Journalism 348 (21) Advertising Copy and Layout

Journalism 348 (21) Advertising Copy and Layout
Time: M, W, F 9:00 - 9:50
Instructor: Teresa Simmons
Office: Simpkins 309
Phone: 309.298.1426
Office: M, W, F 10:00-11:00 and F 2:00-3:00 or by appointment
Recommended Text: George Felton. Advertising Concept and Copy. 3rd edition. W.W. Norton (2013).
Course Objectives:
This course will focus on fostering a professional understanding of advertising creative strategy,
creativity, copywriting and layout principles/techniques. The course will also build an understanding of
the different modes of advertising copywriting and design as they are practiced in the different media for a
variety of products, goods and services. In addition, this course has been designated to meet the Writing
Instruction in the Disciplines (WID) graduation requirement. WID courses provide instruction in the
processes and formats for the writing content and style needed to be an effective professional in a
student’s chosen field.
Creative Exercises
Portfolio (Final)
In-class Assignments
Participation/Class Attendance
*All grades are based the following scale:
92 and above – A
91 & 90 – A89 & 88 – B+
87 to 82 – B
81 & 80 – B79 & 78 – C+
77 to 72 – C
71 & 70 – C69 & 68 – D+
67 to 62 – D
61 & 60 – D59 & below – F
Creative Exercises:
You will have five creative exercises due throughout the semester. Each assignment will look at a
different aspect of the creative development process. For each assignment (except exercise one and
three), you will be required to develop your ad to the comp stage (computer layout printed in color) and
board all creative for presentation, which means that you will need to develop a proficiency with
Photoshop software. On the day that the assignment is due, you will both present your ad to the class and
participate in a creative review session. Attendance in these creative review sessions is mandatory, and
failure to attend class on the day we present/review ads will result in your assignment grade being lowered
by one letter grade (10 points). These assignments will be graded based on the consumer insights evident
in the execution, as well as on how well you apply the assigned strategy. The level of creativity shown in
the ad will figure significantly in the grading of these assignments, as will the appearance of the ad and
the level of polish evident in the assignment. All ads must be your own work and any use of another’s
creative concept will be regarded as plagiarism and result in an automatic failure (0 points) for these
assignments. Western Illinois University’s policy on academic dishonesty can be found at Finally, you will be required to enter a print ad (either a
revised class assignment or spec work) in the Department of English and Journalism Graphics
The final in the course will consist of a completed portfolio to be turned in during the assigned final exam
period. Your portfolio will consist of at least 10-12 finished pieces of your best creative work displayed
in a professional manner. You may include revised creative exercise assignments from this course, as
well as spec work developed specifically for this portfolio. At least 50% of the work in your portfolio
must be spec work (for products not assigned as part of this or any other course). Your portfolio should
contain at least one campaign (either ads for the same product in different media or multiple ads for the
same medium). Ads should be for a variety of products and/or services and should show both the quality
and range of your work. Each ad/campaign must be accompanied by a brief target profile and a strategy
statement. All ads must be your own work and any use of another’s creative concept will be regarded as
plagiarism and result in an automatic failure (0 points) for this important assignment. Western Illinois
University’s policy on academic dishonesty can be found at
All creative assignments are due at the beginning of class. If an assignment is not ready at the
beginning of class, it is considered late. Late projects and assignments will lose one letter grade for each
day they are late.
Attendance is mandatory. Excessive absences (more than five) will have an impact on your final
grade. Doctor appointments and absences for illness are included as part of your five excused absences,
and medical excuses will not be accepted.
Part of the points allocated for participation will be awarded based solely on class attendance.
Should you miss more than five classes, one point a day will be taken away from your final grade, up to
10% of your final grade. If you miss more than fifteen days of class during the semester, you will
automatically fail this course.
Attendance is taken at the beginning of class. If you are more than five minutes late for class, you
will be counted as absent for the day.
Due to the nature of the assignments and instructional methodology, it is impossible for you to
receive a grade of incomplete (I). If you cannot complete the course within the semester, you are strongly
advised to see the instructor as soon as the situation arises and to withdraw from the class.
Cell Phones:
Cell phones are to be turned off and stored in your backpack or bag during class. If you use
your cell phone during class time, you will be asked to leave the class and will be counted as
absent for the day.
DSS Accommodation:
In accordance with University policy and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), academic
accommodations may be made for any student who notifies the instructor of the need for an
accommodation. In order for me to provide the proper accommodation(s), you must provide me
with documentation of the need for an accommodation through Disability Support Services. It
is imperative that you take the initiative to bring such needs to my attention, as I am not legally
permitted to inquire about such particular needs of students. Students who may require special
assistance in emergency evacuations (i.e. fire, tornado, etc.) should contact me as to the most
appropriate procedures to follow in such an emergency. Contact Disability Support Services at
298-2512 for additional services.
Course Outline
Subject Assignment
23, 26
28, 30
2, 4
6, 9
13, 16, 18, 20
23, 25, 27, Mar. 2
11, 13, 25, 27, 30
3, 6
8, 10
15, 17, 20, 22
24, 27
1, 4, 6, 8
Target Markets, Consumer Insights
& the Creative Brief
Creativity and the Creative Process
7, 15
Media Neutrality/Nontraditional Advertising
Legal & Ethical Considerations
Creative Exercise 1 Due (Creative Brief)
Print Copywriting
9, 10, 16, 17
Print Layout and Design
Creative Exercise 2 Due (Print Ad)
Presentation and Creative Review
Advertising Portfolios
Direct Marketing Creative/Copywriting
Creative Exercise 3 Due (Direct Mail Piece)
Presentation and Creative Review
Business-to-Business Advertising
Outdoor Advertising
Creative Exercise 4 Due (Business-to-Business Ad)
Presentation and Creative Review
Television Creative/Copywriting
Radio Creative
Creative Exercise 5 Due (Television Commercial)
Presentation and Creative Review
Interactive Creative/Social Media
Final Exam (Portfolio)
Subject to change/adaptation as needed