Lecture 32: Solitary Confinement Experiment Solitary Confinement Experiment Solitary Confinement Experiment Response: Frequency of brain waves. Conditions: 12 to 36 Hz – alert. 8 to 12 Hz – relaxed inactivity. Below 8 Hz – abnormal for someone who is awake. Solitary Confinement – Yes, No. Time – 1 day, 4 days, 7 days. 1 Solitary Confinement Experiment 2 Solitary Confinement Experiment Treatment Combinations; Experimental Material There are 6 treatment combinations: Yes,1day; Yes,4days; Yes,7days; No,1day; No,4days; and No,7days. 20 prisoners at a maximum security penitentiary. 3 4 Completely Randomized Completely Randomized If we were to use a completely randomized design we could use only 18 prisoners (has to be a multiple of the number of treatment combinations, 6). Each of the 6 treatment combinations would be assigned, at random, to 3 prisoners. 5 6 1 Lecture 32: Solitary Confinement Experiment Analysis of Variance Source Solitary Time Solitary*Time Error C. Total Random Error df 1 2 2 12 17 Differences among prisoners treated the same will contribute to random error. For example, different prisoners may have different natural brain wave frequencies. 7 Block Design 8 Comment We could sort on natural brain wave frequencies to make blocks of size 6. Prisoners within a block are more similar in terms of natural brain wave frequencies but will not be exactly the same. Block 1: 6 prisoners with the highest frequencies. Block 2: 6 prisoners with the next highest frequencies. Block 3: 6 prisoners with the lowest frequencies. 9 Randomization 10 Analysis of Variance Randomly assign the 6 treatment combinations to the 6 prisoners within each block. 11 Source Solitary Time Solitary*Time Block Error C. Total df 1 2 2 2 10 17 12 2 Lecture 32: Solitary Confinement Experiment Error Alternative Blocking The sum of squares error in a block design is the interaction between treatments and blocks (df = 5*2 = 10). This is the inconsistency of treatment effect across blocks. Reuse prisoners so that each prisoner experiences all 6 treatments. The order of the treatments is randomized for each prisoner. 13 Alternative Blocking 14 Analysis of Variance Advantages: Can use all 20 prisoners. Reusing forms the most uniform (homogeneous) blocks. Disadvantages: More time for the experiment (24 days). Difficult to run. What to do with treatment carry over effects? 15 Source Solitary Time Solitary*Time Prisoner Error C. Total df 1 2 2 19 95 119 Error Repeated Measures The sum of squares error in a block design is the interaction between treatments and prisoners (df = 5*19 = 95). This is the inconsistency of treatment effect across prisoners. Whole plot/Between subject factor: Solitary – Yes, No. Sub plot/Within subject factor: Time – 1, 4 and 7 days. 17 16 18 3 Lecture 32: Solitary Confinement Experiment Completely Randomized Comment Randomly assign solitary confinement to 10 prisoners and no solitary confinement to the other 10 prisoners. If we didn’t have the second factor of time, the analysis would have two sources of variation; solitary and error. 19 Random Error 20 Analysis of Variance The sum of squares for error comes from differences among prisoners treated the same. Solitary – 10 prisoners – 9 df No solitary – 10 prisoners – 9 df Source Solitary Error C. Total df 1 18 19 21 Analysis of Variance Source Solitary Prisoners[Solitary] C. Total 22 Block Design df 1 18 19 23 Reuse the prisoners by measuring their brain waves on days 1, 4 and 7. Repeatedly measure their brain waves. 24 4 Lecture 32: Solitary Confinement Experiment Analysis of Variance Source Solitary Prisoners[Solitary] Time Solitary*Time Error C. Total df 1 18 2 2 36 59 Error The sum of squares error in a block design is the interaction between time variable and prisoners (df = 2*18 = 36). This is the inconsistency of the effect of time across prisoners. 25 Comment 26 Comment Variation among prisoners in the same confinement does not come into play when evaluating the effects of time or the interaction effects of Solitary*Time. Variation among prisoners in the same confinement (solitary or no solitary) is accounted for separately in the analysis of variance. 27 28 Comment Comment When evaluating the effects of solitary confinement (Yes or No) the variation among prisoners in the same confinement is the error term and will probably be fairly large. It will be harder to see differences in average brain wave frequencies due to confinement than it will to see differences due to time or the interaction between Solitary and Time. 29 30 5