Draft KLOEs for the Trust Area of focus KLOE Approach Governance and leadership 1. Can the Trust clearly articulate its governance process for assuring the quality of treatment and care? 2. How is the board using performance information to drive improvements? 3. How does the Trust use information locally? Interviews with Board Focus groups with staff Interviews with staff Clinical and operational effectiveness 4. What governance arrangements does the Trust have to monitor and address clinical and operational performance data at a senior level? 5. What processes does the Trust have in place to support monitoring mortality data and clinical effectiveness? 6. How does the Trust work with stakeholders on the QIPP agenda? Interviews with Board Focus groups with staff Observations on wards Interviews with ward leads Patient experience 7. How does the Trust engage with stakeholders? 8. How is the board responding to the challenges relating to the duty of candour? Interviews with Board Focus groups with staff and drop-in sessions for patients Observations on wards Workforce and safety 9. What are the key themes from staff engagement by the Trust? 10. Describe the Trust’s workforce strategy Focus groups with staff Interviews with Board and other key management Observations on wards Trust-specific – CIPs quality impact assessments 11. What is the Trust’s process to assess the impact of cost savings plans on quality of patient care and its workforce? Interviews with executive team and other key management