SSR 2016-18 A Resolution for:

SSR 2016-18
A Resolution for:
Sponsored by:
Appointing Hunter Thompson as a College of Humanities, Arts,
Sciences Senator
Speaker Bennett
First Reading:
January 27th, 2016
Speaker Action:______________________________________________________________
Parker Bennett - Speaker
WHEREAS: It is the job of the Speaker to appoint new Senators with two-thirds vote of the
Senate; and
WHEREAS: Having a full Senate is a positive for NISG and the university as a whole; and
WHEREAS: Hunter Thompson is a Senior studying Communication Studies who applied to be a
Senator for the College of Humanities, Arts, and Sciences; and
RECOGNIZING: that Hunter would make an excellent Senator, and has proven himself to be a
very passionate and outgoing student within UNI; and
FURTHER RECOGNIZING: that Hunter has great ideas about how to amplify voices that are
currently not being heard on campus, and the passion and willingness to do so; and
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED: that Hunter Thompson shall be appointed as a College of
Humanities, Arts, and Sciences Senator for the remainder of the 2015-2016 Senate term.