Stat 401B Fall 2015 Lab #6 (Due October 15) There is an R code set at the end of this lab and posted on the course web page that will prove useful for doing this lab. Use it in doing the following. 1. Return to the class "Depth of Cut" data set and example. Now treat "pulses" as a quantitative variable and consider analysis based on an approximately linear relationship depth ≈ β 0 + β1 pulses a) Use R to make a plot with sample means for 100, 500, and 1000 pulses plotted against number of pulses. Connect the consecutive (in terms of number of pulses) plotted points with line segments. Then add the 12 data pairs to the plot. How "linear" does the plot appear to be? b) Evaluate the sample correlation between the pulses and depth variables. c) Add the least squares line to the plot in a). d) Use the lm() to get details of the least squares fit. What is the value of the coefficient of determination ( R 2 ) here? 2. Do Exercise 4, page 140 of Vardeman and Jobe. Use R to do the plotting and calculations for this problem. In addition to what is requested in the problem, also make a plot of the data on the original (not logged) scales with a fitted version of Taylor's equation for tool life plotted on the same graph. (Use your linear fitting on the log scales to get the coefficients for the equation.) 1 Code Set for Stat 401B Laboratory #6 #Here is some R code for the class "Depth of Cut" example #First is code from Lab 5 ignoring the quantitative nature of the factor "pulses" pulses<-c(rep("A(100)",4),rep("B(500)",4),rep("C(1000)",4)) depth<-c(7.4,8.6,5.6,8.0,24.2,29.5,26.5,23.8,33.4,37.5,35.9,34.8) Depth<-data.frame(depth,pulses) Depth plot(depth ~ pulses,data=Depth) plot(as.factor(pulses),depth) summary(Depth) aggregate(Depth$depth,by=list(Depth$pulses),mean) aggregate(Depth$depth,by=list(Depth$pulses),sd) depth.aov<-aov(depth ~ pulses,data=Depth) summary(depth.aov) #Now some code making use of the quantitative nature of the factor pulses and a straight line #model for how mean depth of cut changes with number of pulses npulses<-c(rep(100,4),rep(500,4),rep(1000,4)) plot(npulses,depth,xlim=c(0,1100),ylim=c(0,40)) nDepth<-data.frame(npulses,depth) cor(nDepth) 2 plot(c(100,500,1000),c(7.4,26.0,34.8),type="l",xlim=c(0,1100),ylim=c (0,40)) points(npulses,depth,xlim=c(0,1100),ylim=c(0,40)) abline(lm(depth~npulses),xlim=c(0,1100),ylim=c(0,40)) lm.out1<-lm(depth~npulses) lm.out1 summary(lm.out1) aov(lm.out1) plot(lm.out1) #Here is some code for Exercise 4 of Section 4.1 Vardeman and Jobe page 140 speed<-c(rep(800,4),rep(700,4),rep(600,4),rep(500,4),rep(400,4)) life<c(1.00,.90,.74,.66,1.00,1.20,1.50,1.60,2.35,2.65,3.00,3.60,6.40,7.80 ,9.80,16.50,21.50,24.50,26.00,33.00) plot(speed,life) plot(log(speed),log(life)) lm.out2<-lm(life~speed) lm.out2 summary(lm.out2) aov(lm.out2) plot(lm.out2) lm.out2$coef 3 lm.out2$coef[1] lm.out2$coef[2] plot(speed,life) abline(lm(life~speed)) lm.out3<-lm(log(life)~log(speed)) lm.out3 summary(lm.out3) aov(lm.out3) plot(lm.out3) lm.out3$coef lm.out3$coef[1] lm.out3$coef[2] plot(speed,life) curve(exp(lm.out3$coef[1])*x^lm.out3$coef[2],add=TRUE) 4