Tentative Schedule

Tentative Schedule
As we discover more about ourselves as individuals and writers, our focus and timeline for assignments may change.
You will be made aware of these changes through your attendance and participation in the class. You should make it a
point to check the syllabus weekly if you are unsure or have missed a class period. Remember that attendance is required
and participation is essential.
M 8/25: Class
W 8/27: Lab
What we will discuss in class:
Introduction to the Course
Who we are as writers
F 8/29: Class
last day of open
M 9/1
W 9/3: Lab
What we write;
Paper 1 assignment sheet
F 9/5: Class
Drafting our own Literacy Narrative
M 9/8: Lab
last day of
restricted reg.
W 9/10: Class
Reflecting on our own writing;
Paper 2 assignment sheet
F 9/12: Lab
Identifying our communities
M 9/15: Class
Assessing our rhetorical situation
Read: JTC chap 6 p. 159-180
In-class writing activity
W 9/17: Lab
Primary (“Field”) Research
F 9/19: Class
M 9/22: Lab
W 9/24: Class
Example texts and Reflecting on our own
Drafting our own Autoethnography
Genres and the Multi-media project
Read: JTC chap 12 p. 478-481 & chap 6 p.
Journal 4
Read: Readings on WO
F 9/26: Lab
M 9/29: Class
W 10/1: Lab
In-class workday/mini-conferences
Mock Peer Review
Peer Review
F 10/3: Class
F 10/10
M 10/13: Lab
Reflecting on our own writing;
Rhetorical Analysis;
Paper 3 assignment sheet;
Mid-term Evaluation
Fall Break
Reading Critically
W 10/15: Class
Digging Deeper
F 10/17: Lab
Drafting our own Rhetorical Analyses
M 10/6: Lab
W 10/8: Class
Labor Day
Literacy Narratives and Reflecting on our
writing lives
Defining Discourse Community
What is due:
Read: JTC chap 1 & “Portfolios”
p. 5-8, 26-33 (WO)
Journal 1
Read: JTC chap 2
No Classes
Read: JTC chap 5 p. 99-104 & ePages;
“Decoded” (WO)
Journal 2
Read: JTC chap 5 p. 133-158
Writing Inventory due
Paper 1 due (all materials are turned in via
2-pocket folder)
Read: “Discourse Community” reading
(WO) & “Discourse Community” link
Journal 3; Paper 1 Reflection
In-class writing activity
Read: JTC chap 6 p. 180-211
Read: JTC chap 18 p. 584-589
Journal 5
Bring all of your materials.
Read: JTC chap 4
A nearly complete rough draft for review
Journal 6
Paper 2 w/ Multi-media project due (all
materials are turned in via 2-pocket folder)
Paper 2 Reflection
Read: JTC chap 3 & chap 19 p. 623-624
Journal 7
No Classes
Read: JTC chap 7 p. 213-250 & 2 articles
Read: re-read 2 articles & Rhetorical Appeals
Journal 8
Read: JTC chap 7 p. 251-271
Summary due (please attach a copy of the
article you have summarized)
M 10/20: Class
Early warning
grades emailed
W 10/22: Lab
Persuasion and Citation
Read: JTC chap 10 (402-410)
In-class workday/mini-conferences
F 10/24: Class
Peer Review
Bring all of your materials.
Journal 9
A nearly complete rough draft for review
M10/27: Lab
Reflecting on our own writing;
Paper 4 assignment sheet (brainstorm
Proposing a Solution
W10/29: Class
Paper 3 due (all materials are turned in via
2-pocket folder)
Read: JTC chap 9 p. 328-358
Journal 10
Read: APSM (online) p. 94-99 & example
F 10/31: Lab
Last Day to Drop
M 11/3: Class
Writing a Proposal
W 11/5: Lab
Library Instruction and Finding Sources
F 11/7: Class
Citing Sources
M 11/10: Lab
Using Sources
W 11/12: Class
Persuading and Appealing
F 11/14: Lab
Drafting our own Problem/Solution piece
M 11/17: Class
Drafting (cont.)
W 11/19: Lab
Choices we make as writers
F 11/21: Class
M 11/24-28
M 12/1: Lab
Thanksgiving Break
Group Conferences
W 12/3: Class
Group Conferences
F 12/5: Lab
Group Conferences
M 12/8: Class
Reflecting on our own writing
Portfolio Work
W 12/10: Lab
Portfolio Work
Paper 4 due (all materials are turned in via
2-pocket folder)
Read: “Portfolios” p. 55-62 (WO)
Read: “Portfolios” p. 62-69 (WO)
F 12/12: Class
Section 8:
Section 14:
Section 22:
Section 28:
Tying up loose ends
Journal 15
Wednesday @ 8am
Monday @ 10am
Monday @ 1pm
Wednesday @ 1pm
Final Portfolio due
Final Portfolio due
Final Portfolio due
Final Portfolio due
Making a Research Plan
Read: JTC chap 11
Proposal due
Read: JTC chap 12 p. 454-478
Journal 11
Read: JTC chap 21
Research Plan due
Read: JTC chaps 19 & 13
Annotated Bib Report due
Read: JTC chap 10 p. 377-397 & review
Rhetorical Appeals (WO)
Journal 12
Read: JTC chap 9 p. 346-376 &
chap 10 p. 398-431
Read: JTC chaps 14 & !5
Annotated Bib Report due
Read: JTC chaps 16 & 17
Journal 13
No Classes
Journal 14 due @ conference
*A nearly complete rough draft for review