Document 10787784

University Council December 6, 2012 CBA: John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center’s Student Elevator Pitch CompeEEon CHAS: Student led Chemistry Magic CBA: Brazilian Scholars to campus as part Show at Family Weekend of a FIPSE grant received by UNI, Hawkeye and Kirkwood Community College Overview   University Updates –  Ben Allen   Enrollment Updates and Reports –  Terry Hogan –  Shashi Kaparthi 2 University Updates   Fall Commencement   Board of Regents AcEons   New Financial Aid Model 3 Board of Regents AcEons FY14 AppropriaEons Request*   General EducaEon Fund $2 M   Special Line Items   Economic Development $1.1 M   Special Request
$4 M –  Lead na9on in prek-­‐12 educa9on –  Enhance undergraduate educa9on, student success and Iowa workforce –  Real Estate Educ., Recycling and Reuse Tech. Transfer Center $0.3 M –  Governor’s STEM Advisory Council $4.7 M –  Na9onal Ag-­‐Based Lubricants –  Regents Innova9on Fund –  (2nd of 3 Year Request) * FY14 AppropriaEons request approved by Board but sEll needs LegislaEve approval. 4 Board of Regents AcEons FY14 TuiEon and Mandatory Fee Rates Undergraduate Resident Base TuiEon 12-­‐13 13-­‐14 $6,648 $6,648 Nonresident $15,734 $16,144 Graduate Base TuiEon 12-­‐13 13-­‐14 Resident Nonresident $7,756 $7,756 $17,026 $17,470 Increase % Increase Fees* Total TuiEon + Fees $0 0% $1037 $7,685 + $410 2.6% $1037 $17,181 Increase % Increase Fees* Total TuiEon + Fees $0 0% $1037 $8,793 + $444 2.6% $1037 $18,507 Approved mandatory fee increase of $50 for all students FY14 TuiEon and Fees were approved at the December 5 Board meeEng. Financial Aid Model Features •  Changes in need-­‐based financial aid •  Changes in merit financial aid •  Impact on UNI 6 Enrollment Update Agenda   New student applica9ons update   Advance registra9on update   Non-­‐matriculants survey comments   “Working Group” formed   Opera9onal review underway   Acceptance/matricula9on fee   Recruitment plan for FY15   Communica9ng about academic programs To follow   Enrollment-­‐related portal – Shashi Kaparthi 7 Enrollment Update Comments from survey of non-­‐matriculants, Fall 2012 "What is the primary reason you chose not to aeend UNI?"
Too expensive/not enough financial aid 25%
Found a beeer fit elsewhere 16%
Found a beeer or available program elsewhere 13%
Too close/too far from home 10%
Too big/too small 8%
Desire to play sports 7%
Personal (military service, health, family, other) 7%
Plan to transfer to UNI 6%
Concern about campus "issues“ 5%
Nega9ve experience related to process 4%
Drawn from 323 respondents who commented (some described more than one reason)
8 Enrollment Update “Working Group” formed Includes   Admissions   University Rela9ons   Associate Deans of CHAS, CBA, CSBS, COE & Grad College
Purpose   Enhance coordina9on related to recruitment and marke9ng efforts 9 Enrollment Update OperaEonal review underway   Consultant Scannell and Kurz hired to review admission, recruitment, financial aid, and marke9ng func9ons (as they pertain to enrollment).
  Site visit planned for January 14-­‐16.
  To include faculty, students, senior administrators, staff, and leaders in func9onal units.
  Report expected in March. 10 Enrollment Update Acceptance/matriculaEon fee   Being planned for adop9on for class entering fall 2014 (details need to be confirmed by March 2013).   Would call for admieed students to “accept” offer by paying an acceptance or matricula9on fee before aeending orienta9on; this is not a new fee – just new 9ming.   Fee covers orienta9on and first-­‐year program costs and either housing deposit or credit to tui9on (so all students would pay same fee).   Would mirror prac9ce at SUI and ISU. 11 Enrollment Update Community College iniEaEve   On-­‐campus assessment – Deans, AAC, other departments, Admissions, Financial Aid, University Rela9ons   Off-­‐campus assessment – Iowa community college associa9on leadership, individual campus/president visits   Prior to beginning of spring term – 3 to 5 priori9es to tackle   Planned:   Forma9on of Transfer Council   Visit ac9vity for community college leaders in February 12 Enrollment Update DomesEc undergraduate recruitment plan   To be completed in mid-­‐spring for class entering fall 2014.
  Built from   exis9ng plan   assessment of current ini9a9ves   Enrollment Summit concepts   community college ini9a9ve   messaging ini9a9ve   consultant report 13 Enrollment Update CommunicaEng about academic programs . . .   Admissions and University Rela9ons need to be able to communicate effec9vely about each and every academic program we offer.   Will ask departments to help us understand:   Why should prospec9ve students consider pursuing par9cular programs that the department offers?   Does the department have the resources to handle more students?   Are there par9cular opportuni9es for promo9ng programs that we may not be aware of? 14 Enrollment Update Enrollment-­‐related portal 15 QuesEons & Answers QuesEons? 16 