Math 317, Section C: Theory of Linear Algebra 1. Contact Information

Math 317, Section C: Theory of Linear Algebra
Fall 2015, M/T/R/F 1:10-2:00, Curtiss 0108
1. Contact Information
Instructor: Dr. Terrance Pendleton
Course Website:
Office: Carver #456
Office Hours: MTRF 2:00-3:00
By Appointment
2. Course Description and Structure
2.1. Course Description. This course will cover systems of linear equations, determinants, vector spaces,
inner product spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Emphasis will be placed on writing
proofs and results. Only one of MATH 207 and MATH 317 may be counted toward graduation.
2.2. Required Materials.
(1) Linear Algebra: A Geometric Approach, 2nd Edition by Shifrin-Adams.
2.3. Course Outcomes. Students will be able to:
• use vector algebra, matrix algebra and dot products to manipulate vector and matrix equations.
• find the solution set to a given linear system of equations in parametric form.
• compute the echelon and reduced echelon forms of a matrix .
• compute row space, column space, null space, left null space, rank of a matrix.
• compute inverse matrices.
• compute orthogonal projections on to vectors and hyperplanes.
• compute determinants, and understand the basic properties of determinants.
• compute orthogonal complements of a subspace
• determine the dimension of a vector subspace
• compute the standard matrix for a given linear transformation.
• compute the matrix for a linear transformation with respect to a given basis.
• compute an orthogonal basis from one that is not orthogonal.
• find an orthogonal matrix that diagonalizes a given symmetric matrix.
• Prove a given set is a subspace (or prove it is not).
• Prove a given set of vectors is linearly independent (or prove it is not).
• Prove a given transformation is linear (or is not).
• Use key theorems such as the Rank-Nullity Theorem to deduce properties of a given linear transformation.
• Prove whether a set of vectors forms a basis.
2.4. Structure and Grading. This course will use standard Iowa State University letter grading.
Exams (3 total) 40%
Final Exam
2.5. Homework. Homework will be assigned (and collected) regularly and will be dispersed both in class and
the course website. The main purpose of homework is practicing individual methods through problem solving
and extending those concepts introduced in class. Homework should be handed in at the beginning of class
on the due date. If you cannot make it to class, please make sure to get me the homework on time. Email
submissions are accepted in this case. Selected problems will be graded in detail, and the homework will be
checked for completeness. No late homework will be accepted and/or graded!
Math 317, Section C, Fall 2015
2.6. Exams. There will be three in class exams and one final exam which is cumulative. The dates for the in
class exams will be announced at least one week in advance through class, through email, and on the website.
Your top two exam grades will be worth 20% each. Your lowest exam grade will be dropped.
The final exam occurs on Friday, December 17, 9:45a-11:45a. The final exam date is scheduled by
the University and is non-negotiable. Make your travel plans accordingly.
2.7. Attendance. You’re expected to come to every class.
2.8. Make up policy. We will follow the department policy on make up examinations.
Please see
2.9. Quizzes. There will be a weekly 15 minute quiz on Thursday except on weeks where there is an exam.
Quizzes will be two problems/definitions and cover material up through Monday’s lecture.
2.10. Academic dishonesty. Please see the standard university policies on academic integrity:
2.11. Course topics. The plan is to cover the first six chapters of the textbook. A precise outline of the
sections covered will be listed on the course web page.
2.12. Accommodations. Please address any special needs or special accommodations with me at the beginning of the semester or as soon as you become aware of your needs. Those seeking accommodations based
on disabilities should obtain a Student Academic Accommodation Request (SAAR) form from the Disability
Resources (DR) office (515-294-6624). DR is located on the main door of the Student Services Building, Room
1076. No retroactive accommodations will be provided.