96 61.51 81.85 62.60 681.27 2,591.57 1,616.33 88.99 26.20 11.32 57.47 1 2 3 4 24.50 361.19 990.92 322.98 10.00 26.87 14.82 26.85 692.78 757.91 1,904.74 1,420.84 138.94 39.57 55.32 14.49 16.70 565.04 1,744.53 868.63 10.24 10.18 11.92 14.16 331.33 1,240.10 2,100.25 853.29 88.89 130.24 83.80 17.70 1 2 3 4 49.90 351.51 4,243.64 489.01 10.02 10.66 136.55 12.98 18.78 22,008.40 3,870.21 1,641.53 45.79 119.09 24.66 18.20 1,512.51 1,424.36 2,214.41 1,201.66 120.64 23.55 39.45 10.56 40.23 1,015.46 6,197.59 734.85 41.27 167.99 106.55 14.90 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 0.16 160.00 113.85 2,909.33 11,193.42 126.40 1,212.57 26.24 2000 2001 16 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 2A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Ashley Year Boise Bridger-Teton ab Caribou-Targhee Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 18.50 2,294.26 3,515.76 656.07 10.00 99.50 80.89 54.58 2,684.92 10,178.30 2,863.05 2,367.93 166.22 53.05 13.42 35.20 734.08 882.61 2,589.43 557.70 27.11 13.18 31.01 10.60 240.54 102.34 6,721.22 722.97 192.42 13.00 160.01 12.04 1 2 3 4 117.65 152.05 3,344.48 619.74 79.62 22.99 82.36 18.13 72.00 910.40 2,403.73 18,187.22 16.32 25.99 16.86 30.40 0.00 677.26 2,634.29 716.77 0.00 12.64 22.77 20.76 18.50 265.90 1,987.28 614.87 19.19 20.86 31.29 25.29 1 2 3 4 2.28 338.57 1,412.57 296.19 83.33 13.09 12.71 13.21 9,840.10 12,256.95 3,095.69 10,782.34 12.70 88.10 52.12 71.00 19.05 721.06 3,976.57 3,027.54 11.02 14.97 60.14 25.82 13.11 373.65 3,329.49 476.46 43.93 73.76 83.65 21.97 1 2 3 4 0.08 290.60 1,389.78 621.87 250.00 23.40 12.55 10.61 3,348.62 4,047.25 2,836.98 4,835.71 13.05 56.50 46.09 62.87 399.30 1,182.63 2,553.87 3,508.67 26.75 15.03 10.00 68.95 2,334.28 210.59 3,562.11 1,170.16 158.32 21.71 91.06 41.03 1 2 3 4 26.00 4,148.86 1,875.56 560.24 10.00 105.38 14.15 11.07 6,448.32 1,216.65 14,255.39 7,365.00 70.89 32.58 41.47 17.50 8.11 2,687.78 5,444.44 1,015.09 15.29 45.16 17.66 14.76 5.46 274.54 9,231.47 440.60 55.86 22.73 101.51 22.53 1 141.16 71.81 0.00 0.00 4.50 10.00 0.00 0.00 Quarter 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Intermountain Region administrative unit includes Utah, western Wyoming, southern Idaho, Nevada, and parts of California. b 17 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 2B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 Dixie Year Fishlake Humboldt-Toiyabe ab Manti-La Sal Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 100.44 1,029.19 29,368.02 1,036.59 7.17 6.93 15.16 6.46 63.75 1,061.28 4,131.50 530.32 7.14 9.23 6.20 7.44 128.18 4,294.93 2,526.96 746.33 5.42 57.68 10.07 15.04 21.39 364.38 5,626.24 1,538.34 6.39 5.51 4.51 8.82 1 2 3 4 4,844.49 18,669.76 7,687.24 633.25 5.00 10.58 8.98 7.78 48.98 845.55 2,037.71 305.32 7.64 17.21 7.87 9.35 170.09 3,486.19 1,363.88 719.36 7.60 16.20 11.67 14.13 503.12 436.10 5,761.64 672.05 33.24 4.41 3.88 3.45 1 2 3 4 6,675.94 22,506.47 5,082.80 1,337.75 9.81 8.75 8.36 21.22 485.85 1,303.33 1,847.40 2,971.79 26.55 12.75 11.95 26.23 528.89 3,128.27 1,467.61 733.05 25.17 26.59 19.40 17.23 112.50 460.38 3,316.91 439.28 6.52 8.26 5.74 6.58 1 2 3 4 156.00 24,553.31 3,976.00 680.50 7.44 26.73 9.16 8.99 32.01 1,852.11 1,454.86 500.11 12.54 12.37 17.05 8.57 131.00 4,978.44 4,809.17 1,215.76 18.39 21.66 26.51 12.77 43.00 1,838.84 3,139.85 550.49 11.37 13.20 9.97 8.54 1 2 3 4 108.40 19,486.85 6,685.72 2,832.88 8.76 52.41 29.20 34.96 1,920.25 725.58 1,140.57 1,070.87 21.92 35.71 9.30 18.20 364.50 3,976.67 1,702.16 1,972.55 10.79 22.69 11.49 10.24 45.20 3,446.90 5,375.27 1,527.79 11.48 47.40 7.87 4.20 1 2 3 4 3,895.40 13,965.58 6,291.51 4,180.86 30.32 37.89 56.65 40.40 925.75 1,627.05 1,537.58 861.63 35.84 46.84 6.12 39.85 447.30 1,191.65 1,748.20 1,264.03 8.36 5.95 9.89 10.22 21.75 504.06 2,029.20 374.65 4.06 8.18 8.67 6.79 1 2 3 4 207.00 913.46 14,302.39 1,041.80 8.37 8.40 48.39 36.30 33.27 664.40 1,040.48 653.05 19.05 26.90 8.43 33.66 373.45 1,622.22 1,432.17 2,883.29 6.64 12.53 10.50 46.17 107.28 335.12 3,458.20 606.66 2.62 5.61 351.08 6.31 1 2 3 4 90.33 805.49 12,835.86 596.59 10.36 8.87 53.59 9.97 1,389.60 525.58 2,203.67 561.22 97.13 38.06 60.76 10.83 376.40 3,794.02 922.78 459.37 9.09 28.70 13.35 14.97 896.75 190.42 2,332.96 506.57 68.57 6.11 13.87 6.98 1 2 3 4 88.00 739.60 2,257.79 770.90 8.98 9.44 10.89 9.13 894.15 1,514.28 1,195.46 256.97 76.50 25.51 38.23 9.75 510.34 696.32 1,365.37 687.35 12.61 12.76 133.92 26.38 0.00 223.02 5,125.89 755.70 0.00 8.71 76.54 37.21 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 18 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 2B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Dixie Year Fishlake Humboldt-Toiyabe ab Manti-La Sal Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 40.00 646.81 7,559.58 17,332.37 9.44 8.41 128.90 202.01 1,399.00 1,856.25 1,035.65 574.64 172.31 92.14 13.72 29.80 387.10 790.30 762.25 9,118.48 15.38 24.23 16.50 126.58 0.38 231.10 2,559.95 359.48 22.42 15.20 9.28 9.22 1 2 3 4 2,896.50 631.47 1,977.46 3,627.39 71.70 9.86 10.03 97.83 66.65 979.45 1,979.27 266.28 30.04 130.73 140.29 11.01 278.75 367.07 1,558.89 589.63 12.52 13.63 9.63 16.09 2,187.83 485.91 1,082.39 1,184.92 182.94 15.05 8.21 9.49 1 2 3 4 7,910.15 463.90 2,145.59 13,318.79 162.90 11.32 11.34 8.60 103.06 1,644.75 2,367.61 242.01 19.78 179.84 55.93 10.78 361.90 305.01 1,355.19 765.59 9.77 14.10 11.56 14.00 3.55 87.17 911.72 392.09 16.85 8.14 9.51 7.51 1 2 3 4 830.05 4,736.90 5,951.23 707.60 31.87 50.32 88.47 22.31 39.63 1,972.00 485.75 660.58 20.02 52.59 10.01 108.04 287.72 361.20 918.20 6,753.55 11.29 11.07 14.34 64.55 897.31 107.61 2,851.52 20,639.00 10.02 11.41 56.19 63.07 1 2 3 4 5,027.75 470.00 3,780.53 912.07 79.15 9.85 114.20 46.27 51.25 3,344.07 4,280.20 2,321.10 14.02 92.97 53.57 18.19 228.00 605.50 1,000.21 678.75 10.72 27.09 16.25 17.40 0.00 1,032.32 595.39 319.17 0.00 16.27 9.86 13.43 1 2 3 4 106.85 11,054.23 2,160.21 848.44 10.91 221.69 35.29 23.31 6,477.49 1,268.95 1,878.57 328.24 91.81 159.22 23.95 10.98 228.87 216.85 1,559.03 672.98 12.11 12.08 15.90 19.66 5.40 63.88 2,721.34 246.54 12.78 11.84 50.02 8.48 1 2 3 4 260.81 536.90 2,772.71 595.00 10.58 11.33 115.21 10.09 792.87 3,258.77 4,638.76 958.20 100.86 88.45 104.68 32.62 301.74 331.29 697.26 95.81 15.53 18.39 19.63 15.19 963.84 41.49 667.45 1,014.91 10.22 11.19 10.71 17.29 1 2 3 4 303.44 387.39 3,164.22 3,745.26 10.18 11.29 126.26 277.65 485.43 2,963.08 646.43 725.05 12.35 152.83 61.23 80.11 785.00 569.02 1,053.16 905.46 25.12 28.50 19.87 23.22 48.00 38.35 492.94 2,604.97 10.00 16.61 11.21 1.75 1 2 3 4 81.64 759.16 3,984.70 2,038.41 10.65 5.41 89.29 17.98 179.10 2,317.46 866.27 267.58 71.68 187.38 81.71 13.23 1,443.62 468.23 1,053.67 1,197.04 13.23 17.77 19.48 21.93 251.46 0.00 1,133.98 300.46 162.41 0.00 63.07 10.37 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 19 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 2B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Dixie Year Fishlake Humboldt-Toiyabe ab Manti-La Sal Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 283.98 1,432.48 1,115.79 2,734.39 10.72 142.52 16.05 122.15 32.64 535.90 568.08 474.24 17.62 126.19 64.45 26.17 385.76 332.36 1,867.64 1,117.55 16.55 13.01 24.25 23.55 1.56 80.00 639.39 366.42 24.36 10.00 10.54 23.03 1 2 3 4 1,884.32 402.95 1,511.44 830.50 20.16 11.83 16.68 10.76 42.14 502.82 1,553.27 481.39 17.51 154.86 53.74 36.84 371.74 260.56 1,314.62 995.52 19.13 22.16 23.55 25.09 24.50 132.40 898.27 284.42 10.00 10.99 10.70 10.22 1 2 3 4 5,582.37 578.62 7,023.98 482.29 105.62 12.12 182.94 13.88 24.24 985.63 706.80 515.99 15.78 32.11 38.97 17.46 340.06 336.60 844.30 823.26 19.70 22.06 23.66 23.70 1,310.56 165.56 2,090.86 278.82 20.11 12.45 60.19 15.14 1 2 3 4 121.00 276.61 6,138.46 5,378.03 10.00 11.40 68.84 140.60 64.52 187.28 1,772.74 2,427.29 16.42 11.45 97.97 120.87 208.53 247.62 1,270.36 1,307.44 20.58 20.23 23.81 23.91 0.00 107.51 1,079.53 984.88 0.00 10.34 16.77 60.03 1 2 3 4 376.26 977.72 1,553.61 846.91 10.68 9.52 10.98 17.85 346.21 254.66 2,206.24 421.46 29.44 11.94 125.46 14.79 687.08 309.86 4,467.11 886.20 25.50 22.49 67.00 24.17 8.00 248.59 2,417.88 427.22 10.00 12.78 45.02 46.12 1 378.98 20.47 460.35 56.52 287.32 19.53 617.91 194.74 Quarter 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Intermountain Region administrative unit includes Utah, western Wyoming, southern Idaho, Nevada, and parts of California. b 20 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 2C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 Payette Year Salmon-Challis Sawtooth ab Uinta Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 9,135.70 27,148.33 11,984.87 1,966.67 55.27 43.11 10.14 15.92 2,802.17 4,289.96 4,456.63 2,104.50 10.91 9.87 7.09 6.38 2.50 2,569.94 9,645.62 2,149.60 3.00 7.35 3.51 5.35 0.00 1,218.19 4,277.30 68.00 0.00 11.00 8.79 7.41 1 2 3 4 38,781.51 4,286.21 32,035.07 32,409.07 22.24 25.56 20.49 17.53 472.35 3,953.22 7,081.94 19,664.72 11.42 16.28 4.32 15.86 18.00 4,573.98 7,142.00 2,106.11 9.67 6.94 6.60 10.88 0.00 1,032.86 3,162.42 6.50 0.00 13.22 8.82 10.62 1 2 3 4 29,882.18 12,937.75 11,695.49 5,034.12 38.22 29.60 28.78 21.66 13,565.06 3,527.38 9,534.13 4,095.03 23.94 19.88 25.06 16.83 1.50 2,487.28 5,651.42 1,456.57 10.67 9.64 10.91 8.85 4,125.18 2,005.50 3,721.60 2.50 19.07 12.73 9.45 16.00 1 2 3 4 21,112.71 27,325.61 26,106.09 2,505.69 67.84 68.77 78.05 28.15 2,285.09 3,335.41 15,452.88 3,682.64 81.98 9.20 34.02 64.80 12.10 3,852.18 5,295.62 1,174.77 9.40 9.62 10.36 8.67 0.00 5,637.22 2,105.24 611.65 0.00 25.77 9.63 9.91 1 2 3 4 10,689.60 55,029.04 5,480.86 8,302.81 166.86 118.89 55.37 77.07 4,642.50 8,885.63 5,825.91 1,008.52 36.93 45.10 16.80 87.57 92.86 1,434.09 4,766.91 2,407.17 12.31 11.31 9.97 14.23 1,689.00 684.39 2,698.30 29.75 50.70 9.10 12.68 13.62 1 2 3 4 17,952.10 16,491.00 34,281.15 10,937.32 133.08 92.94 75.33 78.11 6,688.50 12,958.18 8,151.09 879.59 79.70 103.47 40.01 29.06 0.03 1,613.92 5,459.64 2,162.17 2,088.33 13.24 13.19 11.35 340.00 386.75 1,528.60 27.75 67.38 12.11 10.88 26.24 1 2 3 4 3,835.00 20,133.16 33,152.54 7,943.77 118.54 159.29 98.38 88.00 137.15 18,893.98 7,420.60 2,058.52 26.99 61.49 8.88 36.26 37.00 1,811.60 4,289.48 2,098.85 4.32 10.79 10.69 8.97 35.10 3,530.00 3,147.50 48.50 16.24 80.43 53.44 26.66 1 2 3 4 4,823.00 15,759.02 6,997.28 23,734.50 194.87 73.16 108.39 196.78 5,374.00 3,181.33 15,940.87 994.12 143.86 92.61 53.29 32.86 30.00 1,663.10 5,549.87 1,366.59 7.01 13.16 13.76 11.64 114.40 313.50 1,777.84 128.80 10.59 10.07 43.00 18.82 1 2 3 4 1,375.50 33,421.70 24,580.20 4,787.63 155.80 207.11 322.57 145.06 5,182.71 7,385.75 6,483.42 2,580.71 263.35 88.51 82.51 54.52 284.16 2,778.44 4,352.72 2,721.96 6.47 47.36 18.73 22.60 1.00 2,780.50 1,469.00 50.00 20.00 78.22 47.80 7.72 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 21 Research Note PNW-RN-558 ab Table 2C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Payette Year Salmon-Challis Sawtooth Uinta Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 12,555.00 10,875.70 26,134.07 13,116.67 21.07 405.08 418.86 606.18 1,301.00 4,117.26 5,319.68 981.77 68.08 286.25 69.94 87.55 38.02 1,818.39 7,510.29 2,662.59 9.74 104.78 58.47 27.57 208.00 3,870.00 2,689.00 285.66 30.36 165.05 61.63 8.74 1 2 3 4 716.30 14,860.90 21,661.32 9,168.00 427.85 418.56 450.87 324.95 1,683.50 5,394.92 3,736.31 1,385.78 159.71 416.37 94.28 38.62 28.75 1,801.35 2,702.85 3,397.35 16.25 79.77 22.66 155.54 468.00 11.00 432.50 799.50 228.49 215.90 19.68 110.07 1 2 3 4 18,607.00 6,201.75 22,147.18 1,235.83 328.79 160.28 44.38 53.79 397.48 626.38 6,610.81 969.86 148.77 65.93 60.27 67.43 10.00 609.53 3,609.67 1,389.09 2.00 19.22 29.28 15.71 0.00 72.40 2,885.80 57.50 0.00 262.43 215.19 35.00 1 2 3 4 14,868.53 74,291.65 9,321.13 15,210.48 65.37 35.21 34.61 138.55 1,688.00 5,517.54 3,680.63 269.98 88.28 93.70 36.08 11.32 11,009.50 3,202.06 3,036.24 1,050.58 32.48 63.45 43.38 20.11 0.00 1,325.84 263.55 105.50 0.00 233.43 24.90 20.00 1 2 3 4 0.00 1,222.63 22,620.47 15,544.81 0.00 114.77 208.74 217.81 1,363.00 812.91 2,772.59 728.80 127.74 35.07 55.04 103.07 11.72 287.82 2,490.09 1,063.76 37.73 15.46 20.61 25.45 3,053.78 287.00 375.68 213.77 69.28 162.68 25.75 11.95 1 2 3 4 1,943.07 10,121.56 1,639.66 6,231.10 154.94 221.29 10.68 175.56 558.49 915.29 3,749.60 626.21 123.38 61.37 60.48 11.89 0.00 295.11 6,089.23 1,590.91 0.00 26.21 52.89 60.19 1,378.33 3,818.22 742.97 357.48 83.32 63.87 134.82 113.72 1 2 3 4 34.99 348.48 2,856.26 529.03 31.01 13.39 25.00 10.57 95.49 357.95 5,354.43 383.04 117.66 13.99 45.85 12.93 0.00 221.20 3,153.74 1,409.44 0.00 19.75 36.03 34.58 9.49 1.00 698.54 192.00 126.03 20.00 124.01 20.00 1 2 3 4 25.50 609.04 808.03 610.04 10.00 9.96 15.65 14.43 489.40 1,523.82 3,417.25 463.02 13.23 72.38 119.47 26.74 9.30 268.56 1,049.66 940.36 19.96 27.85 17.18 22.09 0.00 8.99 2,381.12 41.00 0.00 128.70 159.18 20.00 1 2 3 4 7.58 1,079.32 21,320.48 504.70 11.21 81.70 90.79 10.53 57.50 1,135.02 1,506.80 18,733.27 10.00 14.84 15.37 13.56 18.16 1,293.86 2,319.23 1,130.66 31.03 31.90 28.78 16.14 9.99 0.00 2,969.13 14.50 49.29 0.00 160.15 20.00 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 22 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 2C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intermountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Payette Year Salmon-Challis Sawtooth ab Uinta Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 3,615.69 652.50 1,326.92 559.15 29.04 10.00 11.51 10.29 50.30 565.06 1,948.00 419.47 32.90 13.53 20.84 10.97 0.00 464.15 2,355.54 1,479.27 0.00 16.97 21.16 23.21 9.99 0.00 452.00 2,328.08 63.87 0.00 20.00 194.37 1 2 3 4 0.00 491.72 1,691.99 2,501.84 0.00 15.23 95.10 126.05 626.31 864.33 2,149.88 497.32 81.96 12.33 29.60 11.63 0.00 374.87 1,232.69 680.44 0.00 25.84 27.37 24.24 88.00 1.00 657.33 1,450.27 20.00 20.00 85.74 185.72 1 2 3 4 5,121.94 18,237.77 3,272.66 11,738.00 131.39 64.67 95.80 159.66 114.07 889.52 1,395.00 1,774.45 11.58 13.06 11.53 32.64 2,746.66 1,758.41 3,323.99 713.93 79.55 13.91 57.76 18.81 162.00 0.00 1,351.93 258.00 20.00 0.00 91.18 20.00 1 2 3 4 5,070.80 318.00 697.41 742.38 164.09 15.00 36.68 15.06 287.02 993.01 2,547.60 2,309.74 27.72 34.81 33.67 48.29 0.00 1,706.24 1,186.82 1,847.74 0.00 68.27 21.11 50.08 0.00 8.00 641.50 1,920.19 0.00 20.00 19.44 157.61 1 2 3 4 1,593.12 4,793.81 2,209.21 15,330.00 171.18 142.16 88.00 70.48 137.00 934.70 5,383.70 481.34 10.00 10.86 45.54 10.71 8.50 1,919.46 1,401.51 1,023.85 20.00 45.47 13.58 11.31 14.00 104.50 2,217.05 152.19 20.00 20.00 109.44 34.61 1 10,786.48 14.43 160.86 10.54 218.39 11.51 0.00 0.00 Quarter 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Intermountain Region administrative unit includes Utah, western Wyoming, southern Idaho, Nevada, and parts of California. b 23 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 2D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Intera b mountain Region, 1984–2007 Table 2D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Interab mountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Wasatch-Cache Year Quarter Volume MBF Average value Year Quarter Dollars/ MBF 1984 Volume MBF Average value Dollars/ MBF 1991 1 2 3 4 838.00 882.33 20,510.31 3,193.52 16.24 10.29 9.94 12.12 1 2 3 4 291.00 1,362.48 12,174.00 2,738.75 19.08 12.23 7.98 9.14 1 2 3 4 482.80 7,615.44 11,435.12 747.84 10.24 24.45 7.35 7.53 1 2 3 4 485.34 8,981.62 6,875.16 1,180.46 18.24 16.85 8.33 11.58 1 2 3 4 6,198.93 526.12 6,995.82 2,597.15 25.54 8.14 8.58 8.61 1 2 3 4 32.09 4,461.89 7,118.63 1,403.57 7.27 7.46 8.66 7.17 1 2 3 4 37.77 4,306.04 2,786.94 1,403.19 6.88 36.46 6.78 7.14 1985 1 2 3 4 2,510.50 3,092.11 2,748.22 1,016.29 64.85 59.18 6.64 24.18 1 2 3 4 3,618.55 268.79 5,254.05 1,944.95 11.03 4.99 22.23 67.11 1 2 3 4 3,193.15 324.38 5,248.13 428.96 130.33 10.83 184.18 16.48 1 2 3 4 2,038.50 1,188.98 1,266.72 379.27 141.76 216.36 12.71 13.19 1 2 3 4 510.00 4.00 1,023.97 480.07 141.84 20.00 26.50 17.56 1 2 3 4 2.50 611.00 624.45 5,005.05 13.00 151.48 13.57 43.85 1 2 3 4 0.00 2.00 438.23 352.93 0.00 19.75 17.23 13.66 1992 1986 1993 1987 1994 1988 1995 1989 1996 1990 24 Wasatch-Cache 1997 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 2D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Interab mountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Table 2D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Interab mountain Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Wasatch-Cache Year Quarter Volume MBF Average value Wasatch-Cache Year Quarter Dollars/ MBF 1998 Volume MBF Average value Dollars/ MBF 2005 1 2 3 4 0.00 1,826.29 5,551.72 87.15 0.00 67.84 78.45 8.99 1 2 3 4 1,438.04 9.19 507.10 1,582.90 95.76 38.79 29.40 84.01 1 2 3 4 0.70 4,793.31 249.11 48.82 82.70 161.34 24.22 30.33 1 2 3 4 0.00 96.57 526.31 65.18 0.00 16.24 86.21 26.53 1 2 3 4 2.50 115.90 614.19 56.20 20.00 16.70 62.74 20.37 1 2 3 4 1.81 164.32 257.62 96.50 104.97 18.66 27.08 18.93 1 2 3 4 0.00 80.59 750.23 100.92 0.00 22.82 42.57 89.13 1999 1 2 3 4 0.00 1.20 6,118.67 153.38 0.00 41.67 140.46 20.42 1 2 3 4 0.00 0.00 678.78 21.70 0.00 0.00 23.69 20.28 1 0.00 0.00 2006 2000 2007 2001 2002 2003 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. b Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Intermountain Region administrative unit includes Utah, western Wyoming, southern Idaho, Nevada, and parts of California. 2004 25 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 Angeles Year Cleveland Eldorado ab Inyo Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 302.5 40.5 168.5 867.5 21.34 20.25 30.39 25.24 113.06 179.75 330.19 398.50 22.55 28.48 26.42 22.67 47,345.19 20,897.90 49,454.75 19,373.27 80.90 58.98 26.80 21.99 1,009.50 5,004.00 7,292.50 2,275.33 61.93 55.11 76.66 12.11 1 2 3 4 404 0 0 0 20.38 0 0 0 224.00 184.02 861.34 252.00 23.56 24.27 56.53 23.23 62,222.60 24,790.90 25,092.77 21,835.92 48.93 20.52 13.08 48.97 4,083.00 2,846.99 6,484.66 2,673.66 43.33 12.58 97.16 49.16 1 2 3 4 0 893.5 94.75 200.75 0 23.18 27.81 22.94 110.50 50.50 290.00 327.75 31.40 32.18 32.63 25.61 37,730.20 19,385.23 64,833.88 34,385.22 40.46 52.49 79.35 100.56 3,139.00 2,652.63 6,062.02 3,463.10 136.50 12.26 49.67 183.34 1 2 3 4 78 96.25 75.25 161.5 18.7 19.94 26.25 21.67 134.50 60.50 145.00 163.00 36.12 25.04 28.97 35.31 38,584.50 15,632.75 32,941.76 12,662.72 96.84 192.72 120.23 230.55 0.00 8,318.37 2,191.76 6,393.65 0.00 165.13 26.85 125.58 1 2 3 4 48 56.5 83.5 103.25 20.21 17.88 21.5 27.17 109.00 73.50 135.50 103.50 25.77 37.35 43.84 46.52 10,784.76 32,415.58 51,468.32 32,859.02 158.36 112.29 130.55 120.53 27.00 6,552.10 1,540.91 997.78 57.22 49.53 28.14 21.76 1 2 3 4 49.5 54.25 32.75 100.52 39.7 29.49 27.63 45.02 125.25 56.50 97.50 107.50 32.83 25.33 25.26 34.92 4,244.69 57,339.73 79,450.23 14,312.25 110.48 153.52 65.82 173.92 4,235.00 3,122.06 3,492.50 3,995.50 217.40 20.89 111.35 185.27 1 2 3 4 44.25 0 66.75 49 28.33 0 49.7 27.81 109.00 44.75 23.00 44.00 39.27 32.31 29.43 21.02 19,714.63 74,279.85 113,707.13 7,028.40 137.29 116.46 69.25 36.90 780.50 1,976.80 3,803.50 1,495.05 29.94 17.28 104.99 38.92 1 2 3 4 25.5 90.86 60.25 144.57 8.63 63.12 53.82 57.17 131.50 53.00 52.00 112.25 39.64 28.21 38.52 31.49 8,256.71 38,845.28 49,766.43 35,668.56 55.38 49.95 706.00 92.24 0.50 2,531.50 1,488.00 3,097.00 60.00 20.18 21.94 249.80 1 2 3 4 16 18.5 109.83 79.5 59.38 62.97 56.48 58.96 53.00 41.00 82.50 221.50 28.83 43.76 7.21 7.74 25,369.30 22,390.79 55,683.43 49,381.09 210.01 233.09 268.05 467.61 2,174.08 2,203.43 7,771.22 702.22 298.87 15.33 272.42 17.22 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 26 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Angeles Year Quarter Cleveland Eldorado ab Inyo Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1993 1 2 3 4 25.62 92.8 103.45 53 62.26 54.31 57.3 59.62 56.00 37.00 59.00 81.00 11.93 13.36 37.80 23.27 4,315.50 1,946.90 69,113.81 3,281.80 398.33 64.22 293.19 35.99 0.00 2,533.83 5,175.41 2,206.00 0.00 31.41 392.93 144.06 1 2 3 4 25.25 96.41 30.50 68.02 68.61 62.47 54.92 62.63 54.50 176.00 14.50 135.50 21.10 24.86 20.00 31.22 724.23 5,951.11 2,067.10 2,742.24 27.75 28.96 21.70 125.67 1,058.00 4,635.30 1,280.05 717.80 4.30 74.02 46.39 19.99 1 2 3 4 18.50 50.12 62.25 134.00 58.11 53.80 61.33 35.49 26.50 36.00 24.00 96.50 23.77 28.89 36.46 35.85 735.50 2,333.95 3,128.30 2,752.86 233.86 20.93 116.82 63.94 11.00 2,236.50 1,483.88 1,493.13 15.00 11.64 16.44 62.14 1 2 3 4 24.50 152.50 13.00 68.50 59.39 70.30 51.54 57.74 48.50 15.00 8.00 126.50 33.92 30.00 40.00 24.39 6,081.93 3,235.46 1,742.18 10,863.34 128.30 159.43 20.89 183.63 391.00 1,154.19 830.50 385.94 49.90 19.97 24.04 24.43 1 2 3 4 27.25 1.50 0.00 0.00 64.13 56.67 0.00 0.00 80.50 8.50 18.50 77.00 38.76 40.00 40.00 39.35 21,239.25 8,446.14 5,690.62 12,964.75 142.97 128.59 183.85 228.85 16.05 1,695.37 1,870.54 360.15 65.63 24.09 31.86 19.41 1 2 3 4 89.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 52.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 364.50 25.50 51.00 40.00 7.41 40.00 40.00 13,102.36 14,280.21 3,500.41 20,646.17 223.84 120.37 108.16 65.22 90.20 1,129.60 1,439.45 532.62 83.90 25.96 29.78 30.26 1 2 3 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 54.12 390.00 11.50 2.00 0.00 4.46 40.00 40.00 0.00 6,460.55 20,583.36 5,722.70 3,843.69 142.20 103.26 39.15 124.88 0.50 1,301.19 1,185.25 797.51 72.00 27.91 24.23 54.14 1 2 3 4 98.00 74.50 42.50 63.75 55.56 64.03 51.29 58.16 0.00 19.00 13.00 41.50 0.00 40.00 46.15 40.00 509.17 9,406.99 19,782.84 22,240.97 197.59 175.44 126.64 87.64 404.50 833.60 1,129.80 462.45 47.06 23.04 32.83 27.34 1 2 3 4 57.50 23.50 48.50 82.00 83.83 48.40 104.95 107.87 73.50 20.00 22.00 54.50 47.76 50.00 51.14 59.63 2,217.50 4,713.38 6,545.03 11,313.19 0.91 35.89 112.44 101.50 0.00 1,683.50 1,058.25 1,115.51 0.00 35.03 23.01 40.13 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 27 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Angeles Year Quarter Cleveland Eldorado ab Inyo Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 2002 1 2 3 4 68.50 25.60 21.49 2.00 64.74 102.73 103.77 107.50 64.50 39.00 14.50 12.50 50.23 50.64 48.97 50.00 2,528.19 1,548.97 855.00 35,883.39 138.82 86.89 10.00 48.00 17.60 931.30 1,385.75 1,181.90 72.00 24.67 31.93 52.65 1 2 3 4 144.72 18.37 15.73 36.87 76.25 76.76 85.19 73.23 52.50 32.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 104.00 1,134.75 1,083.45 907.67 10.00 59.50 59.76 25.43 0.00 1,389.05 868.73 1,042.50 0.00 40.74 24.34 36.05 1 2 3 4 26.37 184.64 17.15 0.00 80.58 80.40 113.41 0.00 0.00 42.00 17.50 9.50 0.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 268.00 638.50 7,304.87 1,504.00 10.00 9.98 1.17 79.66 0.00 1,414.40 773.50 423.70 0.00 42.86 23.04 23.31 1 2 3 4 45.46 19.43 467.05 182.26 87.00 153.37 29.09 29.27 25.66 7.50 6.00 3.50 81.84 46.00 50.00 50.00 2,848.86 4,809.90 113,229.70 54,588.50 35.82 45.38 91.50 21.70 329.10 577.90 1,772.45 530.15 71.02 29.94 37.88 27.10 1 2 3 4 83.98 95.12 144.25 98.48 72.25 74.33 63.81 61.33 0.00 0.00 2.55 23.18 0.00 0.00 1,133.34 84.12 277.50 7,332.14 14,071.77 783.50 10.00 132.06 82.00 9.74 48.50 715.50 2,084.65 573.50 10.00 45.81 35.55 26.98 1 101.14 72.08 23.50 50.00 6,958.54 114.74 5.00 58.50 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Southwest Region administrative unit includes Hawaii and most of California. b 28 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 Klamath Year Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Lassen ab Los Padres Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 31,648.46 35,065.19 48,189.47 6,074.92 50.26 51.99 49.36 34.10 17.82 161.87 3,086.06 131.00 31.69 35.92 17.45 0.50 56,874.50 27,440.95 50,320.14 55,073.24 166.77 50.26 156.23 82.33 162.50 55.50 29.00 5.00 13.80 12.17 4.56 20.00 1 2 3 4 50,827.55 71,614.15 61,124.35 12,699.54 53.72 33.58 48.54 29.27 1,560.00 222.03 1,365.83 284.10 10.24 23.79 11.13 1.66 46,215.65 14,699.27 45,103.31 41,850.91 46.30 345.21 109.80 146.17 0.00 981.12 70.53 37.00 0.00 16.28 24.94 12.32 1 2 3 4 33,448.93 25,704.20 101,790.53 22,906.10 90.38 70.88 53.28 51.14 28.00 137.41 422.05 2,355.00 19.04 34.02 12.02 22.19 31,509.31 31,733.81 47,270.34 32,454.36 116.03 164.87 151.18 154.96 611.62 118.50 0.00 872.75 14.46 9.44 0.00 16.13 1 2 3 4 91,900.60 45,061.42 24,989.63 13,036.76 71.85 109.17 57.30 94.62 0.00 727.50 680.60 15.50 0.00 20.39 15.06 11.61 46,981.64 62,906.55 27,207.96 37,926.79 227.49 150.46 212.87 101.19 128.41 0.00 938.09 367.07 14.83 0.00 12.47 16.68 1 2 3 4 83,879.30 56,786.91 157,960.19 66,733.07 53.84 75.93 58.61 73.37 0.00 1,092.90 325.00 30.50 0.00 23.34 11.50 43.92 42,830.34 43,112.33 27,271.06 53,200.17 305.91 176.27 191.90 210.59 131.50 0.00 0.00 465.12 12.86 0.00 0.00 23.35 1 2 3 4 63,248.64 30,428.94 8,279.37 5,462.72 96.73 114.51 35.97 44.40 27.50 288.61 3,025.55 10,006.87 16.18 33.95 34.33 110.27 53,558.15 41,760.93 14,028.04 34,282.12 273.65 242.12 131.62 109.18 213.34 35.07 25.00 280.35 20.66 30.10 14.76 26.50 1 2 3 4 2,819.45 14,224.47 77,309.68 47,590.16 91.54 216.39 72.35 106.55 1,907.45 299.05 484.55 162.05 46.92 10.70 12.10 14.47 19,789.53 46,919.45 57,108.85 40,120.60 223.08 268.26 176.55 155.60 108.50 4.50 722.68 9.00 16.93 12.44 18.87 12.67 1 2 3 4 2,764.35 6,852.48 28,944.21 2,467.74 11.82 80.87 33.10 11.34 73.70 2,154.20 7,034.80 1,812.75 19.16 31.17 63.30 135.87 38,443.07 24,668.43 16,254.79 8,473.62 219.88 188.36 181.80 39.50 0.00 0.00 308.25 43.45 0.00 0.00 16.39 14.91 1 2 3 4 7,219.44 7,045.77 11,201.64 9,901.16 267.74 36.75 114.87 135.34 96.90 340.37 330.90 441.00 11.39 7.79 30.58 34.53 3,544.86 8,162.61 17,694.32 31,891.99 184.88 429.16 249.32 169.42 67.50 100.00 119.00 41.07 13.26 14.66 25.38 49.91 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 29 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Klamath Year Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Lassen ab Los Padres Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 2,698.35 3,231.66 16,574.22 4,777.76 192.78 237.66 214.48 146.46 1,032.00 949.37 1,311.69 758.93 42.08 35.46 27.85 106.93 21,272.50 62,727.22 65,363.24 96,019.29 196.94 80.54 129.98 168.50 170.50 74.50 0.00 26.50 13.95 18.97 0.00 40.00 1 2 3 4 3,472.28 14,611.50 9,206.61 8,512.19 339.18 322.83 158.08 181.50 4,874.00 6,481.20 38,675.62 51.75 64.53 69.78 59.75 2.43 736.18 98,834.96 2,379.32 5,353.97 11.54 164.10 9.70 64.64 149.50 192.00 46.59 0.00 27.84 28.70 29.26 0.00 1 2 3 4 3,446.38 6,673.03 7,054.24 9,258.34 249.21 311.98 135.12 147.63 129.81 361.02 311.00 5,006.40 8.14 31.67 23.37 6.04 898.26 3,064.99 39,035.79 45,100.76 9.90 88.74 158.39 80.94 0.00 60.50 66.50 147.15 0.00 23.01 22.18 24.85 1 2 3 4 7,483.95 15,242.79 7,619.68 9,881.85 131.34 162.58 98.81 109.48 412.40 259.40 730.89 183.27 38.11 79.13 9.66 19.41 5,643.33 18,063.51 5,781.40 30,301.70 25.30 130.48 19.29 184.11 7.50 0.00 223.00 135.00 30.67 0.00 18.34 26.02 1 2 3 4 36,389.14 700.14 5,199.19 3,498.63 106.36 20.88 85.42 43.35 40.00 205.93 840.00 5,451.45 10.38 34.39 50.05 83.47 15,718.22 31,931.50 39,521.30 28,034.79 170.42 27.72 79.71 99.44 93.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 705.67 24,243.67 1,075.20 1,701.65 11.73 131.87 23.30 49.97 0.00 401.50 4,182.54 104.20 0.00 49.41 156.12 22.01 1,793.80 3,164.34 38,918.50 23,841.37 90.09 9.54 44.79 47.21 0.00 566.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.09 0.00 0.00 1 2 3 4 10,031.76 15,879.11 3,003.30 914.45 22.36 107.86 18.81 9.88 15.22 15.00 2,314.02 115.25 21.67 25.00 37.42 24.34 8,097.98 4,585.99 30,118.39 13,020.04 6.68 11.68 68.26 30.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 108.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 26.44 1 2 3 4 694.79 572.58 668.96 757.91 10.75 17.65 10.37 10.42 0.00 110.41 282.26 77.56 0.00 78.99 24.49 65.26 585.44 2,978.13 23,791.68 7,862.70 33.20 16.09 39.81 53.84 43.50 46.50 39.00 108.50 26.78 25.81 28.72 24.79 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 30 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Klamath Year Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Lassen ab Los Padres Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 5,498.79 14,801.43 2,841.42 7,323.62 8.84 7.66 43.33 65.62 990.08 102.81 660.30 28.50 6.27 57.54 12.90 47.89 12,336.61 13,563.58 8,290.88 27,462.02 44.66 7.00 27.68 33.51 76.50 39.00 42.00 108.50 36.73 34.10 42.96 29.86 1 2 3 4 1,343.08 776.80 14,864.83 3,501.30 8.19 8.26 67.43 7.55 0.00 112.70 614.62 190.80 0.00 19.79 14.76 22.12 41,181.40 2,056.04 664.74 18,350.45 32.23 16.76 10.18 34.50 93.00 28.00 23.00 14.00 27.53 39.82 33.26 21.79 1 2 3 4 3,102.69 3,025.69 2,564.54 4,235.91 16.85 23.42 23.39 6.89 0.00 92.60 640.10 338.40 0.00 27.40 12.69 26.86 591.91 1,985.29 10,558.90 10,000.41 10.16 11.31 35.88 74.64 133.00 34.50 24.50 14.50 30.56 26.67 26.94 35.86 1 2 3 4 5,212.81 1,329.60 3,630.64 3,607.20 50.46 6.40 72.96 40.95 580.52 565.22 1,151.27 216.50 15.35 10.69 4.05 19.63 37,053.00 4,795.55 14,511.18 37,956.32 16.90 37.94 72.11 64.49 111.50 28.00 1.00 55.50 26.50 28.93 20.00 31.08 1 2 3 4 13,105.15 1,398.94 9,685.29 849.25 30.74 55.60 136.72 10.14 49.20 97.00 2,487.27 977.22 13.85 21.00 3.61 4.19 4,617.92 1,904.31 9,520.66 17,911.51 99.27 40.48 15.32 52.61 80.00 51.50 16.50 72.00 26.88 25.05 21.82 22.50 1 2 3 4 10,952.70 3,385.99 6,930.85 1,047.62 88.98 19.17 50.02 10.27 30.74 794.00 442.50 73.12 27.80 6.01 23.76 35.82 31,489.16 1,473.51 5,653.85 4,661.50 81.90 19.96 19.51 7.45 52.50 7.50 29.00 9.00 25.52 42.67 20.69 20.00 1 1,468.93 37.42 39.50 18.56 4,042.46 19.87 43.50 30.34 Quarter 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Southwest Region administrative unit includes Hawaii and most of California. b 31 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 Mendocino Year Modoc Plumas ab San Bernardino Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 17,255.78 1,282.44 37,603.75 21,630.43 103.52 62.50 25.27 27.71 11,206.50 37,374.75 16,226.50 5,937.00 144.58 114.85 89.33 35.32 46,666.28 43,084.43 75,900.05 5,176.90 99.08 69.75 31.52 32.84 1,134.00 1,036.50 2,496.00 2,862.50 19.52 53.50 20.72 28.66 1 2 3 4 5,366.30 7,984.24 55,403.79 4,704.43 31.12 22.55 50.67 22.47 1,578.50 1,156.50 22,074.00 669.85 103.50 2.47 87.09 2.48 45,174.57 92,035.44 46,603.64 18,354.69 83.09 49.12 87.23 140.91 826.50 2,608.52 1,843.50 3,232.25 37.91 20.46 23.88 22.38 1 2 3 4 31,532.12 7,567.14 56,969.73 825.20 99.84 126.36 102.21 11.30 17,403.46 8,125.37 21,569.25 2,620.00 119.51 86.88 223.00 12.92 27,894.72 48,813.38 84,446.49 11,478.55 89.77 48.88 79.64 128.27 824.50 1,420.50 548.00 2,937.00 36.01 32.16 41.48 30.18 1 2 3 4 145.30 60,095.01 11,146.11 18,126.29 35.28 134.62 31.10 5.24 25,674.50 17,206.40 1,017.25 7,687.40 217.51 210.20 2.57 202.22 34,153.32 104,023.25 55,274.41 27,528.45 79.69 141.95 118.52 185.65 1,840.25 1,910.25 2,765.25 1,413.33 36.92 18.07 29.97 29.42 1 2 3 4 1,937.98 59,747.57 45,278.18 682.09 10.91 107.91 18.72 9.16 16,969.00 18,933.93 12,662.50 1,330.75 233.58 141.33 264.02 1.90 43,276.12 25,402.40 83,854.13 23,557.19 139.49 103.80 202.30 211.81 699.56 841.71 1,191.25 1,424.62 27.29 42.71 28.01 35.86 1 2 3 4 34,673.00 4,509.60 17,131.29 8,153.32 157.21 113.08 54.57 84.61 10,712.50 13,889.00 22,596.86 899.66 249.15 425.77 178.75 1.64 21,727.10 36,096.49 114,343.32 23,171.54 297.02 123.47 218.06 159.17 893.80 723.37 1,131.07 1,932.04 40.67 31.91 35.52 29.37 1 2 3 4 15,418.78 332.40 28,456.47 8,637.34 209.30 17.16 79.23 155.46 26,752.77 25,592.72 12,542.26 5,669.94 279.97 264.58 180.38 224.75 9,368.69 56,979.46 112,682.51 55,183.87 125.81 211.51 96.17 114.72 417.32 690.07 1,434.37 933.45 30.23 41.10 34.82 32.77 1 2 3 4 179.58 74.95 2,233.80 789.49 7.93 8.86 5.94 95.64 257.50 26,844.00 4,405.20 1,681.39 14.74 213.34 164.59 2.94 18,523.35 15,545.59 37,030.36 19,113.48 143.36 53.82 99.19 183.25 972.34 422.03 498.99 631.28 29.46 26.95 25.94 35.77 1 2 3 4 96.50 228.01 1,919.40 2,694.98 16.72 16.94 145.17 269.33 268.11 9,552.30 1,967.53 28,750.97 8.46 654.47 4.23 210.26 7,428.82 39,289.93 42,069.03 52,026.66 73.95 306.24 106.53 132.12 0.00 2,318.24 820.69 0.00 0.00 32.93 43.78 0.00 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 32 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Mendocino Year Modoc Plumas ab San Bernardino Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 35.00 1,674.97 437.11 486.61 10.00 205.20 9.59 9.53 16,777.98 2,577.96 5,179.16 8,023.92 523.52 1.07 155.73 593.31 2,930.22 10,671.25 18,971.51 33,683.58 110.35 174.06 459.30 374.21 1,602.11 330.97 591.06 862.19 32.75 37.95 46.34 44.35 1 2 3 4 19.93 677.52 406.36 2,366.32 10.33 9.48 20.07 294.36 761.34 14,366.49 17,898.95 16,705.07 465.46 408.61 84.31 48.56 2,517.75 45,846.92 5,832.52 8,211.57 96.78 291.83 34.31 94.11 395.03 30,444.94 1,014.30 580.32 46.64 2.17 88.04 43.12 1 2 3 4 36.00 170.48 1,152.25 5,209.00 10.00 10.04 101.81 352.17 13,037.00 465.00 2,619.89 13,842.85 156.40 10.00 31.11 159.98 3,460.00 4,889.73 9,846.45 14,517.43 63.18 177.66 104.41 70.64 391.73 367.12 577.18 586.37 43.86 45.67 60.46 50.55 1 2 3 4 837.50 414.13 751.73 10,833.10 361.51 29.47 39.48 338.03 25,498.65 3,266.59 818.50 10,843.91 86.08 429.62 10.03 147.95 5,517.95 2,151.35 22,335.98 27,902.46 21.74 40.91 45.01 47.23 514.23 140.80 555.71 4,174.83 39.48 42.54 43.35 4.09 1 2 3 4 3,301.40 389.58 4,161.11 6,513.52 185.86 105.68 203.28 238.26 14,404.56 634.50 12,587.60 1,439.72 12.42 10.72 303.70 101.10 5,843.62 7,090.62 9,286.21 13,937.89 42.49 31.24 29.65 25.98 472.04 369.62 84.00 768.06 44.89 51.61 49.57 46.34 1 2 3 4 10.00 9,278.32 2,148.67 1,367.42 10.00 53.92 51.00 41.33 420.00 2,748.22 4,686.73 8,988.94 1.80 66.49 36.93 181.06 492.18 18,901.99 23,477.38 15,621.68 44.95 32.08 28.88 41.83 204.59 0.00 188.80 0.00 39.53 0.00 44.13 0.00 1 2 3 4 2,182.71 7,487.78 1,605.00 242.00 15.56 306.57 125.27 10.00 650.50 489.50 1,481.38 3,120.00 1.93 10.00 37.53 26.94 2,353.65 15,596.70 6,812.62 978.61 7.27 44.83 9.32 18.90 639.85 333.00 309.20 124.00 47.64 31.42 44.31 55.60 1 2 3 4 76.00 1,509.84 1,069.67 224.00 10.00 247.45 154.03 10.00 8,330.41 357.75 440.21 1,272.40 294.25 17.42 10.05 58.22 3,730.47 1,044.81 8,759.44 8,649.86 2.17 12.69 91.93 53.46 203.50 94.00 158.25 288.25 52.98 62.94 53.74 45.90 1 2 3 4 3,017.48 147.00 307.78 253.63 187.20 10.00 26.37 12.43 189.20 3,712.90 5,299.27 9,626.11 10.11 2.21 13.04 1.73 692.54 6,307.79 1,735.12 3,341.69 10.01 24.37 8.88 14.64 254.87 1,207.72 282.22 167.00 19.69 10.95 38.66 69.75 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 33 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Mendocino Year Modoc Plumas ab San Bernardino Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 123.00 253.97 157.00 2,371.14 10.00 197.90 10.00 84.93 5,016.44 516.31 1,320.80 625.02 11.63 12.36 5.37 13.54 8,633.57 1,022.67 4,302.46 2,083.80 18.20 11.24 217.98 29.62 358.25 192.00 137.75 38.40 52.84 56.63 43.02 48.50 1 2 3 4 111.00 257.00 590.24 275.00 10.00 10.00 7.62 10.00 50.52 5,662.50 2,627.27 4,806.99 10.01 1.89 3.47 1.34 701.33 1,120.55 3,653.35 2,701.08 11.02 13.95 17.93 13.21 1,584.40 1,182.83 813.64 1,856.91 27.36 14.10 15.55 7.28 1 2 3 4 24.35 284.30 202.60 4,162.00 15.61 12.83 9.03 69.71 26,940.56 33,616.74 4,912.49 9,859.05 1.41 2.20 78.04 0.93 1,258.28 1,529.99 1,046.99 1,603.90 45.53 14.77 54.86 29.45 52.00 10,019.64 4,238.52 4,417.13 15.90 5.38 11.08 3.43 1 2 3 4 20.50 202.54 216.50 2,495.69 10.73 10.20 10.00 1.66 489.00 9,922.58 7,999.88 1,396.16 24.10 45.17 14.53 82.36 1,157.64 70,828.26 2,345.19 2,141.40 18.13 57.60 7.23 68.34 1,334.04 2,862.79 783.60 2,214.60 7.87 9.70 9.72 9.15 1 2 3 4 28.00 263.36 3,186.80 386.50 10.00 14.08 0.91 10.00 10,304.70 654.50 758.26 1,694.21 1.68 10.00 14.18 26.92 16,577.09 1,669.74 5,799.84 9,307.55 49.21 28.48 52.36 12.64 1,291.41 463.92 722.37 868.50 8.88 8.15 12.05 15.42 1 16.00 10.00 5,362.90 15.63 4,513.04 44.54 1,259.50 5.25 Quarter 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Southwest Region administrative unit includes Hawaii and most of California. b 34 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 Sequoia Year Shasta-Trinity Sierra ab Six Rivers Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 5,155.76 4,648.31 24,835.37 2,017.85 24.47 22.30 22.68 15.74 80,498.68 42,469.42 17,976.22 35,964.27 96.27 48.31 29.88 26.27 22,313.10 41,436.12 26,401.47 36,772.96 33.80 48.99 44.29 27.43 46,947.76 37,025.95 36,002.26 11,911.35 46.02 35.84 65.31 52.34 1 2 3 4 13,359.32 30,472.97 29,331.23 3,728.50 37.30 34.11 30.71 9.35 91,013.72 29,955.33 58,086.70 9,697.17 52.80 29.83 42.11 65.36 11,160.87 31,161.92 51,257.93 28,778.03 32.64 56.59 36.06 17.12 31,589.40 30,600.67 79,971.57 1,428.51 40.37 49.49 47.91 24.20 1 2 3 4 321.99 23,715.87 37,341.61 14,197.20 16.51 35.90 36.54 49.44 52,077.28 38,714.07 59,897.18 20,520.48 54.04 66.04 58.24 111.92 33,511.15 14,077.49 46,363.94 18,352.00 31.29 86.00 46.71 134.79 23,470.85 24,289.83 80,342.16 10,812.24 87.57 87.62 61.57 59.18 1 2 3 4 19,453.00 7,467.00 65,822.00 5,559.92 35.23 19.11 63.94 14.24 83,583.77 45,576.47 58,617.65 33,886.92 111.66 121.45 113.82 60.35 4,189.88 24,596.81 38,662.65 3,247.64 79.82 58.75 74.55 17.89 36,445.77 46,079.97 52,142.32 3,151.97 90.69 106.60 138.22 125.58 1 2 3 4 5,507.38 1,491.04 46,320.69 2,689.06 21.35 15.01 42.23 13.60 54,798.74 107,977.79 46,442.00 35,317.50 100.96 126.50 116.93 99.56 27,605.70 34,521.99 69,989.85 26,785.76 89.98 95.31 85.16 162.64 18,277.18 72,224.77 44,119.97 25,500.98 92.34 142.82 164.31 344.23 1 2 3 4 12,649.27 10,081.60 23,690.96 3,592.24 88.32 60.45 83.02 38.07 85,956.09 29,515.89 24,757.67 14,678.33 219.55 181.43 32.10 260.95 14,141.10 26,859.19 38,783.77 24,206.71 98.25 180.64 108.05 133.35 43,999.97 27,274.13 10,371.00 5,311.11 212.29 239.66 241.01 310.02 1 2 3 4 6,376.13 1,248.76 32,149.13 16,685.92 52.06 15.73 51.16 23.35 25,681.23 63,553.86 76,033.32 11,618.15 219.21 271.10 78.24 249.80 31,086.60 27,549.84 57,052.55 12,827.91 150.76 207.41 125.66 54.79 1,312.04 17,237.98 31,295.03 56,709.87 173.90 326.12 391.20 273.87 1 2 3 4 6,099.36 6,883.94 66,908.21 2,683.44 104.09 79.83 76.26 80.75 356.82 3,096.57 15,741.49 8,153.34 16.16 12.34 158.15 149.98 8,016.06 5,255.78 27,605.55 25,176.47 144.50 74.06 90.17 105.61 812.64 666.00 8,196.26 930.53 13.41 14.44 47.67 136.29 1 2 3 4 317.49 6,210.42 6,383.51 33,934.29 46.80 303.56 140.25 261.51 5,927.50 13,455.88 25,402.62 1,969.03 6.34 169.43 193.30 51.40 10,331.20 2,608.84 23,563.24 35,182.78 118.71 65.62 156.93 321.92 969.90 978.50 8,205.12 975.46 262.87 112.72 232.53 95.50 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 35 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Sequoia Year Shasta-Trinity Sierra ab Six Rivers Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 5,872.30 4,479.19 6,085.17 10,176.79 497.05 283.71 287.79 337.40 7,541.62 7,591.20 14,142.05 12,074.24 423.61 481.18 315.02 578.22 1,404.22 7,680.22 5,899.50 28,927.25 271.91 160.95 68.75 405.86 873.08 759.50 2,794.95 768.63 27.35 33.26 356.51 17.38 1 2 3 4 2,567.28 13,422.32 943.43 2,105.48 374.22 328.69 20.64 41.68 2,708.67 17,681.31 2,215.65 10,878.79 636.22 529.83 126.67 147.42 312.36 30,741.39 1,724.29 5,365.06 135.60 384.70 6.60 69.39 609.20 1,777.20 1,713.84 649.83 15.92 20.38 3.19 23.20 1 2 3 4 4.34 1,464.18 3,165.39 4,305.97 23.00 44.71 110.17 139.95 2,616.49 3,889.23 12,487.68 11,755.07 334.91 236.29 255.74 416.88 2,144.20 1,687.74 28,107.24 9,042.36 112.87 18.22 174.10 69.57 607.61 394.15 2,640.69 2,152.48 28.17 17.98 269.20 178.43 1 2 3 4 11.50 1,617.06 4,075.41 8,354.84 48.10 29.86 13.48 109.14 26,942.55 4,771.75 9,207.35 14,674.33 198.90 54.23 300.20 150.91 708.55 2,118.99 7,238.36 23,655.72 31.38 75.91 148.94 206.17 873.78 1,833.55 5,135.84 13,344.70 67.60 252.94 129.92 172.09 1 2 3 4 876.17 2,652.02 1,985.73 13,276.46 80.93 14.45 51.71 164.56 30,442.53 9,809.41 2,649.82 25,202.27 125.04 204.80 59.71 70.89 5,094.70 2,283.09 4,643.01 8,473.84 150.32 15.39 66.92 141.12 4,128.56 337.10 1,047.06 4,291.06 179.35 35.73 173.25 223.38 1 2 3 4 58.11 304.17 8,808.17 6,509.09 20.01 26.37 56.12 63.57 33,970.01 20,988.30 6,926.54 22,203.42 155.48 5.13 220.77 96.36 1,201.53 3,458.92 3,670.64 6,571.04 15.05 32.68 51.78 66.66 5,739.85 643.73 4,019.59 610.70 279.82 147.64 80.93 28.05 1 2 3 4 104.72 1,159.14 894.54 12,828.94 25.77 73.89 22.81 24.43 16,134.00 14,689.90 5,762.47 1,229.45 252.55 181.38 143.72 17.23 23.37 3,515.58 3,927.72 1,635.79 22.48 92.76 55.88 60.01 8,293.59 358.97 2,449.69 558.73 238.47 43.23 133.67 27.18 1 2 3 4 417.00 393.50 4,443.26 4,281.79 65.32 21.04 75.85 55.26 676.33 962.11 1,295.76 1,011.47 64.89 35.55 30.41 19.06 126.95 13,198.10 1,401.99 2,393.07 28.51 21.57 11.04 74.91 469.30 385.00 1,373.49 293.32 34.87 137.58 56.00 20.63 1 2 3 4 0.00 709.84 6,737.56 4,010.82 0.00 20.80 106.82 18.70 719.00 4,309.93 18,543.07 24,642.13 10.00 24.47 101.67 68.05 18.30 2,054.08 1,857.96 1,038.85 32.79 19.71 64.29 14.26 686.35 921.44 431.22 703.33 83.29 130.87 60.55 90.19 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 36 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Sequoia Year Shasta-Trinity Sierra ab Six Rivers Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 7.05 743.26 349.13 2,386.22 28.33 25.20 22.50 18.43 12,557.92 912.23 963.58 24,763.30 79.14 10.64 10.39 170.82 8,922.48 1,550.01 812.92 1,574.64 13.77 19.98 12.64 42.46 424.13 419.68 279.47 2,218.70 12.87 20.57 13.41 13.15 1 2 3 4 54.99 656.56 4,222.42 624.84 50.21 21.04 26.27 20.43 19,475.97 1,087.34 1,372.75 33,850.42 95.60 45.66 11.13 133.45 470.04 1,446.50 1,225.20 1,175.94 11.75 23.50 18.63 21.41 443.74 1,624.00 304.51 2,967.72 22.98 69.69 20.10 117.63 1 2 3 4 42.99 634.42 9,518.05 3,762.95 20.66 21.98 14.97 17.43 6,045.87 1,270.73 3,239.78 31,762.50 35.19 26.38 132.33 211.85 78.25 701.47 3,406.31 1,128.24 20.58 19.19 70.88 100.57 535.90 442.96 548.70 5,835.22 22.04 123.97 94.48 139.36 1 2 3 4 0.00 456.50 765.00 771.50 0.00 17.06 41.35 20.70 3,104.98 10,911.69 17,436.55 6,745.23 108.81 192.44 171.33 47.96 35.15 1,239.53 749.43 3,319.31 21.78 20.30 18.71 19.11 542.12 234.27 410.57 315.00 21.56 28.14 59.08 20.00 1 2 3 4 48.00 621.13 713.06 891.30 20.00 22.61 22.30 18.66 912.20 10,980.64 19,222.85 27,009.17 10.15 169.42 91.99 137.90 923.54 725.93 1,335.60 4,533.01 0.08 24.82 43.67 23.30 3,705.68 3,783.70 392.87 302.50 17.26 6.04 29.92 19.76 1 133.15 30.31 35,610.80 19.20 12.22 15.88 547.92 33.55 Quarter 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Southwest Region administrative unit includes Hawaii and most of California. b 37 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national ab forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 Stanislaus Year Tahoe Average Volume value Average Volume MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF 1 2 3 4 17,411.62 29,812.52 6,413.28 12,687.47 97.81 25.28 19.57 47.29 43,736.24 11,281.17 65,819.33 17,367.97 41.41 54.12 32.49 22.13 1 2 3 4 12,398.42 33,731.92 87,834.84 3,390.67 26.80 46.28 101.93 17.35 50,584.43 26,737.94 40,509.98 5,677.21 38.23 16.36 28.74 40.82 1 2 3 4 12,564.64 18,475.60 59,101.00 17,329.00 78.70 44.34 32.53 65.80 45,157.25 13,809.60 50,703.00 16,842.29 77.82 72.00 65.41 92.16 1 2 3 4 21,094.69 56,014.68 6,884.61 12,581.97 84.72 59.79 38.00 97.87 39,541.00 34,805.12 25,889.75 51,433.21 111.38 85.10 100.88 82.41 1 2 3 4 35,058.58 96,769.13 145,814.50 5,867.78 98.53 121.28 89.53 21.84 62,829.00 8,140.83 18,254.80 10,719.58 119.12 81.62 81.37 97.50 1 2 3 4 26,013.58 18,262.93 68,704.78 48,481.07 16.35 46.89 103.13 95.79 16,360.75 34,748.81 52,680.64 29,087.23 122.45 173.08 159.60 186.98 1 2 3 4 22,111.54 4,695.54 81,540.14 13,968.00 104.30 42.70 56.75 67.99 8,407.75 15,372.92 43,395.15 25,060.05 140.34 139.08 67.74 66.67 Quarter value Dollars/ MBF 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 38 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national ab forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Stanislaus Year Tahoe Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 7,054.46 6,113.77 47,313.96 34,902.62 37.83 75.50 119.96 131.39 4,862.00 11,853.64 14,776.86 6,426.91 106.38 82.31 142.33 182.98 1 2 3 4 638.02 5,791.83 10,442.29 26,571.23 50.87 27.12 116.89 134.05 6,447.50 3,599.35 12,630.03 8,960.90 300.38 209.45 117.29 209.52 1 2 3 4 1,497.46 21,140.69 7,757.19 16,504.93 242.11 274.59 159.29 352.02 20,073.03 2,641.83 16,111.00 25,370.90 212.38 179.42 162.22 172.56 1 2 3 4 178.56 23,575.51 3,306.41 2,812.29 28.65 271.23 74.78 47.85 5,392.50 43,682.21 2,319.22 923.79 399.67 236.84 238.41 24.93 1 2 3 4 442.59 13,279.36 10,236.63 8,825.06 68.06 15.32 73.02 57.01 2,160.85 60,269.26 56,997.37 7,984.13 232.54 33.78 26.26 30.76 1 2 3 4 17,782.81 10,812.70 2,408.13 3,123.78 45.63 30.63 48.47 97.79 9,366.49 14,548.56 9,730.34 44,219.22 185.67 28.94 131.26 27.34 1 2 3 4 20,354.35 8,540.05 35,210.35 10,281.05 81.51 101.46 155.27 24.16 21,693.99 615.08 7,887.67 15,583.56 41.86 37.38 134.13 74.59 Quarter 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 39 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 3E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national ab forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Stanislaus Year Tahoe Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 629.70 1,249.24 1,591.58 10,586.70 89.23 17.36 52.69 28.56 3,172.30 680.55 6,424.77 5,839.16 73.53 29.98 89.64 65.23 1 2 3 4 5,104.30 1,386.92 7,923.67 6,484.49 15.37 23.85 65.09 55.68 3,995.22 9,882.74 23,262.86 9,518.75 64.21 47.35 64.76 139.62 1 2 3 4 703.15 9,535.60 1,132.91 1,620.38 305.55 66.62 48.14 53.51 1,601.84 5,786.33 27,126.37 2,505.45 306.92 89.41 84.50 126.42 1 2 3 4 62.75 1,426.84 10,890.60 8,370.31 28.85 20.90 135.70 161.61 21.30 3,525.71 22,092.65 12,155.48 129.51 90.03 31.10 58.00 1 2 3 4 4,544.49 1,602.15 3,023.18 2,006.55 53.97 15.67 71.48 64.76 9,171.21 792.94 826.90 7,947.00 14.47 17.72 24.20 17.17 1 2 3 4 166.94 7,059.30 3,558.33 789.65 84.23 30.11 28.95 34.51 14,930.07 7,842.70 2,327.56 10,768.33 13.10 13.35 16.24 10.39 1 2 3 4 56.28 947.17 10,574.91 12,888.16 52.04 30.72 21.68 116.86 21.75 2,372.94 5,462.33 5,303.13 77.76 9.39 11.77 91.54 Quarter 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 40 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 3E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national ab forests, Pacific Southwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Stanislaus Year Tahoe Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 176.60 743.04 1,794.55 1,002.41 81.85 23.42 48.53 25.42 8,046.55 694.95 14,000.95 4,172.90 90.37 15.59 21.33 16.93 1 2 3 4 2,107.81 16,421.07 1,183.30 651.03 41.57 64.52 49.17 23.16 22.08 830.81 26,117.09 676.50 121.75 16.12 49.86 13.57 1 4,480.35 14.94 239.81 64.36 Quarter 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. b Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Southwest Region administrative unit includes Hawaii and most of California. 41 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 4A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 Colville Year Deschutes Fremont ab Gifford Pinchot Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 19,786.00 16,353.83 16,037.41 33,375.50 36.07 15.81 19.55 22.42 39,386.54 36,867.83 94,881.96 40,903.64 116.49 121.29 89.68 68.65 24,990.50 39,640.17 67,743.79 19,357.70 73.44 80.88 70.06 41.42 81,656.88 85,333.42 122,279.13 130,298.11 69.46 93.15 73.27 83.76 1 2 3 4 27,187.50 12,515.22 46,511.68 5,711.95 32.64 57.96 24.87 26.37 34,424.15 28,339.65 66,754.77 23,221.76 33.60 101.19 66.43 14.99 43,333.01 47,185.55 30,071.14 22,173.83 64.64 111.74 90.88 121.97 93,091.93 115,345.85 50,143.84 74,410.65 64.58 89.29 78.48 93.33 1 2 3 4 12,062.62 38,844.81 47,445.36 48,422.05 33.35 20.84 34.92 35.75 41,881.64 71,906.88 63,185.93 44,094.68 83.02 39.38 116.46 21.54 18,592.30 64,665.26 101,211.24 33,711.53 125.94 115.55 45.93 178.36 81,438.26 143,362.95 160,606.89 121,459.98 142.67 101.25 116.57 112.64 1 2 3 4 39,852.28 23,634.35 9,710.71 37,333.21 41.84 50.51 37.81 42.92 57,215.96 27,920.28 61,335.78 18,745.44 144.59 95.92 115.72 114.12 45,805.80 53,292.02 29,816.75 46,481.55 118.44 132.94 132.12 164.41 53,070.91 189,341.94 95,414.91 48,374.65 92.69 100.66 142.23 148.15 1 2 3 4 34,868.50 27,914.31 23,483.83 46,487.43 86.50 63.47 56.03 97.01 77,523.20 34,200.71 40,107.05 53,150.23 180.78 70.97 103.49 169.82 22,745.50 41,916.33 31,563.92 21,124.05 240.19 197.24 197.12 78.18 81,503.87 207,764.50 122,283.05 51,603.23 166.14 160.23 176.71 142.15 1 2 3 4 22,193.60 29,412.89 35,922.27 7,845.50 77.81 96.48 81.37 85.39 25,386.70 24,050.12 30,988.07 50,718.49 148.05 82.81 77.13 74.34 40,134.40 26,736.40 86,332.91 11,881.97 231.90 225.84 237.95 251.60 75,028.44 29,474.95 12,821.96 49,823.17 253.51 200.15 53.72 278.83 1 2 3 4 48,280.50 31,717.81 21,443.31 22,428.39 82.99 106.75 71.12 78.89 32,995.44 16,877.98 59,314.22 44,840.29 63.62 95.60 120.50 173.35 8,622.90 42,895.26 51,205.05 38,344.46 315.46 178.46 199.28 178.68 128,117.17 20,477.09 247,580.83 190,833.79 319.96 219.40 252.20 237.47 1 2 3 4 14,585.00 25,002.20 17,555.17 2,128.18 62.40 64.70 90.53 21.84 17,645.58 22,540.31 46,206.54 22,605.86 159.81 66.11 62.22 73.11 8,547.90 13,151.47 28,189.11 11,640.04 62.78 206.09 127.42 144.53 3,180.09 1,984.15 6,727.46 8,215.74 238.91 89.27 151.92 223.60 1 2 3 4 6,920.00 10,246.31 2,696.75 11,711.63 153.83 196.46 92.98 81.94 40,842.41 26,386.52 17,790.13 29,299.76 65.12 135.89 66.75 78.64 9,593.50 15,075.20 20,766.00 6,930.97 192.13 330.96 275.76 71.62 1,352.76 11,785.04 3,434.84 9,583.81 213.69 279.66 212.33 35.05 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 42 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 4A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Colville Year Deschutes Fremont ab Gifford Pinchot Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 254.53 14,455.50 2,762.75 1,677.99 27.56 25.95 81.80 170.35 49,004.37 4,186.79 13,200.86 7,125.32 130.85 20.27 7.15 106.82 22,668.00 13,871.55 6,763.56 7,832.07 448.58 401.24 216.04 21.27 448.80 2,793.09 9,903.71 2,281.87 7.54 332.35 419.93 52.29 1 2 3 4 16,551.20 29,590.15 4,706.31 1,910.94 221.52 265.72 179.63 136.15 37,945.39 20,930.72 14,205.66 15,186.92 99.47 18.34 160.39 15.16 10,990.00 1,431.30 4,831.99 5,300.25 88.81 25.13 49.68 23.98 370.37 654.60 2,482.40 1,131.16 9.55 10.60 3.82 301.21 1 2 3 4 5,533.00 5,512.43 5,254.81 17,324.19 153.98 141.22 131.02 107.49 2,964.89 7,790.44 39,922.70 13,214.12 11.08 20.67 108.11 66.30 3,797.61 6,564.09 1,860.38 20,125.35 12.84 76.09 44.85 203.96 2,537.88 7,207.73 711.93 36,891.01 441.12 486.52 9.22 371.33 1 2 3 4 5,151.14 671.86 25,598.89 20,443.69 21.50 16.70 102.05 235.08 11,282.69 11,330.65 54,175.72 55,959.82 136.32 26.74 105.78 42.21 0.00 890.18 11,300.94 32,045.23 0.00 32.04 76.58 117.22 1,321.00 6,408.90 4,174.05 37,657.17 195.05 489.32 144.01 409.71 1 2 3 4 4,592.92 1,146.80 10,033.27 8,976.21 154.09 117.54 88.65 107.69 34,787.67 7,528.77 13,229.27 8,238.44 81.17 16.63 101.59 74.93 1,059.62 1,302.06 5,570.94 4,932.02 68.24 118.19 210.51 201.74 18,573.21 550.77 719.37 29,810.35 305.98 17.29 94.99 256.47 1 2 3 4 14,501.22 2,912.97 1,752.08 22,519.54 137.91 51.72 124.36 147.91 12,958.58 16,105.28 9,623.69 26,244.88 49.91 79.78 47.42 42.94 3,866.18 15,498.24 11,011.31 4,404.26 102.29 171.16 79.10 35.69 337.16 2,619.54 535.66 303.24 31.10 186.01 141.40 10.03 1 2 3 4 83.52 9,791.81 2,964.40 16,077.64 11.31 153.44 144.03 145.67 2,513.30 19,469.29 7,793.71 19,884.43 81.05 78.47 30.82 19.68 1,892.68 493.40 2,004.45 10,153.40 72.34 12.72 100.97 83.61 1,553.80 356.02 1,083.44 1,856.96 165.02 64.84 177.08 227.60 1 2 3 4 94.54 11,934.30 23,008.97 2,644.94 11.32 218.32 142.68 130.10 5,245.47 3,797.99 15,813.99 6,171.05 7.29 42.37 14.17 43.69 6,280.09 7,448.42 1,600.04 5,203.44 95.51 133.22 45.18 53.40 263.07 322.26 344.68 282.73 11.80 20.14 18.76 13.13 1 2 3 4 248.81 9,022.40 11,951.89 1,351.48 11.31 137.36 195.94 93.97 7,257.58 7,262.10 20,269.40 43,809.51 36.70 42.29 72.04 45.85 8,490.47 793.16 5,165.20 1,012.17 57.96 12.55 35.12 20.43 849.68 457.34 434.90 239.13 87.54 16.43 19.18 12.77 Quarter 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 43 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 4A—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Colville Year Deschutes Fremont ab Gifford Pinchot Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 1,642.00 18,174.83 1,226.92 880.74 113.76 165.03 21.65 24.12 1,271.31 4,947.84 20,681.07 26,195.58 10.85 15.00 48.96 36.07 4.42 640.93 5,190.02 2,339.25 11.31 11.34 121.19 15.42 268.31 420.83 495.79 8,142.25 11.50 18.16 12.62 59.61 1 2 3 4 1,961.98 22,946.85 4,764.04 22,571.74 9.08 98.87 24.81 62.18 2,181.85 5,643.21 12,082.14 11,970.37 10.46 54.39 57.05 55.58 515.99 639.44 12,382.88 2,146.87 19.03 11.38 27.58 20.59 515.28 2,135.12 16,295.16 365.30 25.24 57.42 105.46 14.33 1 2 3 4 1,463.12 826.88 2,735.58 4,121.97 139.13 28.43 119.95 144.81 5,747.74 2,645.30 34,639.55 38,471.94 57.58 26.52 113.14 77.47 90.16 34,526.17 4,524.19 2,526.15 11.31 37.30 41.31 33.12 4,235.22 5,257.09 560.58 6,746.18 100.92 115.43 149.93 131.63 1 2 3 4 360.71 2,513.55 11,026.50 14,665.40 11.49 110.45 220.52 107.44 25,497.64 2,734.50 46,411.03 12,397.64 66.06 21.53 91.16 40.20 1.76 675.71 6,614.41 675.26 11.36 15.44 49.32 12.32 566.19 240.79 359.74 13,165.63 59.02 21.28 12.83 191.44 1 2 3 4 228.96 17,774.13 8,816.62 17,482.01 62.02 117.82 131.18 96.59 4,977.13 9,802.26 9,328.86 13,566.14 81.87 82.56 57.05 41.09 5,583.12 7,201.81 6,180.86 6,740.51 72.32 99.88 49.72 50.14 527.18 743.15 567.61 10,107.58 17.71 161.68 55.23 26.58 1 372.06 11.32 6,703.83 65.21 2,092.89 73.80 847.28 16.42 Quarter 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Northwest Region administrative unit includes Oregon, Washington, and portions of northern California. b 44 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 ab Table 4B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 Malheur Year Mount Baker-Snoqualmie Mount Hood Ochoco Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 80,308.05 42,847.86 76,624.33 42,864.58 131.67 141.70 83.53 51.25 93,861.22 63,014.35 108,035.78 49,701.23 85.17 65.70 50.79 30.75 133,056.84 70,110.14 110,160.68 57,087.64 105.01 90.00 81.36 43.91 29,590.00 61,218.71 21,571.73 21,806.63 94.31 118.96 69.35 60.11 1 2 3 4 93,687.50 34,617.64 50,801.26 48,266.64 107.12 122.77 82.62 150.16 53,273.50 63,197.12 50,254.28 23,862.53 47.22 56.11 38.94 45.49 155,032.18 86,874.60 105,166.06 36,694.59 83.21 69.78 71.56 80.71 37,406.69 19,215.65 31,886.53 649.28 130.59 86.40 145.02 3.30 1 2 3 4 52,127.69 66,038.45 77,186.61 67,342.59 149.26 98.40 139.95 169.51 92,273.72 76,004.25 98,871.58 95,149.64 64.63 88.97 53.02 96.75 81,191.79 179,046.77 129,258.50 71,763.38 111.21 111.53 106.28 109.21 62,521.75 47,899.61 52,320.65 46,784.95 211.35 147.12 188.63 208.28 1 2 3 4 40,105.81 81,981.29 64,555.70 65,285.20 232.17 180.55 166.22 206.26 46,878.35 72,170.23 52,640.42 48,751.10 113.76 77.63 128.13 156.43 128,427.39 73,560.42 67,831.19 45,475.19 119.79 110.04 152.63 154.66 47,520.85 37,699.86 34,056.68 18,700.54 200.29 188.16 185.02 211.69 1 2 3 4 62,111.00 80,469.40 47,641.42 74,636.20 188.89 208.58 152.34 154.85 18,834.06 99,582.98 64,391.78 19,316.01 155.58 188.97 196.36 231.72 105,330.19 130,450.95 82,230.25 43,098.71 165.20 188.78 174.78 208.99 49,973.50 37,794.35 35,992.94 34,796.07 250.09 214.35 205.92 246.52 1 2 3 4 65,070.01 64,949.25 61,194.24 17,616.50 194.37 229.57 310.31 54.27 37,053.08 7,457.34 5,846.13 58,558.22 242.82 192.44 122.31 306.60 93,913.68 6,733.86 4,978.79 18,203.80 245.61 86.89 197.90 289.68 31,602.00 45,259.80 21,479.36 1,303.03 247.58 281.98 268.42 4.22 1 2 3 4 32,166.40 78,449.67 64,282.62 90,352.51 197.01 223.02 200.11 181.12 35,767.27 16,679.63 100,360.09 35,093.45 329.15 254.36 229.84 187.65 111,465.53 35,404.21 157,042.48 108,882.78 413.57 264.19 263.45 246.42 9,948.48 25,285.79 12,887.49 65,740.38 406.59 294.90 331.92 222.10 1 2 3 4 65,117.79 30,357.23 23,273.52 37,675.25 127.41 175.63 163.65 265.14 8,426.05 965.99 5,594.80 10,278.94 197.04 83.23 277.45 146.46 5,174.74 8,568.62 20,180.03 21,578.58 269.01 257.01 391.14 269.53 60,712.20 17,632.20 12,691.69 19,074.12 209.87 295.65 106.32 398.57 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 45 Research Note PNW-RN-558 ab Table 4B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Malheur Year Mount Baker-Snoqualmie Mount Hood Ochoco Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 4,273.24 32,192.94 24,165.68 27,878.37 284.73 304.45 395.46 160.25 103.40 155.89 8,270.71 18,977.74 16.87 31.59 159.36 164.31 4,864.49 2,114.75 14,887.40 6,409.97 434.23 104.53 435.61 354.09 4,493.40 6,868.67 14,260.77 11,152.97 362.20 438.80 351.68 427.26 1 2 3 4 32,465.50 18,986.07 5,393.70 9,200.05 390.06 434.11 74.88 22.01 13.24 95.30 1,285.83 5,857.94 429.57 44.07 150.59 243.25 5,703.23 5,175.28 57,465.82 21,977.36 525.63 532.21 40.40 380.83 57.05 15,371.15 1,663.64 2,130.00 44.33 580.63 36.17 38.76 1 2 3 4 3,027.10 2,824.39 7,178.18 5,550.50 299.98 158.47 111.50 124.17 11.92 61.58 2,147.28 157.59 372.77 206.26 0.86 10.61 10,521.57 8,654.68 7,793.02 2,000.74 458.83 337.52 426.53 234.63 3,415.30 391.59 372.10 1,603.40 165.11 16.08 9.25 48.30 1 2 3 4 6,967.09 16,385.40 2,127.79 18,869.80 195.41 147.75 10.79 117.72 51.28 5,715.87 513.88 1,723.99 76.56 8.06 148.76 86.66 187.93 8,195.96 12,055.19 23,068.62 202.77 299.44 165.92 344.65 355.00 4,630.03 2,512.12 11,415.88 274.21 90.24 62.40 50.48 1 2 3 4 16,035.40 10,216.20 4,417.50 26,414.03 76.63 25.31 35.96 40.38 114.57 16,506.81 9,470.66 1,519.57 9.32 1.47 32.74 24.02 3,230.02 2,544.57 19,565.38 80,732.86 68.49 141.05 238.06 192.32 1,022.41 3,074.74 14,261.79 13,727.65 14.60 26.15 145.27 78.70 1 2 3 4 170.94 4,586.36 6,843.62 1,664.09 18.86 43.86 98.09 65.36 1,370.96 680.64 8,333.44 1,580.69 38.44 115.38 154.62 123.36 13,136.31 8,426.38 621.28 6,149.34 58.64 148.06 28.31 210.15 4,002.16 9,293.97 678.34 19,079.18 42.70 50.28 28.25 8.64 1 2 3 4 10,617.18 376.52 67,268.58 14,028.20 70.59 44.03 24.60 39.06 50.52 207.15 10,154.74 66.84 37.45 168.36 57.06 44.34 18,614.58 3,962.47 13,869.98 12,379.62 168.78 110.33 76.85 91.65 4,449.88 582.08 4,168.88 5,222.51 29.98 38.07 35.34 22.47 1 2 3 4 6,940.46 4,970.01 1,269.41 10,354.99 72.77 57.20 24.27 95.45 33.83 15.45 78.55 0.00 61.59 21.36 32.32 0.00 15,885.92 6,961.47 5,149.57 8,915.50 153.23 47.29 153.66 27.18 10.35 2,837.44 3,632.25 7,549.62 17.00 78.54 36.38 60.45 1 2 3 4 46.01 698.74 2,405.61 3,375.25 50.12 11.82 42.39 46.20 116.86 94.93 88.23 132.05 22.90 18.07 84.58 19.23 11.32 305.87 471.44 416.79 107.95 37.94 28.89 25.77 9,289.53 338.86 2,855.09 758.53 78.95 16.61 48.74 15.46 Quarter 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 46 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 ab Table 4B—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Malheur Year Mount Baker-Snoqualmie Mount Hood Ochoco Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 5.75 2,235.47 11,874.84 1,008.42 12.00 28.83 87.88 12.58 45.04 128.75 8,003.98 29.67 28.75 176.89 77.51 20.27 20.37 553.24 551.20 3,411.72 124.40 24.66 26.17 123.01 77.80 1,142.95 482.33 857.78 15.53 61.60 17.03 29.10 1 2 3 4 30.04 827.65 772.69 1,348.84 11.32 11.62 13.99 35.20 16.73 45.83 63.58 65.82 17.18 16.41 22.10 73.84 4,762.92 894.23 4,713.22 1,031.17 85.69 61.49 102.84 23.32 4.86 891.64 2,046.49 1,003.58 181.07 31.30 24.71 15.84 1 2 3 4 1,533.79 800.28 699.78 762.49 202.76 11.61 11.15 20.18 32.23 15.02 92.22 37.66 26.06 22.64 23.39 24.02 23,666.54 11,615.75 3,823.57 4,107.76 79.86 77.06 140.71 84.86 28.99 336.28 397.16 7,469.69 15.60 21.70 22.93 36.69 1 2 3 4 14,415.81 46,489.54 1,351.98 1,120.79 90.66 99.30 9.61 12.88 32.34 8,988.18 3,251.13 575.16 22.96 19.31 15.39 100.01 6,471.27 492.14 3,396.44 684.35 57.79 23.23 182.14 22.69 0.00 1,070.68 281.02 3,303.63 0.00 34.59 23.18 65.76 1 2 3 4 142.73 1,226.40 8,974.00 4,527.54 10.48 9.86 122.69 98.83 44.12 6,139.80 63.95 32.53 22.67 161.86 44.33 23.61 1,258.18 5,092.30 2,123.39 5,792.46 19.02 134.70 95.83 82.14 30.08 623.78 1,731.93 4,528.66 42.50 21.79 275.46 42.72 1 2 3 4 121.87 4,852.99 11,900.13 8,240.82 11.32 65.62 102.64 33.12 29.11 56.60 35.96 51.79 22.67 61.63 22.73 22.98 4,220.50 10,413.67 15,987.64 4,506.77 53.69 148.23 189.07 253.03 5,531.76 600.08 1,019.81 8,484.10 6.88 23.82 37.55 39.63 1 269.40 11.49 60.03 22.66 66.76 140.00 0.23 195.65 Quarter 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Northwest Region administrative unit includes Oregon, Washington, and portions of northern California. b 47 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 4C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 Okanogan Year Olympic Rogue River ab Siskiyou Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 8,329.40 13,045.78 29,475.30 14,345.12 83.49 24.14 29.44 25.24 61,224.88 69,822.87 121,391.62 9,552.49 59.89 24.89 25.51 56.72 61,571.51 46,974.68 68,119.24 46,018.48 147.47 102.33 93.69 96.25 33,892.62 17,697.91 56,887.59 38,349.67 97.25 240.35 70.18 75.97 1 2 3 4 14,795.75 5,019.14 30,670.47 15,077.89 30.98 15.65 27.29 39.07 93,219.80 30,796.60 46,185.95 5,221.65 41.49 34.80 47.71 43.30 49,089.55 55,022.40 54,449.30 30,893.42 104.28 85.23 59.26 123.45 65,248.73 24,040.90 82,420.45 39,648.30 97.77 72.77 57.58 32.55 1 2 3 4 20,734.00 20,330.09 18,938.88 13,576.27 53.51 20.39 28.55 56.40 78,299.52 43,499.75 103,701.96 42,152.95 73.55 62.02 45.58 109.65 23,477.79 76,042.01 61,610.08 56,020.01 102.20 99.47 106.42 118.48 48,638.88 62,345.59 74,336.12 68,343.67 80.72 133.09 113.15 132.47 1 2 3 4 41,648.54 1,011.07 29,635.95 3,839.62 69.07 11.23 28.14 2.13 21,829.22 110,307.27 79,721.18 52,243.63 84.22 110.53 117.58 125.43 58,647.57 52,433.62 43,217.18 46,989.12 140.28 145.95 127.94 120.98 69,860.58 38,365.09 50,928.92 9,661.98 151.91 106.62 155.03 138.74 1 2 3 4 34,664.90 11,000.52 40,453.39 1,075.91 89.32 18.12 124.47 33.57 53,324.57 49,195.08 57,496.67 21,011.70 150.19 178.82 113.94 164.57 49,750.65 39,568.39 54,917.95 34,102.68 190.64 170.14 193.32 201.43 18,022.47 54,047.45 148,167.55 29,674.91 257.35 249.45 164.89 246.41 1 2 3 4 62.93 32,087.66 38,451.42 649.24 9.79 127.62 150.62 15.06 22,611.12 3,280.93 8,634.35 3,330.68 172.50 127.16 161.44 171.49 28,577.06 10,911.01 2,932.24 13,210.54 252.23 371.43 60.90 308.86 8,128.75 707.93 2,120.07 16,096.35 335.96 10.54 18.82 353.30 1 2 3 4 7,815.82 7,949.50 48,989.89 5,081.50 170.87 125.63 95.73 62.41 31,816.58 18,518.70 57,595.80 31,157.61 257.80 290.78 247.10 188.21 55,682.06 16,387.80 67,464.93 43,636.80 367.62 405.58 272.91 318.03 35,144.43 24,384.43 61,599.56 51,917.20 536.97 855.77 446.03 437.74 1 2 3 4 8,702.19 997.38 13,370.23 1,122.38 60.38 24.15 76.43 32.31 14,254.73 17,193.20 13,381.00 1,240.50 190.53 176.09 89.65 99.28 4,425.82 1,649.12 2,717.51 2,455.85 184.94 21.63 39.16 34.84 1 2 3 4 4,182.34 2,371.55 7,825.12 4,311.74 180.94 58.47 193.72 230.85 3,837.50 2,617.00 1,427.25 9,875.53 142.63 132.29 38.84 126.24 343.78 632.32 3,860.11 387.72 9.13 7.86 29.97 26.91 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 4,789.95 270.88 856.22 53.00 705.53 1,516.37 563.43 148.08 1992 48 470.26 950.08 70.37 303.17 13.51 237.13 20.88 6.97 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 4C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Okanogan Year Quarter Olympic Rogue River ab Siskiyou Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1993 1 2 3 4 2,608.84 782.31 2,324.38 3,128.43 284.16 21.00 94.92 180.85 657.50 3,467.50 188.33 302.00 178.58 313.04 57.52 104.25 433.04 1,604.61 8,077.18 4,280.76 292.92 487.82 486.86 114.30 221.40 19.98 293.69 188.12 2,644.54 1,183.43 1,325.40 362.96 1 2 3 4 7,648.20 2,969.44 1,713.27 3,960.03 161.18 344.43 213.91 239.24 7,422.00 6,106.00 392.00 616.50 271.22 248.71 36.52 40.59 402.73 9,943.20 50.30 814.55 174.33 815.77 45.11 545.29 581.85 4,654.77 4,939.02 368.78 482.35 650.46 351.56 19.26 1 2 3 4 2,153.75 4,132.54 7,136.21 9,156.60 139.51 219.59 240.18 68.86 1,386.84 788.05 448.60 13,454.78 6.04 112.15 95.23 282.34 173.66 15,070.62 10,220.38 8,413.83 232.58 307.74 443.58 379.88 790.31 14,903.53 2,237.12 19,811.94 63.82 338.97 402.96 289.23 1 2 3 4 573.99 8,027.01 945.01 1,908.30 117.32 121.93 10.90 11.76 1,379.36 2,862.76 418.70 521.25 69.09 138.83 48.40 61.99 528.89 7,102.50 6,114.31 8,489.24 55.39 448.68 188.85 102.93 199.75 119,606.04 6,975.83 16,590.69 73.36 35.79 384.61 451.59 1 2 3 4 1,118.93 5,744.97 10,679.11 4,756.65 146.15 127.36 167.61 126.12 4,453.54 259.61 4,147.45 3,514.26 77.13 27.55 75.92 129.56 14,636.63 1,367.06 667.94 11,011.58 309.24 274.80 109.75 230.78 7,106.58 195.32 4,331.52 163.34 372.05 48.64 564.85 10.78 1 2 3 4 115.99 468.21 852.78 3,659.68 77.52 12.54 28.17 71.53 490.87 135.54 7,795.15 4,758.68 39.40 12.79 94.32 103.03 524.39 371.69 7,196.05 1,453.25 175.62 86.47 214.34 134.80 419.52 119.30 9,246.62 368.01 254.23 68.99 317.57 13.10 1 2 3 4 81.66 8,099.43 3,442.82 744.66 10.20 81.69 17.65 50.16 2,565.26 778.56 275.13 92.86 77.09 146.89 15.01 65.29 435.56 1,577.69 359.25 264.38 276.53 127.48 65.15 29.62 10,014.99 15,029.45 222.37 362.58 413.38 328.14 202.53 60.76 1 2 3 4 187.50 566.86 598.50 4,665.71 10.08 11.96 10.59 130.50 243.86 78.61 331.61 206.17 16.40 25.44 27.45 10.84 42.00 206.97 120.62 200.50 16.33 14.83 30.48 13.32 142.79 238.72 904.03 208.17 85.22 151.95 624.80 111.92 1 2 3 4 3,777.43 4,129.95 469.96 3,377.86 168.05 3.67 12.48 154.01 339.01 186.57 198.53 7,713.42 9.93 10.24 6.53 102.01 107.57 378.10 4,614.10 159.69 16.27 18.62 64.20 14.31 135.96 1,331.15 965.58 703.60 12.58 473.76 172.38 162.72 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 49 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 4C—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Okanogan Year Quarter Olympic Rogue River ab Siskiyou Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 2002 1 2 3 4 688.45 817.11 1,183.82 1,050.99 95.49 9.48 8.22 14.58 1,667.97 151.29 2,639.08 2,357.90 53.00 10.67 39.45 46.59 1,772.47 1,626.15 43.06 850.90 198.48 284.79 12.54 104.64 215.45 15,415.29 31.41 263.87 701.58 156.49 57.21 11.67 1 2 3 4 82.87 871.43 512.53 23,294.71 26.13 12.12 18.42 104.07 353.72 411.99 8,522.67 8,230.58 14.00 8.93 123.22 107.44 45.87 109.81 7,878.15 96.72 14.86 13.08 125.55 19.63 1,485.21 2,125.76 5,855.34 1,043.88 220.48 324.60 200.09 67.94 1 2 3 4 647.06 1,176.54 1,373.56 11,543.05 60.01 19.50 10.55 182.86 286.32 7,154.77 4,830.97 1,984.41 14.36 72.57 52.06 146.70 68.53 3,102.21 32.89 164.84 16.49 263.43 14.53 16.20 217.81 138.54 43,155.69 20,384.09 51.64 14.80 95.58 163.18 1 2 3 4 7,407.84 1,027.52 6,172.08 3,275.62 124.73 15.18 86.82 65.03 277.05 2,369.19 13,968.10 3,670.28 12.33 249.08 86.71 193.73 15,386.53 126.83 13.09 570.87 40.34 19.35 16.00 124.62 15,644.16 4,014.45 2,636.97 5,785.57 54.35 160.21 161.16 191.86 1 2 3 4 7,133.32 984.59 814.83 4,057.25 39.68 11.50 15.82 63.80 346.55 2,441.62 2,377.00 330.02 12.25 106.07 117.83 12.08 76.16 100.88 22,344.21 80.54 13.75 20.87 212.39 25.43 985.73 10,175.58 7,619.90 168.89 235.84 48.41 212.20 22.69 1 286.48 12.65 3,160.29 99.92 24.70 22.67 94.13 22.75 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Northwest Region administrative unit includes Oregon, Washington, and portions of northern California. b 50 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 4D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 Siuslaw Year Umatilla Umpqua ab Wallowa-Whitman Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 114,763.13 62,458.69 58,742.28 85,875.69 147.91 120.63 84.49 99.96 16,930.60 5,235.05 77,633.76 28,354.80 27.41 5.18 15.48 11.32 125,302.61 71,023.87 159,945.02 66,113.01 135.47 89.52 49.86 68.93 54,556.00 66,546.16 95,470.79 50,158.78 38.26 71.59 10.56 24.13 1 2 3 4 92,695.07 28,864.90 70,956.16 26,970.96 114.02 106.90 95.82 114.76 21,097.46 44,710.65 84,647.58 17,223.85 44.45 38.84 24.45 7.09 159,042.50 112,878.98 78,699.00 41,734.19 73.04 63.11 73.66 99.37 13,881.29 59,519.85 58,946.28 20,983.38 74.72 14.54 54.92 61.41 1 2 3 4 37,949.20 94,605.42 156,953.59 48,551.87 130.70 139.82 114.96 114.62 18,426.00 58,494.40 54,642.27 27,575.74 77.88 24.07 21.72 23.60 137,977.76 95,838.42 130,739.80 65,091.66 109.45 134.07 102.72 98.39 26,694.95 82,647.36 79,570.27 76,201.34 23.87 23.07 28.04 14.78 1 2 3 4 129,557.83 131,918.49 89,652.32 26,077.87 121.98 158.45 185.60 181.50 49,183.51 61,173.62 31,021.17 5,043.63 49.90 38.51 10.20 21.07 132,350.25 136,050.44 113,625.80 116,481.27 129.35 109.51 123.75 158.76 19,724.02 75,549.57 43,496.99 13,631.00 26.12 24.12 55.96 93.46 1 2 3 4 91,741.18 141,403.75 88,210.51 29,175.78 231.71 247.65 227.21 229.94 67,606.97 45,915.37 45,478.51 6,834.73 64.35 69.42 64.54 51.56 121,819.15 115,115.60 49,899.16 124,383.95 160.19 154.50 157.85 191.88 26,310.64 78,821.25 49,635.60 53,353.65 122.31 62.11 46.54 67.58 1 2 3 4 71,621.48 28,494.75 27,348.36 17,993.96 290.78 286.83 230.05 433.45 44,138.97 41,880.44 67,107.59 3,989.25 131.43 136.22 129.60 7.57 131,245.60 20,034.40 5,735.01 13,528.51 245.61 268.55 165.78 319.64 12,242.76 43,314.58 52,142.43 41,840.61 94.02 88.68 90.63 111.49 1 2 3 4 83,769.58 91,273.09 211,075.97 47,031.78 447.81 403.58 368.27 276.92 5,888.98 22,286.44 78,915.37 32,628.03 53.82 112.34 103.80 148.79 140,564.66 96,043.93 167,415.11 47,075.84 418.15 426.75 334.06 308.80 13,539.25 23,854.50 56,518.70 44,432.55 109.12 70.33 41.11 95.58 1 2 3 4 16,379.64 1,646.34 5,295.61 684.60 289.76 89.84 319.77 14.75 22,787.02 19,987.85 7,023.59 22,605.69 87.69 50.68 20.75 178.51 5,630.59 4,272.58 17,466.66 4,997.49 44.96 41.66 265.83 375.88 3,147.65 3,796.53 19,445.52 18,935.65 99.95 30.78 86.13 152.88 1 2 3 4 973.32 1,175.64 6,660.74 676.75 22.42 22.19 313.24 142.52 21,952.60 8,148.54 5,998.81 17,740.88 194.39 74.14 45.38 54.84 5,955.25 2,125.43 2,076.22 1,693.71 390.74 49.91 200.56 294.19 2,087.95 4,776.24 10,714.37 10,929.05 60.23 12.23 136.18 109.74 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 51 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 4D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Siuslaw Year Quarter Umatilla Umpqua ab Wallowa-Whitman Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1993 1 2 3 4 2,024.32 408.70 2,220.84 2,962.13 217.18 73.56 237.28 237.23 18,488.02 13,734.74 5,896.01 2,464.59 88.85 263.17 6.82 29.03 538.85 1,491.98 2,865.97 1,196.39 83.04 371.80 344.23 163.17 10,430.58 2,463.05 20,254.48 10,123.97 112.21 19.22 47.28 107.64 1 2 3 4 1,675.69 55.90 972.61 190.00 230.20 19.75 559.77 19.84 587.19 3,186.26 1,903.42 2,987.48 107.85 34.30 8.92 31.18 1,053.47 10,025.15 8,649.18 302.79 377.08 804.69 845.16 26.46 1,133.15 6,158.64 5,664.19 12,481.48 13.49 35.98 6.90 105.62 1 2 3 4 576.00 82.00 79.00 9,769.17 19.67 21.35 20.00 325.65 323.88 3,227.21 8,713.35 7,254.34 16.54 56.03 50.80 65.38 432.44 736.89 11,327.39 28,441.79 58.89 24.70 425.13 470.08 2,406.02 4,251.99 8,347.72 26,284.17 69.21 95.12 53.56 90.71 1 2 3 4 1,336.31 15,173.09 91.20 6,541.72 300.17 334.15 229.82 336.73 5,780.56 811.01 22,346.42 52,886.24 90.77 37.66 45.45 106.43 11,922.45 1,492.17 16,546.17 39,135.96 334.54 313.13 491.32 466.54 8,042.51 18,088.58 11,958.20 35,355.10 130.62 95.18 61.90 117.01 1 2 3 4 2,156.88 13,011.28 14,955.51 18,973.30 67.35 218.66 201.08 100.48 6,316.90 14,647.53 2,211.30 1,605.39 25.79 52.33 21.95 24.74 8,964.12 759.89 9,282.87 27,888.08 323.65 320.99 141.06 321.27 3,392.80 6,220.89 8,545.43 11,598.22 54.44 53.52 97.11 137.69 1 2 3 4 502.90 1,868.00 1,802.52 739.05 50.28 130.27 127.19 38.69 7,465.56 12,226.26 29,304.71 10,853.70 73.22 39.01 98.78 129.03 5,118.84 9,906.65 643.72 7,596.24 278.67 166.34 202.06 216.32 407.84 5,797.03 16,480.87 4,670.09 72.11 91.42 93.66 67.74 1 2 3 4 724.28 9,704.60 145.74 266.66 31.97 103.11 87.74 28.33 136.83 12,534.04 1,880.60 958.74 66.85 133.00 15.06 16.47 777.61 171.88 23,569.47 143.74 306.10 89.76 249.73 20.61 4,766.33 8,602.17 20,494.15 2,633.17 124.28 86.96 112.23 37.12 1 2 3 4 547.29 107.88 1,338.50 282.00 107.99 129.25 139.49 34.43 1.50 735.38 1,246.67 18,396.18 149.83 38.24 20.96 68.23 40.62 98.70 115.72 106.41 20.40 19.01 33.39 19.11 7,231.19 989.47 14,133.48 12,906.60 111.49 25.61 80.56 50.70 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 52 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 4D—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Siuslaw Year Quarter Umatilla Umpqua ab Wallowa-Whitman Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 2001 1 2 3 4 758.30 5,145.67 9.72 517.02 85.99 128.51 22.63 59.57 0.00 1,246.60 1,970.26 1,703.62 0.00 11.72 27.77 16.51 54.74 117.64 175.36 103.90 21.03 18.76 274.61 19.12 2,637.83 8,581.34 6,660.20 12,373.55 100.80 92.73 34.91 30.52 1 2 3 4 5,167.68 9,229.29 13,353.41 1,777.50 150.89 142.23 153.99 90.84 20.80 1,011.50 7,677.03 23,334.38 80.47 15.60 98.36 61.27 19.05 121.22 33.24 2,900.48 19.53 24.54 19.04 155.06 84.29 2,986.76 5,114.70 2,238.02 33.84 34.79 69.51 13.09 1 2 3 4 5,019.08 1,249.42 5,925.63 21,928.56 121.24 354.30 100.73 152.15 61.86 1,087.36 1,029.07 6,996.26 11.32 17.32 12.32 41.14 1,740.28 1,089.72 4,908.81 87.28 183.03 107.68 150.65 22.46 885.46 5,190.32 9,790.07 1,773.20 35.26 20.46 84.94 12.70 1 2 3 4 2,717.18 1,696.63 6,416.38 4,795.39 74.38 254.75 146.40 99.51 8,574.19 1,908.71 3,518.91 12,583.60 52.96 70.68 113.59 136.91 110.35 131.01 19,268.17 11,457.44 22.93 28.22 47.89 127.10 329.36 1,727.95 6,416.77 12,404.91 30.19 13.55 27.96 69.73 1 2 3 4 13,651.20 5,874.56 6,137.95 6,465.04 200.15 30.88 223.17 120.90 23.92 6,817.66 12,974.69 13,383.68 34.71 76.38 142.77 160.12 4,884.18 531.58 64.96 89.53 142.82 29.87 22.14 23.57 62.18 2,831.70 2,597.96 6,915.04 12.54 71.27 6.95 43.47 1 2 3 4 4,682.23 18,844.42 1,124.52 3,837.54 99.05 206.57 171.07 167.94 110.50 1,111.38 30,944.57 3,958.25 9.62 18.53 44.33 108.76 11,866.98 10,453.09 41,357.94 10,969.73 168.84 68.94 150.88 236.62 1,271.82 2,051.82 16,508.90 1,880.49 45.05 14.30 60.71 23.13 1 6,896.13 139.74 85.28 9.56 51.91 22.64 49.93 11.32 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Northwest Region administrative unit includes Oregon, Washington and portions of northern California. b 53 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 4E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest a b Region, 1984–2007 Wenatchee Year Willamette Winema Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 53,164.42 51,272.81 48,614.36 20,402.10 55.86 29.32 19.48 21.51 222,983.89 84,431.70 369,139.25 121,324.78 103.33 101.26 90.36 86.31 48,933.56 48,181.29 46,704.66 25,883.82 97.43 107.77 51.06 74.26 1 2 3 4 60,535.57 47,152.14 36,304.37 24,234.29 36.23 28.91 25.32 10.98 212,959.29 111,298.72 341,279.85 65,355.29 85.00 73.60 85.03 94.47 49,474.00 48,416.55 70,445.88 14,907.89 142.93 95.49 103.66 173.13 1 2 3 4 50,233.78 62,955.64 65,262.38 41,797.56 53.35 43.24 34.09 14.04 253,239.71 165,943.71 369,157.14 136,996.60 91.44 136.75 128.91 134.85 36,269.05 67,692.64 105,115.90 35,260.00 109.18 132.29 181.21 210.99 1 2 3 4 51,540.30 26,009.84 61,606.01 11,099.63 74.54 47.82 46.11 27.83 255,332.69 273,659.81 201,496.45 122,347.30 142.82 145.71 126.16 194.63 68,034.10 100,048.62 50,085.86 52,535.11 170.21 116.22 242.87 229.23 1 2 3 4 42,808.38 65,938.31 66,012.63 12,509.98 109.04 90.43 82.44 64.05 190,696.61 322,585.29 191,282.02 70,402.90 167.21 197.09 201.82 249.07 54,181.49 52,515.92 50,494.09 50,812.93 239.02 138.37 162.82 258.46 1 2 3 4 28,110.39 19,591.94 29,600.91 40,566.77 96.72 80.91 64.50 151.66 106,000.69 20,799.84 158,064.68 23,217.54 257.81 203.45 338.63 278.32 17,291.73 18,832.17 47,575.12 3,293.88 299.65 261.99 160.10 23.54 1 2 3 4 13,647.30 45,694.54 125,530.76 24,776.07 174.27 147.22 96.76 64.98 230,104.10 101,636.61 184,432.32 296,658.63 446.80 411.50 362.81 300.31 33,753.20 25,810.79 29,026.84 52,091.64 112.03 197.32 124.00 136.49 Quarter 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 54 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 4E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest ab Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Wenatchee Year Willamette Winema Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 12,251.22 3,275.91 3,157.74 5,453.37 66.11 20.97 17.45 121.00 40,515.87 15,580.71 11,520.46 7,604.81 281.79 195.94 92.62 264.21 24,754.71 23,615.42 24,152.84 31,081.33 175.44 184.40 172.33 118.87 1 2 3 4 4,229.71 7,822.25 2,464.18 2,387.91 64.38 120.36 17.70 40.72 53,518.52 27,069.00 15,467.59 37,370.04 375.65 364.92 263.23 310.09 5,622.79 5,433.77 4,145.04 48,378.41 74.67 7.50 48.26 177.91 1 2 3 4 3,704.17 9,632.88 4,507.09 5,994.56 13.52 64.35 39.76 56.81 7,018.23 5,776.33 4,021.39 14,357.51 449.08 352.11 187.72 404.19 96,506.50 6,596.59 5,060.23 2,708.39 596.05 79.38 126.35 99.11 1 2 3 4 4,737.54 3,680.28 1,639.19 1,144.92 341.15 174.71 41.51 20.01 7,289.32 14,018.47 3,700.05 2,063.14 397.59 438.96 332.24 192.96 6,600.79 5,675.29 602.10 2,612.92 361.74 265.47 9.65 125.80 1 2 3 4 186.64 1,475.08 51,671.67 26,677.86 16.82 18.41 36.59 10.13 658.83 4,768.50 3,687.56 80,327.19 227.13 437.08 281.29 380.77 3,897.43 12,657.78 12,340.34 46,232.28 191.38 3.85 165.89 262.46 1 2 3 4 36,662.26 11,794.17 5,898.23 14,231.36 46.74 27.93 69.20 28.97 9,120.33 5,804.85 29,205.18 41,628.05 131.68 232.13 286.47 365.37 15,599.81 6,973.40 5,916.70 13,943.16 51.53 105.76 43.78 188.13 1 2 3 4 61.69 13,697.00 2,720.57 20,001.59 98.81 8.58 44.08 50.96 14,684.95 2,305.59 13,488.94 62,181.05 469.06 299.98 316.53 274.66 1,057.67 7,706.03 12,665.75 6,606.01 128.26 28.91 50.19 66.81 Quarter 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 55 Research Note PNW-RN-558 Table 4E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest ab Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Wenatchee Year Willamette Winema Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 873.82 17,700.55 10,373.03 1,943.02 60.50 35.27 72.48 21.61 16,968.03 6,918.73 932.41 11,455.57 293.60 155.94 48.45 129.03 440.58 1,549.44 2,465.67 16,351.40 94.07 64.79 14.00 76.24 1 2 3 4 9,980.89 2,052.42 1,536.92 1,137.94 56.00 9.99 13.22 15.74 4,901.03 14,893.09 3,167.79 237.34 214.85 261.05 381.85 50.65 9,708.54 948.80 13,946.36 14,192.12 56.43 9.75 70.15 138.16 1 2 3 4 5,913.50 10,484.02 1,662.97 18,259.60 98.30 60.96 31.46 79.16 307.89 319.22 1,100.04 365.60 330.93 50.07 196.65 142.52 104.05 1,249.76 2,211.37 12,907.56 240.58 8.78 36.15 51.95 1 2 3 4 931.14 1,605.28 7,493.38 9,376.30 25.12 13.93 20.14 25.06 9,485.23 420.71 8,010.20 552.56 224.09 29.19 187.23 167.38 20.99 2,566.82 9,511.09 1,167.67 48.36 7.66 19.02 9.90 1 2 3 4 2.86 2,679.88 2,024.61 6,039.29 27.97 131.93 13.30 102.76 25,907.27 13,313.70 19,427.33 28,353.27 240.25 214.01 275.64 151.63 6,661.27 1,331.88 4,226.30 13,695.45 49.48 9.50 57.87 65.52 1 2 3 4 4,508.35 1,332.68 7,256.62 6,434.16 24.17 12.06 32.07 46.98 10,336.23 16,208.22 30,533.73 21,853.56 41.23 151.88 294.10 135.95 564.18 2,635.73 11,648.40 1,404.48 102.27 24.08 40.18 9.83 Quarter 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 56 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 Table 4E—Volume and average value of timber sold on national forests, Pacific Northwest ab Region, 1984–2007 (continued) Wenatchee Year Willamette Winema Volume Average value Volume Average value Volume Average value MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF MBF Dollars/ MBF 1 2 3 4 9.36 11,078.83 2,868.16 2,574.40 96.95 86.47 70.10 28.59 17,959.85 2,238.79 6,110.66 21,992.89 120.53 103.31 213.75 145.12 116.46 8,532.48 1,046.33 14,150.46 86.18 121.93 9.70 79.00 1 2 3 4 61.82 11,736.89 17,551.75 2,985.54 35.87 45.10 67.10 98.42 409.44 8,124.35 8,850.25 32,005.77 57.39 201.36 207.31 193.45 1,582.88 2,075.54 3,156.17 16,735.85 75.36 60.52 69.71 128.40 1 2 3 4 2,470.58 1,256.80 13,895.09 966.51 79.48 11.78 125.90 12.63 317.90 10,914.51 32,099.06 331.86 94.51 24.73 97.38 31.34 7,389.36 1,294.00 6,821.45 7,852.41 124.51 10.08 90.79 68.53 1 484.98 101.31 3,898.18 53.08 577.70 61.88 Quarter 2004 2005 2006 2007 a Volume given in thousand board feet, Scribner scale (MBF). Average values are in nominal dollars. Prices for individual sales may differ from the averages shown in this table because of differences in species mix, quality, road costs, logging and processing costs, size and strength of sale, number of bidders, and other related price determinants. Prices for stumpage in national forest lands are high-bid value. Road costs and an allowance for sale-area betterment are included in the bid. Source: Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Pacific Northwest Region administrative unit includes Oregon and Washington and northern California b 57 Research Note PNW-RN-558 The Forest Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture is dedicated to the principle of multiple use management of the Nation’s forest resources for sustained yields of wood, water, forage, wildlife, and recreation. Through forestry research, cooperation with the States and private forest owners, and management of the national forests and national grasslands, it strives—as directed by Congress—to provide increasingly greater service to a growing Nation. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 7953272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Pacific Northwest Research Station Web site Telephone Publication requests FAX E-mail Mailing address 58 (503) 808-2592 (503) 808-2138 (503) 808-2130 Publications Distribution Pacific Northwest Research Station P.O. Box 3890 Portland, OR 97208-3890 Stumpage Prices and Volumes Sold for Individual Western National Forests: 1984–2007 U.S. Department of Agriculture Pacific Northwest Research Station 333 S.W. First Avenue P.O. Box 3890 Portland, OR 97208-3890 Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300 59