The Period of Seasonal Growth of Ponderosa Pine and Associated Species H. A. Fowells CaliJorniaForestand RangeExperimentStation• The periodof seasonal growthof treesis not only an interestingnaturalphenomenon, but also may be an importantfactorin the executionof certainfield studies. The data presentedindicate somesignificantdifferencesamongthe periodsof growthof certain coniferousspeciesand in the period of growth of ponderosapine at differentlocations. whereas that amount of growth of the ciesin one area and of ponderosa pine at larch required about 15 weeks. In Penn•' five elevationshas been measuredfor a sylvania, Illick (8) noted that 80 percent numberof yearsin a workingcenterin theSierra of the height growth of white pine was Nevada. These data have been taken in order completedin 30 days. Kienholz (9) conto providea basisfor pro-ratingthe time inter- cludedthat whitepine,pitchpine,and Norway val betweenperiodicmeasurements of treesin pine behavedsimilarlybut differedfrom white yieldstudies.It is the purposeof thispaperto spruceand balsamfir in the time of inception presentsome of the observations on seasonal and cessation of heightgrowth. Reed (13) degrowth. terminedthat Ioblolly pine began its shoot Althoughthe literatureabounds with reports growth2 weeksbeforeshortleafpine and also of observations on the seasonal growthof trees, ceasedgrowingbeforeshortleafpine. Gustarson there is little knowledgeof the seasonal distri- (7)observedthat the height growth of Scotch butionof growthof someof theprincipalconif- pine wascompleted by the end of Juneandthat erousspecies of the SierraNevadaof California. diametergrowth was completedby the end of MacDougal(10, 11) has reportedexhaustivelyAugust. Rees (14), studyingradial growth of ontheperiodof growthof Monterey pineonthe red sprucein the Adirondacks, found that the central coast of California. He indicated that the period of growth on four sitesvaried from 6 period of diametergrowth varied from 2 to 8 weeks to 14 weeks. He observed also that the monthsand that heightgrowthlastedfor 10 growthof shootsceasedaboutthe time that the months.Glock(6) reported thatthe maximum spring wood was completed. Brown (2, 3), growthof juniper in the high Sierra occurred studyingthe radial growth of pitch pine and within two weeks after winter snows had melted. white pine, observedafter the first surge of Pearson(12) found the period of diameter growtha restperiodfollowedby a second period growthof ponderosa pinein Arizonavariedfrom of growth. 87 to 117 days. PROCEDURE In other regionsmany investigators have studiedthe periodand progressof seasonal Sampletreesand locations.•Thesix species growthandhave found variabilityassociatedstudiedwere ponderosa pine (Pinusponderosa withspecies, withyears,andwithplace. Bald- Law.), sugar pine (P. lambertianaDougl.), win (1), studyingthe heightgrowthof white lodgepolepine (P. contortalati/olia Engelm.), pine,balsamfir, whitespruce,red spruce,and Jeffreypine (P. }e#reyi "Oreg. Corn."), white black spruce,found differences in the time and fir (•4bies concolorLindl. and Gord.) and Cali- HE seasonal growth ofsix coniferous spe- the rate of growthamongthe species but noted fornia incense-cedar(LibocedrusdecurrensTorconsistency in theperformance of any onespe- ray). Ten treesof eachof the six species, 3 to ciesin a givenlocation. Tryon and Finn (17) 6 feet high, were selectedfor height measurefoundthatthe culmination of heightgrowthoc- mentsand an additionalten treeseachof only curredthreeto four weeksearlierin Norway four species, ponderosa pine, sugarpine,white spruce, whitespruce, andNorwaypinethanin fir, and incense-cedar, 5 to 25 inchesin diameter, European larch. Ninetypercentof the growth were selected for radial measurements. Radial of pine and spruceoccurred in about7 weeks, growthmeasurements werenot madeon lodgeenoughtrees •Maintainedin 'cooperation with the Universityof polepine and Jeffreypine because of this size did not occur in the area. The trees California, at Berkeley,Calif. 601 602 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY used for radial growth measurements were'iso- the tip of the terminaleachperiodon a stick lated, dominant,or codominantand were classed fastenedalongthe stem. No deformities of the as 1, 2, or 3 accordingto the Dunning (5) stemwerecausedby the pin. At the end of the tree classification. season, the pinswereplacedbelowthe nodejust Trees of the six speciesmeasuredfor height formed, and a measurementwas made to serve growthwerecontainedin an area of aboutten as the base for the next season. Thus any acres,locatedon the west slopeof the Sierra growthoccurringbeforethe first examination in Nevadaalongthe SouthFork of the Stanislaus thespringwasmeasured.Thedateof emergence River in the Stanislaus National Forest. The ele- of the needles from the fascicle sheath was noted vation is about 5,200 feet. The trees of the four and the needlelengthwasobservedconcurrently speciesmeasuredfor radial growth were scat- with height measurements. tered over about 60 acresin the samelocality Measurements of radial growthwere obtained at an elevation of about 5,300 feet. The site by use of the Reineke (15) dendrometer.This quality of the generalarea is very good,being device consists of three parts: a hook screwed quality I in the commonscaleof site classification. into the wood of the tree until about half an inch Seasonalheight and radial growthof ponderosa pine was measuredalso at elevationsof 1,800, 3,000, 4,000, 5,000, and 6,000 feet. At each elevationheight growth was measuredon ten trees2 to 6 feet high, and radial growthon of spaceremainedbetween thepointof thehook ten other trees 5 to 30 inches in diameter of tree and the smoothedbark; a small, round-headed screwimbeddedin the bark directlybeneaththe hook; and a dial gaugeto measurethe distance between the hook and the screw. The dendrometer is so constructed that the measurement of classes 1, 2, 3, or 6. The groupof treesmeasured growth includesgrowth of both xylem and at 1,800 feet grew on a northwestslope; the phloemandexpansion or contraction of thehook groupsmeasuredat the other elevationsgrew and screwand of the 1/•-inchof bark in which on slopesvarying from southeastto southwest. the screw is imbedded. Two or more sets of The groupof treesat 1,800 feet grew at about hook and screw were affixed to each tree. the lower edgeof the Transitionlife-zone,which Changes in the distancefrom the hookto the includesponderosapine and associated species. screwweregauged to onethousandth of an inch. The group of trees at 6,000 feet was.approxi- The dendrometer was selected from other devices mately25 milesdistantfrom the groupat 1,800 such as the dendrograph(10, 11) or various feet and was about at the upper edge of the growthbands(10) to measure radialgrowthbeTransition life-zone. causeof its cheapness, simplicity,and apparent Height and radial growth measurements of accuracy. the different speciesextendedover a period of The reliability of the dendrometerin measur8 and 7 years,respectively, from 1932 and 1933 ing radial growthwasverifiedby two testsin to 1939, inclusive. Height and radial growth which the dendrometermeasurement of growth measuremdnts of ponderosapine at differentele- was comparedwith the width of the actual vationsextendedover a period of 6 years,from growthring. In the first test incrementcores 1933 to 1938, inclusive. The first measurements were taken under the small screws of the den- each year were made in Februaryor March at drometerson 32 trees at the end of a growing elevationsof 5,000 feet and below, and in March season andthe coreswerepreserved in soluiion or April at elevationsabove5,000 feet. Each to preventshrinkage. The width of the last tree was measuredat intervals of 10 days, or growthring of eachcorewas measured micronearly so, until the middle of November. scopically to the nearestthousandth of an inch. of ring width werecompared Methodso] measurement.--Height growthwas The measurements dendrometermeasuremeasuredfrom a pin placedin the stem below with the corresponding the last nodeto the tip of the terminalbud with a steel rule, notched at zero to fit the pin. mentsby the "t-test" and by linear correlation. Measurements were made to the 3 inchesapart aroundthe peripheryof onetree. nearest five- In the second test 25 dendrometers were installed hundredth of aninch. Thismethod isessentiallyOne dendrometer was removed each week and the sameas that usedby Kienholz(9) and Reed an increment core was taken under the small of ring width were (13), or by Tryon and Finn (17), who marked screw. The measurements GROWTH OF PONDEROSA PINE AND ASSOCIATED SPECIES 603 comparedwith thoseby the dendrometeras in the first test. In the first test,the meandifferenceresulting from the subtraction of the core measurement from the dendrometermeasurementwas +0.0184 inches,with a standard error of -+0.0043 inches. The correlationcoefficient wasq-0.936, a highly significantvalue explaining88 p•rcent of the variation. In the second test the mean differ- ence,resultingfrom the sameorder of subtraction, was +0.0234 incheswith a standarderror of ñ0.0043 inches. The correlation coefficient was q-0.886, a highly significantvalue explaining 78 percentof the variation. Sincethe differencesbetweenthe measurements by the den- Fig. 1.--Progress of seasonal heightgrowthof different species, 1937. drometer and the measurements from the incre- ment coreswere positiveand highly significant in both tests,and sincethe correlation coefficients also were highly significant,the dendrometer measurement of radial growthapparentlyis reliable even though the measurementincludes more than growth of the xylem. Methodso! analysis.--Thestudyof differences in the distributionof seasonalgrowthof the six speciesand of ponderosa pine at five elevations Fig. 2.--Progress of seasonal radial growthof different wasbasedon comparisons of the time at which species, 1937. growthstartedin the spring,the length of the growing period, and the relative rapidity of growthduringthe periodof greatestgrowthrare or the "grand period of seasonalgrowth" referred to by Biisgen(4). Thesedata were extractedfrom seasonal growthcurves,of the logistic or S-shaped type,constructed from the periodic measurements.The average amount of growth of each set of 10 treesfor each 10-day period was accumulated for the season.The averagecumulative growth,by periods,wasdivided by the averagetotal growthof the groupof trees andthe dividendconverted to a percentage. The of seasonal heightgrowthof pondeconversionto a percentagebasiswas expedient Fig. 3.--Progress rosa pine at differentelevations,1937. becausethe rate of growth of all the trees was therebyreducedto a comparablebasisand becausetime and relativerapidity of growth,and /I, I][ 114411 •øI_.L•Lt_.I LLLI I I i i .,•1 i i i L-•r•3rq_k-'TI I I I I not actualamount,werebeingstudied. The ac/1 II/] I I/I I I I/ _.i i •a/I I I I / t t I• I I/1/I I I/g.J-k'l I I I t / cumulatedpercentages were plotted over time, ••7o I I I I I/ I I/1 I , ,v/,,Y';1+111111111111 formingthe curvesmentioned above. Examples of the growth curvesof the 4 setsof data are shownin Figures1, 2, 3, and 4. The beginningof growthwasdefinedfor comø,i I, ,/-n..,'.", L,IIil II ..... :oo: : parativepurposesin this studyas the date by ,•,1 I I I 3'/J•'f I ..t'"• • I/q I I I I J I I 5-:-_---' •o• which5 percentof the total seasonal growthhad beencompleted.This time wasmeasuredfrom Jr.nuary1 eachyear. The endof seasonal growth Fig.4.--Progress of seasonal radialgrowthof ponderosa wasdefinedas the date by which95 percentof pine at different elevations,1937. 604 . JOURNAL OF FORESTRY the seasonal growthhad occurred. The time in- Significantvariationsin startof growth,length of the growingperiod,and rapidity of growth lengthof the growingperiod. Thesearbitrary amongspeciesor elevationsand from year to limits were established to avoid the employment year were determinedby analysisof variance of personaljudgmentin determiningthe dateon (16). The form of analysisuseddistributedthe which growthactuallystartedor stopped.The total variationto years,to speciesor elevations, selectionof the 5 percentpoint as the beginning and to error. The significanceof a difference 'of growthlargelyavoidedthenecessity of extend- betweenspeciesor betweenelevationswith reing the curvetowardthe datumestablished the spectto the start, lengthof period,or rapidity previousfall wheneverthe initial spring mea- of growthwasestablished by the t-test,in which surement did not precede growth inception. the standarderror was derivedfrom the approThese artificial limits, it is believed, are not in priate varianceanalysis. disagreement with the practicalpurposeof the The adequacyof a sampleof only 10 treesof studyanddo notchangethe positions of thespe- eachspecies or at eachelevationwasindicatedby cies or elevations in their time or rate relationanalysisof variancefor one seasonof the indiships. vidual periodicgrowth measurements converted The minimum number of days required to to percentages of total seasonalgrowth. These complete50 percentof the total growthwasse- analysesrevealedsignificantdifferencesin the lectedas a measureof the rapidity of growth proportionate. amountof total growthcompleted di•ringthe periodof greatestgrowthrate. The in 10-dayperiodsby differentspecies or by ponminimumnumberof daysrequiredto complete derosapine at differentelevations. The use of 50 percentof thegrowthwasalwaysincludedbe- the averageof 10 treesin the main analysishas tweenthepointsof curvature of thegrowthcurve. not distorted,apparently,the differences between To extract these data from the curves, a cellu- speciesor betweenelevations. loid grid, calibratedwith abscissa in daysand with a fixed ordinateequal to 50 percent,was RESULTS movedalong each growthcurve until the abTables1 to 4 giveaveragevaluesof the dateof scissa,or numberof days,becamea minimum. This processresulted,in effect,in the determin- start of growth (Start), the lengthof the growing of the minimumbaseof a right-angled tri- ing period (Length), and the minimumnumber anglewhosealtitude,parallelto the ordinateof of daysrequiredto complete50 percentof the the growthcurve,was equalto 50 percentand total growth (Rapidity) togetherwith the magwhichare significantat the whosehypotenuse wasrepresented by a segment nitudeof differences 5-percentand 1-percentlevels. of the growthcurve. terval between these two dates was used as the TABLE 1.--HEIGHT GROWTHOF DIFFERENTSPECIES,8-YEARAVERAGE Significant difference Species Lodgepole JeffreyPonderosa Sugar Incense-White 5 percent1percent Variable pine Start, days• ............................................. 127 Start, date ............................................... May 7 Length, days ...................................... 69 Rapidity, days ........................................ 21 pine 136 May 16 78 21 pine pine cedar fir 146 144 175 133 May 13 May 26 May 24 June 24 51 91 46 81 15 37 20 22 level level 5 7 6 3 8 4 •Number of daysfrom January 1. TABLE2.--RADIAL GROWTHOF DIFFERENTSPECIES, 7-YEARAVERAGE Significantdifference Species Variable Ponderosa pine Sugarpine Incense-cedarWhitefir 5 percentlevel 1 percentlevel Start, days• .................................... 105 107 105 121 12 16 Start, date ............................................. April 15 April 17 April 15 May 1 Length, days .................................. 147 129 136 108 23 32 Rapidity, days .................................. 47 46 39 44 5 7 XNumberof daysfrom January1. GROWTH OF PONDEROSA PINE AND ASSOCIATED SPECIES 605 in timebetween eitherof thesespeThe start of growth,lengthof the growing thedifference washighlysignificant. period,andminimum number of daysrequiredciesandanyotherspecies tocomplete 50percent ofgrowth alsovariedwith The lengthof the growingperiodof lodgepole pine,Jeffrey yearsin mostof the variance analyses.Years pinewaslessthanthatof ponderosa wereunimportant statistically in onlythreeanal- pine, or incense-cedar.The lengthof the growwasgreaterby a highyses:thelengthof theperiodof radialgrowth ing i•eriodof incense-cedar ly significant number of days than that of the of different species, thelengthof theperiodof heightgrowthof ponderosa pineat different ele- otherspecies. In order of cessationof growth, vations,and the minimumnumberof daysre- lodgepolepine wasfirst, followedby sugarpine, pine, white fir, and inquiredto complete 50 percent of the height Jeffreypine, ponderosa growthof ponderosa pineat different elevations.sense-cedar. The minimumlengthof time requiredto comUndoubtedly the variationfromyearto yearis the result of climatic conditionsduring these plete50 percentof the heightgrowthwasfound shortfor sugarpine and very years. No attempt wasmadeto correlate the to be surprisingly phases of seasonal growthwithclimaticcondi- long for incense-cedar.The 15-dayperiodretions. quiredfor sugarpine was significantlyshorter than the periodrequiredfor the other species. DISCUSSIONOF RESULTS The veryrapidgrowthof sugarpinemay be reof sugar Thedateat whichseasonal growthstarted,the latedto the fact that needleelongation lengthof thegrowing period,andtheminimum pine doesnot occuruntil after the period of numberof daysrequired .to complete one-halfrapid heightgrowth. Brown (2, 3) and Kienthatthereis competition thetotalgrowthwerefoundto varyfor different holz (9) havesuggested species. Lodgepole pinebeganseasonal height withinthe plantfor foodmaterialsfor different growth firsteachyear. Whitefir began seasonalgrowingpoints. Lodgepolepine, Jeffreypine, pine,andwhitefir did not differfrom heightgrowthonemonthto oneandone-halfponderosa monthslaterthantheotherspecies.By thetime eachotherwith respectto the lengthof this perirequiredalheightgrowthof whitefir started, lodgepole pine, od of rapid growth. Incense-cedar ponderosa pine,Jeffrey pine,sugarpine,andin- mosttwice as muchtime to completethe most cense-cedar hadcompleted 88, 63, 67, 45, and25 rapid 50 percentof growthas the otherspecies. percent of theirseasonal growth, respectively. The slowrelativerate of growthof incense-cedar Whitefir andsugarpinecompleted theirtotal may be due to the fact that, having no large bud asthe pineshave,its growth heightgrowthin the shortest periodof time. over-wintering The difference in the lengthof growingperiod is the result of a continual cell differentiation between thesetwospecies wasnotsignificant but and elongation. In pine and in fir the sudden TABLE3.--HEIGHT GROWTHOF PONDEROSA PINE AT DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS, 6-YEARAVERAGE Elevations Variable 1800feet Start,days * ......................................... 88 Start,date......................................... March29 3000feet 4000feet 5000feet 6000feet 92 April2 105 Aprill5 116 April26 128 May8 22 25 21 Length, days .................................... 122 108 Rapidity, days.................................... 24 Significant difference 5 percent 1 percent 105 97 89 26 level level 11 16 ]} 24 6 5 •Number of days from January 1. TABLE4.--RADIALGROWTHOF PONDEROSA PINE AT DIFFERENT ELEVATIONS, 6-YEARAVERAGE Elevation Variable 1800feet Start,days • ....................................... 47 Start,date........................................ Feb.17 Length,days................................... 241 Rapidity, days................................... 58 •Number of days from January 1. 3000feet 55 Significantdifference 5 percent 1 percent 4000feet ' 5000feet 70 Feb.25 March11 148 183 49 59 82 March23 177 57 6000feet level level 107 17 23 26 12 36 16 April17 143 48 606 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY spurtof growthmaybe the elongation of cells of the radial growthoccurreddid not change with the differentiatedin the large bud. Biisgenand with elevation,a findingin agreement Munch(4) haveindicatedthat'thedifferencein height growth findings. No regularity assoin elevation wasapparentin the rapidityof seasonal heightgrowthbetweenciatedwithchanges beechand ash is due to the fact that beechhas a thelengthof theperiodof radialgrowth. The statisticalreasonfor this irregularitywas obvious when the growth curveswere examined. Eachyear the seasonal growthcurveof the trees at 1,800 feet leveledoff at about90 percentof total growthfor a periodof abouttwo months and then graduallyincreased. The curveof the trees at 3,000 feet, however,leveled off at about ingperiod of whitefir wassignificantly shorter 95 percentfor a similar period and then also thanthat of ponderosa pineandincense-cedar but the otherdifferences amongspecieswerenot graduallyrose. Obviously,the 95 percentlevel significant. Theminimum number of daysre- arbitrarily chosenas the end of growthinterquired tocomplete 50percent ofthegrowth was ceptedthe curveof 3,000feetat an early dateand lessfor incense-cedar thanfor ponderosa pineor interceptedthe curve of 1,800 feet at a late largeoverwintering budin whichthecellsfor theshoot growtharelaiddownandashhasnot. In thestudyof theseasonal radialgrowth of thefourspecies, theonlydifferences in thestart of growth werebetween thetardywhitefir and theotherthreespecies. Thelengthof thegrow- sugar pine.There isnoapparent explanation of date. the fact that incense-cedar requiredthe least A comparisonof Tables1 and 2 and of Tables number of daysto complete 50 percent of its 3 and 4 indicatesthat the beginningof radial the beginningof heightgrowth. radial growth butthegreatest number ofdays to growthprecedes Only in the pines did radial growthcontinuefor complete 50percent ofitsheight growth. The start of seasonal heightgrowthof pon- any appreciableperiod after the cessationof derosa pinewaslaterwitheachriseof 1,000 height growth. At the time height growth of ponderosa pine ended, 84 percentof the radial feetin elevation, except between 1,800feetand growth had occurred. At the cessation of height 3,000feet. An increase of 2,000feetin elevationcaused a verysignificant delayin the growthof sugarpine, 80 percentof the radial growth had occurred. inception of height growth.Table3 indicates thatgrowth started overa month laterat6,000 The stage of seasonalgrowth may be estiof the needles. feetthan it did at 1,800feet or 3,000feet.At matedroughlyby the development At the time of needle emergence from the fascicle thetimegrowth started at 6,000feet(5 percent completed), 15 percent, 25 percent, 52 percent,sheath,lodgepolepine, Jeffreypine, ponderosa and56 percent of theseasonal growth hadoc- pine, sugarpine, and white fir had completed curredat 5,000,4,000,3,000,and 1,800feet, 59 percent,50 percent,54 percent,80 percent, and 18 percent,respectively,of their seasonal respectively. arenotin agreement There was a decrease in the lengthof the growth. Theseobservations with the general statement by Reed (13) that period of height growth withincrease in altiof the tude,butthedecrease in number of dayswas heightgrowthbeginswith the appearance season's needles. Possibly differences of insignificant onlywhentheincrease in altitude appearwas3,000feet. Although the lengthof the terpretationexistas to what constitutes growing period wasshown to varywithele- ance of needles,the presenceof the fascicle vation,the cessation of growth did not.The sheath,or the emergenceof the needlefrom it. (3, 9, 14) havereportedthat minimumnumberof days requiredto com- Otherinvestigators the needles of pines do not appearuntil after plete50 percent of thegrowth didnotvary with akitude.Thesefactsindicatethat differ- height growth has.started and that the foliar ences in thelengthof the growingperiodwere budsof sprucebreaka weekafterheightgrowth largely theresult of thedifferences in thetime has started. In this study all height growth was completed by the time needlegrowth was at whichgrowthstarted. completed. Thebeginning of radial growthwas significantly laterwitheachadditional 2,000feet The resultspresentedindicatethat there are of elevation, with the exception that therewas great enoughdifferencesin the period of seaa significant delay between 5,000feetand6,000 sonal growth among speciesto warrant con- feet. The shortest periodin which50 percent sideration of these differences in the schedules GROWTH OF PONDEROSA PINE AND ASSOCIATED SPECIES 607 for examinationof field plots. A further com- was shortenedsignificantlywith an increaseof plicationis that changesin the period of sea•, 3,000 feet in elevation. sonal growth are causedby place differences. Radial growth of ponderosapine startedsigExactcomparisons of growthratesor yieldsover nificantlylater with an increaseof 2,000 feet periodsof a few yearsbetweenspeciesor be- in elevation. The rate of height and radial growthof pontweenareasclimaticallydifferentcan be made only if growthmeasurements are takenbefore derosapine duringthe grandperiodof growth or after the periodof seasonal growth.For ex- did not vary with elevation. Needlesof the pinesdid not emergefrom the ample,the averageannualincreasein total heightof seedlings andsaplings is usedoftenasa fasciclesheathuntil 50 percentor more of the measurement of the effectof standimprovement. growthhadoccurred. Thesedata may be the result of measurements Becauseof the differencesapparentin the pemade after a 5-year interval. But unlessthe riod of seasonalgrowth amongspecies,among calendaryears includegrowthyears,the ac- areas,and from year to year, the useof calentual growingperiodduring5 calendaryears dar yearswithoutregardto the periodof seamight be 41J2yearsfor ponderosa pine and sonalgrowth in the calculationof averageanonly4 yearsfor whitefir. Suchdiscrepancies nual growth in short time studiesmay give mightbe introduced alsoin the comparison of measurements taken during a short period of time in areasdifferingby severalthousandfeet biased results. LITERATURE CITED in elevation. These discrepanciescould be avoidedif measurements takenduring the grow- 1. Baldwin,H.I. 1931. The periodof height growthin somenortheastern conifers. Ecology 12: 665-689. therecognition of currentheightgrowthof some species, asincense-cedar, is difficult;andtheex- 2. Brown, H. P. 1912. Growth studiesin clusionof currentradial growthin measurements foresttrees. 1. Pinus rigida Mill. Bot. Gaz. 54: 386-402. of tree diameteris, of course,impossible.It ap- in• season excluded currentgrowth.However, pearsnecessary thenthat therebe a continuous 3. recordof the seasonalgrowthof somekey species at eachworkingcenterafter the relation- est trees. II. 1915. Growth studies in forPinus strobus L. Bot. Gaz. 59: 197-241. shipsamong species havebeenestablished. This 4. Biisgen, M. andE. Munch. (1931Thomson recordshouldfacilitatethe adjustmentof the time interval in growth studies. translation). Structureand life of forest trees. 436 p. illus. JohnWiley and Sons, Inc. SUMMARY A comparison of the seasonal heightgrowth of six conifersover a period of 8 yearshas revealeddifferencesin time of start of growth, lengthof growingperiod,andtheminimumnumber of daysrequiredto complete 50 percentof 5. Dunning,Duncan. 1928.A treeclassification for the selection forests of the Sierra Nevada.Jour.Agric.Research 36: 755-771. 6. Glock,W. S. 1937. Observations on the westernjuniper. Madrono4: 21-28. 7. Gustarson,Felix G. 1936. When does a the growth. The first species to startgrowth waslodgepole pine and the last waswhitefir. pine tree complete its seasonalgrowth? Papersof theMich.Acad.Sci.Art andLet- of four conifers revealed that white fir was the fers and their interrelations. ters 22: 83-84. White fir had the shortestgrowingperiodand 8. Illick, J.S. 1919. Whentreesgrow.Amer. incense-cedar the longest. Sugarpine required Forestry 25: 1386-1390. the leastnumberof daysto complete 50 percent 9. Kienholz, Raymond.1934. Leader,needle, of its growthandincense-cedar the most. cambial, and root growth of certain coniA comparison of the seasonal radialgrowth 73-92. Bot. Gaz. 96: lastto startseasonal growthand had the short10. MacDougal,D. T., and ForrestShreve. estgrowingperiod. 1924. Growth in trees and massive orHeightgrowthof ponderosa pinestartedvery gans of plants.Carnegie Inst.Wash.Pub. significantly laterwitheachriseof 2,000feetin 350. 115 p., illus. elevation. The lengthof the growingperiod 608 JOURNAL OF FORESTRY 11. MacDougal,D. T. 1936. Studiesin tree 14. Rees,L.W. 1924. Growth studiesin forest growthby the dendrographic method.Cartrees.PicearubraLink. Jour.Forestry27: 384-403. negieInst. Wash. Pub. 462. 256 p., illus. 12. Pearson,G.A. 1924. The growingsea- 15.Reineke, L.H. 1932. • precision dendromson of westernyellow pine (Pinus scopueter. Jour. Forestry 30: 692-697. lorum). Jour.Agric.Research 29: 203-204. 16. Suedecor,G.W. 1937. Statisticalmethods. 13. Reed,J.F. 1939. Root and shootgrowth Ames,Iowa. 341 p., illus. of shortleaf and loblollypinesin relation 17. Tryon, H. H., and R. F. Finn. 1937. to certain environmental factors. Duke Notes on the terminal growth of coniferUniv. SchoolForestryBull. No. 4, 52 p., ous plantationsin the Hudsonhighlands. illns. BlackRockForestPapers1:54-56. National Defense--A Drain on the Timber Supply Nearly3,000sawmills, includingovera hundrednewmillssetup since1939,are nowoperatingat full capacitythroughout the Tennessee Valley. Totalproductionof thesemillsincreased nearly12 percentfrom 1938through1940. Because of defense activities, the NationalLumberManufacturers Association predictsa furtherincrease of 21 percentin nationallumberproduction. This increased timberconsumption, stimulated by nationaldefense, presents a seriousproblemwhenpresenttimbergrowthand drain are compared.Forestinventory and drain data showthat the 21/• billion feet of pine saw-timber reservein the Valleyis beingcut abouttwo andone-halftimesfasterthanit is growing,and depletion of the Valley's10 billion feet of pine and hardwoodsawtimberis at least70 percentgreaterthantheincrement. The problemis lessseriouswhenall speciesandsizesof treesare combined.Consideringtreesunder as well as over sawlogsize,presentdrain exceedsgrowthonly lightly. This balancecan, however,rapidly swingtowardthe depletionside by the introductionof newwood-using industriesandpulpmills. Increaseddemandfor timber productsis alsoreflectedin rising stumpageand lumberprices. Locallmnberpriceshaveincreased $5 to $10 per thousand boardfeet within the pastyear. Stumpage prices,in the sameperiod,havejust aboutdoubled. A recenttimber sale on T.V.A. lands adjacentto the PickwickReservoirillustrates very wellthe increased demandfor pinesawtimberandthe resultinghigherstumpage prices. On this operation, pinetreesassmallas6 inchesin diameterbreasthigh are beingcutasthinningsandsawedinto "roofers." Furthermore, he bid $6.05perthousandInternationalrule. A year ago,the samestumpage wouldprobablyhavebrought no morethan $3.05 per thousand,and it wouldhavebeennext to impossible to sell the small,lessdesirabletreesneedingremovalto improvethe stand. Notwithstanding the profitsaccruingto timberoperators andthe opportunities to practice closerutilization in managed stands, asa resultof increased lumberdemands, the net effectof nationaldefenseon timberconsumption in the Valley will inevitably be detrimentalto the long-timepublic interestsunlessstrenuous effortsare madeto directthe impetusinto constructive channel. s.--T.V.A. ForestLog, April 1941.