Agency   Contact   Phone #/ E‐mail   Address  

 Agency Contact Agape Senior (Hospice) David Coffman Phone #/ E‐mail Address 222 Main Street Barnwell, (803) 640‐3597 SC 29812 Aiken Area Council on Aging Sharon Cowden (Shawnda (803) 648‐544 ext:5 Moody) Aiken County Public Schools Principal Aiken County Parks and Recreation Aiken Pregnancy Care Center Aiken County Public Works Contact Individual Schools hools/Schools.html Leah PRT Office Manager (803) 642‐7559 Website
Hospice work. 159 Morgan St. P.O. Box 3156 Aiken, SC 29802
Volunteers are needed to deliver meals to home‐bound elderly persons in Aiken, Gloverville, Graniteveille, North Augusta, Jackson, and Wagener. 105 Gator Lane Aiken, SC 29801
Volunteers are needed one hour per week to be tutors, mentors, or classroom helpers at any of the 37 area schools. Volunteers will assist teachers with group activities and clerical tasks as well as tutor and mentor students who need additional individual instruction. 828 Richland Ave. W Aiken, SC 29801
Backgroung check & county wavior. Volunteers are needed to help with the following activities: afterschool programs during the school year, senior citizens programs, and other special programs such as Easter, Halloween, Mother’s Day, etc. Volunteers are also needed to answer phones and be recreation aides. N/A
Volunteers are needed to be counselors, hotline workers, or Big Sisters. Volunteers are used to accomplish all of the various services offered at the Center, which is committed to providing clients with emotional support and practical assistance to carry out their babies to term. Volunteers must be willing to sign a Statement of Faith and Statement of Principle. Jennifer Feemster (803) 649‐9890 220 Silverbluff Rd Aiken, SC 29801
Snadra Langley (803) 642‐1533 County Office Complex Room 231 828 Richland Avenue West Aiken, SC 29801 (803) 641‐5292, (803) 647‐5021, or (803) 641‐5000 302 University Pkwy Aiken, SC 29801 Susan Meehan (803) 441‐0016 PO Box 355 Aiken, SC 29801
Alphia Dunbar Aiken Jaycees Eric Ferguson Aiken Teen Pregnancy Prevention Susan Meehan (803) 649‐1900 (803) 648‐8955 (803) 761‐7081 (803) 441‐0016. 1105 Gregg Hwy. Aiken, SC 29801 Jaycee Hut ‐ Highway1 Aiken, SC 29801 122 Laurens Street SW Aiken, SC 29801 American Cancer Society American Heart Association Eleanor Bookstaver 115 Greenville St Aiken, SC (803) 648‐1208 29801 (803) 649‐6654 1003 Hammond Rd. Aiken, SC 29803 Kari Cheeseman (803) 641‐4152 (803) 643‐5151 1314 Pine Log Road Aiken, SC 29803 Aiken Regional Medical Centers Eric Muhlbaier Aiken Youth Empowerment Aiken Center (Alcohol and Other Drug Services) American Red Cross, Aiken Chapter American Red Cross, Columbia Chapter Michael Brazier Erica Thomas
Application, Interview, Orientation, and Tb test.
(803) 642‐9922 Ascension Hospice (803) 796‐9296 340 Park Ave. SW Aiken, SC 29801 7142 Woodrow St. Irmo, SC 29063 (803) 641‐4146 640 Laurens St NW Aiken, SC 29801 Boy Scouts of America Georgia‐Carolina Council Jeff Schwab Camp Twin Lakes Nyleta Wallece (706) 733‐5277 1450 Green Street Suite 150 Augusta, GA 30901
Atlanta, GA 30318 Carriage Hills Living Center (803) 643‐3694 550 East Gate Drive Aiken, SC 29803 Boys and Girls Club Center for the Arts, Aiken Nancy Thurmond darcy hammond
Elizabeth Wiliamson Children’s Center, USCA Lynn Williams
Application, background check, and interview.
122 Lauren St., SW Aiken, SC (803) 641‐9094 29801
471 University Pkwy Aiken, (803) 641‐3385 SC 29801‐center/
All organizations on campus are invited to adopt‐a‐highway. This entails trash pick‐up at least 4 times a year, preferably the 1st of the month (March, June, September, and December). Materials and trash pick‐up will be arranged for your organization. Volunteers assist in all areas of the hospital from the Emergency Room to the Gift Shop. A complete hospital orientation and a TB test are required. Volunteers are required to give 3 hours a week (and the hospital will provide one free meal plus free flu shots). ATPP is a nonprofit United Way agency that works to reduce the number of teen pregnancies in Aiken County. Volunteers are needed to help input data, keep up with mailing list, and with the annual fundraiser. Volunteers are needed to provide administrative support at the center. A friendly voice is all that is required and word processing skills would be helpful. If you have a degree you may be able to counsel or be a co‐facilitator. Aiken Jaycees conduct approximately 50 community service projects each year; such as The Western Stop sexual behavior before 18 years old. Non‐profit organization which provides services for cancer patients (i.e. education, emergency finances). Need volunteers to help with different events throughout the year like the Relay for Life, Golf Tournament, etc. Volunteers are needed to help with clerical duties, phone calls, and special events such as the American Heart Walk. Need First Aid and CPR instructors to train other volunteers in life‐saving techniques. A 20 hour training period is provided. Volunteers needed to provide disaster relief. A minimum of 8 hours of training is required at no cost. Opportunity to be a mentor to high school students through the Youth Program. The board training program comprised of college students from Aiken, Columbia, Orangeburg, Newberry, Rockhill, and Sumter campuses, strategize, deliberate, implement and advise Red Cross units in fostering youth participation. The Youth Board of Directors services in an advisory position to the Board of Directors and staff. It also acts as the voice for the Red Cross youth and promotes youth involvement in your school and community. Volunteers are needed to be receptionists and interviewers, as well as to fill clothing orders, to sort clothes, to fill food orders, to deliver and to pick up furniture, and to work rummage sales. Most volunteers work two hours a week, but hours are flexible. Specific responsibilities will be discussed during training. 2751 Bull St. Columbia, SC (803) 540‐1242 29202 Area Churches Together Serving (ACTS) Karen Perry Jerry Rengering Description
Application, $25 application fee, and background checks.
Application, background check, and interview.
Become a member of the Center for the Art.
Email director, interview
Volunteers are needed to work with children in the after school program which runs 3‐6 pm Monday‐Friday. Volunteers can help tutor to play games with the kids. Volunteers needed to serve as leaders for cub scout packs and boy scout troops in our area and to assist with Eagle projects. Volunteers are also needed to serve as COPE instructors (training provided). USCA student organizations may also take advantage of the Boy Scout Venturing program. therapeutic, and educational programs for children facing serious illnesses and other Volunteers are needed to help with arts and crafts, cooking activities, visiting with residents, delivering mail to residents, assisting Director and Assistant of Recreational Services. This is an art center that has classes and summer camps; it also has a gallery for local artists, and a gift shop. The center needs volunteers to be gallery sitters who answer questions about artwork, show people around and promotion (i.e. creating flyers, posters, and publicity material). Volunteers should be able to work well with the public. Volunteers can assist pre‐school age children with school work, art projects, reading to children and other activities you come up with. Children’s Place Peggy Ford or Terry Shertbert
Community Ministry of North Augusta Nancy Joyce Cumbee Center to Assist Abused Persons (CAAP) Cumberland Hill
Sarah Tuccitto Ruth
Cumberland Village Marie Hamilton (803) 641‐4144 310 Barnwell Ave. NE Aiken, SC 29801 Application, referance letter, background checks.
PO Box 7152 or 646 East Buena Vista Ave. North (803) 279‐5771 Augusta, SC 29861 Need volunteers for food pantry, thrift store, or office for approximately two to four hours Wednesday‐Saturday from 9‐2. Volunteers at the thrift store sort, hang, and receive clothes; serve as cashiers; and assist clients as necessary in the selection of merchandise. Volunteers at the Food Pantry bag according to clients’ needs and place donated items on shelves. Office volunteers work as receptionists, computer support, or answer phones. Cumbee Center assists victims of domestic abuse and sexually assaulted persons and is an emergency shelter for victims and their children. Agencies are located in Aiken, Alllendale, Edgefield, and Saluda. Cumbee Center needs volunteers to be office assistants, Domestic Violence and/or Sexual Assault Advocates, tutors, and volunteers to assist with yard work, etc. Volunteers will have an initial orientation of one hour and depending on depth of involvement, a 22 hour orientation is required. Volunteers must sign a statement of confidentiality. (803) 649‐0480 ….
(803) 643‐0073 or 800‐861‐8688
135 Lancaster St. Aiken, SC 29801 ….
3335 Wise Creek Lane Aiken, SC 29801
Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) Debbie Lotz (803) 642‐1612
206 Beaufort St. NE Aiken, SC 29801 Department of Juvenile Justice
Marlene E. Gantt (803)896‐9291 4678 Broad River Road Columbia, SC 29210
Volunteers are needed to assist in the following areas: administrative, transportation, grounds beautification, adopt‐a‐family for Christmas, one‐on‐one support and socialization for older adults, phone calls, and special events
The Dept. of Juvenile Justice offers community service and community work for juveniles on probation and offers housing for juveniles who cannot live on their own. Volunteers must have a clean police record and be over 21. Department of Social Services
Eden Gardens Senior Living Community (803) 643‐1961 (803) 642‐8444
1410 Park Ave. SE Aiken, SC 29801
1385 Silver Bluff Rd. Aiken, SC 29803
Need volunteers for Foster Children’s Program, clerical services, and adult services. Work hours depend on task assignment. Volunteers are asked to sign a confidentiality statement. Volunteers needed to help with all kinds of activities: reading to patients, playing Bingo, arts/crafts, special days out, etc.
(803) 640‐4689
(803) 642‐8406 or (800) 578‐8750 1651 Banks Mill Road Aiken, SC 29803
220 Richland Avenue West Aiken, SC 29801
Lauren Hobbs or John Edwards
Kynisha Liggons
Family & Marriage Coalition of Aiken, Inc. Roger Rollins Family Connection Emily Green Garden City Rescue Mission
Suzie Greene Girl Scout Council, Central Savannah River Ella Norris Girl Scout Hut 706‐724‐6960 or (706) 774‐0505 “Hut Master”
Application and 25 hours training held twice a year.
Children’s Place is a therapeutic childcare center that offers parenting classes and regular day care for children with emotional or physical problems. Children’s Place needs volunteers to work as a classroom helpers, van riders, nap‐time helpers, seamstresses, nurses, birthday sponsors, office assistants, and tutors. Volunteers who work with the children must commit to one or more hours per week and pass a physical and South Carolina Law Enforcement Investigation. Weekend assistance, when no children are onsite, is also needed to provide general maintenance including painting, carpentry, and yard work. Call contact provided, Application, Tb test, background check.
Volunteers are needed to prepare and provide briefings for youth and young people about family and marriage issues, etc. Coordinate various events and workshops in area.
Families of handicapped children Garden City Rescue Mission is a homeless shelter that is an extension of the Victory Baptist Church in North Augusta. Volunteers can take part in preparing and serving meals and conducting Bible Study. However, a Disclosure Form has to be filled out and a current criminal background check report submitted. Need volunteers for troops/group leaders, special interest resource people, clerical help, volunteer managers, trainers, and fund development. Must be willing to devote one to seven hours per week. Volunteers must become active, registered members of the GSUSA, believing and supporting its principles. 828 Fenwick Street Augusta, GA 30903 1325 Greene Street Augusta, GA 30901 324 Dupree Pl SW Aiken, SC 29801‐4816 81 capital dr. Aiken, SC 29803 or 3310 Commerce Drive Augusta, GA 30909
Golden Harvest Food Bank (803) 649‐7940 (803) 648‐0752 or (706) 261‐0186 Mike Gibbons (Aiken) or Tammy Jackson (Augusta) Guardian ad Litem Gary Watson (803) 648‐9919, (803) 648‐0679 Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity ReSale Store
Eric Lenser (803) 642‐9295 1026 Park Avenue Aiken, SC
or 29802 Helping Hands, Inc. The Hills of Cumberland Village Selby Rutland (803) 642‐0530
Mary Hamilton Hitchcock Healthcare Nicole Simmons Hitchcock House Felicia Drawdy
Home Works Hank Chardos Contact the bank, and fill out forms when you arrive.
Wonderful Girl Scout stuff Golden Harvest Food Bank is a non‐profit organization that provides food for those in need. Golden Harvest needs volunteers to help sort and pack food and to do general warehouse work. Volunteers must be 21 years of age and participate in a 30 hour training program. Volunteers meet with children under 18 who are brought into the family court system for reasons of neglect or abuse. Volunteers actually represent these children in courts of law.
5170 Woodside Executive Park Aiken, SC 29803 Habitat for Humanity has several volunteer opportunities. They need volunteers to work with a committee to interview potential homeowners. Office volunteers needed for filing, writing thank you notes, and general office work. Construction volunteers needed (no experience necessary). Sales volunteers and pick‐up volunteers needed for Home store. 1026 Park Ave. SE Aiken SC 298
(803) 648‐3456 100 John Elliot Ln Aiken, SC 29801
3215 Wise Creek Ln. Aiken, (800) 861‐8688 SC 29801 (800) 207‐6924 or (803) 293‐4375 nsimmons@hitchcockhealthcare.or g (803) 649‐6439 or (803) 643‐4659 hitchcock‐ (803) 781‐4536 Volunteers needed to help with all kinds of activities and just visiting with patients in this assisted living facility. 690 Medical Park Dr. Aiken, SC 29801 102 Crepe Myrtle Ct. Aiken, SC 29803
PO Box 102 Irmo, SC 29063 Application, background check, orientation, and tb test (if working with children) Helping Hands needs volunteers to work with the children in group activities, to sponsor birthdays, to watch babies, to tutor, to sort donations, and to do maintenance (repairing playground, etc.) Whatever special talents you have, we can use them. Volunteers needed to help with all kinds of activities and just visiting with patients in this assisted living facility. Volunteers bring hope and enthusiasm to all levels of the Hitchcock operation ‐ from the therapy and home bound programs, to fitness, fund‐raising and administration. Opportunities are available in Home Health, Hospice, Pediatrics, Occupational and Outpatient Therapy, Fitness, Audiology, Finance and Administration. Application and 2 Step (2 TB tests)
Painting or fixing houses Hospice Care of South Carolina Brittany Feffcoat
Mattie C. Hall Health Care Center Denise Williams
McGrath SeniorNet Learning Center at USC Aiken Jane Tuten Reliant Hospice Salvation Army Shepeard Community Blood Center Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Southern Care (Hospice) (803) 649‐6264 830 Laurens St. N Aiken, SC 29801
(803) 641–3460 University of South Carolina Aiken 471 University Parkway Aiken, SC 29801 Tanya Inabinet (803) 641‐4164 (803) 642‐8376 (803) 772‐5688 or (800) 759‐4776 Jeff Howell
(803) 649‐9040
Silvia Taylor 200 Center Point Circle, Ste (803) 798‐1102 170 Columbia, SC 29210 Mental Health America Lisa Tindal Pepper Hill Nursing Center Tifanny Jubak Pro‐Parents Public Education Partners (803) 403‐3169 (803) 649‐9201 (Aiken‐Edgefeild) 946 Millbrook Av. Suite A Aiken, SC 29803 2712 (Columbia) Middleburg Drive, Ste. 105 Columbia, SC 29204
Provide older adults education for, and access to, computer technology to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom. Volunteers are needed for three MHA programs: Welcome Baby, Operation Santa, and “A Place of Our Own” Drop in Center. Welcome Baby volunteers visit new mothers in the hospital and provide educational information nurturing, community resources, and adjustments for both mother and baby. Must also become familiar with all social agencies in the area. Must be able to identify risk indicators of potential child abuse or neglect. Operation Santa volunteers are needed from October to the night of the dinner party. Projects include wrapping boxes; filling up gift bags and writing name tags; transporting gift bags and party goods; setting up for party and cleaning up. “Place of our Own” needs administration and clerical support and volunteers for drop‐in centers activities, including dances, arts and crafts. Pepper Hill needs volunteers to help watch and assist with the elderly. Parent to parent helping Improve public education With Reliant Hospice you may become a volunteer in any of the following areas: clerical, special projects, friendly patient visitors, bereavement volunteer, virgil volunteer, or licensed/professional volunteer. Volunteers are needed at our thrift store in North Augusta. The address is 1803 Knox Ave., North Augusta, SC 29841. Help is needed for sorting through donations, maintaining inventory in the store, organizing different areas of the store, etc. Even if you can only come 2‐3 hours on a somewhat regular basis, that will be a big help! Very casual atmosphere. All money made at our thrift stores goes to support our programs for homeless men, women, and children! We also have a Christian based Alcohol & Drug Rehabilitation program and social services are available for anyone staying in our shelters. 322 Gayle Ave. NW Aiken, SC 29801 (803) 648‐0461 Melissa.smith@usf.salvationarmy.o rg Emily Sturkie
353 Fabian Drive
(803) 643‐7996 Aiken, SC 29803 Sarah Neikam
(803) 648‐6863
199 willow run rd. aiken 29801
Volunteers are needed to be donors, prepare bags, do clerical work, and help with distribution.
Online application, orientation, training, and will be called on when your services are needed.
Volunteer are needed to walk dogs, wash and groom animals, play with the animals, work in the thrift store, or assist with office duties. 321 South Lake Dr. Lexigton 29072
STAR Riding & Driving Kerri Creamer Tri‐Development Center/Aiken County Board of Disabilities Bonnie Fulghum
(803) 643‐9888 (803) 359‐9911
(803) 652‐3231 (803) 507‐1492 (803) 642‐8809 or (803) 642‐8800 P.O. Box 698 Aiken, SC 29802‐0698
Trinity Home and Hospice ‐ Aiken 803‐641‐8220 or 800‐533‐3949
690 Medical Park Dr. Suite 400 Aiken, SC 29801 213 Laurens St. NW Aiken, SC 29801
Julie Keating Application and Background Check
Volunteers are needed in the Adopting Grandparent Program, arts and crafts, art therapy, music therapy, walking with residents, feeding assistance, flower arranging, and ceramics. Volunteers should be dependable, be able to stand on feet for long periods, understand needs of geriatrics, and have own transportation. Groups consist of 10‐12 residents. 104 Florence St. Aiken, SC 29801 3525 Augustus Rd. Aiken, SC 29801
652 Bush River Road, #203 Columbia, SC 29210 P.O. Box 3821 Aiken, SC 29802‐3821
Ms. Smith Sherry Thomas Application, interview, background check, and TB test.
Volunteers can help with a wide range of projects, administrative duties, patient care support, preparing meals, yard work, bereavement calls, and sympathy cards. Volunteers can participate on an individual or group basis. For Aiken county, our volunteers also help at The Hitchcock House with bingo events and various activities. Contact the coordinator for information.
P.O. Box 698 Aiken, SC 29802 Trinity Lutheran Home Robert Sessions (803) 643‐4200 United Way of Aiken County Tammy Davis (803) 648‐8331 Youth Central Allison Crawn (803) 641‐7107 Cedar Creek Church GRACE Ministry
Sherri Thomas
(803) 450‐8292
3001 Banks Mill Rd
Aiken, SC 29803
Call Log: Kevin Roach Place
Number (803)649‐3800
Time 235 Barnwell Ave. NW Aiken, SC 29801 118 Laurens St. Suite 206 Aiken, SC 29801
Attend a training class.
Contact the office to find the best way to serve.
Contact Sherri for ways to volunteer
SouthernCare ensures quality of life to patients who are dealing with limited life expectancy. SouthernCare Hearts of Hospice Volunteer can provide services for the patient such as making a friendly visit and as well as for the family members like running errands. A short orientation/training is required but is scheduled at the volunteer’s convenience. Volunteers who have direct patient care are given a two step TB screening and CPR training. Additional training is received at quarterly meetings. Volunteers are needed to assist with classes: grooming, tacking and leading horses and sidewalking with students when they ride. Services to Children and Adults with Autism, Brain Injuries, Spinal Cord Injuries and Mental 2923041 Retardation and Related Disabilities St. Joseph Hospice volunteers offer a wide range of support to terminally ill patients and their families. As essential members of the interdisciplinary Hospice Team, volunteers are offered assignments according to their interests, skills, and available time. Activities may include becoming a friend and listener, completing errands, or sitting with patients while caregiver rest. Volunteers needed to interact with residents: play cards, go on walks, read, assist with activities, visit, etc. Volunteers are used in all areas of the organization including Board of Directors, Strategic Planning, and Communication committees. Volunteers are also needed to serve on various campaign committees and to assist with organizing and mailing of campaign materials. Volunteers form Agency Relations Panels which review agency budgets, evaluate the quality of agency service/programs, and decide how the United Way funds will be distributed. Volunteers are needed to help with office duties, mentoring and tutoring programs. Volunteers are needed for GRACE Camp counselors & facilitators this summer, ongoing opportunities available; Kenny Thomas baseball camp; shadowing at Church on Sundays; etc etc
Response Email Gaile, on how many volunteers (10‐15), time, my phone and email