University of Delaware Athletic Training Alumni Newsletter College of Health Sciences

University of Delaware
Athletic Training Alumni Newsletter
Volume 8– Summer 2011
College of Health Sciences
Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology
Keith Handling Scholarship Award is Announced
The following was excerpted from a U‐Daily ar cle dated July 22, 2010.: An undergraduate scholarship has been established in honor of Keith Handling, long‐ me athle c trainer and associate professor in the Department of Kinesiology and Applied Physiology at the University of Delaware. The award was un‐
veiled at a UD alumni event in Philadelphia on June 23, held in conjunc on with the annual mee ng of the Na onal Athle c Trainers' Associa on. Handling, who joined UD in 1972, served as head athle c train‐
er from 1988 to 2008 and as director of the UD Athle c Train‐
ing Educa on Program from 1988 to 2002. “Keith has worked hard over the past 38 years to put UD ath‐
le c training on the map,” says Thomas Kaminski, professor and director of athle c training educa on at UD. “Honoring him in this way was only fi ng, and to be able to do it in Philly, where our recep on drew more than 150 athle c training al‐
ums, made the occasion even more special.” The scholarship will be given annually to an undergraduate student in the UD athle c training program who “shows a sin‐
cere desire to enter the health‐care profession and demonstrates the quali es of respect, responsibility, and concern for others without prejudice or intolerance.” Selec on criteria include grade point average, total clinical experience hours, and extracurricular ac vi es and community service related to athle c training. The scholarship announcement notes: “Through Keith's hard work, commitment, and dedica on, the undergraduate Ath‐
le c Training Educa on Program flourished into one of the most respected and recognizable programs in the country. The scholarship award is meant to support this legacy and Keith's commitment to the profession of athle c training and his pas‐
sion for caring for physically ac ve individuals in their pursuit of success in athle c performance.” To donate to the new scholarship, visit this website and note “Keith Handling Award” in the “Other” designa on on the form. Keith is pictured above with ATEP faculty/staff L‐R: John Smith, Courtney Bu erworth, Joan Couch, Dr. Kaminski, Erin McLaughlin, and Dan Watson. Inside this issue:
From the Desk of…
Alumni Spotlight
Hen Droppings
1 New and Notes from the
desk of: Dr. Tom Kaminski,
Director of Athletic Training
Per usual, the chaos around here never ceases! Between end of the semester stuff, CAATE year‐end reports, and the hustle and bustle associated with two annual mee ngs (ACSM & NATA) near‐
ly back‐to‐back, I’m always surprised when I’m able to get this newsle er put together and sent out to our ATEP alumni. Thanks to the efforts of recent ATEP graduate Meagan Maguire, Vol‐
ume #8 has taken on a new look. Your feedback on the new look is appreciat‐
ed. Best wishes to our newest alumni the UD ATEP Class of 2011. The “Terrible 21” as they like to call themselves took part on commencement ac vi es on Saturday May 28, 2011. This was our biggest class of graduates ever. I’m extremely proud of this group of stu‐
dents and all that they achieved during their tenure as student. Of note was Chris na Saadeh who graduated with a PERFECT 4.0 GPA!! Equally impres‐
sive is the fact that of the 10 students who sat for the exam in April, 9 were successful in passing on the 1st try! The remaining 11 are scheduled to sit for the exam in June. Our “first me” pass rate has averaged over 90% (Na onal average 40‐50%) the last 3 years. A testament to the hard work, dedica on, and commitment of the faculty/staff/students in UD’s ATEP! Just yesterday we chose our newest class of 16 ATEP sophomore students who’ll join us in the Fall 2011 to con‐
nue on the proud tradi on we have developed here over the years! I would like to first begin by thanking all of you who turned out to celebrate with us at the ATEP Alumni Party in Philadelphia last summer and to com‐
memorate the unveiling of the Keith Handling Scholarship Award. It is not o en that we are able to surprise Keith, I think however this me we did. A special thanks to the Handling family for all there support and efforts in helping to create this award and to the many generous friends and alumni of Keith who have contributed to the endowment process. At last count the fund had raised over $42,000.00 on the way to the goal of $50,000.00. Truly remarkable, especially given the fact that we have only been raising money for less than one year! Alumni wishing to donate to the award can do so on‐line at h p://
www.udconnec We con nue in our pursuit for a dedi‐
cated Athle c Training Teaching Lab and are op mis c that this will happen in the next few years. As you know freeing up me and space in the ath‐
le c training rooms on campus is be‐
coming harder and harder. Having our own space available to schedule lab classes for our students free from the distrac ons is a major priority. The architectural plans for the old Chrysler headquarters building do in‐
clude dedicated space for this lab facil‐
ity. We’re keeping our fingers crossed that this soon becomes a reality. In the mean me we are grateful to our colleagues in athle cs who provide space for our students to take their lab courses in. On the curriculum front this past year we welcomed Mr. Jeff Schneider (UG 92’ & grad 95’) as our 1st full‐ me Clinical Coordinator. Jeff has been responsible for pu ng our student evalua on system “on‐line” and has been very effec ve in visi ng all of our off‐campus clinical sites during the semester. He has been a huge asset to the success of the clinical por on of our educa onal program. Effec ve Fall 2011 our UD ATEP admission re‐
quirements are changing so that now incoming sophomore students will need a 2.75 minimum GPA (up from 2.5) and a B– or be er in each of the four core AT classes (no previous re‐
quirement was in place). UD Office of Admissions has informed us that and Athle c Training Interest (ATI) class in excess of 60 students beginning Fall 2011 will be compe ng for a spot in next year’s ATEP. Only me will tell to see how effec ve these new set of requirement have on the ATEP. 2 This newsle er is for you the ALUM‐
NI!! Please keep sending me your updates and comings and goings! I love to hear from you and typically post these updates on our alumni website — h p://
HNES/AT/Site/alumni_news.html Please feel free to e‐mail or call me at any me with sugges ons/feedback/
comments, etc… We are all in this together! Hope to see you in New Orleans for the June 20th UD ATEP Alumni Party! Cheers! New and Notes from the
desk of: John Smith, Head
Athletic Trainer
Gree ngs! Hello to all of the great Alumni, Family, and Friends of University of Delaware Athle c Training. Athle c Training Educa on and Athle cs con nues to work coopera vely to create the best clinical environment possible for our students. I am pleased to report many posi ve changes within the depart‐
ment of Athle cs. We are nearing comple on of a state‐of‐ the‐ art Bas‐
ketball/Volleyball prac ce facility. Feel free to check out the live webcam at: h p://
viewer_index.shtml?id=419 In addi on weight rooms in the Dela‐
ware Field House and Bob Carpenter Center are being renovated from floor to ceiling and will include all new equipment. The football stadium is under minor renova ons that will be completed in me for the 2011 foot‐
ball season. Finally, the soccer teams will play on a brand new Bermuda grass surface in the Delaware Mini‐
Stadium. Staff Updates… *Our full me staff is being expanded to six athle c trainers. We are in the search process to fill this posi on and are looking forward to extending our full me staff to service more U.D. Ath‐
letes. Erin McLaughlin, ATC le our A.T. Staff at the end of the semester for a posi on at A.I. Dupont Hospital for Children in Wilmington. Erin was a key member of our athle c training staff and will be missed. Our Graduate Assistants con nue to matriculate through the program. This year Jen Halterman completed her master’s degree and will stay on as an intern while she completes her pre‐requisites for Occupa onal Therapy School. Alan Needle has completed his tenure with athle cs and will use next year to con‐
centrate on comple ng his disserta‐
on while teaching in the Athle c Training Educa on Program. Next year we will welcome, Stephanie Se‐
gulin, ATC as a Graduate Assistant. Stephanie recently completed her Bachelor’s degree at Marie a College. *Keith Handling con nues to teach in the ATEP Curriculum and offer valua‐
ble insight and wisdom to the Athle c Training Staff. *Joan, Dan, and Courtney all send along their best wishes to all alumni and friends of U.D. Athle c Training Miscellaneous *Dan Watson was elected President of the Delaware Athle c Trainers Associ‐
a on. Let’s give Dan the support he needs to lead our state organiza on. *Litecure Inc. is a local company that designs and manufactures the deep ssue laser. We are working with them on a research project this fall. *Congratula ons to the ATEP class of 2011! Twenty one students strong, this class was successful in the athle c training room and in the classroom. Congratula ons to everyone on pass‐
ing the NATA exam. I want to acknowledge each of you for your hard work and dedica on the last three years. Congratula ons and best 3 of luck. *”WELCOME” to Sandy McFoy, Sandy coordinates all the health insurance needs of the athletes along with other dept. responsibili es. She works out of the BCC Athle c Training Room. Welcome Sandy! *Nov. 12th: U.D. vs. Richmond is the annual Homecoming Game. If you are in town, please stop in and say “hello”. It’s always a great day and a pleasure to see past graduates. *When dona ng to the University, consider earmarking your dona on to Trainer for the Chris ana Care Health System. Faculty Spotlight:
While in the BIOMS program, I have developed an interdisciplinary research focus through the inves ga‐
Laura Miller, MS, ATC
on of movement variability in pitching mechanics between high school and collegiate so ball pitchers. I believe that the study of variability is an advancing area of sports medicine research and I look forward to inves ga ng further the role that variability plays in overuse injuries in ac ve popula ons. It has been an interes ng journey and a unique experience to develop a line of research essen ally from scratch, It is bi ersweet to realize that it’s the end of another and despite set‐backs I am excited that everything year here at Delaware. My me at UD is coming to a has finally come together. close and with mixed emo ons of excitement and sadness, wri ng this ar cle has given me the chance I extremely apprecia ve to Dr. Kaminski, all of my lab‐
to reflect on that me. A er seven years here, each mates, and everyone who has supported my me with their highs and lows, I’m excited to announce here at Delaware. This is truly a special place and I am that I am wrapping up my disserta on and preparing grateful for every experience and memory that I will for a faculty posi on at the University of Evansville in take with me on this new journey. Indiana. I will be teaching in their ATEP, as well as serving as Clinical Coordinator for the program. UD Education: Canisius College
(BS), University of DE (MS)
Current Position: AT Research
Lab Assistant/Adjunct Teaching
Teaching Responsibilities:
HESC305 “Fundamentals of Athletic Training”
Professional Activities: Abstract Reviewer EATA, NATA),
Manuscript Reviewer (Athletic
has provided me so many opportuni es to expand myself professionally including roles as a clinician, course instructor, and researcher and I am excited to dedicate my career to athle c training educa on. As I prepare to move on, I remember back to my first semester at UD in 2004 and all of the change that has occurred since. I have had the chance to witness the growth of our ATEP from class sizes of 8 or 9 students to classes as large as our most recent gradua ng class of 21, the expansion of the Sports Medicine Clinic to include two physicians and the extensive develop‐
Training & Sports Health Care)
ment of the graduate program and Athle c Training Future Endeavors: Assistant
Professor/Clinical Coordinator—University of Evansville
Research Laboratory. As an instructor, I was a laboratory teaching assistant for sophomore‐level HESC 480 & 481 and also an in‐
structor for HESC 305. In addi on to teaching experi‐
ences, I worked as a GA and was an Approved Clinical Instructor to a number of students during that me. I have maintained my clinical involvement through my doctoral work by working as a per diem Athle c 4 fate, the University of Delaware plays Michigan Alumni Spotlight:
(obviously I had no idea about the history of the Blue Hen uniforms). To my surprise, this was the best deci‐
Tamerah N. Hunt PhD, ATC
sion I’d ever made. UD had the feel of a big university without the athle c pressure of a D1. At the very beginning of the program as a direct ob‐
serva on student, I challenged my classmates to be inven ve by requiring them to prac ce taping with‐
out removing my socks (of which I am proud to say I am no longer embarrassed). UD gave me the clinical independence to learn. I even got to see Bill Cosby I received my Bachelor in Athle c Training from UD in stretch during Penn Relays as a junior. I remember 2000. So like other gradua ng athle c training stu‐
when ATS were seen and not heard and one day Tub‐
dents, I decided to con nue my educa on and ap‐
by Raymond walked up to the students and told us plied for graduate assistantships. I accepted an assis‐
“When I look as old as Keith, it’s me for me to re‐
tantship at James Madison University and obtained re.” Now, teaching in an accredited ATEP, I realize experience with a 20 hour rule for athle c training how valuable my experiences were and how they students, a weight psycho c volleyball coach, teach‐
shaped my future. Now I hear the students complain ing undergrads and of course tons of clinical experi‐
about the lack of clothes, or that they work so hard ence with volleyball, soccer and track athletes. Oh and for so long. I think back and feel as though I ex‐
yeah, and a er two years I earned my Masters De‐
pect my parents and grandparents felt and wonder… gree. A er comple ng my Masters I had no idea of When will I add “well we dragged water coolers in 10 what I wanted to do so rather than join the work‐
feet of snow during football prac ce in a blizzard a er force, I con nued to the University of Georgia for a working for 72 hours straight”? Go figure. I’ve gone PhD in Kinesiology. Following my doctoral work I ac‐
full circle, I am a wolverine working in buckeye coun‐
cepted a posi on as an assistant professor at the Uni‐
try rou ng for blue hens. Who would have guessed? versity of South Carolina where I instructed within the undergraduate and graduate athle c training pro‐
grams. I currently work at The Ohio State University as the director of research for the OSU Sports Concus‐
sion Program and assistant professor of clinical allied medical professions teaching within the ATEP. Born in Flint Michigan… family living in Michigan… siblings a ending the University of Michigan… I bled blue and knew I was going to go to the University of Michigan when I got older. As I began thinking about what I wanted to major in college, I knew I wanted to be an athle c trainer and since the University of Dela‐
ware was close (living in Maryland at the me) and had a recognized ATEP my high school counselor rec‐
ommended that I visit. I went for a campus visit and during a video presenta on I thought OMG, this is 5 ATEP News:
NATA Scholarships: Maggie Griebert & Jillian Seamon 2011 ATEP Awards Winners Announced: Jillian Seamon Dr. Julie Moyer‐Knowles Award Deanna Lapp Dr. C. Roy Rylander Outstanding Senior Athle c Training Student Award Both students are being recognized at the Pinky Newell Scholarship & Leadership Breakfast on June 22nd at the NATA Annual Mee ng in New Orleans! Ashley Lazas Paris Delliga Memorial Scholarship Fund Ashley Lazas Football athle c training students accompanied the UD football team to the NCAA Championship Subdivision Game on January 7, 2011 in Dallas, TX. Meagan Maguire Garre O’Donnell Here the staff is pictured front row (L‐R) John Smith, Melissa Maskery, Amanda Dietrich, Casey Niemela, Megumi Yoshigai; top row (L‐R) John Tag‐
gart, Meagan Maguire, Bre Sammons, Leigh Waters, Kim Leonard, Dan Watson. SATC Student Service Award Maggie Griebert Lee J. Hyncik Athle c Trainer Achievement Award Alissa Claiser Harrison Grube Jillian Seamon The Catania Family Athle c Training Academic Achievement Award Kiefer Gooch A March 15, 2011 story appeared in U‐Daily —‐ “A love of sports and a career in athle c training may seem like a match made in heaven, but it can also mean lots of hellish 14‐hour weekdays followed by work‐filled weekends. Three University of Dela‐
ware undergraduates are successfully juggling compe ve ice ska ng and the athle c training major: Senior Samantha Riddle (le ) and sopho‐
more Bri any Sullivan (right) are members of UD's collegiate ice ska ng team, while sophomore Maggie Berkowitz (middle) is a synchronized skater. Keith Handling Scholarship Award Garre O’Donnell Junior Athle c Training students awarded state and na onal scholarship awards: DATA Scholarship: Maggie Griebert Maggie Griebert 6 ATEP News:
Senior ATEP student Chris na Saa‐
deh was featured in a November 2010 story in UD’s the Review news‐
paper on students with perfect 4.0 GPA’s—h p://
stereotypes‐1.1777755 Chris na eventually graduated in May 2011 with a 4.0 GPA only one of four students to have done so in the Class of 2011. Congratula ons Chris na! ATEP seniors enjoy a night out on the last day of classes 2011. The walk up Main Street has become a tradi on with the UD ATEP seniors! UD’s ATEP Class of 21 seniors was the largest gradua ng class in the history of ATEP. The class was composed of a group of highly talented and diverse students who all le their mark on the program and will have successful careers as health care professionals. Here is an image mosaic of those seniors: AT seniors are pictured here in the lobby of the BCC with NATA Month (March 2011) posters that were displayed during the DIAA State Basketball Playoffs game. The big day finally arrived on Saturday May 28, 2011. Pictured here (L‐R) bo om row: Samantha Riddle, Maggie Morfin‐Gonzalez, Emily Darone, Helen Degree, Chris na Saadeh, Garre O’Donnell, Chelise Strickland, Juan Correa, Rob Viles, Marleigh Halkes, and Brooke Havens. Top row: Dr. K, Shiraj Chakraborty, Ang Palmeri, Ashley Lazas, Kathleen Kenney, Meagan Maguire, Melissa Maskery, Bre Sammons, Andrew DePietropaolo, and Corey Lopez. Here is a list of the gradua ng seniors and their future plans: Shiraj Chakraborty—PT school University of Southern California Juan Correa—exploring internships with Major League Soccer (MLS) Emily Darone—OT school Andrew DePietropaolo—seasonal intern Green Bay Packers ( NFL‐2011) begin PT school University of Delaware (2012) Helen Degree—PT school Marleigh Halkes—high school athle c trainer Brooke Havens—graduate school/ GA posi on @ University of Alabama Kathleen Kenney—graduate school/GA posi on @ Drexel University Ashley Lazas— Na onal Rehab Hospital PT Dept. in Olney, MD Corey Lopez— PT school University of Delaware Meagan Maguire— graduate school/GA posi on @ University of Utah Melissa Maskery—graduate school/GA posi on @ Temple University Maggie Morfin‐Gonzalez—physician assistant or PT school Uriah Myrie— seasonal intern Carolina Panthers (NFL) Garre O’Donnell— graduate school/GA posi on @ University of Akron (Ohio) Ang Palmeri—graduate school/GA posi on @ Johns Hopkins University Samantha Riddle—graduate school/GA posi on @ University of Colorado @ Colorado Springs As tradi on, SATC honors the gradua ng ATEP seniors with a cake at the annual SATC End‐of‐the‐Year Picnic. We nev‐
er seem to catch good weather at the SATC picnic Chris na Saadeh— mission work with YouthWorks Bre Sammons—graduate school/GA posi on @ Salisbury University Chelise Strickland—physician assistant school Rob Viles— assistant ATC with the Sacramento Mountain Lions 7 Research Update:
Liu, K., Gustavsen, G., & Kaminski, T.W. Increased Incidence of Ankle Sprain Does Not Lead to an Increase in Ligament Laxity. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 43 (5), S‐
84, 2011. ACSM 58th Annual Mee ng. New to the newsle er this year, the “Research Update” col‐
umn will spotlight the research taking place at UD in both our undergraduate and graduate programs. The Athle c Training Research Lab is located in Room 159 of the Human Perfor‐
mance Laboratory and is home to a cadre of undergraduate and graduate student researchers. The lab’s primary focus is on ankle instability, sport‐related concussions, and lower ex‐
tremity biomechanics and athle c performance. Disanto, T.J., Swanik, C.B., Swanik, K.A., Straub, S.J., & Nee‐
dle, A.R. Concurrent Validity of the Anterior Drawer Test and an Arthrometer in Evalua ng Ankle Laxity. Athle c Training & Sports Health Care , 3 (1): 15‐20, 2011. Gabe Fife ® and Kathy Liu (L) are pictured here with Dr. Kaminski at the IOC World Conference on Preven on of Injury & Illness in Sport held at the Grimaldi Forum in Mon‐
te Carlo, Monaco April 7‐9, 2011. Listed below are the conferences a ended or journal publica‐
ons by UD students and the work they presented: Degree, H.D., Darone, E.M., & Kaminski, T.W. Femoral Osteo‐
myeli s in an Adolescent Athlete Requiring Surgical Interven‐
on . EATA Annual Mee ng and Clinical Symposium, 2011. Saadeh, C., Chakraborty, S., DePietropaolo, A., & Kaminski, T.W. Surgical Interven on of Chronic Ankle Instability in a Male Collegiate Football Player. EATA Annual Mee ng and Clinical Symposium, 2011. UD sophomore athle c train‐
ing student Leah Fayson is a par cipant in the Ronald McNair Post‐Baccalaureate Achievement Program at UD working with her research mentor Dr. Kaminski. Leah is pictured here with her poster involving her research with Kinesio‐Tape and ankle laxity. Her abstract tled “ The Effects of Ankle Kinesio Taping® on Ankle S ffness and Dynamic Balance” along with her co‐
authors Alan Needle and Dr. Kaminski is one of five finalists for the Undergraduate Poster Award at this year’s NATA An‐
nual Mee ng in New Orleans. Leah’s trip to New Orleans is being co‐sponsored by the McNair Program and UD’s Office of Alumni Rela ons. Alan Needle a doctoral student in UD’s Biomechanics and Movement Science interdisciplinary doctoral pro‐
gram was awarded an $8,000.00 re‐
search grant from the EATA . Advised by Charles “Buz” Swanik, associate professor in the Department of Kine‐
siology and Applied Physiology, Nee‐
dle is conduc ng research aimed at determining the causes and poten al treatment op ons for the management of joint injuries. Liu, K., Gustavsen, G., & Kaminski, T.W. Exploring Ankle Liga‐
ment Laxity Differences Between Male and Female Collegiate Athletes. 2nd Congress of the Interna onal Foot and Ankle Biomechanics Community. September 2010. Fife, G.P., Kaminski, T.W., O’Sullivan, D., Pieter, W., Shin, I.S., & Lim, T.H. Effects of Olympic Style Taekwondo Kicks on an In‐
strumented Head‐form and Resultant Head Injury Risk: A Pilot Study. 2nd World Scien fic Conference of Combat Sports and Marital Arts. September 2010. Liu, K., Gustavsen, G., & Kaminski, T.W. Do Those with Per‐
ceived Ankle Instability have Associated Mechanical Instabil‐
ity? 34th Annual Mee ng of the American Society of Biomechanics. August 2010. Gu errez, G.M., & Kaminski, T.W. Is Ankle Instability a Central or Peripheral Issue? 34th Annual Mee ng of the American Society of Biomechanics. August 2010. Fife, G.P., Kaminski, T.W., O’Sullivan, D., Pieter, W., Shin, I.S., & Lim, T.H. Velocity of the Taekwondo Axe Kick and Resultant Linear Accelera on of an Instrumented Head Form. 34th Annual Mee ng of the American Society of Biomechanics. August 2010. Liu, K., Gustavsen, G., & Kaminski, T.W. Exploring Dynamic Stability in a Group of Intercollegiate Athletes. Bri sh Journal of Sports Medicine 45(4), 329, 2011. IOC World Conference on Preven on of Injury & Illness in Sport. Fife, G.P., Pieter, W., O’Sullivan, D., Cook, D. & Kaminski, T.W. Effects of Olympic Style Taekwondo Kicks on and Instrumented Head‐Form and Resultant Head Injury Measures. Bri sh Journal of Sports Medicine 45(4), 318‐319, 2011. IOC World Conference on Preven on of Injury & Illness in Sport. 8 Student Athletic Trainers’ Club
The 2010‐11 SATC officers included Kathleen Kenney (president), Melissa Maskery (VP), Shiraj Chakraborty (treasurer), Ang Palmeri (secretary), Emily Darone (historian), and Meagan Maguire (social chair). Here is a list of the variety of social, philanthropic, and community services projects SATC was involved in this year: CHAIRS @ FB Games DE Special Olympics Relay for Life Car Wash Holiday banquet SATC Officers (L‐R) Melissa Maskery, Ang Palmeri, Emily Darone, Meagan Maguire, Kathleen Kenney, and Shiraj Chakraborty are pictured here with Dr. Kaminski at the SATC Holiday Banquet whom they honored with the SATC Service Award for the 2010‐11 SY. Fun Semi‐Formal @ Timothy’s DE Adopt‐a‐Family ‐ Service Award DIAA Wrestling Tournament Gro o’s Pizza SATC Picnic DATA 5k Run * This is the 1st year that SATC was involved with the DATA 5k Run held on Saturday May 14, 2010 at Carousel Park in Wilmington, DE. The event was a huge success and will become a fund‐raising event for the club into the future. In addi on, the student officers were helpful in revising the SATC Cons tu on, which will help the club to establish a UD Chapter of Iota Tau Alpha Honor Society for athle c training students. Here are some images taken throughout the year of various SATC events: AT seniors take a group photo prior to the start of the 2011 SATC Spring Semi‐Formal event —‐ nice to see AT students ge ng dressed up! Sophomore Kate Zimmer‐
man working the DSO Soccer Skills event in October. Kate is also the State of DE representa ve to the EATA Student Dele‐
gate commi ee 9 The ankle taping com‐
pe on has become a tradi on at the SATC picnic. Here overall champion Alissa Claiser (junior) poses with UD ATEP faculty/staff (Dr. K, Dan Watson and Courtney Bu erworth). Also pictured (L‐R) are Melissa Maskery (senior), Kathleen Kenney (senior), Kim Leonard (junior), Leigh Waters (soph) and Michelle Hudgins (soph). Hen Droppings
 UD graduate (BIOMS PhD 2009) Ka e (Kolar) Morrison and her husband Jack gave birth to a daughter Tessa in January 2011 UD AT students travelled to Dallas, TX in January to support the UD football team in the NCAA Champion‐
ship Subdivision football game. Pictured here with UD president DR. Patrick Harker are L‐R Regan Jones (junior), CeCe Fedele (junior), Kathleen Kenney (senior), Ang Palmeri (senior), Garre O’Donnell (senior), and Maggie Griebert (junior) UD graduate (UG 07’ and grad 11’) Heather (Abbo ) Miller and her husband Jordan gave birth to a son Brayden in January. Allison Ingalsbe (06’) is ending her reign as an assis‐
tant athle c trainer at the University of Chicago and moving to Terra Haute, IN where she will work as a physician extender in an orthopedic prac ce there. Two UD alums Jeff Konin (UD PT—1994) currently at the University of South Florida and Bernade e Olson (UD AT—1988) currently at South Dakota State Uni‐
versity are being honored as 2011 Most Dis n‐
guished Athle c Trainers by the NATA. Congrats to both! UD graduate (10’) Allison Kim just completed a year long internship at Yale University and is now enrolled in the physician assistant program at Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago, IL. Allison’s oral presenta on tled “ Reac ve Knee S ffening is Diminished Under Cogni ve Loads” was the 2010 Master’s Degree Award Winner at the NATA Annual Mee ng in Phila‐
delphia, PA. 10 Hen Droppings
Dr. Erik Wikstrom from the University of North Carolina @ Charlo e visited the UD campus as a BIOMS Seminar guest speaker on Monday May 2, 2011. He is pictured here with UD ATEP doctoral student Alan Needle and Kathy Liu Megan Burger (08’) began her tenure this past year as an assistant athle c training on staff at Franklin & Mar‐
shall College in Lancaster, PA. Megan previously worked for Orthopedic Asso‐
ciates of Lancaster. UD Alum Adam Rosen (UG 06’ & grad 08’) will begin his doctoral studies this fall at the University of Georgia in Athens, GA. Adam spent the last 3 years on staff at the University of Pennsylvania. College of Health Science Dean Dr. Kathleen Ma stopped by the Delaware Field House athle c training room to get a first hand view of the athle c training students at their clinical sites. Here is a photo of her visit Cyndi Ristori (07’) is working as a physician extender at the Hammen Orthopedic Ins tute in Miami, FL. Taka Sakurai was recently appointed as the head ath‐
le c trainer for the Williamsport CrossCu ers a class A affiliate of the Philadelphia Phillies. UD ATEP sophomore student and na ve of Japan Me‐
gumi Yoshigai was ac ve on‐campus in helping to raise awareness and funds for the vic ms of the tragic earth‐
quake and tsunami that hit the country in March. UD graduates Megan O’Neill (UG 05’ & grad 11’) and Mike Phillips (07’) were appointed Head Athle c Trainer and Assistant Athle c Trainer/Strength Coach respec vely at the Tower Hill School in Wil‐
mington, DE. They succeeded two other UD ATEP alumni Chris Mor‐
row (87’) and Kevin McKenzie (96’). 11 Gabriel Fife (grad 11’) returned to South Korea in Janu‐
ary with his wife Hyunju and will begin doctoral studies at Yonsei Univerity. He will also be teaching at nearby DongA University. They are expec ng their first child in July. Gabe is an interna onally recognized scholar on concussions in the sport of taekwondo. Best wishes and a safe journey to UD ATEP graduate Victoria Bakre (08’) who is serving as a medic with the US Army in the Middle East. ANNUAL FIGHTIN BLUE
Bourbon Street Blues Company
441 Bourbon Street
New Orleans, LA 70130
Monday June 20, 2011
7:00—10:00 pm
$10.00 Fee payable at the door
Sponsored By:
12 Proud to sponsor the UD ATEP Alumni Social and the UD ATEP Alumni Newsle er President– Dan Watson (95’) Secretary—Courtney Bu erworth (03’) Treasurer—Carrie Steinman (06’) See you all in New Orleans! 13 Proud to again sponsor the University of Delaware Athletic Training Education Program’s
Alumni Newsletter and Alumni Social
14 15 16 