1 USCA Aiken School of Education Intern Final Grade Report/Verification (Form B) Intern Name University Supervisor Name Cooperating Teacher Name Date School Name Grade/ Subject APS Acceptable Column A Unacceptable Column B Domain Total (Target + Acceptable) Domain 1 Planning 1.A 1.B 1.C 1.D 1.E 2.A 2.B 2.C 3.A 3.B 3.C 4.A 4.B 4.C 5.A 5.B 5.C 6.A 6.B 6.C 7.A 7.B 7.C 8.A 8.B 8.C 9.A 9.B 9.C 10.A 10.B 10.C 10.D 10.E SOE 1 SOE 2 Totals (Total Target + Total Acceptable) 36 Target Domain 2 Instruction Out of 11 Domain 3 Classroom Environment Out of 12 Domain 4 Professiona lism Out of 6 Out of 5 x 100 = 2 Possible Points Total Points (Column C) Course Requirements Evaluation Contextual Factors (TWS 1) Long Range Plan (Semester Goals and Management Plan) All Learning Goals for 2-weeks of full-time teaching (TWS 2) Assessment Plan (TWS 3) Design for Instruction (TWS 4) Lesson Plans Activity-based Experiences Appropriate Use of Technology Instructional Decision-Making (TWS 5) Analysis of Student Learning (TWS 6) / Develop and Administer Assessments throughout Internship and Provide Appropriate Evaluations of Assessments Reflection and Self-Evaluation (TWS 7) Diversity Artifact Parent/Teacher Conference Effective Interpersonal Communication Skills 6 University Supervisor Observations (including Mid-Term & Final Observations) TOTAL FOR COLUMN C I. Cooperating Teacher’s Recommendation: Recommended Recommend w/Reservations Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes IV. University Supervisor/Cooperating Teacher Overall Evaluation Judgment:: 40% of Column A 0-5 0-10 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-5 0-25 0-100 Not Recommended II. Cooperating Teacher and University Supervisor Time Verification: Initials verify the above named student has met the State mandated requirements of 60 full days of Internship. III. Please verify the following: Candidate has rated a Target or Acceptable on 10 of 11 Key Elements in Domain 1 Candidate has rated a Target or Acceptable on 11 of 12 Key Elements in Domain 2 Candidate has rated a Target or Acceptable on 5 of 6 Key Elements in Domain 3 Candidate has rated a Target or Acceptable on 4 of 5 Key Elements in Domain 4 Candidate has rated a Target or Acceptable on the SOE Oral Communications Candidate has rated a Target or Acceptable on the SOE Written Communications Candidate assumed full responsibility for no less than two weeks 0–5 0–5 0–5 0-5 0 – 20 Coop.Teacher Univ Supervisor No No No No No No No + 60% of = Column C Total Score Required parameters are missing or Recomme incorrect. Required parameters are missing or Recomme incorrect. Required are missing or Not incorrect. FINALparameters LETTER GRADE * nded nded with Recomme Reservatio n Signature of University Supervisor Signature of Cooperating Teacher Signature of Intern nded 3 *Interns must have at least 30 of 34 APS(missing only 1 element in each domain) rated competent and a C or higher in the internship in order to be recommended for initial teacher certification. Evaluation and Grading Scale Final Evaluation ADEPT/SAFE-T Performance Standards Internship Course Assignments: Required Activities 40% Final Grading Scale A 95 - 100 B+ 90 - 94 B 85 - 89 C+ 80 - 84 C 75 - 79 D 70 – 74 F 69 and below 60% The final course grade is based on demonstration of competency in the 4 ADEPT/SAFE-T Domains and written and verbal communication along with the successful fulfillment of the course assignments. One point is given for each ADEPT/SAFE-T Performance Standard Key Element that has been identified as competent and one point is given for both verbal and written communication. A total of 36 points are possible in Column A. The total points given should be divided by 36 (the total possible points). This number should then be multiplied by 100. Then, 40% of this number is the final total given for Column A (total number for Column A can not exceed 40 points). Therefore, forty percent of the final grade is based on the ADEPT/SAFE-T Performance Standards and written and verbal communication. Sixty percent (60%) of the final grade is based on the total points earned from the Internship Course Assignments: Required Activities. The points given in Column C should be totaled, and 60% of this number is the final total for Column C. In order to be recommended for initial teacher certification, interns must have a grade of C or higher in internship, an Acceptable or Target on at least 30 of the 34 Key Elements, and an Acceptable or Target in written and verbal communication skills. A candidate can only miss one Key Element per Domain. It is possible to earn Targets or Acceptables in all Key Elements, yet still not be recommended for certification because 60% of the grade is from the internship course assignments. Example: Intern earns competent on 9 out of 10 PDs and earns competent on verbal and written communication (2 points) = 11 earned points Score = 33/36 =.92 .92 x 100 = 92 .40 (40%) x 92 =36.8 points 36.8 points is the total for Column A Intern receives 70 points on the Internship Course Requirements Score = 70 .60 (60%) x 70 = 42 points 42 points is the total for Column C Total Points = 36.8 + 42 = 78.8 = C. Intern would be recommended for certification with reservations. Interns would not receive credit for the internship nor be recommended for certification with a grade of a D or F. The University Supervisor is responsible for assigning the final grade for the Internship. To receive a final grade all assignments must be completed to the satisfaction of the University Supervisor.