Minutes from the Manufacturing Engineering Advisory Board Meeting December 14, 2012

Minutes from the Manufacturing Engineering Advisory Board Meeting
December 14, 2012
Attending: Dan Bee, Glenn Gehring, Eric Winters, Scott Graf, Ron Malles, Bruno Rahn, Kurt Schnapp,
Paul Thomas, Rajiv Asthana, Devin Berg, Debashish Burman, Jerome Johnson, Tom Lacksonen, Rich
Rothaupt, Greg Slupe, Lin Stradins, Jean Price, Matthew Ray, Nick Tomlinson (student)
Absent: Dan Bee, Cory Cauwels, Don Craighead, Matt Hafele, Andy Myers, Bob Meyer, Don Olson, ,
Dean Schley, Bob Vytlacil, Jeff Anderson, Chris Bendel, John Dzissah, David Fly, Mike Galloy, Cheng
Liu, Mike Lorenzen, Laura McCullough, John Petro, Forrest Schultz, Scott Springer, Stacy Brown
(Bold indicates professional in the field)
1. Lin Stradins thanked those who attended the capstone presentations and asked questions.
Your input is appreciated. Lin welcomed everyone and introductions were done.
2. Jerry Johnson, Chair, Engineering and Technology Department, updated the board on
what’s going on in the department. The department hired five new faculty last year. There
is concern about retention of faculty with no raises. We hope to hire five new staff this
year. There has been discussion on campus about using internal money for raises. Our
department is fortunate to have foundation funds to support programs and department
activities. We have had success in the past with the Fryklund Hall campaign and were able
to purchase equipment. Jerry indicated he feels it is time to do another campaign. Money
raised could be used for student travel to conferences, purchase equipment, and fund
endowed chairs (ie Adam Kramschuster – George Taft professorship and Rajiv Asthana –
Fulton Holtby professorship). We need to develop a committee to get the campaign
3. Minutes from the May 11, 2012 meeting were approved as distributed. (Graf/Thomas)
4. Program Update – Lin Stradins
There are 235 total students in the program including 17 in Green Bay of whom 8 are here
today. There will be 13 graduating on Saturday. Most graduates have multiple offers to
Our recent ABET visit went well. The ABET representative stopped in Green Bay and was
impressed with the facility there. ABET wants our Stout faculty teaching in Green Bay.
Our acceptance numbers are ahead of last year.
5. Review of Program Outcomes
There are eleven student outcomes defined by ABET. Then programs can add their own
outcome as defined to identify specialty are of the program. Keep outcome L. We have 12
totals student outcomes where we assess four student outcomes per year. All 12 student
outcomes are assessed every three years.
Outcome L – Proficiency in materials and manufacturing processes
Lin wants to keep this outcome. It is supported by MFGT 251 Polymer and
Composites Processes, MFGT 252 Material Removal and MFGT 253 Casting and
Outcome M – Proficiency in process, assembly, and product engineering
Covered under outcome C – an ability to design a system, component, or process to
meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental,
social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability
Outcome N – Understanding the creation of competitive advantage through
manufacturing planning, strategy, and control
Covered under outcome H – The broad education necessary to understand the
impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal
Outcome O –Proficiency in manufacturing systems design using statistical and
calculus based methods, simulation and information technology
Covered under outcome K –An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern
engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Outcome P – an ability to measure manufacturing process variables in a
manufacturing environment and make technical inferences about the processes
Covered under outcome B – an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as
to analyze and interpret data
Outcomes should be specific to manufacturing engineering. Make sure to identify which ones
replacing eliminated outcomes with. Planned data collection chart was distributed. Would be helpful
to have all engineering programs on the same ABET schedule. There needs to be a way to show
improvement on performance indicators for ABET.
6. Changes in Manufacturing Engineering program for 2013-14
There’s been a push by administration to reduce the number of credits in the program. The
change in general education courses will reduce the program by 3 credits.
Propose to drop PHYS 281 University Physics – 5 credits and
add PHYS XXX Statics – 3 credits
Change MECH 293 to MECH 2xx Dynamics
Increase MFGE 275 from 2 credits to 3 credits
Increase MFGE 391 from 2 credits to 3 credits
Drop 3 credits due to new general education requirements (4 areas in GE have to meet)
Would like to drop 3 credit speech (probably will not happen)
Decrease manufacturing engineering program to 129 credits
Board recommendations included increase heat transfer (MFGE 275) and fluid mechanics
(MFGE 391). Don’t reduce technical content.
A motion was made, seconded and passed to realign technology electives to meet
ABET. Don’t reduce technical content. (Graf/Rothaupt)
7. Other
The engineering and technology department open house including student capstone
displays/presentations is today from 2:00 – 7:00 pm in Jarvis Hall Tech Wing 172.
8. Next Meeting
The spring meeting will be Friday, May 10, 2013 at 12:15 pm with the capstone
presentations starting at 10:00 am.