Lecture 9: Confidence Intervals, Residuals Formal Analysis Formal Analysis The Analysis of Variance – ANOVA The F Ratio and P-value only indicate if statistically significant differences exist. The F Ratio and P-value do not tell you which treatment means are different. 1 Confidence Interval 2 Confidence Interval Gives a range of values for the likely size of the difference between two population means. ∗ 1 1 95% confidence with df = df for Error 3 Confidence Interval 4 Confidence Interval df = 18, 95% Confidence 143.1 163.0 2.101 120.05 t*=2.101 1 10 1 10 19.9 2.101 4.9 19.9 10.3 30.2to 9.6 MSError = 120.05 5 6 1 Lecture 9: Confidence Intervals, Residuals Interpretation Generalization We are 95% confident that the difference in mean blood pressures for the two diets is between –30.2 mmHg and –9.6 mmHg. Men with Stage 1 hypertension on the 50 mmol Na/day diet will have an average blood pressure from 9.6 to 30.2 mmHg lower then men with Stage 1 hypertension on the 200 mmol Na/day diet. 7 JMP 8 Oneway Analysis of Systolic BP (mmHg) By Diet Oneway Anova t Test The t Test part of the output has for the Dif = 200 mmol – 50 mmol. 200 mmol/day-050 mmol/day Assuming equal variances Difference 19.9000 t Ratio 4.061224 Std Err Dif 4.9000 DF 18 Upper CL Dif 30.1945 Prob > |t| 0.0007* Lower CL Dif 9.6055 Prob > t 0.0004* Confidence 0.95 Prob < t 0.9996 -20 -10 0 10 20 Upper CL Dif: 30.1945 Lower CL Dif: 9.6055 9 Residuals 10 JMP We should check the residuals to see if they satisfy the Fisher Conditions. From the menu on the output go to Save – Residuals. 11 12 2 Lecture 9: Confidence Intervals, Residuals Equal Standard Deviation Oneway Analysis of Systolic BP (mmHg) centered by Diet By Diet 25 20 15 10 5 0 Plot the residuals versus diet. Compute means and standard deviations. -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 050 mmol/day 200 mmol/day Diet Means and Std Deviations Level 050 mmol/day 200 mmol/day Number Mean Std Dev 10 10 5.684e-15 0 11.7516 10.0995 13 Fisher Conditions 14 Normal Distribution Residuals add to zero. Residuals have the same standard deviations. Analyze the distribution of residuals to see if they could have come from a normal distribution. Although not exactly the same, the two standard deviations are very close to being equal. Only worry if one standard deviation is 2, 3 or more times as big as another. 15 16 Distributions Systolic BP (mmHg) centered by Diet Fisher Conditions 1.64 1.28 0.67 0.0 -0.67 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 Histogram is slightly skewed right. Box plot is slightly skewed right. Most points come close to the diagonal (normal model) line. 0.2 -1.28 0.1 -1.64 10 8 6 4 2 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 17 18 3 Lecture 9: Confidence Intervals, Residuals Normal Distribution? Consequence The reported P-value may not be the true P-value. However, the P-value (0.0007) is so small even if it is not exactly correct, we would still conclude that there is a difference in diets. There is some doubt as to whether the residuals come from a normal distribution. 19 20 Consequence Comment The stated confidence level for the confidence interval (95%) may not be the true confidence. The true confidence may be lower. The analysis of variance is still valid and the conclusion that there is a statistically significant difference in mean blood pressure for the two diets is not in doubt. 21 22 Comment Comment The true P-value and true confidence level may be slightly different from what is reported. Remember the analysis of residuals is a secondary analysis and usually doesn’t make a difference unless the conditions are severely violated and the analysis is marginal (a P-value close to 0.05). 23 24 4