Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt Therapy
What key concepts do you know in
terms of Gestalt therapy?
View of Human Nature: people are
 spontaneous
 capable of self-regulation
 able to reintegrate the disown parts of
 striving toward actualization and growth
The present (here and now)
Directly Experience rather than talking about
 Becoming the hurt child rather than talking about
childhood trauma experiences.
Ask “what” and “how” instead of “why”
The power is in the present.
However, many people focus on past mistakes and
engage in endless plans for the future
Unfinished Business (UB)
Definition: Feelings about the past are unexpressed
May be of anger, hatred, guilt, fear…
May be memories and fantasies
Interfere with effective contact
Tend to result in physical symptoms
By working through unfinished business, the
preoccupation with the past is complete.
Contact & Resistance to contact
CONTACT – interaction with nature and other
people without losing one’s individuality
Contact is necessary for change to occur
RESISTANCE TO CONTACT – the defenses that
prevent us from experiencing the present fully
Clients are encouraged to become increasingly
aware of their dominant style of blocking contact
Contact Boundary Disturbances
Clients are encouraged to become increasingly aware of their
dominant style of blocking contact
Introjection: uncritically accept others’ view without reviewing
 Children often take parents’ opinions as fact
Projection: disown certain aspect of ourselves by assigning them
to others
 Feeling anger may lead a person to project anger onto others
Retroflection: doing to ourselves what we want to do to others,
 Biting one’s nails can be a substitute for aggression toward
Energy and blocks to energy
Attend to where energy is located, how it is used,
and how it can be blocked
Blocked energy is a form of resistance
Recognize how their resistance is being expressed
in their body
 feeling numb
Exaggerate their tension and tightness in order to
increase awareness
Therapeutic Goals: helping clients
to enhance awareness
to depend on themselves
to bring the past or future into the present
to achieve integration of the whole person
Verbal behavior, nonverbal behavior, feelings,
thoughts, perceptions.…
Therapist’s function and Role
Increase clients’ awareness
Attend to the present moment
Attend to verbal, nonverbal, and inconsistent message
Help clients to experience their being “stuck”
Make “I” statement
 It is difficult to make friendsI have trouble
making friends
The Therapeutic Relationship
Therapeutic relationship is important for the
therapy to be effective
Be empathetic, genuine, and understanding
Share therapists’ experiences to clients in “hereand-now”
Apply the notion of “use of self” in therapy
Therapeutic Change
Not making progress is due to fear of change
(Perls, 1969)
Exploring the reluctance
The Change Process: three-stage (Polster, 1987)
 Discovery (get a new perspective)
 Accommodation (learn that they have a choice)
 Assimilation (change their environment)
Therapeutic techniques and procedures
The experiential work
Use experiential work in therapy to work
through the stuck points and gain new insights
Preparing client for experiential work
Obtain permission from clients
 Be sensitive to cultural differences
 Respect resistance
Therapeutic techniques and procedures
The internal dialogue exercise
Making the rounds
Top dog (critical parent) and underdog (victim)
Empty-chair (two sides of themselves)
Go around to each person and say “What makes it hard
for me trust you is……”
Reversal exercise
Reverse the typical style (e.g., behave as negative as
Therapeutic techniques and procedures
Rehearsal exercise
 Share the rehearsals out loud with a therapist
Exaggeration exercise
 Exaggerate gesture or movement, which usually
intensifies the feelings attached to the behavior
Staying with the feeling
 Go deeper into the feelings they wish to avoid
Therapeutic techniques and procedures
The Gestalt approach to dream work
Do not interpret or analyze dreams
Bring dream back to the present life as though they are
happening now
Every person or object in the dream represents a
projected aspect of the dreamer
Dreams serve as an excellent way to discover personality
Not rememberingrefuse to face what it is at that time
Research on Gestalt Therapy
Compare with a waiting list control or no treatment,
Gestalt therapy is effective
In general, results are similar among Gestalt therapy, P-C
therapy, or CBT.
Leslie Greenberg and colleagues conducted a series of
research on empty chair technique
Across studies, the empty chair technique is helpful by
reducing self-criticism and increasing self-understanding.
From a multicultural perspective
 Work with clients from their cultural perspectives
 Focus on “affect” may not be appropriate
 Asians value emotion self-control
 Direct expression of the negative feelings to
their parents is not appropriate.
Summary and Evaluation--contribution
Enhance awareness
 Attend to verbal and nonverbal cues
 Directly experience rather than talking
about it
 Focus on growth and enhancement
 See each aspect of a dream as a projection
of themselves
Summary and Evaluation-limitation
Ineffective therapists may manipulate the
clients with powerful experiential work
Some people may need psycho-education