GEM Presentation G M E

Germplasm Enhancement of Maize
GEM Presentation
GEM Team
- December 8, 2004 -
Germplasm Enhancement of Maize
GEM Annual Meeting
Election of TSG Members
Current term expires:
David Bubeck
Jim Hawk
Duane Potrzeba Wilfredo Salhuana
Roger Levy
Propose to re-elect:
David Bubeck
Wilfredo Salhuana
Propose to elect:
Dana Eaton
Other nominees?
Charlie Stuber
Jim Hawk
Roger Levy
TSG Co-Chairs
Current Chair:
Dr. Wilfredo Salhuana
Proposed Co-Chairs:
Dr. Wilfredo Salhuana
Dr. Charlie Stuber
Rational for Co-Chairs
Since 1995, GEM Project has expanded tremendously in the
scope and number of cooperators (private and public).
Current GEM Project has:
 Two coordinating locations:
Ames, IA and Raleigh, NC.
 19 private cooperators
 30 public (10 USDA and 20 universities)
 Overall guidance by:
TSG chair Dr. Wilfredo Salhuana
Rational for Co-Chairs
Administrative requirement:
 The Office of Scientific Quality Review (OSQR) requires a
detailed annual CRIS report (AD-421) to Congress and the
general public on the impact of research efforts funded by tax
 Lobby the congress for funding.
Genomics and bioinformatics tools for GEM research.
Continuity of leadership
The Chair or Co-Chairs are professional volunteer
There is a strong demand for additional leadership.
GEM TSG Co-Chairs: Dr. Wilfredo Salhuana
Organize and prepare agenda for TSG and cooperator meetings
in cooperation with the other Co-Chair and TSG members.
Study international test results and trait characteristics of new
germplasm resources. Consult and interact with global maize
researchers to identify and acquire new sources of germplasm.
Identify ways that GEM can assist the Latin American and other
international maize researchers, particularly how we can
cooperate with other gene banks to ensure future availability of
exotic germplasm.
Work closely with GEM cooperators in LAMP countries to support
the mutual efforts and goals of both parties.
GEM TSG Co-Chairs: Dr. Wilfredo Salhuana
Serve as authoritative expert on exotic germplasm and its use.
Review GEM’s annual breeding cross observation data, trial
results, and breeding progress in germplasm use.
Work with Ames and Raleigh GEM coordinators and TSG
members to recommend new accessions.
Work with Co-Chair to form TSG sub-committees for various
issues; this should result in the ability of the TSG to make
rapid progress in more R&D areas with a sound basis for their
Work with Co-Chair to identify and acquire new sources of
germplasm for use in GEM breeding crosses.
GEM TSG Co-Chairs: Dr. Charlie Stuber
Serve as primary liaison with National Program Staff; provide
guidance to the TSG on best processes to ensure that GEM
are in harmony with OSQR process.
With the other Co-Chair and TSG members oversee GEM’s
lobbying efforts; continue development of an effective team
with a highly successful history to communicate GEM’s goals,
accomplishments, and needs to Congress.
Work with Co-Chair, TSG, and researchers to identify traits
feasible as GEM research targets with a high likelihood of
providing useful “deliverables” such as new knowledge,
germplasm, traits, or information that is transferable to the
Identify potential collaborators for molecular marker and
genomic projects and to help to acquiring financial backing
that support GEM’s objectives.
GEM TSG Co-Chairs: Dr. Charlie Stuber
With the other Co-Chair provide guidance to the TSG, and help solicit
future research proposals in consultation with the TSG (SCA’s, etc.)
that most effectively support GEM’s mission, goals and objectives.
Develop with other Co-Chair a revised mission statement that reflects
NP301’s mission and strategy, and supports future requirements of
Provide guidance and recommendation for the most effective use and
synergy of the Ames and Raleigh programs.
Work with Dr. Major Goodman, Dr. Jim Holland and the other Co-Chair
to identify adapted germplasm for use in the Raleigh program
Provide guidance to obtain the adequate financial support for North
Carolina Project
Examine and provide guidance for the best use of the GEM budget.
Germplasm Enhancement of Maize
GEM Presentation
The End