United States Department of Agriculture A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Chris Ringo, Alan A. Ager, Michelle A. Day, and Sarah Crim Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station General Technical Report PNW-GTR-919 January 2016 In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at http://www.ascr.usda.gov/complaint_filing_cust.html and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov . USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Authors Chris Ringo is a faculty research assistant, Oregon State University, Department of Crop and Soil Science, 3017 Agricultural and Life Sciences Building, Corvallis, OR 97331; Alan A. Ager is an operations research analyst, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Western Wildland Environmental Threat Assessment Center, 72510 Coyote Way, Pendleton OR 97801; Michelle A. Day is a faculty research assistant, Oregon State University, College of Forestry, Forest Ecosystems and Society, 321 Richardson Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331; Sarah Crim is an economist (retired), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region, 1220 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97204. Cover photos: Elk, by Tom Iraci; Goat Rocks Wilderness, Washington, by Keith Routman; Prescribed burn, by Tom Iraci. Abstract Ringo, Chris; Ager, Alan A.; Day, Michelle A.; Crim, Sarah. 2016. A spatial database for restoration management capability on national forests in the Pacific Northwest USA. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-919. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 71 p. Understanding the capacity to reduce wildfire risk and restore dry forests on Western national forests is a key part of prioritizing new accelerated restoration programs initiated by the Forest Service. Although a number of social and biophysical factors influence the ability to implement restoration programs, one key driver is the suite of forest plan land designations and associated management directions. These land use designations and conservation reserves, which are intended to provide an array of ecosystem services (recreation, wildlife, water, timber, research, etc.), were created under the National Forest Management Act. In many cases, they have subsequently been updated to account for legislated protection for threatened and endangered species. Individual land designations have distinct properties in terms of biophysical settings, fire regimes, and a myriad of management constraints intended to conserve landscape resiliency over time. Despite the importance of forest plan designations for assessing restoration capacity, standardized spatial data at regional scales do not exist, making comprehensive regional and national assessments of restoration potentials and priorities difficult. As part of a broader study of restoration potential in the Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Region, we obtained spatial data from existing forest plans and categorized more than 800 different land designations into five distinct categories according to management restrictions, then created a seamless spatial dataset for the region. We then examined the composition of the different categories of management with respect to the dominant fire regime. We also generated an atlas of management categories (which we are calling “Land Classes” of the national forests in the region, which can be used to understand the spatial distribution of management restrictions on individual forests. The data enable broader scale assessments and prioritization analyses within the region, and provide a case study template for other regions to follow to further advance national scale assessments of restoration and fuel management potential. Keywords: forest planning, land management designations, forest restoration, restoration assessment, accelerated restoration. Contents 1 2 6 10 11 11 14 31 Introduction Methods Results Discussion Acknowledgments Literature Cited Appendix 1—Atlas of Management Catagories Appendix 2—Tables A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Introduction Forest restoration and fuel management activities on national forests in the United States cover about 725 000 ha annually and are focused on restoring the ecological resiliency of fire-prone forests, as well as on protecting human and ecological values from wildfire losses. Restoration and fuel management activities include thinning overstocked stands to reduce ladder fuels, mastication and site removal of surface fuel, underburning, and seeding of native grasses and shrubs (Noss et al. 2006). The goals of these efforts are to reduce fuels loads and fire severity such that fire can be managed in fire-adapted forests and suppressed in situations in which values are at risk. The large backlog of restoration and fuel management needs has stimulated a growing interest in decision-support systems to prioritize vegetation management (Ager et al. 2013, Noss et al. 2009). One factor that substantially influences the feasibility of fuel reduction programs is the composition and spatial arrangement of land designations created under the forest planning process (Duncan and Thompson 2006, ESA 1973, NFMA 1976, USDA and USDI 1994, USDC 1998). These land designations emphasize specialized outputs, including scenic quality, wildlife habitat, timber production, rare ecological communities, endemic plant populations, municipal watersheds, and recreational values. Pre-existing land designations established as wilderness areas (WA 1964), Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE I and II) areas, and Wild and Scenic river corridors (WSRA 1968) were grandfathered into the plans. Although the land designations in the original forest plans were originally a relatively small set with well-defined goals, subsequent legislation and planning efforts in many regions led to forest plan amendments to add extensive habitat networks for federally listed species (Duncan and Thompson 2006, ESA 1973, NFMA 1976, USDA and USDI 1994, USDC 1998). For instance, in the Western United States, this included extensive habitat networks for species such as the northern spotted owl (Strix occidentalis caurina), California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis), Mexican spotted owl (Strix occidentalis lucida), marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis), and an array of anadromous fish species including steelhead trout (Onchorynchus mykiss gairdneri) and bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus). The net result of forest planning is that at least 42 percent of federal forests in the Western United States cannot be managed with mechanical fuels reduction treatments because of management constraints on fire-prone Western national forests (Ager et al. 2014). The potential effect of these reserves on the ability to manage fuels has been discussed in a number of papers (Agee 2002, Finney 2007, Kaufman 2004, Williams 2013). 1 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Despite the importance of forest plan designations for assessing restoration capacity, standardized spatial data at the scale of multiple national forests (regional, national) do not exist, making comprehensive regional and national assessments of restoration potentials and priorities difficult. As part of a broader study of restoration potential in the Forest Service’s Pacific Northwest Region (Region 6), we obtained spatial data from existing forest plans and categorized more than 800 different land designations into five distinct categories based on management restrictions as they affect restoration and fire-protection assessments. We then examined the composition of the different categories of management with respect to the dominant fire regime to understand the level of management restrictions on dry forests that are the primary target of restoration activities. We also created a seamless geographic information system (GIS) coverage for the region and generated a map atlas for each national forest that can be used to understand the spatial distribution of management restrictions on individual national forests. The data enable broader scale assessments and prioritization analyses within the region, and provide a case study template for other Forest Service regions to follow to further advance national scale assessments of restoration and fuel management potential. Methods We obtained individual forest plan spatial data for the 16 national forests (encompassing 10 million ha) in Oregon and Washington from the Region 6 GIS library (Region 6 Information Resources Management 2014) (fig. 1a). The forests contained more than 800 different land management designations as developed under the National Forest Management Act (NFMA 1976) and subsequent modifications by the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) (USDA and USDI 1994), and PACFISH (Henderson et al. 2005). We grouped the land designations into five classes based on restrictions for conducting mechanical treatments that are key to reducing wildfire risk, providing socioeconomic benefits as part of restoration programs, and preparing forests for prescribed fire where appropriate (table 1). We focused on restrictions for mechanical treatments, because other restoration activities are typically conducted in parallel. Although prescribed fire is often used without mechanical treatments, the majority of these activities are implemented in concert with largescale projects that include prescribed fire. Moreover, in many areas where prescribed fire is practiced, stands have been treated in the past with mechanical methods to reduce potential fire severity. 2 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA A Wildland Urban Interface National Forest Colville (COL) Deschutes (DES) Fremont-Winema (FRE-WIN) Gifford Pinchot (GIP) Malheur (MAL) Mt Baker-Snoqualmie (MBS) Mt. Hood (MTH) Ochoco (OCH) Okanogan-Wenatchee (OKA-WEN) Olympic (OLY) Rogue River-Siskiyou (ROG-SIS) Siuslaw (SIU) Umatilla (UMA) Umpqua (UMP) Wallowa-Whitman (WAW) Willamette (WIL) / B 0 25 50 100 ! COL MBS OKA-WEN Seattle ! Wenatchee OLY ! Spokane ! ! Olympia ! Yakima GIP ! ! SIU Colville ! Pendleton Portland Eugene WIL UMA ! MTH Salem ! Kennewick ! ! La Grande WAW Bend OCH MAL DES ! Burns UMP FRE-WIN ROG-SIS ! Medford ! Klamath Falls 150 Km National forest Land class Active management Multiple objectives Conservation Stand age dependent Preservation Figure 1—(A) Map of the 16 national forests, and (B) the five land designation classes in Oregon and Washington. See table 1 for land class descriptions. 3 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Table 1—Description of the land classes created from the national forest plan land management designations in Oregon and Washington, along with the total area in each category Land class Code Description Active management 1 Multiple objectives 2 Conservation 3 Stand age dependent 4 Preservation 5 Mechanical treatments used to meet wood production targets Mechanical treatments restricted; only if no adverse effects on other forest plan objectives Mechanical treatments limited but possible if needed to protect management objectives Mechanical treatments possible depending on stand age under Northwest Forest Plan Long-term preservation by Act of Congress or forest plan land allocation; mechanical treatments not permitted Examples General forest, suitable timber, timber production Elk winter range Total area Hectares (percent) 2,483,200 (25) 2,195,900 (22) Riparian reserves, managed old growth, visual corridors, roadless Late successional reserves 2,012,800 (20) Wilderness 2,172,100 (22) 1,188,700 (12) Note: Land class was created to differentiate the designations in terms of restrictions on mechanical treatments. Area values we report are approximate and should not be used for official purposes. The land designation class was assigned to each forest plan management designation based on the most restrictive management area primary objective. In cases in which a tie occurred between the management area and Adaptive Management Area designation, the management area designation was used. Adaptive Management Areas are part of areas managed for timber production with more specialized types of objectives. The least restrictive land designations were those allocated to scheduled harvest activities to produce forest products. The next least restrictive class included land designations that have nontimber primary management objectives but are scheduled for harvest activities. Here, treatments must be compatible with primary management objectives, but the rate or location of treatments is restricted by the management area objective or the spatial location of the management area. The most prevalent example is the extensive ungulate summer range, where management activities can be used to maintain an optimal mix and arrangement of forest cover patches that meet minimum cover standards. A third category was created for a myriad of land designations in which protection or conservation of biological and amenity values is the primary focus. Examples of these latter designations include scenic areas, botanical reserves, wildlife 4 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA conservation areas for federally listed species, and aquatic reserves, to name a few (table 1). Here, mechanical treatments are permitted on a case-by-case basis if needed to meet or improve the land designation’s primary objective. For instance, fuel treatments are permitted when found to be needed to reduce wildfire threats to federally listed species. These designations are not part of the forested area used to analyze potential timber outputs in forest plans (i.e., the regulated forested area in NFMA). This designation also includes late-successional reserves (LSR) where harvesting is permitted under special circumstances, but only in forests with predominantly dry forest types (Okanogan-Wenatchee, Deschutes,, FremontWinema, and Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forests, and the Tiller District on the Umpqua National Forest). In these cases, we assumed that the areas are not actively managed (selecting the more restrictive management designation). This category also includes roadless areas. The fourth and most restrictive category, preservation, includes wilderness areas, where management is confined to nonmechanized activities such as trail building and maintenance of undeveloped campsites. Finally, a category that was unique to the Northwest Forest Plan was created for the subset of late-successional reserves that can be managed with mechanical treatments if the stand age is less than 80 years (for forests predominantly west of the Cascade Range in more mesic forest types, including the Olympic, Gifford Pinchot, Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, Mount Hood, Siuslaw, and Willamette National Forests, and the Tiller District of the Umpqua National Forest). Thus late-successional reserves as defined in the NWFP were classified according to forest type and stand age and were included in two different land designations (table 1). To assess where treatments can be applied in fire-adapted systems, we used the 30-m fire regime group data set created by the LANDFIRE project (LANDFIRE 2013). Fire regime group is based on the presumed historical fire regime based on fire effects and spread, current vegetation, and spatial context (Rollins 2009). Fire regime definitions are: group I (0 to 30 years frequency, low severity); group II (0 to 30 years frequency, high severity); group III (35 to 200 years frequency, low to mixed severity); group IV (35 to 200 years frequency, high severity); and group V (200 years frequency, high severity). The majority fire regime group was assigned to each land designation class polygon. 5 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Results Table 1 shows the regional composition of the five land classes. Land designations that allow active management (Class 1) cover 25 percent of the region, whereas management for multiple objectives (Class 2) covers 22 percent (table 1; fig. 1b). The remainder was predominately allocated to conservation (20 percent), preservation (21 percent), and stand age dependent (12 percent). Table 2 and figure 2 show the composition of the land classes for individual forests. The national forests with the most land in the active management categories, in which land is designated for timber production, were the Fremont-Winema, Malheur, and Wallowa-Whitman. By contrast, forests with the most area in preservation designations were the Okanogan-Wenatchee, Mount Baker-Snoqualmie, and Rogue River-Siskyou because they contain large areas of wilderness. Less variation exists in area allocated to multiple objectives among the forests with the exception of the Okanogan-Wenatchee, which contains more than twice the area than the regional average primarily owing to management of wildlife habitat. Substantial variation among the national forests can be seen in the relative area of the different land classes. Figure 3 illustrates the percentage breakdown of the Table 2—Total area in the five land classes by national forest for Oregon and Washington National forest Colville Deschutes Fremont-Winema Gifford Pinchot Malheur Mount Baker-Snoqualmie Mount Hood Ochoco Okanogan-Wenatchee Olympic Rogue River-Siskiyou Siuslaw Umatilla Umpqua Wallowa-Whitman Willamette See table 1 for land class descriptions. 6 Active management Multiple objectives 170,900 215,100 532,200 106,300 337,100 26,100 76,700 199,400 196,000 0 81,100 0 105,100 0 287,100 150,100 198,900 174,900 164,800 90,400 192,000 45,900 114,100 53,700 298,800 51,200 77,000 16,500 178,800 184,500 200,200 154,200 Conservation Hectares 59,500 163,900 154,900 53,900 126,100 36,600 32,300 13,000 488,400 800 393,200 33,100 134,600 32,200 234,700 55,600 Stand age dependent Preservation 0 0 0 169,200 0 250,500 120,900 0 0 164,500 0 179,300 0 145,900 0 158,400 14,600 97,500 56,400 132,200 36,100 338,700 82,600 21,600 606,300 37,800 143,000 12,700 147,900 35,900 249,500 159,300 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 1,600,000 Land class Active management Multiple objectives Conservation 1,200,000 Stand age dependent Total area (ha) Preservation 800,000 400,000 IL W P W AW A M U U M U SI IS −S LY G O RO EN H −W C O KA O TH M BS M AL M IP G IN W ES E− FR D C O L 0 National forest Figure 2—Total area in hectares in the five land designation classes by national forest in Oregon and Washington. See figure 1 for forest code descriptions and table 1 for land class descriptions. area by land designation and forest. Forests with relatively high capacity for active management on a percentage basis are the Fremont-Winema, Malheur, and Ochoco National Forests. Three forests have no land designated as active management (the Umpqua, Olympic, and Siuslaw National Forests). Of the forests that have land designations that permit treatment, the amount of area in multiple objectives is about equal to the area in active management, the exceptions being the FremontWinema and Ochoco, where the active management area is four to five times larger compared to the area in multiple objectives. The effect of the Northwest Forest Plan on the percentage of lands in active management designations are evident in the data, which show that relatively large areas (>20 percent) are allocated to latesuccessional reserves on those particular forests, reaching up to half the area of the Olympic and Siuslaw National Forests. 7 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Land class Active management Stand age dependent Multiple objectives Preservation Conservation 100 Percentage of total area 75 50 25 IL W A P W AW M U M U U SI IS −S LY G O RO EN H −W C O KA O TH M BS M AL M IP G IN W ES E− FR D C O L 0 National forest Figure 3—Percentage of total area in the five land designation classes by national forest in Oregon and Washington. See figure 1 for forest code descriptions and table 1 for land class descriptions. Figure 4 shows the composition of the forests by land designation class and fire regime, thus illustrating lands on which mechanical treatments can be used in fire-adapted ecological settings. Specifically, fire regime groups I and III are the typical target for dry forest restoration activities. As expected, most of the area in fire-adapted regimes is on eastern Cascade Range national forests. The active management designation is dominated by fire regime groups I and III, especially on the Umatilla, Rogue River-Siskiyou, and Wallowa-Whitman. The land designation by fire regime composition also shows where risk mitigation treatments are possible in the non-fire-adapted regimes. For instance, on the Fremont-Winema National Forest, a relatively large amount of area in fire regimes III and IV lies within the active management designation, indicating the potential for the forest to address 8 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Total area (ha) 600,000 Active management Multiple objectives 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Total area (ha) 600,000 Conservation Stand age dependent 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 Preservation 500,000 National forest 400,000 300,000 Fire regime group I 200,000 100,000 II 0 III CO L D FR ES E− WI N GI P MA L MB S MT H OK OC A− H WE N RO OLY G− SIS SIU UM A UM P WA W WI L Total area (ha) 600,000 CO L D FR ES E− WI N GI P MA L MB S MT H OK OC A− H WE N RO OLY G− SIS SIU UM A UM P WA W WI L 0 IV V National forest Figure 4—Land area for the active land designation class by fire regime group (FRG) and national forest: FRG I = ≤35 year fire return interval, low and mixed severity; FRG II = ≤35 year fire return interval, replacement severity; FRG III = 35 to 200 year fire return interval, low and mixed severity; FRG IV = 35 to 200 year fire return interval, replacement severity; FRG V = >200 year fire return interval, any severity. See figure 1 for forest code descriptions and table 1 for land class descriptions. wildfire risk issues. Non-fire adapted regimes typically support stand-replacing fire events that are difficult to contain and have the potential to cause economic damage. Another observation from figure 4 pertains to the wildfire activity in the preservation land designation. For instance, the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest has a relatively large area in the preservation designations that are also in fire regime group I. Thus fire-susceptible values in these areas are at risk from loss to wildfire. 9 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Discussion We note that the area values we report for the forests are approximate. Although we derived them from Region 6 corporate data sources, a number of factors can contribute to discrepancies between this report and forest planning documents. These include updates to administrative boundaries, GIS processing methods, and different interpretation of the forest plan direction for allocations in the multiple objectives versus conservation land designations. Hence the values reported in the tables should not be used for official planning purposes, but rather as a general indicator of the composition of the lands in terms of forest plan allocations and associated management potential. The results show that approximately 47 percent of national forest land in the region is available for mechanical treatments (subject to forest plan constraints in the multiple objectives designations) to address ecological departure and other restoration goals. For eastside forests tasked with accelerated restoration in fire-prone forests, an average of 65 percent is available for mechanical treatments. The documentation of land management restrictions in relation to fire regimes is an important precursor to mapping restoration needs and potential on the national forests in the Pacific Northwest Region. Specifically, the spatial data we report here are a contribution toward a more systematic assessment of management opportunity to meet multiple management goals within the existing forest plan. Combining spatial data on restoration need (Haugo et al. 2015), insect and disease maps (USDA FS 2010), wildfire risk (Ager et al. 2012), potential thin volume (Ohmann and Gregory 2002), and wildfire risk to wildland-urban interfaces (WUIs) (Ager et al. 2014) with the land designation information presented here is a first step towards a spatially explicit analysis that blends restoration capacity with need among and within the national forests. A strategic approach to prioritizing mechanical treatment and prescribed burning activities will need to consider the arrangement and composition of both managed and non-managed areas when designing fire protection and restoration strategies. The spatial arrangement and juxtaposition of fire regimes in relationship to forest plan management categories presented here is one major driver in the design of restoration projects (Ager et al. 2013), although their influence is not explicitly recognized in the current ad hoc planning and prioritization system. For instance, large fire transmission among the land designation classes and fire regimes can disrupt the intention of restoration programs. 10 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA The process and framework we used for categorizing the region can be directly transferred to other regions, thereby advancing a strategic approach to prioritizing restoration investments at the national scale. This latter analysis can guide restoration efforts to specific locations where agency capacity in terms of forest plan allocations are aligned with existing risk from wildfire, and workforce and management availability at a scale that is meaningful for both policy and strategic restoration program design. These restoration opportunity analyses could be incorporated into national risk and hazard assessments (Ager et al. 2014) to prioritize restoration activities at a range of scales. Acknowledgments We thank Emily Platt and Max Wahlberg for comments and corrections on an earlier version of the manuscript. Literature Cited Agee, J.K. 2002. The fallacy of passive management managing for firesafe forest reserves. Conservation in Practice. 3: 18–26. Ager, A.A.; Buonopane, M.; Reger, A.; Finney, M.A. 2012. Wildfire exposure analysis on the national forests in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Risk Analysis. 33: 1000–1020. Ager, A.A.; Day, M.A.; McHugh, C.W.; Short, K.; Gilbertson-Day, J.; Finney, M.A.; Calkin, D.E. 2014. Wildfire exposure and fuel management on western US national forests. Journal of Environmental Management. 145: 54–70. Ager, A.A.; Vaillant, N.M.; McMahan, A. 2013. Restoration of fire in managed forests: a model to prioritize landscapes and analyze tradeoffs. Ecosphere. 4: 29. Duncan, S.L.; Thompson, J.R. 2006. Forest plans and ad hoc scientist groups in the 1990s: coping with the Forest Service viability clause. Forest Policy and Economics. 9: 32–41. Endangered Species Act of 1973 [ESA]; 16 U.S.C. §§ 1531–1544 (1985 & Supp. 2000). Finney, M.A. 2007. A computational method for optimizing fuel treatment location. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 16: 702–711. 11 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Haugo, R.; Zanger, C.; DeMeo, T.; Ringo, C.; Shlisky, A.; Blankenship, K.; Simpson, M.; Mellen-McLean, K.; Kertis, J.; Stern, M. 2015. A new approach to evaluate forest structure restoration needs across Oregon and Washington, USA. Forest Ecology and Management. 335: 37–50. Henderson, R.C.; Archer, E.K.; Bouwes, B.A.; Coles-Ritchie, M.S.; Kershner, J.L. 2005. PACFISH/INFISH biological opinion (PIBO): effectiveness monitoring program seven-year status report 1998 through 2004. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-162. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 16 p. Kaufman, J.B. 2004. Death rides the forest: perceptions of fire, land use, and ecological restoration of western forests. 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Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 32: 725–741. Rollins, M.G. 2009. LANDFIRE: a nationally consistent vegetation, wildland fire, and fuel assessment. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 18: 235–249. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service [USDA FS]. 2010. National insect & disease risk maps. [Database]. Washington, DC: Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. http://www.fs.fed.us/foresthealth/technology/ nidrm.shtml. (8 July 2015). U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Region. 2014. Geospatial data. [Database]. http://www.fs.usda.gov/main/r6/ landmanagement/gis. (14 July 2014). 12 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service; U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management [USDAand USDI]. 1994. 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Forest Ecology and Management. 294: 4–10. 13 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Appendix 1—Atlas of Management Catagories 14 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 15 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 16 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 17 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 18 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 19 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 20 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 21 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 22 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 23 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 24 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 25 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 26 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 27 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 28 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA 29 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 30 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Appendix 2—Tables Table 3—Land class designations for national forests outside of the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) area and national forests within the NWFP area with merged allocations Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description COL MA1 Provides essential habitat for wildlife species that require old growth COL MA2 COL MA3A COL MA3B COL MA3C COL MA4 COL MA5 COL Management area primary objective Land class code 3 GIS area Hectares 13,852 Provide for the protection and WILDLIFE/ management of year-long woodland UNGULATES caribou habitat to promote recovery of the herd to viable population levels Provide roaded and unroaded recreation DEV REC opportunities in a natural-appearing setting. SEMI-PRIMITIVE Provide semi-private motorized and nonmotorized recreation in roaded or REC nonroaded areas while meeting wildlife management objectives. DEV REC Provide quality winter recreation opportunities including downhill skiing, Nordic skiing and other compatible uses. RNA Research Natural Areas—Provide opportunities for research in ecosystems influenced only by natural processes Provide a natural-appearing foreground, VISUAL middleground, and background along major scenic routes while providing wood products. 2 12,257 2 17,436 3 5,044 2 819 5 1,906 2 87,274 MA6 Provide a natural-appearing foreground, middleground, and background along major scenic routes while providing for winter range management VISUAL 2 30,486 COL MA7 TIMBER 1 170,898 COL MA8 Manage to achieve optimum timber production while protecting basic resources Provide for the winter habitat needs of deer and elk while managing other resources consistent with fish and wildlife management objectives WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES 2 50,635 OLDGROWTH 31 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description COL MA9 COL MA10 COL MA11 MAL MAL 1_2 3 MAL 4A MAL MAL MAL MAL MAL 5 6 7 8 9 MAL 10 MAL 11 MAL MAL MAL MAL 13 14F 14M 18 MAL 20 MAL 21 MAL MAL MAL MAL MAL MAL MAL 22 DEVRA DEVRA ERA FAC GF GFWR 32 Management area primary objective Land class code Wilderness—Provide an environment that is essentially unaltered and undisturbed by humans where natural ecological processes can operate with a minimum of interference. CONG RESERVE 5 Provide opportunities for dispersed, motorized recreation Provide opportunities for dispersed, nonmotorized recreation in an undeveloped environment. General Forest-Rangeland Riparian Areas (Anadromous and NonAnadromous) Big Game Winter Range Maintenance SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 3 5,492 3 35,141 TIMBER RHCA 1 3 262,956 16 WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES WILDLIFE CONG RESERVE VISUAL UNIQUE AREAS RNA 2 90,371 3 5 2 3 5 410 33,430 4,224 12 744 SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC OLDGROWTH VISUAL VISUAL WATERSHED 3 15,339 3 5,295 3 2 2 2 27,962 23,412 52,447 97 WILDLIFE 2 4,605 WILDLIFE 3 12,713 WSRIVER DEV REC DEV REC WILDLIFE RNA TIMBER TIMBER 3 3 2 2 5 1 1 4,414 202 31 88 19 63,982 10,206 Bald Eagle Winter Roosts Wilderness Areas Scenic Areas Special Interest Areas Research Natural Areas (only one real, others proposed) Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized Recreation Areas Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized Recreation Areas Old Growth Visual Corridors (Foreground) Visual Corridors (Middleground) Long Creek Municipal Supply Watershed Wildlife Emphasis Area (Scheduled Timber Harvest) Wildlife Emphasis Area (Non-Scheduled Timber Harvest) Wild and Scenic Rivers Developed Recreation Developed Recreation Eagle Roosting Area Facilities General Forest General Forest Winter Range GIS area Hectares 12,716 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description Management area primary objective MAL OG-D4-01 through OGD4-25 Old Growth—District 4—ID number OLDGROWTH 3 GIS area Hectares 2,746 MAL MAL MAL MAL REC-R RHCA RNA RNAOGD4-21 RNA RHCA RNA OLDGROWTH 5 3 5 3 636 55,475 993 94 RNA 5 149 RNA 5 143 ROADLESS VISUAL 3 2 1,401 3,119 VISUAL 2 2,255 2 11,304 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5,063 15,432 198,982 64,166 4,292 1,141 444 5 1,372 OLDGROWTH 5 25 WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES OLDGROWTH OLDGROWTH 2 3,800 2 319 2 431 5 5 844 24 MAL Research Natural Areas Riparian Habitat Conservation Area Research Natural Areas Old Growth in Research Natural Area— District 4—ID number RNAOGD4-22 Old Growth in Research Natural Area— District 4—ID number RNAOGD4-23 Old Growth in Research Natural Area— District 4—ID number UNR-S Silver Creek Roadless Area VPR Visual Management Corridors (Partial Retention) VR Visual Management Corridors (Retention) WR Winter Range MBS MBS MBS MBS MBS MBS MBS 10A 10B 10C 10D 10E 12 12AMA MBS 12LSR MBS 12LSRAMA MBS 14 MBS 145A MBS 14AMA MBS MBS 15 155A MAL MAL MAL MAL MAL WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES Wilderness—Transition CONG RESERVE Wilderness—Trailed CONG RESERVE Wilderness—General Trailless CONG RESERVE Wilderness—Dedicated Trailless CONG RESERVE Wilderness—Special Areas CONG RESERVE Mature and Old Growth Wildlife Habitat OLDGROWTH Mature and Old Growth Wildlife OLDGROWTH Habitat, Adaptive Management Area OLDGROWTH Mature and Old Growth Wildlife Habitat, Late-Successional Reserve, Adaptive Management Area Deer and Elk Winter Range Deer and Elk Winter Range, Recommended Recreation River Deer and Elk Winter Range, Adaptive Management Area Mountain Goat Habitat Mountain Goat Habitat, Recommended Recreation River Land class code 33 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description MBS 155ALSR MBS 155BLSR MBS 15LSOG MBS 15LSR MBS 165CLSR MBS MBS 17 175A MBS 17AMA MBS 185BLSR MBS 18LSR MBS MBS 19 19AMA MBS 19LSOG MBS 19LSR MBS 19LSRAMA MBS MBS 1A 1A5A MBS MBS MBS 1A5C 1ALSR 1B Mountain Goat Habitat, Recommended Recreation River, Late-Successional Reserve Mountain Goat Habitat, Recommended Scenic River, Late-Successional Reserve Mountain Goat Habitat, Late-Successional Old Growth Mountain Goat Habitat Late-Successional Reserve Northern Bald Eagle, Recommended Wild River, Late-Successional Reserve Timber Management Emphasis Timber Management Emphasis, Recommended Recreation River Timber Management Emphasis, Adaptive Management Area Research Natural Areas, Recommended Scenic River, Late-Successional Reserve Research Natural Areas, LateSuccessional Reserve Mountain Hemlock Zone Mountain Hemlock Zone, Adaptive Management Area Mountain Hemlock Zone, LateSuccessional Old Growth Mountain Hemlock Zone, LateSuccessional Reserve Mountain Hemlock Zone, LateSuccessional Reserve, Adaptive Management Area Primitive Primitive Recommended Recreation River Primitive Recommended Scenic River Primitive Late-Successional Reserve Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized MBS 1B5A 34 Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Recommended Recreation River Management area primary objective Land class code GIS area Hectares 39 LSR 4 LSR 4 21 OLDGROWTH 5 458 LSR 4 5,958 LSR 4 139 TIMBER TIMBER 1 1 18,620 14 TIMBER 2 2,905 RNA 5 171 RNA 5 1,960 UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS 5 5 1,294 7 OLDGROWTH 5 16 LSR 4 5,127 LSR 4 2,552 PRIMITIVE PRIMITIVE 5 5 9,035 80 PRIMITIVE PRIMITIVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 5 5 3 203 10,351 18,262 3 113 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description MBS 1B5ALSOG Semi-Primitive Non-motorized, Recommended Recreation River, Late-Successional Old Growth MBS MBS 1B5ALSR 1B5B MBS 1B5BLSOG MBS 1B5BLSR MBS 1B5C MBS 1B5CLSOG MBS 1B5CLSR MBS 1BLSOG MBS 1BLSR MBS 1BLSRAMA MBS 1C MBS 1CLSR MBS MBS MBS MBS 1D 1D5A 21A 21AAMA MBS MBS MBS MBS MBS MBS 21ALSOG 22B 23A 25B 2A 2A5A Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Recommended Scenic River Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Recommended Scenic River, LateSuccessional Old Growth Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Recommended Scenic River, LateSuccessional Reserve Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Recommended Wild River Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Recommended Wild River, LateSuccessional Old Growth Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Recommended Wild River, LateSuccessional Reserve Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Late-Successional Old Growth Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized, Late-Successional Reserve Semi-Primitive Non-motorized, Late-Successional Reserve, Adaptive Management Area Semi-Primitive Motorized Semi-Primitive Motorized, LateSuccessional Reserve Rural Rural, Recommended Recreation River Green River Municipal Watershed Green River Municipal Watershed, Adaptive Management Area Sultan River Municipal Watershed Other Municipal Watersheds Jim Creek Naval Electronic Site Foreground Foreground, Recommended Recreation River Management area primary objective Land class code GIS area Hectares 166 OLDGROWTH 5 LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC OLDGROWTH 4 3 7 15 5 281 LSR 4 1,588 WSRIVER 5 36 OLDGROWTH 5 210 LSR 4 698 OLDGROWTH 5 3,937 LSR 4 65,711 LSR 4 1,566 SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR 3 325 4 1,128 VISUAL VISUAL WATERSHED LSR 2 2 2 4 1,898 9 4,671 3,941 OLDGROWTH WATERSHED WATERSHED UNIQUE AREAS VISUAL VISUAL 5 2 2 3 2 2 545 4,522 2,260 388 2,223 1,232 35 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description MBS MBS 2B 2B5A MBS 2BAMA MBS MBS 3C 3CLSOG MBS 4 MBS MBS 5A 5ALSOG MBS 5ALSR MBS MBS 5B 5BLSOG MBS 5BLSR MBS 5CLSR MBS MBS 6 8A5ALSR MBS 8A5BLSR Middleground Middleground, Recommended Recreation River Middleground, Adaptive Management Area Winter Sports Resorts Winter Sports Resorts, LateSuccessional Old Growth Mount Baker National Recreational Area Recommended Recreation Rivers Recommended Recreation Rivers, Late-Successional Old Growth Recommended Recreation Rivers, Late-Successional Reserve Recommended Scenic Rivers Recommended Scenic Rivers, Late-Successional Old Growth Recommended Scenic Rivers, Late-Successional Reserve Recommended Wild Rivers, Late-Successional Reserve Skagit Wild and Scenic River Mather Memorial Parkway, Recommended Recreation River, Late-Successional Reserve Mather Memorial Parkway, Recommended Scenic River, Late-Successional Reserve MBS MBS MBS 8A8E5ALSR 8A8ELSR 8ALSR MBS MBS 8B 8BLSOG MBS MBS MBS MBS MBS 8CLSR 8D 8ELSR 8F 8KEL 36 Mather Memorial Parkway, Late-Successional Reserve Heather Meadows Heather Meadows, Late-Successional Old Growth Management area primary objective Land class code GIS area Hectares 11,853 213 VISUAL VISUAL 2 2 VISUAL 2 620 UNIQUE AREAS OLDGROWTH 3 5 2,416 131 VISUAL 2 3,510 WSRIVER OLDGROWTH 3 5 482 241 LSR 4 3,107 WSRIVER OLDGROWTH 3 5 796 224 LSR 4 6,089 CONG RESERVE 5 320 WSRIVER LSR 5 4 7,975 66 LSR 4 1,006 LSR LSR LSR 4 4 4 81 68 1,122 UNIQUE AREAS OLDGROWTH 3 5 167 21 LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS 4 3 4 3 3 541 392 1,195 292 2,245 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forest codea LRMP code MBS D MBS MBS DLSR DR MBS MBS DR5ALSR DR5B MBS DR5BLSR MBS MBS DRLSOG DRLSR MBS FS MBS MBS GF GF5A MBS MBS MBS MBS GFLSR LSOG LSR LSRAMA MBS MBS SA SALSOG MBS SALSR MBS SF MBS SF5A MBS MBS SF5ALSOG SF5B OCH OCH OCH OCH BS CP CRRA DC Alpine Lakes—Scenic Forest, Recommended Scenic River Bandit Springs Recreation Area Cove Palisades State Park Crooked River Recreation Area Deep Creek Recreation Area OCH DC-F24 Deep Creek Recreation Area LRMP description Alpine Lakes—Dispersed Recreation Alpine Lakes—Dispersed Recreation, Recommended Scenic River Alpine Lakes—Dispersed Recreation, Recommended Scenic River, LateSuccessional Reserve Alpine Lakes—Dispersed Recreation, Late-Successional Reserve Forest Service Land acquired after completion of Forest Plan Alpine Lakes—General Forest Alpine Lakes—General Forest, Recommended Recreation River Late Successional Old Growth Late Successional Reserve Late Successional Reserve, Adaptive Management Area Alpine Lakes—Special Area Alpine Lakes—Special Area, Late-Successional Old Growth Alpine Lakes—Special Area, Late-Successional Reserve Alpine Lakes—Scenic Forest Alpine Lakes—Scenic Forest, Recommended Recreation River Management area primary objective Land class code SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR 3 GIS area Hectares 1,223 4 3 41 5,051 4 3 34 1,161 4 276 OLDGROWTH LSR 5 4 1,213 4,873 NOT KNOWN NK 6,161 TIMBER TIMBER 1 1 7,478 10 LSR OLDGROWTH LSR LSR 4 5 4 4 7 7,681 107,800 30,521 UNIQUE AREAS OLDGROWTH 3 5 3,284 542 LSR 4 3,226 VISUAL 2 VISUAL 2 4,323 892 OLDGROWTH VISUAL 5 2 58 265 2 N/A N/A 2 668 746 162 332 2 33 DEV REC CRNG CRNG SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 37 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description OCH OCH DEVRA DRSC Developed Recreation Deschutes River Scenic Area OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH ERA FAC GF GFO GFWR HC HEL HWY 26 LM-BOT Eagle Roosting Area Facilities General Forest General Forage General Forest Winter Range Hammer Ck Wildlife/Rec Area Rock Ck/Cottonwood Ck Unroaded US Highway 26 Visual Corridor Lookout Mtn Rec Area—Top OCH LM-TOP Lookout Mtn Rec Area—Tom OCH Old Growth OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OG-D1-*; OGD2-*; OGD3-* OGJ REC-R RM-VR RNA RNAOG-D1-* RS SC Old Growth Juniper N Fork Crooked River Rec Corr Recreation Trail Visual Retention Research Natural Area RNA—Old Growth Rim Rock Springs Wildlife Area Whychus Creek Management Area OCH OCH SCEN-S SP N Fork Crooked River Scenic Co Steins Pillar Recreation Area OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH OCH ST-PRES ST-VPR ST-VR UNR-R/C VA VPR VR WIL OCH OCH OCH WILOGD1-17 WILOGD2-18 WR Summit Trail Preservation Corridor Summit Trail Visual CorridorPR Summit Trail Visual Retention Rock Ck/Cottonwood Ck Roadless Lake Billy Chinook View Area Visual Cor (Partial Retention) Visual Corridors (Retention) Wilderness (Mill Creek,Black Canyon, Bridge Creek) Wilderness—Old Growth Wilderness—Old Growth Winter Range 38 Management area primary objective Land class code DEV REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC WILDLIFE RNA TIMBER TIMBER TIMBER WILDLIFE ROADLESS VISUAL SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC OLDGROWTH 2 3 GIS area Hectares 496 115 2 5 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 269 169 144,239 21,926 33,264 1,030 1,010 2,775 3,417 3 3,046 5 5,871 OLDGROWTH VISUAL VISUAL RNA RNA CRNG 5 2 2 5 5 N/A 343 956 412 713 120 163 CRNG VISUAL SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC PRIMITIVE VISUAL VISUAL ROADLESS CRNG VISUAL VISUAL CONG RESERVE N/A 2 3 3,543 786 390 5 2 2 3 N/A 2 2 5 74 2,044 1,896 5,020 194 7,757 2,065 14,118 5 5 2 115 114 14,611 CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description OCH WR-ANT Winter Range—Antelope OCH WR-DEER Metolius Winter Range—Deer UMA A1 Dispersed Non-Motorized Recreation UMA A2 Dispersed Recreation UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 B1 B2 B7 C1 C2 C3 Viewshed 1 Viewshed 2 Roaded Natural Developed Recreation Wild and Scenic River Scenic Area Special Interest Area Wenaha-Tucannon Special Area Wilderness Research Natural Area in Wilderness Wild and Scenic River in Wilderness Dedicated Old Growth Forest Habitat Managed Old Growth Forest Habitat Big Game Winter Range UMA C3A Wildlife—Timber Summer Range UMA C4 Wildlife Habitat UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA UMA C5 C7 C8 D2 E1 E2 F2 UMA UMA F3 F4 UMA F4A WAW 1 Riparian and Wildlife Habitat Special Fish Management Area Grass Tree Mosaic Research Natural Area Timber and Forage Timber and Big Game Mill Creek Municipal Watershed— Undeveloped High Ridge Evaluation Area Walla Walla River Watershed with No Scheduled Harvest Potential Walla Walla River Watershed with Scheduled Harvest Potential Timber Production Emphasis Management area primary objective Land class code WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL DEV REC WSRIVER VISUAL UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE OLDGROWTH WILDLIFE WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES 2 GIS area Hectares 12,480 2 5,098 3 10,665 3 2,956 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 5 5 2 2 15,708 10,839 1,860 1,685 3,017 12,375 1,305 1,337 117,124 980 4,976 16,400 1,441 48,773 3 3,357 WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES RHCA RHCA UNIQUE AREAS RNA TIMBER TIMBER WATERSHED 2 97,712 3 3 3 5 1 1 5 9,943 39,656 36,303 3,330 32,091 73,046 5,059 UNIQUE AREAS WATERSHED 3 3 356 12,966 WATERSHED 2 1,131 TIMBER 1 259,244 39 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description Management area primary objective Land class code TIMBER WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE VISUAL SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC WSRIVER WSRIVER SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC OLDGROWTH TIMBER 1 2 GIS area Hectares 27,833 116,489 WAW WAW 1W 3 Timber Production/Winter Range Wildlife/Timber Winter Range WAW 3A Wildlife/Timber Summer Range 2 38,382 WAW WAW WAW WAW WAW 4 4-12 4-7 5 6 Wilderness Wilderness Research Natural Area Wilderness/Wild & Scenic Phillips Lake Area Backcountry 5 5 5 2 3 224,137 6,216 9,303 1,720 46,556 WAW WAW WAW 7 8 9 WAW WAW 10 11 Wild and Scenic Rivers HCNRA Snake River Corridor HCNRA Dispersed Recreation/Native Vegetation HCNRA Forage Emphasis HCNRA Dispersed Recreation/Timber 3 5 3 15,038 7,131 70,605 3 2 51,953 30,949 WAW WAW 12 12-7 RNA RNA 5 5 2,600 123 WAW WAW 13 14 ROADLESS WILDLIFE/ UNGULATES OLDGROWTH OLDGROWTH 3 2 940 11,025 WAW WAW 15 15-7 Old Growth Preserve Old Growth Preserve/Wild and Scenic River 3 3 24,292 494 WAW 16 Admin and Recreation Sites Retention ADMIN SITES 3 1,186 WAW 17 Power Transportation Facility Retention VISUAL 2 1,656 WAW WIL WIL 18 1 10A Anadromous Fish Wilderness Dispersed Recreation–Roaded Natural 3 5 2 23,623 156,955 134 WIL 10B 2 8,096 WIL 10C 3 3,957 WIL 10D Dispersed Recreation–Semiprimitive Motorized Dispersed Recreation–Semiprimitive Motorized Dispersed Recreation–Semiprimitive Nonmotorized RHCA CONG RESERVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 2 688 40 Research Natural Area Research Natural Area/Wild & Scenic River Homestead Further Planning Area Starkey Experimental Forest and Range A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forest codea LRMP code LRMP description WIL 10E WIL 10F Dispersed Recreation–Semiprimitive Nonmotorized Dispersed Recreation–Lakeside Setting WIL WIL WIL WIL WIL WIL WIL 11A 11C 11D 11E 11F 12A 12B WIL WIL WIL 13A 13B 14A WIL WIL 16A 1-6E WIL WIL 17 2A WIL 2B WIL WIL 2C 4 WIL WIL WIL 5A 6B 6D WIL 6E WIL WIL 7 8 WIL WIL WIL 9B 9C 9D a Scenic-Modification Middleground Scenic-Partial Retention Middleground Scenic-Partial Retention Foreground Scenic-Retention Middleground Scenic-Retention Foreground Developed Recreation–F.S. Site Developed Recreation–Special Use Permits Special Use Permit Areas F.S. Administratively Use Areas General Forest-Intensive Timber Management Late Successional Reserve NFk MFk Wild and Scenic River (wild, scenic, or recreation) Adaptive Management Reserve Oregon Cascades Recreation AreaMotorized Oregon Cascades Recreation AreaNonmotorized Opal Creek Scenic Recreation Area Research Natural Areas Special Interest Areas Elkhorn Wild and Scenic River (scenic) McKenzie Wild and Scenic River (recreation) NFk MFk Wild and Scenic River (wild, scenic, or recreation) Old Growth Groves Threatened & Endangered Species-Bald Eagle Wildlife Habitat–Pileated Woodpecker Wildlife Habitat–Marten Wildlife Habitat–Special Areas Management area primary objective Land class code SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL DEV REC DEV REC 3 GIS area Hectares 20,086 3 1,073 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 32,048 30,816 7,438 989 11,070 295 899 UNIQUE AREAS ADMIN SITES TIMBER 3 3 1 541 159 150,130 LSR WSRIVER 4 2 158,372 1,430 AMA UNIQUE AREAS 2 3 56,331 274 UNIQUE AREAS 3 2,122 UNIQUE AREAS RNA 3 5 4,463 1,426 UNIQUE AREAS WSRIVER WSRIVER 3 2 3 7,966 1,108 1,767 WSRIVER 2 4,007 OLDGROWTH WILDLIFE 5 3 892 401 WILDLIFE WILDLIFE WILDLIFE 3 3 3 2,249 1,999 7,342 See table 6 for a list of forest codes. LRMP = Land and Resource Management Plan. GIS = Geographic information system. 41 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Table 4 — Land class designations for national forests within the Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) area (without merged allocations)a Forestb LRMP code LRMP description DES DES M1 M1 Special Interest Area Special Interest Area DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES M1 M10 M11 M11 M11 M12 M12 M12 M13 M13 M14 M14 M15 M15 M15 M15 Special Interest Area Bend Municipal Watershed Intensive Recreation Intensive Recreation Intensive Recreation Dispersed Recreation Dispersed Recreation Dispersed Recreation Winter Recreation Winter Recreation Oregon Cascade Recreation Area Oregon Cascade Recreation Area Old Growth Old Growth Old Growth Old Growth DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES M16 M16 M16 M17 M17 M17 M18 M18 M18 M19 M2 M2 M2 M20 M20 M20 M21 M21 Experimental Forest Experimental Forest Experimental Forest Wild, Scenic, Recreation River Wild, Scenic, Recreation River Wild, Scenic, Recreation River Front Country Seen/Unseen Front Country Seen/Unseen Front Country Seen/Unseen Metolius Heritage Research Natural Area Research Natural Area Research Natural Area Metolius Wildlife/Primitive Metolius Wildlife/Primitive Metolius Wildlife/Primitive Metolius Black Butte Scenic Metolius Black Butte Scenic 42 NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code AW UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS 3 3 GIS area Hectares 5,696 1,759 LSR WATERSHED DEV REC DEV REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR DEV REC LSR CONG RESERVE LSR OLDGROWTH OLDGROWTH LSR OLDGROWTH 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 3 3 3 3 248 1,675 9,176 15,452 1,979 3,059 12,820 4,014 7,313 5,706 15,890 1,470 11,475 2,266 3,089 3 5 5 5 3 5 3 3 3 2 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 163 1,697 1,230 85 5,274 1,100 654 944 4,022 9,436 8,426 1,217 685 1,058 1,154 846 3,200 510 3,298 LSR AW AW LSR AW LSR AW LSR CR LSR AW LSR MAT AW LSR CR LSR LSR MAT LSR AW LSR AW LSR LSR RNA RNA RNA WSRIVER CONG RESERVE LSR DEV REC LSR VISUAL LSR RNA RNA RNA WILDLIFE WILDLIFE LSR VISUAL LSR A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb LRMP code DES DES Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective M22 M22 Metolius Special Forest Metolius Special Forest LSR MAT LSR VISUAL 3 2 DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES M23 M24 M26 M26 M26 M27 M27 M28 M28 M3 M3 M3 M5 M5 M6 M7 Special Interest Area Research Natural Area Metolius Scenic Views Metolius Scenic Views Metolius Scenic Views Metolius Old Growth Metolius Old Growth Metolius Wild, Scenic, Rec River Metolius Wild, Scenic, Rec River Bald Eagle Bald Eagle Bald Eagle Osprey Management Area Osprey Management Area Wilderness Deer Habitat LSR LSR LSR RNA VISUAL LSR VISUAL OLDGROWTH LSR WSRIVER LSR WILDLIFE LSR WILDLIFE LSR WILDLIFE CONG RESERVE WILDLIFE/UNGULATES 3 5 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 5 2 DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES DES FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE FRE M7 M7 M8 M8 M8 M8 M9 M9 M9 M9 MA01 MA02 MA03 MA05 MA06 MA07 MA08 MA09 MA10 MA11 Deer Habitat Deer Habitat General Forest General Forest General Forest General Forest Scenic Views Scenic Views Scenic Views Scenic Views Mule Deer Winter Range Bald Eagle Management Area Old Growth Suitable Timber Visual Quality Special Management Research Natural Area Primitive/Semiprimitive Wilderness Wild and Scenic River WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES TIMBER TIMBER LSR TIMBER VISUAL VISUAL LSR VISUAL WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE OLDGROWTH TIMBER VISUAL UNIQUE AREAS RNA SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC CONG RESERVE WSRIVER 2 2 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 5 3 5 3 LSR MAT LSR LSR LSR MAT LSR MAT CR AW MAT AW LSR MAT AW LSR MAT GIS area Hectares 3,882 4,188 742 544 92 2,312 1,530 611 206 35 3,238 1,698 3,378 3,516 424 2,824 74,020 83,391 77 1,132 165,673 77 23,524 49,412 45,640 83 13,522 17,520 55,019 9,759 2,980 297,017 41,148 2,476 1,618 22,331 9,146 3,853 43 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb LRMP code LRMP description FRE FRE MA14 MA15 Old Growth Riparian Vegetation GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP 2L 2L 2L 3W 3W 3W 4W 6L 6L 6M 8D 8D 9L 9L 9L A8 AA GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP 44 NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code OLDGROWTH RHCA 3 3 GIS area Hectares 15,263 26,369 AMA AW LSR AW LSR MLSA LSR LSR MAT MAT AW LSR AMA AW LSR CR CR DEV REC DEV REC LSR ADMIN SITES LSR LSR LSR LSR VISUAL VISUAL WSRIVER WSRIVER VISUAL VISUAL LSR CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 5 5 3 3 4 5 5 144 984 345 146 204 11 15 1,018 570 785 165 2,891 53 1,500 898 529 45,040 BL LSR LSR 4 973 DL DM DM EM EM ES ES F8 FS GD GD GL IL IL IM IX LS LS MAT AMA MAT AMA MAT AMA MAT AW LSR AW LSR AW AW LSR AW AW LSR MLSA VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES RNA UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS WILDLIFE LSR WILDLIFE WILDLIFE LSR LSR 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 178 65 300 1,164 3,671 1,616 15,525 462 3,621 5,790 78 316 429 1,050 545 1,438 103,823 3,498 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb GIP GIP ML MM LSR AMA LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES 4 2 GIS area Hectares 4,730 220 GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP MM MX MX NA NA NL NL QL QM QX QX RL RL RL RM RM SD MAT AMA MAT AMA LSR AMA MAT LSR AMA AMA MAT AMA AW LSR AMA AW AW WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WSRIVER LSR WSRIVER WSRIVER LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES SEMI-PRIMITIVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE UNIQUE AREAS 2 2 2 3 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 3 364 1,217 1,440 24 7,865 3,303 4,342 3,567 283 2,900 456 105 60 1,044 7,721 6,339 3,863 GIP SD LSR LSR 4 2,089 GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP GIP TS TS UD UD UD UH UH UH UL UL UL VL VL VL VL VM VM W6 AMA MAT AMA AW LSR AMA AW LSR AMA AW LSR AMA LSR MAT MLSA AMA MAT CR TIMBER TIMBER SEMI-PRIMITIVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE LSR VISUAL LSR VISUAL LSR VISUAL VISUAL CONG RESERVE 2 1 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 3 2 2 5 27,905 106,306 3,703 3,542 9,095 3,311 4,745 3,973 225 2,117 2,210 1,137 26,567 6,893 1,214 2,884 20,808 215 LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code LRMP code 45 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb LRMP code GIP GIP WW Y8 GIP MTH YC A10/DV/ SW A10/DV A10/SW/ DV A10 A11/A8/ DV A11/B1/ DV A11/B1/ DV A11/B5/ DV A11/DV/ SW A11/DV A11/DV A11/DV A11/SW/ DV A11/SW MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 46 A11 A12/B5/ SW/DV A12/SW/ DV A13/A4 A13/A8 A13/A9/ B8/B1/ B2/WR A13/B5/ B8/B1/ B2/WR A13/B8/ DV/WR A13/DV NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code CR AW CONG RESERVE RNA 5 5 GIS area Hectares 72,482 830 Developed Recreation Area AW AW RNA DEV REC 5 3 106 65 Developed Recreation Area Developed Recreation Area AW AW DEV REC DEV REC 3 3 208 81 Developed Recreation Area Winter Recreation Area LSR LSR LSR LSR 4 4 15 8 Winter Recreation Area AW DEV REC 3 148 Winter Recreation Area LSR LSR 4 70 Winter Recreation Area LSR LSR 4 23 Winter Recreation Area AW DEV REC 3 435 Winter Recreation Area Winter Recreation Area Winter Recreation Area Winter Recreation Area #N/A AW LSR AW DEV REC DEV REC LSR DEV REC 3 3 4 3 37 2,312 278 153 Winter Recreation Area Winter Recreation Area Outdoor Recreation AW AW Other DEV REC DEV REC UNIQUE AREAS 3 3 5 45 1,379 26 Outdoor Recreation Other UNIQUE AREAS 5 39 Bald Eagle Habitat Area Bald Eagle Habitat Area Bald Eagle Habitat Area AW AW LSR WILDLIFE WILDLIFE LSR 3 3 4 48 17 38 Bald Eagle Habitat Area LSR LSR 4 34 Bald Eagle Habitat Area AW WILDLIFE 3 42 Bald Eagle Habitat Area AW WILDLIFE 3 101 LRMP description A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb LRMP code MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective A13/DV A13 Bald Eagle Habitat Area Bald Eagle Habitat Area LSR AW LSR WILDLIFE 4 3 GIS area Hectares 19 114 A13 A2/A3/ B5 A2/A3 A2/A8/ A9 A2/A8/ B1 A2/A8/ B5/B1 A2/A8/ B5/SW A2/A8/ B5 A2/A8/ DV A2/A8/ SW A2/A8 A2/A9/ A8 A2/A9/ B5 A2/A9/ SW A2/A9 A2/B1 A2/B2/ B1 A2/B5/ B1 A2/B5/ DV A2/B5/ SW A2/B5 A2/DV A2/SEW Bald Eagle Habitat Area Wilderness Area LSR CR LSR CONG RESERVE 4 5 6 239 Wilderness Area Wilderness Area CR CR CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE 5 5 1,070 5 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 112 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 7 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 248 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 3,130 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 314 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 830 Wilderness Area Wilderness Area CR CR CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE 5 5 11,837 88 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 136 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 19 Wilderness Area Wilderness Area Wilderness Area CR CR CR CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE 5 5 5 674 1,261 21 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 83 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 63 Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 224 Wilderness Area Wilderness Area Wilderness Area CR CR CR CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE 5 5 5 4,236 402 185 47 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 48 LRMP code A2/SW/ DV A2/SW A2 A3/SW A3/SW A3 A4/A10/ DV A4/A8/ B5/DV A4/A8/ B5 A4/A8/ B5 A4/A8/ B8 A4/A8/ DV/SW A4/A8/ DV/SW A4/A8/ DV A4/A8/ DV A4/A8/ DV A4/A8 A4/A8 A4/A9/ B1/DV A4/A9/ B5/B1/ DV A4/A9/ DV A4/B1/ DV A4/B1/ DV A4/B2/ SW LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code Wilderness Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 GIS area Hectares 57 Wilderness Area Wilderness Area Research Natural Area Research Natural Area Research Natural Area Special Interest Area CR CR AW Other LSR AW CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE RNA RNA RNA UNIQUE AREAS 5 5 5 5 5 3 4,136 47,159 317 5 255 87 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 225 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 182 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 585 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 6 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 92 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 345 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 74 Special Interest Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 66 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 492 Special Interest Area Special Interest Area Special Interest Area AW LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR 3 4 4 671 1,388 104 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 12 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 8 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 576 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 183 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 46 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH LRMP code A4/B5/ B1/DV A4/B5/ DV/SW A4/B5/ DV A4/B5/ DV A4/B5 A4/B5 A4/DV/ SW A4/DV/ SW A4/DV A4/DV A4/DV A4/SW A4/SW A4/WR/ DV A4 A4 A5/A8/ B5/DV A5/A8/ B5/SW/ DV A5/A8/ B5 A5/A8/ DV A5/A8/ SW/DV A5/A8/ SW A5/A8 A5/B5/ B1/DV A5/B5/ DV Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 GIS area Hectares 68 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 26 Special Interest Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 173 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 371 Special Interest Area Special Interest Area Special Interest Area AW LSR AW UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS 3 4 3 387 252 32 Special Interest Area LSR LSR 4 357 Special Interest Area Special Interest Area Special Interest Area Special Interest Area Special Interest Area Special Interest Area AW CR LSR AW LSR AW UNIQUE AREAS CONG RESERVE LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS 3 5 4 3 4 3 1,479 17 3,726 10 12 272 Special Interest Area Special Interest Area AW LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR 3 4 3,314 3,710 Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 165 Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 250 Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 271 Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 356 Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 170 Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 7 Unroaded Area Unroaded Area LSR CR LSR CONG RESERVE 4 5 342 183 Unroaded Area AW SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 3 30 49 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 50 LRMP code A5/B5/ DV A5/B5 A5/B5 A5/DV A5/DV A5/SW/ DV A5/SW/ DV A5/SW A5/SW A5 A5 A6/A8/ B5/DV A6/A8/ B5 A6/A8/ DV A6/A8 A6/A8 A6/B5/ DV A6/B5 A6/B5 A6/DV A6/SW A6/SW A6 A6 A7/A9/B5 A7/A9/ SW A7/B1/ DV A7/B5/ B1/DV A7/B5/ B8/SW Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 GIS area Hectares 13 Unroaded Area Unroaded Area Unroaded Area Unroaded Area Unroaded Area AW LSR AW LSR AW SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 3 4 3 4 3 197 143 1,366 1,107 119 Unroaded Area LSR LSR 4 728 Unroaded Area Unroaded Area Unroaded Area Unroaded Area Roaded Recreation AW LSR AW LSR LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR LSR 3 4 3 4 4 489 72 1,138 1,222 16 Roaded Recreation AW SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 3 49 Roaded Recreation LSR LSR 4 9 Roaded Recreation Roaded Recreation AW LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR 3 4 32 41 Roaded Recreation LSR LSR 4 89 Roaded Recreation Roaded Recreation Roaded Recreation Roaded Recreation Roaded Recreation Roaded Recreation Roaded Recreation Special Old Growth Special Old Growth AW LSR LSR AW LSR AW LSR LSR LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR LSR LSR 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 11 23 999 174 38 772 90 12 22 Special Old Growth LSR LSR 4 158 Special Old Growth LSR LSR 4 35 Special Old Growth AW OLDGROWTH 3 52 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH LRMP code A7/B5/ B8/SW A7/B5/ SW A7/B5/ SW A7/B5 A7/B8/ DV/SW A7/B8/ DV/SW A7/B8/ SW A7/DV/ SW A7/DV A7/DV A7/SW A7/SW A7 A7 A9/A1/ B5 A9/A1/ B5 A9/A4/ DV/SW A9/A5/ B5 A9/A5 A9/A8/ B1/DV A9/A8/ B5/B1/ DV A9/A8/ B5/DV A9/A8/ B5/SW A9/A8/ B5 Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Special Old Growth LSR LSR 4 GIS area Hectares 9 Special Old Growth AW OLDGROWTH 3 42 Special Old Growth LSR LSR 4 15 Special Old Growth Special Old Growth AW AW OLDGROWTH OLDGROWTH 3 3 32 71 Special Old Growth LSR LSR 4 22 Special Old Growth AW OLDGROWTH 3 13 Special Old Growth AW OLDGROWTH 3 15 Special Old Growth Special Old Growth Special Old Growth Special Old Growth Special Old Growth Special Old Growth Key Site Riparian Area AW LSR AW LSR AW LSR AW OLDGROWTH LSR OLDGROWTH LSR OLDGROWTH LSR RHCA 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 6 27 69 22 93 46 11 Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 7 Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 5 Key Site Riparian Area AW RHCA 3 26 Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area AW LSR RHCA LSR 3 4 36 20 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 52 Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 29 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 292 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 322 51 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 52 LRMP code A9/A8/ B5 A9/A8/ DV A9/A8/ DV A9/A8/ SW A9/A8 A9/A8 A9/B1/ B2 A9/B1/ DV/WR A9/B1/ DV A9/B1/ DV A9/B1/ DV A9/B11 A9/B2/ WR A9/B2 A9/B5/ B1/B2 A9/B5/ B1/DV/ WR A9/B5/ B1/DV A9/B5/ B1/DV A9/B5/ B1/DV A9/B5/ DV A9/B5/ DV A9/B5/ DV Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 GIS area Hectares 40 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 74 Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 45 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 195 Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area LSR Other LSR LSR RHCA LSR 4 3 4 162 25 104 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 122 Key Site Riparian Area AW RHCA 3 92 Key Site Riparian Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 90 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 633 Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Other Other RHCA RHCA 3 3 79 16 Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Other LSR RHCA LSR 3 4 18 9 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 325 Key Site Riparian Area AW RHCA 3 27 Key Site Riparian Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 71 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 30 Key Site Riparian Area AW RHCA 3 8 Key Site Riparian Area CR CONG RESERVE 5 10 Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 161 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH LRMP code A9/B5/ SW A9/B5/ SW A9/B5 A9/B5 A9/B8/ B1/B2 A9/DV/ SW A9/DV A9/DV A9/DV A9/DV A9/SW/ DV A9/SW/ DV A9/SW A9/SW A9/WR A9 A9 Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 GIS area Hectares 15 Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 10 Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area LSR Other LSR LSR RHCA LSR 4 3 4 38 495 88 Key Site Riparian Area LSR LSR 4 184 Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area AW CR LSR Other LSR RHCA CONG RESERVE LSR RHCA LSR 3 5 4 3 4 27 80 450 477 92 Key Site Riparian Area Other RHCA 3 53 Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area Key Site Riparian Area LSR Other Other LSR LSR RHCA RHCA LSR 4 3 3 4 213 277 89 512 Other LSR CR RHCA LSR CONG RESERVE 3 4 5 1,308 20 210 LSR LSR 4 359 CR AW CONG RESERVE WSRIVER 5 3 103 27 CR CONG RESERVE 5 226 LSR LSR 4 772 Other WSRIVER 3 42 AW CR LSR WSRIVER CONG RESERVE LSR 3 5 4 15 26 50 Key Site Riparian Area B1/A8/B2 Wild & Scenic River Corridor B1/A8/ Wild and Scenic River Corridor B5/DV B1/A8/ Wild and Scenic River Corridor B5/DV B1/A8/B5 Wild and Scenic River Corridor B1/A8/ Wild and Scenic River Corridor DV B1/A8/ Wild and Scenic River Corridor DV B1/A8/ Wild and Scenic River Corridor DV B1/A8/ Wild and Scenic River Corridor DV B1/A8 Wild and Scenic River Corridor B1/A8 Wild and Scenic River Corridor B1/B2/ Wild and Scenic River Corridor A8/B5 53 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb LRMP code MTH MTH B1/B2 B1/B2 MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH B1/B5/ DV/SW B1/B5/ DV/WR B1/B5/ DV B1/B5/ DV B1/B5/ DV B1/B5/ DV B1/B5 B1/DV/ SW B1/DV/ WR B1/DV B1/DV B1/DV B1/DV B10/A8 MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH B10/B5 B10/B5 B10/B5 B10/DV B10/SW B10 B10 B10 B11/A8 B11/B5 B11 B11 B12/A8 B12/B5 B12/B5 MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 54 Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Wild and Scenic River Corridor Wild and Scenic River Corridor Wild and Scenic River Corridor LSR Other LSR LSR WSRIVER LSR 4 3 4 GIS area Hectares 40 19 7 Wild and Scenic River Corridor AW WSRIVER 3 21 Wild and Scenic River Corridor AW WSRIVER 3 146 Wild and Scenic River Corridor CR CONG RESERVE 5 359 Wild and Scenic River Corridor LSR LSR 4 547 Wild and Scenic River Corridor Other WSRIVER 3 36 Wild and Scenic River Corridor Wild and Scenic River Corridor LSR LSR LSR LSR 4 4 7 7 Wild and Scenic River Corridor LSR LSR 4 116 Wild and Scenic River Corridor Wild and Scenic River Corridor Wild and Scenic River Corridor Wild and Scenic River Corridor Deer Winter Range AW CR LSR Other Other WSRIVER CONG RESERVE LSR WSRIVER WILDLIFE/UNGULATES 3 5 4 3 2 1,130 1,304 3,534 361 35 Deer Winter Range Deer Winter Range Deer Winter Range Deer Winter Range Deer Winter Range Deer Winter Range Deer Winter Range Deer Winter Range 0 0 0 0 Backcountry Lake Area Backcountry Lake Area Backcountry Lake Area AW LSR Other Other Other AW LSR Other Other Other LSR Other Other LSR Other WILDLIFE/UNGULATES LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 2 2 4 2 14 169 350 20 456 326 369 3,106 14 600 499 3,494 118 93 168 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH LRMP code B12/DV/ SW B12/DV/ SW B12/DV B12/SW/ DV B12/SW B12 B12 B2/A8/ B5/SW B2/A8/ B5 B2/A8/ B5 B2/A8/ SW B2/A8 B2/A8 B2/A8 B2/A9/ SW B2/B5/ SW B2/B5/ WR B2/B5/ WR B2/B5 B2/B5 B2/B5 B2/B5 B2/DV B2/SW B2/SW B2/WR/ SW B2/WR B2/WR Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Backcountry Lake Area LSR LSR 4 GIS area Hectares 10 Backcountry Lake Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 72 Backcountry Lake Area Backcountry Lake Area Other Other UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS 2 2 73 71 Backcountry Lake Area Backcountry Lake Area Backcountry Lake Area Scenic Viewshed Other LSR Other LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR 2 4 2 4 156 421 468 43 Scenic Viewshed LSR LSR 4 894 Scenic Viewshed Other VISUAL 2 1,202 Scenic Viewshed LSR LSR 4 295 Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed AW LSR Other LSR VISUAL LSR VISUAL LSR 3 4 2 4 15 2,257 2,756 6 Scenic Viewshed Other VISUAL 2 109 Scenic Viewshed LSR LSR 4 316 Scenic Viewshed Other VISUAL 2 16 Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed AW CR LSR Other AW LSR Other Other VISUAL CONG RESERVE LSR VISUAL VISUAL LSR VISUAL VISUAL 3 5 4 2 3 4 2 2 121 21 1,041 3,302 18 1,657 4,810 14 Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed AW LSR VISUAL LSR 3 4 22 1,058 55 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb LRMP code MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective B2/WR B2 Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Other #N/A VISUAL VISUAL 2 2 GIS area Hectares 915 41 VISUAL CONG RESERVE LSR VISUAL LSR 3 5 4 2 4 1,068 75 9,958 35,928 34 LSR LSR 4 132 LSR LSR 4 241 MTH B3/B5 Other VISUAL 2 138 MTH B3/DV LSR LSR 4 672 MTH B3/DV Other VISUAL 2 145 MTH LSR LSR 4 151 Other VISUAL 2 244 MTH B3/SW/ DV B3/SW/ DV B3/SW Other VISUAL 2 219 MTH B3 LSR LSR 4 1,378 MTH B3 Other VISUAL 2 1,744 MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH B4/B5 B4/DV B4 B4 B5/SW Other Other LSR Other Other WILDLIFE WILDLIFE LSR WILDLIFE WILDLIFE 2 2 4 2 2 550 7 363 5,381 134 MTH B6/A8/ B5/DV B6/A8/ B5/DV B6/A8/ B5 Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Scenic Viewshed Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Roaded Recreation (limited harvest, old C3) Pine/Oak (Wildlife Emphasis) Pine/Oak (Wildlife Emphasis) Pine/Oak (Wildlife Emphasis) Pine/Oak (Wildlife Emphasis) Woodpecker/Marten Management Area Special Emphasis Watershed AW CR LSR Other LSR MTH B2 B2 B2 B2 B3/A8/ DV B3/B5/ DV B3/B5 LSR LSR 4 143 Special Emphasis Watershed Other WATERSHED 2 216 Special Emphasis Watershed LSR LSR 4 385 MTH MTH MTH MTH 56 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH LRMP code B6/A8/ B5 B6/A8/ DV B6/A8/ DV B6/A8 B6/A8 B6/B5/ DV B6/B5/ DV B6/B5 B6/B5 B6/DV B6/DV B6/DV B6 B6 B6 B8/A8/ B1/B2 B8/A8/ B2 B8/A8/ B2 B8/B1/B2 B8/B1/ DV B8/B1/ DV B8/B12/ DV/SW B8/B2/ WR B8/B2 B8/B5/ B1/B2/ WR Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Special Emphasis Watershed Other WATERSHED 2 GIS area Hectares 500 Special Emphasis Watershed LSR LSR 4 63 Special Emphasis Watershed Other WATERSHED 2 287 Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed LSR Other LSR LSR WATERSHED LSR 4 2 4 1,031 1,178 945 Special Emphasis Watershed Other WATERSHED 2 653 Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Special Emphasis Watershed Earthflow Area LSR Other AW LSR Other AW LSR Other LSR LSR WATERSHED WATERSHED LSR WATERSHED WATERSHED LSR WATERSHED LSR 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 4 394 2,800 19 4,153 1,553 21 4,296 27,038 55 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 23 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 72 Earthflow Area Earthflow Area LSR LSR LSR LSR 4 4 38 308 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 33 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 27 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 8 Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Other LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR 2 4 60 46 57 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 58 LRMP code B8/B5/ B1/B2/ WR B8/B5/ B1/B2 B8/B5/ B1/DV/ WR B8/B5/ B2/WR B8/B5/ B2 B8/B5/ DV/SW B8/B5/ DV/SW B8/B5/ DV/WR B8/B5/ DV/WR B8/B5/ DV B8/B5/ DV B8/B5/ SW/DV B8/B5/ SW/DV B8/B5/ SW B8/B5/ SW B8/B5/ WR B8/B5/ WR B8/B5 B8/B5 B8/DV/ SW B8/DV/ SW LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 GIS area Hectares 21 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 5 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 38 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 19 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 14 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 77 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 31 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 12 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 168 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 9 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 90 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 93 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 12 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 16 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 134 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 6 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 30 Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Earthflow Area LSR Other AW LSR UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS 4 2 3 19 53 6 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 1,800 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH LRMP code B8/DV/ SW B8/DV/ WR B8/DV/ WR B8/DV/ WR B8/DV B8/DV B8/SW B8/WR B8/WR B8 B8 B9/A8/B5 B9/A8/ DV B9/A8 B9/B5/ DV B9/B5 B9/DV B9/DV B9 C1/A2/ DV C1/A8/B5 C1/A8/B5 C1/A8/ DV C1/A8 C1/A8 C1/B5 C1/B5 C1/B6 C1/SW C1 C1 C1 LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 GIS area Hectares 1,564 Earthflow Area AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 20 Earthflow Area LSR LSR 4 161 Earthflow Area Other UNIQUE AREAS 2 2,622 Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Earthflow Area Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis LSR Other Other LSR Other LSR Other Other Other LSR UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS WILDLIFE WILDLIFE 4 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 150 1,246 2,698 13 836 35 879 56 26 Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis Other WILDLIFE 2 41 Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis Other WILDLIFE 2 453 Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis Other WILDLIFE 2 132 Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis Wildlife/Visuals Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis AW Other Other LSR WILDLIFE WILDLIFE WILDLIFE LSR 3 2 2 4 13 1,732 13 52 Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis LSR Other LSR LSR TIMBER LSR 4 1 4 674 813 133 Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis Wood Product Emphasis LSR Other LSR Other LSR Other #N/A AW LSR LSR TIMBER LSR TIMBER LSR TIMBER TIMBER TIMBER LSR 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 3 4 780 2,324 1,244 5,550 198 459 87 216 14,551 59 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 60 LRMP code C1 DA1/ DA8/ DB5 DA1/ DA8 DA1/ DA8 DA1/ DB2 DA1/DB5 DA1/DB5 DA1/ EB2/ SW DA1 DA1 DA1 DA13/ DA1 DA13/ DA8/ DA1 DA2/ DB5 DA2 DA3/ DA1/ DA8 DA3/ DA1/ DB5 DA3/ DA1 DA3/ DA8/ DA1/ DB5 DA3/ DA8/ DA1 DA3 Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Wood Product Emphasis Bull Run (Physical Drainage) Other LSR TIMBER LSR 1 4 GIS area Hectares 67,426 403 Bull Run (Physical Drainage) AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 134 Bull Run (Physical Drainage) LSR LSR 4 2,978 Bull Run (Physical Drainage) LSR LSR 4 31 Bull Run (Physical Drainage) Bull Run (Physical Drainage) Bull Run (Physical Drainage) AW LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR 3 4 4 209 1,961 11 Bull Run (Physical Drainage) Bull Run (Physical Drainage) Bull Run (Physical Drainage) Bull Run (Bald Eagle Habitat Area) AW CR LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS CONG RESERVE LSR LSR 3 5 4 4 5,430 10 17,392 17 Bull Run (Bald Eagle Habitat Area) LSR LSR 4 15 Bull Run (North Buffer) LSR LSR 4 125 Bull Run (North Buffer) LSR LSR 4 455 Bull Run (Research Natural Area Expansion) LSR RNA 5 46 Bull Run or Big Bend Research Natural Area LSR RNA 5 388 Bull Run (Research Natural Area) LSR RNA 5 1,264 Bull Run (Research Natural Area) LSR RNA 5 74 Bull Run (Research Natural Area) LSR RNA 5 411 Bull Run (Research Natural Area) LSR RNA 5 192 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH LRMP code Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Bull Run (Key Site Riparian Area) LSR LSR 4 GIS area Hectares 39 Bull Run (Key Site Riparian Area) LSR LSR 4 157 Bull Run (Key Site Riparian Area) Bull Run (Key Site Riparian Area) Bull Run (Scenic Viewshed) AW LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR 3 4 4 234 138 54 Bull Run (Scenic Viewshed) Bull Run (Scenic Viewshed) Bull Run (Earthflow Area) AW LSR AW UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS 3 4 3 12 208 80 Bull Run (Earthflow Area) AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 53 Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 137 Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) LSR LSR 4 13 Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) DC1/DB5 Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) DC1 Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) DC1 Bull Run (Buffer-Wood Products Emphasis) EA1/ CRGNSA (Scenic Area) EA8/ EB5 EA1/EA8 CRGNSA (Scenic Area) EA1/EB5 CRGNSA (Scenic Area) EA1 CRGNSA (Scenic Area) EA1 CRGNSA (Scenic Area) AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 292 LSR LSR 4 385 AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 710 LSR LSR 4 381 AW UNIQUE AREAS 3 457 LSR LSR 4 503 LSR LSR 4 911 LSR LSR AW LSR LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR 4 4 3 4 2,884 941 106 7,609 DA9/ DA1/ DB5 DA9/ DA1 DA9 DA9 DB2/ EB2/ DB5/ EB5 DB2 DB2 DB8/ DA8 DB8/ DB5 DC1/ DA8/ DB5 DC1/ DA8/ DB5 DC1/ DA8 DC1/ DA8 DC1/DB5 61 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code EA12 EA12 CRGNSA (Outdoor Education Area) CRGNSA (Outdoor Education Area) AW LSR UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS 3 5 GIS area Hectares 14 161 CRGNSA (Bald Eagle Habitat Area) CRGNSA (Special Interest Area) CRGNSA (Key Site Riparian Area) CRGNSA (Key Site Riparian Area) CRGNSA (Scenic Viewshed) CRGNSA (Scenic Viewshed) LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR 4 4 4 4 4 4 60 56 21 71 8 31 CRGNSA (Scenic Viewshed) LSR LSR 4 8 MTH MTH MTH MTH OKA EA13 EA4 EA9/EB5 EA9 EB2/DB2 EB2/ EA8/ EB5 EB2/ EA8/ SW EB2/EA8 EB2/EB5 EB2/SW EB2 04 LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 4 4 4 4 3 247 8 31 510 5,018 OKA 04M CRGNSA (Scenic Viewshed) CRGNSA (Scenic Viewshed) CRGNSA (Scenic Viewshed) CRGNSA (Scenic Viewshed) Semi-Primitive Non-Motorized Recreation Summer and Fall Semi-Primitive Motorized Recreation OKA 05 OKA 08 OKA OKA OKA 11 12 14 OKA 15 OKA OKA OKA OKA 17 18 24 25 OKA 26 OKA 30 OKA 31 Forestb LRMP code MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH 62 SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 3 2,252 Roaded Natural Recreation and Scenic Viewing, Retention or Partial Retention Designated Research Natural Areas VISUAL 2 26,277 RNA Bighorn Sheep Habitat Management Lynx Habitat Management Deer Winter Range—Wood Fiber Production Designated Wilderness Unmodified Primitive Developed Recreation Opportunities Designated Botanical Area Mineral Exploration & Development Intensive Timber and Range Management Deer Winter Range Roaded Modified Recreation Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 04 Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 04M WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE WILDLIFE/UNGULATES 5 2 2 2 4,179 1,574 30,212 39,075 CONG RESERVE 5 64,111 DEV REC RNA TIMBER TIMBER 3 5 1 1 439 975 1,567 81,333 WILDLIFE/UNGULATES 2 24,376 LSR LSR 3 28,359 LSR LSR 3 5,860 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb LRMP code OKA 32 OKA OKA 33 34 OKA 35 OKA 36 OKA 37 OKA 38 OKA OKA 39 40 OKA 41 OKA 42 OKA OKA 43 44 OKA 45 OKA 46 OKA OKA 47 48 OKA OKA 49 51 OKA 52 OLY OLY OLY A1A A1A LRMP description Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 05 Matrix, Management Area 05 Administratively Withdrawn, Management Area 07 North Cascades Scenic Highway Corridor Administratively Withdrawn, Management Area 08 Administratively Withdrawn, Management Area 10 Mountain Goat Habitat Management Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 10 Mountain Goat Habitat Management Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 14 Matrix, Management Area 14 Congressionally Reserved, Management Area 15A Designated Wilderness Unmodified Pristine Congressionally Reserved, Management Area 15B Late Successional Reserve, Management Area 17 Matrix, Management Area 17 Administratively Withdrawn, Management Area 17 Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 24 Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 25 Matrix, Management Area 25 Late-Successional Reserve, Management Area 26 Matrix, Management Area 26 Administratively Withdrawn, Management Area 14 Administratively Withdrawn, Management Area 26 WSR Scenic Undev Rec Motorized Undev Rec Motorized Land class code NWFP code Management area primary objective LSR LSR 3 GIS area Hectares 26,998 Other AW VISUAL VISUAL 2 3 12,705 32,709 AW RNA 5 58 AW WILDLIFE 3 2,801 LSR LSR 3 10,500 LSR LSR 3 2,885 Other CR WILDLIFE CONG RESERVE 2 5 13,999 52,931 CR CONG RESERVE 5 137,006 LSR LSR 3 1,777 Other AW DEV REC DEV REC 3 3 28 34 LSR LSR 3 3,076 LSR LSR 3 35,484 Other LSR TIMBER LSR 1 3 35,740 1,214 Other AW WILDLIFE WILDLIFE/UNGULATES 2 3 5,334 84 AW WILDLIFE/UNGULATES 3 49 CR AMA LSR CONG RESERVE SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR 5 3 4 35,332 374 13,499 63 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb LRMP code OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY OLY ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG 64 Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective A1B A1B Undev Rec Motorized Undev Rec Motorized AMA LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR 3 4 GIS area Hectares 219 2,288 A2 A2 A2 A3 A3 A4AS A4AS A4AW A4BG A4BG A4BM A4BM A4BN A4BN C3 Scenic Scenic Scenic Developed Rec and Admin Sites Developed Rec and Admin Sites WSR Scenic WSR Scenic WSR Scenic General Level River Corridor General Level River Corridor Minimum Level River Corridor Minimum Level River Corridor Natural Level River Corridor Natural Level River Corridor Eagle Habitat #N/A AMA LSR AMA LSR AMA LSR LSR AMA LSR AMA LSR AMA LSR AMA VISUAL VISUAL LSR DEV REC LSR WSRIVER LSR WSRIVER VISUAL LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR VISUAL LSR WILDLIFE 2 2 4 3 4 2 4 5 2 4 3 4 2 4 3 24 3,963 13,604 87 197 29 1,486 582 898 3,379 16 464 17 3,917 117 C3 E1 E1 F1 F1 J2 J2 J3 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 Eagle Habitat Timber Management Timber Management Municipal Watershed Municipal Watershed Research Natural Areas Research Natural Areas Botanical Research Areas Backcountry Non-Motorized Developed Recreation Special Interest Area Foreground Retention Foreground Partial Retention Middleground Retention Middleground Partial Retention Wild River Scenic River Botanical Area Wilderness Big Game Winter Range LSR AMA LSR AMA LSR AMA LSR LSR AW AW AW MAT MAT MAT MAT CR CR AW CR MAT LSR TIMBER LSR WATERSHED LSR RNA RNA UNIQUE AREAS SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC DEV REC UNIQUE AREAS VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE UNIQUE AREAS CONG RESERVE WILDLIFE/UNGULATES OLDGROWTH 4 2 4 2 4 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 5 3 5 2 3 330 43,762 111,457 2,530 13,854 91 534 1,285 5,252 2,362 7,283 4,309 945 98 1,578 810 3,974 2,262 37,480 15,333 414 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb LRMP code ROG ROG Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective 16 20 Mature Habitat Timber Suitable 1 MAT MAT OLDGROWTH TIMBER 2 1 GIS area Hectares 92 23,214 ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG ROG SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS 21 22 23 25 26 27 27 28 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 Timber Suitable 2 MAT AW MAT AW RR AMA AMA LSR CR CR AMA AMA AMA AMA AMA TIMBER WATERSHED WATERSHED RNA RHCA AMA AMA LSR CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE RNA UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS PRIMITIVE WATERSHED 1 3 2 5 3 2 2 3 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 146 4,187 11,558 2,556 49,086 30,378 22 49,300 94,267 2,064 1,885 6,582 860 16,708 10,735 SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIS SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU SIU 10 111 112 113 12 13 13 14 14 14A R RM AMA AMA RR RR RR MAT #N/A MAT #N/A MAT AMA LSR LSR WILDLIFE WSRIVER RHCA RHCA RHCA VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL TIMBER TIMBER ADMIN SITES LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS RNA RNA DUNESNRA CONG RESERVE LSR NOT KNOWN RHCA 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 3 3 3 5 5 NA 5 4 NK 3 4,195 4,371 2,403 5,582 10,813 701 25 12,010 13 57,644 7,610 202,631 602 17 17,971 34,936 14,239 11,118 144,874 1,607 30,658 Managed Watershed Research Natural Area Riparian Reserve Adaptive Management Area Adaptive Management Area Late-Successional Reserve Wilderness Wild River Research Natural Areas Botanical Unique Interest Backcountry Rec. Supplemental Resource Special Wildlife Site Scenic/Recreation River Riparian Reserve Riparian Reserve Riparian Reserve Retention Visual Partial Retention Visual Partial Retention Visual Matrix Matrix Administrative Study Areas Late Successional Reserves Late Successional Reserves Cascade Head SRA Research Natural Area Research Natural Area Oregon Dunes NRA Wilderness Silverspot Butterfly Unknown (preempted by NWFP) Unknown (preempted by NWFP) AMA AMR AW CR LSR ND Other 65 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb UMP UMP 01XX 01XX AMA AW SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC 5 5 GIS area Hectares 473 5,713 UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP 01XX 02XX 03XX 04EX 04XX LSR AW AW CR CR LSR DEV REC DEV REC CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE 4 3 3 5 5 3,130 3,455 1,543 1,056 28,007 UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP 05XX 06XX 06XX 06XX 06XX 07XX 07XX 08XX 09XX 09XX 10FM 10XX AW AMA AW LSR Other LSR Other AW AW LSR LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR WSRIVER UNIQUE AREAS RNA LSR LSR 3 3 3 4 3 4 3 3 5 4 4 14,950 6 167 1,770 51 2,461 129 297 15 979 2,672 UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP UMP 10XX 10XX 10XX 10XX 11FM 11XX 11XX 11XX 11XX 11XX 11XX 12RX 12SX 12TX 12TX 12WX 13TX 13TX AMA LSR LSR LSR Other LSR AMA AW LSR LSR LSR Other LSR LSR LSR Other LSR LSR LSR VISUAL LSR LSR LSR VISUAL LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES LSR LSR LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES LSR LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR LSR 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 2 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 18,293 59,541 4,609 5,863 111,745 1,042 5,841 121 21,318 1,213 2,156 48,500 1,283 18 21,136 21 21,070 1,107 371 66 LRMP description ROGUE/UMPQUA ROGUE/UMPQUA, MT. THIELSEN, OR BOULDER CR OCRA Cow Creek Geologic SIA or other Cow Creek Geologic SIA or other NU WILD & SCENI NU WILD & SCENI SQUAW FLAT SQUAW FLAT OR LIMPY ROCK NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code LRMP code A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code Other Other UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS 3 3 GIS area Hectares 5,315 444 PRIMITIVE UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR WILDLIFE/UNGULATES RHCA WILDLIFE LSR LSR WILDLIFE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE TIMBER TIMBER 5 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 3 2 586 1,770 7,103 5,443 39,664 244 3,242 4,974 39 19 389 3,585 16 44 18,400 LSR LSR TIMBER UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR OLDGROWTH LSR DEV REC DEV REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR LSR LSR 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 73,086 15,838 77,405 2,614 71 2,934 418 519 1,817 144 115 13,606 4,053 17,273 1,073 7,412 14,642 2,680 33,626 290 2,222 Forestb LRMP code UMP UMP 13TX 13WX UMP WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN 14XX EF1 EW1 EW1 EW1 EW2 EW3 EW3 EW3 EW3 FS_PEN FS_PEN FS_PEN GF GF GF Experimental Forest Key Wildlife Range Key Wildlife Range Key Wildlife Range Riparian Zone Unroaded Wildlife Area Unroaded Wildlife Area Unroaded Wildlife Area Unroaded Wildlife Area FS Ownship—Alloc Pending FS Ownship—Alloc Pending FS Ownship—Alloc Pending General Forest General Forest General Forest AW AW LSR MLSA MAT RR AW LSR MLSA MAT AMA #N/A MAT AW AMA LSR WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN GF GF MP1 MP1 MP1 OG1 OG1 RE1 RE1 RE1 RE2A RE2A RE2A RE2B RE2B RE3 RE3 RE3 RE3 RE4 General Forest General Forest Mather Memorial Parkway Mather Memorial Parkway Mather Memorial Parkway Dedicated Old Growth Dedicated Old Growth Developed Recreation Developed Recreation Developed Recreation Unroaded Motorized—No 4×4s Unroaded Motorized—No 4×4s Unroaded Motorized—No 4×4s Unroaded Motorized—4×4s OK Unroaded Motorized—4×4s OK Unroaded Non-Motorized Unroaded Non-Motorized Unroaded Non-Motorized Unroaded Non-Motorized Unroaded Harvest MLSA MAT AW LSR MLSA AW LSR AW AMA LSR AW AMA LSR AW LSR AW AMA LSR MLSA LSR LRMP description 67 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 Forestb LRMP code WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WEN WIN WIN WIN 68 Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective RE4 RM1 Unroaded Harvest Range Management MAT LSR TIMBER LSR 2 3 GIS area Hectares 739 304 RM1 RN1 RN1 SI1 SI1 SI1 SI1 SI2 SI2 SI2 ST1 ST1 ST1 ST1 ST1 Range Management Research Natural Area Research Natural Area Special Interest Area—Scenic Special Interest Area—Scenic Special Interest Area—Scenic Special Interest Area—Scenic Spec Int Area—Ecological, etc. Spec Int Area—Ecological, etc. Spec Int Area—Ecological, etc. Scenic Travel—Retention Scenic Travel—Retention Scenic Travel—Retention Scenic Travel—Retention Scenic Travel—Retention MAT AW LSR AW AMA LSR MLSA AW LSR MLSA AW AMA #N/A LSR MLSA WILDLIFE/UNGULATES RNA RNA UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR UNIQUE AREAS LSR LSR VISUAL VISUAL CONG RESERVE LSR LSR 2 5 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 5 3 3 6,781 187 870 10,413 7,775 15,311 857 823 545 259 349 8,100 5 17,846 1,557 ST1 ST2 ST2 ST2 ST2 ST2 ST2 WI WI WI WI WS1 WS1 WS1 WS2 WS2 WS2 WS3 10 10 12 Scenic Travel—Retention Scenic Travel—Partial Retention Scenic Travel—Partial Retention Scenic Travel—Partial Retention Scenic Travel—Partial Retention Scenic Travel—Partial Retention Scenic Travel—Partial Retention Wilderness Wilderness Wilderness Wilderness Scenic River Scenic River Scenic River Recreational River Recreational River Recreational River Wild River Big Game Winter Range Big Game Winter Range Timber Production MAT AW AMA #N/A LSR MLSA MAT AMA CR #N/A MAT AMA LSR MAT AMA LSR MAT AW VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL CONG RESERVE LSR LSR VISUAL CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE WSRIVER LSR WSRIVER WSRIVER LSR WSRIVER WSRIVER WILDLIFE/UNGULATES WILDLIFE/UNGULATES TIMBER 2 3 2 5 3 3 2 5 5 5 5 2 3 2 2 3 2 5 2 2 1 21,028 70 3,103 31 43,757 5,542 43,086 43 341,752 10 11 1,250 1,589 918 530 4,482 1,571 58 15,039 945 186,974 Other A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Forestb LRMP code WIN WIN Land class code LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective 12 12 Timber Production Timber Production LSR Other LSR TIMBER 3 1 GIS area Hectares 155 32,605 WIN WIN WIN WIN 13 13 15 16 LSR RNA RNA TIMBER LSR 5 5 1 3 594 473 15,613 23,442 WIN 16 LSR LSR 3 36 WIN 16 Other LSR 3 1,040 WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN 18 18 1A 1B 1C 1C 2 2 2 3A Research Natural Areas Research Natural Areas Upper Williamson Late Successional Reserves/Enhance LSR Conditions Late Successional Reserves/Enhance LSR Conditions Late Successional Reserves/Enhance LSR Conditions Riapian Reserve In Matrix Riapian Reserve In Matrix Yamsay Mountain Brown Mountain Pelican Butte Pelican Butte Developed Recreation In LSR Developed Recreation In LSR Developed Recreation In LSR LSR Other LSR RHCA SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC LSR DEV REC DEV REC LSR 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2,305 4,450 3,423 1,341 3,009 1,530 160 239 776 WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN 3A 3A 3B 3B 3C 3C 3C 4AD 4AP 4AP 4B 4C 4C 4D VISUAL LSR VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL VISUAL LSR VISUAL SEMI-PRIMITIVE REC UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS UNIQUE AREAS VISUAL VISUAL UNIQUE AREAS 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5,302 38 3,162 6,665 1,451 13,112 212 10,323 219 79 111 12 681 211 3,042 WIN 4D UNIQUE AREAS 5 2,887 WIN 5 WSRIVER 3 931 Scenic FG-R In Matrix Scenic FG-R Scenic FG-R In Matrix Scenic FG-PR Scenic FG-PR Scenic MG-PR Scenic MG-PR Scenic MG-PR Devils Garden Geologic Area Pinnacles Geologic Area Pinnacles Geologic Area Mares’ Egg Spring Botanical Area Williamson River Gorge Scenic Area Williamson River Gorge Scenic Area Saddle Mountain Cultural Resource Area Saddle Mountain Cultural Resource Area Sycan National Wild And Scenic River LSR LSR AW LSR AW LSR LSR Other Other LSR Other AW AW AW AW 69 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 LRMP description NWFP code Management area primary objective Land class code 6A 6B Mount Thielsen Wilderness Sky Lakes Wilderness CR CR CONG RESERVE CONG RESERVE 5 5 GIS area Hectares 10,545 17,838 WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN WIN 6C 7 7 7OG 7OG 8 9A 9A 9A 9B CR CONG RESERVE OLDGROWTH OLDGROWTH OLDGROWTH OLDGROWTH RHCA WILDLIFE WILDLIFE LSR WILDLIFE 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 9,301 7,660 1,059 8,076 1,190 15,408 1,328 1,114 382 782 WIN 9B LSR LSR 3 923 WIN WIN 9B 9B LSR Other LSR WILDLIFE 3 2 26 2,161 WIN WIN 9C 9C Mountain Lakes Wilderness Old-Growth Ecosystems Old-Growth Ecosystems Old-Growth Aesthetics Old-Growth Aesthetics Riparian Areas Bald Eagle Nest And Recovery Sites Bald Eagle Nest And Recovery Sites Bald Eagle Nest And Recovery Sites Bald Eagle Replacement Habitat In Matrix Bald Eagle Replacement Habitat In LSR Bald Eagle Nest And Recovery Sites Bald Eagle Replacement Habitat In Matrix Bald Eagle Winter Roosting Habitat Bald Eagle Winter Roosting Habitat In LSR AW WILDLIFE 3 77 LSR LSR 3 894 Forestb LRMP code WIN WIN AW AW AW LSR a See table 1 for an explanation of the land class codes. Northwest Forest Plan code descriptions are given in table 5. b See table 6 for a list of forest codes. GIS = Geographic information system. LRMP = Land and Resource Management Plan. Note: Two forests within the Northwest Forest Plan area have merged allocations, the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie and the Willamette; in these cases, the LRMP code and description refer to the merged allocation, rather than that of the original forest LRMP. See table 1 for an explanation of the land class codes. 70 A Spatial Database for Restoration Management Capability on National Forests in the Pacific Northwest USA Table 5 —Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) codes and descriptions NWFP code AMA AMR AW CR LSR MAT MLSA ND Other RR NWFP land use allocation Adaptive Management Area Adaptive Management Reserve (LSRs within AMAs) Administratively Withdrawn Congressionally Reserved Late-Successional Reserve Matrix Managed Late-Successional Area Not designated This category depicts a mix of Matrix, Riparian Reserves, and other unmapped land allocations Riparian Reserve Table 6 —National forest codesa Forest code COL DES FRE GIP MAL MBS MTH OCH OKA OLY ROG SIS SIU UMA UMP WAW WEN WIL WIN Forest name Colville Deschutes Fremont Gifford Pinchot Malheur Mount Baker-Snoqualmie Mount Hood Ochoco Okanogan Olympic Rogue River Siskiyou Siuslaw Umatilla Umpqua Wallowa-Whitman Wenatchee Willamette Winema a The Fremont-Winema, Okanogan-Wenatchee, and Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forests were administratively combined after the forest Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMP) were developed. Hence, LRMP allocations for these forests are listed using the original forest names. 71 GENERAL TECHNICAL REPORT PNW-GTR-919 74 Pacific Northwest Research Station Web site Telephone Publication requests FAX E-mail Mailing address http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/ (503) 808–2592 (503) 808–2138 (503) 808–2130 pnw_pnwpubs@fs.fed.us Publications Distribution Pacific Northwest Research Station P.O. Box 3890 Portland, OR 97208–3890 U.S. Department of Agriculture Pacific Northwest Research Station 1220 SW 3rd Ave. P.O. Box 3890 Portland, OR 97208–3890 Official Business Penalty for Private Use, $300