This material concerns modeling and inference for a binomial success... that is a function of one or more predictors

Stat 401B Handout on Logistic Regression
This material concerns modeling and inference for a binomial success probability p that is a
function of one or more predictors x1 , x2 , , xk . The most common version of this modeling is
that where the log odds are taken to be linear in the predictors, i.e. where
 p 
ln 
   0  1 x1   2 x2     k xk
 1 p 
This is equivalent to a model assumption that
p  x1 , x2 , , xk  
exp   0  1 x1   2 x2     k xk 
1  exp   0  1 x1   2 x2     k xk 
To aid understand the meaning of this assumption, below there is a plot of the "s-shaped"
exp  u 
function p  u  
1  exp  u 
The assumption (*) says that the input values and parameters produce the value
u   0  1 x1   2 x2     k xk that gets translated into a probability through p  u  .
We consider a model where for i  1, 2, , N , independent binomial random yi variables have
corresponding success probabilities
pi  p   0  1 x1i   2 x2i     k xki 
While all that follows can be easily generalized to cases where the numbers of trials ni for the yi
are larger than 1, for ease of exposition, we'll suppose here that all ni  1 . In this case, the joint
pmf of the observables  y1 , y2 , , yN  is the function of the parameters  0 , 1 ,  2 , ,  k
f  y1 , y2 , , y N |  0 , 1 ,  2 , ,  k    piyi 1  pi 
1 yi 
i 1
With observed values of the yi plugged into f , one has a function of the parameters only. The
logarithm of this is the so-called "log-likelihood function"
L   0 , 1 ,  2 , ,  k   ln f  y1 , y2 , , yN |  0 , 1 ,  2 , ,  k 
 ln p  
 1 x1i     k xki  
i with
yi 1
 ln 1  p  
 1 x1i     k xki  
i with
yi  0
that is the basis of inference for the parameter vector β    0 , 1 ,  2 , ,  k  and related
To begin, the parameter vector b   b0 , b1 , b2 , , bk  that optimizes (maximizes) L  β  is called
the "maximum likelihood estimate" of β . Further, the shape of the log-likelihood function near
the maximum likelihood estimate ( b ) provides the basis of confidence regions for the parameter
vector β and intervals for its entries  j .
First, the set of parameter vectors β with "large" log-likelihood form a confidence set for β . In
fact, for  U2 an upper percentage point of the  N2  k 1 distribution, those β with
L  β   L  b    U2
(those with log-likelihood within
1 2
 U of the maximum possible value) form an approximate
confidence region for β .
Second, the curvature of the log-likelihood function at the maximizer b provides standard errors
for the entries of b . That is, for
 2
H 
L β 
 k 1 k 1   
 i j
 βb
the "Hessian" matrix (the matrix of second partials) of the log-likelihood at the maximizer,
estimated variances of the entries of b can be obtained as diagonal entries of
H 1
(the negative inverse Hessian). The square roots of these then serve as standard errors for the
estimated coefficients b j (values SEb ) that get printed out by statistical systems like R.
Corresponding approximate confidence limits for  j are then
b j  z  SEb
Somewhat more reliable confidence limits can be produced by a more complicated/subtle
method and can be gotten from glm().
The value
lˆ  b0  b1 x1  b2 x2    bk xk
serves as a fitted log odds. glm() in the R package will produce fitted values for the data set
(and for new vectors of inputs) and will also produce corresponding standard errors. Call these
SE ˆ . Then, approximate confidence limits for the log odds  0  1 x1   2 x2     k xk are
lˆ  z  SE ˆ
Simply inserting these limits into the function p  u  produces confidence limits for the success
probability at inputs x1 , x2 , , xk , namely
p lˆ  z  SE ˆ
and p lˆ  z  SE ˆ
giving a way to see how much one knows about the success probabilities at various vectors of