ENG 180, Section 002: College Composition I Schedule Summary



ENG 180, Section 002: College Composition I

Instructor: Cunningham

Email: CT-Cunningham@wiu.edu

Phone: 309/298-2814

Office: Simpkins 108

Office Hours: W 9:15 – 10:15 AM


This schedule is subject to change. You are responsible for any changes made in class, delivered through email, or posted on WesternOnline (WO). Class will alternate each day between classroom

(Simpkins 321) and lab (Simpkins 324). Please make note of which day meets in which room. In the assignment guide listed below, readings from Joining the Conversation will be labeled JC; readings from A Pocket Style Manual will be labeled PSM; readings from Guide to ENG 180 will be labeled GE.

You are responsible for bringing all three books to each class period.

Assignment/Reading Guide

Module 1: Concepts of Reading and Writing

M Class 25 August

W Lab 27 August

Introduction to Course; Policies and Procedures

Discourse Communities

Read: JC Chapter 1; GE Chapter 1; “The Concept of Discourse

Community” (on WO)

Due: “Student Survey” (submit to WO by 11:59 PM)

F Class 29 August Read: JC Chapter 2; GE Chapters 2 and 3; “Writing for Their Lives” (on

WO); Literacy Narrative Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Note: Last day of open registration

M N/A 1 September Note: No class; Labor Day

W Lab 3 September Read: “Learning to Read” (on WO); “Creating a Writing Inventory”

(on WO); GE Chapter 4 (“Reflective Essay”)

Due: Notes for Writing Inventory

F Class 5 September Writers

Read: “Sponsors of Literacy” (on WO)

In-Class: Paper 1 Introduction (ePortfolio)

M Lab 8 September Writing About Your Own Writing

Read: JC Chapter 5; GE Chapter 4 (“Literacy Narrative”); “Coming

Into Language” (on WO); “Portfolio” (on WO: pp. 5-8 and 26-33)

Due: Writing Inventory (typed in class)

W Class 10 September Sharing Writing

Read: JC Chapter 4

In-Class: Mock Peer Review

F Lab 12 September Peer Review

Due: Complete typed draft of your Literacy Narrative

S N/A 14 September Due: Final draft of your Literacy Narrative (submitted on WO)


Module 2: Understanding Conversations

M Class 15 September Rhetorical Situation

Read: “What is Rhetoric?” (on WO); “The Rhetorical Situation” (on


Due: Literacy Narrative Reflection (on WO by 11:59 PM)

W Lab 17 September Reading and Summarizing Difficult Texts

Read: JC Chapter 3 and pp. 623-624; PSM 109-110; GE Chapter 4

(“Summary”); Summary Assignment Sheet (on WO); Summary

Articles (on WO)

F Class 19 September Rhetorical Analysis

Read: JC Chapter 7; GE Chapter 4 (“Visual Analysis”); “Analyzing a

Text” (on WO); Analysis Paper Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: Complete, typed draft of Summary in class; final draft of

Summary (on WO by 11:59 PM)

M Lab 22 September Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Read: JC Chapter 10 (pp. 380-397 and 400-412); “Rhetorical

Appeals” (on WO)

W Class 24 September Choices Writers Can Make

Read: Review “Analyzing a Text” and Summary Articles

F Office 26 September Note: Class canceled for conferences

Due: Article Selection and Drafting Notes

M Office 29 September Note: Class canceled for conferences

Due: Article Selection and Drafting Notes

W Office 1 October Note: Class canceled for conferences

Due: Article Selection and Drafting Notes

F Class 3 October Peer Review

S N/A 5 October

Due: Complete, typed draft of Analysis

Due: Final Draft of Analysis (on WO by 11:59 PM)

Module 3: Shaping Conversations

M Lab 6 October Genres

W Class 8 October


M Lab

10 October

13 October

W Class 15 October

F Lab 17 October

Read: “Speech Acts, Genres, and Activity Systems” (on WO)

Due: Analysis Reflection (on WO by 11:59 PM)

Discourse Community, Rhetoric, and Genre

Read: Selected Writing from a Specific Discourse Community

Due: List of genres you have used

Note: No Class; Fall Break

Analyzing Genre

Read: “College Admissions Essays” (on WO); Group Presentation

Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: List of discourse communities you belong to

Studying the Genres in a Discourse Community

Read: JC Chapter 18 (pp. 584-602); “The Genres of Chi Omega” (on


Group Work on Genre Analysis

Due: Select genres


M Class 20 October

W Lab 22 October

F Class 24 October

Group Work on Genre Analysis and Documentation

Read: JC Chapter 13

Group Presentations

Due: PowerPoint presentation (on WO by 11:59 PM on Tuesday, 21


Note: Continuation of PowerPoint presentations

Module 4: Entering Conversations

M Lab 27 October

W Class 29 October

F Lab 31 October

Forming a Research Plan and Conducting Field Research

Read: JC Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 (pp. 478-482); PSM 87-89

Due: Group Presentation Writing Reflection (on WO by 11:59 pm)

Library Day

Read: JC Chapter 12 (pp. 454-478); Review Guide Chapter 2 (“WIU

Libraries”); Research Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: Two possible problems to solve

Writing to Inform

Read: JC Chapter 6 and Chapter 23

Due: Field Research Plan

M Class 3 November Writing a Research Proposal

Read: JC Chapter 9 (pp. 328-356); PSM 94-99; GE Chapter 4

(“Problem Proposal”); Persuasion Paper Assignment Sheet (on WO)

Due: One (1) print source and one (1) electronic source

W Lab 5 November Using Sources

Read: JC Chapter 19

F Class 7 November Documenting Sources

Read: JC Chapter 21; GE Chapter 4 (“Annotated Bibliography”); PSM


Due: Draft of one (1) Annotation

M Lab 10 November Peer Review

Due: Complete, typed draft of Research Proposal/Annotated


W Class 12 November Finding a Solution

Read: JC Chapter 9 (pp. 356-373)

Due: Final Draft of Research Proposal/Annotated Bibliography (on

WO by 11:59 pm)

F Lab 14 November Writing to Persuade

Read: JC Chapter 10; GE 98-103

Due: Research Proposal/Annotated Bibliography Writing Reflection

(on WO by 11:59 pm)

M Class 17 November Choosing and Organizing Evidence

Read: JC Chapters 14 and 15; Three-Four Persuasive Texts on One of the Assigned Topics

Due: Two new sources

W Lab 19 November Deciding What Choices to Make as a Writer

Read: JC Chapters 16 and 17

Due: Draft of Introduction


F Class 21 November Note: Class canceled for conferences

Read: “Portfolio” pp. 55-61 (on WO)

Due: Draft of Persuasive Paper

24-28 November: Thanksgiving Break

M Lab 1 December Note: Class canceled for conferences

Read: “Portfolio” pp. 55-61 (on WO)

Due: Draft of Persuasive Paper

W Class 3 December Note: Class canceled for conferences

Read: “Portfolio” pp. 55-61 (on WO)

Due: Draft of Persuasive Paper

F Lab 5 December Peer Review and Reviewing Citation

Read: PSM 121-154

Due: Complete, typed draft of the Persuasion Paper

S N/A 7 December Due: Final Draft of the Persuasion Paper

Module 5: Final Portfolio

M Class 8 December Writing the Reflective Essay for the Portfolio

Read: JC 602-608 and “Portfolio” (on WO: pp. 63-69)

Due: Bring all writing from this semester; Persuasion Paper Writing

Reflection (on WO by 11:59 pm)

W Lab 10 December Revising, Editing, and Proofreading

Read: JC Chapter 20 and “Portfolio” (on WO: pp. 70-76)

Due: Bring all writing from the course of the semester

F Class 12 December Wrapping up the Semester

Due: Bring Draft of Reflective Essay

M Class 15 December Final

Due: Final Portfolio (in ePortfolio on WO by 11:59 PM)
