Value Stream Analysis of IPT's and the Test/Certification Phase of Product Development By J. Philip Perschbacher B. S. Engineering (Aerospace) University of Michigan, 1974 M. S. Engineering Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1977 SUBMITTED TO THE SYSTEM DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY FEBRUARY 2000 MASSACHUSETTSINSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JAN 2 @ 2000 J. Philip Perschbacher, All rights reserved. LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole oin part. Signature of Author:. K) U System Design and Management Program December 29, 1999 Certified by: Joyce M. Warmkessel S~enior Lecturer, Aeronautics and Astronautics Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Paul A. Lagace Co-director, Systems Design and Management/Leadership for Manufacturing Programs ProfessoF-of Aeronautics & Astr9naujjcs and Engineering Systems Accepted by Thomas A. Kochan Co-director, Systems Design and Management/Leadership for Manufacturing Programs George M. Bunker Professor of Management Value Stream Analysis of IPT's and the Test/Certification Phase of Product Development By J. Philip Perschbacher Submitted to the System Design and Management Program On January 4, 2000 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management ABSTRACT This case is drawn from the nonrecurring portion of the test/certification of a helicopter. This structural test effort had mixed success in terms of cost and schedule. This thesis evaluates that effort through the lens of value stream and IPT evaluation techniques. Better ways to measure the performance of the test process are suggested. Changes to the test process to improve its value to the customer are proposed. This analysis provides an in-depth view of the nonrecurring side of the process including separate material and information flows. It examines resultant schedule variations under the influence of rework at several stages of the system process. A novel standard of measurement that is largely independent of the project estimator and that measures the progress toward perfection is proposed. Analysis of the IPTs revealed a general agreement with the benchmarks of the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI) as espoused by Browning. There were potential problems with the early involvement of Test Engineering in the IPT. Pressure to start the planning activities ahead of detail drawing completion led to longer and more costly test processes as early planning needed to be revised to reflect later changes in design. An evaluation of single test conduct, akin to single product flow, showed no detrimental effect for two simultaneous tests. Thesis Supervisor: Joyce M. Warmkessel Title: Senior Lecturer, Aeronautics and Astronautics Keywords Value stream, lean, test, certification, helicopter, rotorcraft, fatigue, aerospace, muda, product development, estimation, schedule. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Value stream analysis has typically been applied to manufacturing processes, and sometimes to product design. It seeks to lean out a process by eliminating muda or waste, and retaining only those activities that provide value to the customer. Integrated product teams (IPTs) and concurrent engineering have been hailed as the alpha and omega of product development by bringing focus to all phases of the process throughout its life. This case analyzes the nonrecurring test/certification of a helicopter. This effort had mixed success in terms of cost and schedule. This thesis evaluates that effort through the lens of value stream and IPT evaluation techniques. It suggests better ways to measure the performance of the test process. It proposes changes to the process to improve its value to the customer. The application of value stream analysis to test processes was found in only a single reference by Weigel. That paper's application was limited. This analysis provides an in-depth view of the nonrecurring side of the process including separate material and information flows. It examines resultant schedule variations under the influence of rework at several stages of the system process. It proposes a novel standard of measurement that is largely independent of the project estimator and measures the progress toward perfection. This analysis defined value as the timely and accurate verifcation, identification,or quantificationof proposedor unknown component performanceparametersfor an appropriate price. A value stream of the helicopter structural test process was created. It identified a wide difference between the value added cycle time, 197 days, and the scheduled time, 409 days. Rework variations associated with planning, instrumentation, installation and facility design showed that the basic process has so much muda that these rework variations had minimal effect. Establish Req'ls Ai r K 2 daays .y dy/Tysd days it Establish Test srpatmln C/T: 2 dy CIT 1 C/T/T s Foduow 2 SIT s CSIiS yt 4 days days9sCoduStT: 4 d d days 60 daya 5i Shop Factiity CIT days s0 sulls C/IT 5 days S/T: 10 days C/T; t5 day S/T: 20 days Data Flow 10s Crib Mateial Flow C/T: 20 days S/T: 60 days C/T total: 197 days S/T total: 409 days Analysis of the IPTs revealed a general agreement with the benchmarks of the Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI) as espoused by Browning. There were potential problems with the early involvement of Test Engineering in the IPT. Pressure to start the planning activities ahead of detail drawing completion led to longer and more costly processes as early planning needed to be revised to reflect later changes in design. The basis for measuring success of a project is too often a function of the conservatism of the estimator. If one is to truly strive toward a lean process, the goal must have a rationale basis. The equation below represents the best fit of the test data. The structural test cost (hours) is equal to the 560 + 93*severity factor. Severity factor = difficulty*#setups*(0.5 *#static loads+2*#dynamic loads+#components) Severity vs Actual Hours =dffcut#ps(.5*#slatcloads+2dynamicloadS+#cOpoenlt) 00 .................. 3000 , , . D+ ,A 100D 11WI a~ 0 0 10 20 40 30 50 6D 70 80 Sewnty (wih ompmert fador) An evaluation of single test conduct, akin to single product flow, showed no detrimental effect for two simultaneous tests. 4 Biography The author graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor of engineering degree in aerospace from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) in 1974. His senior design team's project was a satellite system could demonstrate the potential for transmitting solar power to earth by microwaves. He recieved the Undergraduate Distinguished Achievement Award for the Department of Aerospace Engineering. He graduated with a master of engineering degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Hartford) in 1977. His master's project involved Kalman filters in control systems. He has spent his entire career (over 25 years) with United Technologies Corporation. He has worked on jet engine fuel controls and helicopters. His work includes both composite and metal component testing, rotor and blade performance, impact dynamics, and pneumodynamics. He has worked on both civilian and military models. His travels for work have included consultations in East Asia and Europe. He shared the 1999 Robert L. Pinckney Award of the AHS. He is a member of the American Helicopter Society (AHS). He has presented papers at " AHS National Specialists' Meeting - Helicopter Testing Technology - March 1988, "ACAP Airframe Crashworthiness Demonstration" " 43rd MFPG Meeting, Oct. 1988, "The Application of Acoustic Emission Techniques to Composite Airframe Structural Testing" His published articles include: " "Correlation of Acoustics Emission and Strain/Deflection Measurements During Composite Airframe Static Tests" AHS Journal July 1989 " "Nondestructive Testing Handbook" ASNT 1987, Contributing Author Acoustic Emission 5 Acknowledgements The author wishes to thank his employer for giving him the opportunity to continue his education at this prestigious institution. He wishes to thank Lee Teft, William Groth, Donald Gover, and Kenneth Rosen for their foresight in supporting this fine program for design and management education. He wishes to thank his thesis advisor Joyce Warmkessel for the guidance necessary to turn this raw data into a readable form. He also wishes to thank his other M.I.T. professors who taught the additional tools that allowed the completion of this work. He seeks forgiveness from his wife Pam and his two daughters for the amount of his attention that this degree program took from them. 6 Table of Contents Value Stream Analysis of IPT's and the Test/Certification Phase of Product Development ........................................................................................................................................ 1 ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ 2 Keywords ................................................................................................................ 2 EXECUTIVE SUM MARY .................................................................................... 3 Biography .................................................................................................................... 5 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................. 6 Table of Tables............................................................................................................8 Table of Figures ................................................................................................... 8 Table of Equations.................................................................................................... 9 The Issue ................................................................................................................... 10 Background...............................................................................................................10 The Industry .............................................................................................................. 13 Data Description.................................................................................................... 15 Data limitations .................................................................................................. 19 Integrated Product Teams (IPT's) and the Test/Certification Process......................20 Test Certification History .................................................................................. 24 Test Sequence.................................................................................................... 25 Value s ........................................................................................... 30 Test Purposes .................................................................................................... 30 Standard Test Value Stream ............................................................................... 34 Value Streams with Rework.............................................................................. 35 Test Phase Budget Analysis.............................................................................. 41 Spending profile analysis................................................................................... 42 Value n ........................................................................................... 45 Cost Performance ............................................................................................. 46 M ultitasking and Performance ............................................................................ 55 Schedule Performance ....................................................................................... 58 Quality Performance............................................................................................59 Aligning M etrics with Value............................................................................... 7 59 Conclusions ............................................................................................................... 61 Future W ork..............................................................................................................61 APPENDIX ............................................................................................................... 62 Table of Tables Table 1 Product Development Timetable.................................................................... 22 Table 2 Test Participation in IPT's ............................................................................ 24 Table 3 Program Integrative M echanism Scorecard.......................................................29 Table 4 Stakeholder Value Summary........................................................................ 32 Table 5 Value Stream Statistics ..................................................................................... 35 Table 6 Test Phase Budget Performance.................................................................... 41 Table 7 Summarized Test Data................................................................................... 53 Table 8 Difficulty Factor Summ ary ............................................................................ 54 Table 9 Testing Alternatives....................................................................................... 60 Table 10 Case Data .................................................................................................... 62 Table 11 Case Data .................................................................................................... 63 Table 12 Case Data .................................................................................................... 64 Table 13 Case Data .................................................................................................... 65 Table of Figures Figure 1 Product Development Stages........................................................................ 14 Figure 2 Development Phase Nonrecurring Cost ........................................................ 15 Figure 3 Test Phase Nonrecurring Cost ..................................................................... 16 Figure 4 Ground Test Phase Nonrecurring Cost......................................................... 17 Figure 5 Structural Test Nonrecurring Cost ............................................................... 18 Figure 6 Company M atrix Organization ................................................................... 21 Figure 7 Program Organization Chart............................................................................23 Figure 8 Component Test #3 Gantt Chart ................................................................. 28 Figure 9 Structural Test Value Stream ........................................................................ 36 Figure 10 Test Value Stream with Facility Rework ....................................................... 37 Figure 11 Test Value Stream with Installation Rework.................................................. 38 8 Figure 12 Test Value Stream with Instrumentation Rework....................................... 39 Figure 13 Test Value Stream with Late Detail Design Rework .................................. 40 Figure 14 Resource Summary for a Large Component Test (#3) (Plan & Actuals).........43 Figure 15 Effect of Test Performance on Start Date.................................................. 44 Figure 16 Simulated Flight Loads Test #9 ................................................................ 47 Figure 17 Test Performance and Rating Factor..........................................................50 Figure 18 Test Performance and Rational Severity Factor ......................................... 51 Figure 19 Test Performance and Regressed Severity Factor.......................................52 Figure 20 Engineer D's Tests' Resource Plots .......................................................... 56 Figure 21 Engineer D 's M ultitasking.......................................................................... 58 Table of Equations Equation 1 Estim ation Rating Factor .......................................................................... Equation 2 Estimation Severity Factor........................................................................48 Equation 3 Regressed Estimation Severity Factor......................................................49 9 48 The Issue Aerospace, and in particular, helicopter manufacturing has many qualities that would place it in the lean, or leaning, category. It rarely builds on speculation, it employs multifunctional integrated product teams (IPTs), it organizes and manages around products, it assiduously services it products in the field, and its final product is produced in a single piece basis with no inventory between steps. It also has qualities that are anathema to lean. It takes a long time to develop and market a product (excluding derivatives of existing designs). It reworks parts rather than fixing the process. It is made up of a large number of itinerant workers. Its supply chain is not well integrated. It spends a large amount of time in the test/certification process. This paper will examine the way in which value stream analysis can provide recommendations for improvements to the test/certification phase of the product design and development process, and to IPTs. Background The Machine That Changed the World, and1Lean Thinking2 from Womack, Jones, and Roos, and Womack and Jones set out a method to achieve high value, rapid response, and low cost in the production of goods for consumers. Value defined as a capability provided to a customer at the right time, at an appropriate price, as defined by the customer. Their method strives to achieve savings by focusing on five important principles: 1. Specifying value 2. Identifying the value stream 3. Making the value stepsflow 4. Letting the customer pull value (products) 5. Pursuing perfection Womack, J. P. , Jones, D. T. and Roos, D. (1990), The Machine That Changed The World, New York: Rawson Associates 2 Womack, J. P. and Jones, D. T. (1996), Lean Thinking, New York: Simon and Schuster Embedded in this method is the concept of waste, muda in Japanese. It embodies a "human activity which absorbs resources but creates no value." 3 A Toyota executive 4 has enumerated seven different kinds of muda, and Womack and Jones 5 have added an eighth: 1. Defects in products 2. Overproduction of goods 3. Excess inventories 4. Overprocessing of parts 5. Unnecessary movement of people 6. Unnecessary transport of goods 7. Waiting for an upstream activity 8. Goods and services that don't meet customer needs Ohno also divides these muda into two varieties: 1. Those that create no value but are necessary in the current production process 2. Those that create no value and can be eliminated immediately. These lean principles are most commonly applied to companies whose manufacturing processes produce a tangible product (automobiles, copy machines, etc.), at high rates. More recently (1993) lean thinking has been applied to aerospace manufacturing, which is characterized by a lower production rate. The Lean Aerospace Initiative (LAI), a partnership of government, labor, business, and academia, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is a principal advocate of this effort. However, these manufacturing applications are only a fraction of the potential, for these principles can be more broadly applied to any activity. ' ibid 4 Ohno, Taiichi, (1988). The Toyota ProductionSystem: Beyond Large Scale Production.Oregon: Productivity Press. 5 Womack and Jones, ibid 11 Efforts at LAI are being made to apply the principles to information flow as they have already to material flow. Weigel and Warmkessel6 have also extended the field by applying lean principles to aerospace testing. Here the product, customer confidence, is intangible. This required a new definition of value: Verification, through accepted methods, that the (product)perform as expected in a timely manner and at the agreedcost. This study focused on acceptance testing which is a recurring test performed on every product as a requirement before delivery. This paper will expand the scope of testing to include structural certification activities that are performed once for a specific product design. It will also analyze the experience of integrated product teams (IPTs) in the development of a helicopter. Browning 7 analyzed the use of people-based design structure matrices (DSMs), design for integration (DFI), and integrative mechanisms (IMs) in achieving a lean enterprise. He relates the importance of managing organizational interfaces by stressing the 'integration of teams'. He describes several IMs including: 1. Interface optimization (through DSMs) 2. Shared information resources 3. Team building 4. Co-location 5. Town meetings 6. Manager mediation 7. Participant mediation specialists 8. Interface management groups 9. Interface contracts and scorecards 6 Weigel, A. L. and Warmkessel, J. (1999), "Formulation of the Spacecraft Testing Value Stream", ICSE 7 Browning, T. R. (1997), "Summary Report: Systematic IPT Integration in Lean Development Programs," LAI Report Series #RP97-01-19. 12 He also suggests several desirable information transfer interface characteristics: 1. Published definitions 2. Directed assignments 3. Permeability 4. Mutability 5. Unencumbered flow 6. Full documentation 7. Measurable performance 8. Scalability The experiences of the IPTs on this helicopter program will be analyzed against these characteristics. The Industry The helicopter manufacturing industry is over 60 years old. Its roots lie in the brave inventors of the turn of the century. These were experimenters of the grandest sort. They had to create, analyze, develop, build, test, and fly their products themselves in this fledgling industry. No design framework or best principles existed. As Igor Sikorsky, the founder of the industry, observed, the necessity of the designer to be the flight test pilot had the consequence of rapidly weeding out poor designs. The product design and development model, Figure 1 from Warmkessel,8 highlights several stages of product development. This paper will focus on the Test phase. 8 Warmkessel, J. , (1998) Unpublished work from MIT Class 15.967, System and Project Management 13 I i FOCUS Figure 1 Product Development Stages The industry remains little changed to this day. The criticality of a design mistake, and the maturity of the design/analysis function is still not far enough advanced to eliminate the necessity of significant ground based testing of the product before flight. It does not eliminate significant development through flight testing before production. It does not eliminate significant verification of function by ground and flight test before each delivery. The helicopter design philosophy is platform based. With a long (4-8 year) development process, it has become more commonplace to design to a particular weight class rather than to a specific customer requirement. From this design point, a variety of attributes can be tailored to provide for a modicum of customization. Among these attributes are avionics, engine capacity, cabin interiors and seating, external lifting (cargo hooks, rescue hoists), fuel capacity, and armaments. The system designs of airframe, controls, and powertrain (exclusive of the engines) are fixed. A secondary advantage to this philosophy is that it speeds certification of the derivatives since these systems constitute the major expense in a certification program. 14 Data Description The data for this paper come from a recent helicopter test/certification effort. The data are disguised. The method of alteration permits accurate proportional comparisons of the individual tests. The data represent a portion of the total development effort for the helicopter. Figures 2-5 show the breakdown for the costs of this project. The Test costs (which include the nonsaleable flight test aircraft) represent 20% of the program development cost. Material costs include the flight test aircraft that can be reconfigured and sold after certification. Figure 2 Development Phase Nonrecurring Cost Managemen t Design 9% 27% Materials 21% Test 20% Tooling 23% 15 This 20% is further split among three test groups: flight, electrical, and ground as shown in Figure 3. The flight test effort includes all system tests involving the complete helicopter, including a full vehicle restrained to the ground, but particularly focuses on those activities that are concerned with flight. The electrical test activities are split off from the other two because the Design Branch supervises this activity. It encompasses the electrical and avionics development including the software demonstrations. Figure 3 Test Phase Nonrecurring Cost Electrical 18% Ground 40% Flight 42% 16 The ground test activities are divided up as shown in Figure 4. These include several types: component qualification, systems, gearboxes, customer support, research, and component structural. Qualification tests involve functional subsystems (usually vendor produced) servos, fuel systems, vibration control, and flight instruments. They include proof of function, environmental (including vibration), and endurance. System tests include the aircraft preflight acceptance tests performed on the flight test vehicles (controls, electrical, fuel, landing gear), as well as other specialized, one time, major system tests (controls static, rotor system performance, airframe modal, lightning strike, EMI). Gearbox or drivetrain tests involve the lifting and directional transmissions and drive shafts, and include lubrication, vibration, endurance, and fatigue. Customer support includes periodic reports and presentations to the customer, as well as the deliverable report. Research encompasses all early test activities associated with non-production component designs. Component structural tests are described below. Figure 4 Ground Test Phase Nonrecurring Cost Research Customer 5% Support 2% Gearboxes 8% Component Qualification 15% Component Structural 54% Systems 16% 17 Component structural tests include static and fatigue tests as shown in Figure 5. Static tests determine single application limit, non-yielding, strength levels and/or ultimate, failing, strength levels. These levels help define the operating envelope for the helicopter. Single specimens are tested, but increasingly analysis can replace these tests as the stress analysis tools mature. Fatigue tests determine component performance under repetitive load cycles, and determine the safe operating period of a component on the helicopter. Several specimens of a component design are tested to evaluate the statistics of scatter in strength. Figure 5 Structural Test Nonrecurring Cost Static 5% Fatigue 95% 18 Data limitations The data used in this paper represent only the fatigue test costs. Moreover, they represent only the preflight tests. This aggregate does give the breadth of the program, but does not evaluate the full depth, since it involves only one or two specimens of a multi-specimen program. These subsequent specimen test efforts benefit from the prior specimens' efforts (learning curve) and thus are conducted more efficiently. The evaluation of this learning curve effect is beyond the scope of this paper. Also not included in the data are the formal reports. These documents are prepared after completion of all test specimens. 19 Integrated Product Teams (IPT's) and the Test/Certification Process The data for this analysis represent the preflight testing of a helicopter. The vision for this aircraft was a medium sized vehicle that had an affordable price, with one of the lowest maintenance costs per flight hour of the industry. The aircraft needed to be adaptable for both civilian and foreign military needs. Its customers could use it for cargo and passenger transportation. Since this helicopter was designed for civilian use its certification required FAA approval. This analysis will focus on the test demonstration phase of the Product Design Development (PDD) process. However, in order to more fully understand the development process, a short description of the development team follows. The company has a matrix organization structure. This is shown schematically in Figure 6. This style of organization has existed here for over 25 years. This is a weak program manager structure since the manager has financial control of only the program, and no ability to hire or promote the employees. There are parallel structures for Programs (centered on aircraft models) and Core Competencies (Purchasing, Product Integrity, Manufacturing, Engineering). Compensation is controlled by the Core Competency giving it the upper hand. Each (salary) employee has two bosses, one (Program) for job assignments and the other (Core Competency) for mentoring, evaluations, standard practices, and (sometimes) assignments for small programs. The Engineering Test Branch's relationship to the program is shown in Figure 6. A recent reorganization has increased the emphasis on the Program side. This has been partially successful. Parallel career paths exist in both areas, recently the strength of the program career path has been stronger. The laboratory technicians report to a different branch manager. This requires regular coordination with the test group on specific task priorities. 20 Figure 6 Company Matrix Organization President |Vice A Program Test Dietr Program Chief Vice President President R&D Manager Test Branch Manager Design Branch Manager Administration Group Leader Group Leader Group Leader Group Leader Ground Test Instrumentation Facility Design Labs .Engineer Ground Test Ground Test E ProgramA Instrumentation .............. ....................... ............... Engineer Facility Design Technicians Laboratory Reporting responsibilities for performance evaluation and compensation. -....... Day-to-day assignment, if different from reporting structure. 21 A timetable for the product development process is shown in Table 1 below: Table 1 Product Development Timetable Year Organization Major activities Milestones Test Activity 1 (92) Small, multifaceted group Early design studies, program cost and schedule estimation, drawing and document control Market announcement Risk reduction testing, preliminary standards estimates 2 (93) Expanded team structure Formal design trades, initial vendor contact, performance evaluated, loads modeling simulations started FAA discussions held on certification 3 (94) Formal IPT's created Make/buy decisions, forgings ordered 4 (95) 5 Management expanded Program peaks Vendors under contract, detailed design started First machining occurs Test plans started (96) at 1000 people First completed components, fuselage joining First component issues Aircraft specification released. Benchmark- Detailed estimates ing complete 6 (97) tests begun 7 (98) IPT's lose focus and members Engineering begins to scale back, major rework effort required First Flight Majority of testing, Test Engineers peak at 10 The program organizational structure is shown in Figure 7. The IPT's were typically composed of representatives from Engineering (Design, Test, and Analysis), Manufacturing (Engineering, Production), Purchasing, Customer Support, and Management. Most of the team members were assigned full time to this program. Not all of the IPT's had Test members. 22 Figure 7 Program Organization Chart Pusgam Vmce Presdent Bu s Iies-s-rm Customer Support ana g er Business Development Customer Interface Partner I Liason Cockpit Control System Partner 2 Liason Mission Cabin Auto. Flightj System ~mnginerng Eg! Final Assembly Pilots Change Board Engineerng Test ]rg System Integration Equipment Package Integ rated Product Team s Partner 3 Liason Transition Interior Cowling Partner 4 Liason Sponsons Fuel System Procurement Electrical Systems Avionics Test Technical Interface Structural Manufacturing Engineering nstrumentation Dynamic Systems ...... .................... ... Partner SLiason Em pennage Mechanical Aircra .. _ Fa cli t Active Noise Vibration estIn _ Fii.g.h~t" Propulsion Drive Rotors Hydraulic Controls The IPT's, listed in Table 2, represent both major design elements as well as Engineering disciplines. Table 2 Test Participation in IPT's IPT Cockpit Cabin interior Airframe transition section Cowlings Propulsion Cabin Hydraulic controls Aircraft systemsSponsons and fuel systems EmpennageHorizontal Stabilizer Rotor systems Transmission and drive systems Automatic Flight Control Systems Mission Equipment Package Electrical Final Assembly System IntegrationSystem EngineeringOversight Test Participation -oversight of the birdstrike test and acceptance test support. -oversight of the partner ramp testing -engine qualification testing oversight -acceptance testing - vendor qualification of all the purchased actuators -partner qualifications including the demonstration of crashworthiness -partner static test oversight -partner static and fatigue test oversight -primary source of in-house test requirements. This was composed of separate blade and rotor component teams. The rotor component IPT disbanded after detailed design when the Purchasing and shop representatives failed to attend. -gearbox testing was greatly aided by close integration with this IPT - Electrical test responsibility - Electrical test responsibility - Electrical test responsibility - acceptance testing presence and its integration into the aircraft build schedule and factory operations sheets -specification authoring -this group was composed of the leaders of the other teams including one test representative Test Certification History This product development activity was marked by significant changes in the way the test branch participated. Normally the test engineers would be some of the last to 'join' the Program. However, for this helicopter model IPT's were a primary process tool. This required an early Test presence. Initially this team presence could be met with one or two test engineers spreading their time among the teams. Their primary activities were overall test planning and estimation. Estimates were prepared in the first, and third years of the Program. Additional engineers were required (part time) for the risk reduction testing that occurred during this early preliminary design phase. Significant spending was also consumed in early discussions with the FAA on the scope of fatigue testing. The FAA's regulations had changed since the company's last helicopter certification, so the basis for estimation was less certain. During the detailed design phase in years 4-6 it was necessary to increase the Test team to more adequately monitor and respond to the team issues. Significant test planning and long lead-time facility designs were prime activities. Test participation at this stage was not predicated by the completion of component detail drawings (as was normally done), but was in response to the Program's request for staffing to meet the imminent release of these drawings. Test plan writing began in year 5 in anticipation of lengthy FAA approval sequences. The first test occurred during year 6. This testing (#s 6,7,9) was of components involved in earlier risk reduction efforts. Those efforts helped spur the early completion of the drawings and tooling. The increase in headcount necessary to staff these tests lead to a premature scale up of the test effort. During year 7 the test conduct activities peaked requiring 10 (equivalent) engineers. First flight occurred at the end of this year. Drawing completions were typically 3 months behind schedule. Specimen deliveries were 6-8 months behind schedule, first flight was 5 months behind schedule. Test Sequence A typical test sequence begins with the estimation of the schedule and cost in response to a program request. Estimates are created from a variety of sources. They may reflect recent actual expenditures from similar programs, or scaled sums from these efforts. They may be 25 newly created to reflect novel requirements. They may be modified sums that encompass past actuals and anticipated savings from new approaches. Upon the completion of a component's detailed drawing the test engineer begins the quantitative planning. Loads and facility needs are researched. At this point the loads are either scaled from similar historical sources, or are the product of simulated flights. Aircraft components for the particular test are ordered. When sufficient conceptual information are developed, a request for a test facility is initiated to provide the means to support the specimen and apply the loads. The calendar intensity of the planning and facility design (and fabrication) is scaled to provide a completed test facility and an approved test plan coincident with the delivery of the test specimen. The test plan includes sufficient detail to reflect the purpose of the test, the criterion for success, and the applicable statutory requirements. A sketch showing the loads and a detailed instrumentation diagram is included. The instrumentation requirement is composed of Design requests for analytical correlation and for comparison with flight test data. The internal approval requires at least two reviewers. The external, FAA review normally takes from 2 weeks to 3 months. The test facility design is frequently derived from previous similar component tests. It takes advantage of multipurpose frames. Servo controlled hydraulic cylinders are used to apply the loads. Sufficient adjoining components are included at all interfaces to ensure the accurate introduction and reaction of loads into the component of interest. Where possible, existing loading apparatus is reused. Standard control components are combined to meet the load application requirements. Design work is done in-house, but fabrication may occur either in- or out-of-house. The test specimen is fabricated from the same drawings, materials, and processes as the production components. However, if defects are present in noncritical areas, they may be accepted without rework for the test program. 26 After the test specimen is received, it goes to the instrumentation lab where the strain measuring gages are installed. If load or moment calibration is required of the gages, it is done before delivering the specimen to the test laboratory. Typically the FAA requires inspection of the installation and calibration of the strain gages. In the test laboratory, the specimen is installed in the test facility and the measurement devices are attached to a console for display and recording. The FAA requires an inspection at this point also. After initial surveys, the load condition is established and the component is repetitively loaded to fracture. Design, program management, and government representatives are offered an opportunity to witness the testing. Upon fracture or significant strength demonstration, the testing is concluded. Multiple specimens are required to determine the scatter in the strength. The number of full scale test specimens varies from 4 for civil designs, to 6 or more for military designs. The component strength is compared with the expected usage and the flight load environment. An expected safe operational period is calculated. The test activities are documented in a report that requires the same signoffs as the plan. A traditional Gantt chart for test #3 is shown in Figure 8. The amount of slack time is designed to ensure a high likelihood of meeting schedule. Managers are rated based on meeting cost and schedule estimates, no matter how conservative those estimates. 27 Figure 8 Component Test #3 Gantt Chart 1997 ID Task __Qtr Name 1 Test 3 Duration Qtr 2 3 1998 1 |Qtr 4 Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Qtr Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 641.09d 2 Complete Detail design 3 Plan [1-002] test 4 Fabricate facility 9/1 1d 20d 272.76d 5 Mechanical design of facility 6 Controls design of facility 118.75d 7 Procure, fabricate, assemble facility 32.05w 112.5d 8 Receive test specimen 109d 9 Instrument 1 specimen 25d 10 Conduct 1 specimen Test 3 11 1st specimen complete 1d 12 Instrument 2 specimen 25d 13 Conduct 2 specimen Test 3 14 2nd specimen complete 15 Instrument 3 specimen 16 Conduct 3 specimen Test 3 17 3rd specimen complete 1d 18 Instrument 4 specimen 25d 19 Conduct 4 specimen Test 3 20 4th specimen complete 21 Report [L003] on Test 64 58d 2/1 64 58d 5 1d 25d 64.58d /2 64.58d 1d /8 45d 28 An analysis in Table 3 (following Browning) of the Program organization and the IPTs indicates compliance with many of the characteristics. The interface optimization was informal. It was discussed, but no Design Structural Matrices (DSMs) were drawn. Team building exercises included picnic, program vision statement signing, commemorative items (hats, pins, and mugs), group viewing of televised first flight, post flight cocktail party, and an annual party. Team cohesion has lessened since the many of the founding personnel have been transferred off the program. Town meetings with all participants were held when the program was small, they evolved into program briefings by the Program Manager when the group reached its maximum size. Now, even with a smaller population, they are no longer held. No formal contracts were written on interfaces, and this has led to some organizational jockeying for power and budget. Table 3 Program Integrative Mechanism Scorecard Integrative Mechanisms Program Employment Interface optimization (through DSMs) Shared information resources Team building No, somewhat but not formally Yes Yes, several exercises early, but now only once a year, initial participants dispersed Yes Only in the beginning Yes, more like intervention Not formally Yes No Co-location Town meetings Manager mediation Participant mediation specialists Interface management groups Interface contracts and scorecards 29 Value Stream Analysis An evaluation of the test process should begin with a value stream analysis. The needs of the stakeholders will form the values. These values will be traced through the process to determine the degree to which the process contributes to value creation. Test types will be evaluated to consider if value varies with type. The performance of a test will be evaluated against the estimate to determine the degree to which effort were wasted and possible causes. Lastly, the metrics used to evaluate performance will be examined in light of lean processes. A value stream analysis must begin with a definition of value. Value here is defined as the timely and accurate verification, identification, or quantificationof proposed or unknown component performance parametersfor an appropriateprice. Test Purposes Test purposes (and the returned information) fall into several categories: error identification, operational, and quantification of performance. Error identification is often called trouble shooting. Problems in the operation of a system are investigated by test. Value is indirectly derived from the identification of the cause of the errant behavior, which will lead to the correction of the problem. This will reduce cost and lead to value increase. Operational testing includes endurance, or acceptance. Endurance tests are nonrecurring, while acceptance test are performed on every delivered system. The normal operation or range of a system is either simulated or replicated to verify the success of the design. The result is typically pass or fail. Value comes from the confirmation that the system meets the specified requirements. This value statement is weak, for if the design is successful, the test is type one muda. As analytical tools become more reliable this test type will provide less and less value. 30 Quantifying performance is the last type of test. This includes static and fatigue testing, and envelope expansion as design/analytical predictions are correlated. The result is a numeric value. There is still a threshold requirement as in the operational testing, but the test now has sufficient focus that a scaled comparison with analysis can be returned. Value here is proportional to the exceedance of the requirements. This paper will focus on the quantification type of testing. In the present case, as in many others, there are a variety of customers/stakeholders. Value varies with each group. Table 4 provides a summary of the most recognizable stakeholders and their requirements. An obvious conclusion is that value, while being manifest in the physicality of the delivered helicopter, takes varying forms when narrowly linked to the output of the Test/Certification process. The most common physical form is that of the test report. The stakeholders are divided into external and internal groups. Internal refers to those delivering the value, employed by the manufacturer. With this interpretation, subcontractors and partners are considered internal since they function as employees in delivering value. External stakeholders are those that receive the value in return for payment, or bystanders who are innocent participants within the influence of the delivered product. 31 Table 4 Stakeholder Value Summary Source Group Units Needs Related Test Output Value External Civilian Owners Helicopter owners Users Pilots Low purchase price, low cost maintainability, long life, Component lives, test cost, timeliness versatility, availability, safety Maintenance Controllability, visibility, crashworthiness, low vibration, low noise, comfort (seats, Vibration response, component lives, stability, crash ventilation, heat), safety response Low effort maintainability, long life components, low hazard Component lives, ease of repair workplace, clear manuals Passengers Low cost transport, point to point speed, low vibration, low noise, Vibration response, trust/reputation comfort, safety Contractors Low cost of operation, availability, versatility (center of gravity range, gross weight), large Test cost, efficiency fuel capacity, Public Neighbors Low noise, low hazard, safety strength margins, thoroughness Officials Above, plus long term economic strength margins, benefit Usefulness, minimal hazards thoroughness Society Certifying Agency safety, regulation obedience, lessons learned Test plan and execution, accurate analysis, test report Internal Management Shareholders Investment risk, ROI cost, lawsuit shield Program Hurdle completion, risk reduction, minimal cost, minimal Test cost, duration, accuracy schedule Functional Good practice, safety, lessons Strength margin learned Engineering Analysis Design Tool correlation, failure modes and effects, finite element Design verification strength, fit, Strength, stiffness, failure mode Failure mode, Ground Test function, life Reputation Cost, accuracy, time Safety, flight envelope limits, critical measurement parameters Fatigue strength, linearity of Flight Test I measurements 32 Source Group Units Needs Related Test Output Value Job satisfaction, long term employment Job satisfaction, job efficiency, calibration techniques Flaw tolerance, assembly techniques Inspection techniques, critical areas Repair strength, techniques Test Lab Instrumentation Manufacturing Product integrity Customer Overhaul & Support repair Group Failure modes Repair demonstrations Manuals Source Clear directions and expectations Measurement location Failure modes Assembly photos, component Early photos, lives, component lives Units Needs Related Test Output Value External Military Procuring Agency Army Cost, survivability, detectability, upgradeability, technical Test cost, -ility accuracy superiority Defense Department Low purchase price, low cost maintainability, long Commanders Availability, versatility, speed, gross weight, time Pilots Controllability, visibility, crashworthiness, low vibration, low noise, comfort (seats, a/c, heat), Strength margin, test cost, life, safety Endurance, efficiency on station Users Controls response, stability, audio response, crash response, landing gear performance safety, survivability Maintenance Low effort maintainability, long life components, quick replacement with common Component life, ease of repair/ assembly tools, clear manuals Troops Public Taxpayers Officials point to point speed, low vibration, low noise, comfort, safety, survivability Cost, life, state of origin Above, plus long term Vibration response, crash response, ballistic tolerance Test cost economic benefit Society Usefulness, minimal hazards 33 Trust, reputation Standard Test Value Stream Value as shown in the table is delivered only by the information creation while the Test process makes use of both material flow and information creation (transfer and transformation). Here the only physical manifestation of value is in the conveyance of information by report or presentation. These material flows and information creation are shown schematically in Figure 10 for a typical test process. Cycle time (C/T) or task time represents the value-added time (in business days). This is the time required to complete the task as fast as possible. Schedule time (S/T) represents the calendar time (in business days). The total times are simply sums of each task, and represent not the critical paths but the total effort. Many of the steps can proceed in parallel as shown in the traditional Gantt chart of Figure 9. Lightning bolts represent the information flow while the material flows are shown with traditional arrows. The steps in the information flow are identified by the letter 1: 11, 21, etc. There are two material flows: Component- This flow involves the actual test specimen. The specimen flow steps are identified by letter s: Is, 2s, etc.. Facility- This flow addresses the construction of the facility that will be used to test the specimen. It joins the component flow with the installation of the specimen. The material flow steps are identified by the letter f, If, 2f, etc. The choke point is known to be the calibration task. This step has the most inventories stacked in front of it, as described in Critical Chain 9 . Another common delay point is between similar, but competing, test specimens at the multi-use, capital, test facilities. This value stream represents only a portion of the product development process. There are many groups and activities (Design and Manufacturing Engineering, Shop, Inspection, Suppliers) that fall outside the scope of this paper. The intent here is to address those actions that form the bulk of the Test Group's charter. These are the 34 activities that are estimated and conducted by personnel that report to a common manager. Other activities represented in gray in Figure 10 are in the value stream, but are controlled by a different line manager. Negotiations between managers are required to achieve mutually acceptable schedules. Value Streams with Rework Figures 11 to 13 show the more realistic value streams with rework cycles at the planning, instrumentation, installation, and facility tasks. As shown in the schedule totals, the most critical time for rework is during the planning and facility stages. As noted in the Table 5 below, the effect of the rework is to a great extent buried by the conservative scheduling of the test. The cycle time is less than 50% of the schedule time. Table 5 Value Stream Statistics Figure 10 11 12 13 14 Value Stream Baseline, no rework Facility rework Installation rework Instrumentation rework Late Detail Design 9 Goldratt, E., (1997), Critical Chain, North River Press, 35 Cycle Time Schedule Time Summary Summary 197 224 199 202 215 409 435 413 420 437 Figure 9 Structural Test Value Stream Ii Establish Req'ts Na7Establish Test C/T:------ dmC 2r 4i Prepare Plan :1dyys d1y 25 ds0/T:4/T: Cid/ysdaT: da:2 dayT28 s 3Si Design FacilityFacility 6i Order Specimen C/T:3dasq: 2d S/: 60 days C/T: .5 day S/T: 2 days Rework 4sIn5s a if : S dy3s Crib Su F c y5f C/T:2.5 day S/T: 5 day Assemble 2d 4 days 4f 1 ribCT a B,- Mt daysCu 8 days ST2dy S/T: 0days CT 7s install specimen FxueC/T:5 Suppier apc Calibrate C/T 2 days S/T: 2 days 2dy dy or 3f Shop Facility Build C/T: 20 days 9s Conduct Test C/T: 15 days S/T:- 20 - days e cont~ y 1Ds Crib Matra Flw/T 36 7i Analyze Data 8i Report Results C/T: 5 days C/T 20 days S/T:- 10 days S/T: 60 days C /T to ta l: 1 9 7 da y s total: 409 days Figure 10 Test Value Stream with Facility Rework I. 31 Establish Test Req'ts 41 Prepare Plan dayC/T: C/T: j S/T: S/T: 7 days ... M.. ........ i Design 12 days 22 days Facility Rework T S - CT4 C/T: 40 days S/T: 65 days T351 -me --- - Rework ......... .. .......k.. .. ...... ......... ..... s.... T s .... ... R....rk .r . ... ..... ...... , ....... ... 3f Shop Facility Build C/T: 30 days S/T: 45 days SIT: 25 days CIT total: 224 days S/T total: 435 days 37 Figure 11 Test Value Stream with Installation Rework I. 2 V ..................... ........... ................... -7 ................ ...................................... ..................... ... ........ ................ ........................ .................. ............ .................................. ................................................................ .......................... ...... ... ......... ................ ............................... ....... . ........ .. ............... .... ....... Its Rework 7s install specimen ............................ C/T:7 dayS S/T: 10 days S.: ............ ......................... 4. .............. .................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................. ........... - ............ .................... ......................................... ......................... ....................... 5 C/T total: 199 days S/T total: 413 days 38 Figure 12 Test Value Stream with Instrumentation Rework ........ ... ................... ..... ............. ... .... ... ............................... ... ................. M L ........... ................ . .................. ........... ............. .......................... - Rework "M FIN 4s Instniment POW M11 I ............ 5s Calibrate CITA days SM 10 days ...... .... C/T: 4 days Srr: 4days 6 days ................... ........................................... ................ . ............. - ............................ ........... ...... .......... ....................... ................. ................ I.................. ............ ............... ................................... ...... ...... ............... ...................... . .. .I II.................... ...................... . UT total: 202 days S/T: total: 420 days 39 Figure 13 Test Value Stream with Late Detail Design Rework rework ReworkI i Establish Req'ts 2i Establish Test Req'ts C/T: 2 days S/T: 5 days C/T: 2 day S/T: 8 days 6i Order Speci 4i Prepare Plan mn rework 7 C/T: 15 days S/T: 30 days 31 Desig n Facility an C/T: 45 days S/T: 70 days C/T: .5 day S /T : 2 d a y s )S T .................. ........... ......... .............. ....................... ......................................... ..................... ....................... ............ ............ .......... T'. . .................. .......... .......... ... .......... ............. ............................ .......................... ....... .................. ....................... .................................. ), ................... ................................ go ............. x ..................... ....................... ........ ............................. .............................................................. ........................... .................. ..................... ............ .................. ..... ...................................... ................... ........................ ..................... ................................................... ..... ........... ..... .......... ........................................................... ...................... .................................. ... ................... ....................... ......................... ... C/T total: 215 days S/T total: 437 days 40 - Test Phase Budget Analysis An evaluation of the cost performance of the various test phases is summarized in Table 6. Each phase is evaluated relative to its estimated cost. The result is either on budget (within 10%), or Table 6 Test Phase Budget Performance Dwg Test No. Engr Lead Plan A 4 A-% 5 A 23 B 29 B 31 C 9 C 17 1 D D 6 D 24 D 25 D 26 D 28 D 42 F 3 F2 32 G 13 G 30 H 7 H 27 E 8 E 14 E 21 E 21 TOTALS Facilit Conduct Overall Instr. -1 4% -7% 0 -2 -" 0 4% 3% 2% -7% 0% % 0% 0 -1% 4,0% 4 9% overrun under on target % Several things are apparent from this summary. " The planning phases were regularly (19/24) over budget. This occurred even if the drawing was released ahead of the test plan start. This indicates a fundamental under estimate for this test phase. " When the drawing phases did not lead the test plan starts by at least 2 weeks (15), the tests were regularly over budget 10/15. 41 " Except for engineer H, no engineer had more than 50% total cost overruns. " Instrumentation was underestimated in 13/24 tests. This also indicates a fundamental problem. Spending profile analysis The scheduling reality of a test often highlights the muda. It reveals the inactivity periods. Figure 15 compares an actual large test program (#3) results, where the stretch-out of the performance is readily apparent, with the plan. Reduced calendar time is always a sign of a more efficiently run test. Spikes in manpower also indicate inefficient use of resources. A rectangular block of the shortest calendar duration would be the ideal spending profile. One could envision a metric that would resemble the energy efficiency calculation of landing gear load versus stroke curves. The derivation of that metric is beyond the scope of this paper. One similar characteristic of the overruns during this test program is that the early portion, planning, consumed much more time than estimated. This is partially due to the pressure exerted by the Program management, through the IPT, to begin test planning and facility design activities ahead of the (belated) release of the component drawings. Management hoped to recover schedule slippage by early completion of the test plan. This more frequently led to plan and design rework as the plan and facility design had to reflect the drawing change. 42 Figure 14 Resource Summary for a Large Component Test (#3) (Plan & Actuals) Large Component Test Actuals - 240 200 0 Other ESuperv 0 Instr Tech ELab Tech * Instr Engr 160 120 -Z% 80, 40 FT *1 0 0)00)00)00)00)00))0))0))0))0))0 O co ( - O m M M I I Test Facilit) Complhte Start Specimen Drawing Done Co )0 M I Test end Specimen in instr. Large Component Test Plan 240 s 200 10 *Superv [I Instr Tech ELab Tech D Instr Engr DA/C Mgr * Fac Dsgnr Q - ,g 120 0 80 a) 40 - * Test Engr 0 M M r- M M M V- r Delijery Irwn Test Start 43 I o U' OCo *A/C Mngr * Fac Dsgnr Figure 16 examines a metric that reflects the amount of time the initiation of planning lags (+) or precedes (-) the release of the component drawing. This metric is plotted versus the % overrun in the test. As shown, the figure suggests that the early start does (weakly) correlate with the overrun. Clearly, there are other issues affecting the overrun. o-Al o: o0 ' ~ ~ 4,/ ,J~- uip ag Dmwrng rele hatdn Mbntt ud Figure 15 Effect of Test Performance on Start Date 44 Value Based Tracking A tool needed by lean enterprises is performance tracking, both to establish current efficiency and to form a baseline to evaluate future improvements. One cannot move toward perfection if one cannot determine one's direction or know how fast one is going. This section will examine measures of performance and by inference estimation. Test performance is currently measured in three ways: cost, schedule, and (less frequently) quality. For the test certification effort, cost includes labor and material charges including facility, instrumentation, and component costs. Costs are accumulated from earliest requirements gathering phases to the approval of reports, including any subsequent retest and revisions. This can include Design support if it is related solely to the accomplishment of the value statement/test objectives and is not just a by-product of being associated with the program at that time. Schedule is relative, a specific test's clock starts when the requirements are firm enough for it to exist as a separate activity apart from the general test planning. Normally this will be after the component drawing is completed, or defined sufficiently to permit planning. While this forms the overall date for collecting time, if is unfair to solely ascribe all this time to the test since the fabrication of the test component can follow a schedule totally divorced from the test. Relations with suppliers of forgings, subcomponents, can be lengthy processes that relate to design-to-cost, not certification. As such, at this point the test process is hostage to the early production performance. The last measurement is quality. This is the most ephemeral. Poor quality can easily be noticed in the need for revision of plans, and retesting of components. Poor quality contributes to the rework cost and schedule increases. It can have a hidden side as well. The failure to adequately measure parameters or ascribe failure modes may require 45 poorly directed acceptance testing (which does not address root causes), or to reduce the replacement interval/life of rotor components. This would raise the cost to the customer. Cost Performance The typical measure of a program is how it performed relative to the plan. This is a flawed basis for comparison. If the planner was overly generous, then even a poor execution can be seen as successful. It would be better to establish a more rational basis for the initial estimate. This will then allow a truer yardstick to measure performance across several years and programs. The imprint of the estimator needs to be minimized. The source'0 for this rational estimation model is derived from the theory that the major cost driver is the flight loading scheme. It influences the intricacy of the plan, the complexity of the facility, the setup time, the instrumentation costs, and ultimately the analysis and reporting. Figure 17 highlights the simulated loads of a test setup. 10 D. 0. Adams, unpublished work on Test Metrics, Sikorsky Aircraft 46 Figure 16 Simulated Flight Loads Test #9 All phases scale with the loads. The planning of the simulated flight loading condition requires an understanding, researching of each load and thus scales with their number. The facility design must model, represent these loads. Its cost is related to the number, for each requires a load creation device and controls. The most costly part of the machining/fabrication of the facility is attachment points for the loads. The setup time for the test is composed of the installation of the test specimen, but more significantly by the installation and setup of each load creation device. The number of measurements is not as straight forward. Here there are a limited number of parameters that measure the applied loads. There are many more, though, that track these loads as they diffuse into the structure. These scale with the number of applied loads. More loads mean a longer survey period. It means more time to phase and manage the loads: a single test may run at speeds 47 from 5-20 hertz. As more loads are added, the cycle rate shortens to one hertz or less. The reporting of the test will also vary with the number of loads since flight data must be analyzed for each one, then applied to the test results. The rational estimation, Figure 18, starts with the number of loads, setups, and relative difficulty. The number of setups and difficulty should be multipliers since they replicate load efforts. It sees a difference between the importance of the static loads and the dynamic loads. The static loads are easily controlled unchanged for the test duration, the dynamic loads require significant attention as to the methods for creating, maintaining and recording the magnitude and frequency of the variation. For this reason, the static loads are considered only the effort of the dynamic. A simple combination, rating, is plotted versus the amount of labor hours. The correlation is fair, 75%. Equation 1 Estimation Rating Factor Rating = difficulty*#setups*(0.5*#static loads+2*#dynamic loads) The makeup of a better, more severe estimation, Figure 19, also sums the loads. However, added to these is a consideration for the number of components under test in the setup. The assembly time for the tested components varies with their number. The amount of instrumentation also varies with the number of components. This estimation has a better correlation, 91%. Equation 2 Estimation Severity Factor Severity = difficulty*#setups*(0.5*#static loads+2*#dynamic loads+#component) The difficulty factor is relatively simple: 1,2, or 3. One represents the simplest test, well understood, a proven facility (or at least concept), no surprises in strength, no risk. Three is for a very complicated test, with many loads, components whose strengths are unknown, with components of many different kinds of materials, a facility that is novel, high risk, a lot of instrumentation. Two is in between, a few loads, a common design, 48 moderate instrumentation. Table 8 identifies the contributors to the difficulty factor. It also includes a description of the problems encountered in the testing. The last estimation, Figure 20, is a linear regression of the variables. The coefficients are 2 for difficulty, 1 for static loads, 2.5 for dynamic loads, 3 for components, and 4.5 for setups. This estimation does not do better, it has a correlation coefficient of 77%. Equation 3 Regressed Estimation Severity Factor Regressed severity = 2*difficulty+ 4.5*#setups+ #static loads+ 2.5*#dynamic loads+ 3*#components The result is a mathematical (linear) relationship between the severity factor and the hours expended that is not dependant on the estimator. Judgements can now be made without consideration for the people involved. Those tests (Figure 19) that fall to the right of the curve are more efficient than those that are on the left side. The slope of the line is an indication of the company performance, 'perfection.' The lesser the slope the closer the test process is to perfection. Certainly, this evaluation has a limited scope. Its form applies only to fatigue testing. Another limitation to this analysis is that it submerges within it the documenting process performance. (The number of pages is often the ideal choice for this metric. However, this has the unintended consequence of favoring long-winded treatises. This is inimical to the precepts of Strunk & White.") This analysis could be applied to other forms of testing: static, vibration, endurance but the factors may likely be different, as would the coefficients. " Strunk Jr.,W., White, E.B., (1953), The Elements of Style, The Macmillan Company, New York 49 Rating vs hours =difficulty*#setups(.5*#static loads+2*#dynaMic loads) 'y =112 52x 7000 CL 0 7000 2000 1000 awA 0 10 30 20 Rating Figure 17 Test Performance and Rating Factor 50 40 50 60 Severity vs Actual Hours =difficulty*#setups(.5*#static loads+2*#dynamic loads+#component) 6000 7000 - 5000- - ~- - -----.. 0 . .. 4000 3000- 2000 1000 0 10 20 30 40 50 Severity (with component factor) Figure 18 Test Performance and Rational Severity Factor 51 60 70 80 Regression summary =2.1*difficulty+#static loads+2.4*#dynamic loads+3*#components+4.3*#setups --- 8000 7000 6000 50000 4000 3000 2000- 1000 0 10 20 30 Regressed severity Figure 19 Test Performance and Regressed Severity Factor 52 40 50 60 Table 7 Summarized Test Data Test No. Engr A 4 A 5 A 23 B 29 31 B 9 C 17 C 1 D 6 D 24 D 25 D 26 D 28 D 42 D E 8 E 14 E 21 E 21 F 3 F 32 G 13 G 30 7 H 27 H Actua Factors Lengt # Loads # com- # Diff Static[ Vibratq onent setupsiRating Severit; ... ___ Iwk) 4 14.78 31 2 0 1 0 1 8 16.9 32 4 1 3 11.8 2 0 6 1 8 16.9 21 0 4 3 11.8 0 1 16 2 1 3 39 51 29.13 23 1 2 25.5 28.39 17 13.5 2 4 5 14.23 25 0 33 25.87 18 1 2 27 3 11.8 23 1 2 0 39 31.17 25 4 36 8 25.5 23.84 17 3 22.5 3 10 22.07 20 8 4 0 2 4 5 14.23 8 0 46 41.99 38 1 14 3 4 8 19.05 31 1 0 1 2 3 11.8 0 3 11.8 1 27 2 0 4 33 60 53.05 32 6 1 20 24.15 24 8 0 2 12 19.33 30 8 0 15 22 6 6 1 0 42 27.68 21 2 2 30 69 33.52 36 57 3 4 53 Plan Schedule Length Stretch Dwq Lead Overrur Overrun Planned actual act/sev (wk % wk) (hrl % h (hrl 1225 -56% 2200 975 10 3.10 -5 1645 219.33 525 -24% 2170 10.5 3.05 -10 670 2245 -70% -1 1575 8.5 0.71 935 153.18 -70% 3110 2175 -3 11 1.91 750 1380 630 -46% 10 9 1.78 5670 3000 89% -2670 10 2.30 -8 3670 3053 114.03 -17% 10 1.70 -7 617 1665 1240 34% -4 -425 7 3.57 3440 113.82 2120 62% 10 1.80 -1320 -8 1270 1760 -28% 490 8 2.88 -3 3455 15% 3000 -455 -2 9 2.78 2085 3340 14 1.21 1255 -38% 0 1275 965 310 -24% -2 6 3.33 835 1580 -47% 745 7 1.00 8 4410 1900 -2510 132% 10 3.80 -8 850 1855 137.67 -6 -1005 118% 7 4.43 225 -20% 1100 875 -39% 1840 1120 720 -4 8.5 3.18 7442 9980 2538 -25% 18 1.78 -7 2035 118.46 33% 1530 -505 8 3.00 2 1350 1920 42% -570 9 3.33 -6 1370 121.85 10 0.60 2300 930 -40% 0 5574 2200 9 2.33 -8 -3374 153% 6180 105.89 77% 3500 -2680 12.5 2.88 -4 Table 8 Difficulty Factor Summary Test # Dff. Facility Factor Design Other Influential Factors Light moderate Moderate Moderate Light heavy understood understood Understood Understood Understood modified Vendor made Material problems Vendor made, material problems Material problems Part had marginal strength Instrument -ation modified New New New New New 4 5 23 29 31 9 1 2 1 2 1 3 17 1 6 3 1 2 New modified existing Moderate light Heavy 24 25 1 3 Light Heavy 26 3 Heavy Novel 28 42 8 1 1 2 New New, complex Existing, complex New Modified new Novel understood Modified, difficult Understood Novel Light Light moderate 14 21 3 1 1 1 existing New Modified, Light Light Moderate Understood Understood Novel features Understood Understood Novel Moderate Light Heavy Heavy Novel Understood Novel Modified, Heavy Novel complex Vendor made Part had strength issues Several modes Vendor made One part had marginal strength. Material problems complex 32 13 30 7 2 2 3 3 27 3 New New New New, Part had strength issues Loading was not well understood complex complex Modified, One part had marginal strength Loading was not well understood, strength problems complex 54 Multitasking and Performance One concern is the potential that engineers are overloaded such that the delays are not due to inefficient attention but rather no attention at all. The engineer may stagger his tests such that no two (or more) are conducted at the same time. This analysis will examine the data to evaluate this argument. The data of Table 7 is a grouping of tests by engineer. One can graphically represent the workload of engineer D as shown in Figures 21 and 22. Figure 21 shows all of the test disciplines by test. Figure 22 shows only the test engineer's hours, but for all his tests. This includes all activities from planning to conduct. (The amount over 40 hours per week represents overtime.) Figure 22 indicates that there were only three periods when two tests were active (in the conduct phase) at one time. First test 1 and 42, then 24 & 28, and lastly 24 & 25. During this period there was no obvious stretch out or slippage of these tests. The data also show that for these tests, which were conducted in parallel, budgets were not automatically overrun. Of the five tests, only tests 1 and test 25 overran. Plotted in Figure 21 are the time history profiles of each test of engineer D. If the concurrence of the tests were inhibiting, there would be a shift or delay in the conduct phase. However, the data show that once conduct is begun, it is pursued vigorously till the test is completed. Engineer D is not a superman. He has tests on both sides of the severity line of Figure 19. Nor are all his tests easy. They vary from a severity of 3 to 40. 55 0 Oi 0 - 5 r e :3 co 0 Co -' Co =r o0 Co=o Co Co U3 MD = M CD4 - = ,EDOo.E MODOMME Co May-99 May-99 - :2 (j Mar-99 Mar-99- > 0 Mar-99 - Jan-99 Jan-99- ~ Jan-99 - Nov-98 Nov-98- i-n ) Nov-98 - Sep-98 Sep-98- > 0~ Sep-98 Jul-98 Jul-98 o 0D c Jan-98 - Nov-97 - ( 0 0(a t- ~ May-99 -1 - Jul-98 - 0~ =r- - May-99 Mar-99 Jan-99 0) 0 0 C (a 3 Co (a = 0( 0 C,- EEOOEEEO Cc May-98 Mar-98 > 5 May-99 Mar-99 Jan-99 Nov-98 Sep-98 Nov-98 5 w 0 0p.0000CY C Jan-98C Nov-97. Sep-98 - -3 -4 0 S 1%) 0 Jul-97. May-97. Mar-97 Jan-97 Nov-96. Sep-96 Jul-96 May-96 Mar-96 Jan-96 Jul-98 co N) 0) Wk Labor Hours Jul-98 - May-98 - CD Sep-97 May-98 - (A) CD --I Jul-97 - May-97 - Mar-97 - Jan-97 - Nov-96 - Sep-96 - Jul-96 - May-96 - Mar-96 - 00000 Jan-96 - Mar-98 - May-98 r0 Wk Labor Hours Mar-98 - May-98 Jan-98 - Mar-98 0 Mar-98 CD Jan-98 Jan-98 S Sep-97 Sep-97 - Sep-97 0 Jul-97- Jul-97 Jul-97 Nov-97 - May-97- May-97 - May-97 -I Mar-97- Mar-97 - Mar-97 Nov-97 Jan-97. Jan-97 - Jan-97 CD Nov-96 Nov-96 - Nov-96 CA Sep-96 Sep-96 - Sep-96 Nov-97 Jul-96 Jul-96 - Jul-96 o a 00000 May-96 Jan-96 May-96 - o May-96 -4 .C~ CD N~ 00000 Jan-96 Mar-96 -A c Weekly Labor Hours Mar-96 - 0000 Weekly Labor Hours Mar-96 Jan-96 Wk Labor Hours Sep-97Nov-97- Sep-97 Nov-97 Nov-98 Jan-99 Mar-99 May-99 Nov-98Jan-99Mar-99 May-99 Nov-98 Jan-99 M ar-99 May-99 *'I0IUI Sep-98 Sep-98- Sep-98 ,.OO.,EO0 Jul-98 Jul-98- Jul-98 - 0 May-98 May-98 May-98 m m Mar-98 Mar-98- Jan-98 May-97 Mar-97 Mar-98 m" - Jul-97 Jul-97 ma Nov-97 - May-97 May-97 i Sep-97 - Mar-97 Mar-97 H Jul-97 - Jan-97 Jan-97 Jan-98- Nov-96 - Nov-96 Nov-96 Jan-98 Sep-96 Sep-96 - Sep-96 (a Jul-96 Jul-96 - Jul-96 0 May-96 May-96 - May-96 Jan-97 Mar-96 Mar-96 - Jan-96 Mar-96 "SSg38 Weekly Labor Hours Jan-96 - Wk Labor Hours Jan-96 Weekly Labor Hours ft -I Figure 21 Engineer D's Multitasking Engineer D's Multitasking 100 90 t 80 0 70 Z 60 S 0Test 42 NTest 28 ETest 26 S40 0Test 25 30 M Test 24 6 20 Test 3 ETest 1 10 M M M IL I I CO ID 0 1 CUI a 75 Task Name Engr D's Test Conduct Phases 0 M0 Ms NM I I I U)s z I. CO ,U)m >'- M 75 (D I I 7U-, >U 0 z Oc Test 42 Test 25 1998 No D Jan FeI Ma AprMa Jun Jul Au 15C Test I 3 Test 6Specimenl1 4 Test 6Specimen 2 23 5 Test 24 29c 6 Test 25 65c[ii E21 Test 26 59Z 8 Test 28 19 9M- Tas 412 14c E N 1997 Duration Oct Nol Del Jan Feq Mad Apr Mag Jun Jul Aug Se 429c 2 7 o ) I LI UI Schedule Performance Schedule performance is typically measured as ahead or behind plan. This is again a relative measure whose use does not move one toward perfection. A better choice would be to create, as in cost, a metric that defines a rational basis for judging the length of a test. With this independent tracking parameter the estimator would be removed from the metric and a fairer comparison could be made. 58 While it is beyond the scope of this paper to derive an equation for this parameter, it would no doubt contain similar parameters as the cost equation. In addition, it should have a term that addresses the relative workload for the department. The goal of the metric would be to reduce the calendar time required for the test. Quality Performance As indicated earlier, this metric is the most difficult to quantify. Rework measures the frequency with which errors are detected, but it is also dependent on the ease with which one can correct the problem. If one considers a test plan done before word processing, the frequency with which the document would be revised would be very low since it was a painful process. Now, changes can be made within seconds, so the most efficient method may include several revision cycles. Instrumentation rework also varies with the test. If a component requires internal strain gaging that is difficult to access after assembly, then the importance of the rework is much greater than for surface mounted gaging. Again it is beyond the scope of this paper to derive an equation but the number of rework cycles should be included with some qualitative severity measure. Aligning Metrics with Value The sole purpose of metrics should be to provide a way to measure the degree of progress toward the company's objectives. The cost, schedule, and quality metrics align few of the stakeholder value/objectives of a test as listed in Table 4 previously. Schedule aligns with value metric if one keeps the final deliverable in mind: the report or transferal of information. Minimizing schedule brings higher value. Before launching into the test-planning phase, one needs to review the requirements and all possible alternatives. These alternatives can provide a faster response. One of these alternatives is not to conduct the test. Table 9 below lists several reasons for choosing non-test paths. 59 Table 9 Testing Alternatives Ground Description Pros Cons Analysis Analytical calculation using predicted loads, part geometry, material allowables. Cheaper, faster, already exists Simulation Loads are created by representative flight combinations Change loading from dynamic to static Use of existing test data/experience Proof of performance in Cheaper for system tests Necessary simplifying assumptions may not resolve all issues, not all areas are considered equally, real world flaws may exceed designers imagination More expensive for simple tests, not all flaws may be represented Test Alternative Smaller scope of test Similarity Flight test Cheaper, faster Cheaper, faster Faster Secondary loads may be important to the answer Design must be very close to current to qualify Risky for all but failsafe components actual use 60 Conclusions Value stream analysis has a place in planning and conducting Test/certifications. It highlighted the degree to which excessive slack time was built into the test estimates. It can promote faster response and lower costs. The primary focus should to be on meeting the customer's needs in the quickest way possible. An analysis of a recent helicopter test/certification effort revealed the need for an estimator blind cost metric. An equation is postulated to provide this estimate using 4 common parameters and a sliding difficulty factor. IPTs provide early opportunities for Design-Test integration. However, without serious adherence to meeting the gate requirements of detail drawing completion, they can encourage premature test starts. Multitasking was found not to increase the likelihood of test conduct slippage or overrun. The more compact the test schedule the lower the test cost. Future Work Metrics for schedule and quality are also needed, and are sketched out, but their completion is beyond the scope of this paper. Managers' compensation is currently tied to meeting or under-running the schedule and budgets that they create. A better method needs to be developed that will reward honest, not inflated estimates. A schedule analysis of the data is needed to investigate the degree to which overruns are related to the length of the activity. 61 APPENDIX Table 10 Case Data Test No. 29 | 31 1 9 23 | 4 1 5 1 ~ " " " Dwg Planned Feb-96 Jan-96 Mar-96 Apr-96 Apr-96 Nov-95 Dwg actual Aug-96 Apr-97 Aug-96 Apr-97 Sep-96 Oct-96 Test Plan Start Mar-96 Mar-96 Jul-96 Jan-97 Nov-98 Feb-96 Test Finish Dec-98 Jan-99 Jan-97 Oct-98 Mar-99 Jan-98 Actual Length 21 23 6 16 32 31 9 Planned Length 10 8.5 11 10 10.5 1.91 2.30 Schedule Stretch 0.71 3.05 3.10 -3 -8 -5 -1 -10 Dwg Lead -2670 Overrun hr -70% Overrun % -70% 89% -56% -24% Specimen Plan Aug-97 Aug-97 Apr-97 Dec-97 Mar-!rn Sep-96 specimen actual May-98 Aug-98 Jul-98 Aug-98 Dec-98 Mar-97 1380 3000 2200 2170 2245 3110 planned-hr total hr 975 1645 670 935 750 5670 total $ 114300 180400 54500 116700 64900 586800 planned $ 225000 263600 228600 293800 113900 260000 Plan plan 105 170 100 105 105 300 actual 123 190 353 170 28 505 overrun 17% 12% 253% 62% -73% 68% Facility |Design 480 600 600 600 120 812 actual 468 666 154 212 82 1316 560 660 540 900 900 800 IFabric. actual 77 194 112 190 234 1765 3500 20000 49000 90000 49000 45000 Matl $ 11200 17500 900 21300 500 57300 actual $ odc$ 25100 31300 20600 4400 75900 93000 139500 98500 74700 39800 50800 IFabri$ 6160 31050 17270 172975 sumact$ 29335 41970 overrun -68% -70% -94% -58% -57% 241% 66 42 154 65 66 44 Instrument plan actual 40 54 26 38 33 348 -38% -18% -41% -42% -21% 126% Test Iplan 391 570 570 424 671 266 540 326 348 1154 Conduct actual -43% -18% 72% -32% -5% 154 Instr 2 Iplan actual 205 671 Conduct 2 1plan 329_ actual 62 17 1 1 ~ Sep-96 Jun-96 Nov-96 Jul-96 Apr-96 Mar-96 Sep-98 Apr-98 17 25 10 7 1.70 3.57 -7 -4 617 -425 -17% 34% Aug-97 Jun-97 Mar-98 Jun-97 3670 1240 3053 1665 329440 184100 383600 1112001 305 135 374 215 23% 59% 850 470 770 335 400 800 485 536 90000 12000 25700 10900 59500 40000 134000 34000 86175 69480 -36% 104% 118 170 154 81 31% -52% 926 425 1246 441 4% 35% Table 11 Case Data Test No. 6 .A--- Plan Facility Dwg Planned Dwg actual Test Plan Start Test Finish Actual Length Planned Length Schedule Stretch Dwg Lead Overrun hr Overrun % Specimen Plan specimen actual planned-hr total hr total $ planned $ plan actual overrun |Design actual IFabric. actual Matl $ actual $ odc$ IFabri$ sumact$ overrun Instrument plan actual Test Conduct 1plan actual Iplan actual Conduct 2 1plan actual Instr 2 Mar-96 Sep-97 18 10 1.80 -8 -1320 62% Sep-96 Jan-97 2120 3440 334400 173300 300 353 18% 840 720 880 397 3700 54200 5000 52100 26835 -48% 154 343 123% 688 1625 136% 24 1 25 1 26 | 28 | Jun-96 Jun-96 Jul-96 Aug-96 Dec-96 Oct-96 Aug-96 Nov-96 Sep-96 Aug-96 Aug-96 Sep-96 Aug-98 Sep-98 Jan-98 May-98 23 25 17 20 14 8 9 6 2.88 2.78 3.33 -2 -2 -3 1200 490 310 -455 -24% -28% 15% Sep-97 Mar-98 Jun-97 Jun-97 Mar-98 Mar-98 Jul-97 Feb-98 1275 3000 3340 1760 1270 3455 2085 965 115500 507400 249500 131300 171800 545000 323000 227000 245 255 105 105 183 201 283 264 4% 74% 16% 91% 560 795 350 250 798 310 443 300 450 400 900 600 348 121 266 900 31000 305000 55800 125000 13900 121000 24200 28900 110000 58500 25200 64000 354500 77800 149750 14630 159500 77640 31855 -55% 0% -79% -77% 64 150 124 53 100 66 71 372 -19% 3% 34% 148% 754 393 411 998 669 151 366 1072 -11% -62% -11% 7% 124 100 754 295_ 63 42 1 Apr-96 Dec-96 Jul-97 Mar-98 8 8 14b Aug-97 Nov-97 1580 835 67600 138400 70 60 -14% 460 321 590 92 12000 800 44450 5060 -89% 60 110 83% 258 211 -18% 3 - | 32 Sep-96 Aug-96 Oct-96 Nov-96 Mar-96 Jan-97 Jan-99 Jan-99 24 32 8 18 1.78 -7 2538 -505 -25% MM Feb-98 Sep-97 Apr-98 Mar-98| 9980 1530 7442 2035 903360 187800 1081400 1259001 365 105 372 149 42% 2% 2750 1260 2400 697 100 2000 2020 339 283000 3500 5100 163000 145000 19900 9000 393000 256100 38545 -35% 328% 63 252 328 73 16% 30% 309 2702 2383 726 135% -12% Table 12 Case Data Dwg Planned Dwg actual Test Plan Start Test Finish Actual Length Planned Length Schedule Stretch Dwg Lead Plan Facility Overrun hr Overrun % Specimen Plan specimen actual planned-hr total hr total $ planned $ plan actual overrun IDesign actual IFabric. actual Matl $ actual $ odc$ IFabri$ sumact$ overrun Instrument plan actual Test Conduct Instr 2 Iplan actual Iplan actual Conduct 2 Iplan actual est No. 13 Jul-96 Nov-96 May-96 Nov-98 30 9 3.33 -6 -570 42% Jun-97 Jul-98 1350 1920 199900 135000 69 133 93% 640 855 381 249 27000 15600 30700 47955 44395 -7% 59 59 0% 266 266 0% 39 40 266 309 7 30 27 1 8 | May-97 Sep-96 Jul-96 Aug-98 Oct-96 Jan-97 Aug-98 Mar-96 Jun-96 May-96 Feb-99 Dec-97 Jun-99 Jul-99 21 36 6 38 12.5 10 10 9 2.88 3.80 2.33 -8 -4 -8 930 -3374 -2680 -2510 77% 132% 153% OM Oct-96 Jul-97 Jul-97 Oct-98 Feb-97 Feb-98 Jul-98 1900 2300 2200 3500 1370 5574 6180 4410 110500 536320 593900 506000 195000 179700 487000 251000 100 300 180 200 257 185 549 433 85% 83% 141% 29% 800 890 900 1150 339 1550 1117 1460 630 1400 730 800 100 1314 1086 867 11000 3700 207000 99000 900 32100 38000 68500 58300 61500 84700 55000 43850 284000 133650 5500 130570 121230 132385 -57% -1% -90% 198% 154 183 64 64 100 340 662 125 262% 95% 56% 121% 551 721 839 549 1700 1798 2879 591 7% 149% 243% 210% 21 14 Jul-96 Nov-96 May-96 Dec-98 31 7 4.43 -6 -1005 118% Jun-97 Mar-98 850 1855 159000 75000 68 174 156% 450 507 200 207 7000 6400 4200 18000 15585 -13% 59 59 0% 266 905 240% 225 -20% Sep-97 May-98 1100 875 70000 88000 80 95 19% 400 248 64 1 Jan-97 Sep-96 Dec-98 27 8.5 3.18 -4 720 -39% Sep-97 Dec-97 1840 1120 100400 239600 135 147 9% 470 218 300 181 92400 10800 22000 108900 13640 9955 -38% -91% 24 170 30 85 -50% 25% 250 425 503 490 101% 15% _ 1 21 Sep-96 Table 13 Case Data I Totals Dwg Planned Dwg actual Test Plan Start Test Finish Actual Length Me Planned Length Schedule Stretch outliel Dwg Lead Plan Facility Overrun hr Overrun % Specimen Plan specimen actual planned-hr total hr total $ planned $ plan actual overrun |Design actual IFabric. actual Matl $ actual $ odc$ IFabri$ sumact$ overrun Instrument plan actual Test Conduct Instr 2 Iplan actual jplan actual Conduct 2 Iplan actual 3% 58640 60194 $6,404,020 $6,315,800 3872 5649 46% 16627 15820 16021 12147 1532200 717900 859800 2413355 1527885 -37% 2252 3612 60% 13932 20166 45% 317 345 1691 933 1.4589 0.9515 0.7582 0.6331 1.6039 1.4475 1.0883 0.5517 65