AN A PRIORI INEQUALITY FOR THE SIGNATURE OPERATOR by Antun Qomic B.S., Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile (1973) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June, (0 1978 1978 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Signature of Author............................. Depar9 menf/ of Mathematics, May 5, 1978 Certified by.. -p. Thesis Supervisor -. -Accepted by.......................................-Chairman, Departmental Committee on Graduate Students A MASSACHUSETTS ;NS3TiUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AUG 28 1978 LIBRARIES 2. An A Priori Inequality for the Signature Operator by Antun Domic Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on May 5, 1978 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Deqree of Doctor of Philosophy. ABS TRACT Let X be a C manifold of din 4k, oriented, X is not C' but locally with boundary aX, where of two manifolds with product the as the boundary of ordinary C' boundary. (corresponding For a special Riemannian metric on X an prove we boundary), the near metric to a product is, (that operator signature the for a priori inequality of bundle the of sub-bundles certain between d+6 acting conditions boundary non-local using forms) differential aX. These conditions are defined using eigenon functions of essentially the tangential part of d+6 X of dimension 4k-l, subjected to on the pieces of boundary conditions on the piece of dimension 4k-2. Using this inequality, we define closed extensions with finite dimensional kernels and closed of d+6 images. We study such kernels and give other applications related to the Laplace operator. I. M. Singer Thesis Supervisor: Professor of Mathematics Title: 3. Acknowledgements With the completion of this thesis, I would like to acknowledge the help of several persons. I wish to thank Professor I. M. Singer, my thesis advisor, for proposing this problem to me, the many talks on the subject we had, and his personal interest in my studies. I am also indebted to many members of the Mathematics Department of M.I.T., particularly Warren Ambrose, Mark Goresky, Norberto Kerzman, Ed Miller and David Schaeffer. To Jeff Cheeger of S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook and especially Robert Seeley of the University of Massachusetts I extend many thanks for the time they spent with me. During my studies I received the financial support of the Programa LAM of the Universidad Tecnica del Estado, Santiago, Chile, directed by Jaime Michelow and partly funded through the Ford Foundation, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I am obliged to Kenneth Hoffman, Chairman of the Department of Mathematics, M.I.T., his continued understanding. for My thanks also go to Herbert Clemens, now at the University of Utah, for his hospitality and concern. 4. Lastly, I wish to express my deep gratitude to Warren Ambrose for his encouragement and help from the time I met him as an undergraduate at the Universidad de Chile in Santiago. 5. Table of Contents Introduction Part I. Part II. Part III. Operators on faces of the boundary An a priori estimate Consequences Bibliography 6 9 34 50 68 6. Introduction In [3], Atiyah, Patodi and Singer studied a non-local boundary value problem for certain kinds of first order C elliptic differential operators on manifolds with boundary, and gave a formula expressing the index of such problem. The formula is especially interesting as it contains two different contributions to the index: one of the same type as in the index theorem for closed manifolds (i.e. the integral over the manifold of certain characteristic form) and a term related to the spectrum of an elliptic self-adjoint differential operator acting on the boundary, essentially the tangential part of the operator on the interior, that they called the rj invariant (actually, there is a third term of very of the boundary One important operator which simple interpretation). fits into the above group is the signature operator, that is d+6 acting between two subbundles of the bundle of differential forms, provided the manifold is taken with a Riemannian metric that is a product near the boundary. If we now consider the product of two manifolds with boundary, say X Y, due to the multiplicativity of and the signature we can write the signature of the above result for X and Y. X x Y using We obtain an expression 7. X x Y, where one term is the usual integral over and three more terms that roughly can be interpreted as contributions from X x DY, X x Y 3X x 3Y, and involving spectrums for differential operators on these manifolds. We consider in this work a manifold boundary X X whose is not C , but locally it is like the product case, that is manifolds with an index for Cw @X = Y boundary. U Y 2 , where Y.'s are We attempted to obtain d+6, acting between the usual bundles related to the signature, and subjected to certain nonlocal boundary conditions. As suggested by the product case, we obtain spectrums and complete sets of eigenfunctions for the tangential parts of d+6 on Y and Y 2 , using again non-local boundary conditions in order to get self-adjoint This is done in part I, where we also prove operators. some estimates that we use afterwards. When DX is C", the existence of the index and the formula for it are obtained constructing an explicit parametrix. carried out. In our case, such_ construction cannot be Instead, we prove an a priori inequality 8. for the first Sobolev space. on DX The presence of "corners" forces us to use stronger norm than H 1/2 on the boundary to take into account compatibility conditions at the corner. Part II consists of the proof of this inequality, which is the main result of this work. Using this, we define closed, densely defined operators (A+ and A_), which are extensions of on certain differential forms. d+6 These operators have finite dimensional kernels and closed images, and we A_ C A+ get We didn't succeed in proving that they have an index (implied by A_ = A+ ). If proven, this last equality would give some indication about the contribution of methods). A+ = A_ X to this index (using heat equation The main problem when one tries to prove comes from the difficulty in describing com- pletely the set of restrictions to in the domains of A+ and A_. X of the elements For the Co case this can be done, as we remark at the end of Part III, so one can prove at least the existence of an index without using the parametrix. We also describe some properties of the elements in ker A+, as well as other consequences of the a priori inequality like a weak Hodge theorem and a set of generalized eigenfunctions for the Laplace operator on X (in the sense that they are not necessarily Co on the closure of X). 9. I. Operators on faces of the boundary. C oriented and with a Riemannian metric DY, boundary that is be a 4k-1 dimensional manifold with Y Let a product near the boundary. We use < , > for the inner product of differential forms induced by the Riemannian metric, dv for the volume element and ($P$) f = <$,$>dv for product in L2 sense. Y rinally * denotes the Hodge star operator and what follows, see for instance (for this [13], Chapter I7). Def 1 D = -E (*d A. - (-l) Pd*) on p-forms on Y, where p then it =p7(-1) is immediate that: A is a 1 st order, elliptic, formally self-adjoint operator. Denote by du u the normal coordinate to is inner co-normal, Idu 12 = <du,du> = 1. Y, so that 10. 3Y: Then we can write near D = 07- + FL) where , -Pd (*e-du J= D= - (*dt on p-forms, (~Paedu*) (-l)Rdt*) - is exterior multiplication by e du du and dt is exterior derivation along directions tangential to DY. 6 Can check easily: acting on Cw(P(Y)jY) is also a formally self-adjoint operator. Prop. 1 aa = -0 Proof: an immediate calculation shows D2 = A = Laplace operator on 2 = Laplace operator on = Aa ($+ dU) tangential to 2 but 2 2 Aa = + Y. Now: 2 + ca$ /u a 2 = -1, so: (Aa adu, + j)a + ;)2 Y Y in the sense: where $, are forms 11. - D/2 32/u2 + a ) + 9a + 1)2 so as the metric is a product near the boundary, we know - A 3 2 /au 2 + Aa, then proposition follows. Now: D = a(3/3u - = a(D/Du +C) GZ) C r = -aY and (-yb) * = - Z*0* = Z a = -a Z SO: Ca is a formally self-adjoint lst order elliptic operator on C Co(Q(Y)I3Y). Then it has a set {$ } of eigenfunctions, orthonormal and complete in L2 sense. Note: > 0 if y. WCr i) = - j is an eigenvalue, OL. J = p. JJ then: P ) (G so we can assume that for are of the form Write {$ p. / ,a$ }, yi D = L + M, where 0, the eigenfunctions > 0. 12. L = - i) L* = L, ii) iii) p *d on p-forms, and we can check: L2 = 6d 2 M* = M, = d6 LM = ML = 0 Then near the boundary, with L = GL a/ u + ZL M = M 3/3u + cfYlL aL = and from the previous equations for of relations between L, P we get a set aL''''e Also define on a p-form V$ L(du): : (-1)q*$ if p = 2q (- 1 )q*$ if p = 2q-1 Then by direct computation we obtain i) ii) iii) Let v*= 2=1, DV = vD, v4 = p 3 0 VL = Mv V (Y be an eigenvalue of Z (they are the 13. dimensional same as those of 0) , then have a finite vector space of V = V(P) C sections: = {$ IXP = P$} ML = LM = 0, we obtain From = 0. &,1fL = Pft \, If V: = Rk S = and similar equations for rT11 . , ITM: V + V, and also Then we have that a on that V As a consequence: V , rYM : V- V. as linear operators can be simultaneously diagonalized, and using c2 + r2 _ = 2 _ 2 I, and v t = r1.v, we arrive to: there is an orthonormal basis for {$l'''1?,., L4.J N' 1 *l' = I'., J .v$. = 0 , J VN} rf\.$. V of the form so that: = 0 'Y\.v$. = y(V$ J J as for the eigenvalue -p, same is accomplished by 14. a o }. {av$., But now: if $ = CL($a$)= = CL(o+a$) $, then (-as))(p.-a$) -Pa + P$ =-P($+0$) Then we see: can find a basis, orthonormal, consisting of {$|o$ sections for the space of {$,...,N, = Vp,...,V$pN}, and for Now we look at the eigenvalue 0. of Then we see that AOP$= 0 The solutions 4$= 0, which a $ = 0. 2= 4$= 0 will be valid for the homogeneous degree components of DY can take are the same than those of C$ = 0 in turn are those of as of the form p$} -p C' $, and recalling that is a compact manifold without boundary, we see d$P = 6$P = 0. if and only if to the explicit form of C , Mi, we see: But if we look 15. a) $ = 0 if and only if Now note: ck = a Mr, -CaL = rM\ so = 0 aL'aM ker2 + ker and have: CL * =~L' aM aL' + L Final property that we need is -M1 aLV = va . Then usinT normal forms for anti-symmetric operator3, we get an orthonormal basis for ker'0 $ forms of the type Now denote by B = E( - U J J B j consisting of harmonic , J = 0 J J with: the following operator on a ) (a. G..+ J + iJ j .$ j L2 3Y): ) where i) the {$ ,T$ } is a basis as previously described, 4. correspond to J for simplicity ii) a. = cos 6., J J a) p. > 0, and we supress the . J v j - = sin 6., and besides they satisfy J they are the same inside each V(y ), i.e. for eiqenfunctions with same eigenvalue. b) There is for all j. c so that: Icos 6.1 > c > 0 16. 2 = cos 26. > 0 a 2 c) We summarize the properties of the operator B in the following Prop. 2 = B and B* = 1) B 2) Bi = 0 3) B$ = 0 if 4) B is bounded from implies B Bv$ =0 (1-B)a$ = 0 and only if Hs + H (Sobolev spaces) and its range is closed. Proof: the first three are easy consequences of the form of our basis, we just do 3) in detail: B = 0 ($jaj $ iff iff ( Ip-a 2 a $ iff (Gyp(-6 $ iff (1-B)a$ = 0. + i$ + = 0 .ap.) )) = 0 + a ca$ ))= 0 for all j for all for all j Finally 4) comes from the fact that: Hs (DY) = {Z(a.4. JJ Z(Ia. J + b.c y) J 2 + |b such that: J J 2 J 2s j (a2 (cy* =-a) 1 7 _L / I1s2j and I 112 is equivalent to above sum + So the L proposition is proven. One can try to characterize the above operators B from some general properties. We observe that B satisfies the relations: 0 2 2 B = BY a = Ba + aB (i) (ii) If we assume some B, Hs continuous from + Hs L2, and orthogonal projector when restricted to satis- fies the above equations, the first of these reduces the problem to one of linear algebra on each finite dimensional space 2 {$C = 2 X2 4}. J W(X.) Both = a V(X.) and B @ V(-X.) leave = invariant. W In spite that equation (ii) imposes many conditions on B, it is not enough to determine that B should have the previous form. A more interesting problem arises if we try to obtain a level using these equations just at the symbol (in those cases when operator). to B B is a pseudo-differential This would give a more invariant explanation B, we note that the important point is the commutation relations satisfied by a, which in turn is a special 18. case of Clifford multiplication by the conormal du. is not a pseudo-differential operator, B In general but anyways many important properties of well posed elliptic boundary value problems (as defined in Ch. VI) are valid for the pair [15], First we note (D,B). that we have the inequality: IV$l Z+l < C {ILD$jI for k > 1 0, + IIfPIK + ILBfI!H Z+1/2 1K denotes norm in We can see this as follows: S. corresponding to J = 0 call for all H (Y). B0 the operator j. This is a pseudo-differential operator of order zero (as observed in where it is called P). [3], symbol We can calculate its (top order) using Seeley's formulas for fractional powers of pseudo-differential operators, and then we get that it coincides with the symbol of the operators called P+ in [15] and to D/Du +a.. J(I-B OW in [10], Q Chapter II, corresponding But then Th. 2.2.1 in H s+1/2 PY<Cs {11Dfll s + [10] tells us: ||$lisl so in order to establish the inequaltiy we only need to estimate B0 by BBO. But it is immediate from 19. the expression for that there is B C > 0 JIBft S and the condition b) imposed so that: ii JIBB&PW Ht 0Y) H 0 Ht Y) so the inequality is valid. Also we can construct a parametrix for Bp = boundary conditions continuous from a) BR$ = 0 b) R H (Y) on + 0. H + D with This is an operator (Y) R, so that DY is a two sided inverse of D modulo operators which are continuous from H + H+1 (note then they are compact). The construction of such complete detail in R is carried out in [3], so we won't repeat it here. Everything done there is valid in this case (except the assertions about the kernels of the operators), the obvious modifications as we are using of B with instead B 0. Then recalling Green's formula for 1st order differential operators and Prop. 2, that is D with domain 3) we see that DB' 20. Dom D H = (Y) B$ = 0 on DY} is self-adjoint, and as in the usual case we get: D BJ has a complete set of C eigenfunctions {$.}, corresponding to a sequence of real eigenvalues and the $ . J satisfy B#. = 0 J on {X.}, J 3Y. Now we proceed to make some calculations that will be used in proving a priori estimates. Def. 2 1 HB(Y) {$ 1 H (Y) j B$ = 0 on DY} with norm: D $||2 2 ||$ + a jj$112 HB norms on right hand side are L 2, and a > 0 is a constant to be chosen later. Fix now f(u) = f in Cw([0,+)) 1 if 0 < u < 1/2 0 if u > 3/4 >0 otherwise so that: Consider the following bilinear functional (the spaces 21. where it acts will be precise): 9i($,$) = f (f 0)>dv (Y) <fa$ , Y then: L L2 Now: if both $ and p belong to H B (Y), using the special form of the boundary condition we see that if we integrate by parts the expression for Z above, the boundary integral disappears, so in this case: )= < D(fa - ),f$>dv(Y) Y and then: I .($,$)0 1 < (f| )|1 L2 L2 Lemma 1 there is E H s B (Y) C = C(f,f') > we have: 0 so that for all 22. 312 11 I u9 (f$) 2 |JD$| <i + 2 C|ti$| all norms are L , 2 Proof: D = a(O/Du +CG), I then if for P > 3/4 eH B and $ = 0 we have: IiDf |12 = 111I12 + I IO I12 -Y As c Hl1/2 (Y), Now: as the boundary integral is well defined. = 0, this means on B $ = Ea + a Y: $ J() then the boundary integral is equal to: - 2 and as it is dition (a. p Ea i i) , c) 2 . ) preceded by a minus sign, using our for the 1 |D$l 12 = 2u Now set 2 = f$, , . JJ 12 + then follows immediately. S. ' , 12 -= fi con- we see + (positive quantity) + f'$ and the lemma 23. In this moment we are able to fix nition of the norm of H (Y): B we set a in the defi- a > C, where is that of the above lemma. Then: , if e HB (Y) we have 9(P,'P)I < ILI 2 HB B | "P,) I < I I|$II and L 21 H HB 0 L Now we apply an interpolation theorem, all the notation and norms that appear are as in [5], more precisely we use 10.1 of that reference, with: A = B2 H (Y) , A B A2 B B = L2 (Y), A = B= so: A r H1 2 (Y) = = = HB(Y), then if we set [L2 (Y)H (Y)]/ [H (Y),L 2 (Y)]l/ 2 , we have Prop. 3 k can be extended to a sesqui-linear continuous functional: C 24. P: H /2 (Y) I 2 x H r1 ) I iL (Y) I 1/2 and we have + lhl H 1/2 HB HB We define now a second bilinear functional: b($,p) = - ($ID$) which is well defined if for instance D We recall that with that domain is , are in H self-adjoint, then we get: < Ib($,i) L|21' L H1 HB HB L jb($,$p)| B so the same arguments as given for to b, k can be applied and we get: Prop. 4 b can be extended to a sesqui-linear continuous functional: b :bBH 1 2 (Y) x H Ib($,f)l I < (Y) H$| 1/2 B + II and we have Q II 1/2 HB (Y). 25. Now: interpolation spaces can also be defined as domains of fractional powers of self-adjoint operators, and for our case we obtain the same spaces 1/2 (Y) = {Ea.$p. IX.I B where: [11], Then we see: Chapter I). H (see for instance J {$ } Ia.I 2 < 0} J are eigenfunctions of DB and their { x} eigenvalues. As consequence of above and density of H B and , we get: HB if Za a $, = jjj $p = Zb i both in H B ' then: b($,$) = -Ex?.b.a., J We need a J and then 2 last lemma to obtain the estimate we'll need. Lemma 2 There is = Ea.$. JJ C > 0 we have: so that for all H /2 ' 26. II 2 II [L < E|y . 2 ,H ]1 / aI .2 + cILPI the norm on the left is as defined in Proof: [5]. consider the L2 valued function = e 6 (1/2-z) f6 (z) where 2 L2 2 6 0. > f (1/2) IIf6 (1+it) I = $ 2 1 HB 2 1/2- za $j Then and we can calculate then it is If 6 (it) 1122 immediate from its definition that: I L$| 2 1 e 6/ 2 (EIxI la 12 + aIMI < 2 L [LB 1/2 and taking a sequence 8 + 0+ 2 ) the lemma is proven. Finally we combine the previous lemmas and propositions to get our final one, whose proof has already been done: we observe that if a = 0 for all x > 0, and L = Ea i i then: in H and the 27. E E |x.I ja.1 2X. X.<O 3 X.<O j ja. 1 > 0, so: Prop. 5 there is c > 0 $ = such that E so that for all H1/2(Y) B a.$., we have: k.<0 3 J -($IDf) + f<fa, (ff)>dv(Y) + ci Y | 22 L > 0. As we will see in the next section, we need above inequality exactly, that is, without multiplying -(jDp) by a positive constant, in which case it is a trivial consequence of estimates for elliptic boundary value problems. We present an example to illustrate how the operator B appears. see [4], For notation and the results used, part 6 and [3], part 4. Consider two manifolds with boundary, X and Y, of dimensions 4k and 4m respectively. the signature of X x Y Then we know that is equal to (sign X)- (sign Y). Moreover, as TXXY orientations), = TX Y then (we use product metric and 28. Q_ (X x Y) + Q_ .+ +(Y) + + (X)'Q-(Y) = (x)^Q_ (Y) + Q_(X)^Q + M so if we have harmonic forms representing the cohomology classes involved in the calculation of the signature of X and Y, we can construct using exterior products X x Y those necessary for as in [18], (we need to use KUnneth Th Chapter 5 and Prop. 4.9 of [3], but can be easily checked). So consider 4^ where D c Q+ d4) = 6( = 0 and same for elements in (H*(-,a-) + pl($) = -($+Tl) = = Q+ (X) of yJ($^A$) p where X = with Q (DX) , X corresponds to where (, for 2 y is Y. the then: D X x Y. on X x Y shows: - and $ For the operator D = D ' We use subscript 1 H*(-)). or E Q+ Y, both representing on X for objects associated to Then if $ ' T2 + ( * ) ^ T2(d2+62 explicit calculation 29. where if * $. Hodge opt. induced by = is an eigenfunction of D( Y$ = D1 $ .$ SJ S R)= on X. So: Di, i.e. then = P. ($.^$)* J The tangential part of called X D on 3X x aY, that is what we is: D ^T2 + E *I^T2a2A2 where: d2 + 62 du a 2 (du)(3/au + A 2 ) = is inner conormal to Now we have: A2 a2 : 2 and &+(Y +-(Y) A 2 C52 = -C 3Y near R+ () ;Y T (Y) + 2 A2 , A2* = A2 so if: A 2 4k =kYk, A 2 $k = Ykk then in Y, 2 = CF2 (du). 30. denoting by + their components in As our $ is in related to e +, we look for eigenfunctions of $j^k, where = $jA"k' 2 . k 6 e 2 = ~ ll*j1 +(Y). Set: 2 k then note: e1 = e e 2 = Yk el + yke 2 e 2 - Using above equations, and passing to 1 (, = -aD a) we obtain: k+y +(Y2 +P) 1/2 )e 1 =-- 'k T h= we get eigenvalues +p 1 j'k +(Y2 +2) 1/2)e j'(kp where: C2 -Pk + then they satisfy: 2 1/2)2 + + (Yk + (y2 + P2)1/2 k I if 2 +P_ 1/2)e 2 +Y2 +j + 2 1 1/2 e 22} 31. CY +P2 .h = -(Y +P all = h 2 = 1/2h 1h I 112 = and and if we express e 1/2 h e1 {(Yk+y + (y1 (el J ) + ( 2 in terms of + (2 +P +(Y2 +y12 - hl, '2 1/2) h 2 1/2 and: - (Y22+) 1/ 2 k (Pj+ ij VT kj +y2)1 /2 k~ Note: j jk 2 2 )+y)/ > 0 so: sign (e, Ie 1 ) = sign ykI For simplicity write: e = ah + bh 2 , then note: a2 + 1) 2 In our case: from the boundary conditions satisfied by 4) and ip, 32. we have that y (el1 e) < 0 and Yk < 0, so: < 0 This corresponds to our situation for the proof of Lemma 1, and as we'll see to condition ii), c) in the definition of B. B We see that gonal space to Bf = el, should be projection on the orthothat is: (fjbh1 -ah 2 ) (bh1 -ah 2 ) we already noted a our calculation for to property ii), + b = 1, (e lae1 ) and b - a2 > 0 as shows, so this corresponds c). Finally we check that b stays away from 0, Note: b as > b = - yk'llj 'Yk1 1/ 2 + ( 2+ -(2k Y1jk+1j ) < 0, so the numerator of b (Ik V/7J > min {yki tends to a finite I Yk < 0} > 0 limit > 0, In more precise way: and as is always 0 IYk and same for w. 33. Cosie Consider b 2 21/ 2+21yl( (2y 2+2p -- =1 = -2lyl|yl-21pl ( )/2 2c set x jip, = c = - 2x(x2+y2)1/2 2(x 2+y 2{(x Numerator IyI y = 2 2 +y2)/2 +y2 is: 2{(x 2 +y 2 1/2} + 2{y(x 2 +y 2 2+y2 so passing to polar coordinates we get b2 =(1 + r sin2 r 1 = T(l and we note: were -r O cos 0) sin cos sin 0) + x > |II = min {l |7I -r I-PI > 0, i i. j = min {yk< J y < 0} 01 > |7|I > 0 1/2 xy} )/) 2 34. II. An a priori estimate Weconsider now X a Co manifold of dimension 4k, X = y1 U whose boundary can be written as Y. J being in turn 1 ) Y2 so that C manifolds with = C 1 \Y2 = aY1 = aY2 X manifold without boundary Y 2 , the boundary, and is a compact is also compact, and it is oriented. On X we have a Riemannian metric which is a product near the Y.'s and near J Y to a product of the form (Y1 n 72) Such metrics exist, proven in as is n Y, x is isometric [0,3/2) x [0,3/2). (6], for instance. So we have two coordinates: x = normal coordinate to x2 = normal coordinate to Y 2 , defined up to 3/2 Y 1 , defined up to 3/2 so that: <dx.,dx.> = 6.. 1 J where we denote by JJ < , > the inner product induced by the Riemannian metric on differential forms. Now we take We can write: d+6 acting on differential forms. 35. d+6 = oy(dx 2 ) (/ax d+6 = o(dx) where the and A. 2 ( /ax + A ) near Y1 , and + A2 ) near -27 contain the derivatives tanaential to Y., a = &d+61 We also have mnaps: symbol of d+6. + 2 k+p (p-1) where (-1) T = * * p on p-forms. Then can check that the j = 1,2 pi, establish isomorphisms of vector bundles, and using induced metrics and orientations on the calculation V by x shows: <y $), ()>X =2 Y. If: 3 D. = - P 3 (*d d J - (-l)Pd.*.) 33 acting on p-forms on Y., induced on D. J = subscripts referring to operators 3 Y., we can prove by direct calculation: j p.-lA... J We fix again ]33 f E C"( [Or) ) as follows: 36. f(u) 1 if 0 < u < 0 if 3 u > T > 0 - 2 otherwise and we fix boundary value problems for each conditions B., J on each stated on the first D., boundary Y I satisfying the properties part. Theorem 1 There is and $ = 0 on C > 0 Y 2, 1 < C{II(d+6) 1k 10 L2 $ e C (X, for all such that: + we have + II401I L2 LB. + 1/2 ((2.) I where: denote projection of eigenfunctions of that are > 0. The rest DB. J v'.-l (1k) j on the span of corresponding to eigenvalues of this section consists of the proof of above inequality. First we note: can replace all above 1 I|I by b 37. S12, and by any LW 2 (Y IMI I for a Hs M s < 1. fixed Secondly: if $ is supported in the interior the inequality is well known. of X, So we see that it is enough to prove: I If x 2 ) s 12 < Cs{j I (d+6) (f (x1 + II(d+6)(f(x 2) + lI$lI2 + Z 112 ) 2 j 2 11 1/2 B So assume now and equal to is INI f 0 i If on $ 0 is a Co form supported in on Y 1n Y2. (1) Y1 x [0,1], We then have: equivalent to 2 L2 (Y 1 a2 } ) Y ) dx + f SwI 0 dx 2 + 1$2 1 H (Y XX 2 ) 1 I $Il22 L (X) we have an elliptic boundary value problem, with a lst order interior operator conditions B1 , as in Part I, then: A and boundary II1 121 1 is (Y 1x2 equivalent to: IA 1 1 122 L (Y1 xx 2 ) + JIB 1 $|21/2 1 (iY 12) + II$ 122 L (Y 1 xx 2 ) 38. Then we see: in order to prove (1), we only need to estimate f(x 2 4 122 2 L + (X) f11A L 0 11 by the right hand side of isomorphisms, 2x x dx 2 (aY 1 n2) D., etc. and the corresponding is clear what we mean and much simpler to write. Now we proceed to develop the terms in the right hand side of (1) . Recall that (see for instance [13], decomposition of d+6 l(d+6)lI 12 _ Set now a* = -a Chapter IV), near ;/ax 2 + 2 Re (all norms in (2) (1). we should Say but it (Y p)21/2 1|B1(fl + f Strictly dx (f)112 0 (3/ and then using the Y1: 2 + 11A 1 x 2 A1 ) L 2(X). p 1 = aA (dx1 ), then a2 = - 2 39. L f <$,A 2 Y 1 xx 1 $>dv(Y) = f < A Y1 XX 2 ->21 2 + f <$,A = >dv (Y) T2 2 Y 2 Re f < Y + f aY 1 (dv(-) >dv(Y) 1 2 <pl~ $, 2 A Al,>dv(Y) x2 >dvO(Y) x21 denotes Riemannian volume element of the corresponding manifold). We integrate above equality with respect to between zero and one. Recalling that $ 0 at x2 x 12 we get - f <$,A $>dv(Y) 1(3 Y = 2 Re 2A 2 A1 1 + f dx 2 f 0 <P1$, Y 1 xx 2 The last integral above is equal to: f <P 1 $, Y, >dv(Y 2 2 >dvO(Y) 2 40. so we get: II11 11(d+6)$l 12 - x2 I IA 1 112 - + 112 f <O,A $>dv(Y 1 ) Y1 >dv(Y 2 ) f <pl$ , Y2 X2 and a similar expression for a form supported on Y2 x [0,1) . Applying this to f (0) recalling that 1I(d+6) (f(x 1 ) 1| -f Y <' 1,A 4>dv (Y1 ) - 2 -f I >dv (Y2 (2 Now we add s < 1. C {...} and we get: Y ) P2 a 2 l) x2) a(f(x2 2 C {I I$I 121/2 Tx2 + (3) >dv (Y2 Il1 lI2 s (Yj) We will prove the following: to the last V) >dv (Y 1 ) 1 HB an f (x ) $, 12 + ZlA (f) 112 JX <4,A 2 Y = 1, 2 + Il(d+6)(f(x2 ) P)1 1J(f(x = f and $ = f (x 2 ) $ 21 M } for after adding two lines of the right hand side of 41. above equality, the resulting quantity is positive. Assuming this claim, we can finish the proof of (1) as follows: by the remark preceeding following inequality implies B (fI 1 (Y1 2 < xx2) 1A1 (f$)112 2 + (1): 1 21/2 0 W as the boundary of the manifold If and on C L [0,1)). E R7 12 2 |121 L 1 xx 2 ) x x2 +1 f 0 L |L| DY x [0,1) differential 2 dx (DY xx I| E1|22 L x x2 Then: 2 L y1 1 x [0,1) (Y 1 xx 2 ) xx2 x x2' operator (Y 1xx 2) + (Y consider is equivalent to: + and Y is any 1st order elliptic H (X) } is any form supported on DY1 , I|E 1 on L Hs(x X) In order to prove this, we observe: x 11C) 22 1 lh$H + L (coordinate we see that the d 2 1I (2), 1x x x2 42. I 1I 121 /2(Y 1xx2) H~ I II H1/2 < C i < C{above sum} and after = we integrate above inequality with f(x1f(x 2 . But now note: the first and third term that we get are already included in explicit L. so we only need to For this set: L = L = -p A L + 3/3x , 2 < c(I IAlEI I 1|ILCI22 (X) then our estimate f or cIhp12 s (3), , here then is clear that L2(X) f IB 1 112 + I 1- 12 l ) L 20) follows after adding 1/2 < s < 1. Hs M So we only need now to prove our assertion about the last two lines in (3). We use our isomorphisms and see that: Y, comes from $ and we decompose $ in if P near $+ + $ corresponding to non-negative and negative eigenfunctions of D , we get irrelevant): (except for a 1/2 factor that is 43. {f Y <qf+' + f <qf _, Y - f <, Y (f+)> + f <qf$+'> Y 1 (f$+)> 1 > - f< 1 + f <qf _, Y a , (f$ > Y we have suppressed mention to Yl, term for Y2 in direction dx1 , this is of the same form, and -1 q = pi Pi~i is precisely the symbol of D can be seen using the equations: a d+ 6 (dx2 and d+ 6 (dx )p2 = and the relation between A1 . As $) was have that Now: E C on X and 0 on Y1 Y 2 , we H 1 / 2 (Y) using the same arguments of part I and abstract theorems on interpolation, we obtain the following inequalities: i) If <qf$+' Y 1 +(f )>1 < c, 1$+I 121/2 HB (Y) D 44. ii) If Y $ (f$+ axfy1 _ <qf + >} 1 <c $+ 1/2 -Y) I 1/2 + c(E)II$+1 1/2 1/2 HB B e > 0. (here we use lal |bI < eb2 + c(E) a2) If <~+,D~+> I iii) c< c 11$ 1/2 B and according to Prop. iv) 5, we have for some - f <$_,DO_> + f <qf _, (f#_)> Y Y " then by (3) , it c > 0: + cI l $p 22 L > (Y) is clear that we have proven: the inequality: I | 121 H (X) < C{II(d+6) $ 112 2 + II12 2 L2 X) + H. 11 /2 (Y.) B. J J + C(C) L I (X) $ S1/2 2 B. } ) j In order to finish the proof of the theorem, we must show that the term with $$ can be eliminated. Due to 0 45. the E, which can be made as small as desired, that it is we see enough to prove: 1I11~ 12 < c{II$I 1/2 IB 2 II 1) + M H 21/2 ( HB 1 } We suppress subindex 1 and proceed to prove above inequality. Set + = E the 3a .> beina the eigen- I- functions of DB. Then define for S=f(x 2 ) e x2 > 0: 2a.x. JJ3 X. >0 J- where f is as before, then as is equiH valent to 1) 2) 3) C EIX I is in I 2 a I 2 + ||$+ 2, (Y) we easily get: M JY = $ + 1I |I1 H H < (X) clI$+I IB1/2 Consider now the difference ($-) jY = 4-E, we get then (6) 46. In order to prove (6), due to the presence of on the right hand side, it is necessary only to estimate z - X .<0 E Ix 2 ai x .ia.12 J J (_ if = Za.(P. = - f <(_,D$_> Y1 = f<(-,D($-5)> - 2 + IIf - (E) 112 ' L - (7) d+6: Using our development of I (d+6) (f q-y (E) ) I 2 But: 2f <$-(,D((-t)> Y2 -2f <p Y2 $-) 2 JT2 ( (8) -E) > Now we need the following lemma Lemma 3 Let H 1/2 (Y B1 v E H Then: (X) be such that v = vlY 1 is in 47. V is in 2vY 2 pendent of v 1 /2 and there is 2) 2 B1 inde- such that 2 < c{|I|V||I 1V21 121/2 HB c (Y2 ) 1 M + IIV1121/2 } HB 1 Proof: Denote by on v1 and t a variable equal to v2 . in x2 x when it appears Then from results of [7] , last section, on compatibility conditions of restrictions of H 1 (R elements of R x {0} x X R+ X 0 Y ay xt 1v1 -v2 11 1 Noting that L 2(Y X 1 and B and have: < clvI 22 2 1 H (X) is an orthogonal projection on |1 l-V21 =1 ay1 xt lB (V1 -v 2 Chapter I, | 2 + f Now combining results from [17], [11], {0} x ), have: 2 ax2 xt x R+ R+, we get due to local nature o f restrictions that they apply to our case, 11 R to R+) we see that the norms DY1 xt (I-B1 ) (v -v 2 ) 12 section 4 and ii/2 (Y) are 48. equivalent to: norm 111/2(Y) + (f 0 so hypothesis about f- I Y xt t 0 1 aYxt v1 implies: |B v 112 < C, B 1 (v-v 2< 1 21 HB but then by the previous lines, IBiv 2 B 112) 1/2 t ft 2 2) + 1 1 we see writing |B 1 v 12 that statement of lemma follows. We apply Lemma 3 to about C, and recalling observation 3) C, we get: III1 2 1 /2 c 144 |$ 11 1/2 B 1(Y 2 ) and also to $-C. As f <p1 ($-), Y2a ($-u)> < c -( H 1 /2 (Y 2 isolating quantity (7) B 2 from the expression (8), II $ and that all terms are bounded by 121 II (X) we see 49. I $+ 21/2 HB multiplied by constants, that is we have (Y proven (6). But then we have completed the proof of the Theorem. 50. III. Consequences Now we proceed to define an extension of d+6. For this Def. 3 Set V = {$ 6 H I there is (X, Q+) {n I C C (X,Q+) so that $n b) $n =0 c) $ + n,+ + sense in H $ a) on 0 Y 1 n Y 2 H 1/2(Y B. J in J and define: A+V = (d+6)i V c V. for We observe: A+$ = lim (d+6)$i , the limit taken in L2 sense, and the result is independent of the approximating sequence. Also we see: a) C'(X,Q+) c V' obviously, and 51. b) If 4 c V, and H 1 /2(Y) $ = V($) = and on < Y a.4 ', , then the series J s < 1 sense for H s(Y) converges in the eigenfunctions of the 2j where the . are DB6 The first assertion is consequence of restriction theorems for Sobolev spaces and for the second see for instance or [2] [17]. it is well known We make the following remark: C that (R) is dense in as is proved for instance One can prove that the subset of Section 2. in [1], H (X), 4 = 0 on Yi1 n2 is also dense in C"(X) satisfying H 1(X), the proof can be adapted from related results in [11], Chapter I. So we see that c) is the only condition that we are imposing in the definition of B. Prop. 6 A+, considered as an unbounded operator from L2 (XQ+) -* L 2(X,Q_), tor. is a closed, densely defined opera- Also: there is 1 1H < c{IIA+W c > 0 2 + so that for all |I$ 1 2 $ e V: 52. Proof: it is clear that - V. C A+ is densely defined, as We now prove the inequality: $ tends to in the definition of < c{I V, then we can apply n 's, so: our theorem to the $~nI en6 C (,Q+) if + I 1n (d+6)$n L l 2+ ,+ L 2 11 /2 HB. J but by the properties of our sequence, taking the limit as n + o we obtain precisely the claimed inequality. Now we prove that A+n {, n} V A+ is closed: let $n ' and limits in L2 sense. Then using the inequality we have just proven, n we see in H 1 sense, and then + in L2 sense, as operator. d+6 is a first order differential To see that i can be approximated by a {$} C C (XQ+) as described in the definition sequence of V, choose sequences as m + A+n + A+1P= o {n,m}}I C' so that $n,pm with properties required, and choose an appropriate diagonal subsequence from the "square" of the { nm}. So Prop. 6 is proven. n 53. We now examine the kernel of define a manifold Def. X so that X A+. For this we X, explicitly 4 X = X u Y (-0o,0] U x have coordinate x2 Y2 Y in (-coO x (-o,Q] and x1 on We extend the Riemannian metric and Y2 x (-m,0]. orientation of X to X in the obvious way, i.e. maintaining the product structure we had near Note that the isomorphisms Q(Y. prolong to J Q X {x}) 4 Now assume we have +(X)y .x{x} Z = p..J a. in X. + Q(Y.) over Q4+X) ly(X)IY Y. H 12(Y), x where X.<o J Y is Y or Y 2 , then define on Y x (-o,0] -X .x = and $ = p( accordingly) (x = x 1 or x2 3 a.4. E e 3J3 ). Then is easy to see: 1) 2) is in C" ( + D)E n Hs(Y x = (d+6)$ = 0 0 on there. (-o,0]) Y x (-0o,) for s < 1 and then (-m,0. 54. lim 3) H in =$ t t for (Y) 4) . < 2 x+O < ce-ax IIE(-,x) {IX.I a = min so that A. < 0} J J fl e V Suppose there is A+n = 0 where , L2 (Y nIY and so that: P(). Define then the following distribution on a on Y T = is in T x (Or) 1 i so on L x Y f e C (Y x (-o, = T[(d+6)f] (-0,0) 2 We now calculate so let Y x in distribution sense, (d+a)T )), then we have: <n,(d+6)f> f Yx (0, 1/2) + f <4,(d+6)f> Yx (-0o, 0) We use Green's formula to reduce integrals to expressions involving only values over a) as For the first integral: (d+a)n = 0 on X, we see as f = 0 Y. and fl c H near aY that it 55. f k(n,f) is equal to an expression of the form where , Y Z only involves the values of q and f on Y set Z = Y x (i.e. there are no derivatives) b) For the second integral: (-0,-E), then <$,(d+6)f> = lim+ f Yx(-0o,0) <ip, (d+6)f> Z 0 Now we use Green's formula for Z , and by remark 3) on previous page we can take the limit as E + 0+. getting the same integral as in a) but with a minus sign due to the opposite orientations induced on sides. Y from the two So we get: (d+6)T = 0 Y x on in distribution sense. (-o, ) Using this we now state the following Prop. 7 The kernel of A+ is finite dimensional, and its elements extend to solutions of p rn are inC H s(X,Q+) for (d+f)$ = 0 on X ' (Y1 Y 2 ). X, such s < 1. As a consequence, the elements of C on ker A+ are 56. Proof: the first assertion is an immediate consequence of the inequality in Prop. 6 and the compactness of the injection H 1 (X) + L 2 (X). The prolongation to done as we have just described to such elements are equation s < 1 Co X is Y. x (-o,Q], and J as solutions of the elliptic (d+6)$ = 0, and that they belong to was observed in remark 1) about 3. Hs for So Prop. 7 is proven. For the image of A+(V) in L (X,Q_), we have Prop. 8 there is ( C > 0 so that for all c V n (ker A+) in L 2-sense) we have: H So: A+ (V) (X) < C|A+ L2 X) is closed in L2 (X,_). Proof: it is a standard argument, if not there is sequence in so that IIA+ nII - 0, HlPIK = 1 , etc. and this would contradict the compactness of the injection 57. H 1(X) + (X). L We can use Dirichlet principle to solve equation A = w, o c L2 (XQ+) for n (ker A+) . The arguments Chapter 7 so we don't give many are as in [12], details. Minimizing the functional on II(d+6)$ 11 2 - = I($) Denote by onto in Gw we obtain an element V 2(wl$) V r) (ker A+ * the orthogonal projection of H L 2(X,+ ker A+, and recall that all our operators, boundary conditions, etc. are real. G The properties of can be summarized in Prop. 9 G : L2 (X,Q) 1) G + L2 (X,Q) satisfies is a compact, self-adjoint, non-negative operator 2) ker G = ker A+ 3) G(L 2 ) c_ V n (ker A+) as map from L2 + V, and G is continuous V with H1 topology 58. The following eqt is satisfied: 4) Re((d+6)GwI(d+6)$) = 2 , $ ((d+6)Gwj(d+6)l) = for all o e L (w-H(w)l) V. If all elements are real: (w-H(w)1$) In particular: AGw = 5) in distribution sense. o-H(w) has a basis of eigenfunctions G X + complete in L2(XQ+)' +0, They also satisfy: 6) o = H(o) 0 Now consider A$ . = x.$. J J J can be written as: o e L Any where {0,1/X.} and eigenvalues A+ AGw (XG+ + : L L unbounded operator, and we look for: 2 * A+ : L 2 (X,Q_) L2L(XF2+) its adjoint in Hilbert space sense. First we note: A+GL 2 * C Dom (A+ (X,Q_) {0 } iv _ 0 < X., 59. by property 3) of G. Def. 5 E(X,2_) $ 2 (XQ_)j(d+6)$ F L2(X,Q+ 2 (in distribution sense)} As the formal adjoint of Dom On (A+ we take: E (d+6), we see: is again (d+6) c E. 1 2 = 11 $ E 1 2 L 2 + j (d+6)$| Now we prove an important property of 12 L 2 E: Prop. 10 The set W = {$ s C(X,Q_) I $ = 0 on Yi t Y2 is dense in E. Proof: note that it is enough to prove that dense in Cw(X) is E, as this implies the density of H1, and then use the remark following definition 3. 60. k : E So take continuous linear functional, -+ any such functional can be written as ,(i) ((I$) = , prove k E 0 (d+6) j + m k = 0 (M), c H1 1 Ho ((c so X M, c 0 of and ( and we get: - = 0 {-n} a C(XQ_) $ 6 E, then: as = d+6 I(d+6)l) elliptic, so: (d+ 6)m llPj M-X, on (ml(d+6)$) sense. (X) (-m I(d+6)) m and as (nI(d+6)$f) = lim (n c H1 Co(R), on ((d+6)ml$) Take a general but C'(), we in distribution sense on M. Now choose in on the extensions by n, and (X,Q_), and $ sC o(). 0 a manifold such that = mi kE E. on Then as M. m e H Assuming l denote by But then L (X). M Choose to (TI(d+6)$) 2 with r + = 0 so that we see: for all 61. ( jI(d+6) f) = im Z($) then ((d+6)n 1$) 0, as we wanted to prove. = Now we look in detail to Green formula for If (d+6). ((d+ 6) Cm(), we then have: , n are in -n) - ((I(d+6)n) = f ax - - T* the integral on the right only involves forms of dimension 4k-l. and n in E Now if we assume in Cm(XQ+ Cw(X,Q_), we have for homogeneous degree components: P = and q *4k-p - F q * 4k-q Collecting terms in above integral using these equations, we get: ((d+6) Call TIn)- b(t,n) (Ej(d+6)n) = 2 * f (9) the right hand side of above equation. Then we see that by definition of V and Prop. 10, 62. b extends to a continuous sesquilinear form b : V x E+ and clearly Prop. 11 * Dom E(X,_) Ib(-,$) { (A+ ) ~ 0 on V} If we now use the following isomorphisms, where Y Y1 is Y22 or + _ (Y) (' $, - Q- () Y 0 (Y) take then so that $ I-_($) =+ we neglect those terms py+-($), to the integral (9), + ^ Y. over = n Y containing the conormal to f fl1 2~ Taking now 2 (c+GW) W+ as they don't contribute and we get: 1 - Y Y -1 <,v($)>dv(Y) Y =- (1 ($ ) (10) 63. that is: ((d+6)EIn) ((I(d+6)n) - = - () 2 J where v (-1 )PE is J definition on * J on p-forms over p J Y. J (see on Part I). B near Now recall: Y (similar for Y2), we had the decomposition: ( /Dx2 + A1) d+6 = a(dx 2 and -l D= + A P If we do same calculation for and the iso- p_, the result is: morphism D Q_(X) =-l = - 1_A 1 _ So we observe: repeated for Q_(X), all our results for can be Q +X) but this time we have to consider as boundary values for the corresponding space V the span of the eigenfunctions corresponding to the eigenvalues that are > 0. 64. Equation (10) gives the explanation to conditions for B in order that we have 2) of Prop. 2. From equation (10) and self-explanatory notation, we have Prop. 12 ) s V(XI 6 Let (A+CpI$) and $ c V(X,Q_), then: =(#A$ so: A+ is an extension of A_ We conclude making some remarks on how to prove existence of the index in the case of out using a parametrix. Co boundary with- As in any case the parametrix is needed to obtain the formula giving it, we won't go into too many details. The a priori inequalities are valid, we indicate how one proves A+ = A_. We have the corresponding space dense in it. and H /2(X) E, with Looking to (11) we see that, as C" sections H 1/2 OX) are in duality by integration, and the restriction map from H 1(X) tinuous, theelements of E + H1/2 OX) is onto and con- define sections over X in 65. H-/2 (X). form Then, they can be expressed by series of the Ea.h , J J $. the J being the solutions of .. D$. = J J J and satisfying the condition -l EX. 1a.1 J J 2<< 0 The bilinear functional b($1,$) b is then: =Zb a~kj jbi k(j) where =ZEb.p. in J and we write V, k(j) to take if we have any to X. c < q. J and multiply this to 1 we see: J 0, we can find DX As $. tJ suffices to extend on = J on a.$. ]J v E in into account. DX $ e V But now: such that it corresponds so that $lax= $.. as constant along the normal to by a Coo cut-off function equal X. b(p,$) such = $ 0 s V 6 for have expansions E a.5. J X >0 it in X. and $ s Dom A c.._ E, 66. Using a variant of Friedrichs' Lemma conditions), we can construct a sequence (d+6)n + n + V, so that and the Vn (d+6)p $ then the a priori inequality says the sequence in H1 $ sense, and so n c H both in have boundary values as belongs to (with boundary is L2 (X) sense, above. But $n are a Cauchy H1 and then it Dom A_. As we see, the crucial point in the argument is that the boundary values of the elements in set {cp|$. corresponds to In the C J J X give the whole X. < 01. J case, the elements of closed and co-closed. V The proof in ker A+ [3] uses the extension X, but this can be also proven as follows: of D = L + M D4 = Xc, so if DL same for = LM = ML = 0 (see Part I), we get: = LD L2 M, with so M dimensional spaces = XL$ and L leave invariant the finite V(X) = {jDe = Xc}, but then by V(X) simultaneous diagonalization we can split VL are VM, where vice-versa for L M. acts as XI on VL, 0 on in VM and 67. Assume now we have Z = X.<O a. . on DX c e Q+ (X), (d+6)$ = 0, (after using the corresponding I J isomorphisms), I|dfIl 2 = then we get using Green's formula: -(d$6)X = (flL$)DX but now L4 = LZa - L $, so J 2 1 ($L)X (recall < 0, but L* X7 a J = L), I|d$j | JJ 2 |i| but as the 2 > 0 X. < J 0, above quantity is so only possibility is So 0. d$ = 65 = 0. To repeat this argument in our case requires to L4 examine the boundary conditions satisfied by B4 = 0 on DY. a long calculation as we must use aL besides for the elements = XA, D on This involves aD' in any case in order to obtain a similar division of the eigenfunctions of conditions on B DB one would need to impose more and in that case it does not give self-adjointness for DBO DY 68. Bibliography [1] Lectures on Elliptic Boundary Value Problems Agmon, S., Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1965. [2] On the eigenfunctions and on the eigen- , values of general elliptic boundary value problems. Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 15 (1962) pp. 119-147. 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