Generalized Selection Combining Based on the Log-Likelihood Ratio Sang Wu Kim Young Gil Kim Marvin K. Simon† Korea Adv. Inst. of Sci. and Tech. Taejon 305-701, S. Korea University of Seoul Seoul 130-743, S. Korea Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Abstract- We propose a generalized selection combining (GSC) scheme for binary signaling in which M diversity branches providing the largest magnitude of log-likelihood ratio (LLR) are selected and combined. The bit error probability provided by LLR-based GSC serves as a lower bound on the bit error probability provided by any GSC techniques. We also propose a suboptimal GSC based on a noncoherent envelope detection. We derive the bit error probability with LLR-based and envelope-based GSC techniques and examine their power gains over the conventional SNR-based GSC technique. We show that the bit error probability with maximum ratio combining or square-law combining of L branches is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of L/2 branches. Keywords- Generalized selection combining, log-likelihood ratio, diversity, envelope detection, Rayleigh fading channel. I. I NTRODUCTION Diversity combining is an efficient method for improving the performance of digital communication systems over fading channels [1]. The optimal combining technique is maximal ratio combining (MRC) which maximizes the SNR of the combined signals at the expense of implementation complexity. The conventional selection combining (SC) technique selects the path (diversity branch) providing the largest SNR. SC is the simplest method because only the best diversity branch is selected for further processing. However, SC provides a lower SNR gain than MRC, because the receiver does not fully exploit the available diversity offered by the channel. Recently, a hybrid of MRC and SC, called generalized selection combining (GSC), has been proposed and analyzed [2]-[6]. GSC selects a subset of all diversity branches and combines the signals in the subset using the MRC rule. MRC is sensitive to channel estimation errors which tend to be more important when the instantaneous SNR is low. With GSC, the weak signals which are prone to these errors are excluded in the combining. In the context of spread-spectrum communication with RAKE reception, the complexity of MRC depends on the number of resolvable paths available which may vary with location as well as time. From an implementation point of view, having the receiver complexity dependent on a characteristic of the physical channel is undesirable. † Currently a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Electrical Engineering at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, CA 90095. The conventional GSC rule selects the M out of L diversity branches providing the largest instantaneous SNR (or fading amplitude). This will be called SNR-based GSC. In this paper, we propose a new GSC scheme for binary signaling that selects M diversity branches based on the magnitude of the log-likelihood ratio (LLR) and will be called LLR-based GSC. The motivation for using LLR in selecting diversity branches is that the magnitude of the LLR provides the reliability of hard decision and the LLR-based hard decision minimizes the bit error probability. As such, the bit error probability provided by LLR-based GSC serves as a lower bound on the bit error probability provided by any other GSC scheme. In [7], LLRbased GSC for M = 1 has been analyzed. In this paper, we generalize the result in [7] to M > 1 and present the optimum GSC rule that minimizes the bit error probability. We show that the bit error probability with MRC or square-law combining (SLC) of L branches is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of L/2 branches. We also present a simple, but suboptimum, GSC technique based on noncoherent envelope detection and refer to it as envelope-based GSC. This paper consists of seven sections. In Section II, we describe the system model. In Section III, we present the LLR-based GSC. In Section IV, we present a suboptimum GSC based on envelope detection. In Section V, we present the LLR-based GSC for noncoherent binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) signaling. In Section VI, numerical results are discussed and the conclusion is given in Section VII. II. S YSTEM M ODEL We consider selecting M signals from L (≥ M ) independent diversity branches and combining them on a symbolby-symbol basis. The modulation is chosen to be binary phase-shift-keying (BPSK). The GSC rule for BFSK will be presented in Section V. The channel is characterized by slow, flat Rayleigh fading and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The received low-pass equivalent signal from the ith diversity branch can be expressed as yi = hi x + ni (1) where hi is the channel complex gain on the ith diversity branch, and ni is a complex Gaussian noise with mean zero and variance N0 /2 per dimension. We assume that |hi | is Rayleigh distributed with E[|hi |2 ] = 1 and that the phase of 0-7803-7802-4/03/$17.00 © 2003 IEEE 2789 hi is uniformly distributed over [0,2π]. The transmitted signal √ √ x is + Es or − Es with equal probability. We assume that the channel gains and the received signals at different diversity branches are independent. III. LLR- BASED GSC In this section, we present LLR-based GSC which is optimal in the sense of minimizing the bit error probability. We first consider selecting two branches, say i and j, among L branches. Then, the log-likelihood ratio Λi,j for x is given by √ P (x = + Es |hi , yi , hj , yj ) √ Λi,j = ln (2) P (x = − Es |hi , yi , hj , yj ) √ P (yi , yj |x = + Es , hi , hj ) √ (3) = ln P (yi , yj |x = − Es , hi , hj ) = = √ 2 √ 2 e−(|yi −hi Es | +|yj −hj Es | )/N0 √ √ ln −(|yi +hi Es |2 +|yj +hj Es |2 )/N0 √e 4 Es Re{h∗i yi + h∗j yj } N0 (4) (5) where Re{h∗i yi + h∗j yj } = (|hi |2 + |hj |2 )x + Re{h∗i ni + error h∗j nj }. The optimum decision√rule that minimizes the bit √ probability is to decide x = + Es if Λi,j > 0 and x = − Es if Λi,j < 0. The sign of Λi,j is the hard decision value and the magnitude of Λi,j represents the reliability of hard decision. Then, assuming that diversity branches i and j are selected, the bit error probability Pe (i, j) is given by 1 Pe (i, j) = . (6) 1 + e|Λi,j | A derivation of (6) is provided in Appendix A. Since Pe (i, j) decreases with increasing |Λi,j |, the optimum selection rule that minimizes the bit error probability is to select the pair of branches providing the largest |Λi,j |. In general, for M (≤ L/2) branches the optimum selection rule is to select those that provide the largest |Λi1 ,i2 ,...,iM | where √ 4 Es Λi1 ,i2 ,...,iM = Re{h∗i1 yi1 + h∗i2 yi2 + ... + h∗iM yiM } (7) N0 is the LLR given that diversity L branches i1 , i2 , ..., iM are hypotheses. Then, the opselected. This involves a test of M √ timum decision rule is to decide x = + E if Λ >0 s i 1 ,i2 ,...,iM √ and, otherwise, x = − Es . For the special case of M = L (MRC), the average error probability is given by 1 (8) Pe,M RC = EΛM RC 1 + e|ΛM RC | where ΛM RC = √ L 4 Es i=1 N0 Re{h∗i yi }. (9) It can be shown that the bit error probability with MRC of L branches is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of M = L/2 branches. This follows from the fact that the sign of the MRC output is identical to that of the LLR-based GSC output. A proof is given in Appendix B. In determining the appropriate M (≥ L/2) branches upon which to make a final data decision (by taking the sign of its L LLRs LLR), it turns out that instead of having to compute M and choose the largest, one merely needs to divide the group of L branches into two arbitrarily selected complementary subgroups of M and L − M branches (i.e. the groups have no overlapping members), make a single comparison of the magnitudes of the LLR for these two subgroups and choose the larger of the two for the data decision. By doing so we get equivalent performance to MRC of L branches. This is proved in Appendix C. It should be noted that averaging Λi,j in (5) over ni and nj and taking the absolute value yields 4(|hi |2 + |hj |2 )Es /N0 , which is the sum of SNR’s at diversity branches i and j. Therefore, SNR-based GSC takes the average noise power into account. However, LLR-based GSC exploits the noise term Re{h∗i ni + h∗j nj } in (5) by selecting the branches for which the signs of x and Re{h∗i ni + h∗j nj } are identical and |hi |2 + |hj |2 is large, thereby providing the largest LLR magnitude. As a result, the performance is governed by the peak, as opposed to the mean, channel condition. Thus, the bit error probability resulting from LLR-based GSC serves as a lower bound on the bit error probability of any generalized selection combining rule. IV. E NVELOPE - BASED GSC In this section, we present a simple suboptimal generalized selection combining rule based on noncoherent envelope detection. Suppose branches i and j were selected. Then, it follows from (5) that √ 4 Es |Λi,j | = |Re{h∗i yi + h∗j yj }| (10) N0 √ 4 Es [|Re{h∗i yi }| + |Re{h∗j yj }|] (11) ≤ N0 √ 4 Es [|hi ||yi | + |hj ||yj |]. (12) ≤ N0 Since envelope detection of the received RF signal yields |yi |, we propose selecting the M diversity branches that maximize M i=1 |hi ||yi |. We call this envelope-based GSC. If we let {|h(1) ||y(1) |, |h(2) ||y(2) |, ..., |h(L) ||y(L) |} denote an ordered set such that |h(1) ||y(1) | ≥ |h(2) ||y(2) | ≥ ... ≥ |h(L) ||y(L) |, then the log-likelihood ratio ΛM,env for deciding x is ΛM,env √ M 4 Es = Re{h∗(i) y(i) } N0 i=1 (13) which√leads to a simpler test than that based on (7). We decide that Es√was transmitted if ΛM,env > 0, and otherwise, decide − Es was transmitted. Then, it follows from (6) and (13) that the bit error probability with envelope-based GSC is given by 1 Pe,env = EΛM,env . (14) 1 + e|ΛM,env | 2790 V. N ONCOHERENT BFSK S IGNALING In this section, we present the generalized selection combining rule for BFSK signals with noncoherent detection. Let sl (t) = A cos(2πfl t), l = 1, 2 (15) be the transmitted signal, where A is the signal amplitude and fl is the lth tone frequency. We assume that the tone frequencies f1 and f2 are chosen such that the signals {sj (t), j = 1, 2} are noncoherently orthogonal, i.e., |f2 − f1 | = 1/T . Then, the received signal ri (t) at the ith branch given that sj (t) is transmitted is ri (t) = |hi |A cos(2πfj t+θi )+ni (t), i = 1, ..., L, 0 ≤ t ≤ T (16) where |hi | is Rayleigh distributed fading at the ith branch and θi is uniformly distributed over [0, 2π]. We assume that |hi | and θi are independent for all i, and are also independent of ni (t). Then, the mth energy detector output yim at the ith branch, given that sl (t) is transmitted, is 2 2 T yim = ri (t) cos(2πfm t)dt (17) T 0 2 2 T + ri (t) sin(2πfm t)dt (18) T 0 2 A2 T |h | cos θ + n i i c,ij 2 2 = (19) A2 T + , m=l 2 |hi | sin θi + ns,ij m = l, (nc,im )2 + (ns,im )2 , where nc,im ns,im 2 T ni (t) cos(2πfm t)dt, T 0 T 2 = ni (t) sin(2πfm t)dt T 0 = (20) (21) are independent Gaussian random variables each with mean zero and variance N0 /2 for all i and m. Since nc,im and ns,im are independent, yi1 and yi2 are independent. Also, since |hi | is Rayleigh distributed and θi is uniformly distributed over [0, 2π], |hi | cos θi is a Gaussian random variable with mean zero and variance E[|hi |2 ]/2. Thus, the conditional probability density function (pdf) of yim , Pyim (y|l), given that sl (t) is transmitted, is 1 −y/2σ2 1, e m=l 2σ12 (22) Pyim (y|l) = 1 −y/2σ02 e , m = l 2σ 2 0 where 2σn2 = Ēs + N0 , N0 , n=1 n=0 (23) and Ēs = E[|hi |2 ]A2 T /2 is the average received symbol energy. Therefore, the conditional joint pdf of yi = yi1 , yi2 given sl , l = 1, 2, transmitted is given by 1 yi1 yi2 exp − 2 − 2 P (yi |s1 ) = 4σ02 σ12 2σ1 2σ0 1 yi1 yi2 exp − 2 − 2 P (yi |s2 ) = 4σ02 σ12 2σ0 2σ1 (24) (25) Then, the log-likelihood ratio Λi,j , given branches i and j selected, is given by Λi,j = = = = P (s2 |yi , yj ) (26) P (s1 |yi , yj ) P (yi , yj |s2 ) ln (27) P (yi , yj |s1 ) P (yi |s2 )P (yj |s2 ) (28) ln P (y |s )P (y |s ) i 1 j 1 1 1 1 − 2 [(yi1 − yi0 ) + (yj1 − yj0 )].(29) 2 σ02 σ1 ln Therefore, the optimum selection rule that minimizes the bit error probability is to select the pair of branches providing the largest |Yi + Yj |, where Yi = yi1 − yi0 . In general, for M branches the optimum selection rule is to select those that provide the largest |Yl1 + Yl2 + ... + YlM |. It can be shown that the bit error probability with SLC of L branches is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of L/2 branches. This follows L from the fact that the SLC output is i=1 Yi whose sign is identical to that of the L/2-GSC output. The latter can be proved in a similar way to that given in Appendix B. VI. N UMERICAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONS Figure 1 is a plot of the average bit error probability versus Ēs /N0 for several GSC schemes with M =2 and L = 4, 8, where Ēs is the average received energy per diversity branch and is equal to Es assuming that E[|hi |2 ] = 1. The performance curves in Figure 1 are computed assuming an independent identically distributed (i.i.d.) slow Rayleigh fading model. We find that LLR-based GSC and envelopebased GSC provide a power gain of 1.2 ∼ 2.7 dB and 0.7 ∼ 1.4 dB, respectively, over SNR-based GSC for M =2 and L = 4 ∼ 8. We also find that the bit error probability with MRC of four branches (L = 4) is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of two branches in accordance with the proof in Appendix B. Figure 2 is a plot of the average bit error probability versus Ēs /N0 with the LLR-GSC scheme. We find that the diversity order (slope) depends on L, and the SNR gain increases as M is increased. For a given L, the receiver complexity depends largely on M . In multiple antenna systems, for example, the number of RF chains and A/D converters, where much of the hardware and power consumption lies, is equal to M . We find that the combination M = 1, L = 8 provides a lower bit error probability than the combination M = 3, L = 6 does. This indicates that diversity gain is more important than SNR gain in reducing the bit error probability. Figure 3 is a plot of the average bit error probability versus Ēs /N0 for noncoherent BFSK with M =2 and L = 4, 8. We 2791 find that the bit error probability with SLC of four branches is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of two branches. For L=8, LLR-based GSC provides a power gain of 1 dB over SNR-based GSC and is only 0.4 dB away from SLC. We compare now the complexity of various combining schemes. For Env-GSC of M out of L branches, denoted (L, M ) Env-GSC, we need magnitudes of channel gains and L envelope detectors for branch selection and M (≤ L) RF chains for combining, whereas for MRC of L branches, denoted L-MRC, we need both magnitudes and phases of channel gains and L RF chains for selection and combining. Figure 4 shows that (8,1) Env-GSC provides a lower Pe (average bit error probability) than 5-MRC for Pe ≤ 10−3 and (8,2) Env-GSC provides a lower Pe than 6-MRC. Since the envelope detector is much simpler than the RF chain and the phase estimator is not needed for Env-GSC, Env-GSC provides a significant saving in complexity over MRC. But the LLR-GSC provides a minor saving in complexity over MRC; the final combiner for LLR-GSC need combine M instead of L branches. However, LLR-GSC presents the performance limit that can be achieved by any GSC schemes and guides the way toward a better GSC that fills the gap between LLR-GSC and Env-GSC. Proof: It follows from (16) and P (x = +1|R) + P (x = −1|R) = 1 that 1 (32) P (x = +1|R) = 1 + e−Λ(R) and P (x = −1|R) = Pe (R) = P (x̂ = x|R) (34) = P (x̂ = 1, x = −1|R) + P (x̂ = −1, x = 1|R) where x̂ is the detector output. If Λ(R) > 0, i.e. x̂ = 1, then since P (A, B|R) ≤ P (A|R) or P (B|R), Pe (R) ≤ P (x = −1|R) + P (x̂ = −1|R) = where 1 1 + e|Λ(R)| P (x = +1|R) Λ(R) = ln P (x = −1|R) Pe (R) = 1 − P (x̂ = x|R) = 1 − P (x̂ = 1, x = 1|R) is the log-likelihood ratio (LLR). Moreover, the relationship in (15) is true for any binary signals in any channel. (37) − P (x̂ = −1, x = −1|R) ≥ 1 − P (x = 1|R) − P (x̂ = −1|R) (38) (39) = (41) =P (Λ(R)<0)=0 = 1 1− 1 + e−Λ(R) 1 . 1 + eΛ(R) (40) Since, for Λ(R) > 0, Pe (R) is upper and lower bounded by the same quantity, then Pe (R) = 1 . 1 + eΛ(R) (42) If Λ(R) < 0, we can similarly show that (30) (31) (36) Also, In this appendix, we show that the bit error probability, Pe (R), with MAP (optimum) detection for a received observation R can be expressed as Pe (R) = (35) =P (Λ(R)<0)=0 1 . 1 + eΛ(R) Pe (R) = 1 . 1 + e−Λ(R) (43) Pe (R) = 1 . 1 + e|Λ(R)| (44) As a result, A PPENDIX A (33) By definition, VII. C ONCLUSION We presented the optimum generalized selection combining scheme for binary signaling that combines M out of L (≥ M ) diversity branches based on the magnitude of the loglikelihood ratio (LLR). For M = 2 and L = 4 ∼ 8, the power gain provided by LLR-based GSC over SNR-based GSC is 1.2 ∼ 2.7 dB for BPSK signaling in Rayleigh flat fading channels. It is shown that the bit error probability for BPSK signaling with MRC of L channels is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of L/2 channels. We also presented a simple, but suboptimum, GSC technique based on noncoherent envelope detection that provides a gain of 0.7 ∼ 1.4 dB over SNR-based GSC for M =2 and L = 4 ∼ 8. For noncoherent BFSK signaling, the bit error probability with SLC of L branches is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of L/2 branches and LLR-based GSC provides a power gain of 1 dB over SNR-based GSC when M = 2 and L = 8. 1 . 1 + eΛ(R) A PPENDIX B In this Appendix, we prove that the bit error probability with MRC of L diversity branches is identical to that with LLR-based GSC of L/2 diversity branches, or equivalently the sign of the MRC output is identical to that of the LLRbased GSC output. We prove this by contradiction. Consider for the moment L = 4. Let Yi = Re{h∗i yi }. 2792 (45) Suppose that the sign of Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 is different from that of Yi∗ + Yj ∗ , where {i∗ , j ∗ } = arg max |Yi + Yj |. i,j (46) Then, there can be two possibilities: 1) Yi∗ + Yj ∗ > 0 and Y1 +Y2 +Y3 +Y4 < 0 2) Yi∗ +Yj ∗ < 0 and Y1 +Y2 +Y3 +Y4 > 0. 1) If Yi∗ + Yj ∗ > 0 and Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4 < 0, then Yp + Yq < −(Yi∗ + Yj ∗ ) < 0, [4] N. Kong and L. B. Milstein, “Average SNR of a generalized diversity selection combining scheme,” IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 3, pp. 57-59, March 1999. [5] M. Z. Win and J. H. Winters, “Analysis of hybrid selection/maximal-ratio combining in Rayleigh fading,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 47, pp. 1773-1776, Dec. 1999. [6] L. Yue, “Analysis of generalized selection combining techniques,” Proc. of VTC’2000-Spring, Tokyo, pp. 1191-1195. [7] Y. G. Kim and S. W. Kim, “Optimum selection diversity for BPSK signals in Rayleigh fading channels,” IEEE Tr. on Commun., Vol. 49, pp.1715-1718, Oct. 2001. (47) where i∗ , j ∗ , p, q are distinct. Thus, |Yp + Yq | > |Yi∗ + Yj ∗ |. (48) This implies that {i∗ , j ∗ } = arg maxi,j |Yi + Yj | and thus contradicts the fact that i∗ and j ∗ were selected. 2) A similar contradiction occurs. The above argument can be extended to L diversity branches in a straightforward way. A PPENDIX C Lemma: Consider two real quantities A and B. Then, if |A| > |B|, it follows that sgn(A) = sgn(A + B). If |A| < |B|, then sgn(B) = sgn(A + B). This is easy to show. Suppose now that we select an arbitrary combination of M and L − M branches, where M ≥ L/2, from the total of L branches and compute its LLR. We denote this by Λi1 ,i2 ,...iM , where i1 , i2 , ...iM now refers to a particular group of M indices, one example of which might simply be the first M branches, i.e. i1 = 1, i2 = 2, = M . Next compute the LLR for the remaining L − M branches and denote this by Λi1 ,i2 ,...iL−M , where, for the above example, we would have i1 = M + 1, i2 = M + 2, ...iL−M = L. Now let A = Λi1 ,i2 ,...iM and B = Λi1 ,i2 ,...iL−M . Clearly then A + B = Λi1 ,i2 ,...iM + Λi1 ,i2 ,...iL−M = ΛM RC . Thus, if |Λi1 ,i2 ,...iM | > |Λi1 ,i2 ,...iL−M |, then from the above lemma a binary data decision based on sgn(Λi1 ,i2 ,...iM ) is identical to a data decision based on sgn(ΛM RC ) and vice versa if |Λi1 ,i2 ,...iL−M | > |Λi1 ,i2 ,...iM |. Thus, we conclude that we get equivalent performance to MRC by dividing the group of L branches into two arbitrarily selected complementary subgroups of M and L − M branches, making a single comparison of the magnitudes of the LLR for these two subgroups and choosing the larger of the two for the data decision. Fig. 1. Average bit error probability Pe versus Ēs /N0 for several GSC schemes; M = 2, BPSK. R EFERENCES [1] W.C.Jakes, Microwave Mobile Communications, Wiley, New York, 1974. [2] M. Alouini and M. K. Simon, “An MGF-based performance analysis of generalized selection combining over Rayleigh fading channels,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 48, pp. 401-415, March 2000. [3] T. Eng, N. Kong and L. B. Milstein, “Comparison of diversity combining techniques for Rayleigh-fading channels,” IEEE Trans. on Commun., vol. 44, pp. 1117-1129, Sept. 1996. Fig. 2. BPSK. 2793 Average bit error probability Pe versus Ēs /N0 with LLR-GSC; Fig. 3. Average bit error probability Pe versus Ēs /N0 ; M = 2, noncoherent BFSK. Fig. 4. Average bit error probability Pe versus Ēs /N0 ; BFSK. 2794