Student Success and Completion Agenda 2012-2016 Co-Chair Dr. John Selmon Early Engagements College Readiness 1. Early testing and intervention to promote college readiness 2. Increase supplemental instruction for incoming and existing students 3. Develop a COMPASS refresher experience for incoming students 4. Plan Curriculum Summits/Data Sharing 5. Improve college culture for students 6. Early College Initiatives Co-Chair Teresa Sturrus Student Success and Completion Agenda Steering Committee Achieving the Dream/ College Completion 1. Early Alert System 2. Graduate on Time (GOT) 3. Student Education Plans (SEP) 4. Financial Literacy Program 5. Evaluate tutoring/SI models in order to expand our services to students 6. Student Engagement Survey 1. Accelerated MATH 036/038 with mandatory supplemental instruction 2. Improved First Year Experience 3. Professional Development Complementing Priority Areas 4. Policies and Procedures Review Pathways to Completion Pre-enrollment Successfully complete a pre-college Math or English course Successfully complete the developmental coursework sequence Earned 15 college- level credits Earned 30 college-level credits Completion of transfer curriculum Earned a degree or certificate Outcomes: Short Term Medium Term 1. Increased persistence rates 2. Increased participation in developmental coursework 3. Increased enrollment in gatekeeper courses 1. Increased percent of students who completed developmental coursework 2. Increased retention rates 3. Increased completion of gatekeeper courses Long Term 1. Increased transfer rates 2. Increased graduation rates 3. Increased degree attainments Student Success Completion Agenda - formatted_10_Jan_2013.vsd Student Success and Completion Agenda Student Success and Completion Agenda Steering Committee Co-Chair Dr. John Selmon Purpose: The Student Success and Completion Agenda Steering Committee serves as a coordinating body for all current and potential initiatives related to measuring and increasing student success. Co-Chair Teresa Sturrus AtD College Readiness Early Engagements Charge: The College-Readiness Team will investigate what is currently happening at MCC in the way of College-Readiness. Using this research they will be the body that helps to prioritize and monitor the College’s programs, policies, and services in this area. In addition they will assist in implementation of new initiatives and report back monthly to the Student Success and Completion Agenda Steering Committee. Facilitator: Co-Chairs: Co-Chairs: Ed Breitenbach Cindy Reuss Jeanne Cooper Kuiper Hollie Benson Eli Fox Dean Fritzemeier Charlotte Griffith Tonia Lans Shawn Macauley Mary Ottman Denise Passage Dan Rinsema-Sybenga Robert Ross Charge: The Early Interventions Team will investigate what is currently happening at MCC in the way of early interventions. Using this research they will be the body that helps to prioritize and monitor the College’s programs, policies, and services in this area. In addition they will assist in implementation of new initiatives and report back monthly to the Student Success and Completion Agenda Steering Committee. Facilitator: Co-Chair: Co-Chair: Charge: Achieving the Dream is a national movement to help more community college students succeed. Students come to us with high hopes, but too many leave without achieving key goals: completing developmental instruction, completing college-level courses, earning a C or better in the courses they take, persisting from one term to the next or earning certificates or degrees. We want to learn what we can do as an institution to change that by adopting Achieving the Dream’s guiding principles for a student success agenda: committed leadership; the use of evidence to improve policies, programs, and services; broad engagement; and systematic institutional improvement. Co-Leader: Co-Leader: Sally Birkam Marty McDermott Jennifer Volkers/Mike Alstrom Janice Alexander Patti D’Avignon Steve Fiorenzo Jessica Graf Aaron Hilliard Dave Kiley Tom Martin Colleen Morse Sandy Ring Marcia Truxton Bruce Wierda Ex-officio 2 Kelley Conrad Jenny Klingenberg Mike Alstrom Sally Birkam Ed Breitenbach Gretchen Cline Eli Fox Elena Garcia Trynette Harps Sylvia Hayes Heidi Holmes Dave Kiley Elizabeth Kroll J.B. Meeuwenberg Papa N’Jai Char Parker Cindy Reuss Jean Roberts Cathy Rusco Teresa Sturrus Marcia Truxton Sheila Wahamaki Dr. Nesbary Student Success Steering Committee chart _10_Jan_2013.vsd Student Success and Completion Steering Committee Purpose: Student Success and Completion Steering Committee serves as a coordinating body for all current and potential initiatives related to measuring and increasing student success. Membership: John Selmon, Teresa Sturrus, Ed Breitenbach, Sally Birkam, Cindy Reuss, Trynette Harps, Jean Roberts, Kelley Conrad, Jenny Klingenberg, Mike Alstrom, Rosemary Zink, Jeanne Cooper-Kuiper, Marty McDermott, Char Parker, Tina Dee, Aaron Hilliard, and Jennifer Volkers. Ex-Officio: Dr. Nesbary Goals: 1. Every MCC student will complete with a postsecondary degree or certificate enabling them to be successful in a 21st century global economy 2. MCC will support programs, develop networks and target high impact solutions to help our students succeed 3. MCC will constantly evaluate its student success initiatives and report the results of these evaluations to our students and community Objectives: 1. Establish a core leadership team representing all stakeholders in a minimum five-year effort to create and sustain pathways to completion for all students. 2. Develop the capacity to collect, organize, and interpret data and make evidence-based decisions to support meaningful change and increase student completion 3. Create programs of study with “ instructional program coherence” that provide student with opportunities for deeper learning 4. Prepare all employees through a strategies staff development program for their role in creating and sustaining student pathways to completion 5. Apply appropriate technological innovation to create, implement, and monitor the student success pathways to optimize efficiency and effectiveness 6. Implement guidelines for rapid, expansive “scaling up” of successful programs and practices 7. Realign current resources and identify potential new resources --- funding, personnel, facilities, and community support --- to double the number of students who successfully complete a credential with life space and marketplace value 8. Create transparent and user-friendly campus-wide communication system to keep stakeholders 9. informed and engaged and use it to celebrate student success and institutional progress Source: Guidelines for Completion Agenda, Terry O’Banion, Community College Journal, August/Sept. 2011 (p 30-32) 3 x:\student success initiatives committee\student success initiatives\membership goals objectives\student success and completion agenda goals_10_jan_2013.docx College Readiness Design Team Work Plan 2012 – 2016 Activities Early testing and intervention to promote college readiness • Implement COMPASS Diagnostics • ACT Test revisions • Track student success rates in English 101 and Math 040 Increase supplemental instruction for incoming and existing students • Explore idea of mandatory tutoring for students on the line in core areas • Implement tutoring for students on the line in core areas • Evaluate entry procedures for students and test them to make sure they work Develop a COMPASS refresher experience for incoming students • SPA Program • Explore grant opportunities for funding of refresher programs Plan Curriculum Summits/Data Sharing • Hold Math Summit – June ‘12 • Hold English Summit – June ‘13 • Assess future need for Summits Improve College Culture for Students • Customer Service training for frontline faculty and staff Early College Initiatives • Early College of Muskegon County • Ottawa County • Newaygo County • Direct Credit • Dual Enrollment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 4 x:\student success initiatives committee\student success initiatives\college-readiness\goals quarterly updates\college readiness goals 2012_2016_page_10_jan_2013.docx Early Engagements Design Team Work Plan 2012 – 2016 Activities Year 1 Early Alert System Scale up the number of Instructors using Course Signals Continue promoting use of BIT Explore software tools that are available for early alert systems Evaluate and Improve Program Integrate systems for reporting and capabilities Commit to Success Day Graduate on Time (GOT) Develop Program Develop Training for Staff/Faculty Implement Program Evaluate and Improve Program Student Education Plans Develop Education Plans Implement with target groups Scale up to all incoming freshmen Ongoing evaluation and improvements Financial Literacy Develop strategy to reach largest number of students Implement programming Explore strategies for assisting financial aid dept. in preventing students defaulting on loans. Ongoing evaluation and improvements Evaluate Tutoring and SI models in order to expand services Look at different models for comparison Choose new model, expand services Ongoing evaluation and improvements Student Engagement Survey Conduct Survey Share data on Campus Conduct Focus Groups Use Feedback for Strategy/Initiatives Act on Strategy/Initiative’s Follow up/evaluate Conduct Survey(every 24 months) Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 5 x:\student success initiatives committee\student success initiatives\early interventions\early engagements work plan 2012-2016 updates\early interventionwork plan 2012-2016_page_10jan2013.docx Achieving the Dream/College Completion Design Team Work Plan 2012 - 2016 Activities Accelerated MATH 036/038 with mandatory supplemental instruction • Offer multiple sections • Evaluate success of students in subsequent Math 040, 050, and college level math • Explore accelerating Math 040 and 050 Student Placement Advancement (SPA) • Implement SPA, a self-paced program, week-long program, which uses the MyFoundationsLab software, to new students who place into developmental reading, writing, and/or math. • At the end of the week, students retake the Compass test • Evaluate success of SPA in helping students place into higher levels of reading, writing, and/or math • Evaluate SPA participants’ success in reading, English and math classes • Evaluate SPA participants’ retention and completion rates Improved First Year Experience New Student Orientation (NSO): • Continuous improvement based on student surveys • Evaluate success of students through retention and completion data • Require NSO for students testing into developmental levels of reading, writing, math – phase in starting with students testing into developmental levels in all three subjects • Evaluate effectiveness of mandatory NSO for students in developmental classes College Success Seminar (CSS 100): • Offer multiple sections of revised CSS 100 • Evaluate qualitatively through in-class feedback sessions • Evaluate success of students - completion rates of CSS 100 • Evaluate success of students - retention and completion data • Improve class based on evaluations • Explore mandatory CSS 100 for Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 X X X X X X X X X X X X X Dependent on evaluation Dependent on evaluation Dependent on evaluation X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x:\student success initiatives committee\student success initiatives\atd\atd work plan updates\achieving the dream work plan 2012-2016 page1_2.docx developmental students (dependent on proven effectiveness of class) Professional Development Complementing Priority Areas • Seminar Days – Fall 2012 – Presentations by Arleen Arnsparger: "The Faculty’s Role in Student Engagement" and John Cooper: “How Professional Development Improves Student Success" • Work with the LIFT to develop trainings and workshops for faculty and staff • Selected faculty and staff will attend the annual AtD DREAM conference • Faculty/staff complete and post “inspiration cards” Policies and Procedures Review • Present update on policy/practice review to faculty and staff • Examine CCSSE and SENSE results for information related to MCC policies and procedures that impede student engagement • Review research for best practices at community colleges • Present summary of above three items to various groups on campus (administration, faculty, Board, Student Services staff etc.) • Determine which, if any, policies and procedures should be discontinued, implemented, or changed • Evaluate any changes through qualitative and/or quantitative data • Monitor changes in policies/procedures for impact on retention X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X x:\student success initiatives committee\student success initiatives\atd\atd work plan updates\achieving the dream work plan 2012-2016 page1_2.docx Student Success Completion Agenda Highlights 2012-2013 AUGUST 2012 SEPTEMBER 2012 Present Student Success EARLY ENGAGEMENTS Completion Agenda to Faculty/Staff Graduate on Time (GOT) OCTOBER 2012 EARLY ENGAGEMENTS Student Education Plans (SEP) ACHIEVING THE DREAM COLLEGE COMPLETION Policies and Procedures Review NOVEMBER 2012 COLLEGE READINESS Plan Curriculum Summits/Data Sharing DECEMBER 2012 EARLY ENGAGEMENTS Early Alert System JANUARY 2013 ACHIEVING THE DREAM COLLEGE COMPLETION Accelerated MATH 036/038 with mandatory supplemental instruction ACHIEVING THE DREAM COLLEGE COMPLETION Improved First Year Experience FEBRUARY 2013 COLLEGE READINESS Early testing and intervention to promote college readiness COLLEGE READINESS Develop a COMPASS refresher experience for incoming students MARCH 2013 EARLY ENGAGEMENTS Financial Literacy Program APRIL 2013 ACHIEVING THE DREAM COLLEGE COMPLETION Professional Development Complimenting Priority Areas EARLY ENGAGEMENTS Evaluate tutoring/SI models in order to expand our services to students MAY 2013 COLLEGE READINESS Increase supplemental instruction for incoming and existing students JUNE 2013 JULY 2013 8 X:\Student Success Initiatives Committee\Student Success Initiatives\Student Success Charts\12 MONTH CHART.xlsx Student Success Completion Agenda Steering Committee Meetings August 17, 2012 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Room 1118 October 19, 2012 CANCELLED 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Room 1118 November 16, 2012 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Room 1118 January 18, 2013 Michigan Student Success Network Meeting Jackson Community College February 1, 2013 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Room 1118 March 15, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Room 1118 May 17, 2013 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Room 1118 9 Muskegon Community College Student Success and Completion Key Performance Indicators 2012 -2016 1. Increase New Student Orientation Participation Rates by 3% 2. Increase the Completion Rates for Developmental Coursework by 2% 3. Increase Completion Rates of Gatekeeper Courses by 2% 4. Increase FT Persistence Rates (Fall to Winter) by 2% 5. Increase PT Persistent Rates (Fall to Winter) by 2% 6. Increase FT Retention Rates (Fall to Fall) by 2% 7. Increase P T Retention Rates (Fall to Fall) by 1% 8. Increase Graduation Rates by 2% - 2012 Cohort 9. Increase Transfer Rates by 1% 10. Increase Overall Student Satisfaction Rates by .05 Most of these goals will be measured annually: over fall, winter, summer semesters. Associate degree graduation cohort rates will be measured every 3 years. The student satisfaction surveys will be measured every other year. 10 x:\student success initiatives committee\student success initiatives\student success charts\key performance indicators\key performance indicators first page 20122016_10_jan_2013.docx